Information Brochure
This brochure contains important information
about pre- and post-arrival requirements,
quarantine station procedures, policies,
rules, operations and fees.
It is strongly advised that you read and
retain this information brochure for future reference.
Animal Quarantine Station
99-951 Halawa Valley Street
Aiea, Hawaii 96701-5602
Website: hawaii.gov/ai/aqs/info
Rev. 10/09
Animal Quarantine Station (AQS) Location and Contact Information ...................3
Hours of Operation..............................................................................................................3
Hawaii's Rabies Quarantine Law......................................................................................4
Prohibited Animals ..............................................................................................................4
Puppies and Kittens............................................................................................................4
Hawaii Resident Pets..........................................................................................................4
Pets En Route to Other Destinations ..................................................................................4
Exempt Areas......................................................................................................................5
Guide & Service Dogs.........................................................................................................5
Planning Your Pet’s Move .................................................................................................5
Determine If Your Pet Should Move To Hawaii...................................................................5
120-Day Quarantine............................................................................................................6
5-Day-or-Less Program ......................................................................................................6
For Pets Originating Outside Hawaii ...........................................................................6
For Pets Residing In Hawaii .......................................................................................6
Checklist For 5-Day-Or-Less Program.......................................................................... 7-10
Checklist Only for Dogs and Cats Located in Hawaii that are Departing
and Returning For The 5-Day-Or-Less Program ........................................................ 11-14
Preparations for Dogs and Cats That Will Be Quarantined .............................. 15-16
Pet Admissions...................................................................................................................17
Arrival Examination......................................................................................................... ..17
Airline Animal Crates.........................................................................................................17
Kennel Accommodations ..................................................................................................17
Care of Your Pet ....................................................................................... .........................18
Animal Medical Care.........................................................................................................18
Approved Veterinary Hospital ...........................................................................................18
Protect Your Pet from Heartworm.....................................................................................19
Tick Control ......................................................................................................................19
Feeding Your Pet .............................................................................................................20
Complete Care..................................................................................................................20
Grooming ..........................................................................................................................20
Visiting Your Pet ...............................................................................................................21
Multiple Pet Visitation........................................................................................................21
Volunteers ...........................................................................................................................21
Summary of Animal Quarantine Station Rules...........................................................21
Financial Information .................................................................................................. 22-23
Refunds ...........................................................................................................................24
Pet Release..........................................................................................................................24
Satellite (Privately Owned Quarantine Stations). .......................................................24
Department of Agriculture
Rabies Quarantine Branch
99-951 Halawa Valley Street
Aiea, Hawaii 96701-5602
Telephone Number:(808) 483-7151 FAX: (808) 483-7161
Airport Animal Quarantine Holding Facility (808) 837-8092 (24-hours)
web site: hawaii.gov/ai/aqs/info
Bus Routes: For information about bus transportation, call The Bus at 848-5555.
Tuesday, Thursday: 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm*
Wednesday: 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm*
Saturday, Sunday: 12:00 pm to 3:30 pm*
No Visiting On Mondays, Fridays and State Holidays
ONLY BY APPOINTMENT (Made a day or more in advance) 30 minutes per appointment
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00 am to 11:00 am*
(Last appointment at 10:30 am)
Saturday and Sunday 8:00 am to 10:00 am*
(Last appointment at 9:30 am)
No Grooming Appointments On Mondays, Fridays and State Holidays
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:00 am to 11:00 am*
1:00 pm to 4:30 pm*
Wednesday: 8:00 am to 11:00 am*
1:00 pm to 5:30 pm*
Saturday, Sunday, State Holidays: 7:00 am to 10:00 am*
12:00 pm to 3:30 pm*
Monday through Friday: 9:00 am to 11:00 am*
1:00 pm to 4:30 pm*
Saturday, Sunday, State Holidays: 8:00 am to 10:00 am*
12:00 pm to 3:30 pm*
Hawaii's Rabies Quarantine Law
Hawaii is the only state in the US that is rabies-free. Hawaii's dog and cat import law is designed
to protect residents, visitors and pets from the potentially serious health problems associated
with the introduction and spread of rabies. All dogs and cats regardless of age (puppies and
kittens included) or purpose, must comply with Hawaii’s dog and cat import requirements.
Chapter 4-29 Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) governs the importation of dogs, cats and
other carnivores into Hawaii. This law states that dogs and cats meeting specific pre- and post
arrival requirements, may qualify for quarantine of 5-days–or-less or direct release at Honolulu
International Airport after inspection. (See
“Checklist For 5-Day-Or-Less Program” for details.)
Furthermore, the law requires dogs and cats not meeting all of the specific 5-Day-Or-Less
program requirements to be quarantined for up to 120 days upon arrival In Hawaii. (See
day quarantine.)
Please study the requirements for each program carefully as any deficiency or deviation
from the stated requirements (including time intervals) will disqualify the pet from that
program and result in quarantine such as 120-days
Prohibited Animals Non-domestic dogs and cats and hybrids such as wolf, wolf cross,
Dingo, Bengal, Savannah, etc are prohibited under Plant Quarantine law. Refer to
http://hawaii.gov/hdoa/pi/pq/import or contact Plant Quarantine with questions at (808) 832-0566
or (808) 837-8413.
Puppies and Kittens Due to the minimum amount of time needed to prepare a puppy or
kitten to meet the requirements of the 5-Day-Or-Less program, a puppy or kitten will be about 9
months of age by the time preparations are completed. Puppies and kittens not able to meet all
of the requirements for the 5-Day-Or-Less program will be quarantined for 120 days.
Pets Located in Hawaii Owners wishing to leave Hawaii with their pets, and return without
extended quarantine, must meet all requirements listed on the
“Checklist Only For Dogs And
Cats Located in Hawaii That are Departing and Returning For The 5-Day-Or-Less Program”
The length of the waiting period after a successful rabies blood test is modified and the test
must be completed before leaving Hawaii.
*WARNING! It is STRONGLY recommended that owners of pets residing in Hawaii
obtain a copy of their pet’s passing OIE-FAVN rabies test result from their veterinarian
before leaving Hawaii. Pets without a documented passing OIE-FAVN rabies blood test
and required rabies vaccinations before departure from Hawaii will be quarantined for
120 days upon return without exception.
Pets En Route to Other Destinations If they are not qualified for direct airport release, pets
passing through Hawaii with transit layover periods of more than 24 hours are required to be
quarantined at the State facility. For layover periods of 24 hours or less, animals are held at the
Animal Port provided by the Hawaiian Humane Society. The Hawaiian Humane Society may be
reached at (808) 946-2187.
If your pet’s transit layover period is longer than 24 hours, be sure to provide the Animal
Quarantine Station with a complete itinerary at least 72 hours prior to departure from Hawaii.
Advance notice is required so your pet can be transported to the Airport Holding Facility in
preparation for departure. Owners of pets in transit are charged the following fees: $45.00
registration/health record fee and $14.30 per day kenneling fee.
Exempt Areas Animals entering Hawaii on direct flights from the British Isles, Australia, Guam
and New Zealand may be exempt from quarantine if specific requirements are met. If you are
planning to import animals from these areas, please refer to the information and “Checklist For
Pets Arriving From British Isles, Australia, Guam And New Zealand” at:
http://hawaii.gov/hdoa/ai/aqs/info or contact the Animal Quarantine Station by e-mail or phone
for instructions regarding pre-entry requirements. E-mail address:
Modified Quarantine Relating To Guide And Service Dogs
For information and requirements relating to guide and service dogs refer to the Department of
Agriculture website: http://hawaii.gov/hdoa/ai/aqs/guidedog
Direct Release on Neighbor Islands: Pets may qualify for direct release at Kona
International Airport at Keahole (Big Island), Kahului Airport (Maui) and Lihue Airport (Kauai) by
obtaining a Neighbor Island Inspection Permit 30 days or more before arriving. See
for Requesting Direct Airport Release at Kona, Kahului and Lihue Airports"
at the Department of
Agriculture website: http://hawaii.gov/hdoa/ai/aqs/info
Determine If Your Pet Should Move to Hawaii Very old, very young (less than 9 weeks of
age), chronically ill, or debilitated animals should not be shipped. Pregnant animals past 40
days gestation are prohibited from entering. Animals that are discovered pregnant during
quarantine shall be hospitalized at an approved veterinary facility at the owner’s expense.
Owners with pets that experience difficulties during hot periods should use caution whenever
shipping pets to Hawaii. Owners of pets with these or other special medical requirements must
register and arrange for quarantine of their pet at an approved veterinary hospital before arriving
in Hawaii. High temperatures associated with high humidity usually peak during May through
October. Pet enclosures at the Animal Quarantine Station are outdoor kennels. Pet owners
should consult with their veterinarians regarding potential pet hazards in Hawaii such as toads
and poisonous plants.
Persons importing pets into the State of Hawaii do so at their own risk. Aside from
negligence, the State will not assume liability for any consequences resulting from shipment or
confinement. The owner assumes all liability by presenting the animal for quarantine.
Airline Policy
The Department of Agriculture does not have any regulation regarding where
pets fly within the aircraft on flights to Hawaii. It is totally up to each airline’s policy.
This information brochure has been developed for Hawaii visitors and residents traveling with
or sending their animals to Hawaii and it is the responsibility of each dog and cat owner to
comply with all of the requirements described herein. Contact the Rabies Quarantine Branch
with any questions well in advance of your pet’s arrival in Hawaii as law does not permit
exemptions or modifications of any entry requirement. (Owners of pets residing in Hawaii must
contact the Branch well in advance of their departure from Hawaii.) You may obtain further
assistance via e-mail:
nimal Quarantine Station Tel:
Information included in this publication is subject to change and
revision at any time without notice
There are two rabies quarantine programs for dogs and cats entering Hawaii: 120-days and
5-Day-Or-Less (includes airport release).
Quarantine Pro
Please refer to “Preparations For Dogs And Cats That Will Be Quarantined” (pg 15-16) for those
pets that are not able to qualify for the 5-Day-Or-Less program and will subsequently be in
quarantine for the full 120-days (inadequate number or timing of rabies vaccinations, failed blood
test or no blood test, animals less than about 10 months, etc).
-Or-Less Pro
For Pets Outside Hawaii: Pets originating from areas outside the State of Hawaii must meet all
requirements on the "Checklist for 5-day-or-less Program" to enter the State without extended
quarantine. See pages 7-10 for Checklist details. Pet owners wishing to qualify their pets for airport
release must also follow the included requirements for airport release. Pets not meeting all
requirements are subject to quarantine for up to 120 days.
! Note: requirements on the checklist detail specific timing for two rabies vaccinations and a
FAVN blood test that must be followed to qualify for the 5-day-or-less program
For Pets Located In Hawaii: Owners wishing to leave Hawaii with their pets, and return without
extended quarantine, must meet all requirements on the "Checklist Only for Dogs and Cats Located
in Hawaii That Are Departing and Returning for the 5-day-or-less Program." See pages 11-14 for
Checklist details. Pet owners wishing to qualify their pets for airport release must also follow the
included requirements for airport release. Pets not meeting all requirements are subject to
quarantine for up to 120 days
! Note: Only pets residing (located) in Hawaii and not under quarantine are eligible for this
program. Preparations must be completed before leaving Hawaii to qualify. Requirements on
the checklist detail specific timing for two rabies vaccinations and a *FAVN test that must be
completed and passed
before leaving Hawaii to qualify for this program.
(Alternatively, a dog or cat residing in Hawaii may meet all of the requirements listed on the
“Checklist For 5-Day-Or-Less Program” (pg 7-10) instead. However, a longer waiting period and
preparation time is required in this case).
Direct Release on Neighbor Islands: Pets may now qualify for direct release at Kona
Airport (Big Island), Kahului Airport (Maui) and Lihue Airport (Kauai). See
"Checklist for
Requesting Direct Airport Release at Kona, Kahului and Lihue Airports."
Information included in this publication is subject to change and
revision at any time without notice.
Pg 1 of 4
Rev. 10
For pets residing in Hawaii, please use: “Checklist Only for Dogs and Cats Located in Hawaii That Are
Departing and Returning for the 5-day-or-less Program” instead.
All steps need to be completed to qualify for this program. If you are unable to meet the
following requirements, your pet will undergo quarantine for up to 120 days.
1 The pet must have been vaccinated at least two times for rabies in its lifetime.
1 These rabies vaccines were administered more than 30 days apart.
1 The most recent rabies vaccination was done:
1 Not more than the vaccine’s licensed booster interval listed on the manufacturer’s label;
1 Not less than 90 days before the pet’s date of arrival in Hawaii.
NOTE! Two rabies vaccinations are required. The pet’s most recent rabies vaccination must
not be expired when your pet arrives in Hawaii. Following the most recent rabies
vaccination, animals must wait at least 90 days
before arriving in Hawaii. If arrival occurs
before 90 days has elapsed from the most recent rabies vaccination, the animal is
ect to
uarantine until 90 da
s are com
1 The date and type of vaccine must be indicated on the pet’s vaccination and health certificates.
Most Recent Vaccination Date: __________
___ Type of vaccine : 1 1-year 1 3-year 1 4-year
Previous Vaccination Date: ______________
Step 2 MICROCHIP (Microchip number: _______________________)
1 The dog or cat has an electronic microchip implanted (Required before an OIE-FAVN rabies
blood test is performed).
1 The microchip has recently been scanned by a veterinarian to verify that it is working and that
the microchip number is correct. NOTE! Make sure the microchip is working!
1 If any pet cannot be identified by scanning the microchip, it will not qualify for either direct
airport release or the 5-day-or-less quarantine and will be assigned to 120 days quarantine.
Date sample received by Kansas State University (KSU) or the DOD lab: ____________________
Planned Arrival Date (must be 120 days after KSU DOD received sample)________________
(WARNING! A passing test is only valid for 36 months)
1 The day after KSU or DOD received your pet’s blood sample must not be more than 36
months and not less than 120 days before the date of arrival in Hawaii.
Note! Be aware that use of an intermediate lab (Antech, Idexx, etc.) may delay the date KSU
and DOD receives your pet’s sample.
1 The result of the pet’s blood test was greater than or equal to 0.5 IU/ml.
1 The test was done at an approved lab (Kansas State University or the DOD Food Analysis
and Diagnostic Laboratory in Texas)
1 Retain a copy of this successful blood test result showing the pet’s microchip number from the
veterinarian for your records. Do not contact the laboratory directly. Make sure the
veterinarian lists: “HAWAII” as the destination on the blood test submission form. KSU and
DOD will then automatically send your pet’s results to Hawaii.
Step 4 WAITING PERIOD – Early Arrival Means Disqualification From 5-Day or Less
Quarantine or Airport Release!
Following a successful OIE-FAVN test result, animals must wait at least 120 days before
arriving in Hawaii. If arrival occurs before 120 days has elapsed, the animal is subject to
quarantine until 120 days are completed
1 Your pet must complete the 120-day waiting period before arriving in Hawaii or your pet will
not qualify for either direct airport release or the 5-day-or-less quarantine program.
1 Original ink signature or carbon copy rabies vaccination certificates for the two most recent
rabies vaccinations the pet received are required. (Photocopies and computer generated
certificates are not accepted.)
1 The vaccination certificates must have the vaccine name, lot or serial number, booster
interval, vaccination date and vaccine lot expiration date listed.
1 An original health certificate in English, done within 14 days of arrival in Hawaii including
rabies vaccine name, lot or serial number, booster interval, vaccination date and expiration
date is required. (Check with your airlines as some require one within 10 days of arrival)
1 A veterinarian must treat the pet for
ticks with a product containing Fipronil or an equivalent
long-acting product labeled to kill ticks (Revolution
is not acceptable) within 14 days of arrival
and the product name and date of treatment must be recorded on the pet’s health certificate.
1 If you are applying for re-entry under the same OIE-FAVN blood test and rabies vaccinations
that have not expired yet, you must have a copy of the Airport Release card given to you
when your pet was released at the airport on a previous arrival in Hawaii.
Send documents and payment to: Animal Quarantine Station, 99-951 Halawa Valley Street,
Aiea, Hawaii 96701.
Note! Do not send each document in separately. Send all documents (Dog & Cat Import
Form, two rabies vaccination certificates, payment) in as a set more than 10 days before
Faxes and
ies are not acce
WARNING! Arriving anytime before the 120-day waiting period has elapsed will
result in disqualification of a pet from the 5-day-or-less quarantine program and
direct airport release
IMPORTANT! : The waiting period begins the day after KSU or DOD received the
blood sample for the OIE-FAVN test. The test must also have a result
> 0.5 IU/ml.
All pets arriving before the eligible date of entry will be quarantined and assessed
14.30 each da
in addition to a
ram fees. There are no exce
Pg 2 of 4
Rev. 10
1 Be sure to allow adequate time for delivery to ensure your documents are received by the
Rabies Quarantine Branch more than 10 days before your pet arrives in Hawaii for direct
release. This is to allow time for staff to review your pet’s documents an identify problems
that would result in quarantine of your pet before you arrive in Hawaii. (Failure to send
documents as instructed can disqualify a pet from airport release.)
1 If you do not send the original health certificate to the Rabies Quarantine Branch in advance
of your pet’s arrival when you submit your other documents, you must provide the health
certificate upon arrival at the Airport Animal Quarantine Holding Facility. Failure to bring the
original health certificate (photocopy not acceptable), will prevent your pet from being
1 Required Documentation:
(The Rabies Quarantine Branch must receive the following more than 10 days before your pet
arrives in Hawaii!)
Pg 3 of 4
Rev. 10
1 Completed Dog & Cat Import Form AQS-278 (must be notarized).
1 2 original rabies vaccination certificates with actual veterinarian signature in ink.
1 Payment of fees ($165 per pet in advance for direct airport release or $224 for 5-day-or-
less program) by cashier’s check or money order (no personal checks are accepted).
Included your pet’s microchip number with the payment to ensure proper credit. Payable
to: Department of Agriculture.
1 A copy of the Airport Release card given to you when your pet was released at the
airport on a previous arrival in Hawaii (if you are applying as a re-entry under the same
OIE-FAVN blood test and rabies vaccinations.) Be sure the test and rabies vaccination
are still valid and not expired!
1 Send your documents by mail with return receipt to verify delivery, or by an overnight carrier
that provides tracking of your documents.
1 Payment may be made at the airport however, processing will be delayed. Payment by
1 cashier's check or money order is recommended. VISA, MasterCard will also be accepted
upon arrival, but will delay processing time. Payment must be made in full before your pet will
be released. Payment in excess of fees will receive refunds through the mail in 6 to 8 weeks
after a request for refund is made.
1 Retain copies of necessary qualification documents (health certificate, rabies vaccination
records, and blood test result) for your files and to accompany your pet as a backup.
Step 7 OTHER
1 I t is recommended that you check your pet’s blood test results for the 5-day-or-less program
at the Hawaii Department of Agriculture web site:
Direct Release at Airport
1 Understand that Direct Airport Release is only done at the Honolulu International Airport.
1 You must arrange for your pet to arrive at the Airport Animal Quarantine Holding Facility at the
Honolulu International Airport during normal inspection hours between 8:00 AM to 5:00
PM. It may take up to one hour for the airlines to transport a pet to the Airport Animal
Quarantine Holding Facility [Phone: (808) 837-8092] and animals not arriving at the facility
during normal inspection hours will not be released at the airport.
!Warning: Inspection hours are subject to change at any time without notice.
1 Animals on international flights will need to clear U.S. Customs before they may be released
from the Airport Animal Quarantine Holding Facility. Please check with your airlines regarding
U.S. Customs hours of operation to assure they will be open to process your pet for release.
1 If your pet is not picked up that day, it will be transferred to the Animal Quarantine Station the
following morning and will be entered into the 5-day-or-less program.
Fees for the
5-day-or-less program are $224 per pet.
1 Your pet will not qualify for direct airport release if ticks or other parasites are found at the
time of arrival.
Direct release at Honolulu International Airport will not be possible when prohibited by Federal
airport security advisories. Under those circumstances pets will be released the following day
at the Animal Quarantine Station 99-951 Halawa Valley Street, Aiea, Hawaii 96701, phone:
(808) 483-7151, during normal office hours:
Monday through Friday: 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM to 4:30PM
Saturday, Sunday, State Holidays: 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM & 12:00 PM to 3:30PM
Warning! Hours of operation listed in this publication are subject to change and revision at
any time without prior notice.
1 An animal may only be released to the consignee identified on the shipmaster’s declaration
Pg 4 of 4
Rev. 10
or owners listed on a notarized Dog and Cat Import Form (AQS 278.) If you are not traveling
with your pet, you must make arrangements with the airlines to consign your pet to the
individual who will pick up your pet.
1 It is your responsibility to arrange all transportation for your pet once it is released from the
Airport Animal Quarantine Holding Facility in Honolulu.
NOTE! Pet owners should bring a baggage cart or other means to transport their crated pet from the Airport
Animal Quarantine Holding Facility to the Inter-island Terminal if traveling on to an outer island after
release of their pet. There are no carts or porters at the Airport Animal Quarantine Holding Facility.
1 Due to Federal security regulations at the Honolulu International Airport, all pets that qualify
for direct airport release must be secured in their flight carriers when picked up from the
Airport Animal Quarantine Holding Facility until the animal is out of the Airport. Do not
remove your pet from its transport carrier on airport property!
1 You must notify the Animal Quarantine Station prior to arrival, follow the same procedures,
and meet all the requirements each time your pet enters or returns to Hawaii.
1 You will pay a fee of $165 per pet for direct airport release or $224 per pet for the 5-day-or-
less program each time your pet enters or returns to Hawaii unless it qualifies for subsequent
entry fees outlined in: “Re-Entry Fee Requirements”.
1 Unless prior arrangements are made with the Airport Animal Quarantine Holding
Facility (AAQHF)
, 5-Day-or-Less Pets arriving between 5:00 PM and 8:00 AM will be
transferred to the Animal Quarantine Station and entered under the 5-day-or-less program.
The first day of quarantine shall be the day following the date of animal arrival into the State.
In this situation, after all necessary documents are received and verified, pets may be picked
up at the Animal Quarantine Station, 99-951 Halawa Valley Street, Aiea, Hawaii 96701,
phone: (808) 483-7151, during normal office hours:
Monday through Friday: 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Saturday, Sunday, State Holidays: 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM & 12:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Warning! Hours of operation listed in this publication are subject to change and revision at
any time without prior notice.
1 You will be assessed an additional $17.80 each day your pet remains at the
Animal Quarantine Station beyond its scheduled release date.
Hawaii Department of Agriculture contacts: Animal Quarantine Station telephone: (808) 483-
7151 fax: (808) 483-7161 email:
Information included in this publication is subject to change and revision
at any time without notice
Located in HI
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Rev. 10
Only pets residing in Hawaii (and not under quarantine) are eligible for this program. Requirements on the
checklist detail specific timing for the rabies vaccinations and testing that must be completed before
leaving Hawaii to qualify for this program. ALL steps need to be completed as detailed in order. If you are
unable to meet the following requirements, your pet will undergo quarantine for up to 120 days.
1 The pet cannot be in quarantine.
1 The pet must be located in Hawaii, planning to depart* and return to the State.
* All requirements on this checklist must be completed in Hawaii before departure.
1 A health certificate issued by a veterinarian in Hawaii for departure from the State is
required. This health certificate must contain the pet’s Hawaii address and date of
departure from Hawaii.
1 This health certificate must be submitted to the Rabies Quarantine Branch as proof of the
pet originating from Hawaii. (Also see “Step 5, DOCUMENTS” and “Step 6, SUBMISSION
1 The pet must have been vaccinated at least two times for rabies in its lifetime.
1 These rabies vaccines were administered more than 30 days apart.
1 The most recent rabies vaccination must have been administered:
1 in Hawaii;
1 Not less than 14 days before the pet’s date of departure from Hawaii;
1 Not more than the vaccine’s licensed booster interval listed on the manufacturer’s label
before returning to Hawaii.
1 The date and type of rabies vaccine must be indicated on the pet’s vaccination and health
Most Recent Vaccination Date: ______ Type of vaccine : 1 1-year or 1 3-year1 4-year
Previous Vaccination Date: ______________
Planned date of departure from Hawaii _____________
Step 3 MICROCHIP (Microchip number: _______________________)
1 The dog or cat has an electronic microchip implanted (Required before an OIE-FAVN
rabies blood test is performed).
1 The microchip has been recently scanned by a veterinarian to verify that it is working and
that the microchip number is correct. NOTE! Make sure the microchip is working!
1 If any pet cannot be identified by scanning the microchip, it will not qualify for either direct
airport release or the 5-day-or-less quarantine and will be assigned to 120 days
Date sample received by Kansas State University (KSU) or DOD laboratory: ____
Plan departure from Hawaii more than 14 days after KSU or DOD received the sample!
Note! Be aware that use of an intermediate lab (Antech, Idexx, etc.) may delay the date KSU
nd DOD receives your pet’s sample.
Located in HI
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Rev. 10
1 The day after KSU or DOD received the pet’s blood sample was not less than 14 days
before the pet’s date of departure from Hawaii.
1 The result of the pet’s OIE-FAVN rabies blood test was greater than or equal to 0.5 IU/ml.
(passing result)
1 A passing result will be valid for 36 months after the day KSU or DOD received the test
1 The test was done at an approved lab (Kansas State University or the DOD Food Analysis
and Diagnostic Laboratory in Texas)
1 Retain a copy of this successful blood test result showing the pet’s microchip number from
the veterinarian for your records. Do not contact the laboratory directly. Make sure the
veterinarian lists: “HAWAII” as the destination on the blood test submission form. KSU
and DOD will then automatically send your pet’s results to Hawaii.
1 Original ink signature or carbon copy rabies vaccination certificates for the two most
recent rabies vaccinations the pet received are required. (Photocopies and computer
generated certificates are not accepted.)
1 The vaccination certificates must have the vaccine name, lot or serial number, booster
interval, vaccination date and expiration date listed.
1 The original health certificate in English issued by a veterinarian in Hawaii when the pet
departed Hawaii that lists rabies vaccine name, lot or serial number, booster interval,
vaccination date and expiration date is required. This health certificate shall contain the
pet’s Hawaii address and date of departure.
1 In addition, an original health certificate in English, done within 14 days of arrival in Hawaii
including rabies vaccine name, lot or serial number, booster interval, vaccination date and
expiration date is required if the animal will be returning to Hawaii more than 14 days after
the date of the health certificate that was issued by the Hawaii veterinarian.
1 A veterinarian must treat the pet for
ticks with a product containing Fipronil or an
equivalent long-acting product labeled to kill ticks (Revolution
is not acceptable) within 14
days of return to Hawaii and the product name and date of treatment must be recorded on
the pet’s health certificate.
Send documents and payment to: Rabies Quarantine Branch, Animal Quarantine Station,
99-951 Halawa Valley Street, Aiea, Hawaii 96701.
Note! Do not send each document in separately. Send all documents (Dog & Cat Import Form,
two rabies vaccination certificates, Hawaii issued health certificate and payment) in as a set
more than 10 days before return to Hawaii. Faxes are not accepted !
1 Allow necessary delivery time to ensure documents are received by the Rabies
Quarantine Branch more than 10 days before the pet is scheduled to arrive in Hawaii for
direct release.
1 If I didn’t send my original health certificate to the Rabies Quarantine Branch in advance of
my pet’s arrival, I will provide it upon arrival at the Airport Animal Quarantine Holding
Facility. If I fail to bring the original health certificate (photocopy not acceptable), my pet
will not be released.
1 Required Documentation:(The following must be received by the Rabies Quarantine
Branch 10 days or more before the pet is scheduled to arrive in Hawaii!)
1 Completed Dog & Cat Import Form (AQS-278) must be notarized.
1 Two original rabies vaccination certificates with original signatures in ink.
1 Hawaii issued health certificate (See “Step 1 Residency” above).
1 Payment ($165 per pet in advance for direct airport release or $224 for 5-day-or-less
program) by cashier’s check or money order (no personal checks are accepted). Include
the pet’s microchip number with the payment to ensure proper credit. Payable to:
Department of Agriculture.
Located in HI
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Rev. 10/09
1 Send your documents by mail with return receipt to verify delivery, or by another overnight
carrier that provides tracking of your documents.
1 Payment may be at the airport however processing will be delayed. Payment by cashier's
check or money order is recommended. VISA, MasterCard, traveler’s checks and cash
(exact amount) will also be accepted upon arrival, but will delay processing time. Payment
must be made in full before your pet is released. All payment in excess of fees will receive
refunds through the mail in 6 to 8 weeks after a request for refund is made.
1 Retain copies of necessary qualification documents (health certificate, rabies vaccination
records, and blood test result) for your records and to accompany the pet as a backup.
Step 7 OTHER
1 It is recommended that you check your pet’s blood test results for the 5-day-or-less
program at the Hawaii Department of Agriculture web site:
Direct Release at Honolulu International Airport
1 Understand that Direct Release is only done at the Honolulu International Airport.
1 Arrange for your pet to arrive at the Airport Animal Quarantine Holding Facility at the
Honolulu International Airport during normal inspection hours between 8:00 AM and
5:00 PM. Note! It may take up to one hour or more for the airlines to transport your pet to
the Airport Animal Quarantine Holding Facility [Phone: (808) 837-8092] and animals not
arriving at the facility during normal inspection hours will not be released at the airport.
!Warning: Inspection hours are subject to change without notice.
1 Animals on international flights will also need to clear U.S. Customs before they may be
released from the Airport Animal Quarantine Holding Facility. Please check with your
airlines regarding U.S. Customs hours of operation to assure they will be open to process
your pet for release.
1 If your pet is not picked up that day, it will be transferred to the Animal Quarantine Station
the following morning and will be entered into the 5-day-or-less program.
Fees for the 5-
day-or-less program are $224 per pet.
1 Your pet will not qualify for direct airport release if ticks or other parasites are
found on arrival.
1 Direct release at Honolulu International Airport will not be possible when prohibited by
Federal airport security advisories. Under those circumstances pets will be released the
following day at the Animal Quarantine Station 99-951 Halawa Valley Street, Aiea, Hawaii
96701, phone: (808) 483-7151, during normal office hours:
Monday through Friday: 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM to 4:30PM
Saturday, Sunday, State Holidays: 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM & 12:00 PM to 3:30PM
Warning! Hours of operation listed in this publication are subject to change and revision
without prior notice.
1 An animal may only be released to the consignee identified on the shipmaster’s
declaration or owners listed on a notarized Dog and Cat Import Form (AQS 278). If you
are not traveling with your pet, you must make arrangements with the airlines to consign
your pet to the individual who will pick up the pet.
1 It is your responsibility to arrange all transportation for your pet once it is released from
the Airport Animal Quarantine Holding Facility in Honolulu.
NOTE! Pet owners should bring baggage carts or other means to transport their
crated Pet from the Airport Animal Quarantine Holding Facility to the Inter-Island
terminal if traveling on to an outer island after release. There are no carts or
porters in the immediate vicinity of the Airport Animal Quarantine Holding Facility.
1 Due to Federal security regulations at the Honolulu International Airport, all pets that
qualify for direct airport release must be secured in their flight carriers when picked up
from the Airport Animal Quarantine Holding Facility until the animal is out of the Airport.
Do not remove your pet from its transport carrier on airport property!
Located in HI
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Rev. 10/ 09
1 You must notify the Animal Quarantine Station prior to arrival, follow the same procedures,
and meet all the requirements each time your dog or cat enters or returns to Hawaii.
1 You will pay a fee of $165 per pet for direct airport release or $224 per pet for the 5-day-
or-less program each time your pet enters or returns to Hawaii unless it qualifies for
subsequent entry fees outlined in: “Re-Entry Fee Requirements”.
1 Unless prior arrangements are made with the Airport Animal Quarantine Holding
Facility (AAQHF)
, 5-Day-or-Less - Pets arriving between 5:00 PM and 8:00 AM will be
transferred to the Animal Quarantine Station and entered under the 5-day-or-less program.
The first day of quarantine shall be the day following the date of animal arrival into the
State. In this situation, after all necessary documents are received and verified, pets may
be picked up at the Animal Quarantine Station, 99-951 Halawa Valley Street, Aiea, Hawaii
96701, phone: (808) 483-7151, during normal office hours:
Monday through Friday: 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Saturday, Sunday, State Holidays: 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM & 12:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Warning! Hours of operation listed in this publication are subject to change and revision
without prior notice.
1 You will be assessed an additional $17.80 each day your pet remains at the
Animal Quarantine Station beyond its scheduled release date.
Hawaii Department of Agriculture contacts: Animal Quarantine Station telephone: (808) 483-
7151 fax: (808) 483-7161 email:
Information included in this publication is subject to change and revision
at any time without notice
Please review the “Dog And Cat Import Form”, AQS-278 (See Forms section). Complete
and return this form by mail to the Animal Quarantine Station no less than two weeks prior to
your pet’s arrival in Hawaii. Be sure to check off the box indicating you are applying for the 120-
day program. The information you provide will assist us in processing the arrival of your pet.
1. HEALTH CERTIFICATE - A health certificate issued by an accredited veterinarian within 14
days prior to arrival is required. (Check with the specific airline regarding their health
certificate time requirements.) The health certificate must be written in English, be an
original document (not a facsimile or photocopy), bear an original (in ink) or carbon
signature and legible name, address and telephone number of the certifying veterinarian.
The health certificate must also contain the following information:
a. A complete description of your pet including age, markings, sex, breed and any
additional identifying characteristics.
b. Written declaration by issuing veterinarian that the animal was treated to kill all ticks and
other external parasites within 14 days prior to arrival with Fipronil or product with similar
residual activity, except when a veterinarian provides a written statement that such
treatment may be detrimental to the animal's health. List the name of the treatment used
and the date of treatment.
c. Certification that your pet is free of any evidence of infectious or contagious disease.
d. Certification by the issuing veterinarian to the accuracy of the information stated on the
health certificate.
e. Record of all required vaccinations. For rabies vaccinations, the name of the vaccine,
lot/serial number, expiration date of the lot and date the vaccination was given must be
f. The microchip number.
2. ELECTRONIC MICROCHIP - All dogs and cats that will be quarantined, examined or
treated at an approved veterinary hospital (refer to list of approved hospitals) or satellite
quarantine facility are required to have an implanted electronic microchip. The microchip
should be obtained from your veterinarian and must be working. Pet owners in foreign
countries can order microchips from the State of Hawaii, refer to the enclosed Request for
Electronic Microchip (form AQS-73).
3. VACCINATIONS - All dogs and cats entering Hawaii must be vaccinated for common
infectious agents to protect the health of all animals during quarantine.
Rabies Vaccination. All dogs and cats 90 days of age or older at the time of entry must be
vaccinated against rabies with an approved inactivated rabies vaccine (listed in the most
recent Compendium of Animal Rabies Control prepared by the National Association of State
Public Health Veterinarians) within the vaccine’s licensed booster interval listed on the
manufacturer’s label.
Other Dog Vaccinations - Dogs 90 days of age or older at the time of arrival shall be
vaccinated not less than ten days and not more than the manufacturer’s recommended
booster interval before arrival against:
a. Canine distemper virus;
b. Canine infectious hepatitis virus or canine adenovirus-2;
c. Canine parvovirus;
d. Canine parainfluenza virus;
e. Leptospirosis;
e. Bordetella bronchiseptica (kennel cough); and
Canine coronavirus vaccination is recommended but optional.
Puppies between 2-3 months shall be vaccinated according to AVMA guidelines.
Other Cat Vaccinations. Cats 90 days of age or older at the time of arrival shall be
vaccinated not less than ten days and not more than the manufacturer’s recommended
booster interval before arrival for:
a. Feline panleukopenia virus (feline viral enteritis);
b. Feline viral rhinotracheitis (feline herpesvirus-1);
c. Feline calicivirus; and
d. Chlamydia psittaci (pneumonitis).
Feline Leukemia (Felv) vaccination is recommended but optional.
Kittens between 2-3 months shall be vaccinated according to AVMA guidelines
For better protection, vaccination for common infectious agents no less than 10 days
prior to shipping is highly recommended.
All dogs and cats that will be quarantined at the state Animal Quarantine Station (AQS) on
Oahu must be registered with an approved veterinary hospital (refer to list of approved
hospitals) and the name of the hospital indicated on the Dog and Cat Import Form, AQS 278.
This is in case of a medical emergency with your pet that requires veterinary care not available
at AQS. Veterinary Hospitals will not accept pets for treatment even in emergency situations
unless the pet is first registered with them. It is the owner’s responsibility to contact a
quarantine approved hospital and register the pet. The Animal Quarantine Station veterinary
dispensary is not equipped for diagnostics or to manage cases that require treatment.
The owner, consignee, handler, or carrier shall pay all expenses including private veterinary
examinations, vaccinations, microchip implantation, hospitalization, testing, medication,
treatment, transportation, and returned shipments to shipper or consignor for animals failing to
meet pre-arrival requirements.
Procedures after Arrival in Hawaii
Pets enter Hawaii at the Honolulu International Airport, Oahu. (For those desiring to
enter Hawaii at Kona, Kahului or Lihue, please refer to information at the department’s website:
http://hawaii.gov/hdoa/ai/aqs/info under “Checklist for Requesting Direct Airport Release at
Kona, Kahului and Lihue Airports”.) Upon arrival, airline personnel will transport all dogs and
cats directly to the Airport Animal Quarantine Holding Facility, which is staffed by state
personnel. Pets qualified for Airport Release must be picked up at the Airport Animal Quarantine
Holding Facility (AAQHF) upon arrival between 8 am and 5 pm. The AAQHF is located on the
Ewa Service Road (also known as Muszick Road) approximately 120 yards from the baggage
claim area in the main terminal. Pets not qualified for direct airport release will be transported to
the State Animal Quarantine Station. The State will provide all necessary transportation for your
pet on the island of Oahu during the actual quarantine period.
Although you do not have to be present when your pet arrives if your pet will be entering
quarantine, only the name(s) appearing on the Shipmaster's Declaration or notarized “Dog
& Cat Import Form” AQS 278, will be recognized as legal owners of your pet. Label your pet's
airline crate with the full names of owners and co-owners. Include complete local addresses and
phone numbers to be used in case of emergency.
Pets move to Hawaii year round. The State Animal Quarantine Station (AQS) facility located
in Aiea on Oahu, is operated seven days a week, 365 days a year. About 1000 dogs and cats
are admitted to AQS each year.
Arrival Examination
Upon entry at the Animal Quarantine Station (AQS), all dogs and cats are given
examinations to evaluate their general condition and are tested for internal parasites. If any
conditions are noted that require care, you will be notified.
For out-of-state or neighbor island owners, notification of medical problems may be made by
telephone and treatment arrangements will be discussed. It is important that we have a current
telephone number.
If you have made prior arrangements with an approved veterinary hospital or satellite
quarantine station to quarantine your pet, verify with that facility when your pet will be shipped.
For owners residing on Oahu, a red tag will be placed on your pet's kennel asking that you
visit the veterinary dispensary to discuss any medical concerns and arrange for follow-up care.
For more urgent matters, the veterinary staff will contact owners by telephone.
During the first week after arrival, the veterinary and caretaker staff will be monitoring your
pet closely. During this time, you may bathe and groom your pet only in the kennel. After
parasite evaluations are completed and there is no indication of any infectious or contagious
disease (usually 10 days), you will have access to a grooming station by appointment (as
described later in this brochure.)
Airline Animal Crates
The airline crate that your dog arrives in will be placed outside of its kennel. Please remove
it as soon as possible. Dog carriers are allowed to remain in the kennel upon owner's request or
if station veterinarians deem is necessary for your dog’s well being. We are not responsible
for any crates left at the AQS. When you remove the crate, you must stop at the AQS
Business Window to sign it out.
Airline crates for cats are kept inside your cat’s kennel. We ask that you leave it for use
when we periodically disinfect the kennel. Many owners use their crate as sleeping quarters for
their cat. For neighbor island pet owners, our Animal Quarantine Station will store your airline
crate at no additional cost until quarantine is completed.
Kennel Accommodations
Dogs are assigned to kennels according to their size. Kennels are approximately six feet
wide and vary in length from 14 feet (small dogs) to 25 feet (large dogs), and are seven
feet high. Each has a run in front and a completely sheltered area in the rear. Very
small dogs and puppies may be housed in a kennel similar in size to cat kennels.
Cat kennels are approximately five feet wide, ten feet long and include platforms, a
completely sheltered area and a catwalk.
Dog and cat kennels contain platforms that may be used for bedding materials. Owners
are responsible for providing and washing the bedding regularly.
Each dog and cat kennel contains a bench for owner seating.
Only one animal is allowed in each kennel. Multiple pets in a kennel do not allow for
accurate caretaker evaluation of appetite, bowel movement and urination, which may
lead to, delayed recognition of medical problems. Only animals under complete care
can be permanently housed together (see Complete Care and Multiple Pet
Visitation section).
Pets are not allowed to be exercised outside of their assigned kennels. Kennels
are large enough to afford dogs the opportunity for adequate exercise. In addition, dogs
outside of their kennels present a potential safety hazard to other dogs, visitors and
The State assumes no responsibility for any items such as transport carriers, bedding,
collars, toys, leashes, etc. Owners are requested to remove such articles from the AQS on their
first visit. Items that are difficult to disinfect or that create a safety hazard for employees, such
as wet bedding, rubber floor mats with grooves or holes, foam mats, large platform beds, chaise
lounges and chairs, etc. may be removed from kennels by quarantine station personnel.
If you have any questions or concerns about AQS procedures or your pet, check with
caretakers in your area, the veterinary staff or operations supervisor. If you have any questions,
please notify AQS staff or fill out an AQS-12 Form at the business counter.
Owners and Co-Owners
Co-owners must be listed on the Dog & Cat Import Form (AQS-278). Listed owners (from
Shipmaster's Declaration) and designated co-owners are responsible for shipping, fee
payment, health care, and removal of pets at the end of the quarantine.
Co-owners have the same responsibilities and duties as owners and can act in the
owner’s behalf.
Registered visitors do not have the authority to act on behalf of the owner.
Animal Medical Care
You are responsible for your pet's health care while in quarantine. When visiting, it is helpful
to check for ticks (dogs), skin or ear problems, or any other abnormality that may indicate a
potential medical concern. In addition animal caretakers will alert the veterinary staff directly of
any health problems. The veterinary dispensary has two veterinarians and two veterinary
technicians and is designed and equipped to manage minor medical problems.
If you believe a medical problem exists, submit a written request for a veterinary check
by AQS veterinarians: form AQS-12 available at the Business Window.
Provide all owner and pet information and describe the condition you wish checked as
clearly as possible (use form AQS-12 available at the AQS Business Window).
For minor problems, treatment may be initiated following examination unless you specify
Examination request are attended to the following morning (except in emergencies).
Results of the exam and associated charges, if any, can be obtained by visiting the
dispensary during afternoon visiting hours or by telephoning the dispensary after 1:00
p.m. at (808) 483-7154.
Approved Veterinary Hospital
Owners must select, contact and register with a state-approved private veterinary facility
(refer to List of Approved Veterinary Hospitals).
Animals that are not registered may be refused medical evaluation and treatment by private
veterinary facilities or required care may be delayed. Most private hospitals require a
refundable or a partially refundable deposit prior to accepting an animal for evaluation. You
may want to contact several hospitals to obtain deposit and price information.
If your pet requires evaluation at a private veterinary facility or becomes seriously ill,
quarantine station veterinary staff will contact you as soon as possible. Depending on the
circumstances, your pet may be sent to a private hospital at the discretion of the station
veterinarian if we are unable to contact you in a timely manner. Pet owners and co-owners
are responsible for transportation fees and all charges accrued at private veterinary
You may arrange to send your pet to a private hospital for examination at any time. You are
responsible for making arrangements with the hospital. This is best accomplished by notifying
the hospital you have registered with that you wish to have your pet evaluated. Your hospital
will call the AQS to request transport. Delivery by state personnel will be the next day except in
Animals will remain at the hospital and are returned to the Animal Quarantine Station
following notification of station personnel by your private veterinarian.
If you change hospitals, notify animal quarantine so our records can be updated.
All pets going to a private veterinary hospital or a satellite quarantine facility must have an
electronic microchip for identification.
Please notify staff at the AQS Business Window immediately about changes in your
home or work telephone numbers and addresses. We know that you want to be reached
quickly in case of an emergency or if there is a concern about your pet.
Quarantine does not provide routine vaccinations. We will administer vaccines for a nominal
charge, when vaccines are delivered by the owner along with a written request. However, we
will only administer vaccines prescribed and dispensed by a licensed veterinarian.
Questions regarding pet medications can be directed to the veterinary staff. In general, non-
prescription medications such as vitamins; nutritional supplements, etc. are not administered by
Animal Quarantine Station employees.
If you provide medication for your pet, it must be in a plastic bottle. Pills must be sized to
the proper dosage. Please label medication containers with your last name, pet's entry and
kennel number. Feeding instructions, changes in feeding instructions, food, medications and
medication instructions must be submitted on the appropriate form available from the AQS
Business Window.
Please notify the veterinary staff if you administer any medications to your pet.
Protect Your Pet from Heartworm
Heartworm disease is widespread and an important health concern for dogs in Hawaii. Dog
owners are strongly encouraged to test their pet prior to entry and administer preventive
medication while the animal resides in Hawaii. We recommend that owners administer monthly
heartworm medication themselves.
For pet owners who reside outside Hawaii or on a neighbor island, AQS staff will
administer heartworm medication after receipt of an adequate supply. Caretakers will
administer heartworm preventive the first day of the month for simplicity.
Tick Control
During the spring and summer months the number of brown dog ticks increases statewide.
Tick control products are recommended for dogs during quarantine. Recommended products:
1. Preventic collar (contains Amitraz) for use on dogs over 3 months of age. Insure that the dog
cannot remove the collar and chew on it; 2. Frontline Spray or Frontline Topspot (contains
Fipronil).; and 3. K-9 Advantix or Vectra 3-D topical for dogs applied as directed by the
manufacturer. Frontline Spray is used on small dogs over 8 weeks of age. Topspot can be
used for larger dogs over 10 weeks of age. These products can be purchased at most
veterinary clinics. Cats are not a natural host of the brown dog tick and do not need tick control
products however, flea control products are recommended.
Feeding Your Pet
Your pet will be fed a nutritionally complete and balanced commercial dog or cat food
formulated for adults. Food consumption is closely monitored and dogs and cats are weighed at
least once a month to determine if food intake is optimal.
If your pet will not eat quarantine-provided food or requires a special diet, you are required
to supply the food and feeding instructions. Owners should provide puppy or kitten food for
young animals. No adjustment of quarantine fees will be made for those supplying special food
to their animals. Food containers must be individually labeled with your last name and kennel
number in black, indelible ink.
If you are supplying dry food, it must be submitted in a secure vermin-proof, heavy plastic or
metal container, with a tightly fitting cover, and be large enough to hold the entire amount of
food supplied.
A staff veterinarian or caretaker will notify you if your pet has problems with the diet.
Complete Care
Owners or designated co-owners may accept the responsibility for feeding, cleaning, health
monitoring, medicating and grooming their pets during quarantine. Persons doing complete
care must attend to their pet’s needs daily, seven days a week. Removal of waste must be
done both in the morning and afternoon. Feeding must be done in the morning and may also be
done in the afternoon if desired.
Complete care requires a major commitment. Please make sure that you are able to fulfill
your obligations before assuming all care for your pet. A list of complete care requirements is
available on request. Only animals of the same species, and in complete care, can be
permanently kenneled together. Failure to comply with obligations may result in revocation of
complete care privileges.
Owners are responsible for grooming their own pets. Please make your grooming
appointments early since grooming station space is limited. Appointments must be scheduled
at least one day in advance. Please call 483-7151 before 9:00 a.m. or after 11:00 a.m. You
may schedule two grooming appointments per week, per pet, at 30 minutes per appointment.
See page 3 for grooming hours.
Grooming stations have tubs, warm water, electrical outlets and a holding cage.
Owners may walk their dogs, by leash with a properly fitting collar, to the nearest
grooming station. Dogs must be under control and walked by the shortest route.
Dogs may be bathed within kennels at any time during afternoon visiting hours.
Cat grooming, including bathing, is done in the kennel or cattery. Cats must not be
removed from their assigned kennel or cattery. If you wish to bathe your cat, please
bring your own supplies, including a bucket. Most catteries are equipped with a water
heater and tub for bathing cats. Check with your caretaker about proper procedures for
Owners and groomers are responsible for the proper handling of pets during the grooming
period and when walking to and from the grooming station. Physical contact between animals is
not permitted. In addition, owners are expected to maintain the grooming station in a tidy
condition. Pick up all of the fur after grooming your animal. Revocation of grooming privileges
may result if animals are not handled in accordance with AQS rules or tubs are left dirty.
If you are unable to visit and groom your pet, please arrange for a groomer to provide
grooming services. Check with the Business Window for more information.
Visiting Your Pet
Visiting hours are listed on page 3. !Note: Visiting hours and other hours of operation in this
publication are subject to change at anytime without prior notice.
To register others to visit your pet: 1. Inform staff at the Business Window in person and
complete necessary forms; or 2. Provide a notarized Dog and Cat Import Form (AQS 278); or 3.
Provide a notarized letter to the Animal Quarantine Station, listing individuals that may visit your
No one, including groomers, will be allowed to visit your pet unless they are properly
Authorized visitors must be 18 years or older. Minors are allowed to visit while
accompanied by an owner or authorized visitor.
Please be prepared to present AQS-issued visitor pass and valid photo
identification (State driver's license, state or military ID or passport) each time you
visit our facility. Only authorized individuals may enter the Animal Quarantine Station
and gain access to your pet.
All visits are strictly in kennel
- walking or removing your pet from the kennel is
Multiple Pet Visitation (MPV)
During regular afternoon visiting, an owner may be authorized to move their pets to the
same kennel. To participate in MPV, owners must attend a MPV orientation session or discuss
the MPV requirements with the Quarantine Station Operations Supervisor. The MPV Visitation
Request Form is then submitted to the veterinary staff for approval. A pass will be issued if
requirements are met.
Please check with the Business Window about the requirements and procedures for Multiple
Pet Visitation. MPV is coordinated through the Quarantine Station Operations Supervisor.
Summary of the policy allowing for MPV is as follows:
1. Animals must be of the same species, owned by the same owner/family and have the same
date of entry into quarantine. Pets must be returned to their assigned kennel.
2. Pets should be compatible and free of contagious diseases and, for mixed sexes; one or
more must be spayed or neutered.
3. MPV is only during regular visiting hours and ends when the owner leaves the kennel.
4. All pet owners must abide by the rules concerning MPV or privileges will be terminated for
the remainder of the quarantine period.
The following is a partial list of rules that owners and visitors are expected to comply with
while on the Animal Quarantine Station (AQS) grounds. Caretakers and management
personnel will notify owners and visitors when they observe violation of AQS rules. Each owner
and visitor shall abide by all Animal Quarantine Station rules and policies.
1. Any person who fails to present acceptable picture identification upon request may be
denied admission.
2. While on the premises, please go directly to your kennels to avoid disturbing other pets.
3. For the health and safety of all persons and animals, all kennel doors must be
properly latched and doors completely closed in order to prevent escapes and
4. Please do not feed, handle or visit the pets of others unless you have received permission
from the owner and this authorization is recorded at the Business Window.
5. Walking or removing dogs from kennels is prohibited, except taking shortest distance to
and from grooming station for grooming appointments and with written permission from the
station veterinarian.
6. Do not leave dogs tied to the outside of the kennel.
7. Cats may not be removed from kennels for any reason. The walkway in the catteries may
not be used as an exercise area.
8 Minors may be admitted to the AQS only in the company of an authorized adult who shall
be responsible for the minor's behavior and safety. Please restrict children from running,
playing, behaving boisterously or putting fingers through the wire mesh of kennels.
9. Skateboards, skates of any type, bicycles, etc. are not allowed on the AQS grounds.
10. The Animal Quarantine Station is a family-type environment. Please wear appropriate
clothing while on the AQS grounds.
11. No other animals are allowed on the Animal Quarantine Station premises.
12. Consumption of alcoholic beverages is not allowed on state property, including AQS
13. Parking for visitors is located under the H-3 viaduct in the lower parking lot area. No
parking is permitted on roads, driveways or other areas. Vehicles parked in
inappropriate areas may be cited or towed without notice.
14. Any person parking in a space designated as a disabled person parking space shall
prominently display a disabled persons parking placard on the dashboard or visor, so that
it is visible through the front windshield.
The Animal Quarantine Manager may deny admission to the state Animal Quarantine Station to
any person who violates chapter 4-29, Hawaii Administrative Rules, or chapter 142, Hawaii
Revised Statutes, or who disrupts or impedes the activities of the department's employees or
the animal owners, visitors, or groomers; or who behaves in any manner detrimental to the
operation of the AQS or to the animals confined there.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION - Fee payment deadlines and policies
Fees are due on entry and subject to change without notice
Microchip: $27 (Only Foreign requests are accepted)
Fee for Direct Release and Quarantine Programs (due upon arrival)
Total fees: Airport Release program $ 165
5-day-or-less program $ 224
Neighbor Island Inspection Permit $ 145
120-day program $ 1,080
* Animals arriving early before qualifying date $ 14.30 per day plus $224
Fees are not adjustable. There is no discount for owners providing their own food or doing
complete care. Animals to be kenneled at private veterinary hospitals or private quarantine
facilities are not subject to a daily boarding fee after transport to that facility.
Re-Entry Fee Requirements: (Note! fee reverts to $165 when either a rabies
vaccination or rabies blood test is updated)
To qualify for the reduced “Re-entry” fee of $78 for Direct Airport Release or $110 for 5-day
or-less quarantine, a pet must meet the following criteria:
Qualified for, and been directly released from, the Honolulu International Airport on a
previous arrival within the 36 month period that the most recent OIE-FAVN blood test
and rabies vaccination used for the previous entry are still valid OR;
Qualified for and completed 5-day-or less quarantine and was released on the
scheduled release date; then left the State and returned within the 36 month
period that the most recent OIE-FAVN blood test and rabies vaccination used for
the previous entry are still valid.
The Animal Quarantine Station has received all pertinent rabies vaccination certificates,
and forms, notarized AQS-278 Dog & Cat Import Form and blood test results used to
qualify the pet for the previous entry.
ALL of the requirements on the checklist for the 5-day-or-less/direct airport release are
completed for each entry into Hawaii and the animal qualifies for 5-day-or-less/direct
airport release.
The Animal Quarantine Station has received the required documents and written
notification of for the planned subsequent “re-entry” into Hawaii.
Other Fees (due prior to the release of your pet)
. The veterinary dispensary or quarantine staff may charge additional fees for the following:
Microchip: $18 (includes implantation, for pets arriving without a microchip and leaving
the Animal Quarantine Station for any reason)
Bathing: $14 for each bath as prescribed by station veterinarian
Grooming: $18 for each grooming session as prescribed by station veterinarian
Vaccination:$ 6 for administration of each vaccination provided by the pet owner;
$ 11 for each vaccine provided by the Animal Quarantine Station
Daily insulin injections: $1 per day (for diabetic pets only)
Dipping, spraying, dusting, or sponging to control external parasites: $12 for each
Worming: $12 for each worming treatment
$20 for each three-day treatment
Giardia: $10 to $40 for each course of treatment
Health Certificate issued by quarantine station veterinarians: $25 per species of animal
General veterinary services: $40 per hour, $10 minimum charge
Fecal testing for intestinal parasites: $8 (at owner's request)
Heartworm testing: $8 (at owner's request)
Ground transportation for quarantined pets between approved
hospital on Oahu and station: $4 (round trip)
Other approved ground transportation for quarantined pets
(i.e. transportation to harbor): $20 (one way)
Duplication of receipts: $4
Copies of records: 50 cents per page copied
Each offspring born to pets at the Animal Quarantine Station: adult daily rate
A service fee of $15.00 will be assessed for any check, draft, certificate of deposit, or
other negotiable instrument that is dishonored for any reason.
There is an additional $17.80 per day penalty for pets left in the Animal Quarantine
Station beyond their scheduled release date or for pets that are determined to be
Fees are payable by cash, check, credit card (VISA or Mastercard), money order, bank draft
or traveler’s check. Release of your pet may be delayed if fees are not paid in full. Personal
checks are not accepted within 30 days of the scheduled release date of your pet.
Fee refunds for any remaining balance will be made only to the owners of animals that:
are exported prior to completion of the quarantine period
are housed at a satellite facility (if available)
are hospitalized during the quarantine period for three days or more
die during quarantine (for the remaining balance)
make any type of overpayment
Refunds are not processed until the official release date. Thereafter, refund checks will be issued in
seven to eight weeks. It is important that we have a current address. Refunds of $15.00 or less will
not be processed except after written request to the Animal Quarantine Manager within one (1) year
of the animal’s release date.
Please note:
Pets may not be boarded at the Animal Quarantine Station beyond the quarantine
period. If boarding is required, please contact a private boarding facility or veterinary
Owners who abandon their pets in quarantine are still liable for all fees and
charges accrued.
Pets will be released to owners, co-owners or properly designated representatives, such as
an intermediate handler after quarantine is completed. A picture identification is required, and all
fees must have been paid when the pet entered quarantine.
Please make arrangements to check
your pet out of quarantine and for shipment to a neighbor island, if required.
Bring picture identification. Be sure to bring a suitable transport crate or leash for your
pet on its release date.
Persons to whom we may release your pet must be registered on office records prior to
the date of release.
There are privately owned & operated quarantine facilities on the islands of Hawaii and Kauai.
Bar-King Dog Kennel (BDK), P.O. Box 1184, Keaau, HI 96749, phone (808) 966-
Kauai Humane Society (KHS), P.O. Box 3330, Lihue, HI 96766, phone (808) 632-
If you wish to quarantine your pet at this facility, you must make prior arrangements with BDK or
KHS. Your pet must first come to the State Animal Quarantine Station on Oahu for positive
identification and examination. (A FAA approved rigid pet shipping crate must be provided by pet
owners to fly pets to neighbor island facilities.) State fees must be paid in full before animals are
transported to private facilities. The approximate fees due the State are the following (private
satellite facilities have their own fee structures – contact the facility directly):
5-day-or-less quarantine, $224
120-day quarantine, approximately $136 (more if pet stays longer than 2 days at the
Your pet will not be transported unless it has a verifiable electronic microchip; and AQS
has received the appropriate payment listed above and all required original health
documents. Payment by mail must be in the form of a cashier’s check or a money order.
Information included in this publication is subject to change and
revision at any time without notice.