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© 2018 Memoria Press
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form
by any means without written permission from the publisher.
Kindergarten Scope & Sequence ........................................................................................ 5
First Grade Scope & Sequence ...........................................................................................13
Second Grade Scope & Sequence ................................................................................... 21
Third Grade Scope & Sequence ........................................................................................29
Fourth Grade Scope & Sequence ....................................................................................37
Fifth Grade Scope & Sequence...........................................................................................45
Sixth Grade Scope & Sequence .........................................................................................53
Seventh Grade Scope & Sequence .................................................................................61
Eighth Grade Scope & Sequence .....................................................................................69
Ninth Grade Scope & Sequence ....................................................................................... 77
Tenth Grade Scope & Sequence ........................................................................................83
Classical Core Curriculum
Kindergarten Scope & Sequence
Language arts is a broad subject used to describe the elements of English and how students use
them. This collective includes subordinate yet interwoven subjects dependent upon one another for
success with the English language as a whole. New concepts in Phonics, Reading, Writing, and Spelling
as well as Grammar should be continually reviewed once that concept has been introduced and initially
practiced. Expectation is for age-appropriate mastery of each skill. Research suggests instruction in
phonics is most eective when students are given practice reading, which includes both decoding and
comprehension, and writing, which is the encoding of sounds, with words; we give practice with both.
Writing includes more than just penmanship. It is learning how to form leers, group those leers into
words, copy words and sentences accurately, and then write leers, words, and sentences correctly.
Spelling begins with practice writing each newly introduced phonogram to build a neurological
pathway, paving the way to eventual mastery. This mastery is achieved through subsequent reading,
writing, and spelling activities.
Due to the methods by which we present our materials, separate standards for listening and
speaking are not necessary. Most of our subjects through the Grammar School begin with oral
recitation. As the students matriculate, expectations advance as well. Students are given opportunities
to speak in front of their classmates daily beginning in junior kindergarten. Likewise, all lessons are
teacher directed and paced to ensure all students are actively listening and participating. Whether in a
kindergarten craft class in which they progress step by step through the activity or in a phonics lesson
in which ear training occurs, to high school-level Socratic discussions, listening skills are being taught
and honed. There is no point at which students are not actively listening. Lesson pace does not allow
for this! Each year, active listening is ensured and tested through the discussion of lessons.
Students will:
Recognize each leer of the alphabet and assign its correct sound
Have working knowledge, both oral and wrien, of 35 essential English phonograms
Understand and demonstrate ability to rhyme
Students will:
Understand left to right progression
Master short vowel (CVC) words through decoding (reading)
Be able to read 67 common sight words, basic number words, and color words
Demonstrate individual progression with speed, uency, and expression when reading
Have the ability to answer simple questions about a text they have read
Follow a storyline in a book above their personal reading level
Correctly use vocabulary above their individual reading level
Have the ability to correctly predict events within a story
Be able to orally retell a story in narrative format
Kindergarten Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Recognize main characters, seing, and basic plot of a narrative
Recall facts from a nonction story and be able to verbalize how they relate to subject maer
Students will:
Understand that what is said orally can be wrien by the encoding of sounds
Neatly write all leers and numbers using correct formation
Accurately and neatly copy text from the line above to the line below
Students will:
Write correct leer to sound correspondence for all leers of the alphabet
Encode CVC words dictated to them
Students will:
Understand the basic aributes of sentence structure
Recognize three sentence end marks (period, question mark, exclamation point) and know when to use them
Use and understand capitalization at the beginning of a sentence, for the pronoun "I," and for the name
of a person
Understand the basic aributes of sentence structure including capitalization and punctuation
Identify plurals and possessives
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Classical Phonics – The 44 phonograms of the English language and many other
spellings of these phonograms divided into lists of words and word families. A methodical presentation
of phonics.
Memoria Press Phonics Flashcards – Set of cards each containing either a phonogram or spelling of
a phonogram in isolation with picture clue on one side and words with the sound on the other. Also
includes 112 common sight word cards.
Memoria Press First Start Reading Books A-D – Consumable student workbooks which cover introduction
of leers and their sounds, instruction on how to write the leers in manuscript, how to hear the sound of
each in isolation, and formation of the leer in each lesson. Book D assumes mastery of short vowels and
covers introduction of long vowel with the silent e, consonant blends, and h-team (ch, th, sh, wh).
Core Skills Phonics K and Core Skills Phonics 1 – Consumable student workbooks that are used as
either teacher-led class review of skills introduced in First Start Reading or as independent review
practice of leers and sounds.
Fun in the Sun – Reading practice with CVC, short vowel words.
Scamp and Tramp – Reading practice with short vowel words and consonant blends and teams.
Soft and White – Reading practice with long vowel, silent e words, and transitioning between those and
words with short vowels.
Primary Phonics Readers (Optional) – Readers that give phonetic reading practice with individualized
sounds. (Set 1: short vowels; Set 2: long vowels both silent e and vowel teams; Set 3: consonant blends,
compound words, and two-syllable words; Set 4: consonant teams and r-controlled vowels.)
Memoria Press Copybook I – Penmanship, basic grammar, spelling, literature, accuracy, aention to
detail, and memorization through more than 35 passages of Scripture or poetry.
6 Kindergarten Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
In primary-level mathematics, mastery of addition and subtraction is key. Of the four concrete
operations, the main focus of daily work is only upon these two. Through introduction, practice, and
consistent review, mastery of these facts can be aained in both wrien and oral format. Then, by
seventh grade when students are able to understand abstract math concepts, they expend no time
or brain energy on calculation of concrete operations, but all aention is toward learning the new
material. After oral mastery of the operations has been displayed, work should be done on the speed at
which a correct answer is wrien. Though other math-related skills are introduced at each level, some
form of practice each day should be devoted to sums and dierences.
Number Sense and Numbers
Students will:
Count to 100 by 1's
Recognize and write numbers to 100
Use and understand ordinal numbers
Skip count to 100 by 2's, 5's, and 10's
Give "before" or "after" numbers
Put numbers in order from least to greatest
Use the symbols <, =, > correctly
Interpret pictographs
Accurately count groups of things
Understand distinction between odd and even numbers
Display awareness of numerical value of English prexes
Distinguish between whole and half of an object
Have working knowledge of ½, ⅓, ¼ in relation to a whole
Students will:
Exhibit mastery of addition facts through the seven family and subtraction facts through the six family
in both wrien and oral format
Solve basic word problems
Students will:
Identify coins and their value
Identify the dollar bill
Know the relation of coins to a dollar
Identify both $ and ¢ symbols
Write money amounts using the ¢ symbol
Describe the visual distinctions between the coins
Students will:
Identify the aributes of both an analog and digital clock
Tell time to the hour and half hour on both analog and digital clock
Kindergarten Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Understand orientation in time, today, yesterday, tomorrow
Know how to read a calendar
Recite the days of the week and the months of the year
Students will:
Compare height (taller, shorter), length (longer, shorter), volume (full, empty), weight (heavier, lighter),
temperature (hoer, colder)
Recognize and know the use of measurement tools: ruler, scale, and thermometer
Read a thermometer
Students will:
Recognize basic shapes
Understand the aributes of basic shapes
Identify paerns
Texts Used:
Rod & Sta Grade 1 Workbook 1 – Consumable student workbook which gives practice of skills taught
in the interactive lessons of the Teacher's Manual.
Rod & Sta Grade 1 Teacher's Manual – Teacher book containing answers to student workbook as well
as scripted lessons and templates to aid in introduction of concepts.
Rod & Sta Grade 1 Practice Sheets – Reproducible pages of skills taught within the lessons of Rod &
Sta Grade 1.
Memoria Press Numbers Books 1 and 2 – Practice pages of math skills key to numeric literacy not
covered at this level in math books.
Addition and Subtraction Flashcards – Typical ashcards for use with Rod & Sta lessons.
Children of this age group learn best through observation and discussion within a structured
environment. It is precisely for this reason that the majority of work done within this branch of study
is based around a theme gleaned from our weekly read-aloud. This read-aloud selection is typically
ctional in nature but is a classic work used to capture interest. From each of these weekly books, a
history, geography, or cultural studies theme is extracted and further developed through the reading
of an expository selection on that theme. Activities for social studies themes always culminate with a
teacher-led discussion of the subject.
Students will:
Name and locate on a map the seven continents and ve oceans
Locate the United States and their own state on a map
Know their state's capital
Recognize and know the signicance of both the equator and compass rose
Compare and contrast
Demonstrate basic calendar skills
Understand simple processes, such as how we get our milk
8 Kindergarten Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Recognize the symbols of our country (ag, eagle, Statue of Liberty)
Know basic aributes of their home city and state (capital, map location, distinctive geography or event)
Describe the American ag in detail and know its basic history
Know the role of each in the history of America: Columbus, the Pilgrims, Native Americans, and our
Founding Fathers
Know that there were thirteen original colonies
Describe what life was like in early America, New England
Have a working knowledge of major holidays and when they occur
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Kindergarten Enrichment Guide – Teacher's guide containing activities and discussion
questions for elevating the cultural literacy of students. To be used in coordination with the
kindergarten read-aloud sets.
Memoria Press Kindergarten Read-Aloud Set – Selection of books on the student's listening level to be
read to the student for exposure to advanced vocabulary and sentence structure.
Memoria Press Kindergarten Science & Enrichment Set – Group of books with either science or social
studies material.
There is a plethora of variety to be found in nature. Students this age have a natural curiosity for
the world around them and its creatures. When we take this natural wonder and expose students to the
order and beauty of their world through either observation or listening to an expository text, students
will best engage in age-appropriate scientic study. Memorization of some facts can be benecial as the
students frequently categorize and relate the world to themselves. Therefore, at this stage, no wrien
assessments are given over science concepts mastered. As with the study of History, Geography, and
Cultural Studies, a science-based theme is derived from the weekly read-aloud book. Any observations
or activities are always followed by teacher-led discussions.
Students will:
Participate well in age-appropriate group discussions
Know the aributes of mammals, reptiles, and amphibians
Understand the aributes of the four seasons
Demonstrate knowledge of the stages of metamorphosis
Have basic knowledge of the natural world
Gain ne motor skills by coloring and learn about various animals as they learn each leer of the alphabet
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Kindergarten Enrichment Guide – Description listed above.
Memoria Press Kindergarten Read-Aloud Set – Description listed above.
Memoria Press Kindergarten Science & Enrichment Set – Description listed above.
Christian Liberty Nature Reader – Detailed descriptions of an animal whose name begins with each
leer of the alphabet.
Animal Alphabet – Consumable student coloring book. To be used in coordination with Christian Liberty
Nature Reader. Each page focuses on a leer of the alphabet and animals whose names begin with that
leer. Provides ne motor skill practice as well.
Kindergarten Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Studies indicate students should be exposed to the elevated language and the advanced sentence
structure of books that are at least two reading levels above their individual reading ability; this is their
listening level. We therefore selected a classic book at the student's listening level to be the read-aloud
focus book for the week. This book is read multiple times for best results. All History, Geography,
Cultural Studies, Science, Poetry, and Art are thematically tied to this read-aloud. Information about
the read-aloud's author and illustrator as well as before and after reading activities are included. Many
of the week's lessons include the reinforcement of a language lesson. The poetry study covers either
a classic poem or one about an animal from the story. Students will be exposed to a variety of poets
and styles with brief biographies of many. Each week also includes a famous art piece which could be
from any of the major art periods, as all will be represented. Information on the artist and the piece is
given as a springboard to further discussion and observation of the actual artwork. The classical music
selections are not as easily tied to the read-aloud theme, but the diversication of study covers each
period and type of music. Exposure is the goal. Students and parents alike enjoy the introduction to
these ne arts.
Students will:
Gain exposure to 34 famous art pieces from a variety of artists and art periods
Gain exposure to 34 classical music pieces from a variety of composers from each period
Gain exposure to 34 poems from hearing a variety of poets
Be exposed to elevated language and advanced vocabulary
Create art using a variety of media
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Kindergarten Enrichment Guide – Description listed above.
Memoria Press Kindergarten Read-Aloud Set – Description listed above.
Memoria Press Art Cards – Each card in this set of 34 shows a piece of art on one side and brief
description on the other.
Memoria Press Art Posters – Larger version of each art card.
Memoria Press Music Enrichment – Book used in kindergarten through second grade describing each
music selection, a brief biography of the composer, and guided study questions.
Memoria Press Kindergarten Book of Crafts A compilation of directions for simple crafts that
coordinate with the read-aloud selection. Additional concept crafts are also included.
Animals, Animals by Eric Carle – Various types of poetry about animals make up this compilation.
A Child's Book of Poems by Gyo Fujikawa – Book of children's poems from a variety of authors.
10 Kindergarten Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
The study of our history and heritage as Christians can and should be a key pillar of our studies.
After all, one reason we teach our children to read or learn their math facts or observe nature is to train
them to recognize and emulate the perfect example of truth, goodness, and beauty. By studying the
story of salvation, we are training them in the way they should go. We learn by looking at history and
using the examples therein. Through Scripture memorization, we are equipping our students with
knowledge that will always be with them regardless of their circumstance. Doctrine will not be taught
but is left up to the church, family, and particular school.
Students will:
Hear and discuss Bible stories from Creation through the death of Moses
Memorize thirteen Scripture verses and three prayers
Texts Used:
The Story Bible Age-appropriate book of chronological Bible stories.
Memoria Press Christian Studies Enrichment – Book used in kindergarten through second grade
providing vocabulary and comprehension questions to be coupled with The Story Bible.
Memoria Press Copybook I – Description listed above.
Kindergarten Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
First Grade Scope & Sequence
The reading portion of language arts changes in the rst grade. Rather than advancing reading
skills through leer/sound introduction with immediate practice blending, writing, and reading
from primarily phonetic stories, we need to begin giving students practice with varied literature.
Phonetic reading practice can be given at this stage too, when needed, though most reading should
be primarily with literature as the transitions needed to read real literature require years of practice.
This year should begin with simple readers and then progress into more challenging stories with
longer sentences and some unfamiliar vocabulary. Success with these books comes through practice
syllabicating and decoding words pulled directly from the scheduled reading sections. First, words are
broken into syllables and even grouped with others containing like phonograms. Vocabulary is key to
understanding the text and should be studied prior to reading by teaching how to use context clues to
ascertain meaning. Next, words should be read several times and wrien before nally reading them
within the context of the story.
Comprehension questions should be discussed as a class. Wrien answers to comprehension
questions are the perfect venue for practicing all the components of proper English. Sentence structure,
grammar, capitalization, and punctuation can all be developed and practiced while answering and
writing teacher-guided comprehension questions.
Once a student has had practice decoding words in order to read, he must learn how to encode
words in his writing to display true mastery of phonics. At the kindergarten level, encoding was
from leer sounds that a student could hear to give the necessary foundation of leer to sound
correspondence. Now that there is some familiarity with the English language, and the irregularities
within it, spelling must transition to word study for paerns through memorization. This mastery is
gained by reading with the spelling words, writing them, and doing a comprehensive study of the
phonetic chunks within the words.
First grade is the ideal time to begin cursive. Students have mastered printing the English alphabet
and are ready for a challenge. Cursive is the perfect foreign language for this age. Early enforcement
with the proper penmanship mechanics, correct leer formation, pencil grip, paper position, and
posture is best solidied at a young age and then practiced and perfected through their school tenure.
Writing is the one skill, unfortunately, that oftentimes is allowed to be substandard.
Students will:
Master CVC, CVCC words, silent e and long vowel teams, schwa, and rhyming
Have working knowledge, both oral and wrien, of all 44 English phonograms
Demonstrate mastery of leer sounds, short vowels, long vowels with silent e, long vowel teams,
consonant blends, consonant digraphs, r-controlled vowels
Have working knowledge of diphthongs, homonyms, contractions, and compound words
Answer oral questions in complete sentences
First Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Students will:
Demonstrate individual reading progression with speed, uency, and expression
Answer simple questions about a text independently read
Follow a storyline in a book above their personal reading level
Use vocabulary above their individual reading level
Know how to correctly predict events within a story
Compare and contrast aspects of a story
Orally retell a story in narrative format
Recall facts from a nonction story and be able to verbalize how they relate to subject maer
Decode words within real literature
Use a Table of Contents
Recognize plot, seing, characters, author, and illustrator of a story
Sequence events from a story
Students will:
Be able to legibly write all leers in cursive using correct formation
Form leer connections in cursive correctly
Accurately and neatly copy text from the page above to the page below
Correctly copy from the board to paper
Write in complete sentences
Read something wrien in cursive
Maintain correct manuscript
Students will:
Encode level-appropriate spelling words
Spell these words correctly in writing
Students will:
Introduce verbs and their tenses
Introduce adjectives and articles
Introduce common and proper nouns
Use possession and abbreviations
Identify the four types of sentences
Recognize and use correct punctuation and capitalization
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Classical Phonics – The 44 phonograms of the English language and many other
spellings of these phonograms divided into lists of words and word families. A methodical presentation
of phonics.
14 First Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Memoria Press Phonics Flashcards – Set of cards each containing either a phonogram or spelling of
a phonogram in isolation with picture clue on one side and words with the sound on the other. Also
includes 112 common sight word cards.
Memoria Press First Start Reading Book E – Consumable student workbook which covers, from
introduction to mastery, two-vowel teams for each vowel sound, soft c, soft g, and the three sounds of y.
Practice is given to recognizing, reading, writing, and dictation within each lesson.
Core Skills Phonics 2 – Consumable student workbook that is used as either teacher-led class review of
skills introduced in First Start Reading and Traditional Spelling or as independent review practice of sounds.
Memoria Press StoryTime Treasures – Consumable primary-level reader study guide for a collection of
four stories. This study covers a partial year and progresses in diculty.
Memoria Press More StoryTime Treasures – The second half of rst grade reader study guide for a
collection of seven stories. This study progresses in diculty.
Primary Phonics Readers (Optional) – Readers that give phonetic reading practice with individualized
sounds. (Set 2: long vowels both silent e and vowel teams; Set 5: digraphs; Set 6: soft c and g, digraphs,
Memoria Press Copybook II – Penmanship, basic grammar, spelling, literature, accuracy, aention
to detail, and memorization of eighteen passages of Scripture and ve multi-stanza poems; includes
practice copying from the page above to the page below.
Memoria Press New American Cursive 1 – Workbook introducing students to proper formation of
cursive leers and connections.
Memoria Press Traditional Spelling I – Introductory spelling program that is a phonetic approach.
Lessons include a Phonics Focus, comprehensive word study of each list word, grouping of words by
vowels or vowel teams and then again by consonant blends or teams, color-coding of words, reading
with the words, and dictation of phonograms within the words and the words within a sentence.
Memoria Press Composition and Sketchbook II – This book is used for practice composing, writing, and
illustrating the student's ideas. Each page has the top half as dedicated illustration space and the boom
half lined for composition.
Continued work toward mastery is the focus of primary-level mathematics in addition and
subtraction. Of the four concrete operations, most daily work is upon these two. Wrien speed is timed
beginning at this level both to challenge students and to monitor their progression. Oral mastery of
addition and subtraction should still be practiced and reviewed, though other math-related skills that
were introduced at the kindergarten level are built upon. Previous skills are reviewed, but expansion of
these skills is practiced along with daily work on addition and subtraction.
Number Sense and Numbers
Students will:
Count and write numbers to 100 and beyond by 1's
Skip count and write numbers by 2's, 5's, 10's, and 25's
Count and write numbers by 10's to 200
Count backward
Master reading number words to ten
Give "between" numbers
Find missing numbers of a group
First Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Understand place value to the 100's
Put numbers in order from least to greatest
Use the symbols <, =, > correctly
Interpret pictographs
Understand distinction between odd and even numbers
Understand that a fraction is part of a whole, denominator and equality of fractional parts
Display mastery of ½, ⅓, ¼ in relation to a whole
Display working knowledge of ⅔, ²⁄₄, ¾
Know the amount in a dozen
Students will:
Exhibit mastery of addition and subtraction facts through the ten family in both wrien and oral format
Solve basic word problems
Recite facts by memory without using the term "equals"
Solve ashcards in both oral and wrien format
Identify the math twin of a fact given
Solve story problems
Solve two-digit addition (with three-digit answers)
Solve two-digit subtraction
Understand number triplets (an alternate way of learning addition other than fact families)
Solve column addition
Students will:
Identify coins and their value
Count a mixed group of coins
Write money amounts using the ¢ symbol
Describe the visual distinctions between the coins
Students will:
Tell time to the hour and half hour on both analog and digital clock
Recite the days of the week and the months of the year
Use the terms midnight and noon
Students will:
Understand inches, feet, cups, pints, quarts
Correctly read a thermometer
16 First Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Students will:
Know basic shapes and shape words
Understand the aributes of basic shapes
Texts Used:
Rod & Sta Grade 1 Workbook 1 (for a brief review at the start of the year) – Consumable student
workbook which gives practice of skills taught in the interactive lessons of the Teacher's Manual.
Rod & Sta Grade 1 Workbook 2 – Consumable student workbook which gives practice of skills taught
in the interactive lessons of the Teacher's Manual.
Rod & Sta Grade 1 Teacher's Manual – Teacher book containing answers to student workbook and
speed drills as well as scripted lessons and templates to aid in introduction of concepts.
Rod & Sta Grade 1 Practice Sheets – Reproducible pages of skills taught within the lessons of Rod &
Sta Grade 1.
Rod & Sta Grade 1 Speed Drills – Consumable book of speed drills with one side for practice of
problems missed in the timed drill.
Addition and Subtraction Flashcards – Typical ashcards for use with Rod & Sta lessons.
Children of this age group learn best through observation and discussion. It is precisely for this reason
that the majority of work done within this branch of study is based around a theme gleaned from our
weekly read-aloud. This read-aloud selection is typically ctional in nature but is a classic work used
to capture interest. From each of these weekly books, a history, geography, or cultural studies theme is
extracted and further developed through the reading of an expository selection on that theme. Activities
for social studies themes always culminate with a teacher-led discussion of the subject.
Students will:
Understand the major holidays in the United States and know the month in which they occur
Identify many of the U.S. presidents by name
Recognize the National Anthem and other symbols of the United States
Understand emergency services available in their community
Know the history and founding of America, Pilgrims, and the early colonies
Recognize basic landform characteristics
Identify time zones
Gain familiarity with basic mythology
Gain familiarity with world cultures, specically Russian and Australian
Texts Used:
Memoria Press First Grade Enrichment Guide – Teacher's guide containing activities and discussion
questions for elevating the cultural literacy of students. To be used in coordination with the rst grade
read-aloud sets.
Memoria Press First Grade Read-Aloud Set – Selection of books on the student's listening level to be
read to the student for exposure to advanced vocabulary and sentence structure.
Memoria Press First Grade Science & Enrichment Set – Group of books with either science or social
studies material.
First Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Students continue to be fascinated with their immediate surroundings and learn best by exploring
within their environment. This natural curiosity is expanded further with guided introduction of
unknown topics. Science at this age is still relating the world to the student with exposure to new
concepts. Therefore, at this stage, no wrien assessments are given over science concepts mastered. As
with the study of History, Geography, and Cultural Studies, a science-based theme is derived from the
weekly read-aloud book. Any observations or activities are always followed by teacher-led discussions.
Students will:
Participate well in group discussions
Know the characteristics of mammals, reptiles, and amphibians
Know the characteristics of trees and other plants
Understand biomes
Demonstrate knowledge of basic machines
Have basic knowledge of the human body and how to maintain good health
Know the phases of the moon
Have a working knowledge of weather
Texts Used:
Memoria Press First Grade Enrichment Guide – Description listed above.
Memoria Press First Grade Read-Aloud Set – Description listed above.
Memoria Press First Grade Science & Enrichment Set – Description listed above.
Students will have continued exposure to the elevated language and the advanced sentence
structure of books that are at least two reading levels above their individual reading ability. Selected
classic books at student listening level are the read-aloud focus for each week. The book is read
multiple times for best results. All History, Geography, Cultural Studies, Science, Poetry, and Art are
thematically tied to this read-aloud. Information about the read-aloud's author and illustrator as well as
before and after reading activities are included. Many of the week's lessons include the reinforcement
of a language lesson. The poetry study covers either a classic poem or one about an animal from the
story. Students will be exposed to a variety of poets and styles with brief biographies of many. Each
week also includes a famous art piece which could be from any of the major art periods, as all will be
represented. Information on the artist and the piece is given as a springboard to further discussion and
observation of the actual artwork. The classical music selections are not as easily tied to the read-aloud
theme, but the diversication of study covers each period and type of music. Exposure is the goal.
Students and parents alike enjoy the introduction to these ne arts.
Students will:
Gain exposure to 34 famous art pieces from a variety of artists and art periods
Gain exposure to 34 classical music pieces from a variety of composers from each period
Gain exposure to a variety of poems and poets
Be exposed to elevated language and advanced vocabulary
Create art using a variety of media
18 First Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Texts Used:
Memoria Press First Grade Enrichment Guide – Description listed above.
Memoria Press First Grade Read-Aloud Set – Description listed above.
Memoria Press Art Cards – Each card in this set of 34 shows a piece of art on one side and brief
description on the other.
Memoria Press Art Posters – Larger version of each art card.
Memoria Press Music Enrichment – Book used in kindergarten through second grade describing each
music selection, a brief biography of the composer, and guided study questions.
Memoria Press First Grade Book of Crafts A compilation of directions for simple crafts that
coordinate with the read-aloud selection. Additional concept crafts are also included.
Animals, Animals by Eric Carle – Various types of poetry about animals make up this compilation.
A Child's Book of Poems by Gyo Fujikawa – Book of children's poems from a variety of authors.
Continuing the study of our history and heritage as Christians, this year's focus is from the entrance
into Canaan through the end of the Old Testament. Many of the verses memorized within this year
are ones subsequent to those mastered in kindergarten, thus expanding from the one verse to two or
three. This equips students with a more complete contextual knowledge to enhance meaning and give
understanding to previously mastered material.
Students will:
Understand and discuss Bible stories from the entrance into Canaan through the end of the Old
Memorize seventeen Scripture verses, the Doxology, and the twelve apostles
Texts Used:
The Story Bible – Age-appropriate book of chronological Bible stories.
Memoria Press Christian Studies Enrichment – Book used in kindergarten through second grade
providing vocabulary and comprehension questions to be coupled with The Story Bible.
Memoria Press Copybook II – Description listed above.
First Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Second Grade Scope & Sequence
Our approach to reading at this level includes systematic phonics and daily exposure to good
literature. Phonics lessons should be pulled directly from the student's reading text for visual memory
to be strengthened. Choosing good books for this reading instruction captivates the imagination,
motivates students to want to be readers, and teaches vocabulary, a fascination with words, geography,
history, science, and most importantly, the condition of human life. Good books open children's minds.
For these reasons, we suggest reading practice be from the varied language of classic literature. The
reading program continues development of skills requiring an active, discriminating mind that is
challenged to think, compare, and contrast. Students who have been challenged by good literature
will never be satised with the poor quality of books that are so readily available today. Using a study
guide allows for focus on vocabulary, spelling, comprehension, and composition skills.
Expository reading should be added at this level. Students are comfortable reading to follow a
storyline, so reading for information should begin at this stage of reading progression.
Spelling should still be taught with phonics as a basis. The study and mastery of the 44 English
phonograms by the end of this grade are critical, as subsequent years build upon these sounds.
Students should have completed an introductory course in cursive prior to this level. After a few
weeks reviewing connections and leer formation, transition to the exclusive use of cursive in every
subject is the goal. Continued focus toward mastery of the 3 P's (posture, pencil grip, paper position)
and the 3 S's (size, slant, spacing) is gained through daily practice.
Capitalization and punctuation skills can be honed through copywork and the everyday activities
within the literature study guides such as answering comprehension questions within a workbook.
This activity can also further mastery of proper grammar and sentence structure.
It is through the study and memorization of Latin that students learn the English parts of speech.
Latin will be the conduit for eventual mastery of English grammar. Its goal is to teach and reinforce an
understanding of the basic parts of speech while introducing basic Latin vocabulary and grammar.
Students will:
Demonstrate mastery of hard and soft c and g, long vowel teams, consonant digraphs, consonant blends,
vowels with "y," plurals (both regular and irregular), root (base) words, and diphthongs
Have working knowledge of prexes, suxes, and homonyms
Know basic syllabication rules
Locate phonetic chunks within both single syllable and multisyllabic words
Recognize incomplete sentences
Master formulating and writing complete sentences
Students will:
Understand complex poems in teacher-led discussions
Compare and contrast ideas
Second Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Sequence events within a reading
Distinguish between fact and ction
Gain exposure to a variety of literary genres
Understand the aributes of folk tales
Use context clues to aain meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary
Continue oral reading improvement with regard to decoding, speed, uency, and expression
Gain exposure to lengthy poems
Determine meaning of advanced English vocabulary (derivatives) by recognition of Latin root
Students will:
Know formation of cursive leers with correct connections and display uency in writing
Implement the 3 P's and 3 S's in writing
Complete conversion to all cursive in all subjects by end of the year
Be introduced to a friendly leer
Be introduced to poetry composition
Be exposed to paragraph writing and descriptive paragraphs
Students will:
Demonstrate mastery of phonograms introduced through encoding of weekly word lists
Students will:
Display mastery of introduction to the eight parts of speech by recitation
Give examples for the eight parts of speech
Students will:
Master 125 Latin vocabulary words
Memorize 20 lines of Latin prayers
Master 25 practical Latin sayings
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Classical Phonics – The 44 phonograms of the English language and many other
spellings of these phonograms divided into lists of words and word families. A methodical presentation
of phonics.
Memoria Press Phonics Flashcards – Set of cards each containing either a phonogram or spelling of
a phonogram in isolation with picture clue on one side and words with the sound on the other. Also
includes 112 common sight word cards.
Memoria Press Literature Guides for Animal Folk Tales of America, Prairie School, The Courage of Sarah
Noble, Lile House in the Big Woods, and Tales from Beatrix Poer – Consumable primary-level study
guide. Activities include phonetic and vocabulary lessons in preparation to read and comprehension
questions for each chapter. Other language arts skills are honed within the various activities.
Memoria Press Copybook Cursive I – Penmanship, basic grammar, spelling, literature, accuracy,
22 Second Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
aention to detail, and memorization of 26 passages of Scripture, one complete psalm, the twelve tribes
of Israel, the books of the Old Testament, and four multi-stanza poems. Includes practice copying from
the page above to the page below.
Memoria Press New American Cursive 2 – Workbook that provides cursive formation review and
thorough practice of connection skills.
Memoria Press Traditional Spelling II – Program that is a phonetic approach to spelling. Lessons
include a Phonics Focus, comprehensive word study of each list word, grouping of words by vowels
or vowel teams and then again by consonant blends or teams, color-coding of words, reading with the
words, and dictation of phonograms within the words and the words within a sentence.
Memoria Press Composition and Sketchbook II – This book is used for practice composing, writing, and
illustrating the student's ideas. Each page has the top half as dedicated illustration space and the boom
half lined for composition.
Memoria Press Prima Latina – Preparatory Latin course with instruction in English grammar and
introductory Latin. Students learn ve vocabulary words, a Latin saying, and a few lines of a prayer
each week in addition to the English parts of speech.
Mastery of the addition and subtraction facts through the eighteen family should be reached
by the end of this year. Through all the number sense activities practiced in kindergarten and rst
grade coupled with early memorization and practice with a few fact families, students should have a
rm foundation with the facts and can focus on building speed. This progression should be evident
in wrien speed in answering these facts. By introducing borrowing and carrying early in the year,
students have a year to practice to mastery. This last year of the primary grades needs to include
a thorough review of place value, money and counting coins, telling time with introduction to the
quarter hour, and measurement.
Number Sense and Numbers
Students will:
Count and write numbers to 1,000
Skip count and write numbers by 2's, 5's, 10's, and 25's
Give before, after, and between numbers
Find missing numbers of a group
Understand place value to the 1,000's
Order numbers from least to greatest
Work with fractions previously mastered
Students will:
Exhibit mastery of addition and subtraction facts through the eighteen family in both wrien and oral format
Understand terms: sum, dierence, addend, subtrahend
Demonstrate ability to solve basic word problems with missing facts
Recite facts by memory without using the term "equals"
Solve ashcards in both oral and wrien format
Solve three-digit addition or more carrying twice
Solve two-digit subtraction with borrowing
Second Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Understand number triplets (an alternate way of learning addition other than fact families)
Solve column addition of three numbers
Understand the concept of basic multiplication
Recite their multiplication tables through 5
Students will:
Identify all coins and their value
Master counting a mixed group of coins
Understand the dollar and half-dollar
Add and subtract money amounts using the ¢ or $ symbols with a decimal
Students will:
Tell time to the quarter hour on both analog and digital clock
Understand time equivalents (30 minutes = half hour, 7 days = week, 12 months = year, etc.)
Students will:
Understand liquid measures and equivalents
Read a thermometer
Understand linear measurements and equivalents
Students will:
Master identication of basic shapes including ovals, pentagons, and diamonds
Give the aributes of basic shapes
Texts Used:
Rod & Sta Grade 2 Workbook Units 1-5 – Consumable student workbook which gives practice of skills
taught in the interactive lessons of the Teacher's Manual.
Rod & Sta Grade 2 Teacher's Manual (Parts 1 and 2) – Teacher book containing answers to student
workbook and speed drills as well as scripted lessons and templates to aid in introduction of some concepts.
Rod & Sta Grade 2 Blacklines – Reproducible pages of skills taught within the lessons of Rod & Sta
Grade 2.
Rod & Sta Grade 1 Speed Drills – Consumable student workbook.
Addition and Subtraction Flashcards – Typical ashcards for use with Rod & Sta lessons.
24 Second Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
To this point, history and geography have been taught through fact memorization, discussions,
or observations of a theme gleaned from classic literature. Students should now have a good
understanding of the world around them. They can easily group animals into classes and habitats and
compare and contrast their culture from that of another land with no problem. While students in this
stage of development have an extensive knowledge base, they still require periodic review; therefore,
tying in new information must continue to be modeled. Dates and time periods begin to have more
meaning, but memorization of these should wait until later years; rather, focus should be given to
basic characteristics of each time period. Special aention can be given to early American life since it is
more likely students will come into contact with items from this period. At this age, an introduction to
states and their capitals and the list of American presidents provide the foundation for future in-depth
studies. Exposure to world geography and U.S. government and laws is also appropriate.
Students will:
Master the major holidays in the United States and their dates
Memorize all U.S. presidents by name in order of service
Gain exposure to U.S. government and laws
Understand various time periods
Be familiar with historic Americans
Be introduced to world geography
Become familiar with the Revolutionary War, causes, and outcomes
Understand and describe various processes
Compare and contrast
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Second Grade Enrichment Guide – Teacher's guide containing activities and discussion
questions for elevating the cultural literacy of students. To be used in coordination with the second
grade read-aloud sets.
Memoria Press Second Grade Read-Aloud Set – Selection of books on the student's listening level to be
read to the student for exposure to advanced vocabulary and sentence structure.
Memoria Press Second Grade Science & Enrichment Set – Group of books with either science or social
studies material.
Memoria Press Stories of Great Americans for Lile Americans – Book by Edward Eggleston, edited by
Memoria Press. Short stories to familiarize students to leading gures in American history.
Second Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
As with History, Geography, and Cultural Studies, students have the ability to take new
information and compare and contrast this new material with the knowledge base to which they have
been exposed in the previous years. Students explain simple processes and can name and categorize
most animals and describe their habitats. Due to their ability to memorize easily, students can recall all
the planets in order, understand the dierence between planets and stars, know the parts of the human
body, and understand the respiratory system. Students can describe the water cycle and name several
types of rocks and minerals.
Students will:
Participate well in group discussions
Master characteristics of mammals, reptiles, and amphibians
Master naming and describing the planets within our solar system
Understand stars
Name and describe several rocks and minerals
Understand and identify dierent types of weather
Be familiar with the water cycle
Be familiar with the respiratory system
Understand migration and animals that migrate
Compare and contrast ideas
Make pertinent observations
Read and comprehend expository material
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Second Grade Enrichment Guide – Description listed above.
Memoria Press Second Grade Read-Aloud Set – Description listed above.
Memoria Press Second Grade Science & Enrichment Set – Description listed above.
Rod & Sta Paerns of Nature – Science book full of topics that would be interesting to a young reader.
Many of the stories are scheduled to be read orally for expository reading practice.
As the culminating year for primary-level ne arts, students will be introduced to the nal third
of classical works in art, music, and poetry. By the end of this year, they will be familiar with art
from all periods and in a variety of media with exposure to 100 works. In music, they will have heard
pieces in several genres from the earliest chants to the theme from Star Wars. This music appreciation
encompasses comparing and contrasting basic instruments and their sounds. Poetry, as with the art
pieces, is themed from the read-aloud books. Students will have some factual knowledge about many
artists, composers, authors, illustrators, and poets. The bulk of their knowledge will come from the
classic literature pieces selected for study each week. Many of these books have won awards or been
recognized as superior for their text or illustrations.
Students will:
Gain exposure to 33 famous art pieces from a variety of artists and art periods
Gain exposure to 33 classical music pieces from a variety of composers from each period
26 Second Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Gain exposure to a variety of poems and poets
Be exposed to elevated language and advanced vocabulary
Create art using a variety of media
Gain exposure to classic literature
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Second Grade Enrichment Guide – Description listed above.
Memoria Press Second Grade Read-Aloud Set – Description listed above.
Memoria Press Art Cards – Each card in this set of 33 shows a piece of art on one side and brief
description on the other.
Memoria Press Art Posters – Larger version of each art card.
Memoria Press Music Enrichment – Book used in kindergarten through second grade describing each
music selection, a brief biography of the composer, and guided study questions.
Memoria Press Second Grade Book of Crafts A compilation of directions for simple crafts that
coordinate with the read-aloud selection. Additional concept crafts are also included.
Animals, Animals by Eric Carle – Various types of poetry about animals make up this compilation.
A Child's Book of Poems by Gyo Fujikawa – Book of children's poems from a variety of authors.
Students by now have a solid grasp of the Old Testament Bible stories. This year will cover the
entire New Testament. Students will begin in the Gospels with a thorough study of the life of Christ
and nish with the early church.
Students will:
Understand and discuss New Testament Bible stories and key characters
Memorize 23 verses/128 lines of Scripture
Memorize the books of the Old Testament
Memorize the twelve tribes of Israel
Recite with good tone, volume, and pace
Texts Used:
The Story Bible Age-appropriate book of chronological Bible stories.
Memoria Press Christian Studies Enrichment – Book used in kindergarten through second grade
providing vocabulary and comprehension questions to be coupled with The Story Bible.
Memoria Press Copybook Cursive I – Description listed above.
Second Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Third Grade Scope & Sequence
During Grammar School, reading transitions from phonetic word aack skills taught prior
to reading. Help with challenging words is given as needed when individual students encounter
diculty. Selections should still be read orally as a whole class and be read several times to maintain
the benets mentioned in previous sections. With each subsequent reading, students should increase in
speed, uency, and expression. Literature selections should graduate in diculty and include a broad
range of challenging, high-quality texts.
This is the rst of an in-depth, ve-year poetry study in which selections are themed with the grade
core curriculum. Reading, dening vocabulary, and memorizing all culminate with the student's oral
presentation of the poem.
As with literature, the reading of expository text should be oral and immediately followed by a
teacher-led discussion to ascertain comprehension of the text and to aid in tying the information to
what the student already knows. A variety of subject maer can be included here—from History to
Social Studies and Science to Classical Studies or Christian Studies.
Composition of a complete sentence will have been mastered in the primary grades. This
skill is further honed by adding the elevated vocabulary heard in reading and then mastered in
spelling. Students are now ready for the challenge of writing. At this level, we teach how to take
notes and keyword outlining of a text. This preparatory work is key to the later development of
comprehensive writing.
Spelling will be the center of formal instruction in phonics. Students have working knowledge of all
English phonograms from reading and from the introductory years of encoding instruction received in
the primary grades. Lists should contain multisyllabic words and incorporate advanced phonograms.
Mastery of basic spelling rules previously learned will begin to be automatically incorporated in
students' writing. Vocabulary will be increased through the use of context clues in reading text or from
knowledge of Latin roots.
The expectation in penmanship is for students to use cursive exclusively from this point on in
their educational career. Continued focus should be on correct grip and legible writing with proper
formation, slant, size, and spacing of words.
A primarily oral memorization program is all that is needed to provide a complete, thorough study
of English grammar, given that students have already learned their parts of speech in Latin. The formal
study of English grammar begins in third grade. Capitalization and punctuation skills learned through
copywork and daily activities within the literature study guides from the primary levels provide the
knowledge base. Students gain a lile wrien practice within their Latin exercises and from their
English grammar study.
This year, Latin is still considered a new subject and should include a comprehensive review of
what was learned the previous year. Students will be introduced to three verb tenses and declensions
in the text. The introductory course will be covered over the span of two years, preparing students for
an intensive study of the Latin grammar.
Third Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Students will:
Consistently use a variety of word aack skills to decipher unknown words and their meanings
Demonstrate continued improvement in speed, uency, and expression when reading orally
Display reading comprehension on grade-level text
Display aural comprehension of material above grade level
Analyze illustrations within a story
Compare and contrast ideas within literature
Recognize dialogue within a story
Adjust expression when reading dialogue orally
Understand common idioms
Ascertain characters, plot, and seing of a story
Sequence events within a story
Understand complete and complex sentences
Determine meaning of advanced English vocabulary (derivatives) by recognition of Latin root
Recognize rhyming structure
Gain exposure to characterization
Students will:
Create and compose from an outline
Form a good topic sentence
Be exposed to gures of speech (alliteration, simile, etc.)
Be introduced to nding the moral or primary theme of a story
Paraphrase and narrate a piece of writing
Copy Scripture selection, poem, or other document
Break text down into an outline
Summarize a text
Create multiparagraph compositions as a class under teacher direction
Students will:
Demonstrate mastery of phonograms introduced through encoding of weekly word lists
Correctly use prexes and suxes
Students will:
Memorize basic grammar rules
Memorize plurals, possessives, and compound words
Understand synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms
Master basic capitalization rules
Master basic punctuation rules
Recognize four types of sentences
30 Third Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Recognize sentence parts
Understand two types of pronouns (subjective and objective)
Students will:
Exclusively use cursive when writing
Write legibly with correct grip, spacing, slant, and size
Students will:
Memorize 1st and 2nd noun declensions
Memorize 1st conjugation present tense
Memorize the present system of the "to be" verb
Understand 1st and 2nd declension adjectives
Master 130 vocabulary words with several English derivatives
Understand basic syntax, subject/verb agreement, predicate adjectives
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Literature Guides for Farmer Boy, Charloe's Web, A Bear Called Paddington, and
Mr. Popper's Penguins – Consumable study guides with activities that include vocabulary lessons and
comprehension questions for each chapter and various language arts skills.
Memoria Press Poetry for the Grammar Stage Set – Poetry selections to match the topics read in grade-
level curriculum. The guides provide vocabulary work and include questions to help analyze the
meanings of poems. Includes anthology of poems.
Memoria Press Third Grade Read-Aloud Set – Selection of books on the student's listening level to be
read to the student for exposure to advanced vocabulary and sentence structure.
Memoria Press New American Cursive 3 – This book is designed to enhance the student's development
of cursive writing skills while teaching good manners and correspondence protocol.
Spelling Workout D Set – Level-appropriate words for students to study meaning and phonetic makeup
of list words.
Memoria Press Latina Christiana Set – Preparatory Latin course which reviews the Latin covered in
Prima Latina but adds ve additional vocabulary words a week as well as new Latin sayings and English
derivatives. The study includes systematic grammar, practice exercises, prayers, songs, history lessons,
and games.
Memoria Press Ludere Latine Set – Book of enrichment activities to reinforce and review vocabulary,
grammar, and derivatives introduced in Latina Christiana.
Memoria Press English Grammar Recitation – Concise manual containing 150 rules of English
grammar, capitalization, and punctuation stated in the form of questions and examples, to be
memorized and practiced with the accompanying workbook.
Memoria Press English Grammar Recitation Workbook I – This book covers two or three grammar
questions in each lesson with accompanying wrien implementation practice.
Memoria Press English Grammar Recitation I Teacher Manual Answer key to the student workbook.
Core Skills Language Arts 3 – Student consumable workbook to be used as an independent practice
supplement to both Latina Christiana and English Grammar Recitation.
All Things Fun and Fascinating – IEW's introductory composition program which focuses upon how to
teach writing by rst forming keyword outlines.
Third Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Mastery of the addition and subtraction facts through the eighteen family was aained last
year; therefore, aention is placed on speed this year. The goal is to answer 100 simple addition or
subtraction facts in ve minutes. Multiplication and division are formally introduced and memorized
this year as well. Story problems become more advanced, as does fraction work and place value.
Students identify, read, and write numbers up to 10,000. Work with money progresses from simply
counting mixed groups of coins to addition and subtraction of monetary amounts. Telling time is
mastered to ve minutes. All measurements, both linear and liquid, are reviewed and practiced. Roman
numerals are introduced.
Number Sense and Numbers
Students will:
Count and write numbers to 10,000
Understand place value to the 10,000's
Continue work with fractions
Students will:
Exhibit mastery of addition and subtraction facts through the eighteen family in both wrien and oral format
Display increased speed in answering facts
Demonstrate ability to solve increasingly dicult word problems with missing facts
Recite facts by memory without using the term "equals"
Solve ashcards in both oral and wrien format
Solve three-digit addition or more carrying twice
Correctly place commas within answers for all four operations
Correctly use decimals in problems with money
Review two-digit subtraction with borrowing
Solve column addition of three numbers
Solve a problem with multiple operations
Recite their multiplication tables through 9
Answer multiplication problems through 9 in wrien format
Answer division problems through 9 in wrien format
Students will:
Review counting a mixed group of coins
Accurately add and subtract money amounts using the ¢ or $ symbols with a decimal
Students will:
Accurately tell time in ve-minute increments on an analog clock
32 Third Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Students will:
Master liquid measures and equivalents
Review linear measurements and equivalents
Texts Used:
Rod & Sta Grade 3 Workbook – Consumable student workbook which gives practice of skills taught in
the interactive lessons of the Teacher's Manual.
Rod & Sta Grade 3 Teacher's Manual – Teacher book containing answers to student workbook and
speed drills as well as scripted lessons and templates to aid in introduction of concepts.
Rod & Sta Grade 3 Blacklines – Reproducible pages of skills taught within the lessons of Rod & Sta
Grade 3.
Rod & Sta Grade 3 Supplemental Worksheets – Separate booklet to practice various skills.
Rod & Sta Grade 3 Supplemental Worksheets Key Answers to separate booklet.
Rod & Sta Grade 3 Speed Drills – Consumable booklet of timed drills to help increase speed.
Multiplication and Division Flashcards – Typical ashcards for use with Rod & Sta lessons.
Memoria Press Math Tests – Included in the Curriculum Manual, these tests gauge student progress
with Rod & Sta math.
In third grade, the formal study of states and capitals begins. By year's end, students will be able
to map half of the United States, spelling the names of the states correctly and matching the capitals.
States are introduced regionally, and students study aributes and fun facts about each state, providing
cultural literacy.
The study of history is quite an endeavor; therefore, we divide the study into three sections. In
Christian Studies, we look at Creation through prophetic times to come, highlighting our Christian
heritage. In Classical Studies, we introduce two major empires with a focus upon Greece and Rome.
However, in this section of the Scope & Sequence, we are only looking at our most recent history, the
history of America. Students begin independently reading historical literature including biographies
and ction. Review of the United States presidents is practiced as well.
Students will:
Locate all 50 states
Name and locate the Great Lakes
Master four regions of the U.S. (New England, Mid-Atlantic, Great Lakes, Southwestern)
Gain introductory knowledge of world geography
Review all U.S. presidents by name in order of service
Gain exposure to Vikings and Native Americans in early America
Understand westward expansion in early America
Gain exposure to various time periods and events
Be familiar with historic Americans
Third Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Third Grade American Studies Book Set – Biographies of great Americans.
Memoria Press Third Grade American Studies Discussion Questions – Teacher's book with questions to
aid in facilitating student discussions of the biographies.
Memoria Press States & Capitals Student Study Guide – Mapping workbook that covers the United
States region by region.
Memoria Press States & Capitals Teacher Guide – Teacher key containing student quizzes and tests as
well as answers for the student book.
Don't Know Much About the 50 States – Text providing fun facts and other information about each state.
States & Capitals Flashcards – Set of cards to aid in independent study of state and capital identication.
Memoria Press Timeline Program – Description listed below.
In the primary years, science concepts were introduced from themes selected from a read-aloud
book which were then observed and discussed. This year, the study of science transitions to in-depth
nature studies beginning with a study of mammals. Students have some familiarity with animals but
are ready for the challenge of an extensive examination of more advanced material.
Students will:
Participate well in group discussions
Master facts about various mammals
Describe characteristics of each: monotremes, marsupials, insectivores, chiropterans, edentates,
lagomorphs, hyraxes and aardvarks, rodents, ungulates, elephants, carnivores, cetaceans, and primates
Display ability to compare and contrast
Make pertinent observations
Read and comprehend expository material
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Mammals Student Guide – Consumable unit study of the Animal Kingdom and mammals.
Memoria Press Mammals Teacher Guide – Companion to the student workbook which provides
teaching information, quizzes, and tests.
Memoria Press The World of Mammals, What Is a Mammal?, What Is the Animal Kingdom? – Texts
that provide reading material and facts for use with mammals study.
Fundamental to a classical education is the study of the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome.
Third grade begins with a journey into Greek mythology.
Students will:
Master 58 facts about Greek mythology
Name and identify the Greek gods and goddesses and their symbols
Name and identify key places of ancient Greece on a map
Practice comparing and contrasting
Practice using many language arts skills
34 Third Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Texts Used:
D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths – Text covering the stories of Greek gods and goddesses.
Memoria Press D'Aulaires' Greek Myths Student Guide – Consumable book presenting facts to know
and vocabulary as well as comprehension questions and map practice.
Memoria Press D'Aulaires' Greek Myths Teacher Guide – Provides information key to this study
including quizzes and tests.
Memoria Press D'Aulaires' Greek Myths Flashcards – Fact cards for independent review.
Memoria Press Timeline Program – Description listed below.
Students were introduced to the major gures and stories of both the Old Testament and New
Testament in the primary years. Grammar School starts a four-year study of the Bible with a deeper
look at the rst ve books: Genesis through Deuteronomy.
Students will:
Understand and discuss various Old Testament stories and key characters
Master 60 facts to know
Memorize the Old Testament books
Memorize 23 Scripture verses
Display familiarity with time-period geography
Texts Used:
The Golden Children's Bible Age-appropriate book of chronological Bible stories with beautifully
detailed illustrations.
Memoria Press Christian Studies I Student Book – Consumable book including 30 lessons with memory
verses, map and timeline work, drill and discussion questions, and review lessons.
Memoria Press Christian Studies I Teacher Manual – Companion to the student workbook providing
background information for the lessons as well as discussion prompts, quizzes, and tests.
Memoria Press Old Testament Flashcards – Cards to help facilitate independent review of facts to know
from Christian Studies.
Memoria Press Memory Verse Flashcards – Cards with the memory verse on one side and reference on
the other.
Memoria Press Timeline Program – Multigrade timeline set includes: Wall Cards for timeline display;
Flashcards for independent study; Handbook including teaching guidelines with charts by grade; and
Composition & Sketchbook for students including a spread for each event with a page for wrien retelling
and a page for illustration. Set covering events from Christian Studies, Classical Studies, and American/
Modern Studies takes ve years to complete.
Third Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Fourth Grade Scope & Sequence
Literature guide activities begin transitioning from teacher-directed, whole-class development
of comprehension answers to some individually answered questions. This is the rst year we
advocate independent wrien answers, though students are not left to their own devices. Beginning
in rst grade, answering comprehension questions in a complete sentence with correct grammar,
capitalization, and punctuation has been practiced daily. Literature selections should still be read
orally as a whole class and be read multiple times, though subsequent readings can now be silent,
independent ones. Expression as well as volume when reading orally improves as the students
gain condence through daily practice. Read-aloud selections should continue to expand students'
vocabulary and include advanced sentence structure. The poetry study that began in third grade
continues with new selections themed with the Classical Core Curriculum subjects. Several poems are
memorized and presented orally.
In fourth grade, we begin the process of working through the Classical Composition program.
Classical Composition begins with the Fable stage as it guides a student through the progymnasmata, a
set of writing competencies considered foundational for a skilled writer. At this level, the student will
master an understanding of how writing functions in communicating an idea. Students will develop
the skill of variation as they are guided through the process of paraphrasing a text. Expansion in
vocabulary, observed both in writing as well as speech, is a central goal at this level of writing. Ability
to identify and understand basic plot components is further developed at this level, as is the capacity to
structure an essay properly. Students will also begin to practice use of gures of speech and gures of
description in their writing.
Spelling will continue to be honed through the study of grade-appropriate phonetic spelling
lists. Correct spelling will be required in all student work. Mastery of spelling knowledge should be
evidenced in all student writing.
All student writing will be completed in a legible and lovely cursive script. Penmanship may still
need focused practice, which can best be perfected with copywork but will be reinforced in all subjects.
English Grammar Recitation at this level covers the grammar rules pertaining to sentences, verbs, and
questions. Students master verb tenses, verb phrases, physical and mental verbs, and the "to be" verb.
Memorization of the rules recited orally is coupled with wrien practice in their student guide. This is
complemented perfectly with the study of Latin.
The Latin concepts that were introduced to students in the previous year are reviewed and built
upon. This introduction is foundational to the study of Latin grammar.
Students will:
Dene vocabulary using context clues
Have level-appropriate comprehension of material read
Compare and contrast
Orally read with level-appropriate speed, uency, and expression
Memorize and recite selected poems
Fourth Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Understand allegory
Understand idioms
Understand characterization
Have aural understanding of texts above their personal reading level
Accurately analyze illustrations
Gain aention to detail
Accurately identify character, seing, and plot of a story
Recognize literary devices (puns, foreshadowing, conict)
Students will:
Master how narrative elements work together to communicate a thought
Expand vocabulary
Expand precision in speech
Further develop ability to format a paragraph
Master identication of plot components
Orally present an essay
Properly apply grammar concepts learned to this point
Students will:
Demonstrate mastery of level-appropriate word lists
Correctly use prexes and suxes
Correctly use possessives and contractions
Master vowel pairs and digraphs
Students will:
Master basic grammar rules pertaining to sentences
Understand verbs (tenses, phrases, physical, mental, and "to be")
Master types of questions
Correctly encode dictated sentences
Students will:
Exclusively use cursive when writing
Write legibly with correct grip, spacing, slant, and size
Students will:
Review Latina Christiana material learned in third grade
Memorize 1st conjugation imperfect and future tenses, completing the present system
Memorize 2nd conjugation present system
Master 75 vocabulary words with several English derivatives
38 Fourth Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Be introduced to 3rd declension nouns
Understand predicate nominatives
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Literature Guides for The Cricket in Times Square, Homer Price, The Blue Fairy Book, and
Dangerous Journey: The Story of Pilgrim's Progress – Consumable study guides with activities that include
vocabulary lessons, comprehension questions for each chapter, and various language arts activities.
Memoria Press Poetry for the Grammar Stage Set – Poetry selections to match the topics read in grade-
level curriculum. The guides provide vocabulary work and include questions to help analyze the
meanings of poems. Includes anthology of poems.
Memoria Press Fourth Grade Read-Aloud Set – Selection of books on the student's listening level to be
read to the student for exposure to advanced vocabulary and sentence structure.
Memoria Press Copybook Cursive II – Penmanship, basic grammar, spelling, literature, accuracy,
aention to detail, and memorization facilitation are the skills practiced within this book through the
copying of Scripture and poems.
Spelling Workout E Set – Level-appropriate words for students to study meaning and phonetic makeup
of list words.
Memoria Press Latina Christiana Set – Preparatory Latin course which reviews the Latin covered in
Prima Latina but adds ve additional vocabulary words a week as well as new Latin sayings and English
derivatives. The study includes systematic grammar, practice exercises, prayers, songs, history lessons,
and games.
Memoria Press Ludere Latine Set – Book of enrichment activities to reinforce and review vocabulary,
grammar, and derivatives introduced in Latina Christiana.
Memoria Press English Grammar Recitation – Concise manual containing 150 rules of English
grammar, capitalization, and punctuation stated in the form of questions and examples, to be
memorized and practiced with the accompanying workbook.
Memoria Press English Grammar Recitation Workbook I – This book covers two or three grammar
questions in each lesson with accompanying wrien implementation practice.
Memoria Press English Grammar Recitation I Teacher Manual Answer key to the student workbook.
Core Skills Language Arts 4 – Student consumable workbook to be used as an independent practice
supplement to both Latina Christiana and English Grammar Recitation.
Memoria Press Classical Composition: Fable Stage Set – Level I of the progymnasmata method of
teaching composition.
Fourth Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Emphasis on the four operations continues at this level, and uency in long division is mastered.
This prociency is a direct result of memorization and good working knowledge of multiplication
and division facts through 12. Neatness, legibility, and aention to detail are skills that must be
honed in order to accurately compute the two-digit multiplication and long division problems.
Students should be able to verify their answers at this age and progress in their graphing, place
value, and measurement. Mathematical reading problems introduce distance, rate, and time. Student
focus on addition and subtraction includes work with fractions as well as increasing speed at
answering 100 facts in four minutes.
Number Sense and Numbers
Students will:
Understand place value to the 100,000,000's
Students will:
Display increased speed in answering wrien facts (100 in four minutes)
Demonstrate ability to solve increasingly dicult word problems
Master multiplication and division of facts through 12
Master multiplication of two-digit numbers
Master adding and subtracting fractions
Display uency in long division
Verify answers
Reduce fractions
Students will:
Master equivalent measures
Find the perimeter
Solve problems including distance, rate, and time
Texts Used:
Rod & Sta Grade 4 Workbook – Consumable student workbook which gives practice of skills taught in
the interactive lessons of the Teacher's Manual.
Rod & Sta Grade 4 Teacher's Manual (Parts 1 and 2) – Teacher book containing answers to student
workbook and speed drills as well as scripted lessons and templates to aid in introduction of concepts.
Rod & Sta Grade 4 Tests – Consumable test booklet for skills taught.
Rod & Sta Grade 4 Speed Drills – Consumable booklet of timed drills to help increase speed.
Rod & Sta Speed Drill Packet – Reproducible pages of 100 facts for timed drills.
40 Fourth Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
In fourth grade, the formal study of states and capitals is completed. By year's end, students will be
able to map all of the United States, spelling the names of the states correctly and matching the capitals.
States are introduced regionally, and students study aributes and fun facts about each state, providing
cultural literacy. The study of history is quite an endeavor; therefore, we divide the study into three
sections. In Christian Studies, we look at Creation through prophetic times to come, highlighting our
Christian heritage. In Classical Studies, we introduce two major empires with a focus upon Greece
and Rome. However, in this section of the Scope & Sequence, we are only looking at our most recent
history, the history of America. Students begin independently reading historical literature including
biographies and ction. Review of the United States presidents is practiced as well.
Students will:
Locate all 50 states
Name and locate the Great Lakes
Master four regions of the U.S. (Southern, Plain, Rocky Mountain, Pacic)
Be introduced to world geography
Review of all U.S. presidents by name in order of service
Gain exposure to various time periods and events
Gain familiarity with historic Americans
Master signicant dates
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Fourth Grade American Studies Book Set – Biographies of great Americans.
Memoria Press Fourth Grade American Studies Discussion Questions – Teacher's book with questions
to aid in facilitating student discussions of the biographies.
Memoria Press States & Capitals Student Study Guide – Mapping workbook that covers the United
States region by region.
Memoria Press States & Capitals Teacher Guide – Teacher key containing student quizzes and tests as
well as answers for the student book.
Don't Know Much About the 50 States – Text providing fun facts and other information about each state.
States & Capitals Flashcards – Set of cards to aid in independent study of state and capital identication.
Memoria Press Timeline Program – Description listed below.
Students retain more information when it is reviewed weekly and practiced daily, not a completely
new topic each week. Our next yearlong study is astronomy. This study teaches the skies using the
stories of the Greeks and Romans. Students will map and draw constellations, memorize the fteen
brightest stars in the skies, and study the solar system.
Students will:
Display ability to compare and contrast
Master naming and describing the planets within our solar system and facts about each
Have working knowledge of vocabulary relating to planets, heavenly bodies, and moons
Name the moons of Jupiter and Saturn
Fourth Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Recite the fteen brightest stars
Identify and draw sixteen constellations
Recognize the brightest stars in each constellations
Draw the seasonal constellation groups
Understand the various types of planets
Make pertinent observations
Read and comprehend expository material
Texts Used:
Memoria Press The Book of Astronomy Student Book – Student consumable unit study.
Memoria Press The Book of Astronomy Teacher Guide – Teaching companion complete with teaching
information, quizzes, and tests.
Students complete the study of Greek mythology that began in third grade. Taking two years to nish
this anthology ensures there is foundational knowledge for the further study of history in literature.
Students will:
Master 107 facts about Greek mythology including 58 from third grade
Name and identify the Greek gods and goddesses and their symbols
Name and identify key places of ancient Greece on a map
Texts Used:
D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths – Text covering the stories of Greek gods and goddesses.
Memoria Press D'Aulaires' Greek Myths Student Guide – Consumable book presenting facts to know
and vocabulary as well as comprehension questions and map practice.
Memoria Press D'Aulaires' Greek Myths Teacher Guide – Provides information key to this study
including quizzes and tests.
Memoria Press D'Aulaires' Greek Myths Flashcards – Fact cards for independent review.
Memoria Press Timeline Program – Description listed below.
Students were introduced to the major gures and stories of both the Old Testament and New
Testament in the primary years. Third grade began a four-year study of the Bible with a deeper look at
the rst ve books, Genesis through Deuteronomy, which is completed this year in fourth grade.
Students will:
Understand and discuss various Old Testament stories and key characters
Master 111 facts to know including 60 from third grade
Memorize the Old Testament books
Memorize 33 Scripture verses
Display familiarity with time-period geography
42 Fourth Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Texts Used:
The Golden Children's Bible Age-appropriate book of chronological Bible stories with beautifully
detailed illustrations.
Memoria Press Christian Studies I Student Book – Consumable book including 30 lessons with memory
verses, map and timeline work, drill and discussion questions, and review lessons.
Memoria Press Christian Studies I Teacher Manual – Companion to the student workbook providing
background information for the lessons as well as discussion prompts, quizzes, and tests.
Memoria Press Old Testament Flashcards – Cards to help facilitate independent review of facts to know
from Christian Studies.
Memoria Press Memory Verse Flashcards – Cards with the memory verse on one side and reference on
the other.
Memoria Press Timeline Program – Multigrade timeline set includes: Wall Cards for timeline display;
Flashcards for independent study; Handbook including teaching guidelines with charts by grade; and
Composition & Sketchbook for students including a spread for each event with a page for wrien retelling
and a page for illustration. Set covering events from Christian Studies, Classical Studies, and American/
Modern Studies takes ve years to complete.
Fourth Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Fifth Grade Scope & Sequence
Oral reading with the classic literature selections of this level continue the path toward prociency.
In order to practice volume and expression coupled with proper speed and inection, reading aloud as
a class is still the standard. Oral reading is benecial and, in fact, key to progression. Reading aloud is
not limited to works of ction or poetry, though each of these play an important role in development.
Expository reading in the areas of history, geography, and science provide an added element of
advanced decoding practice. Some silent reading sections can be given to practice independent
comprehension in each of these areas as well. Questions of a higher, more abstract quality start to
present themselves. While students are not assessed with these type of questions, class discussions
help spark deeper thought in the maturing student. There is continued study of poetry themed with
literature selections.
Progression through the stages of the progymnasmata program continues in fth grade. Many
of the skills and competencies introduced previously are reinforced as new concepts are mastered.
Vocabulary expansion and precision of speech continue to be focal points as students further develop
their ability to paraphrase a text. Remaining components are added, and imitation is utilized as the
primary method of drafting a composition.
By now, students have had several years of practice writing in complete sentences, building a store
of words they have mastered in spelling, and creating lovely penmanship. The expectation for precision
and beauty of wrien student work, whether in their workbooks or other papers, graded or not, should
remain high. Focused practice on legibility and loveliness of script is not limited to tests. All wrien
work should be grammatically correct with proper punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. Aention
to detail in writing is a skill that must be instilled. Growth in individual spelling ability continues as
phonetic word lists increase in diculty.
Grammar begins with review of previously mastered rules. Each year will begin with a thorough
review of what students know. With each level of English Grammar Recitation, more and more review is
required because new rules are mastered every year.
Latin instruction transitions from an introductory course to a formalized study of the Latin
grammar. This begins a four-year comprehensive study of this Latin grammar that will culminate in
student mastery.
Students will:
Read orally with level-appropriate speed, uency, and expression
Display level-appropriate comprehension
Determine meaning of unknown vocabulary using context clues
Memorize selected poem
Deliver good oral recitations
Understand literary devices: aphorism, rhyming structure
Accurately identify the primary theme, moral, or Central One Idea of a story
Aurally understand texts above their personal reading level
Fifth Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Answer abstract questions
Improve critical reading analysis
Display growth in narration skills
Be introduced to logic-level questions
Students will:
Master the ability to retell a story
Master paraphrasing a text
Master identication of characters, seing, plot, action, time, place, manner, cause, suering, reversal,
and recognition within a narrative
Expand their vocabularies
Expand their precision in speech
Display prociency in developing a topic sentence
Properly format an essay
Display prociency in sentence and paragraph formation
Students will:
Demonstrate mastery of level-appropriate word lists
Correctly use prexes and suxes
Correctly use homonyms and abbreviations
Master digraphs
Understand syllabication
Students will:
Master basic grammar rules for verbs, pronouns, adverbs, conjunctions, predicate nominatives,
predicate adjectives, direct objects, and indirect objects
Master basic grammar rules pertaining to types and parts of sentences
Master verb phrases and six verb tenses
Continue working with principal parts of verbs
Master innitives and participles
Correctly encode dictated sentences
Students will:
Continue perfection of legibility and beauty in handwrien material
Students will:
Memorize grammar forms and vocabulary
Apply correct grammar to basic translation
Understand grammatical concepts
46 Fifth Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Be introduced to parsing
Display working knowledge of 1st-5th noun declensions
Display working knowledge of 1st and 2nd declension adjectives
Display working knowledge of 1st and 2nd conjugations: present and perfect systems
Display working knowledge of the "to be" verb: present and perfect systems
Memorize over 200 vocabulary words
Memorize many English derivatives
Understand syntax
Display working knowledge of nominative and accusative cases
Display working knowledge of complementary innitive
Understand subject/verb agreement
Understand noun/adjective agreement
Display working knowledge of predicate nouns and predicate adjectives
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Literature Guides for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Heidi, and Lassie
Consumable study guides with activities that include vocabulary lessons, comprehension questions for
each chapter, and various language arts activities.
Memoria Press Poetry for the Grammar Stage Set – Poetry selections to match the topics read in grade-
level curriculum. The guides provide vocabulary work and include questions to help analyze the
meanings of poems. Includes anthology of poems.
Memoria Press Fifth Grade Read-Aloud Set – Selection of books on the student's listening level to be
read to the student for exposure to advanced vocabulary and sentence structure.
Memoria Press Copybook Cursive III – Penmanship, basic grammar, spelling, literature, accuracy,
aention to detail, and memorization facilitation are the skills practiced within this book through the
copying of Scripture.
Spelling Workout F Set – Level-appropriate words for students to study meaning and phonetic makeup
of list words.
Memoria Press First Form Latin Set – Introductory Latin grammar course which reviews much of
the vocabulary covered in Latina Christiana and begins the formal study of Latin grammar. The study
includes systematic grammar, practice exercises, prayers, and games.
Memoria Press Lingua Angelica – Book of Latin hymns to sing and practice translation skills. The
perfect introduction to translation because the verses are shorter and simpler to translate than most
Latin literature.
Memoria Press English Grammar Recitation – Concise manual containing 150 rules of English
grammar, capitalization, and punctuation stated in the form of questions and examples, to be
memorized and practiced with the accompanying workbook.
Memoria Press English Grammar Recitation Workbook II – This book covers two or three grammar
questions in each lesson with accompanying wrien implementation practice.
Memoria Press English Grammar Recitation II Teacher Manual Answer key to the student workbook.
Core Skills Language Arts 5 – Student consumable workbook to be used as an independent practice
supplement to both First Form Latin and English Grammar Recitation.
Memoria Press Classical Composition: Narrative Stage Set – Level II of the progymnasmata method of
teaching composition.
Fifth Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Full mastery of the facts in all four operations is expected by the end of this year in math. The
goal is to answer 100 simple addition or subtraction facts in three minutes. Multiplication and
division facts are included in these drills, and mastery is solidied. Story problems become more
advanced, as do fraction work and place value. Using the operations with both fractions and
decimals becomes more challenging. Work begins with factoring, ratios, and percentages. Simple
geometric terms are introduced.
Number Sense and Numbers
Students will:
Understand place value to the 100,000,000,000's
Display working knowledge of decimals to the thousandths
Identify prime numbers
Students will:
Display increased speed in answering wrien facts (100 in three minutes)
Demonstrate ability to solve increasingly dicult word problems
Master all four operations
Display uency multiplying and dividing fractions
Understand factoring
Gain introduction to ratios
Work with percentages
Measurement and Geometry
Students will:
Master equivalent measures
Have working knowledge of the metric system
Read line graphs
Be introduced to volume, lines, points, and angles
Texts Used:
Rod & Sta Grade 5 Workbook – Consumable student workbook which gives practice of skills taught in
the interactive lessons of the Teacher's Manual.
Rod & Sta Grade 5 Teacher's Manual (Parts 1 and 2) – Teacher book containing answers to student
workbook and speed drills as well as scripted lessons and templates to aid in introduction of concepts.
Rod & Sta Grade 5 Tests – Consumable test booklet for skills taught.
Rod & Sta Grade 5 Speed Drills – Consumable booklet of timed drills to help increase speed.
Rod & Sta Speed Drill Packet – Reproducible pages of 100 facts for timed drills.
48 Fifth Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
World geography begins with the focus upon the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe, teaching
names of countries and capitals and mapping them. United States geography is reviewed. The study
takes very lile time but is key review for retention of knowledge gained last year. Both world and U.S.
geography studies work well together because one study is completely review.
In this section of the Scope & Sequence, our focus is upon the history of great Americans. This
study of modern history is centered around reading level-appropriate biographies. When the class
has nished the story, teachers facilitate discussions using questions provided in a supplement. This
section requires no wrien work, but through their participation, students display comprehension
and retention of facts. More facts about various U.S. presidents are gained through reading while
memorization of their order of service is reviewed from previous grades.
Students will:
Review United States geography
Gain introductory knowledge on world geography
Map each country in North Africa and Europe with correct spelling
Know the capital of each country studied
Display working knowledge of the physical features, culture, and history of countries studied
American/Modern Studies
Students will:
Display knowledge of all U.S. presidents by name in order of service
Gain exposure to various time periods and events
Have familiarity with historic Americans
Master signicant dates
Give ancient and modern equivalencies
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Fifth Grade American Studies Book Set – Biographies of great Americans.
Memoria Press Fifth Grade American Studies Discussion Questions – Teacher's book with questions to
aid in facilitating student discussions of the biographies.
Memoria Press The United States Student Workbook – Mapping workbook that covers the United
States region by region.
Memoria Press The United States Teacher Key – Teacher key containing student quizzes and tests as
well as answers for the student book.
Memoria Press Geography I: The Middle East, North Africa, & Europe Set – Text, student workbook,
and teacher guide.
Memoria Press Geography I-III Flashcards – Set of cards to aid in independent study of the physical
location of each country and capital.
Memoria Press Timeline Program – Description listed below.
Fifth Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
In this program, science takes a narrative approach for the study on insects. Students read about,
memorize, study, and group insects according to the characteristics they have in common. This
comprehensive study encourages students to sketch insects.
Students will:
Compare and contrast
Master and memorize facts
Gain knowledge about eight orders of insects
Master metamorphosis
Practice observing and sketching
Display knowledge about habitats
Master insect anatomy
Texts Used:
Memoria Press The Book of Insects – Student reader on subject maer.
Memoria Press The Book of Insects Student Book – Student consumable unit study.
Memoria Press The Book of Insects Teacher Guide – Teaching companion complete with teaching
information, quizzes, and tests.
Peterson First Guide to Insects – Supplemental eld guide to aid in identication of specic insects.
Having completed the study of Greek mythology, students focus upon the ancient Romans. This
biographical approach to history covers the rise and fall of that great people by studying the lives of
inuential gures. Events are covered in chronological order from the founding of Rome to its fall.
Students will:
Master 100 facts of Roman history
Be able to name key people and events
Memorize signicant dates
Gain insight into Roman history and culture
Learn about Roman legends
Correlate the Roman Republic to the formation of the American government
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Famous Men of Rome – Text covering the stories of Roman history.
Memoria Press Famous Men of Rome Student Guide – Consumable book presenting facts to know and
vocabulary as well as comprehension questions and map practice.
Memoria Press Famous Men of Rome Teacher Guide – Provides information key to this study including
quizzes and tests.
Memoria Press Famous Men of Rome Flashcards – Fact cards for independent review.
Memoria Press Timeline Program – Description listed below.
50 Fifth Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
The remaining books of the Old Testament beginning with Joshua until the end of the Old
Testament are studied using The Golden Children's Bible. Students are challenged to expand their
memorization of Scripture and knowledge of biblical geography.
Students will:
Understand and discuss various Old Testament stories and key characters
Memorize signicant dates
Master 105 facts to know
Memorize the Old Testament books
Memorize 33 Scripture verses
Display familiarity with time-period geography
Display familiarity with biblical vocabulary
Texts Used:
The Golden Children's Bible Age-appropriate book of chronological Bible stories with beautifully
detailed illustrations.
Memoria Press Christian Studies II Student Book – Consumable book including 30 lessons with weekly
memory verses, map and timeline work, drill and discussion questions, and review lessons.
Memoria Press Christian Studies II Teacher Manual – Companion to the student workbook providing
background information for the lessons as well as discussion prompts, quizzes, and tests.
Memoria Press Old Testament Flashcards – Set of cards to aid in individual review of key people,
places, and events from the Old Testament.
Memoria Press Memory Verse Flashcards – Set of cards to aid in practice and review of the memory
verses scheduled within each lesson.
Memoria Press Timeline Program – Multigrade timeline set includes: Wall Cards for timeline display;
Flashcards for independent study; Handbook including teaching guidelines with charts by grade; and
Composition & Sketchbook for students including a spread for each event with a page for wrien retelling
and a page for illustration. Set covering events from Christian Studies, Classical Studies, and American/
Modern Studies takes ve years to complete.
Fifth Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Sixth Grade Scope & Sequence
Students continue to practice implementation of all decoding skills taught in previous grades.
Critical reading is reviewed on a daily basis as well, not only in the literature of this level but also
in Classical Studies, Christian Studies, and Science. The culmination of all previous instruction and
practice is evidenced in this year in which student prociency in reading is aained. By reading many
types of literature, student comprehension progresses, and logic-level thinking is encouraged. Both oral
and silent reading sessions should be utilized. Memorization and study of poems which are themed
with the literature continue.
The progymnasmata at this level guides students in a thorough review of concepts covered in
previous years. Invention and idea development are the new primary competencies covered this year.
Students transition to original content creation, following the eight Heads of Development. Essays
composed will reect a progression in logical structure, presenting ideas coherently and with precision.
Students continue to utilize gures of speech and description. Very basic research elements are
introduced at this level.
Level-appropriate English grammar continues with memorization of new rules and examples
before wrien practice. The bulk of English grammar is taught and practiced within the Latin program.
Review of material from previous years is a key strategy for complete mastery.
In this second year of in-depth, formal Latin study, students will continue their mastery of
additional aspects of Latin grammar and will practice their translation skills. Translations are not
lengthy, but they are practiced within each lesson. Students should be given step-by-step instruction
in translation following the same order so these steps become second nature. Though there is plenty of
translation practice, the expectation is not for perfection yet.
Students will:
Orally read with level-appropriate speed, uency, and expression
Display level-appropriate comprehension
Determine meaning of unknown vocabulary using context clues
Memorize selected poems
Give good oral delivery of recitations
Understand literary devices: simile
Accurately identify the Central One Idea of a story
Aurally understand texts above their personal reading level
Answer abstract questions
Improve critical reading analysis
Grow in narration skills
Sixth Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Students will:
Be introduced to invention
Produce expositional writing
Master identication of basic plot components (i.e., seing, plot, characters)
Improve mechanics of writing
Display a more developed and consistent writing style
Improve in usage of syntax
Advance in usage of gures of description and speech
Show coherence in presentation and ow of ideas
Students will:
Master level-appropriate word lists
Correctly spell compound and hyphenated words
Correctly spell Latin and Greek roots
Master prexes and suxes
Understand syllabication
Students will:
Master basic grammar rules for verbs, pronouns, adverbs, conjunctions, predicate nominatives,
predicate adjectives, direct objects, and indirect objects
Master application of the above mentioned rules
Identify the subject of a sentence
Master eight pronoun types
Master adverb usage
Master transitive and intransitive verbs
Correctly encode dictated sentences
Students will:
Continue perfection of legibility and beauty in handwrien material
Students will:
Memorize grammar forms and vocabulary
Apply grammar to basic translation
Understand grammatical concepts
Be given an introduction to parsing
Display working knowledge of 2nd declension er-ir nouns and adjectives
Display working knowledge of 3rd declension adjectives, 2 terminations
Display working knowledge of 3rd declension i-stem nouns
54 Sixth Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Display working knowledge of 1st and 2nd person pronouns (personal and possessive)
Display working knowledge of prepositions (with ablative and accusative)
Display working knowledge of 3rd, 3rd io, and 4th conjugations in six tenses (active voice)
Display working knowledge of present system passive in all conjugations and -io verbs
Display working knowledge of syntax: possessives, indirect objects, prepositional phrases
Display working knowledge of adverbs and questions
Memorize over 200 new vocabulary words
Memorize many English derivatives
Understand syntax: genitive of possession, dative of indirect object, ablative of means and agent
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Literature Guides for The Door in the Wall, Adam of the Road, Robin Hood, and King
Arthur – Consumable study guides with activities that include vocabulary lessons, comprehension
questions for each chapter, and various language arts activities.
Memoria Press Poetry for the Grammar Stage Set – Poetry selections to match the topics read in grade-
level curriculum. The guides provide vocabulary work and include questions to help analyze the
meanings of poems. Includes anthology of poems.
Memoria Press Sixth Grade Read-Aloud Set – Selection of books on the student's listening level to be
read to the student for exposure to advanced vocabulary and sentence structure.
Spelling Workout G Set – Level-appropriate words for students to study meaning and phonetic makeup
of list words.
Memoria Press Second Form Latin Set – Latin grammar program which reviews the previous level
of study with the addition of more advanced grammar with more challenging translation passages.
Memoria Press Lingua Angelica – Latin songbook with translation practice. Partially completed at this
grade level.
Memoria Press English Grammar Recitation – Concise manual containing 150 rules of English
grammar, capitalization, and punctuation stated in the form of questions and examples, to be
memorized and practiced with the accompanying workbook.
Memoria Press English Grammar Recitation Workbook III – This book covers two or three grammar
questions in each lesson with accompanying wrien implementation practice.
Memoria Press English Grammar Recitation III Teacher Manual Answer key to the student workbook.
Core Skills Language Arts 6 – Student practice workbook to be used as an independent practice
supplement to both Second Form Latin and English Grammar Recitation.
Memoria Press Classical Composition: Chreia & Maxim Stage Set – Level III of the progymnasmata
method of teaching composition.
Sixth Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Since complete mastery of the four operations was the expectation by the end of last year, this
year the expectation focuses upon increasing speed when answering problems. The goal of the timed
wrien drills is for students to accurately complete 100 wrien facts in two minutes. Other skills
practiced this year include adding and subtracting mixed numbers and converting decimals to fractions
and fractions to decimals. Work becomes more advanced with ratios, proportions, percentages, and
solving for distance, rate, or time in a word problem. Money concepts such as guring interest, income,
or prot are an introduction to personal nance. Geometry skills, such as nding the perimeter, area,
or volume of an object as well as working with measurement of circles, are introduced and practiced.
Liquid and linear measurements are reviewed and mastered.
Students will:
Display increased speed in answering wrien facts (100 in two minutes)
Demonstrate ability to solve distance, rate, and time word problems
Increase speed in solving all four operations
Convert fractions to decimals and vice versa
Add and subtract mixed numbers
Advanced work with ratios and proportions
Students will:
Master determining interest, income, and prot
Measurement and Geometry
Students will:
Display working knowledge of metric units of area, capacity, weight, and linear measures
Display working knowledge of perimeter, area, volume, angles, and circles
Texts Used:
Rod & Sta Grade 6 Workbook – Consumable student workbook which gives practice of skills taught in
the interactive lessons of the Teacher's Manual.
Rod & Sta Grade 6 Teacher's Manual (Parts 1 and 2) – Teacher book containing answers to student
workbook and tests as well as scripted lessons and templates to aid in introduction of concepts.
Rod & Sta Grade 6 Tests – Consumable test booklet for skills taught.
Rod & Sta Grade 6 Quizzes and Speed Tests – Consumable booklet of timed drills to help increase speed.
Rod & Sta Speed Drill Packet – Reproducible pages of 100 facts for timed drills.
56 Sixth Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
World geography continues with the focus upon the Americas, Asia, Oceania, and Sub-Saharan
Africa, mapping the countries and memorizing the capitals. Students will read the history of the
countries studied and learn key facts about them.
Facts on United States history are gathered by reading biographies of historic Americans. Students
display their knowledge through participation in teacher-guided classroom discussions. The presidents
are reviewed, and more interesting facts about them are learned as well as events and discoveries that
shaped our country.
Students will:
Display working knowledge of the physical features, culture, and history of countries studied
Gain introductory knowledge on world geography
Map each country in the Americas, Asia, Oceania, and Sub-Saharan Africa with correct spelling
Know the capital of each country studied
American/Modern Studies
Students will:
Demonstrate full mastery of the U.S. presidents by name in order of service
Gain exposure to various time periods and events
Be familiar with historic Americans
Master signicant dates
Give ancient and modern equivalencies
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Sixth Grade American Studies Book Set – Biographies of great Americans.
Memoria Press Sixth Grade American Studies Discussion Questions – Teacher's book with questions to
aid in facilitating student discussions of the biographies.
Memoria Press Geography I Review Workbook and Key – Study guide to aid in student retention of
Geography I study.
Memoria Press Geography II: Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Oceania, & the Americas Set – Text, student
workbook, and teacher guide.
Memoria Press Geography I-III Flashcards – Set of cards to aid in independent study of the physical
location of each country and capital.
Memoria Press Timeline Program – Description listed below.
Sixth Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Two units of study are covered this year: birds and the history of medicine. Students learn to
recognize over 31 common birds (of the United States), interesting facts about each, and characteristics
of birds in general. The second part of the year, students are introduced to how medicine developed
from Hippocrates through the study of DNA in today's world.
Students will:
Compare and contrast
Master and memorize facts
Accurately and realistically color birds
Understand bird communities, nests, eggs
Practice observing birds in their area
Gain knowledge about habitats
Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of bird anatomy
Identify 31 common birds
Identify 31 common bird songs
Understand biodiversity, migration, and extinction
Display knowledge in major advances in medicine, penicillin, and anesthesia
Be introduced to key scientists in the development of modern medicine
Texts Used:
Memoria Press What's That Bird? – Student reader on subject maer.
Memoria Press What's That Bird? Student Book – Student consumable unit study.
Memoria Press What's That Bird? Teacher Guide – Teaching companion complete with teaching
information, quizzes, and tests.
Peterson First Guide to Birds – Supplemental eld guide to aid in identication of specic birds.
Peterson Field Guide Coloring Book – Detailed pictures of birds for precise coloring.
Memoria Press Birds Flashcards – Each of the 31 cards features a color photograph of the bird.
Exploring the History of Medicine by J. H. Tiner – Study on how the science of medicine developed
over the years.
Memoria Press Exploring the History of Medicine Student Questions – Book of supplemental review
questions for the Tiner study.
Memoria Press Exploring the History of Medicine Teacher Key & Tests – Unit reviews and tests for the
Tiner study.
58 Sixth Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Students have been introduced to the Greeks, have mastered the Romans, and are now ready to
study the transition from the end of these ancient periods to the modern era.
In the same format as the study on Rome, this study of the Middle Ages is a challenge for which
sixth grade students are ready. The history of this age, its people, and events provide a cultural
knowledge students will rely upon in all their historical studies.
Students will:
Master 100 facts of medieval history
Be able to name key people and events of the Middle Ages
Memorize signicant dates
Gain insight into medieval history and culture
Gain understanding of connections between cultures and historical causation
Describe European culture in the Middle Ages
Memorize England's sovereigns
Understand transitions from the Roman empire to feudal society
Explain the conict between church and state
Describe the life of Mohammed and the rise of Islam
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Famous of the Middle Ages – Text covering the stories of medieval history.
Memoria Press Famous Men of the Middle Ages Student Guide – Consumable book presenting facts to
know and vocabulary as well as comprehension questions and map practice.
Memoria Press Famous Men of the Middle Ages Teacher Guide – Provides information key to this study
including quizzes and tests.
Memoria Press Famous Men of the Middle Ages Flashcards – Fact cards for independent review.
Memoria Press Timeline Program – Description listed below.
During this year, students complete the comprehensive study of the Bible by covering the life of
Christ and the early church as taught in the New Testament.
Students will:
Understand and discuss various New Testament stories and key characters
Memorize signicant dates
Master 100 facts to know
Memorize the New Testament books
Memorize 33 Scripture verses
Display familiarity with time-period geography
Display familiarity with biblical vocabulary
Sixth Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Texts Used:
The Golden Children's Bible Age-appropriate book of chronological Bible stories with beautifully
detailed illustrations.
Memoria Press Christian Studies III Student Book – Consumable book including 30 lessons with
weekly memory verses, map and timeline work, drill and discussion questions, and review lessons.
Memoria Press Christian Studies III Teacher Manual – Companion to the student workbook providing
background information for the lessons as well as discussion prompts, quizzes, and tests.
Memoria Press New Testament Flashcards – Cards to help facilitate independent review of facts to
know from Christian Studies.
Memoria Press Memory Verse Flashcards – Cards with the memory verse on one side and reference on
the other.
Memoria Press Timeline Program – Multigrade timeline set includes: Wall Cards for timeline display;
Flashcards for independent study; Handbook including teaching guidelines with charts by grade; and
Composition & Sketchbook for students including a spread for each event with a page for wrien retelling
and a page for illustration. Set covering events from Christian Studies, Classical Studies, and American/
Modern Studies takes ve years to complete.
60 Sixth Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Seventh Grade Scope & Sequence
Reading changes this year as students continue to transition from the lower level in which they
learn the mechanics of reading and knowledge necessary to interpret what they read to the logic-level
thinking in which they begin drawing moral lessons and cultivating a love of good literature. They
can now be expected to comprehend at both a literal and inferential level. Memorization and study of
poems which are themed with the literature continue. The poetry book is nished upon completion of
this level.
As with previous years, the progymnasmata provides the foundation for all composition instruction
in seventh grade. Review of past concepts is provided at the start of the year, while the primary focus
of new material is the creation of sound arguments. Rhetorical structures are created in the mind of
students through the application of the six Heads of Purpose, allowing students to create arguments
that follow a logical, cohesive structure. Students are required to compose essays of refutation as well
as conrmation, assigned to remove individual bias from the development of the argument. Fictional
stories are refuted/conrmed in order to allow for a focus on the process of refutation/conrmation
rather than the idea itself. The process of composition continues to follow an ordered arrangement,
providing an organized and intelligible structure to the student essays. Students continue to utilize
gures of speech and description.
English grammar, in partnership with the Latin program, presents new grammar concepts while
students with a thorough review of skills previously mastered. The challenge of mastery in English
increases with the application of all the grammar rules. Students are required to analyze sentence
structure through diagramming. Translation from Latin to English is dependent upon mastery of this
ability to analyze components of sentence structure. Third Form Latin includes longer passages for
translation which require an understanding of advanced grammatical concepts.
Students will:
Orally read with uency, expression, and understanding
Express critical reading and analysis
Memorize selections of poetry
Comprehend at a literal and inferential level
Decipher meaning of an unknown word using context clues
Demonstrate vocabulary development
Recognize plot components and characterization
Become familiar with each book's time period
Students will:
Produce an argumentative essay
Display coherent, logical ow in arguments
Display improved clarity of expression
Seventh Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Refute and conrm persuasively
Show advanced grammar in their writing
Master the six Heads of Purpose and their use in arguing persuasively: Clarity, Consistency,
Expediency, Plausibility, Possibility, Propriety
Display advanced usage of gures of description and speech
Students will:
Master level-appropriate word lists
Display increased facility with prexes and suxes
Have working knowledge of English words of Latin, Greek, or French origin
Students will:
Master eight parts of speech
Apply grammar rules
Correctly use mechanics of writing
Analyze sentence structure through diagramming
Review previously learned capitalization, punctuation, and grammar rules
Review phrases
Know verbals, innitives, gerunds, and participles
Know appositives and reexive, intensive, and demonstrative pronouns
Students will:
Display continued improvement of legibility and beauty in handwrien material
Students will:
Master the perfect system passive in all conjugations
Understand imperatives
Know 3rd declension adjectives of 1 and 3 terminations
Understand the vocative case
Master pronouns: 3rd person personal, demonstrative, reexive, and intensive
Master the subjunctive mood, active and passive, all conjugations
Compare adjectives and adverbs (both regular and irregular)
Work with syntax: subordinate purpose clauses, commands, subjunctive independent clauses
Master over 200 new vocabulary words and English derivatives
Be introduced to more advanced sentence translation, e.g., compound sentences, purpose clauses,
hortatory subjunctive
Translate longer passages (paragraphs)
62 Seventh Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Literature Guides for Anne of Green Gables, The Bronze Bow, The Hobbit, and The
Trojan War – Consumable study guides with activities that include vocabulary lessons, comprehension
questions for each chapter, and various language arts activities.
Memoria Press Poetry for the Grammar Stage Set – Poetry selections to match the topics read in grade-
level curriculum. The guides provide vocabulary work and include questions to help analyze the
meanings of poems. Includes anthology of poems.
Spelling Workout H Set – Level-appropriate words for students to study meaning and phonetic makeup
of list words.
Memoria Press Third Form Latin Set – Latin grammar program which reviews the previous
two levels of study with the addition of more advanced grammar with longer, more challenging
translation passages.
Memoria Press Lingua Angelica – Latin songbook for translation practice. Partially completed at this
grade level.
Memoria Press English Grammar Recitation – Concise manual containing 150 rules of English
grammar, capitalization, and punctuation stated in the form of questions and examples, to be
memorized and practiced with the accompanying workbook.
Memoria Press English Grammar Recitation Workbook IV – This book covers two or three grammar
questions in each lesson with accompanying wrien implementation practice.
Memoria Press English Grammar Recitation IV Teacher Manual Answer key to the student workbook.
Core Skills Language Arts 7 – Student consumable workbook to be used as an independent practice
supplement to both Third Form Latin and English Grammar Recitation.
Memoria Press Classical Composition: Refutation/Conrmation Stage Set – Level IV of the Classical
Composition series. Lessons in learning how to conrm or refute ideas presented in historical literature.
During this stage in students' study of mathematics, there is a shift in focus from the concrete to
the abstract. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division have been mastered, and progression
in speed of computation has been assessed since rst grade. Weekly speed drills are given to maintain
the facts previously mastered so students remain quick and accurate. Pre-algebra begins the study in
which students learn concepts like the Pythagorean theorem and square roots while continuing to work
on uency with fractions, decimals, and percents.
Students will:
Gain continued practice in answering 100 wrien facts in two minutes
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers with like signs
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers with unlike signs
Display uency and accuracy with fractions, decimals, and percent
Be introduced to algebraic expressions
Know the Pythagorean theorem from Euclidean geometry
Solve and simplify mathematical problems including variables
Work with whole numbers
Have a basic understanding of how to nd the square root of a number
Seventh Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Texts Used:
College of the Redwoods Prealgebra – Consumable student workbook which provides examples,
sample problems, and practice with various pre-algebra skills. Complete solutions to the odd-numbered
questions are found in the back of the book.
College of the Redwoods Solutions Manual – Teacher book containing solutions to both odd and even
problems from the student text.
Memoria Press Pre-Algebra Quizzes & Tests – Consumable test booklet for skills taught within the pre-
algebra course.
Memoria Press Pre-Algebra Quizzes & Tests Answer Key Answers to the student quiz and test book.
Rod & Sta Speed Drill Packet – Reproducible pages of 100 facts for timed drills.
American history studies life in pre-colonial America through the modern era. The study provides
a chronological picture of the founding of America through narratives of key people, places, and events
that shaped our country.
This year, a comprehensive review of world geography is studied.
American/Modern Studies
Students will:
Critically read and analyze
Use primary sources
Gain familiarity with famous Americans, places, and events from Leif Ericson through the fall of the
Berlin wall
» Early North American explorers: Leif Ericson
and Columbus
» Early colonization of America: Jamestown
and Plymouth
» The selement of the thirteen colonies
» The Declaration of Independence
» The War for Independence
» The Constitution
» The Slavery Quarrel
» The Civil War
» Reconstruction
» The Spanish-American War
Demonstrate facility in research
Master key dates
Gain more thorough knowledge of the presidents
Recognize notable quotes from Americans
Students will:
Review world geography
Texts Used:
Memoria Press The Story of the Thirteen Colonies & the Great Republic by H. A. Guerber (edited by
Memoria Press) – Reader covering American history from Columbus to the Spanish-American War.
Memoria Press The Story of the Thirteen Colonies & the Great Republic Student Guide – Student
workbook covering comprehension questions, vocabulary, and important facts as well as enrichment
activities, mapwork, drawings, research, and writing assignments.
64 Seventh Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Memoria Press The Story of the Thirteen Colonies & the Great Republic Teacher Guide – Teacher book
including answers to the student guide, quizzes, and tests.
Memoria Press 200 Questions About American History Student Book – Student book which includes
comprehension questions and poems.
Memoria Press 200 Questions About American History Teacher Guide – Teacher book including
answers to the student guide questions and tests.
Memoria Press 200 Questions About American History Flashcards – Flashcard set based on the 200
questions study.
Susan Wise Bauer's The Story of the World Vol. 4 – Student-level historical overview of the Modern Age.
Memoria Press Timeline Program – Description listed below.
Students are introduced to biology with an emphasis on botany through the study of trees. The
second half of the year takes a look at all living things beginning with plants and culminating with a
look at each group of animals.
Students will:
Observe, diagram, and label plants and trees
Understand basic botany
Classify plants and identify their external characteristics (types, textures, shapes of leaves, ower
structures and parts)
Understand the internal parts of plant organs
Understand photosynthesis and respiration
Classify trees
Demonstrate mastery on the subject of trees
Know the characteristics of each animal class
Texts Used:
Memoria Press The Book of Trees – Student reader on subject maer.
Memoria Press The Book of Trees Student Book – Student consumable unit study.
Memoria Press The Book of Trees Teacher Guide – Teaching companion complete with teaching
information, quizzes, and tests.
Peterson First Guide to Trees – Supplemental eld guide to aid in identication of specic trees.
Exploring the World of Biology by J. H. Tiner – Study on the science of all living things.
Memoria Press Exploring the World of Biology Student Questions – Book of supplemental review
questions for the Tiner study.
Memoria Press Exploring the World of Biology Teacher Key & Tests – Unit reviews and tests for the
Tiner study.
Seventh Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Students delve into the lives of notable Greeks through stories detailing the rise, the Golden
Age, and the conquest of Greece. They prepare for a study of the Greek language by mastering the
Greek alphabet. Students memorize "Horatius at the Bridge," an epic 70-stanza poem, in emulation of
Winston Churchill.
Students will:
Master the names and descriptions of famous heroes and statesmen of Greek history
Give character synopses
Properly form the Greek alphabet including diphthongs
Recognize, pronounce, and transliterate simple Greek words
Display facility and accuracy in memorization including proper pace, enunciation, and expression when
reciting poetry
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Famous Men of Greece – Text covering the stories of heroes, statesmen, and events
in Greek history.
Memoria Press Famous Men of Greece Student Guide – Consumable book presenting facts to know and
vocabulary as well as comprehension questions and map practice.
Memoria Press Famous Men of Greece Teacher Guide – Provides information key to this study including
quizzes and tests.
Memoria Press Famous Men of Greece Flashcards – Fact cards for independent review.
Memoria Press The Greek Alphabet Student Book – Student workbook providing practice in formation
of the Greek leers.
Memoria Press The Greek Alphabet Teacher Key – Introductory study of the Greek language by
learning the alphabet through formation instructions, facts, hints, and questions with helpful
instructions for the teacher.
Memoria Press Horatius at the Bridge Study Guide – Comprehensive guide which includes the 70
stanzas with vocabulary help, maps, character and plot synopses, meter, and comprehension questions
along with teaching guidelines and a test.
Memoria Press Timeline Program – Description listed below.
Christian Studies in the seventh grade is a yearlong, comprehensive overview of the Bible.
Prominent themes are highlighted, Scripture is reviewed, and drill questions are mastered.
Students will:
Know key gures, facts, and events
Outline each book of the Bible
Name the author and time period of each book of the Bible
Give a framework for understanding Salvation History
Understand key biblical people, places, terms, and dates
Memorize Scripture
66 Seventh Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Christian Studies IV Reader – Overview of each book of the Bible.
Memoria Press Christian Studies IV Student Book – Consumable book including lessons with weekly
memory verses, map and timeline work, drill and discussion questions, and review lessons.
Memoria Press Christian Studies IV Teacher Manual – Companion to the student workbook providing
background information for the lessons as well as discussion prompts, quizzes, and tests.
Memoria Press Timeline Program – Multigrade timeline set includes: Wall Cards for timeline display;
Flashcards for independent study; Handbook including teaching guidelines with charts by grade; and
Composition & Sketchbook for students including a spread for each event with a page for wrien retelling
and a page for illustration. Set covering events from Christian Studies, Classical Studies, and American/
Modern Studies takes ve years to complete.
Seventh Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Eighth Grade Scope & Sequence
Reading selections become increasingly challenging. Works are studied in their entirety. Students
will still be guided through discussions of what they have read to be sure the fullness of the American
short stories or poetry is digested. Vocabulary and base knowledge of the time period will provide the
cultural literacy needed to facilitate this type of study. Central themes are highlighted through teacher-
led discussions. Students will begin to write essays in response to what they have read and discussed.
In eighth grade, students are guided through the next stage of the progymnasmata. Here students
learn the six types of arguments and master how to construct, arrange, and execute them in a
persuasive essay. Lessons are guided through a series of exercises. Each exercise focuses on a distinct
portion of the nal essay. Students continue to develop their use of gures of speech and description.
Thesis sentence construction is a point of focus at this level.
This is the nal year for a focused study of English grammar as a separate subject. Students will
continue to gain practice in grammar within the Latin program. They will complete their study of the
Latin grammar in preparation for translation of literary works.
Students will:
Orally read with level-appropriate uency, expression, and understanding
Display understanding of historical background of each book
Engage in moral reection
Glean meaning of unknown vocabulary from context
Comprehend at a literal and inferential level
Be familiar with key quotations
Understand quotations in the context of the story
Master literary elements: plot, character, seing
Be familiar with key literary terms and their application to the text
Appreciate good literature
Summarize correctly
Further develop writing skills
Gain background knowledge of Shakespearean theater
Memorize poetry
Students will:
Summarize correctly
Further develop writing skills
Develop ability to arrange arguments more eectively
Display advanced usage of gures of description and speech
Eighth Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Master the six forms of argument: Legality, Justice, Expediency, Possibility, Honor, Consequence
Expand their writing style
Display greater grammatical expertise
Expand use and understanding of gures of description and gures of speech
Students will:
Correctly use the active and passive voice
Master application of the subject/verb agreement rule
Properly use English in oral and wrien form
Write eective sentences using the seven basic qualities of unity, coherence, conciseness, parallelism,
action, emphasis, and variety
Recognize and properly use the six classes of pronouns
Recognize and use adjectives correctly
Recognize and use adverbs correctly
Distinguish between adjectives and adverbs
Use prepositions correctly
Use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions correctly
Identify and not overuse interjections
Master diagramming the parts of speech
Students will:
Continue perfection of legibility and beauty in handwrien material
Students will:
Expand upon the grammar and vocabulary foundation of prior Forms
Memorize new vocabulary and grammar forms
Complete basic Latin grammar
Master participles, innitives, gerunds, and gerundives
Master irregular verbs and deponent verbs
Master plural nouns
Master pronouns, both relative and interrogative
Understand the locative case
Shift in focus to translation and syntax, leading to the ability to regularly translate paragraph and
multiparagraph readings
Understand new grammatical concepts
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Literature Guides for Treasure Island, Tom Sawyer, The Wind in the Willows, and As
You Like It – Consumable study guides with activities that include vocabulary lessons, comprehension
questions for each chapter, and various language arts activities.
70 Eighth Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Bard of Avon by Diane Stanley – Biography of William Shakespeare.
Memoria Press Poetry & Short Stories: American Literature Set – The student guide provides
vocabulary work and includes questions to help analyze the meanings of poems through each stage of
logic. Anthology and teacher guide also in set.
Memoria Press Fourth Form Latin Set – Latin grammar program which reviews the previous three
levels of study with the addition of more advanced grammar with longer, more challenging translation
passages, completing the formal study of Latin grammar.
Memoria Press Lingua Angelica – Latin songbook for translation practice. The remaining portion is
completed at this grade level.
Henle Latin I Set – Used in conjunction with Fourth Form Latin to facilitate the transition to translation of
larger passages. Set includes Henle I text, Henle Grammar, and Henle I Answer Key.
Memoria Press English Grammar Recitation – Concise manual containing 150 rules of English
grammar, capitalization, and punctuation stated in the form of questions and examples, to be
memorized and practiced with the accompanying workbook.
Memoria Press English Grammar Recitation Workbook V – This book covers two or three grammar
questions in each lesson with accompanying wrien implementation practice.
Memoria Press English Grammar Recitation V Teacher Manual Answer key to the student workbook.
Core Skills Language Arts 8 – Student guide to be used as an independent practice supplement to both
Fourth Form Latin and English Grammar Recitation.
Memoria Press Classical Composition: Common Topic Stage Set – Level V of the progymnasmata
method of teaching composition including thorough review of previous stages.
Students will be required to use advanced concepts introduced in pre-algebra and apply them
adequately. A plethora of exercises ensures students grasp which algebraic concepts should be applied
to a given problem. This year, students learn the grammar portion of this new language called algebra.
The focus for this year is spent preparing to work with quadratic equations.
Students will:
Work with integers and rational numbers
Recognize monomial and polynomial expressions
Apply exponents to monomial and polynomial expressions
Perform arithmetic with polynomial expressions
Be able to factor polynomial expressions
Use ratios and percent expressions
Use absolute value in an expression
Use rational expressions
Learn rules of equality within equations
Use and solve proportions
Solve a system of linear equations graphically
Use the substitute method and elimination method to solve a system of two linear equations with
two variables
Solve a system of quadratic and linear equations graphically
Use polynomial factoring techniques together with the zero-product property to solve quadratic equations
Eighth Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Solve equations with a radical term or expression
Employ the quadratic formula to solve quadratic equations
Solve word problems with: rate, concentration and mixture, percent
Learn arithmetic rules for inequalities
Graph an inequality or system of two equalities
Work with: Cartesian coordinate system, ordered pairs, parallel slope, perpendicular slope, line given a
point and slope, and absolute value equation
Apply and use the Pythagorean theorem
Texts Used:
Prentice Hall Classics Algebra I – Student text which provides examples, sample problems, and practice
with various algebra skills.
Memoria Press Algebra I Quizzes & Tests – Consumable test booklet for skills taught within the
algebra course.
Memoria Press Algebra I Quizzes & Tests Key Answers to the student quiz and test book.
This year, the study of geography will focus on solidifying mapping skills, including labeling of
major landforms. In addition, students study world climates, history, cultures, and religions. Students
practice their mapping skills weekly. The Robinson Map Project (learning to draw the world from
memory) is available as honors work.
Students will:
Master world geography
Identify countries and capitals of the major countries of the world
Identify key geographical features of these countries
Be able to draw and label the continents
Have knowledge of important history, religion, language, culture, topography, and famous landmarks
for each major region in the world
Demonstrate familiarity with an atlas and the subsequent understanding of climate, population, and other
map paerns
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Geography III Set – Text, student guide, ashcards, and teacher key containing
thorough information, illustrations, and maps pertinent to the study. The teacher's book contains
quizzes and tests.
Classroom Atlas – Recommended supplement to the study.
72 Eighth Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Students will study the ancients' understanding of the Earth and their early observations and
experiments. Early civilizations are studied for their role in early navigation and exploration. The
contributions of the early explorers and their relation to the discovery of the New World are studied
as well.
Students will:
Understand key explorers and their discoveries
Acquire scientic vocabulary
Have knowledge of terms regarding the Earth's topography
Appreciate Creation and the order and beauty of the Earth
Have working knowledge of wind and tides
Have working knowledge of how a compass works
Understand latitude and longitude
Understand the discovery of ocean tides
Master the three spheres of Earth
Understand glaciers and rivers
Understand the use of hot air balloons and exploration
Have working knowledge on the invention of the airplane
Understand space exploration
Texts Used:
Exploring Planet Earth by J. H. Tiner – Student reader on subject maer.
Memoria Press Exploring Planet Earth Student Questions – Student consumable unit study.
Memoria Press Exploring Planet Earth Teacher Key & Tests – Teaching companion complete with
teaching information, quizzes, and tests.
Building upon the study of major Greek gures from last year, students continue with a historical
overview of this key civilization. Then students spend half of this pivotal year immersed in a complete
reading of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey.
Students will:
Understand background information about Homer
Have knowledge of key places and characters in Greek history
Be familiar with the varied religious, historical, and genealogical information in Homer
Display critical reading and analysis
Develop research skills
Continue to progress with answering discussion and comprehension questions
Be able to recognize maps of the ancient world
Understand the introduction and have an appreciation of Homer and epic literature
Compose answers to in-depth questions
Eighth Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Memorize key passages in Homer
Identify signicant quotes from the text
Texts Used:
Memoria Press The Book of the Ancient Greeks by Dorothy Mills – Text covering the stories of the
history of Greece and its Golden Age.
Memoria Press The Book of the Ancient Greeks Student Guide – Consumable book presenting facts to
know and vocabulary as well as comprehension questions and map practice.
Memoria Press The Book of the Ancient Greeks Teacher Guide – Provides information key to this study
including quizzes and tests.
Memoria Press The Iliad translated by Samuel Butler – Poem by Homer.
Memoria Press The Iliad Student Guide – Consumable book with key facts to know, quotes, vocabulary,
maps, and comprehension questions.
Memoria Press The Iliad Teacher Manual Answer key with quizzes and tests as well as a cumulative nal.
Memoria Press The Odyssey translated by Samuel Butler – Poem by Homer.
Memoria Press The Odyssey Student Guide – Consumable book with key facts to know, quotes,
vocabulary, maps, and comprehension questions.
Memoria Press The Odyssey Teacher Guide – Answer key with quizzes and tests as well as a
cumulative nal.
To complement the study of ancient civilizations within Classical Studies, students will explore
geography, culture, architecture, and prominent people within the beginnings and rise of the ancient
Middle East. Students will learn about the rise of Christianity and the eect it had on neighboring countries.
Students will:
Have concrete understanding of the culture, context, and seing of the Bible as it relates to the
civilizations surrounding the Hebrews
Have working knowledge of key characters, places, and events from this time period
Acquire new vocabulary
Know key quotations from ancient sources
Use primary sources
Critically read and analyze text
Appreciate the cultural contributions of the ancient world
Be able to discuss key quotations of ancient historians
Compose answers to in-depth questions from the text
Texts Used:
Memoria Press The Book of the Ancient World by Dorothy Mills – Text covering the stories of the
history of ancient civilizations and how they were shaped by Christianity.
Memoria Press The Book of the Ancient World Student Guide – Consumable book presenting facts to
know and vocabulary as well as comprehension questions and map practice.
Memoria Press The Book of the Ancient World Teacher Guide – Provides information key to this study
including quizzes and tests.
74 Eighth Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Once students have a solid foundation in Latin, the addition of Greek should be considered. Latin
introduces students to concepts such as case, gender, declensions, conjugations, and agreement. Greek
is harder than Latin: It has a dierent alphabet, overlapping sounds, and many diphthongs, all of
which make spelling more dicult. It is also less regular than Latin. Students at this level are able to
address this challenge.
Students will:
Know the Greek alphabet
Master six indicative active tenses of the Omega Verb
Master 1st and 2nd declension nouns
Work with 1st and 2nd declension adjectives
Be familiar with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person pronouns and demonstrative pronouns
Texts Used:
Memoria Press First Form Greek Set – Introductory Greek grammar course.
Eighth Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Ninth Grade Scope & Sequence
The study of literature demands full engagement with the text. This year begins with a
chronological three-year study of British poetry, giving students a foundation for the progression of
literature through history. The literature studied this year is all medieval verse and includes a review
of medieval history for context. Socratic discussion is used to guide the student to the author's Central
One Idea. Essays wrien in response to what students have read and discussed will continue to be
honed and formalized.
Continuing to work through the progymnasmata, students will expand their ability to write
expository essays with a focus on comparing and contrasting two ideas or personalities. Structure
remains a point of focus as students compose essays through a series of incremental exercises
culminating in a nal, complete essay. Editorial process is a point of focus as students learn to examine
drafts, making edits where necessary to improve clarity and ow. Arrangement and invention are
further developed in this stage, building on previous years when these concepts were introduced.
Essays composed this year require signicant research.
Literary selections are utilized for further composition practice. Students are required to examine
and analyze signicant characters, themes, and ideas from major works of literature.
The study of English grammar is complete, but resources are available if students show weakness
in this area. The year begins with a thorough review of Latin grammar. Focus of the Latin program this
year is mastery of advanced syntactical concepts in preparation for translating Caesar next year.
Students will:
Orally read with level-appropriate uency, expression, and understanding
Critically read and analyze
Understand Old English and medieval time periods
Understand essential elements and features of each poem studied (e.g., satire, irony, imagery, allegory)
Acquire vocabulary from texts
Develop in discussion and composition of comprehension questions
Display discussion, contemplation, and composition of Socratic discussion questions
Learn how to decipher and summarize the author's Central One Idea
Be exposed to the great works of medieval literature
Gain background knowledge of Shakespearean theater
Memorize key passages
Students will:
Develop research skills
Master expository essay writing
Expand style
Ninth Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Compare and contrast ideas and personalities
Develop skill of invention
Expand arrangement
Display greater grammatical expertise
Expand use and understanding of gures of description and gures of speech
Students will:
Continue to perfect legibility and beauty in handwrien material
Students will:
Understand advanced Latin grammar and syntax
Display mastery of vocabulary and grammar previously studied
Complete important self-check
Improve reading ability by working through many translation exercises
Increase knowledge of syntax and vocabulary
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Literature Guides for Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, The Canterbury Tales,
and Henry V – Study guides include vocabulary lessons, comprehension questions, Socratic discussion
questions, and various other language arts activities.
Memoria Press The Book of the Middle Ages by Dorothy Mills – History of the medieval world from
the fall of Rome until pre-Reformation times.
Memoria Press Poetry, Prose, & Drama Set – British poetry anthology and study guides from the
Old English and medieval periods. Each lesson takes you through four stages using the trivium
as a guide to the Central One Idea. Supplemental reading on How to Teach a Poem, How to Read
a Poem, and Memorization and Recitation of a Poem can be found in the Appendix of the Ninth
Grade Curriculum Manual.
Memoria Press Henle Latin II Set – Detailed lessons to guide you through the advanced grammar and
syntax practice of Latin needed prior to translating longer works. Set includes Henle II text, key, lesson
plans, and quizzes and tests.
Memoria Press Latin Grammar for the Grammar Stage – Compendium of grammar forms and syntax.
Memoria Press Classical Composition: Encomium, Invective, & Comparison Stage Set – Level VI of the
progymnasmata method of teaching composition including thorough review of previous stages.
Algebra II is considerably more dicult than Algebra I. Students at this level should have aained
mastery of Algebra I, as they will be expected to learn primarily through reading and taking notes of key
terms and ideas presented in the lesson and then working through sample problems. Of course, teachers
should give guidance and clarity when needed as well as administer periodic quizzes and tests.
Students will:
Evaluate algebraic expressions and writing equivalent expressions
Find and use the slope of a line
78 Ninth Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Find the composite of two functions
Graph and solve systems of inequalities
Recognize and factor certain polynomials
Add, subtract, and multiply polynomials
Use synthetic division
Graph imaginary and complex numbers
Graph and solve problems using quadratic equations
Solve polynomial equations
Simplify exponential and logarithmic functions
Find the dimensions of a matrix
Evaluate determinants
Dene sequences
Compute the probability of a simple event
Evaluate and use statistics and data analysis
Texts Used:
Prentice Hall Classics Algebra II – Student text which provides examples, sample problems, and
practice with various algebra skills.
Memoria Press Algebra II Quizzes & Tests – Consumable test booklet for skills taught within the
algebra course.
Memoria Press Algebra II Quizzes & Tests Key Answers to the student quiz and test book.
The ninth grade year covers from the European discovery of America through the Reconstruction
years, ending in 1877. Social, economic, and political issues are discussed, and understanding is
ascertained through the provided comprehension questions and tests.
Students will:
Master signicant terms, dates, people, places, and bales
Appreciate our American heritage and the subsequent cultural background knowledge, enabling
students to converse intelligently in the public sphere
Participate in in-depth discussions
Write detailed essays
Master the U.S. presidents in order, using proper spelling
Texts Used:
A Concise History of the American Republic, second edition by Morison, Commager, and
Leuchentenburg – Text of the people, places, and events that shaped America.
Memoria Press A Concise History of the American Republic Year 1 Student Guide and Teacher Guide
Student consumable book and teacher answer key for use with the rst part of A Concise History.
Ninth Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Physical Science is an introduction to the more advanced sciences of high school from which
students will continue to learn about the world around us and how it works. The text chosen provides
a Christian perspective while ensuring necessary skills are acquired. Students will learn about the order
and design in nature, energy, substances, forces, and laws as well as reactions and measurements.
Students will:
Dene scientic terms
Apply math to the scientic concepts being learned
Know key scientists who contributed to our understanding of the universe
Assess case studies in order to integrate knowledge of theories
Understand the dierence between facts and theories
Perform calculations using unit conversions
Develop good problem-solving methods
Solve a variety of equations such as volume, density, and acceleration
Understand magnetism and its cause
Make accurate measurements in experiments
Learn how to eliminate experimental error when calculating in a science lab
Texts Used:
Novare Physical Science and Resource CD by John Mays – Mastery-oriented physical science course
complete with quizzes, exams, and a teacher key, as well as weekly review guides.
Building upon the previous study of major Roman gures, students continue with a historical
overview of this key civilization. Then students spend half of this pivotal year immersed in a complete
reading of Virgil's Aeneid. Concurrently, students study the 2,000 years of church history.
Students will:
Understand background information about Virgil
Have knowledge of key places and characters in Roman history
Be familiar with the varied religious, historical, and genealogical information in Virgil
Display critical reading and analysis
Develop research skills
Continue to progress with answering discussion and comprehension questions
Be able to recognize maps of the ancient world
Understand the introduction and have an appreciation of Virgil and epic literature
Compose answers to in-depth questions
Memorize key passages in Virgil
Identify signicant quotes from the text
Understand diverse Christian traditions from dierent perspectives through the study of regional
Christian history
Read and analyze the history of Christianity
80 Ninth Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Texts Used:
Memoria Press The Book of the Ancient Romans by Dorothy Mills – Text covering the stories of the
history of Rome.
Memoria Press The Book of the Ancient Romans Student Guide – Consumable book presenting facts to
know and vocabulary as well as comprehension questions and map practice.
Memoria Press The Book of the Ancient Romans Teacher Guide – Provides information key to this study
including quizzes and tests.
Memoria Press The Aeneid translated by David West – Virgil's epic story of the founding of Rome.
Memoria Press The Aeneid Student Guide – Consumable book with key facts to know, quotes,
vocabulary, maps, and comprehension questions.
Memoria Press The Aeneid Teacher Guide Answer key with quizzes and tests as well as a cumulative nal.
The Story of Christianity by David Bentley Hart – History of the rise and spread of Christianity.
Memoria Press The Story of Christianity Student Guide – Consumable book with key facts to know,
quotes, vocabulary, maps, and comprehension questions.
Memoria Press The Story of Christianity Teacher Guide Answer key with quizzes and tests.
The study of formal logic naturally follows a thorough grammar-based study of Latin. After a
study of rightly ordered language should be a study of rightly ordered thoughts. Logic is the linguistic
study of correct and incorrect reasoning which prepares students to think rationally and argue for their
beliefs in a structured and ordered way.
Students will:
Understand key terms, statements, categorical and hypothetical arguments
Understand logical concepts: truth, validity, soundness, distribution of terms, and ways statements can
be opposite or equivalent
Understand the history of logic
Understand syllogisms and the terminological and quantitative rules
Display working knowledge of the components of an argument
Produce clear and logical thinking that can be applied to a variety of historical texts and oral arguments
Apply concepts through rigorous daily exercises ensuring mastery
Demonstrate concise and precise reasoning skills
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Traditional Logic I Text – Contains explanations and examples of introductory
Aristotelian logic.
Memoria Press Traditional Logic I Workbook – Consumable book with comprehension exercises.
Memoria Press Traditional Logic I Quizzes & Tests – Consumable book of quizzes and tests for text material.
Memoria Press Traditional Logic I Teacher Key – Provides information key including quizzes and tests.
Memoria Press Traditional Logic II Text – Contains explanations and examples of Aristotelian logic,
particularly categorical and hypothetical syllogisms.
Memoria Press Traditional Logic II Workbook – Consumable book with comprehension exercises.
Memoria Press Traditional Logic II Teacher Key – Provides information key including quizzes and tests.
Memoria Press Traditional Logic II Quizzes & Final Exam – Consumable book of quizzes and nal
exam for text material.
Ninth Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Tenth Grade Scope & Sequence
Over the previous year's study of literature, focus has shifted to more critical analysis and less
about the mechanics of reading. Students need to have a thorough understanding of the historical
background of the story and knowledge of the time period in which the story takes place to be able to
digest the literary classic.
In tenth grade, students continue to progress through the stages of the progymnasmata. This year,
composition centers on personication. Students compose colorful essays of imitation as they portray
characters in person or image. Topic (thesis) sentence development is a focal point during this year.
Clarity and concision are displayed as the Heads of Purpose and Development are applied.
Literary selections are utilized for further composition practice. Students are required to examine
and analyze signicant characters, themes, and ideas from major works of literature.
Now that students have completed their grammatical study of the Latin language, translation
becomes the focus of study at this juncture. Students have been prepared for the rigor and challenge
of translating Julius Caesar's De Bello Gallico. The text contains the lines from Caesar on the AP test
and contains footnotes, historical background, and other resources to provide the context necessary
for success.
Students will:
Orally read with level-appropriate uency, expression, and understanding
Critically read and analyze
Understand essential elements and features of each poem studied (e.g., satire, irony, imagery, allegory)
Acquire vocabulary from texts
Develop in discussion and composition of comprehension questions
Display discussion, contemplation, and composition of Socratic discussion questions
Learn how to decipher and summarize the author's Central One Idea
Be exposed to great works of American literature
Gain background knowledge of Shakespearean theater
Memorize key passages
Students will:
Develop the art of personication
Show logical arrangement of thoughts and ideas
Clearly express ideas
Display expanded vocabulary
Show advanced ability to convey thought with brevity
Expand use of grammar
Demonstrate heightened syntactical control
Tenth Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Students will:
Continue perfection of legibility and beauty in handwrien material
Students will:
Heighten their understanding of Caesar, his life, legacy, and writing
Work toward reading the Latin smoothly, accurately, and naturally
Acquire new vocabulary words and review previously mastered ones
Expand translation skills and the ability to correct mistakes, working toward a natural sounding
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Literature Guides for The Scarlet Leer, Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, and To Kill a
Mockingbird – Study guides include vocabulary lessons, comprehension questions, Socratic discussion
questions, and various other language arts activities.
Memoria Press Poetry & Prose Book II Set – Study guides accompanying an anthology from the
Elizabethan to the Neoclassical Age.
Mueller's Caesar De Bello Gallico Text and Teacher's Guide – Student text and accompanying teacher
guide provide students with the background information and vocabulary needed to translate the
adventures of Caesar during the wars in Gaul.
Memoria Press Mueller's Caesar De Bello Gallico Lesson Plans – Step-by-step approach for teaching
Latin translation as well as a schedule for the work.
Memoria Press Classical Composition: Characterization Stage Set – Level VII of the progymnasmata
method of teaching composition including review of previous stages.
Geometry teaches deductive reasoning skills in the context of continuous quantity. Students
no longer rely on memorization and responses. Knowing "how" and "why" become key. The text
chosen is based on Euclidean geometry while including modern terminology. It provides a balanced
approach to the subject. The main objective of this subject is that students recognize that geometry and
measurement are all around them. Students will be able to expand their knowledge about lines, planes,
angles, and triangles and be introduced to mathematical proofs and geometric constructions.
Students will:
Be able to reason mathematically
Be able to make reasonable conjectures in search of truth
Develop problem-solving skills
Visualize geometric gures as a whole
Apply the following: thinking skills, reasoning, analysis, interpreting, recall and transfer, applying
concepts, classication, spatial perception, and synthesis
Understand the meaning of technical terms
Draw accurate gures and graphs as they solve geometric problems
Read and understand the organization of a proof
84 Tenth Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Reproduce statements of theorems, postulates, and denitions accurately
Work with points, lines, planes, and angles
Understand congruent triangles, right triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, circles, and inequalities
Become familiar with trigonometry law of sines/cosines
Work with constructions and loci
Find the area of plane gures
Find the volumes of solids
Work with coordinates and transformations
Texts Used:
McDougal Liell Geometry Set – Student text, teacher's text, and solution key which provide exercises,
examples, sample problems, and practice with various geometry skills as well as tests and solutions.
This year of our comprehensive high school-level study of American history begins with the end
of Reconstruction and continues through the late twentieth century. Social, economic, and political
issues are discussed, and understanding is ascertained through the provided comprehension
questions and tests.
American History
Students will:
Master signicant terms, dates, people, places, and bales
Appreciate our American heritage and the subsequent cultural background knowledge, enabling
students to converse intelligently in the public sphere
Participate in age-appropriate discussion of text
Write essays related to the unit of study and incorporate supporting details and well-reasoned arguments
Increase their cultural literacy
Give critical analysis of text
Demonstrate familiarity with primary sources
Texts Used:
A Concise History of the American Republic, second edition by Morison, Commager, and
Leuchentenburg – Historical anthology of the people, places, and events that shaped America.
Memoria Press A Concise History of the American Republic Year 2 Student Guide and Teacher Guide
Student consumable book and teacher answer key for use with the second part of A Concise History.
Tenth Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum
Biology is the branch of science for this level. Students are ready to investigate living organisms in
a structured and organized manner. Infrequent labs and demonstrations, when well-prepared, aid in
facilitating memory of more abstract and unfamiliar topics. A thorough study of cells, the classication
system of all living things, the fundamentals of genetics, ecology, and the role of interdependence as
well as the study of various graphing systems for recording data are covered during this year.
Students will:
Understand the in-depth overview of biology
Acquire scientic vocabulary and memorize key terms and scientists
Make comparisons between previously learned material and new concepts and ideas
Predict results when posed with possible scenarios
Calculate information and analyze models
Make inferences and evaluate information
Texts Used:
Modern Biology by Holt, Rinehart, and Winston – Complete text for the subject of biology.
Memoria Press Modern Biology Student Guide – Consumable guide including vocabulary,
comprehension questions, and diagrams for select chapters.
Memoria Press Modern Biology Teacher Guide – Includes comprehensive student answers to
vocabulary, comprehension questions, and diagrams for select chapters with section summaries and
review information.
Memoria Press Modern Biology Tests – Consumable test booklet.
Biology Coloring Workbook – Consumable book to aid in memorization of diagrams.
This year in Classical Studies, students will read Greek tragedies by Sophocles, Euripides, and
Aeschylus. A heightened appreciation for the human condition will be internalized. Christian Studies
builds upon student knowledge of the rise of Christianity from last year and turns focus to the history
of the early church. Students will explore and interact with ideas from the early church through the use
of ancient documents.
Students will:
Display in-depth understanding of Greek drama and its structure, form, and style
Dene key vocabulary in texts
Engage in Socratic discussion about text
Find and summarize the central idea using supporting details from the text
Compose answers to in-depth questions
Appreciate the Greek drama and its contribution to Western civilization
Memorize signicant passages
Orally read the drama with uency and expression
Understand the expansion and reach of the earliest Christians
Complete primary readings from early important Christian documents
86 Tenth Grade Scope & Sequence Classical Core Curriculum
Be familiar with key theological terms, signicant church fathers, ecumenical councils, and heresies of
the early church
Summarize the main ideas of each era's most inuential thinkers and theologians
Answer thought-provoking questions regarding an array of historical issues
Understand the development of the church and its practices, liturgy, and canon
Engage with pagan philosophies and their interaction with the early church's developing
theological traditions
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Greek Tragedy Series: Medea & Other Plays Set – Novel, student workbook, and
teacher guide. Student consumable contains historical background, vocabulary, and comprehension
questions while teacher guide contains lesson aides, quizzes, and tests.
Memoria Press Greek Tragedy Series: The Three Theban Plays Set – Novel, student workbook, and
teacher guide. Student consumable contains historical background, vocabulary, and comprehension
questions while teacher guide contains lesson aides, quizzes, and tests.
Memoria Press Greek Tragedy Series: The Oresteian Trilogy Set – Novel, student workbook, and
teacher guide. Student consumable contains historical background, vocabulary, and comprehension
questions while teacher guide contains lesson aides, quizzes, and tests.
The Early Church by Henry Chadwick – Investigation of the history of the church. This is used as the
main text for the study.
Memoria Press History of the Early Church Student Guide – Consumable book with key facts to know,
quotes, vocabulary, maps, and comprehension questions.
Memoria Press History of the Early Church Teacher Guide Answer key with tests and nal exam.
In the previous year, students were taught how to reason and how to determine whether an
argument is valid. This course addresses how what we reason about can aect how we reason. It
is more philosophical in nature and is appropriate for the high school level. By the end of the year,
students will also have an understanding of the three branches of philosophy and the place of logic
within this study.
Students will:
Master signicant terms, principles, and theories, along with their important historical context
and development
Understand the Ten Categories and the principles of their division
Understand the Five Predicables and the principles of their division
Understand the Porphyrian Tree and the principle of division it assumes
Apply the basic principles of denition
Determine each of the four causes of things—whether formal, material, ecient, or nal—and explain
their interworking
Texts Used:
Memoria Press Material Logic – Consumable book presenting text and vocabulary as well as
comprehension exercises.
Memoria Press Material Logic Teacher Key – Provides information key to this study including quizzes
and tests.
Tenth Grade Scope & SequenceClassical Core Curriculum