Seminar Syllabus
Syllabus for
English/Comparative Literature G4011
Columbia University
University of Virginia
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Eighteenth revision, 2002
Copyright © 2002 by G. Thomas Tanselle
Copies of this syllabus are available for $20 postpaid from:
Book Arts Press
Box 400103, University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4103
Telephone 434-924-8851 C Fax 434-924-8824
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Copies of a companion booklet, Introduction to Bibliography: Seminar Syllabus,
are available for $25 from the same address.
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Preface • 9-10
Part 1. Selected Introductory Readings • 11-22
Part 2. A Concise Selection from the Literature of Textual Criticism • 23-35
Part 3. Some Writings on Spelling, Punctuation, and Other Visual Aspects of Texts • 37-45
Part 4. Examples of Editions and Editorial Manuals • 47-51
Part 5. Some Noteworthy Reviews of Scholarly Editions • 53-59
Part 6. Writings on Editing Pre-Renaissance Texts • 61-88
Part 7. Writings on Editing Post-Medieval Texts • 89-142
Part 8. Writings on the Use of Computers in Editing • 143-53
Part 9. Writings on Analytical Bibliography • 155-254
Subject Index (Parts 1-5 and 9) • 255-57
A more detailed outline of the contents is provided on the next four pages.
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4 Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
1. Selected Introductory Readings on the Basic Steps in Preparing an Edition
A. Introduction to Scholarly Editing (page 11)
B. Basic Distinctions and Principles (11-12)
C. The Problem of Copy-Text (12-13)
D. Assembling Materials and Collating Texts (13-15)
D1. Assembling Original Materials (13-14)
D2. Using Reproductions (14)
D3. Optical Collating (14)
D4. Electronic Collating (15)
E. Establishing Relationships among Texts (15-16)
F. Preparing the Text of a Scholarly Edition (16-19)
F1. Diplomatic Transcriptions and Facsimiles (16-17)
F2. Critical Texts: Treatment of Substantives (17-18)
F3. Critical Texts: Treatment of Accidentals (18-19)
G. Designing and Proofreading an Edition (19-22)
G1. Arrangement (19)
G2. Annotation (19-20)
G3. Apparatus of Textual Evidence (20-21)
G4. Proofreading (22)
G5. Electronic Editions (22)
2. A Concise Selection from the Literature of Textual Criticism
A. Some Introductions in English (23)
B. Some Introductory Historical Surveys (24)
C. Some Classic Statements (25-26)
D. Other Significant Studies since 1950 (26-29)
E. Anthologies (29-32)
F. Volumes in Series (33-34)
G. Further Listings (34-35)
3. Some Writings on Spelling, Punctuation, and Other Visual Aspects of Texts
A. Spelling (37-38)
B. Punctuation (38-39)
C. Other Visual Aspects of Texts (39-45)
4. Examples of Editions and Editorial Manuals
A. Editions from Pre-Nineteenth-Century Printed Sources (47-48)
B. Editions from Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Printed Sources (48-49)
C. Editions from "Literary" Manuscripts (49-50)
D. Editions from "Historical" Manuscripts (50)
E. Manuals for Individual Editions (50-51)
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5. Some Noteworthy Reviews of Scholarly Editions
A. Individual Editions (53-58)
B. Multiple Editions (58-59)
B1. Printed Sources (58)
B2. Manuscript "Literary" Texts (58)
B3. Manuscript "Historical" Texts (59)
The Literature of Textual Criticism and Scholarly Editing
6. Writings on Editing Pre-Renaissance Texts (61-88)
[Arranged chronologically]
7. Writings on Editing Post-Medieval Texts (89-142)
[Arranged chronologically]
8. Writings on the Use of Computers in Editing (143-53)
[Arranged chronologically]
9. Writings on Analytical Bibliography
A. Selected Basic Readings (155-57)
A1. Theory (155)
A2. Examples of Analysis (155-57)
B. Checklists (157-58)
C. General Theory (158-60)
D. Fifteenth Century (160-70)
D1. General (160-62)
D2. Type Identification (162-63)
D3. Composition (163-64)
D4. Ink (164-65)
D5. Paper (165-67)
D6. Imposition and Format (167-68)
D7. Headlines (168)
D8. Point-Holes (168-69)
D9. First- and Second-Forme Impressions (169)
D10. Proofreading and Press Corrections (169-70)
D11. Impressions from Materials not Meant to Print (170)
D12. Cancels (170)
E. Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: Composition (170-89)
E1. General (170-73)
E2. Recognizable Types and Type Shortages (173-75)
E3. Recognizable Types: Font Analysis (175)
E4. Recognizable Types: Rules (175)
E5. Recognizable Types, Lineation, and Spacing: Cast-Off Copy (175-77)
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6 Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
E6. Compositor Identification: Printer's Measure (177-78)
E7. Compositor Identification: Justification (178)
E8. Compositor Identification: Spelling and Capitalization (178-83)
E9. Compositor Identification: Contractions (183)
E10. Compositor Identification: Punctuation and Related Spacing (183-85)
E11. Compositor Identification: Headings, Prefixes, Stage Directions (185-87)
E12. Compositor Identification: Omissions,Substitutions,Transpositions (187-88)
E13. Compositor Identification: Ligatures (188)
E14. Compositor Identification: Turned Types (188)
E15. Localization through Compositorial Practice (188)
E16. Signature Positions (189)
E17. Duplicate Setting (189)
F. Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: Imposition and Presswork (189-204)
F1. General (189-90)
F2. Paper (190-92)
F3. Imposition and Format (Except Half-Sheet Imposition) (192-93)
F4. Format: Half-Sheet Imposition (193-94)
F5. Headlines and Skeletons (194-98)
F6. Skeleton Rules (198)
F7. Signatures (198-99)
F8. Point-Holes (199)
F9. First- and Second-Forme Impressions (199)
F10. Proofreading and Press Corrections (199-203)
F11. Impressions from Materials not Meant to Print (203)
F12. Cancels (203-4)
G. Eighteenth Century (204-14)
G1. General (204-5)
G2. Compositorial Justification and Spacing (205)
G3. Localization through Compositorial Practice (205-6)
G4. Press Figures (206-8)
G5. Paper (208-9)
G6. Imposition and Format (210)
G7. Headlines and Skeletons (211)
G8. Signatures (211)
G9. Point-Holes (211-12)
G10. First- and Second-Forme Impressions (212)
G11. Press Corrections; Unmarked Impressions (212-13)
G12. Impressions from Materials not Meant to Print (213)
G13. Cancels (213-14)
H. Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (214-20)
H1. General (214)
H2. Compositor Identification (215)
H3. Press Figures (215)
H4. Paper (215)
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H5. Imposition and Format (215-16)
H6. Leading (216)
H7. Signatures (216-17)
H8. Furniture Width; Unmarked Impressions (217)
H9. Plating; Unmarked Impressions (217-18)
H10. First- and Second-Forme Impressions (218)
H11. Press Corrections (218-19)
H12. Impressions from Materials not Meant to Print (219)
H13. Cancels (219)
H14. Forgeries (219-20)
J. Manuscripts (220-39)
J1. Selected Basic Readings (220-21)
J2. Checklists (221)
J3. Glossaries and Abbreviations (221)
J4. General History to 1450 (222-26)
J5. General History after 1450 (226)
J6. Physical Analysis (226-29)
J7. Illustration (229-32)
J8. Paleography (232-37)
J9. Examination of Authenticity (237-39)
J10. Collecting (239)
K. Technical Aids for Bibliographical Analysis (240-44)
K1. General Studies (240)
K2. Calipers, Micrometers, Rulers (240)
K3. Optical and Lighting Devices (240-41)
K4. Photography and Photosensitive Materials (241)
K5. Beta-Radiography (241-42)
K6. Collating Machines (242-43)
K7. Computers (243)
K8. Cyclotrons (243-44)
L. Preservation of Bibliographical Evidence (244-54)
L1. Selected Basic Readings (244-45)
L2. Checklists (245-46)
L3. Glossaries (246)
L4. Periodicals (246)
L5. General Studies (246-50)
L6. Binding (250-51)
L7. Paper (251-54)
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8 Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
James Thorpe (ed.). The Aims and Methods of Scholarship in Modern Languages and Literatures.
Second Edition. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1970. (Includes Fredson
Bowers, "Textual Criticism," pp. 29-54.)
[William M. Gibson et al., for the Center for Editions of American Authors]. Statement of Editorial
Principles and Prodecures. Revised Edition [revised by G.T. Tanselle]. New York: Modern
Language Association of America, 1972.
[G.T. Tanselle.] The Center for Scholarly Editions: An Introductory Statement. New York: Modern
Language Association of America, 1977. Also printed in PMLA 92 (1977): 583-97. Reproduced
with interim supplements [drawn from earlier printings of this syllabus], 1990-96.
Joseph Gibaldi (ed.) Introduction to Scholarship in Modern Languages and Literatures. New York:
Modern Language Association of America, 1981. (Includes G.T. Tanselle, "Textual Scholarship,"
pp. 29-52.) Second Edition, 1992. (Includes D.C. Greetham, "Textual Scholarship," pp. 103-37.)
William Proctor Williams and Craig S. Abbott. An Introduction to Bibliographical and Textual Studies.
New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1985. Second Edition, 1989.
G.T. Tanselle. A Rationale of Textual Criticism. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989.
G.T. Tanselle. Textual Criticism and Scholarly Editing. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia,
D.C. Greetham. Textual Scholarship: An Introduction. New York: Garland Publishing, 1992.
Reprinted with revised bibliography, 1994.
Peter L. Shillingsburg. Scholarly Editing in the Computer Age. Third Edition. Ann Arbor: University
of Michigan Press, 1996.
Martin L. West. Textual Criticism and Editorial Technique Applicable to Greek and Latin Texts.
Stuttgart: B.G. Teubner, 1973.
Alfred Foulet and Mary Blakely Speer, On Editing Old French Texts. Lawrence: Regents Press of
Kansas, 1979.
Mary-Jo Kline. A Guide to Documentary Editing. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987.
Bruce M. Metzger. The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1964. Later editions in 1968 and 1992.
L.D. Reynolds and N.G. Wilson. Scribes and Scholars: A Guide to the Transmission of Greek and Latin
Literature. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1968. Later editions in 1974 and 1991.
G.T. Tanselle. Textual Criticism since Greg: A Chronicle, 1950-1985. Charlottesville: University Press
of Virginia, 1987. Supplemented by three essays covering 1985-2000 in the 1991, 1996, and 2001
volumes of Studies in Bibliography.
D.C. Greetham (ed.). Scholarly Editing: A Guide to Research. New York: Modern Language
Association of America, 1995.
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) 9
This booklet is the eighteenth revision of a syllabus that has been distributed to my Columbia
classes on scholarly editing since the first one in the spring of 1981. The first three sections of the
Appendix (Parts 6-8 below) were originally designed as a supplement to my essay in The Center for
Scholarly Editions: An Introductory Statement (Modern Language Association of America, 1977), which
treated the literature of the field through 1976. In 1990, that portion of the syllabus was distributed by
the Committee on Scholarly Editions under the title An Interim Supplement to "The Center for Scholarly
Editions: An Introductory Statement" (1977), and annual revisions of the Interim Supplement (gradually
including more parts of the syllabus) were distributed by the Committee over the next six years (the last
being A Seventh Interim Supplement, dated 1996). For the seventeenth revision (1998) of the syllabus,
the books and articles mentioned in my 1977 essay were incorporated into Parts 6-8. Because the result
was no longer merely supplementary, it was made more widely available as a publication of the Book
Arts Press, which is now publishing the latest revision. (From 1990 on, the Book Arts Press has also
published the successive revisions of the syllabus for my companion course on descriptive and analytical
bibliography and the history of the book, under the title Introduction to Bibliography: Seminar Syllabus.)
Parts 1-5 are selective lists of suggested readings that collectively provide an introduction to the
activity and traditions of scholarly editing. The first two offer two kinds of selections from the fuller
lists in the Appendix: Part 1 consists of recommended initial readings on each basic step in the process
of producing a scholarly edition; Part 2, more historical in approach, is a gathering of some of the more
significant writings from the long history of textual criticism. Parts 3-5 are selections from other
relevant categories of material, not in general covered in the Appendix: examples of the writings about
punctuation, spelling, and other visual aspects of texts; examples of English-language scholarly editions
and procedural manuals produced by the staffs of such editions; and examples of noteworthy reviews
of scholarly editions.
In contrast to these highly selective lists, the Appendix attempts to provide a considerably more
comprehensive record of the literature of textual criticism and scholarly editing. Although it ranges
broadly, its focus is on twentieth-century writings in English that have general theoretical or
methodological significance. (It therefore excludes--with some exceptions--the works that concentrate
on the textual problems in individual authors or assess particular editions; some guides to that material
are mentioned in Part 2, section G.) Parts 6-7 list chronologically the writings on theory and practice,
divided into two sections roughly according to whether the works treated are pre-Renaissance (the
primary witnesses to which are frequently manuscripts not contemporaneous with the authors) or post-
medieval (generally attested to by manuscripts and printed books contemporaneous with the authors).
(Many of the writings of general significance, however, are noted only in Part 7; and many of the
discussions of manuscript texts listed in Part 6 are relevant to work in later periods as well.) Part 8
reports the beginnings of a rapidly expanding literature, that dealing with the use of computers in textual
work. Part 9, on the analysis of manufacturing clues in the objects bearing verbal texts, is reprinted
(with revisions) from the other syllabus because much of the work in analytical bibliography has been
motivated by textual concerns and because bibliographical analysis--though not limited in its usefulness
to textual research--is an integral part of the process of investigating textual histories. (Of course, an
editor needs to draw on knowledge of all the aspects of book history covered in the other syllabus.)
The aim of my course is to provide an introduction to the rationale and procedures of preparing
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10 Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
scholarly editions; the syllabus is meant to supply short lists of recommended readings, supplemented
by more extensive unevaluative chronological lists, which students are encouraged to browse in as a way
of gaining a sense of the development and literature of the field. Although the preponderance of the
materials cited are in English, many of them make reference to literatures in other languages; and the
syllabus can serve as a guide to treatments of principles and procedures that are applicable to the editing
of writings from any period or country. This latest version of the syllabus is reproduced here in the form
in which it was distributed to my class; it is thus presented as a working document, which it was
intended to be, and has not been subjected to the kind of systematic checking and reconsideration that
would underlie a more formal publication.
New York, November 2002 G.T.T.
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 1: Selected Introductory Readings 11
Part 1
A. Introduction to Scholarly Editing
Fredson Bowers, "Textual Criticism and the Literary Critic," in Textual and Literary Criticism (1959),
pp. 1-34. Reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing (1975), pp. 296-325.
Bruce Harkness, "Bibliography and the Novelistic Fallacy," Studies in Bibliography 12 (1959): 59-73.
Reprinted in Bibliography and Textual Criticism, ed. O M Brack, Jr., and Warner Barnes (1969),
pp. 23-40.
Samuel Johnson, "Preface to Shakespeare," in Johnson on Shakespeare, ed. Arthur Sherbo (1968),
pp. 59-113.
A.E. Housman, "The Application of Thought to Textual Criticism," Proceedings of the Classical
Association 18 (1922 [for August 1921]): 67-84. Reprinted in his Selected Prose, ed. John Carter
(1961), pp. 131-50; The Classical Papers of A.E. Housman, ed. James Diggle and F.R.D. Goodyear
(1972), pp. 1058-69; and Collected Poems and Selected Prose, ed. Christopher Ricks (1988),
pp. 325-39. Also reprinted in Art and Error: Modern Textual Editing, ed. Ronald Gottesman and
Scott Bennett (1970), pp. 1-16.
G.T. Tanselle, The History of Books as a Field of Study (1981). Reprinted in his Literature and Artifacts
(1998), pp. 41-55.
G.T. Tanselle, "Issues in Bibliographical Studies since 1942," in The Book Encompassed, ed. Peter
Davison (1992), pp. 24-36.
G.T. Tanselle, "Reflections on Scholarly Editing," Raritan 16.2 (Fall 1996): 52-64.
B. Basic Distinctions and Principles
G.T. Tanselle, "The Nature of Texts," in his A Rationale of Textual Criticism (1989), pp. 11-38.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Varieties of Scholarly Editing," in Scholarly Editing: A Guide to Research, ed. D.C.
Greetham (1995), pp. 9-32.
G.T. Tanselle, "Textual Scholarship," in Introduction to Scholarship in Modern Languages and
Literatures, ed. Joseph Gibaldi (1981), pp. 29-52.
G.T. Tanselle, "Literary Editing," in Literary & Historical Editing, ed. George L. Vogt and John Bush
Jones (1981), pp. 35-56. Reprinted as "Texts of Documents and Texts of Works" in his Textual
Criticism and Scholarly Editing (1990), pp. 3-23.
Fredson Bowers, "Textual Criticism," in The Aims and Methods of Scholarship in Modern Languages and
Literatures, ed. James Thorpe (1963, 1970), pp. 29-54 [1970].
Bruce M. Metzger, "The Origins of Textual Criticism as a Scholarly Discipline," "Modern Methods of
Textual Criticism," and "The Practice of New Testament Textual Criticism," in his The Text of the
New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration (1964, 1968, 1992), pp. 149-55,
156-85, 207-46.
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12 Part 1: Selected Introductory Readings C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
L.D. Reynolds and N.G. Wilson, "Textual Criticism," in their Scribes and Scholars: A Guide to the
Transmission of Greek and Latin Literature (1968, 1974, 1991), pp. 186-213.
Martin L. West, "Habent sua fata libelli," in his Textual Criticism and Editorial Technique Applicable to
Greek and Latin Texts (1973), pp. 7-29.
Fredson Bowers, "Scholarship and Editing," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 70 (1976):
[G.T. Tanselle], The Center for Scholarly Editions: An Introductory Statement (1977), pp. 1-4. Also
printed in PMLA 92 (1977): 583-97; and revised, in PMLA 100 (1985): 444-47 ("The Committee on
Scholarly Editions: Aims and Policies").
Peter L. Shillingsburg, "Theory," in his Scholarly Editing in the Computer Age (1984, 1986, 1996),
pp. 7-100 [1996].
William Proctor Williams and Craig S. Abbott, "Textual Criticism," in An Introduction to Bibliographical
and Textual Studies (1985, 1989), pp. 52-74 [1989].
David Gorman, "The Worldly Text: Writing as Social Action, Reading as Historical Reconstruction," in
Literary Theory's Future(s), ed. Joseph Natoli (1989), pp. 181-220.
James McLaverty, "Issues of Identity and Utterance: An Intentionalist Response to 'Textual Instability,'"
in Devils and Angels: Textual Editing and Literary Theory, ed. Philip Cohen (1991), pp. 134-51.
Peter L. Shillingsburg, "Text as Matter, Concept, and Action," Studies in Bibliography 44 (1991): 31-82.
Reprinted in his Resisting Texts: Authority and Submission in Constructions of Meaning (1997),
pp. 49-103.
D.C. Greetham, "Textual Scholarship," in Introduction to Scholarship in Modern Languages and
Literatures, ed. Joseph Gibaldi (2nd ed., 1992), pp. 103-37.
D.C. Greetham, "Editing the Text: Scholarly Editing," in Textual Scholarship: An Introduction (1992), pp.
G.T. Tanselle, "Textual Criticism," in The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, ed. Alex
Preminger and T.V.F. Brogan (1993), pp. 1273-76.
Peter L. Shillingsburg, "Is There Anything to 'Get Straight'?" and "Individual and Collective Voices:
Agency in Texts," in his Resisting Texts: Authority and Submission in Constructions of Meaning
(1997), pp. 1-12, 151-64.
Matthew G. Kirschenbaum, "Editing the Interface: Textual Studies and First Generation Electronic
Objects," Text 14 (2002): 15-51.
C. The Problem of Copy-Text
W.W. Greg, "The Rationale of Copy-Text," Studies in Bibliography 3 (1950-51): 19-36. Reprinted in his
Collected Papers, ed. J.C. Maxwell (1966), pp. 374-91; and in Sir Walter Wilson Greg: A Collection
of His Writings, ed. Joseph Rosenblum (1998), pp. 213-28. Also reprinted in Bibliography and
Textual Criticism, ed. O M Brack, Jr., and Warner Barnes (1969), pp. 41-58; and Art and Error:
Modern Textual Editing, ed. Ronald Gottesman and Scott Bennett (1970), pp. 17-36.
Fredson Bowers, "Multiple Authority: New Problems and Concepts of Copy-Text," Library 5th ser. 27
(1972): 81-115. Reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing (1975), pp. 447-87.
G.T. Tanselle, "Editing without a Copy-Text," Studies in Bibliography 47 (1994): 1-22. Reprinted in his
Literature and Artifacts (1998), pp. 236-57.
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 1: Selected Introductory Readings 13
G.T. Tanselle, "Greg's Theory of Copy-Text and the Editing of American Literature," Studies in
Bibliography 28 (1975): 167-229. Reprinted in his Selected Studies in Bibliography (1979),
pp. 245-307; and Textual Criticism since Greg (1987), pp. 1-63.
G.T. Tanselle, "Recent Editorial Discussion and the Central Questions of Editing," Studies in Bibliography
34 (1981): 23-65. Reprinted in his Textual Criticism since Greg (1987), pp. 65-107.
G.T. Tanselle, "Historicism and Critical Editing," Studies in Bibliography 39 (1986): 1-46. Reprinted in
his Textual Criticism since Greg (1987), pp. 109-54.
G.T. Tanselle, "Textual Criticism and Literary Sociology," Studies in Bibliography 44 (1991): 83-143.
G.T. Tanselle, "Textual Instability and Editorial Idealism," Studies in Bibliography 49 (1996): 1-60.
D. Assembling Materials and Collating Texts
"Assembling Potentially Relevant Forms of the Text," in Center for Editions of American Authors,
Statement of Editorial Principles and Procedures (rev. G.T. Tanselle, 1972), pp. 1-2.
G.T. Tanselle, "Locating the Relevant Materials," in his "Textual Scholarship," in Introduction to
Scholarship in Modern Languages and Literatures, ed. Joseph Gibaldi (1981), p. 44.
Martin L. West, "Collecting the Material," in his Textual Criticism and Editorial Technique Applicable
to Greek and Latin Texts (1973), pp. 62-68.
Alfred Foulet and Mary Blakely Speer, "Gathering the Materials," in their On Editing Old French Texts
(1979), pp. 45-49.
Mary-Jo Kline, "Initiating an Editorial Project," in her A Guide to Documentary Editing (1987), pp. 30-65;
(rev. 1998), pp. 33-69.
Gordon N. Ray, "The Importance of Original Editions," in Nineteenth-Century English Books: Some
Problems in Bibliography (1952), pp. 1-24. Reprinted in his Books as a Way of Life, ed. G.T.
Tanselle (1988), pp. 167-84.
Gordon N. Ray, "The Private Collector and the Literary Scholar," in The Private Collector and the Support
of Scholarship (Clark Library, 1969), pp. 25-84. Reprinted in his Books as a Way of Life, ed. G.T.
Tanselle (1988), pp. 233-77.
B. Richard Burg, "The Autograph Trade and Documentary Editing," Manuscripts 22 (1970): 247-54.
James Thorpe, The Use of Manuscripts in Literary Research: Problems of Access and Literary Property
Rights (1979).
G.T. Tanselle, "The Future of Primary Records," in Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science 58
(1996): 53-73. Also printed in Biblion 5.1 (Fall 1996): 4-32. Reprinted in his Literature and
Artifacts (1998), pp. 96-123.
David Shaw, "A Sampling Theory for Bibliographical Research," Library 5th ser. 27 (1972): 310-19. [See
also Paul Werstine, "More Unrecorded States in the Folger Shakespeare Library's Collection of First
This page is from a document available in full at
14 Part 1: Selected Introductory Readings C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Folios," Library 6th ser. 11 (1989): 47-51.]
Joseph A. Dane and Rosemary A. Roberts, "The Calculus of Calculus: W.W. Greg and the Mathematics
of Everyman Editions," Studies in Bibliography 53 (2000): 117-28.
Matthew J. Bruccoli, "A Mirror for Bibliographers: Duplicate Plates in Modern Printing," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 54 (1960): 83-88.
Martin Boghardt, "Partial Duplicate Setting: Means of Rationalization or Complicating Factor in Textual
Transmission," Library 6th ser. 15 (1993): 306-31.
G.T. Tanselle, "Reproductions and Scholarship," Studies in Bibliography 42 (1989): 25-54. Reprinted in
his Literature and Artifacts (1998), pp. 59-88.
Charlyne Dodge, "Photographic Copies vs. Original Documents," Papers of the Bibliographical Society
of America 71 (1977): 223-26.
Adrian Weiss, "Reproductions of Early Dramatic Texts as a Source of Bibliographical Evidence," Text 4
(1988): 237-68.
"The Uses of Facsimiles: A Symposium," Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook 1990, ed. James W.
Hipp (1991), pp. 125-41.
George Robert Guffey, "Standardization of Photographic Reproductions for Mechanical Collation," Papers
of the Bibliographical Society of America 62 (1968): 237-40.
Conor Fahy, "A New Technique for Collating Copies of the Same Edition," Bulletin of the Society for
Italian Studies 17 (1984): 20-24. [Transparent photocopies]
(See also Part 9, section J6, below.)
"Collating by Sight and by Machine," in Center for Editions of American Authors, Statement of Editorial
Principles and Procedures (rev. G.T. Tanselle, 1972), pp. 2-4.
G.T. Tanselle, "Collating the Texts," in his "Textual Scholarship," in Introduction to Scholarship in
Modern Languages and Literatures, ed. Joseph Gibaldi (1981), pp. 44-45.
Charlton Hinman, "Mechanized Collation at the Houghton Library," Harvard Library Bulletin 9 (1955):
William B. Todd, Procedures for Collating Twain's Minor Works (1965).
G.T. Tanselle, "The Use of Type Damage as Evidence in Bibliographical Description," Library 5th ser.
23 (1968): esp. 338-40.
Peter L. Shillingsburg, "Collating Machines and 19th-Century Printed Books," Direction Line 10 (Winter
1980): 4-8.
Randall McLeod, The McLeod Portable Collator (9-page flyer, October 1988).
John Whittaker, "The Practice of Manuscript Collation," Text 5 (1991): 121-30.
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 1: Selected Introductory Readings 15
Miriam J. Shillingsburg, "Computer Assistance to Scholarly Editing," Bulletin of Research in the
Humanities 81 (1978): 448-63.
Peter L. Shillingsburg, "Computer-Assisted Scholarly Editing," in his Scholarly Editing in the Computer
Age (1984, 1986, 1996), pp. 133-48.
E. Establishing Relationships among Texts
(See also Part 9 below.)
G.T. Tanselle, "Determining Relationships among the Texts," in his "Textual Scholarship," in Introduction
to Scholarship in Modern Languages and Literatures, ed. Joseph Gibaldi (1981), pp. 45-46.
Martin L. West, "Organizing the Data" and "Diagnosis," in his Textual Criticism and Editorial Technique
Applicable to Greek and Latin Texts (1973), pp. 29-59.
Fredson Bowers, "Some Relations of Bibliography to Editorial Problems," Studies in Bibliography 3
(1950-51): 37-62. Reprinted in Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing (1975), pp. 15-36.
Fredson Bowers, The Bibliographical Way (1959), pp. 7-34. Reprinted in Essays in Bibliography, Text,
and Editing (1975), pp. 54-74.
Charlton Hinman, The Printing and Proof-Reading of the First Folio of Shakespeare (1963), esp. 1: 3-14,
Fredson Bowers, Bibliography and Textual Criticism (1964).
Bruce M. Metzger, "Modern Methods of Textual Criticism" and "The Practice of New Testament Textual
Criticism," in his The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration
(1964, 1968, 1992), pp. 156-85, 207-46.
L.D. Reynolds and N.G. Wilson, "Textual Criticism," in their Scribes and Scholars: A Guide to the
Transmission of Greek and Latin Literature (1968, 1974, 1991), pp. 186-213.
G.T. Tanselle, "Textual Study and Literary Judgment," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America
65 (1971): 109-22. Reprinted in his Textual Criticism and Scholarly Editing (1990), pp. 325-37.
Also reprinted in Essays on Bibliography, ed. Vito J. Brenni (1975), pp. 353-64.
Peter Davison, "Science, Method, and the Textual Critic," Studies in Bibliography 25 (1972): 1-28.
E.J. Kenney, "Method and Methods in the Twentieth Century," in his The Classical Text: Aspects of
Editing in the Age of the Printed Book (1974), pp. 130-51.
Alfred Foulet and Mary Blakely Speer, "Classifying the Manuscripts and Establishing the Text," in their
On Editing Old French Texts (1979), pp. 49-58.
Hershel Parker, "The 'New Scholarship': Textual Evidence and Its Implications for Criticism, Literary
Theory, and Aesthetics," Studies in American Fiction 9 (1981): 181-97.
G.T. Tanselle, "Classical, Biblical, and Medieval Textual Criticism and Modern Editing," Studies in
Bibliography 36 (1983): 21-68. Reprinted in his Textual Criticism and Scholarly Editing (1990),
pp. 274-321.
Paul Werstine, "The Editorial Usefulness of Printing House and Compositor Studies," in Play-Texts in Old
Spelling, ed. G.B. Shand with Raymond C. Shady (1984), pp. 35-64. [See also Manfred Draudt,
This page is from a document available in full at
16 Part 1: Selected Introductory Readings C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Shakespeare Survey 40 (1987): 145-53; and MacD. P. Jackson, 42 (1989): 208-9.]
Michael D. Reeve, "Eliminatio codicum descriptorum: A Methodological Problem," in Editing Greek and
Latin Texts, ed. John N. Grant (1989), pp. 1-35.
R.J. Tarrant, "Stemmatics Past and Present," in his "Classical Latin Literature," in Scholarly Editing: A
Guide to Research, ed. D.C. Greetham (1995), pp. 103-15.
Edwin Wolf 2nd, "Evidence Indicating the Need for Some Bibliographical Analysis of American-Printed
Historical Works," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 63 (1969): 261-77.
Edwin Wolf 2nd, "Historical Grist for the Bibliographical Mill," Studies in Bibliography 25 (1972): 29-40.
F. Preparing the Text of a Scholarly Edition
G.T. Tanselle, "Noncritical Editions," in his "Textual Scholarship," in Introduction to Scholarship in
Modern Languages and Literatures, ed. Joseph Gibaldi (1981), pp. 34-37.
G.T. Tanselle, "Reproducing the Texts of Documents," in his A Rationale of Textual Criticism (1989),
pp. 39-66.
David L. Vander Meulen and G.T. Tanselle, "A System of Manuscript Transcription," Studies in
Bibliography 52 (1999): 201-12.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Editing of Historical Documents," Studies in Bibliography 31 (1978): 1-56. Reprinted
in his Selected Studies in Bibliography (1979), pp. 451-506; and Textual Criticism and Scholarly
Editing (1990), pp.-218-73.
Christopher N.L. Brooke, "The Teaching of Diplomatic," Journal of the Society of Archivists 4.1 (1970):
William H. Gilman, "How Should Journals Be Edited?", Early American Literature 6 (1971): 73-83.
Henry D. Janzen, "Preparing a Diplomatic Edition: Heywood's The Escapes of Jupiter," in Play-Texts in
Old Spelling, ed. G.B. Shand with Raymond C. Shady (1984), pp. 73-79.
Mary-Jo Kline, "Evaluating and Transcribing the Source Text," "The Conventions of Textual Treatment,"
"The Practical Application of Editorial Conventions," and "The Mechanics of Establishing a Text,"
in her A Guide to Documentary Editing (1987), pp. 81-112, 113-31, 132-51, 167-82; (rev. 1998), pp.
93-135, 136-44, 155-73, 195-210.
Albert J. von Frank, " Genetic Versus Clear Texts: Reading and Writing Emerson," Documentary Editing
9.4 (December 1987): 5-9.
W. Speed Hill, "The Theory and Practice of Transcription," in New Ways of Looking at Old Texts, ed. Hill
(1993), pp. 25-32.
Michael Hunter, "How to Edit a Seventeenth-Century Manuscript: Principles and Practice," The
Seventeenth Century 10 (1995): 277-310.
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 1: Selected Introductory Readings 17
P.D.A. Harvey, Editing Historical Records (2001). [See "The Rationale," pp. 1-13.]
Harrison Hayford and Merton M. Sealts, Jr., "The Genetic Text: Transcription," in Billy Budd Sailor by
Herman Melville (1962), pp. 270-73.
Ira Berlin, Barbara Fields, et al., "Editorial Method," in Freedom: A Documentary History of
Emancipation, 1 (1985): xxv-xxx. [Also included in other volumes of the series.]
David L. Vander Meulen and G.T. Tanselle, [A note on transcription], in Samuel Johnson's Translation
of Sallust: A Facsimile and Transcription of the Hyde Manuscript (1993), p. vi.
G.T. Tanselle, "Critical Editions, Hypertexts, and Genetic Criticism," Romanic Review 86 (1995): 581-93
(reprinted in his Literature and Artifacts [1998], pp. 258-71). See also Antoine Compagnon's
"Introduction" in the same issue, pp. 393-401.
Peter L. Shillingsburg, "A Resistence to Contemporary German Editorial Theory and Practice," Editio 12
(1998): 138-50.
A.W. Pollard, Gilbert R. Redgrave, R.W. Chapman, and W.W. Greg, "'Facsimile' Reprints of Old Books,"
Library 4th ser. 6 (1925-26): 305-28.
Fredson Bowers, "The Problem of the Variant Forme in a Facsimile Edition," Library 5th ser. 7 (1952):
Charlton Hinman, The Norton Facsimile: The First Folio of Shakeskpeare (1968, 1996).
R.W. Franklin, The Manuscript Books of Emily Dickinson (1981).
Michael Warren, The Complete KING LEAR, 1608-1623 (1989).
David L. Vander Meulen, Pope's DUNCIAD of 1728: A History and Facsimile (1991).
"Choosing and Emending the Copy-Text," in Center for Editions of American Authors, Statement of
Editorial Principles and Procedures (rev. G.T. Tanselle, 1972), pp. 4-7.
G.T. Tanselle, "Critical Editions," in his "Textual Scholarship," in Introduction to Scholarship in Modern
Languages and Literatures, ed. Joseph Gibaldi (1981), pp. 37-43.
G.T. Tanselle, "Reconstructing the Texts of Works," in his A Rationale of Textual Criticism (1989),
pp. 67-93.
G.T. Tanselle, "Editing without a Copy-Text," Studies in Bibliography 47 (1994): 1-22. Reprinted in his
Literature and Artifacts (1998), pp. 236-57. [See also Richard Bucci, "Serving Fitzgerald's Intentions
without a Copy-Text," Text 14 (2002): 324-33 (and his discussion on p. 378).]
Fredson Bowers, "Multiple Authority: New Problems and Concepts of Copy-Text," Library 5th ser. 27
(1972): 81-115. Reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing (1975), pp. 447-87.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Editorial Problem of Final Authorial Intention," Studies in Bibliography 29 (1976):
167-211. Reprinted in Selected Studies in Bibliography (1979), pp. 309-54; and in Textual Criticism
and Scholarly Editing (1990), pp. 27-71.
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18 Part 1: Selected Introductory Readings C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Fredson Bowers, "Greg's 'Rationale of Copy-Text' Revisited," Studies in Bibliography 31 (1978): 90-161.
G.T. Tanselle, "External Fact as an Editorial Problem," Studies in Bibliography 32 (1979): 1-47.
Reprinted in his Selected Studies in Bibliography (1979), pp. 355-402; and Textual Criticism and
Scholarly Editing (1990), pp. 72-118.
G.T. Tanselle, "Textual Criticism and Literary Sociology," Studies in Bibliography 44 (1991): 83-143 (see
esp. pp. 140-43).
(See also section F2 immediately above and Part 3 below.)
Fredson Bowers, "Old-Spelling Editions of Dramatic Texts," in Studies in Honor of T.W. Baldwin, ed.
D.C. Allen (1958), pp. 9-15.
Fredson Bowers, [Review of Yale Edition of Samuel Johnson], Modern Philology 61 (1964): 298-309.
Reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing (1975), pp. 375-91.
Hershel Parker, "Regularizing Accidentals: The Latest Form of Infidelity," Proof 3 (1973): 1-20.
Phillip Harth, "The Text of Dryden's Poetry," Huntington Library Quarterly 63 (2001-2): 227-44. [Review
of The Poems of John Dryden, ed. Paul Hammond, vols. 1-2 (1995).]
Arthur Brown, "The Rationale of Old-Spelling Editions of the Plays of Shakespeare and His
Contemporaries: A Rejoinder," Studies in Bibliography 13 (1960): 69-76.
Peter L. and Miriam J. Shillingsburg, "Editing and the Oxford English Dictionary," Editorial Quarterly
2 (1975): 8-9.
John Bush Jones, "Victorian 'Readers' and Modern Editors: Attitudes and Accidentals Revisited," Papers
of the Bibliographical Society of America 71 (1977): 49-59.
Bruce Mitchell, "The Dangers of Disguise: Old English Texts in Modern Punctuation," Review of English
Studies n.s. 31 (1980): 385-413.
Donald Hall, "Robert Frost Corrupted," Atlantic Monthly, March 1982, pp. 60-64.
G.B. Shand with Raymond C. Shady (eds.), Play-Texts in Old Spelling (1984). [See especially S.
Schoenbaum, "Old-Spelling Editions: The State of the Art," pp. 9-26; Robert Kean Turner,
"Accidental Evils," pp. 27-33; Randall McLeod, "Spellbound," pp. 81-96 (reprinted from
Renaissance and Reformation n.s 3.1 [1979]: 50-65); and David Bevington, "Editorial Indications
of Stage Business in Old-Spelling Editions," pp. 105-12.]
N.E. Osselton, "Spelling-Book Rules and the Capitalization of Nouns in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth
Centuries," in Historical & Editorial Studies in Medieval & Early Modern English, for Johan
Gerritsen, ed. Mary-Jo Arn and Hanneke Wirtjes, with Hans Jensen (1985), pp. 49-61.
Fredson Bowers, "Regularization and Normalization in Modern Critical Texts," Studies in Bibliography
42 (1989): 79-102.
M.B. Parkes, Pause and Effect: An Introduction to the History of Punctuation in the West (1992).
Mary-Jo Arn, "On Punctuating Medieval Literary Texts," Text 7 (1994): 161-74.
Joe Bray, Miriam Handley, and Anne C. Henry (eds.), Ma(r)king the Text: The Presentation of Meaning
on the Literary Page (2000). [See especially John Leonard, "Mark, Space, Axis, Function: Towards
a (New) Theory of Punctuation on Historical Principles"; Anne C. Henry, "The Re-mark-able Rise
of '...': Reading Ellipsis Marks in Literary Texts"; Kathryn Sutherland, "Speaking Commas / Reading
Commas: Punctuating Mansfield Park"; and Ros King, "Seeing the Rhythm: An Interpretation of
This page is from a document available in full at
Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 1: Selected Introductory Readings 19
Sixteenth-Century Punctuation and Metrical Practice."]
D.F. McKenzie, Parts II and III of "Typography and Meaning: The Case of William Congreve," in Buch
und Buchhandel in Europa im achzehnten Jahrhundert, ed. Giles Barber and Bernhard Fabian
(1981), pp. 93-118. Reprinted in his Making Meaning: "Printers of the Mind" and Other Essays, ed.
Peter D. McDonald and Michael F. Suarez (2002), pp. 209-36.
David Foxon, Alexander Pope and the Early Eighteenth-Century Book Trade, ed. James L. McLaverty
G. Designing and Proofreading an Edition
(See also Parts 4 and 5 below.)
Ian Jack, "A Choice of Orders: The Arrangement of 'The Poetical Works,'" in Textual Criticism and
Literary Interpretation, ed. Jerome J. McGann (1985), pp. 127-43.
Mary-Jo Kline, "The Editor and the Publisher," in her A Guide to Documentary Editing (1987),
pp. 204-18; (rev. 1998 ["Publishing the Edition: Options for the Twenty-First Century"]), pp. 235-60.
"Preparing Explanatory Annotation" and "Writing the Historical Essay," in Center for Editions of
American Authors, Statement of Editorial Principles and Procedures (rev. G.T. Tanselle, 1972),
pp. 10-11.
Martin C. Battestin, "A Rationale of Literary Annotation: The Example of Fielding's Novels," Studies in
Bibliography 34 (1981): 1-22. Also printed in Literary & Historical Editing, ed. George L. Vogt and
John Bush Jones (1981), pp. 57-79.
James Woolley, "Annotation: Some Guiding Considerations," East-Central Intelligencer [East-Central /
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies] n.s. 8.1 (January 1994): 11-16.
Arthur Friedman, "Principles of Historical Annotation in Critical Editions of Modern Texts," English
Institute Annual 1941: 115-28.
Alice Walker, "Principles of Annotation: Some Suggestions for Editors of Shakespeare," Studies in
Bibliography 9 (1957): 95-105.
Alfred Foulet and Mary Blakely Speer, "The Framework of the Text," in their On Editing Old French
Texts (1979), pp. 87-113.
Charles T. Cullen, "Principles of Annotation in Editing Historical Documents; or, How to Avoid Breaking
the Butterfly on the Wheel of Scholarship," in Literary & Historical Editing, ed. George L. Vogt and
John Bush Jones (1981), pp. 81-95.
A.C. Hamilton, "The Philosophy of the Footnote," in Editing Poetry from Spenser to Dryden, ed. A.H. de
This page is from a document available in full at
20 Part 1: Selected Introductory Readings C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Quehen (1981), pp. 127-63.
G.B. Shand with Raymond C. Shady (eds.), Play-Texts in Old Spelling (1984). [See especially Philip
Edwards, "The Function of Commentary," pp. 97-104; Richard Morton, "How Many Revengers in
The Revengers Tragedy? Archaic Spellings and the Modern Annotator," pp. 113-22; Reavley Gair,
"In Search of 'the mustie fopperies of antiquity,'" pp. 123-30; and S.P. Zitner, "Excessive Annotation,
or Piling Pelion on Parnassus," pp. 131-39.]
Marvin Spevack, "The Editor as Philologist," Text 3 (1987): 91-106.
Marita Mathijsen, "Commentary in Editions of Historical Texts," Editio 4 (1990): 183-94.
Ian Small, "The Editor as Annotator as Ideal Reader," in The Theory and Practice of Text-Editing, ed. Ian
Small and Michael Walsh (1991), pp. 186-209.
Richard Knowles, "Variorum Commentary," Text 6 (1994): 35-47.
Claire Lamont, "Annotating a Text: Literary Theory and Electronic Hypertext," in Electronic Text:
Investigations in Method and Theory, ed. Kathryn Sutherland (1997), pp. 47-66.
Robert DeMaria, Jr., "'Evil be thou my Good': Scholarly Commentary and the Pleasure of Reading," Text
12 (1999): 91-100.
Christa Jansohn, "Annotation as Cultural Activity; or, Re-constructing the Past for the Present," Editio 13
(1999): 211-23.
W.J.B. Owen, "Annotating Wordsworth," in Editing Texts of the Romantic Period, ed. John D. Baird
(1972), pp. 47-71.
John Carroll, "On Annotating Clarissa," in Editing Eighteenth Century Novels, ed. G.E. Bentley, Jr.
(1975), pp. 49-66.
Ian Jack, "Novels and Those 'Necessary Evils': Annotating the Brontës," Essays in Criticism 32 (1982):
Ralph Hanna III, "Annotatiang Piers Plowman," Text 6 (1994): 153-63. [Cf. David C. Fowler,
"Annotating Piers Plowman: The Athlone Project," Text 10 (1997): 151-60.]
Ronald Schuchard, "Yeats's Letters, Eliot's Lectures: Toward a New Form of Annotation," Text 6 (1994):
James L.W. West III, "Annotating Mr. Fitzgerald," American Scholar 69.2 (Spring 2000): 82-91.
Reprinted in Documentary Editing 22 (2000): 54-60.
"Reporting Emendations and Variant Readings," in Center for Editions of American Authors, Statement
of Editorial Principles and Procedures (rev. G.T. Tanselle, 1972), pp. 7-10.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Forms of Editions," in his "Textual Scholarship," in Introduction to Scholarship in
Modern Languages and Literatures, ed. Joseph Gibaldi (1981), pp. 46-50.
Jo Ann Boydston, "In Praise of Apparatus," Text 5 (1991): 1-13.
G.T. Tanselle, "Some Principles for Editorial Apparatus," Studies in Bibliography 25 (1972): 41-88.
Reprinted in his Selected Studies in Bibliography (1979), pp. 403-50; and Textual Criticism and
Scholarly Editing (1990), pp. 119-66. See also his "Editorial Apparatus for Radiating Texts,"
Library 5th ser. 29 (1974): 330-37; reprinted in Textual Criticism and Scholarly Editing (1990),
pp. 167-76.
Hershel Parker, "The Aesthetics of Editorial Apparatuses," Editorial Quarterly 1.1 (1975): 4-8.
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 1: Selected Introductory Readings 21
Peter Davison, "The Selection and Presentation of Bibliographic Evidence," Analytical & Enumerative
Bibliography 1 (1977): 101-36.
Mary-Jo Kline, "The Practical Application of Editorial Conventions" and "Preparing a Documentary
Edition for the Printer," in her A Guide to Documentary Editing (1987), pp. 132-51, 183-203; (rev.
1998), pp. 144-55, 166-71, 211-34 ("Nontextual Elements").
D.C. Greetham, "Some Types of Scholarly Edition," in his Textual Scholarship: An Introduction (1992,
1994), pp. 383-417.
G.T. Tanselle, "Critical Editions, Hypertexts, and Genetic Criticism," Romanic Review 86 (1995): 581-93.
Reprinted in his Literature and Artifacts (1998), pp. 258-71.
Joseph Katz, "The Structure of Critical Editions," Editorial Quarterly 1 (1975): 8-9.
Fredson Bowers, "The Historical Collation in an Old-Spelling Shakespeare Edition: Another View,"
Studies in Bibliography 35 (1982): 234-58. Cf. Paul Werstine, "Modern Editions and Historical
Collation in Old-Spelling Editions of Shakespeare," Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography 4
(1980): 95-106.
Barry Gaines, "Textual Apparatus--Rationale and Audience," in Play-Texts in Old Spelling, ed. G.R.
Shand with Raymond C. Shady (1984), pp. 65-71.
Fredson Bowers, "Notes on Editorial Apparatus," in Historical & Editorial Studies in Medieval & Early
Modern English, for Johan Gerritsen, ed. Mary-Jo Arn and Hanneke Wirtjes, with Hans Jensen
(1985), pp. 147-62.
Ted-Larry Pebworth and Ernest W. Sullivan II, "Rational Presentation of Multiple Textual Traditions,"
Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 83 (1989): 43-60.
G.T. Tanselle, "Textual Criticism and Literary Sociology," Studies in Bibliography 44 (1991): 83-143 (see
esp. pp. 133-40).
Fredson Bowers, "Why Apparatus?", Text 6 (1994): 11-19.
Peter L. Shillingsburg, "Copy-Texts and Apparatuses," in his Scholarly Editing in the Computer Age
(1984, 1986, 1996), pp. 115-19 [1996].
Fredson Bowers, "Transcription of Manuscripts: The Record of Variants," Studies in Bibliography 29
(1976): 212-64.
Alfred Foulet and Mary Blakely Speer, "The Critical Apparatus," in their On Editing Old French Texts
(1979), pp. 95-102.
Don L. Cook, "Some Considerations in the Concept of Pre-Copy-Text," Text 4 (1988): 79-91.
André De Tienne, "Selecting Alterations for the Apparatus of a Critical Edition," Text 9 (1996): 33-62.
Martin L. West, "Presentation," in his Textual Criticism and Editorial Technique Applicable to Greek and
Latin Texts (1973), pp. 72-103.
E.J. Kenney, "Conservatism and the apparatus criticus," in his The Classical Text: Aspects of Editing in
the Age of the Printed Book (1974), pp. 152-57.
J. Bidez and A.B. Drachmann, Emploi des signes critiques: Disposition de l'apparat dans les éditions
savantes de textes grecs et latins (1932).
Sterling Dow, Conventions in Editing (1969).
This page is from a document available in full at
22 Part 1: Selected Introductory Readings C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
"Examining the Printer's Copy and Reading the Proofs," in Center for Editions of American Authors,
Statement of Editorial Principles and Procedures (rev. G.T. Tanselle, 1972), pp. 12-13.
Ronald Gottesman and David Nordloh, "The Quest for Perfection: or Surprises in the Consummation of
Their Wedding Journey," CEAA Newsletter 1 (March 1968): 12-13.
James B. Meriwether, "Some Proofreading Precautions," CEAA Newsletter 2 (July 1969): 17-18.
Eleanor Harman, "Hints on Proofreading," Scholarly Publishing 6 (1974-75): 151-57.
S.W. Reid, "Definitive Editions and Photocomposition," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America
72 (1978): 321-26.
Mary-Jo Kline, "Evaluation of Procedures," in her A Guide to Documentary Editing (1987), pp. 177-78;
(rev. 1998, pp. 205-7).
John Lavagnino, "Reading, Scholarship, and Hypertext Editions," Text 8 (1995): 109-24. [See also his
"Electronic Editions and the Needs of Readers," in New Ways of Looking at Old Texts, II, ed. W.
Speed Hill (1998), pp. 149-56.]
Richard J. Finneran (ed.), The Literary Text in the Digital Age (1996). [See especially Susan Hockey,
"Creating and Using Electronic Editions," pp. 1-21; and Peter Shillingsburg, "Principles for
Electronic Archives, Scholarly Editions, and Tutorials," pp. 23-35.]
Peter L. Shillingsburg, "Practicalities," in his Scholarly Editing in the Computer Age (1984, 1986, 1996),
pp. 121-71.
Kathryn Sutherland (ed.), Electronic Text: Investigations in Method and Theory (1997). [See especially
Claire Lamont, "Annotating a Text: Literary Theory and Electronic Hypertext," pp. 47-66; and the
third section ("Modelling the Variant Text: Early Editions as Electronic Documents") of Peter S.
Donaldson, "Digital Archive as Expanded Text: Shakespeare and Electronic Textuality," pp. 173-97
(pp. 183-95).]
Charles B. Faulhaber, "Textual Criticism in the 21st Century," Romance Philology 45 (1991): 123-48.
Jerome McGann, "The Rationale of HyperText," European English Messenger 4.2 (Autumn 1995): 34-40.
Reprinted in Text 9 (1996): 11-32; and in Electronic Text, ed. Kathryn Sutherland (1997), pp. 19-46.
Also available at <>.
G.T. Tanselle, "Critical Editions, Hypertexts, and Genetic Criticism," Romanic Review 86 (1995): 581-93.
Reprinted in his Literature and Artifacts (1998), pp. 258-71.
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 2: A Concise Selection 23
Part 2
A. Some Introductions in English
Fredson Bowers, Textual and Literary Criticism (1959).
Fredson Bowers, "Textual Criticism," in Encyclopædia Britannica (1959-68).
Fredson Bowers, "Textual Criticism," in The Aims and Methods of Scholarship in Modern Languages and
Literatures, ed. James Thorpe (1963, 1970), pp. 29-54.
Bruce M. Metzger, "Modern Methods of Textual Criticism," in his The Text of the New Testament: Its
Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration (1964, 1968, 1992), pp. 156-85.
[William M. Gibson et al., for the Center for Editions of American Authors], Statement of Editorial
Principles: A Working Manual for Editing Nineteenth-Century American Texts (1967; revised by
G.T. Tanselle as Statement of Editorial Principles and Procedures . . ., 1972).
L.D. Reynolds and N.G. Wilson, "Textual Criticism," in their Scribes and Scholars: A Guide to the
Transmission of Greek and Latin Literature (1968, 1974, 1991), pp. 186-213.
Martin L. West, "Textual Criticism," in his Textual Criticism and Editorial Technique Applicable to Greek
and Latin Texts (1973), pp. 7-59.
E.J. Kenney, "Textual Criticism," in New Encyclopædia Britannica (1974- ).
[G.T. Tanselle], The Center for Scholarly Editions: An Introductory Statement (1977). Also printed in
PMLA 92 (1977): 583-97; and, revised, in PMLA 100 (1985): 444-47 ("The Committee on Scholarly
Editions: Aims and Policies").
G.T. Tanselle, "Textual Scholarship" in Introduction to Scholarship in Modern Languages and
Literatures, ed. Joseph Gibaldi (1981), pp. 29-52.
G.T. Tanselle, "Literary Editing," in Literary & Historical Editing, ed. George L. Vogt and John Bush
Jones (1981), pp. 35-56. Reprinted as "Texts of Documents and Texts of Works," in Textual
Criticism and Scholarly Editing (1990), pp. 3-23.
Peter L. Shillingsburg, "Theory," in his Scholarly Editing in the Computer Age (1984, 1986, 1996),
pp. 9-100 [1996].
William Proctor Williams and Craig S. Abbott, "Textual Criticism," in An Introduction to Bibliographical
and Textual Studies (1985, 1989, 1999).
G.T. Tanselle, A Rationale of Textual Criticism (1989).
D.C. Greetham, "Textual Scholarship," in Introduction to Scholarship in Modern Languages and
Literatures, ed. Joseph Gibaldi (2nd ed., 1992), pp. 103-37.
D.C. Greetham, Textual Scholarship: An Introduction (1992, 1994).
G.T. Tanselle, "Textual Criticism," in The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, ed. Alex
Preminger and T.V.F. Brogan (1993), pp. 1273-76.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Varieties of Scholarly Editing," in Scholarly Editing: A Guide to Research, ed. D.C.
Greetham (1995), pp. 9-32.
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24 Part 2: A Concise Selection C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
B. Some Introductory Historical Surveys
Ernst Würthwein, Der Text des Alten Testaments (1952; translated from the 1973 edition by Erroll F.
Rhodes as The Text of the Old Testament: An Introduction to the Biblia Hebraica, 1979, 1994).
Bruce M. Metzger, The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration (1964,
1968, 1992). [See also his "History of Editing the Greek New Testament," Proceedings of the
American Philosophical Society 131 (1987): 148-58; and its later versions in Editing and Editors,
ed. Richard Landon (1988), pp. 47-66, and in Greetham (1995) below.]
L.D. Reynolds and N.G. Wilson, Scribes and Scholars: A Guide to the Transmission of Greek and Latin
Literature (1968, 1974, 1991).
E.J. Kenney, The Classical Text: Aspects of Editing in the Age of the Printed Book (1974).
Hans Zeller, "Struktur und Genese in der Editorik: Zur germanistischen und anglistischen
Editionsforschung," Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 5.19-20 (1975): 105-26.
Alfred Foulet and Mary Blakely Speer, "A Historical Orientation," in On Editing Old French Texts (1979),
pp. 1-39. [Supplemented by Speer's "Editing Old French Texts in the Eighties: Theory and Practice,"
Romance Philology 45 (1991): 7-43; see also her essay in Greetham (1995) below.]
G.T. Tanselle, "Classical, Biblical, and Medieval Textual Criticism and Modern Editing," Studies in
Bibliography 36 (1983): 21-68. Reprinted in his Textual Criticism and Scholarly Editing (1990),
pp. 274-321.
A.S.G. Edwards, "Observations on the History of Middle English Editing," in Manuscripts and Texts, ed.
Derek Pearsall (1987), pp. 34-48. [See also his essay in Greetham (1995) below.]
Mary-Jo Kline, "Introduction," in her A Guide to Documentary Editing (1987), pp. 1-29.
G.T. Tanselle, Textual Criticism since Greg: A Chronicle, 1950-1985 (1987). [Reprints, on pp. 1-63,
"Greg's Theory of Copy-Text and the Editing of American Literature," from Studies in Bibliography
28 (1975): 167-229; on pp. 65-107, "Recent Editorial Discussion and the Central Questions of
Editing," from Studies in Bibliography 34 (1981): 23-65; and on pp. 109-54, "Historicism and
Critical Editing," from Studies in Bibliography 39 (1986): 1-46.] Supplemented by "Textual
Criticism and Literary Sociology," Studies in Bibliography 44 (1991): 83-143; and "Textual
Instability and Editorial Idealism," Studies in Bibliography 49 (1996): 1-60.
Donald Reiman, "Gentleman Authors and Professional Writers: Notes on the History of Editing Texts of
the 18th and 19th Centuries," in Editing and Editors: A Retrospect, ed. Richard Landon (1988),
pp. 99-136.
E.J. Kenney, "Great Britain: Latin Philology," in La filologia greca e latina nel secolo XX (Consiglio
Nazionale delle Recerche, 1989), pp. 619-49.
D.C. Greetham, "Criticizing the Text: Textual Criticism," in Textual Scholarship: An Introduction (1992),
pp. 295-346.
Emanuel Tov, The Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible: An Introduction (trans. 1992).
D.C. Greetham (ed.), Scholarly Editing: A Guide to Research (1995). [Contains surveys of the traditions
and accomplishments of textual work on Biblical, Greek, Latin, English, American, French, Italian,
Spanish, German, Russian, Arabic, Sanskrit, and folk literatures.]
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C. Some Classic Statements
Richard Bentley, A Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris (1697, 1699).
Samuel Johnson, Preface [to his edition of Shakespeare] (1765). [See Arthur Sherbo's edition, Johnson
on Shakespeare (1968), pp. 59-113.]
Karl Lachmann, T. Lucretii Cari De rerum natura libros commentarius (1850).
F.J.A. Hort, Introduction [to his and B.F. Westcott's edition of The New Testament in the Original Greek]
(1881, 1896).
Wallace M. Lindsay, An Introduction to Latin Textual Emendation (1896).
A.E. Housman, "The Application of Thought to Textual Criticism," Proceedings of the Classical
Association 18 (1922 [for August 1921]): 67-84. Reprinted in his Selected Prose, ed. John Carter
(1961), pp. 131-50; The Classical Papers of A.E. Housman, ed. Christopher Diggle and F.R.D.
Goodyear (1972), pp. 1058-69; and Collected Poems and Selected Prose, ed. Christopher Ricks
(1988), pp. 325-39. Also reprinted in Art and Error: Modern Textual Editing, ed. Ronald Gottesman
and Scott Bennett (1970), pp. 1-16.
A.E. Housman, [Preface], in M. Manilii Astronomicon Liber Primus (1903), pp. vii-lxxv. Reprinted in
Carter [see above], pp. 23-44, and in Ricks [see above], pp. 372-87.
R.W. Chapman, "The Textual Criticism of English Classics," in The Portrait of a Scholar and Other
Essays (1920), pp. 65-79 (cf. pp. 48-65).
Hermann Kantorowicz, Einführung in die Textkritik (1921).
Henri Quentin, Memoire sur l'établissement du texte de la Vulgate (1922).
Henri Quentin, Essais de critique textuelle (Ecdotique) (1926).
W.W. Greg, The Calculus of Variants (1927).
Paul Maas, "Textkritik," Einleitung in die Altertumswissenschaft 1.7 (1927): 1-18. Published separately,
revised, 1937, 1950, 1957, 1960; translated by Barbara Flower as Textual Criticism (1958).
Joseph Bédier, "La Tradition manuscrite du 'Lai de l'ombre': reflexions sur l'art d'éditer les anciens textes,"
Romania 54 (1928): 161-96, 321-56. Published separately, 1929.
Paul Collomp, La critique des textes (1931).
R.B. McKerrow, "The Elizabethan Printer and Dramatic Manuscripts," Library 4th ser. 12 (1931-32):
Giorgio Pasquali, Storia della tradizione e critica del testo (1934, 1952).
R.B. McKerrow, "A Suggestion Regarding Shakespeare's Manuscripts," Review of English Studies 11
(1935): 459-65.
R.B. McKerrow, Prolegomena for the Oxford Shakespeare (1939).
W.W. Greg, "McKerrow's Prolegomena Reconsidered," Review of English Studies 17 (1941): 139-49.
W.W. Greg, The Editorial Problem in Shakespeare (1942, 1951), pp. a-b, vii-lv [1951].
Ernest C. Colwell, "Genealogical Method: Its Achievements and Its Limitations," Journal of Biblical
Literature 66 (1947): 109-33. Reprinted in his Studies in Methodology in Textual Criticism of the
New Testament (1969), pp. 63-83.
Ludwig Bieler, "The Grammarian's Craft: A Professional Talk," Folia 2 (1947): 94-105; 3 (1948): 23-32,
47-58. 2nd ed., Folia 10.2 (1958): 3-42. Reprinted as The Grammarian's Craft: An Introduction to
Textual Criticism (1965).
W.W. Greg, "The Rationale of Copy-Text," Studies in Bibliography 3 (1950-51): 19-36. Reprinted in his
Collected Papers, ed. J.C. Maxwell (1966), pp. 374-91; and in Sir Walter Wilson Greg: A Collection
of His Writings, ed. Joseph Rosenblum (1998), pp. 213-28. Also reprinted in Bibliography and
Textual Criticism, ed. O M Brack, Jr., and Warner Barnes (1969), pp. 41-58; and Art and Error:
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26 Part 2: A Concise Selection C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Modern Textual Editing, ed. Ronald Gottesman and Scott Bennett (1970), pp. 17-36.
Sebastiano Timpanaro, La genesi del metodo del Lachmann (1963, 1981, 1985).
Fredson Bowers, Bibliography and Textual Criticism (1964).
George Kane, "Conjectural Emendation," in Medieval Literature and Civilization: Studies in Memory of
G.N. Garmonsway, ed. D.A. Pearsall and R.A. Waldron (1969), pp. 155-69. Reprinted in his
Chaucer and Langland: Historical and Textual Approaches (1989), pp. 150-61.
Fredson Bowers, "Multiple Authority: New Problems and Concepts of Copy-Text," Library 5th ser. 27
(1972): 81-115. Reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing (1975), pp. 447-87.
Fredson Bowers, "Greg's 'Rationale of Copy-Text' Revisited," Studies in Bibliography 31 (1978): 90-161.
D. Other Significant Studies since 1950
Clarence E. Carter, Historical Editing (Bulletin of the National Archives, No. 7, August 1952).
Helene Maxwell Hooker, The Editing of Recent Historical Papers and Their Value for the Literary Student
Fredson Bowers, "The Text of This Edition," in The Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker, vol. 1 (1953),
pp. ix-xviii.
Alice Walker, Textual Problems of the First Folio (1953).
Fredson Bowers, On Editing Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Dramatists (1955, 1966).
Arrigo Castellani, Bédier avait-il raison? (1957).
Vinton A. Dearing, A Manual of Textual Analysis (1959). Expanded and revised into Principles and
Practice of Textual Analysis (1974).
Antonín Hrubý, "Statistical Methods in Textual Criticism," General Linguistics 5 (1961-62): 77-138.
Bruce M. Metzger, Chapters in the History of New Testament Textual Criticism (1963).
Dmitrij Sergeevi Lixaev, Tekstologija (1964).
E.A.J. Honigmann, The Stability of Shakespeare's Text (1965).
W.W. Greg, Collected Papers, ed. J.C. Maxwell (1966).
R.W. Franklin, The Editing of Emily Dickinson: A Reconsideration (1967).
E.C. Colwell, Studies in Methodology in Textual Criticism of the New Testament (1969).
James G. McManaway, Studies in Shakespeare, Bibliography, and Theater (1969).
Robert Renehan, Greek Textual Criticism (1969).
James Thorpe and Claude M. Simpson, Jr., The Task of the Editor (1969).
D'Arco Silvio Avalle, Introduzione alla critica del testo (1970).
Morse Peckham, "Reflections on the Foundations of Modern Textual Editing," Proof 1 (1971): 122-55.
D'Arco Silvio Avalle, Principi di critica testuale (1972, 1976).
Peter Davison, "Science, Method, and the Textual Critic," Studies in Bibliography 25 (1972): 1-28.
A.E. Housman, The Classical Papers of A.E. Housman, ed. James Diggle and F.R.D. Goodyear (1972).
Roger Laufer, Introduction à la textologie (1972).
James Thorpe, Principles of Textual Criticism (1972).
James Willis, Latin Textual Criticism (1972). [See also his "The Science of Blunders: Confessions of a
Textual Critic," Text 6 (1994): 63-80.]
Max Patrick and Alan Roper, The Editor as Critic and the Critic as Editor (1973).
Sebastiano Timpanaro, Il lapsus freudiano: psicanalisi e critica testuale (1974; trans. 1976).
Franca Brambilla Ageno, L'edizione critica dei testi volgari (1975, 1984).
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Fredson Bowers, Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing (1975).
Aurelio Roncaglia, Principi e applicazioni di critica testuale (1975).
Hans Zeller, "A New Approach to the Critical Constitution of Literary Texts," Studies in Bibliography 28
(1975): 231-64.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Editorial Problem of Final Authorial Intention," Studies in Bibliography 29 (1976):
167-211. Reprinted in his Selected Studies in Bibliography (1979), pp. 309-53; and Textual Criticism
and Scholarly Editing (1990), pp. 27-71.
Martin Boghardt, Analytische Druckforschung: Ein methodischer Beitrag zu Buchkunde und Textkritik
Philip Gaskell, From Writer to Reader: Studies in Editorial Method (1978).
Giovan Battista Alberti, Problemi di critica testuale (1979).
G.T. Tanselle, Selected Studies in Bibliography (1979).
Stanley Wells and Gary Taylor, Modernizing Shakespeare's Spelling . . . (1979).
Steven Urkowitz, Shakespeare's Revision of KING LEAR (1980).
Paul Bertram, White Spaces in Shakespeare: The Development of the Modern Text (1981).
Steven Mailloux, "Textual Scholarship and 'Author's Final Intention,'" in his Interpretive Conventions: The
Reader in the Study of American Fiction (1982), pp. 93-125.
Alberto Blecua, Manual de critica textual (1983).
Anthony Grafton, Joseph Scaliger: A Study in the History of Classical Scholarship. I: Textual Criticism
and Exegesis (1983).
Jerome J. McGann, A Critique of Modern Textual Criticism (1983, 1992).
Tom Davis, "Textual Criticism: Philosophy and Practice," Library 6th ser. 6 (1984): 386-97.
Elizabeth C. Fine, The Folklore Text: From Performance to Print (1984).
John Miles Foley, "Editing Oral Epic Texts: Theory and Practice," Text 1 (1984): 75-94.
James McLaverty, "The Concept of Authorial Intention in Textual Criticism," Library 6th ser. 6 (1984):
Hershel Parker, Flawed Texts and Verbal Icons: Literary Authority in American Fiction (1984).
Stanley Wells, Re-Editing Shakespeare for the Modern Reader (1984).
Roberto Antonelli, "Interpretazione e critica del testo," Letteratura italiana 4 (1985): 141-243.
John Caldwell, Editing Early Music (1985, 1995).
R.G. Moyles, The Text of PARADISE LOST: A Study in Editorial Procedure (1985).
C.O. Brink, English Classical Scholarship: Historical Reflections on Bentley, Porson and Housman
Gianfranco Contini, Breviario di ecdotica (1986).
D.F. McKenzie, Bibliography and the Sociology of Texts (1986, 1999).
Kurt and Barbara Aland, The Text of the New Testament (trans. 1987, 1989).
Mary-Jo Kline, A Guide to Documentary Editing (1987, 1998).
Donald H. Reiman, Romantic Texts and Contexts (1987).
John F. D'Amico, Theory and Practice in Renaissance Textual Criticism: Beatus Rhenanus between
Conjecture and History (1988).
Paul Werstine, "McKerrow's 'Suggestion' and Twentieth-Century Shakespeare Textual Criticism,"
Renaissance Drama 19 (1988): 149-73.
Bernard Cerquiglini, Éloge de la variante: Histoire critique de la philologie (1989; translated by Betsy
Wing as In Praise of the Variant: A Critical History of Philology, 1999).
David Gorman, "The Worldly Text: Writing as Social Action, Reading as Historical Reconstruction," in
Literary Theory's Future(s), ed. Joseph Natoli (1989), pp. 181-220.
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28 Part 2: A Concise Selection C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
D.C. Greetham, "Textual and Literary Theory: Redrawing the Matrix," Studies in Bibliography 42 (1989):
1-24. Reprinted with commentary in his Textual Transgressions (1998), pp. 246-85.
George Kane, Chaucer and Langland: Historical and Textual Approaches (1989).
J.K. Elliott, Essays and Studies in New Testament Textual Criticism (1990).
G.D. Kilpatrick, The Principles and Practice of New Testament Textual Criticism: Collected Essays, ed.
J.K. Elliott (1990).
G.T. Tanselle, Textual Criticism and Scholarly Editing (1990).
Gregory Currie, "Work and Text," Mind 100 (1991): 325-41.
Anthony Grafton, Defenders of the Text: The Traditions of Scholarship in an Age of Science, 1450-1800
Margreta De Grazia, Shakespeare Verbatim: The Reproduction of Authenticity and the 1790 Apparatus
Grace Ioppolo, Revising Shakespeare (1991).
Jerome J. McGann, The Textual Condition (1991).
Peter Shillingsburg, "Text as Matter, Concept, and Action," Studies in Bibliography 44 (1991): 31-82.
Reprinted in revised form in his Resisting Texts (1997), pp.49-103.
Jack Stillinger, Multiple Authorship and the Myth of Solitary Genius (1991).
Léon Vaganay and C.B. Amphoux, An Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism (trans. 1991).
George P. Landow, Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology (1992,
M.B. Parkes, Pause and Effect: An Introduction to the History of Punctuation in the West (1992).
Jerome J. McGann, Black Riders: The Visible Language of Modernism (1993).
Donald H. Reiman, The Study of Modern Manuscripts: Public, Confidential, and Private (1993).
G.T. Tanselle, The Life and Work of Fredson Bowers (1993), esp. pp. 48-66, 87-110, 139-44. (Also
printed in Studies in Bibliography 46 [1993].)
Joseph Viscomi, "Editing Illuminated Books," in Blake and the Idea of the Book (1993), pp. 151-83.
Almuth Grésillon, Éléments de critique génétique: lire les manuscrits modernes (1994; German, 1999).
Tim William Machan, Textual Criticism and Middle English Texts (1994).
Fred C. Robinson, The Editing of Old English (1994).
G.T. Tanselle, "Editing without a Copy-Text," Studies in Bibliography 47 (1994): 1-22. Reprinted in his
Literature and Artifacts (1998), pp. 236-57.
Joseph Grigely, Textualterity: Art, Theory, and Textual Criticism (1995).
Jerome McGann, "The Rationale of HyperText," European English Messenger 4.2 (Autumn 1995): 34-40.
Reprinted in Text 9 (1996): 11-32; and in Electronic Text, ed. Kathryn Sutherland (1997), pp. 19-46.
G.T. Tanselle, "Critical Editions, Hypertexts, and Genetic Criticism," Romanic Review 86 (1995): 581-93.
Reprinted in his Literature and Artifacts (1998), pp. 258-71.
Charlotte Brewer, Editing PIERS PLOWMAN: The Evolution of the Text (1996).
James Grier, The Critical Editing of Music (1996).
Ralph Hanna III, Pursuing History: Middle English Manuscripts and Their Texts (1996).
E.A.J. Honigmann, The Texts of OTHELLO and Shakespearian Revision (1996).
Zachary Leader, Revision and Romantic Authorship (1996).
Laurie E. Maguire, Shakespearean Suspect Texts: The "Bad" Quartos and Their Contexts (1996).
Leah S. Marcus, Unediting the Renaissance: Shakespeare, Marlowe, Milton (1996).
G.T. Tanselle, "Reflections on Scholarly Editing," Raritan 16.2 (Fall 1996): 52-64.
Bodo Plachta, Editionswissenschaft (1997).
Peter L. Shillingsburg, Resisting Texts: Authority and Submission in Constructions of Meaning (1997).
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Michael E. Stevens and Steven B. Burg, Editing Historical Documents: A Handbook of Practice (1997).
Marcus Walsh, Shakespeare, Milton and Eighteenth-Century Literary Editing: The Beginnings of
Interpretative Scholarship (1997).
Luciana Duranti, Diplomatics: New Uses for an Old Science (1998).
D.C. Greetham, Textual Transgressions: Essays toward the Construction of a Biobibliography (1998).
Rolf E. DuRietz, Den tryckta skriften: Termer och begrepp (1999).
D.C. Greetham, Theories of the Text (1999).
David L. Vander Meulen and G.T. Tanselle, "A System of Manuscript Transcription," Studies in
Bibliography 52 (1999): 201-12.
P.D.A. Harvey, Editing Historical Records (2001).
David Scott Kastan, Shakespeare and the Book (2001).
Jerome McGann, Radiant Textuality: Literary Studies after the World Wide Web (2001).
Phillip Harth, "The Text of Dryden's Poetry," Huntington Library Quarterly 63 (2001-2): 227-44.
D.F. McKenzie, Making Meaning: "Printers of the Mind" and Other Essays, ed. Peter D. McDonald and
Michael F. Suarez (2002).
E. Anthologies
Commissione per i testi di lingua, Studi e problemi di critica testuale (1961).
Peter F. Ganz and Werner Schröder (eds.), Probleme mittelalterlicher Überlieferung und Textkritik (1968).
Hugo Kuhn, Karl Stackmann, and Dieter Wuttke (eds.), Kolloquium über Probleme altgermanistischer
Editionen (1968).
O M Brack, Jr., and Warner Barnes (eds.), Bibliography and Textual Criticism (1969).
Ronald Gottesman and Scott Bennett (eds.), Bibliography and Textual Criticism (1970).
Gunter Martens and Hans Zeller (eds.), Texte und Varianten (1971).
Societa italiana di Storia del Diritto, La critica del testo (1971).
Warner Barnes and James T. Cox (eds.), "Textual Studies in the Novel," Studies in the Novel 7 (Fall
1975): 317-471.
Frank Moore Cross and Shemaryahu Talmon (eds.), Qumran and the History of the Biblical Text (1975).
Wolfgang Frühwald, Herbert Kraft, and Walter Müller-Seidel (eds.), Probleme der Kommentierung
Christopher Kleinhenz (ed.), Medieval Manuscripts and Textual Criticism (1976).
Wolfgang Frühwald, Hans-Joachim Mähl, and Walter Müller-Seidel (eds.), Probleme der Brief-Edition
Ludwig Hödl and Dieter Wuttke (eds.), Probleme der Edition mittel- und neulateinischer Texte (1978).
Louis Hay (ed.), Essais de critique génétique (1979).
Louis Hay and Winfried Woesler (eds.), Die Nachlassedition: La publication de manuscrits inédits (1979).
Jean Irigoin and Gian Piero Zarri (eds.), La pratique des ordinateurs dans la critique des textes (1979).
Enrico Flores (ed.), La critica testuale greco-latina, oggi: metodi e problemi (1981).
N. John Hall (ed.), [Editing the Victorians], Browning Institute Studies 9 (1981).
Louis Hay and Winfried Woesler (eds.), Edition und Interpretation: Edition et interprétation des
manuscrits littéraires (1981).
George L. Vogt and John Bush Jones (eds.), Literary & Historical Editing (1981).
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30 Part 2: A Concise Selection C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Associazione Ispanisti Italiani, Ecdotica e testi ispanici (1982).
Louis Hay and Péter Nagy (eds.), Avant-texte, texte, après-texte (1982).
L.D. Reynolds (ed.), Texts and Transmission (1983).
Gary Taylor and Michael Warren (eds.), The Division of the Kingdoms: Shakespeare's Two Versions of
KING LEAR (1983).
J.B. Trapp (ed.), Manuscripts in the Fifty Years after the Invention of Printing (1983).
Paul G. Ruggiers (ed.), Editing Chaucer: The Great Tradition (1984).
G.B. Shand with Raymond C. Shady (eds.), Play-Texts in Old Spelling (1984).
Ian Short (ed.), Medieval French Textual Studies in Memory of T.B.W. Reid (1984).
Convegno di Lecce, La critica del testo (1985).
Frank P. Casa and Michael D. McGaha (eds.), Editing the Comedia (1985).
Jerome J. McGann (ed.), Textual Criticism and Literary Interpretation (1985).
Alfredo Stussi (ed.), La critica del testo (1985).
Jean-Claude Bouvier (ed.), Critique et édition de textes (1986).
Louis Hay (ed.), Le manuscrit inachevé: écriture, création, communication (1986).
C. George Sandulescu and Clive Hart (eds.), Assessing the 1984 ULYSSES (1986).
D.A. Pearsall (ed.), Manuscripts and Texts: Editorial Problems in Later Middle English Literature (1987).
Pasquale Stoppelli (ed.), Filologia dei testi a stampa (1987). [Essays that originally appeared in English]
Karl D. Uitti (ed.), "The Poetics of Textual Criticism: The Old French Example," L'Ésprit Créateur 27.1
(Spring 1987): 1-128.
Michael Werner and Winfried Woesler (eds.), Editions et manuscrits: Probleme der Prosa-Edition (1987).
Nina Catach (ed.), Les éditions critiques: problèmes techniques et éditoriaux (1988).
Michel Contat (ed.), Problème de l'édition critique (1988).
Siegfried Scheibe (ed.), Vom Umgang mit Editionen: Eine Einführung in Verfahrensweisen und Methoden
der Textologie (1988).
Edward Barrett (ed.), The Society of the Text: Hypertext, Hypermedia, and the Social Construction of
Information (1989).
Fritz Bornmann (ed.), Giorgio Pasquali e la filologia classica del novecento (1989).
Louis Hay (ed.), La naissance du texte (1989).
Roger Laufer (ed.), La texte et son inscription (1989).
Philip E. Bennett and Graham A. Runnalls (eds.), The Editor and the Text (1990).
D.G. Bevan and P.M. Wetherill (eds.), Sur la génétique textuelle (1990).
Marianne Børch, Andreas Haarder, and Julia McGrew (eds.), The Medieval Text: Editors and Critics
Paul Eggert (ed.), Editing in Australia (1990).
Dave Oliphant and Robin Bradford (eds.), New Directions in Textual Studies (1990).
Charles Rossman (ed.), "A Special Issue on Editing Ulysses," Studies in the Novel 22.2 (Summer 1990):
N. Streitz, A. Rizk, and J. André (eds.), Hypertext: Concepts, Systems, and Applications (1990).
William P. Williams (ed.), "Special Issue on the New Oxford Shakespeare," Analtyical & Enumerative
Bibliography n.s. 4 (1990): 1-97.
Stephen A. Barney (ed.), Annotation and Its Texts (1991).
George Bornstein (ed.), Representing Modernist Texts: Editing as Interpretation (1991).
Philip Cohen (ed.), Devils and Angels: Textual Editing and Literary Theory (1991).
Charles B. Faulhaber and Jerry R. Craddock (eds.), "Textual Criticism," Romance Philology 45.1 (August
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Daniel Ferrer and Jean-Louis Lebrave (eds.), L'écriture et ses doubles: genèse et variation textuelle (1991).
Judith Kennedy (ed.), Victorian Authors and Their Works: Revision Motivations and Modes (1991).
Tim William Machan (ed.), Medieval Literature: Texts and Interpretation (1991).
Gunter Martens and Winfried Woesler (eds.), Edition als Wissenschaft: Festschrift für Hans Zeller (1991).
Siegfried Scheibe and Christel Laufer (eds.), Zu Werk und Text: Beiträge zur Textologie (1991).
Ian Small and Marcus Walsh (eds.), The Theory and Practice of Text-Editing: Essays in Honour of James
T. Boulton (1991).
Peter Davison (ed.), The Book Encompassed: Studies in Twentieth-Century Bibliography (1992).
A.J. Minnis and Charlotte Brewer (eds.), Crux and Controversy in Middle English Textual Criticism
Nicholas Spadaccini and Jenaro Talens (eds.), The Politics of Editing (1992).
Rolf Bergmann and Kurt Gärtner (eds.), Methoden und Probleme der Edition mettelalterlicher deutscher
Texte (1993).
George Bornstein and Ralph G. Williams (eds.), Palimpsest: Editorial Theory in the Humanities (1993).
Keith Busby (ed.), Towards a Synthesis? Essays on the New Philology (1993).
Warren Chernaik, Caroline Davis, and Marilyn Deegan (eds.), The Politics of the Electronic Text (1993).
Louis Hay (ed.), Les manuscrits des écrivains (1993).
W. Speed Hill (ed.), New Ways of Looking at Old Texts: Papers of the Renaissance English Text Society,
1985-1991 (1993). [See below, under Renaissance English Text Society.]
Gunter Martens (ed.), Kommentierungsverfahren und Kommentarformen (1993).
Philip Cohen (ed.), "Special Issue: Textual Scholarship and American Literature," Resources for American
Literary Study 20.2 (1994): 133-263.
Margaret J.M. Ezell and Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe (eds.), Cultural Artifacts and the Production of
Meaning: The Page, the Image, and the Body (1994).
George P. Landow (ed.), Hyper / Text / Theory (1994).
A.J. Minnis (ed.), Late-Medieval Religious Texts and Their Transmission: Essays in Honour of A.I. Doyle
D.G. Scragg and Paul E. Szarmach (eds.), The Editing of Old English: Papers from the 1990 Manchester
Conference (1994).
Hans Gerhard Senger (ed.), Philosophische Editionen (1994).
Thomas Bein (ed.), Altgermanistische Editionswissenschaft (1995).
Hans Walter Gabler, George Bornstein, and Gillian Borland Pierce (eds.), Contemporary German
Editorial Theory (1995).
D.C. Greetham (ed.), Scholarly Editing: A Guide to Research (1995).
Graham Holderness and Andrew Murphy (eds.), "Textual Shakespeare," Critical Survey 7.3 (1995):
Alexander Pettit (ed.), "Editing Novels and Novelists, Now," Studies in the Novel 27.3 (Fall 1995).
Michael Riffaterre and Antoine Compagnon (eds.), [Special issue on genetic criticism], Romanic Review
86.3 (May 1995): 391-598.
Charles L. Ross and Dennis Jackson (eds.), Editing D.H. Lawrence: New Versions of a Modern Author
James Barbour and Tom Quirk (eds.), Biographies of Books: The Compositional Histories of Notable
American Writings (1996).
Richard J. Finneran (ed.), The Literary Text in the Digital Age (1996).
D.C. Greetham and W. Speed Hill (eds.), "Teaching Textual Criticism," Text 9 (1996): 135-74.
Seth Lerer (ed.), Reading from the Margins: Textual Studies, Chaucer, and Medieval Literature (1996).
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32 Part 2: A Concise Selection C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Michele Moylan and Lane Stiles (eds.), Essays on the Material Text and Literature in America (1996).
Tom Quirk (ed.), "Editing the Literary Imagination," Studies in the Literary Imagination 29.2 (Fall 1996).
Pieter van Reenan and Margot van Mulken (eds.), Studies in Stemmatology (1996).
Susan Zimmerman (ed.), "Forum: Editing Early Modern Texts," Shakespeare Studies 24 (1996): 19-78.
Claire Bustarret (ed.) and Jennifer A. Jones (trans.), "Genetic Criticism," Women & Literature 13.2 (April-
June 1997).
Philip Cohen (ed.), Texts and Textuality: Textual Instability, Theory, and Interpretation (1997).
Martin-Dietrich Glessgen and Franz Lebsanft (eds.), Alte und neue Philologie (1997).
D.C. Greetham (ed.), The Margins of the Text (1997).
Lawrence S. Rainey (ed.), A Poem Containing History: Textual Studies in THE CANTOS (1997).
Kathryn Sutherland (ed.), Electronic Text: Investigations in Method and Theory (1997).
Helmut Tervooren and Horst Wenzel (eds.), "Philologie als Textwissenschaft: alte und neue Horizonte,"
Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 116 (1997): supp. 1-252.
Marysa Demoor, Geert Lernout, and Sylvia van Peteghem (eds.), Editing the Text (1998).
Paul Eggert and Margaret Sankey (eds.), The Editorial Gaze: Mediating Texts in Literature and the Arts
Joanna Gondris (ed.), Reading Readings: Essays on Shakespeare Editing in the Eighteenth Century
W. Speed Hill (ed.), New Ways of Looking at Old Texts II: Papers of the Renaissance English Text
Society, 1992-1996 (1998).
Sarah Larratt Keefer and Katherine O'Brien O'Keefe (eds.), New Approaches to Editing Old English Verse
Vincent McCarren and Douglas Moffat (eds.), A Guide to Editing Middle English (1998).
Laurie E. Maguire and Thomas L. Berger (eds.), Textual Formations and Reformations (1998).
Glenn W. Most (ed.), Editing Texts, Texte Edieren (1998).
Christa Jansohn (ed.), Problems of Editing (Beihefte zu Editio 14, 1999).
Joe Bray, Miriam Handley, and Anne C. Henry (eds.), Ma(r)king the Text: The Presentation of Meaning
on the Literary Page (2000).
Christiane Henkes and Harald Saller with Thomas Richter (eds.), Text und Autor (Beihefte zu Editio 15,
Rüdiger Nutt-Kofoth, Bodo Plachta, H.T.M. van Vliet, and Hermann Zwerschina (eds.), Text und Edition:
Positionen und Perspektiven (2000).
Alexander Pettit (ed.), Textual Studies and the Common Reader: Essays on Editing Novels and Novelists
Peter M.W. Robinson and Hans W. Gabler (eds.), "Making Texts for the Next Century," Literary and
Linguistic Computing 15.1 (2000).
Maureen Bell, Shirley Chew, Simon Eliot, Lynette Hunter, and James L.W. West II (eds.), Re-
Constructing the Book: Literary Texts in Transmission (2001).
James M. Haule (ed.), Editing Virginia Woolf: Interpreting the Modernist Text (2002).
Elizabeth B. Loizeaux and Neil Fraistat (eds.), Reimagining Textuality: Textual Studies in the Late Age
of Print (2002).
Helga Lühning (ed.), Musikedition: Mittler zwischen Wissenschaft undmusikalischer Praxis (Beihefte zu
Editio 17, 2002).
Bodo Plachta and Winfried Woesler (eds.), Edition und Übersetzung: zur wissenschaftlichen
Dokumentation des interkulturellen Texttransfers (Beihefte zu Editio 18, 2002).
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F. Volumes in Series
Studies in Bibliography: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia [SB], ed.
Fredson Bowers [vols. 1-45] and David L. Vander Meulen [vols. 46- ] (1948- ).
University of Toronto Conferences on Editorial Problems, 1965- (1966- ). [R.J. Schoeck (ed.), Editing
Sixteenth Century Texts (1966); John M. Robson (ed.), Editing Nineteenth Century Texts (1967);
D.I.B. Smith (ed.), Editing Eighteenth-Century Texts (1968); William J. Howard (ed.), Editor,
Author, and Publisher (1969); Francess G. Halpenny (ed.), Editing Twentieth Century Texts (1972);
D.I.B. Smith (ed.), Editing Seventeenth Century Prose (1972); John D. Baird (ed.), Editing Texts of
the Romantic Period (1972); Francess G. Halpenny (ed.), Editing Canadian Texts (1975); G.E.
Bentley, Jr. (ed.), Editing Eighteenth Century Novels (1975); Eric W. Domville (ed.), Editing British
and American Literature, 1880-1920 (1976); Anne Lancashire (ed.), Editing Renaissance Dramatic
Texts: English, Italian, and Spanish (1976); A.G. Rigg (ed.), Editing Medieval Texts: English,
French, and Latin Written in England (1977); Jane Millgate (ed.), Editing Nineteenth-Century
Fiction (1978); J.A. Dainard (ed.), Editing Correspondence (1979); William Blissett (ed.), Editing
Illustrated Books (1980); A.H. de Quehen (ed.), Editing Poetry from Spenser to Dryden (1981);
Trevor H. Levere (ed.), Editing Texts in the History of Science and Medicine (1982); H.J. Jackson
(ed.), Editing Polymaths: Erasmus to Russell (1983); A.F. Johnston (ed.), Editing Early English
Drama: Special Problems and New Directions (1987); Sharon Butler and William P. Stoneman
(eds.), Editing, Publishing and Computer Technology (1988); Richard Landon (ed.), Editing and
Editors: A Retrospect (1988); D.E. Moggridge (ed.), Editing Modern Economists (1988); John N.
Grant (ed.), Editing Greek and Latin Texts (1989); John Lennox and Janet M. Paterson (eds.),
Challenges, Projects, Texts: Canadian Editing (1993); Roberta Frank (ed.), The Politics of Editing
Medieval Texts (1993); Randall McLeod (ed.), Crisis in Editing: Texts of the English Renaissance
(1994); Germaine Warkentin (ed.), Critical Issues in Editing Exploration Texts (1995); Joan
Winearls (ed.), Editing Early and Historical Atlases (1995); Erika Rummel (ed.), Editing Texts from
the Age of Erasmus (1996); Maria Rika Maniates (ed.), Music Discourse from Classical to Early
Modern Times: Editing and Translating Texts (1997); Ann M. Hutchison (ed.), Editing Women
(1998); Laura J. Murray and Keren D. Rice (eds.), Talking on the Page: Editing Aboriginal Texts
(1999). (For a historical account of the series, see G.E. Bentley's essay in the Landon volume (1988),
pp. 15-27.)]
Text: Transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship, ed. D.C. Greetham and W. Speed Hill [later
Hill, Edward M. Burns, and Peter L. Shillingsburg] (1984- ).
Renaissance English Text Society Panels, 1985- (1986- ). Annual pamphlets consisting of three or four
photocopied papers: Theory and Practice of Transcription (1985 panel, chaired by Arthur S.
Kinney), Editing Women Writers of the Renaissance (1986 panel, chaired by Suzanne Gossett), Is
the Typography Textual? (1988 panel, chaired by Carolyn Kent), The New Historicism and the
Editing of English Renaissance Texts (1989 panel, chaired by Thomas L. Berger), Voices of Silence:
Editing the Letters of Renaissance Women (1990 panel, chaired by Josephine A. Roberts), and
Editing Manuscript Poetical Miscellanies (1991 panel, chaired by Arthur F. Marotti). [These papers
are brought together in New Ways of Looking at Old Texts, ed. W. Speed Hill (1993).]
Editio: Internationales Jahrbuch für Editionswissenschaft, ed. Winfried Woesler (1987- ).
University of Michigan Press series, "Editorial Theory and Literary Criticism," ed. George Bornstein
(1993- ). [Includes, among other volumes, the books (listed above) by Joseph Grigely (1995) and
Peter Shillingaburg (1998), the 1996 edition of Shillingsburg's Scholarly Editing in the Computer
Age, and the anthologies (listed above) edited by Bornstein (1993), Gabler (1995), Ross (1995),
Finneran (1996), and Greetham (1997).]
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34 Part 2: A Concise Selection C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Journals: articles on editing also regularly appear in The Library (The Bibliographical Society, London),
Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, Bibliographical Society of Australia and New
Zealand Bulletin, Documentary Editing (Association for Documentary Editing), and Genesis: Revue
internationale de critique génétique (Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes, Centre Nationale
de la Recherche Scientifique, 1992- ).
G. Further Listings
Many additional writings on textual criticism and editing are listed in Parts 6 and 7 below. For a
comprehensive record of material relating to British authors, see T.H. Howard-Hill, Shakespearian
Bibliography and Textual Criticism: A Bibliography (1971, 2000); British Bibliography and Textual
Criticism: A Bibliography (1979); British Bibliography and Textual Criticism: A Bibliography (Authors)
(1979); British Literary Bibliography, 1970-1979: A Bibliography (1992); and British Literary
Bibliography, 1980-1989: A Bibliography (1999). (Other useful Shakespeare checklists are Gordon Ross
Smith's "Text Transmission and Emendation" in A Classified Shakespeare Bibliography 1936-1958
[1963], pp.111-51, and James G. McManaway and Jeanne Addison Roberts, A Selective Bibliography of
Shakespeare: Editions, Textual Studies, Commentary [1975].) A sizable checklist that includes some
references to work in classical and biblical textual criticism, as well as the textual criticism of writings in
the modern languages, is part of the "Selected Bibliography" for D.C. Greetham's Textual Scholarship: An
Introduction (1992), pp. 466-503 (which also contains a generous list of "Some Representative Scholarly
Editions," pp. 485-96); in the 1994 printing these lists are expanded to pp. 472-526 and pp. 500-13
respectively. For similar coverage, see also the listings at the ends of chapters in Scholarly Editing: A
Guide to Research (1995), ed. Greetham; and see William Baker and Kenneth Womack, Twentieth-
Century Bibliography and Textual Criticism: An Annotated Bibliography (2000). Listings that deal with
the textual criticism of pre-Renaissance manuscript material are Bruce M. Metzger's Annotated
Bibliography of the Textual Criticism of the New Testament, 1914-1939 (1955), Laurel N. Braswell's
Western Manuscripts from Classical Antiquity to the Renaissance: A Handbook (1981), Leonard E. Boyle's
"Textual Setting" in his Medieval Latin Palaeography: A Bibliographical Introduction (1984),
pp. 286-316, and Thomas P. Halton's Classical Scholarship: An Annotated Bibliography (1986). A
substantial checklist (well indexed by subject) of material in English concerned with post-medieval
writings is Beth Luey (with Kathleen Gorman), Editing Documents and Texts: An Annotated Bibliography
(1990); a more specialized list is Jeremy Lopez's "An Annotated Bibliography of Textual Scholarship in
[non-Shakespearean] Elizabethan Drama, 1973-1998," Research Opportunities in Renaissance Drama 39
(2000): 17-76. For studies of the textual problems in particular authors and works, see David Madden and
Richard Powers, Writers' Revisions: An Annotated Bibliography of Articles and Books about Writers'
Revisions and Their Comments on the Creative Process (1981); D.C. Greetham, "Selected Anglophone
Textual Criticism of Individual Authors or Works," in his Textual Scholarship: An Introduction (1992,
1994), pp. 488-93 [1994]; and Graham Falconer and David H. Sanderson, "Bibliographie des études
génétiques littéraires," Texte 7 (1988): 287-352. An extensive listing of textual work relevant to literature
in the Romance languages appears in Romance Philology 45 (1991): 206-36; for German literature, see
Waltraud Hagen et al., Handbuch der Editionen (1979, 1981), and Rainer Schmitz, Bibliographisches
Handbuch der Editionswissenschaft im Bereich der Neugermanistik (forthcoming). Annual records of
current publications (including editions themselves) appear in the Modern Humanities Research
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Association's Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (especially useful is the "Textual
Studies" section), the MLA International Bibliography, The Year's Work in English Studies, and
Shakespeare Survey; less extensive current listings can be found in Documentary Editing, Editio, and the
Newsletter of the Association for Textual Scholarship in Art History.
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36 Part 2: A Concise Selection C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
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Part 3
A. Spelling
Oxford English Dictionary (1884-1928, 1933, 1972-86).
Dictionary of American English, ed. William A. Craigie and James R. Hulbert (1938-44).
Dictionary of American Regional English, ed. Frederic G. Cassidy (1985- ).
B. Danielsson (ed.), John Hart's Works on Orthography and Pronunciation, 1551, 1569, 1570 (1948).
Alexander Hume, Of the Orthographie and Congruitie of the Britan Tongue (17th century; published
R.E. Zachrisson, "Four Hundred Years of English Spelling Reform," Studia Neophilologica 4 (1932):
Arthur Brown, "The Rationale of Old-Spelling Editions of the Plays of Shakespeare and His
Contemporaries: A Rejoinder," Studies in Bibliography 13 (1960): 69-76. [The article this responds
to, by J.R. Brown, appears on the preceding pages, pp. 49-67.]
John T. Shawcross, "One Aspect of Milton's Spelling: Idle Final 'E,'" PMLA 78 (1963): 501-10.
John T. Shawcross, "What We Can Learn from Milton's Spelling," Huntington Library Quarterly 26
(1962-63): 351-61.
A.C. Partridge, Orthography in Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama: A Study of Colloquial Contractions,
Elision, Prosody and Punctuation (1964).
Nina Catach, L'Orthographie française à l'époque de la Renaissance (1968).
G.V. Smithers, "Guide-Lines for Interpreting the Uses of the Suffix '-ed' in Shakespeare's English,"
Shakespeare Survey 23 (1970): 27-37.
D.G. Scragg, A History of English Spelling (1974).
Peter L. and Miriam J. Shillingsburg, "Editing and the Oxford English Dictionary," Editorial Quarterly
2 (1975): 8-9.
John Bush Jones, "Victorian 'Readers' and Modern Editors: Attitudes and Accidentals Revisited," Papers
of the Bibliographical Society of America 71 (1977): 49-59.
Richard L. Venezky, "Notes on the History of English Spelling," Visible Language 10 (1976): 351-65.
Nina Catach, L'Orthographie (1978).
William P. Williams, "Some Notes on 'f' [long s] and 's,'" Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography 3
(1979): 97-101.
Nina Catach, with Claude Gruaz and Daniel Duprez, L'Orthographie française (1980).
G.B. Shand with Raymond C. Shady (eds.), Play-Texts in Old Spelling (1984). [Includes Randall McLeod,
"Spellbound," pp. 81-96 (reprinted from Renaissance and Reformation n.s. 3.1 (1979): 50-650; and
Richard Morton, "How Many Revengers in The Revengers Tragedy? Archaic Spellings and the
Modern Annotator," pp. 113-22.]
N.E. Osselton, "Spelling-Book Rules and the Capitalization of Nouns in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth
Centuries," in Historical & Editorial Studies in Medieval and Early Modern English, for Johan
Gerritsen, ed. Mary-Jo Arn and Hanneke Wirtjes, with Hans Jensen (1985), pp. 49-61.
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38 Part 3: Visual Aspects of Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
D.W. Cummings, American English Spelling: An Informal Description (1988).
Edward A. Levenston, The Stuff of Literature: Physical Aspects of Texts and Their Relation to Literary
Meaning (1992). [See Chapter 3.]
Peter J. Lucas, "Sixteenth-Century English Spelling Reform and the Printers in Continental Perspective:
Sir Thomas Smith and John Hart," Library 7th ser. 1 (2000): 3-21.
Phillip Harth, "The Text of Dryden's Poetry," Huntington Library Quarterly 63 (2001-2): 227-44.
B. Punctuation
A Treatise of Stops, Points, or Pauses (1680)
Joseph Robertson, An Essay on Punctuation (1785).
John Wilson, A Treatise on English Punctuation (1855).
Philip Gaskell, Giles Barber, and Georgina Warrilow, "An Annotated List of Printers' Manuals to 1850,"
Journal of the Printing Historical Society 4 (1968): 11-32; 7 (1972): 65-66.
Alexander Bieling, Das Princip der deutschen Interpunktion (1880).
T.F. and M.F.A. Husband, Punctuation: Its Principles and Practice (1905).
Percy Simpson, Shakespearian Punctuation (1911).
Arthur W. Hodgman, "Latin Equivalents of Punctuation Marks," Classical Journal 19 (1924): 403-17.
Charles C. Fries, "Shakespearian Punctuation," in Studies in Shakespeare, Milton and Donne, ed. Eugene
S. McCartney (1925), pp. 65-86.
Edwin J. Howard, "The Printer and Elizabethan Punctuation," Studies in Philology 27 (1930): 220-29.
Walter Ong, "Historical Backgrounds of Elizabethan and Jacobean Punctuation," PMLA 59 (1944):
Peter Clemoes, Liturgical Influence on Punctuation in Late Old English and Early Middle English
Manuscripts (1952).
Eric Partridge, You Have a Point There (1953).
Geoffrey Tillotson, "Eighteenth-Century Capitalization," Library 5th ser. 9 (1954): 268-70.
George H. Callcott, "The Sacared Quotation Mark," The Historian 21 (1959): 409-20.
D.F. McKenzie, "Shakespearian Punctuation: A New Beginning," Review of English Studies n.s. 10
(1959): 361-70. Reprinted in Reader in the Language of Shakespearean Drama, ed. V. Salmon and
E. Burness (1987), pp. 445-54.
Park Honan, "Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Punctuation Theory," English Studies 41 (1960): 92-102.
Vivian Salmon, "Early Seventeenth-Century Punctuation as a Guide to Sentence Structure," Review of
English Studies n.s. 13 (1962): 347-60.
A.C. Partridge, Orthography in Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama: A Study of Colloquial Contractions,
Elision, Prosody and Punctuation (1964).
B.M.H. Strang, A History of English (1970).
T.J. Brown, "Punctuation," in New Encyclopædia Britannica (1974- ).
John Bush Jones, "Victorian 'Readers' and Modern Editors: Attitudes and Accidentals Revisited," Papers
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of the Bibliographical Society of America 71 (1977): 49-59.
M.B. Parkes, "Punctuation, or Pause and Effect," in Medieval Eloquence: Studies in the Theory and
Practice of Medieval Rhetoric, ed. James J. Murphy (1978), pp. 127-42.
Bruce Mitchell, "The Dangers of Disguise: Old English Texts in Modern Punctuation," Review of English
Studies n.s. 31 (1980): 385-413.
Donald Hall, "Robert Frost Corrupted," Atlantic Monthly, March 1982, pp. 60-64.
John Bateson, "A Short History of Punctuation," Verbatim 10.2 (Autumn 1983): 6-7.
C.J. Mitchell, "Quotation Marks, National Compositorial Habits and False Imprints," Library 6th ser. 5
(1983): 359-84.
G.B. Shand with Raymond C. Shady (eds.), Play-Texts in Old Spelling (1984). [Includes Robert Kean
Turner, "Accidental Evils," pp. 27-33.]
George B. Killough, "Middle English Verse Punctuation: A Sample Survey," Text 3 (1987): 183-210.
Charles F. Meyer, A Linguistic Study of American Punctuation (1987).
Ellen Lupton (curator), Period Styles: A History of Punctuation [Cooper Union exhibition catalogue]
Alan Cruttenden, "Intonation and the Comma," Visible Language 25.1 (Winter 1991): 54-73.
Edward A. Levenston, The Stuff of Literature: Physical Aspects of Texts and Their Relation to Literary
Meaning (1992). [See Chapter 4.]
M.B. Parkes, Pause and Effect: An Introduction to the History of Punctuation in the West (1992).
[Reviewed in Huntington Library Quarterly 57 (1994): 377-82 (Ralph Hanna III); in Library 6th ser.
16 (1994): 232-34 (G.H. Martin); in Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography n.s. 9 (1995): 49-51
(Paul Saenger); in Text 9 (1996): 408-29 (D.C. Greetham); in Quaerendo 27 (1997): 151-62 (J.P.
Gumbert; in Counter [University of Iowa Center for the Book] 7 (Fall 1997): 3-7 (Roderick Cave).]
J.P. Gumbert, "Medieval Points," Quaerendo 27 (1997): 151-62.
Kathryn Sutherland, "Speaking Commas / Reading Commas: Punctuating Mansfield Park," Text 12
(1999): 101-22. Reprinted in Bray (2000).
Joe Bray, Miriam Handley, and Anne C. Henry (eds.), Ma(r)king the Text: The Presentation of Meaning
on the Literary Page (2000). [See especially John Leonard, "Mark, Space, Axis, Function: Towards
a (New) Theory of Punctuation on Historical Principles"; Anne C. Henry, "The Re-mark-able Rise
of '...': Reading Ellipsis Marks in Literary Texts"; and Ros King, "Seeing the Rhythm: An
Interpretation of Sixteenth-Century Punctuation and Metrical Practice."]
Phillip Harth, "The Text of Dryden's Poetry," Huntington Library Quarterly 63 (2001-2): 227-44.
C. Other Visual Aspects of Texts
(The question whether visual design is part of the text of a verbal work is discussed,
in varying degrees of detail, in many of the works on textual criticism and scholarly editing
listed in other parts of this syllabus.)
Max Zobel von Zabeltitz, "Figurengedichte," Zeitschrift für Bücherfreunde, Fall 1926, pp. 21-24.
Thomas H. Johnson, "The Topical Verses of Edward Taylor," Transactions of the Colonial Society of
Massachusetts 34 (1941): 532ff.
Margaret Church, "The First English Pattern Poems," PMLA 61 (1946): 636-50.
William B. Goodman, "Edward Taylor Writes His Love," New England Quarterly 27 (1954): 510-15.
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40 Part 3: Visual Aspects of Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Jean Hagstrum, The Sister Arts (1958).
E. Williams (ed.), An Anthology of Concrete Poetry (1967).
Mary Ellen Solt and W. Barnstone (eds.), Concrete Poetry: A World View (1969).
Robert Massin, Letter and Image 1970).
Roger W. Westcott, "Linguistic Iconism," Language 47 (1971): 416-28.
David W. Seaman, "The Development of Visual Poetry in France," Visible Language 6 (1972): 19-44.
Mary Ellen Solt, "Typography and the Visual Concrete Poem," Visible Language 6 (1972): 109-22.
Abbie W. Beiman, "Concrete Poetry: A Study in Metaphor," Visible Language 8 (1974): 197-223.
Marie M. Clay, "Research in Brief: Orientation to the Spatial Characteristics of the Open Book," Visible
Language 8 (1974): 275-82.
Aaron Marcus, "An Introduction to the Visual Syntax of Concrete Poetry," Visible Language 8 (1974):
Tom Conley, "Verbal Shape in the Poetry of Villon and Marot," Visible Language 9 (1975): 101-22.
Karl Keller, The Example of Edward Taylor (1975).
Terrance J. King, "Radial Design in Wallace Stevens," Visible Language 9 (1975): 25-46.
Milton Konsky (ed.), Speaking Pictures: An Anthology of Pictorial Poetry from the Sixteenth Century to
the Present (1975).
Bob Cobbing and Peter Mayer, Concerning Concrete Poetry (1976, 1978).
Kenneth B. Newell, Pattern Poems: A Historical Critique (1976).
Jerrald Ranta, "Palindromes, Poems, and Geometric Form," Visible Language 10 (1976): 157-72.
John J. White, "The Argument for a Semiotic Approach to Shaped Writings: The Case of Itallian Futurist
Typography," Visible Language 10 (1976): 53-86.
Nina S. Hellerstein, "Paul Claudel and Guillaume Apollinaire as Visual Poets," Visible Language 11
(1977): 245-70.
Dick Higgins, George Herbert's Pattern Poems (1977).
Anthony L. Johnson, "Anagrammatism in Poetry," PTL: A Journal for Descriptive Poetics and Theory of
Literature 2 (1977): 89-118.
Elizabeth Cook, "Figured Poetry," Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 42 (1979): 1-15.
Dick Higgins, "The Strategy of Visual Poetry," Precisely 3/5 (1979): 41-59.
Richard Kostelanetz (ed.), Visual Literary Criticism: A New Collection (1979).
David W. Seaman, "Early French Visual Poetry," Precisely 3/5 (1979): 203-37.
Charlene Garry, "Illustrated Books as Original Works of Art: Form as Complement to Content," in Editing
Illustrated Books, ed. William Blissett (1980), pp. 113-24.
Ruth S. Luborsky, "The Allusive Presentation of The Shepheardes Calender," Spenser Studies 1 (1980):
James Hartley and Peter Burnhill (eds.), "The Spatial Arrangement of Text," Visible Language 15.1
(1981): 1-120.
D.F. McKenzie, "Typography and Meaning: The Case of William Congreve," in Buch und Buchhandel
in Europa im achtzehnten Jahrhundert, ed. Giles Barber and Bernhard Fabian (1981), pp. 81-125.
Reprinted in his Making Meaning: "Printers of the Mind" and Other Essays, ed. Peter D. McDonald
and Michael F. Suarez (2002), pp. 198-236.
David W. Seaman, Concrete Poetry in France (1981).
Paul H. Bowdre, Jr., "Eye Dialect as a Problem in Graphics," Visible Language 16 (1982): 177-83.
Ulrich Ernst, "Europäische Figurengedichte in Pyramidenform aus dem 16. and 17. Jahrhundert,"
Euphorion 76 (1982): 295-360.
Edward Hodnett, Image and Text (1982).
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Randall McLeod, "Un-Editing Shakespeare," Sub-Stance 33/34 (1982): 26-55.
Clyde Thogmartin, "Mr. Dooley's Brogue: The Literary Dialect of Finley Peter Dunne," Visible Language
16 (1982): 184-98.
Dick Higgins, Horizons: The Poetics and Theory of the Intermedia (1983).
Randall McLeod, "Gon. No more, the text is foolish," in The Division of the Kingdoms, ed. Gary Taylor
and Michael Warren (1983), pp. 153-93.
Raymond B. Waddington, "Visual Rhetoric: Chapman and the Extended Poem," English Literary
Renaissance 13 (1983): 36-57.
Fernand Baudin, "The Visual Editing of Texts," Visible Language 18 (1984): 81-86.
Bart Westerweel, Patterns and Patterning: A Study of Four Poems by George Herbert (1984).
Judith E. Preckshot (ed.), "The Book, Inside and Out," Visible Language 19.4 (Autumn 1985): 403-540.
[See especially Steven Winspur, "Poetry, Portrait, Poetrait," pp. 426-38; Ann-Marie Christin, "A
Visionary Book: Charles Nodier's L'Histoire du Roi de Bohême et ses sept châteaux," pp. 462-83
(trans. Janet Solberg); Preckshot, "Press Art: Poets and Their Printing Machines," pp. 499-518;
Renée Riese Hubert, "Readable--Visible: Reflections on the Illustrated Book," pp. 519-38.
Paschal C. Viglionese, "The Inner Functioning of Words: Iconicity in Poetic Language," Visible Language
19 (1985): 373-86.
Willard Bohn, The Aesthetics of Visual Poetry, 1914-1928 (1986).
Cathy N. Davidson, "Ideology and Genre: The Rise of the Novel in America," Proceedings of the
American Antiquarian Society 96 (1986): 295-321.
Cathy N. Davidson, Revolution and the Word: The Rise of the Novel in America (1986).
Dick Higgins (ed.), "Pattern Poetry: A Symposium," Visible Language 20.1 (Winter 1986): 1-147.
[Includes Ulrich Ernst, "The Figured Poem: Towards a Definition of Genre," pp. 8-27; and Higgins,
"The Corpus of Biriths and Other English-Language Pattern Poetry," pp. 28-51.]
W.J.T. Mitchell, Iconology: Image, Text, Ideology (1986).
Stephen C. Foster (ed.), "The Avant-Garde and the Text," Visible Language 21.3/4 (Summer/Autumn
Richard Bradford, "Speech and Writing in Poetry and Its Criticism," Visible Language 22 (1988): 169-94.
S.K. Heninger, "The Typographical Layout of Spenser's Shepheardes Calender," in Word and Visual
Imagination, ed. K.J. Holtgen (1988), pp. 33-71.
Carolyn Kent (chair), Is the Typography Textual? (Renaissance English Text Society papers, 1988).
Reprinted in New Ways of Looking at Old Texts, ed. W. Speed Hill (1993).
Julia Lupton, "Shakespeare and e.e. cummings: Elizabethan Punctuation and Modernist Poetics," in Period
Styles: A History of Punctuation, ed. Ellen Lupton (1988), pp. 9-11.
Richard Bradford (ed.), "The Printed Poem and the Reader," Visible Language 23.1 (Winter 1989): 1-132.
"Inscriptions in Painting," Visible Language 23.2/3 (Spring/Summer 1989): 141-315.
Emma Kafalenos, "Image and Narrativity: Robbe-Grillet's La belle captive," Visible Language 23 (1989):
W.E. Slights, "The Edifying Margins of Renaissance English Books," Renaissance Quarterly 42 (1989):
Kimberly Elam, Expressive Typography: The Word as Image (1990).
Eugene Kintgen, "Reconstructing Elizabethan Reading," Studies in English Literature 30 (1990): 1-19.
Christpher Collins, Reading the Written Image: Interpretation, Verbal Play, and the Roots of Iconophobia
Margreta De Grazia, Shakespeare Verbatim: The 1790 Apparatus and the Reproduction of Authenticity
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42 Part 3: Visual Aspects of Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Johanna Drucker, "Typographic Manipulation of the Poetic Text in the Early Twentieth-Century-Avant-
Garde," in "The Artist's Book: The Text and Its Rivals," ed. Renée Riese Hubert, Visible Language
25.2/3 (Spring 1991): 231-56.
David Foxon, Alexander Pope and the Early Eighteenth-Century Book Trade, ed. James L. McLaverty
Alastair Johnson, "The Author as Typographer," Ampersand Summer 1991, pp. 2-5 (followed by
"Ampersand Forum: The Wake/Shandy Panel," pp. 6-7, 10-11).
John Jowett, "Jonson's Authorization of Type in Sejanus and Other Early Quartos," Studies in
Bibliography 44 (1991): 254-65. Reprinted in New Ways of Looking at Old Texts, ed. W. Speed Hill
(1993), pp. 175-86.
Piotr Rypson, "Seventeenth-Century Visual Poetry from Danzig," Gutenberg Jahrbuch, 1991, pp. 269-304.
[See footnote 3 for a list of works on visual poetry.]
[Nicolas Barker], "The Author as Editor," Book Collector 41 (1992): 9-27 passim.
Tom Conley, The Graphic Unconscious in Early Modern French Writing (1992).
William Everson, "The Poem as Icon," in On Printing, ed. Peter Rutledge Koch (1992), pp. 91-113.
Roland Greene (ed.), "Material Poetry of the Renaissance / The Renaissance of Material Poetry," Harvard
Library Bulletin 3.2 (Summer 1992): 1-104.
Alastair Johnston, "Return of the Son of the Author as Typographer: Literary Parlor Games (Or,
Typography and the Science of Nonsense)," Ampersand 11.4 (Winter 1992): 2-6.
Edward A. Levenston, The Stuff of Literature: Physical Aspects of Texts and Their Relation to Literary
Meaning (1992).
Douglas McArthur, "Sign Function and Potential of the Printed Word," Visible Language 26 (1992):
W.E. Slights, "'Marginall Notes That Spoile the Text': Scriptural Annotations in the English Renaissance,"
Huntington Library Quarterly 55 (1992): 255-78.
Paul F. Grendler, "Form and Function in Italian Renaissance Popular Books," Renaissance Quarterly 46
(1993): 451-85.
Jerome McGann, Black Riders: The Visible Language of Modernism (1993).
Harry Polkinhorn, Introduction to "Visual Poetry: An International Anthology," Visible Language 27.4
(Autumn 1993).
Barbara Maria Stafford, "Presuming Images and Consuming Words: The Visualization of Knowledge from
the Enlightenment to Post-Modernism," in Consumption and the World of Goods, ed. John Brewer
and Roy Porter (1993), pp. 462-77.
Evelyn B. Tribble, Margins and Marginality: The Printed Page in Early Modern England (1993).
Robin Alston, Books with Manuscript: A Short-Title Catalogue of Books with Manuscript Notes in the
British Library (1994).
Andrew Blauvelt (ed.), "New Perspectives: Critical Histories of Graphic Design," Visible Language 28.3-4
(1994), 29.1 (1995).
Johanna Drucker, The Visible Word: Experimental Typography and Modern Art, 1909-1923 (1994).
Ellen J. Esrock, The Reader's Eye: Visual Imaging as Reader Response (1994).
Margaret J.M. Ezell and Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe (eds.), Cultural Artifacts and the Production of
Meaning: The Page, the Image, and the Body (1994).
Michael Kaufmann, Textual Bodies: Modernism, Postmodernism, and Print (1994).
Randall McLeod ("Random Cloud"), "FIAT fLUX," in Crisis in Editing: Texts of the English Renaissance,
ed. McLeod (1994), pp. 61-172.
Claire Hoertz Badaracco, Trading Words: Poetry, Typography, and Illustrated Books in the Modern
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 3: Visual Aspects of Texts 43
Literary Economy (1995).
John Brewer and Ann Bermingham (eds.), The Consumption of Culture 1600-1800: Image, Object, Text
Stephen Bury, Artists' Books: The Book as a Work of Art, 1963-1995 (1995).
Micheline Cambron, "The Importance of Periodical Format and Style: Understanding the History of
Literature in Lower Canada," Facsimile [Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions] 14
(November 1995): 12-15.
Jeanne S. Chall and Edgar Dale, Readability Revisited (1995).
Roger Chartier, Forms and Meanings: Texts, Performances, and Audiences from Codex to Computer
Johanna Drucker, The Alphabetic Labyrinth: The Letters in History and Imagination (1995).
Howard Erskine-Hill and Richard A. McCabe, Presenting Poetry: Composition, Publication, Reception
Murray J. Evans, Rereading Middle English Romance: Manuscript Layout, Decoration, and the Rhetoric
of Composite Structure (1995).
Armando Petrucci, Writers and Readers in Medieval Italy (trans. Charles M. Radding, 1995).
Edward Bishop, "Re:Covering Modernism--Format and Function in the Little Magazines," in Modernist
Writers and the Marketplace, ed. Ian Willison, Warwick Gould, and Warren Chernaik (1996),
pp. 287-319.
Hartmut Günter and Otto Ludwig (eds.), Writing and Its Use: An International Handbook of International
Research (1996). [Reviewed by Dietmar Winkler in Visible Language 32 (1998): 183-87.]
Kevin J. Hayes, A Colonial Woman's Bookshelf (1996).
Frederick Kiefer, Writing on the Renaissance Stage: Written Words, Printed Pages, Metaphoric Books
Suzanne Lewis, Reding Images: Narrative Discourse and Reception in the Thirteenth-Century Illuminated
Apocalypse (1996).
Alberto Manguel, A History of Reading (1996).
James Raven, Helen Small, and Naomi Tadmor (eds.), The Practice and Representation of Reading in
England (1996).
Paul Saenger, "The Impact of the Early Printed Page on the History of Reading," Bulletin du bibliophile,
1996:2, pp. 237-301.
Dan Carr, "Beyond Fine Printing: Typographic Punchcutting and the Evolution of a Poet's Voice on the
Page," Book Club of California Quarterly News Letter 63.1 (Winter 1997): 3-17.
Gérard Genette, Paratexts: Thresholds of Interpretation (trans. of Seuils [1987] by Jane E. Lewin, 1997).
Anthony Grafton, The Footnote: A Curious History (1997).
David Greetham (ed.), The Margins of the Text (1997).
Peter Isaac and Barry McKay (eds.), Images and Texts: Their Production and Distribution in the
Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries (1997).
Michele Moylan and Lane Stiles (eds.), Essays on the Material Text and Literature in America (1997).
Everett M. Rogers, A History of Communication Study: A Biographical Approach (1997).
Bernard M. Rosenthal, Printed Books with Manuscript Annotations (1997).
Dora Thornton, The Scholar in His Study: Ownership and Experience in Renaissance Italy (1997).
Mark Balhorn, "Paper Representations of the Non-Standard Voice," Visible Language 32 (1998): 56-74.
Frédéric Barbier, "L'histoire, l'historien et la lecture," Gutenberg Jahrbuch, 1998, pp. 264-85.
Nicolas Barker, "Print, Picture or Text?", Book Collector 47 (1998): 297-318 passim.
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44 Part 3: Visual Aspects of Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
George Bornstein and Theresa Tinkle (eds.), The Iconic Page in Manuscript, Print, and Digital Culture
Stephen Colclough, "Recovering the Reader: Commonplace Books and Diaries as Sources of Reading
Experience," Publishing History 44 (1998): 5-37.
Paul Eggert and Margaret Sankey (eds.), The Editorial Gaze (1998).
Robert N. Essick, "Representation, Anxiety, and the Bibliographic Sublime," Huntington Library
Quarterly 59 (1998): 503-28.
Ann Fidler, "'Till You Understand Them in Their Principal Features': Observations on Form and Function
in Nineteenth-Century American Law Books," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 92
(1998): 427-42.
Joanna Gondris (ed.), Reading Readings: Essays on Shakespeare Editing in the Eighteenth Century
Monique Hulvey, "Not So Marginal: Manuscript Annotations in the Folger Incunabula," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 92 (1998): 159-76.
Adrian Johns, The Nature of the Book: Print and Knowledge in the Making (1998).
Seth Lerer, "The Wiles of a Woodcut: Wynkyn de Worde and the Early Tudor Reader," Huntington
Library Quarterly 59 (1998): 381-403.
Elizabeth B. Loizeaux and Neil Fraistat (eds.), Reimagining Textuality: Essays on the Verbal, Visual, and
Cultural Construction of Texts (1998).
Alan Marshall, "New Approaches to the Study of 20th-Century Typographical Production," Gutenberg
Jahrbuch, 1998, pp. 256-63.
Pamela Spence Richards (ed.), "The History of Reading and Libraries in the United States and Russia,"
Libraries and Culture 33.1 (Winter 1998): 1-140.
Peter W. Sinnema, The Dynamics of the Pictured Page: Representing the Nation in the ILLUSTRATED
LONDON NEWS, 1842-1892 (1998).
Molly Abel Travis, Reading Cultures: The Construction of Readers in the Twentieth Century (1998).
Ron Broglio, "Becoming-Zoa [Blake]," Visible Language 33 (1999): 128-49.
Markus Hallensleben, "The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction," Visible Language 33 (1999):
Min-Soo Kim, "'An Eccentric Reversible Reaction': Sang's Experimental Poetry in the 1930s and Its
Meaning to Comtemporary Design," Visible Language 33 (1999): 196-235.
Richard Kostelanetz, "Thirty Years of Visible Writing: A Memoir," Visible Language 33 (1999): 7-41.
Joe Bray, Miriam Handley, and Anne C. Henry (eds.), Ma(r)king the Text: The Presentation of Meaning
on the Literary Page (2000).
James Hartley and Matthew Johnson, "Portrait or Landscape? Typographic Layouts for Patient Information
Leaflets," Visible Language 34 (2000): 296-309.
Lucinda Hitchcock, "Word Space/Book Space/Poetic Space: Experiments in Transformation," Visible
Language 34 (2000): 162-97.
Paul Luna, "Clearly Defined: Continuity and Innovation in the Typography of English Dictionaries,"
Typography Papers 4 (2000): 5-56.
Henri-Jean Martin, La naissance du livre moderne (XIV
siècles): mise en page et mise en texte du
livre français (2000).
Paul Tankard, "The Rambler's Second Audience: Johnson and the Paratextual 'Part of Literature,''
Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 24 (2000): 239-56.
James Bently (ed.), The Art of the Book from Medieval Manuscript to Graphic Novel (2001).
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George Bornstein, Material Modernism: The Politics of the Page (2001).
Gerard Curtis, Visual Words: Art and the Material Book in Victorian England (2001).
Paul C. Gutjahr and Megan L. Benton (eds.), Illuminating Letters: Typography and Literary Interpretation
Phillip Harth, "The Text of Dryden's Poetry," Huntington Library Quarterly 63 (2001-2): 227-44.
James McLaverty, Pope, Print and Meaning (2001).
William W.E. Slights, Managing Readers: Printed Marginalia in English Renaissance Books (2002).
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46 Part 3: Visual Aspects of Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
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Part 4
(See also D.C. Greetham (ed.), Scholarly Editing: A Guide to Research (1995), which contains essays
surveying the principal editions in a number of national literatures; and see Greetham's "Some
Representative Scholarly Editions" in his Textual Scholarship: An Introduction (1992, 1994), pp. 500-13
[1994]. Only English-language editions are listed below; their titles are abbreviated.)
A. Editions from Pre-Nineteenth-Century Printed Sources
Dyce: Peele (1828), Webster (1830), Greene (1831), Middleton (1840), Beaumont and Fletcher (1843-46),
Marlowe (1850), Shakespeare (1857).
Clark and Wright: Shakespeare (1863-66; Globe, 1864).
Grosart: Greene (1881-86), Nashe (1883-85), Daniel (1885-96).
Bullen: Collection of Old British Plays (1882-89), Marlowe (1885), Middleton (1885-86), Marston (1887),
Beaumont and Fletcher (1905-12).
Boas: Kyd (1901).
Variorum Shakespeare (1871- ).
McKerrow Nashe (1904-10).
Grierson Donne (1912).
New Cambridge Shakespeare (1921-66).
Rollins's Elizabethan miscellanies (1924-35).
Herford-Simpson Jonson (1925-52).
Columbia Milton (1931-40).
Greenlaw Spenser (1932-49).
Williams Swift (1937, 1958).
Twickenham Pope (1939-69).
Yale Milton (1953- ).
Yale Johnson (1958- ).
Marlowe, Doctor Faustus, ed. Greg (Clarendon, 1950).
Shakespeare, New Arden Edition, ed. Ellis-Fermor et al. (Methuen, 1951- ).
Dekker, Dramatic Works, ed. Bowers (Cambridge, 1953-61).
Dryden, Works, ed. Swedenberg et al. (California, 1956- ).
Pelican Shakekspeare, ed. Harbage et al. (Penguin, 1956-67).
Edwards, Works, ed. Miller et al. (Yale, 1957- ).
More, Complete Works, ed. Sylvester et al. (Yale, 1963- ).
Regents Renaissance Drama Series, ed. Hoy et al. (Nebraska, 1963-72).
Beaumont and Fletcher, Dramatic Works, ed. Bowers (Cambridge, 1966- ).
Goldsmith, Collected Works, ed. Friedman (Clarendon, 1966).
Dryden, Four Tragedies, Four Comedies, ed. Bowers and Beaurline (Chicago, 1967).
Fielding, Works, ed. Coley et al. (Wesleyan, 1967- ).
Marlowe, Complete Works, ed. Bowers (Cambridge, 1973).
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48 Part 4: Examples of Editions C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Riverside Shakespeare, ed. Evans (Houghton Mifflin, 1974).
Locke, Clarendon Edition, ed. Nidditch (Clarendon, 1975- ).
Massinger, Plays and Poems, ed. Edwards and Gibson (Clarendon, 1976).
Charles Brockden Brown, Novels and Related Works, ed. Krause and Reid (Kent State, 1977- ).
Hooker, Folger Library Edition, ed. Hill (Harvard, 1977- ).
Sterne, The Florida Edition, ed. Melvyn New et al. (Florida, 1978- ).
Cowper, Poems, ed. Baird and Ryskamp (Clarendon, 1980).
Oxford Shakespeare, ed. Wells et al. (Clarendon, 1982- ).
New Cambridge Shakespeare, ed. Brockbank et al. (Cambridge, 1984- ).
Shakespeare, Complete Works, ed. Wells, Taylor, Jowett, and Montgomery (modernized, 1986; old-
spelling, 1988; William Shakespeare: A Textual Companion, 1987).
Smollett, Works, ed. Jerry Beasley et al. (Georgia, 1988- ).
Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy, ed. Faulkner, Kiessling, and Blair (Oxford, 1989-94).
New Folger Library Shakespeare, ed. Mowat and Werstine (Simon & Schuster, 1992- ).
Shakespeare, King Lear: A Parallel Text Edition, ed. Weis (Longman, 1993).
Variorum Edition of the Poetry of John Donne, ed. Stringer (Indiana, 1995- ).
Malone Society reprints (1906- ).
Shakespeare, Norton Facsimile, ed. Hinman (Norton, 1968, 1996).
Shakespeare, The Complete KING LEAR, ed. Warren (California, 1989).
Pope, Pope's DUNCIAD of 1728, by Vander Meulen (Virginia, 1991).
B. Editions from Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Printed Sources
Arnold, Complete Prose Works, ed. Super (Michigan, 1960-77).
Whitman, Collected Writings, ed. Allen et al. (New York University Press, 1961- ).
Hawthorne, Centenary Edition, ed. Charvat, Simpson, Bowers, et al. (Ohio State, 1962-88).
Dickens, Oliver Twist, ed. Tillotson (Clarendon, 1966).
John Dewey, Early Works, ed. Boydston (Southern Illinois, 1967-72); Middle Works (1976-83); Later
Works (1981-90).
Howells, Selected Edition, ed. Cook et al. (Indiana, 1968- ).
Melville, Writings, ed. Hayford, Parker, and Tanselle (Northwestern-Newberry, 1968- ).
Irving, Complete Works, ed. Pochmann et al. (Wicsonsin, Twayne, 1969- ).
Stephen Crane, Works, ed. Bowers (Virginia, 1969-76).
Coleridge, Collected Works, ed. Coburn et al. (Princeton, 1971- ).
Emerson, Collected Works, ed. Ferguson et al. (Belknap-Harvard, 1971- ).
Thoreau, Writings, ed. Harding, Witherell, et al. (Princeton, 1971- ).
Mark Twain, Works, ed. Anderson et al. (California, 1972- ).
William James, Works, ed. Bowers (Belknap-Harvard, 1975-88).
Keats, Poems, ed. Stillinger (Belknap-Harvard, 1978).
Wordsworth, The Prelude, ed. Wordsworth, Abrams, and Gill (Norton, 1979).
Byron, Complete Poetical Works, ed. McGann (Clarendon, 1980-93).
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Dreiser, Pennsylvania Edition, ed. Riggio, West, et al. (1981- ).
Lawrence, Works, ed. Boulton (Cambridge, 1981- ).
Yeats, Collected Works, ed. Finneran, Harper, et al. (Macmillan, 1983- ).
Joyce, Ulysses, ed. Gabler et al. (Garland, 1984).
Orwell, Complete Works, ed. Davison et al. (Secker & Warburg, 1986-98).
Santayana, Works, ed. Saatkamp et al. (MIT, 1986- ).
Thackeray, Thackeray Edition Project, ed. Shillingsburg (Garland, 1989- ).
Conrad, Works, ed. Harkness and Reid (Cambridge, 1990- ).
The [Australian] Colonial Texts Series (New South Wales, 1991- ).
Fitzgerald, Cambridge Edition, ed. Bruccoli and West (1991- ).
George Eliot, Romola, ed. Brown (Clarendon, 1993).
Scott, Edinburgh Edition, ed. Hewitt (Edinburgh University Press, 1993- ).
The Academy Editions of Australian Literature (Queensland, 1996- ).
The Blake Archive, ed. Eaves, Essick, and Viscomi (, 1996- ).
DeQuincey, Works, ed. Lindop (Pickering & Chatto, 2000- ).
Shelley, Complete Poetry, ed. Reiman and Fraistat (2000- ).
C. Editions from "Literary" Manuscripts
The Anglo-Saxon Poetic Records, ed. Krapp and Dobbie (Columbia, 1931-53).
Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, ed. Manly and Rickert (Chicago, 1940).
Thackeray, Letters and Private Papers, ed. Ray (Harvard, 1945-46).
Boswell, Journals, ed. Pottle et al. (McGraw-Hill, 1950-89; Research Edition, 1966- ).
Coleridge, Notebooks, ed. Coburn (Pantheon-Princeton, 1957- ).
Keats, Letters, ed. Rollins (Harvard, 1958).
Swinburne, The Swinburne Letters, ed. Lang (Yale, 1959-62).
Emerson, Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks, ed. Gilman et al. (Belknap-Harvard, 1960-82).
Melville, Letters, ed. Davis and Gilman (Yale, 1960).
Langland, Piers Plowman: The A Version, ed. Kane (Athlone, 1960); The B Version, ed. Kane and
Donaldson (1975); The C Text, ed. Pearsall (1978); The C Version, ed. Russell and Kane, 1997);
Parallel-Text Edition, ed. Schmidt (Longman, 1995- ).
Cooper, Letters and Journals, ed. Beard (Belknap-Harvard, 1960-68).
Shelley and His Circle, ed. Cameron and Reiman (Harvard, 1961- ).
Melville, Billy Budd, ed. Hayford and Sealts (Chicago, 1962).
Swift, Correspondence, ed. Williams (Clarendon, 1963-65).
Mark Twain, Papers, ed. Anderson, Hirst, et al. (California, 1967- ) [including Mark Twain's Letters,
1988- ].
Browning and Barrett, Letters, ed. Kintner (Belknap-Harvard, 1969).
Irving, Journals and Notebooks, ed. Pochmann et al. (Wisconsin-Twayne, 1969- ).
Carlyle, Thomas and Jane, Collected Letters, ed. Sanders and Fielding (Duke, 1971-).
Housman, Letters, ed. Maas (Hart-Davis, 1971).
Burney, Journals and Letters, ed. Hemlow (Clarendon, 1972-73).
Byron's Letters and Journals, ed. Marchand (Murray, 1973-82).
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50 Part 4: Examples of Editions C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Cornell Wordsworth, ed. Parrish et al. (Cornell, 1975- ).
Hardy, Collected Letters, ed. Purdy and Millgate (Clarendon, 1978-88).
The Variorum Chaucer, ed. Ruggiers (Oklahoma, 1979- ).
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Letters, ed. Bennett (Johns Hopkins, 1980-88).
Franklin, Autobiography, ed. Lemay and Zall (Tennessee, 1981).
Tennyson, Letters, ed. Lang and Shannon (Harvard, 1981-90).
Thoreau, Journal, ed. Witherell (Princeton, 1981- ).
Conrad, Collected Letters, ed. Karl et al. (Cambridge, 1983- ).
The Brownings' Correspondence, ed. Kelley and Hudson (Wedgestone, 1984- ).
The Manuscripts of the Younger Romantics, ed. Reiman, Stillinger, McGann, et al. (Garland, 1985- ).
Faulkner, William Faulkner Manuscripts, ed. Polk et al. (Garland, 1986-87).
Shelley, The Bodleian Shelley Manuscripts, ed. Reiman et al. (Garland, 1986- ).
Dickens' Working Notes for His Novels, ed. Stone (Chicago, 1987).
Cornell Yeats, (Cornell, 1982- ).
Johnson, Letters, ed. Redford (Princeton, 1992-93).
The Poems of Emily Dickinson: Variorum Edition, ed. Franklin (Belknap-Harvard, 1998).
Swift, Correspondence, ed. Woolley (Lang, 1999- ).
Dickinson, Manuscript Books, ed. Franklin (Belknap-Harvard, 1981).
Chaucer, The Wife of Bath's Prologue on CD-ROM, ed. Robinson (Cambridge, 1996).
D. Editions from "Historical" Manuscripts
Jefferson, Papers, ed. Boyd (Princeton, 1950- ).
Burke, Correspondence, ed. Copeland (Cambridge, 1958-70).
Franklin, Papers, ed. Labaree and Willcox (Yale, 1959- ).
The Adams Papers, ed. Butterfield (Belknap-Harvard, 1961- ).
Grant, Papers, ed. Simon (Southern Illinois, 1967- ).
The Gladstone Diaries, ed. Foot and Matthew (Clarendon, 1968- ).
Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution, ed. Jensen, Kaminski, and Saladino (State
Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1976- ).
Freedom: A Documentary History of Emancipation, ed. Berlin, Fields, et al. (Cambridge, 1982- ).
The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, ed. Frederick Burkhardt (Cambridge, 1985- ).
E. Manuals for Individual Editions
Paul Baender and William B. Todd, Rules and Procedures for the Mark Twain Edition (1965).
[Appendix: Todd, Procedures for Collating Twain's Minor Works (1965).]
A.W. Plumstead et al., Editing Colonial American Texts: A Manual and Selected Bibliography [1969].
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Henry A. Pochmann, Manual for the Irving Edition (rev. ed., 1969).
A Selected Edition of William Dean Howells: Rules and Procedures (1971).
The Letters of Washington Irving: Editorial Plan [1972].
Richard Hosley, Richard Knowles, and Ruth McGugan, Shakespeare Variorum Handbook: A Manual of
Editorial Practice (Modern Language Association, 1971).
[John Dewey Edition Manual] (1972).
The Writings of Henry David Thoreau: The Journal--Editorial Style Sheet and Instructions for Editors
Robert E. Lewis, Handbook for Contributors to the Chaucer Library (University of Georgia Press, 1973).
The Folger Library Edition of the Works of Richard Hooker: Statement of Editorial Policy (3rd ed., 1973).
Operating Procedures for Editing Howells' Letters [1973].
James T. Boulton, Prospectus and Notes for Volume Editors: The Letters of D.H. Lawrence (Cambridge
University Press, 1973). [Supplemented by Second Draft Prospectus for an edition of the works
S.W. Reid, Manual of Principles and Procedures: The Novels and Related Works of Charles Brockden
Brown, Bicentennial Edition (4th ed., 1974).
Peter L. Shillingsburg, Editorial Guidelines for a New Edition of Thackeray's Works [1976].
William L. Howarth et al., Revised Editorial Proposal: [Thoreau's] Correspondence (1976).
James Franklin Beard and James P. Elliott, The Writings of James Fenimore Cooper: A Statement of
Editorial Principles and Procedures (Clark University Press, 1977).
Philip Kelley and Ronald Hudson, "Editing the Brownings' Correspondence: An Editorial Manual,"
Browning Institute Studies 9 (1981): 141-60.
Australian Scholarly Editions Centre, Academy Editions of Australian Literature: Manual for Editors
David Hewitt et al., The Edinburgh Edition of the Waverley Novels: A Guide for Editors (1996).
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52 Part 4: Examples of Editions C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
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Part 5
(For comments on reviewing, see Angus Easson, "Reviewing Editions: Letters, Journals, Diaries," in
Literary Reviewing, ed. James O. Hoge (1987), pp. 44-67; Joseph R. McElrath, Jr., "The ADE Guidelines
for Reviewers of Editions," Documentary Editing 10.4 (December 1988): 22-23; William B. Willcox,
"Reviewing the Reviewers," Newsletter of the Association for Documentary Editing 1.1 (March 1979): 5-6;
Glenn W. LaFantasie, "Toward Better Reviewing of Local History Documentary Editions: A Nineteenth-
Century Model," Newsletter of the Association for Documentary Editing 4.1 (February 1982): 1-5; Hershel
Parker, "The Reviewing of Scholarly Editions," Editors' Notes 10.2 (Fall 1991): 16-24.)
A. Individual Editions
ADAMS. "A Dialogue: Peter Shaw and Robert J. Taylor on Editing the Adamses," Newsletter of the
Association for Documentary Editing 2.4 (December 1980): 4-9.
ANDERSON. G.T. Tanselle, "The Case Western Reserve Edition of Sherwood Anderson," Proof 4
(1975): 183-210.
BEAUMONT-FLETCHER. Philip Edwards, [Review of Bowers's edition, vol. 1], Library 5th ser. 23
(1968): 166-68. Johan Gerritsen, [Review of Bowers's edition, vol. 1], Review of English Studies n.s.
20 (1959): 84-87.
BLAKE. Santa Cruz Blake Study Group, [Review of Erdman's edition], Blake: An Illustrated Quarterly
18.1 (Summer 1984): 4-31. Stuart Curran, "The Blake Archive," Text 12 (1999): 216-19.
BRONTE. Bruce Harkness, [Review of the Clarendon Jane Eyre], Nineteenth Century Fiction 25
(1970-71): 355-69; rejoinder by Ian Jack and Margaret Smith, 26 (1971-72): 370-76. Kurt Tetzeli
von Rosdor, "Notes on Editing Victorian Novels: The Clarendon Editions of Villette and Scenes from
Clerical Life," Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 224 (1987): 102-9.
BROWNING. Donald H. Reiman, [Review of Ohio University edition], Victorian Poetry 12 (1974):
86-96; reprinted in his Romantic Texts and Contexts (1987), pp. 55-68. Jacob Korg, "A Definitive
Edition of Browning's Poems [ed. Pettigrew and Collins]," Review 5 (1983): 41-48. Clyde de L.
Ryals, [Review of Longman Annotated English Poets edition], Text 8 (1995): 456-62.
BURTON. G.W. Pigman III, [Review of Clarendon Edition of the Anatomy], Huntington Library
Quarterly 54 (1991): 270-75. Ernest W. Sullivan II, [Review of Clarendon Edition], Text 7 (1994):
BYRON. Donald H. Reiman, [Review of McGann's Oxford edition], Keats-Shelley Memorial Bulletin
34 (1983): 66-72; reprinted in Reiman's Romantic Texts and Contexts (1987), pp. 156-66.
CATHER. Keen Butterworth, [Review of Nebraska edition of O Pioneers!], Text 9 (1996): 442-46.
CHAUCER. Paul G. Ruggiers (ed.), Editing Chaucer: The Great Tradition (1984). Christian K. Zacher,
"Editorial Presence in the Variorum Chaucer," Review 6 (1984): 49-62. Roy Vance Ramsey, "F.N.
Robinson's Editing of the Canterbury Tales," Studies in Bibliography 42 (1989): 134-52.
CLEMENS. Robert C. Bray, "Tom Sawyer Once and for All," Review 3 (1981): 75-93. Guy Cardwell,
"Author, Intention, Text: The California Mark Twain," Review 11 (1989): 255-88. Philip Cohen,
"The Making and Marketing of Huck Finn," Text 8 (1995): 349-75.
COLERIDGE. Donald H. Reiman, "The Bollingen Coleridge," in his Romantic Texts and Contexts
(1987), pp. 69-84.
CONRAD. James M. Haule, "The Cambridge Conrad," Review 14 (1992): 183-90.
CRANE. Leon Howard, [Review of Bowers's edition], Nineteenth Century Fiction 25 (1970-71): 232-35.
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54 Part 5: Some Noteworthy Reviews C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Thomas H. McHaney, [Review of Bowers's edition], American Literary Realism 4 (1971): 91-97,
391-94. Peter Davison, [Review of Bowers's edition], Library 5th ser. 27 (1972): 359-63. G.T.
Tanselle, "The New Editions of Hawthorne and Crane," Book Collector 23 (1974): 214-29. David
J. Nordloh, "On Crane Now Edited," Studies in the Novel 10 (1978): 103-19. Hershel Parker and
Brian Higgins, "The Virginia Edition of Stephen Crane's Maggie: A Mirror for Textual Scholars,"
Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 19 (1995): 131-66.
DARWIN. Nathan Reingold, "The Darwin Industry Encounters Tanselle and Bowers," Documentary
Editing 10.2 (June 1988): 16-19; and Frederick Burkhardt, "In Response...", 10.3 (September 1988):
DEKKER. Arthur Brown, [Review of Bowers's edition], Library 5th ser. 9 (1955): 139-42. W.W. Greg,
[Reviews of Bowers's edition], Review of English Studies n.s. 7 (1956): 306-8; n.s. 10 (1959):
DICKENS. Robert L. Patten, "'So Much Pains about One Chalk-Faced Kid': The Clarendon Oliver Twist,"
Dickens Studies 3 (1967): 160-68. Fredson Bowers, [Review of Clarendon Oliver Twist],
Nineteenth-Century Fiction 23 (1968-69): 226-39.
DICKINSON. G.T. Tanselle, "Emily Dickinson as an Editorial Problem [Franklin's Variorum Edition and
Reading Edition," Raritan 19.4 (Spring 2000): 64-79.
DONNE. Ernest W. Sullivan II, [Review of Oxford Donne, 2nd ed., ed. Gardner], Analytical &
Enumerative Bibliography 4 (1980): 253-63. W. Speed Hill, "The Donne Variorum: Variations on
the Lives of the Author," Huntington Library Quarterly 62 (2000-1): 445-54.
DREISER. Donald Pizer, [Review of Pennsylvania Sister Carrie], American Literature 53 (1981-82):
731-37. G.T. Tanselle, [Review of Pennsylvania Jennie Gerhardt], Text 8 (1995): 462-69. Richard
Bucci, [Review of Pennsylvania Twelve Men], Text 14 (2002): 372-80.
DRYDEN. Phillip Harth, [Review of Four Tragedies, ed. Bowers], Modern Philology 67 (1970): 379-82;
"The Text of Dryden's Poetry [Hammond's Longman ed., vols. 1-2]," Huntington Library Quarterly
63 (2001-2): 227-44.
ELIOT, GEORGE. William Baker, [Review of George Eliot Letters, ed. Haight], Library 6th ser. 2
(1980): 98-103. Peter L. Shillingsburg, [Review of The Mill on the Floss, ed. Haight], Journal of
English and Germanic Philology 80 (1981): 590-92; [Review of Middlemarch, ed. Carroll], 87
(1988): 456-60. Kurt Tetzeli von Rosdor, "Notes on Editing Victorian Novels: The Clarendon
Editions of Villette and Scenes from Clerical Life," Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen
und Literaturen 224 (1987): 102-9. Dale Kramer, "The Compositor as Copy-Text [on Clarendon
edition of Romola]," Text 9 (1996): 369-88.
EMERSON. Lewis Mumford, "Emerson behind Barbed Wire," New York Review of Books, 18 January
1968, pp. 3-5. [See replies by William M. Gibson and George S. Rousseau, 14 March, p. 6.]
FIELDING. Frederick W. Hilles, "Fielding Unmodernized [review of Wesleyan Tom Jones, ed. Bowers],"
Yale Review 64 (Autumn 1975): 128-33; reply by Martin C. Battestin, 65 (Spring 1976): v, viii.
Hugh Amory, [Essays on Tom Jones], Harvard Library Bulletin 25 (1977):101-13; 26 (1978):172-92;
27 (1979):277-303. Don L. Cook, "Bowers Does Fielding," Review 1 (1979): 13-27. Peter Miles,
[Review of Wesleyan Tom Jones, ed. Bowers], Library 6th ser. 1 (1979): 182-86.
FITZGERALD. James L.W. West III, "The SCADE Gatsby: A Review Article," Proof 5 (1977): 237-56.
Richard Bucci, "Serving Fitzgerald's Intentions without a Copy-Text [Trimalchio in Cambridge
Edition]," Text 14 (2002): 324-33.
FRANKLIN. J.A. Leo Lemay, "Franklin and the Autobiography: An Essay on Recent Scholarship [Yale
edition]," Eighteenth-Century Studies 1 (1967): 185-211; reprinted, in part, as "The New Franklin
Texts," CEAA Newsletter 2 (July 1969): 6-8. Joel Myerson, [Review of Autobiography, ed. Lemay
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and Zall], Newsletter of the Association for Documentary Editing 4.2 (May 1982): 9-10. Barbara
Oberg, "Articles for a Treaty of Peace: Make Room for the Library of America Benjamin Franklin
Alongside The Papers of Benjamin Franklin," Documentary Editing 10.3 (September 1988): 1-5.
FREDERIC. Stephen E. Meats, "The Editing of Harold Frederic's Correspondence," Review 2 (1980):
FROST. Donald Hall, "Robert Frost Corrupted [review of Lathem edition]," Atlantic Monthly, March
1982, pp. 60-64.
GAWAIN-POET. Alexandra F. Johnston, "A New Edition [Moorman's] of the Poems of the Gawain-
Poet," Review 2 (1980): 367-71.
GREENE. W.W. Greg, [Review of Churton Collins's edition], Modern Language Review 1 (1906):
HARDY. Simon Gatrell, [Review of The Woodlanders, ed. Kramer], Nineteenth-Century Fiction 37
(1982): 122-23; [Review of Complete Poetical Works, ed. Hynes], Thomas Hardy Annual 3 (1985):
147-55. Alan L. Manford, [Review of The Woodlanders, ed. Kramer], Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 76 (1982): 491-94. Tom Davis, "Textual Criticism: Philosophy and Practice [on
Cambridge edition of Lawrence and Clarendon edition of Hardy]," Library 6th ser. 6 (1984): 386-97.
Robert C. Schweik, "In Wand'ring Mazes Found: Hardy's Poetic Texts [Clarendon edition, ed.
Hynes]," Review 6 (1984): 171-85. Lance Schachterle, "Hardy Complete versus James Selected
[Hardy's Collected Letters, ed. Purdy and Millgate]," Documentary Editing 8.1 (March 1986): 1-5.
HAWTHORNE. Thomas H. McHaney, "The Textual Editions of Hawthorne and Melville," Studies in the
Literary Imagination 2 (1969): 27-41. John Freehafer, "The Marble Faun and the Editing of
Nineteenth-Century Texts," Studies in the Novel 2 (1970): 487-503. O M Brack, Jr., "The Centenary
Hawthorne Eight Years Later," Proof 1 (1971): 358-67. John J. McDonald, [Review of Hawthorne's
American Notebooks], Resources for American Literary Study 4 (1974): 233-37. G.T. Tanselle, "The
New Editions of Hawthorne and Crane," Book Collector 23 (1974): 214-29. Hershel Parker, [Review
of Centenary Edition, vols. 12-13], Nineteenth-Century Fiction 33 (1979): 489-92.
HAZLITT. Stanley Jones, [Review of Hazlitt Letters, ed. Sikes], Library 6th ser. 2 (1980): 356-62.
HOOKER. John T. Shawcross, "Of the Laws of Editorial Polity [review of Hill's Folger Library Edition
of Richard Hooker]," Text 11 (1998): 331-42.
HOWELLS. Thomas Wortham, [Review of Indiana edition], Nineteenth Century Fiction 26 (1971-72):
234-39. Hershel Parker, "The First Nine Volumes of A Selected Edition of W. D. Howells," Proof
2 (1972): 319-32. Wayne R. Kime, "Critical Discrimination and Editorial Judgment [Indiana
Howells edition]," Review 1 (1979): 105-22. Watson Branch, "Two Recent Volumes of A Selected
Edition of W. D. Howells," Modern Philology 78 (1980): 59-72.
IRVING. William H. Gilman, "How Should Journals Be Edited? [Irving, Journals and Notebooks]" Early
American Literature 6 (1971): 73-83. Eleanor Tilton, "Washington Irving--Edited," Early American
Literature 17 (1982): 166-79.
JAMES, HENRY. Lance Schachterle, "Hardy Complete versus James Selected [Henry James Letters, ed.
Edel]," Documentary Editing 8.1 (March 1986): 1-5.
JAMES, WILLIAM. John Passmore, "A Philosopher of the Particulars," Times Literary Supplement, 24
June 1977, pp. 746-47 (see reply by Frederick Burkhardt, 5 August 1977, p. 962). P.H. Nidditch,
[Review of James's Pragmatism, ed. Bowers], Library 6th ser. 1 (1979): 288-90.
JEFFERSON. St. George L. Sioussat, [Review of Jefferson Papers], American Historical Review 56
(1950-51): 118-22. Constance B. Schulz, "Essay Review: The Papers of Thomas Jefferson,"
Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 109 (1985): 69-79.
JOHNSON. Fredson Bowers, [Review of Yale edition], Modern Philology 61 (1964): 298-309; reprinted
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56 Part 5: Some Noteworthy Reviews C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing (1975), pp. 375-91. David L. Vander Meulen,
[Review of A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, ed. J.D. Fleeman], Age of Johnson 3
(1990): 442-52.
JONSON. W.W. Greg, [Review of Herford-Simpson edition], Review of English Studies n.s. 2 (1951):
275-80. Johan Gerritsen, [Review of Herford-Simpson edition], English Studies 38 (1957): 120-26.
JOYCE. John Kidd, "An Inquiry into Ulysses: The Corrected Text," Papers of the Bibliographical Society
of America 82 (1988): 411-584. Charles Rossman, "The Critical Reception of the 'Gabler Ulysses':
Or, Gabler's Ulysses Kidd-napped," Studies in the Novel 21 (1989): 154-81. See also Rossman's "The
'Gabler Ulysses': A Selectively Annotated Bibliography," Studies in the Novel 22 (1990): 257-69.
G.T. Tanselle, [Review of Gabler and Hettche's edition of A Portrait of the Artist], Common
Knowledge 3.3 (Winter 1994): 164-69.
KEATS. Ronald Sharp, "Stillinger's Keats," Review 2 (1980): 127-36.
LANGLAND. David C. Fowler, [Review of Kane-Donaldson Piers Plowman, B text], Yearbook of
English Studies 7 (1977): 23-42. David C. Fowler, "Editorial 'Jamming': Two New Editions of Piers
Plowman," Review 2 (1980): 211-69. Charlotte Brewer, "The Textual Principles of Kane's A-Text,"
Yearbook of Langland Studies 3 (1989): 67-90; "George Kane's Processes of Revision," in Crux and
Controversy in Middle English Textual Criticism, ed. A.J. Minnis and Charlotte Brewer (1992),
pp. 71-96. Robert Adams, "Editing Piers Plowman B: The Imperative of an Intermittently Critical
Edition," Studies in Bibliography 45 (1992): 31-68. Tim William Machan, [Review of Schmidt
parallel-text edition], Text 10 (1997): 371-77; [Review of Russell and Kane's edition of The C
Version], Text 11 (1998): 386-92.
LAWRENCE. Tom Davis, "Textual Criticism: Philosophy and Practice [on Cambridge edition of
Lawrence and Clarendon edition of Hardy]," Library 6th ser. 6 (1984): 386-97. Paul Eggert, "The
Reviewing of the Cambridge Edition of Women in Love." D.H. Lawrence Review 20 (1988): 297-303.
Charles L. Ross, "Civilization and Its Discontents in the Editing of Lawrence [Cambridge Rainbow],"
Documentary Editing 12 (1990): 40-44.
LOCKE. Fredson Bowers, [Review of Essay Concerning Human Understanding, ed. Nidditch], Library
5th ser. 31 (1976): 395-405.
MARLOWE. Roma Gill, [Review of Bowers's edition], Review of English Studies n.s. 25 (1974): 459-64.
Kenneth Muir, [Review of Bowers's edition], Journal of English and Germanic Philology 73 (1974):
428-30. Mark Eccles, [Review of Bowers's edition], Modern Philology 73 (1975): 182-84. George
L. Geckle, [Review of three editions of Dr. Faustus], Text 7 (1994): 492-511.
MARSTON. W.W. Greg, [Review of Wood's edition], Modern Language Quarterly 30 (1935): 90-94.
MASSINGER. Fredson Bowers, "The New Massinger Edition [ed. Philip Edwards and Colin Gibson],"
Yearbook of English Studies 9 (1979): 279-94.
MELVILLE. Thomas H. McHaney, "The Textual Editions of Hawthorne and Melville," Studies in the
Literary Imagination 2 (1969): 27-41. Robert R. Allen, "The First Six Volumes of the Northwestern-
Newberry Melville," Proof 3 (1973): 441-54. Robert Milder, "Editing Melville's Afterlife" [on
Northwestern-Newberry Journals and Clarel]," Text 9 (1996): 389-407.
POE. Joseph J. Moldenhauer, "Mabbott's Poe and the Question of Copy-Text," Poe Studies 11 (1978):
41-46. Kent Ljungquist, "The Growth of Poe Texts," Review 5 (1983): 49-57.
POUND. George Bornstein, "The End(s) of Modernist Editing [review of Garland facsimile edition of
Pound]," Review 17 (1995): 185-202. Christopher Carr, [Review of Three Cantos, ed. Richard
Taylor], Text 8 (1995): 477-88.
SANTAYANA. Joseph R. McElrath, Jr., [Review of Saatkamp and Holzberger edition], Text 8 (1995):
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SCOTT. Kathryn Sutherland, "Made in Scotland: The Edinburgh Edition of the Waverley Novels," Text
14 (2002): 305-23.
SHAKESPEARE. G.T. Tanselle, [Review of The Riverside Shakespeare, ed. Evans], Journal of English
and Germanic Philology 74 (1975): 117-23. Fredson Bowers, [Review of New Arden Hamlet, ed.
Jenkins], Library 6th ser. 5 (1983): 282-96. David Bevington, "Determining the Indeterminate: The
Oxford Shakespeare," Shakespeare Quarterly 38 (1987): 501-19. Peter Davison, [Review of Oxford
Shakespeare], Library 6th ser. 10 (1988): 255-67. Thomas L. Berger, "The Oxford Shakespeare,"
Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography n.s. 3 (1989): 139-70. G. Blakemore Evans, [Review of
Oxford Shakespeare], Journal of English and Germanic Philology 88 (1989): 401-7. Brian Vickers,
[Review of Oxford Shakespeare], Review of English Studies n.s 40 (1989): 402-11. George Walton
Williams, [Review of Oxford Shakespeare], Cahiers Elisabéthains 35 (1989): 103-17. William P.
Williams (ed.), "Special Issue on the New Oxford Shakespeare," Analytical & Enumerative
Bibliography n.s. 4 (1990): 1-97. René Weis, "A Tale of Two Texts [review of The Complete King
Lear 1608-1623, ed. Michael Warren (1989)]," Huntington Library Quarterly 54 (1991): 263-70.
Ann Thompson, A.R. Braunmuller, Philip Edwards, and Lois Potter, Which Shakespeare? A User's
Guide to Editions (1992).
SHELLEY, MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT. L.J. Clark, [Review of Letters, ed. Bennett], Text 8 (1995):
435-44 (with response by Charles E. Robinson on pp. 444-47).
SHELLEY, PERCY. Donald H. Reiman, [Review of Clarendon edition, ed. Rogers], Journal of English
and Germanic Philology 73 (1974): 250-60; reprinted in his Romantic Texts and Contexts (1987),
pp. 41-54.
SMOLLETT. Hugh Amory, "Pentimenti: The Georgia Edition of Smollett," Review 12 (1990): 159-77.
STERNE. Hugh Amory, [Review of Florida Tristram Shandy, ed. New], Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 79 (1985): 602-11. Melvyn New, "Whim-whams and Flim-flams: The Oxford
University Press Edition of Tristram Shandy [ed. Ross]," Review 7 (1985): 1-18. O M Brack, Jr., "A
Book for a Parlour-Window [review of Florida Tristram Shandy, ed. New]," Review 8 (1986):
273-301. [See also Ian Campbell Ross, "New Puzzles over the Editing of Tristram Shandy: A
Response," Review 9 (1987): 329-51.]
STEVENSON. David H. Jackson, "The Stanford Falesà and Textual Scholarship," Review 8 (1986):
SWIFT. James McLaverty, [Review of The Intelligencer, ed. Woolley], Text 8 (1995): 409-22. John Irwin
Fischer, [Review of Correspondence, ed. Woolley], Text 13 (2000): 283-89.
TENNYSON. William E. Fredeman, "Tennyson and His Bibliographers [Poems, ed. Ricks; Letters, ed.
Lang and Shannon]," Review 12 (1990): 1-36.
THACKERAY. Judith Fisher, "Scholarly Editing, Textual Criticism, and Aesthetic Value: The Garland
Thackeray Edition Project, a Case Study," Studies in the Novel 24 (1992): 309-20. Judith L. Fisher,
"Authorial Process and Textual Stability [review of The Newcomes, ed. Shillingsburg]," Text 11
(1998): 365-77.
THOREAU. Joseph R. McElrath, Jr., "The First Two Volumes of The Writings of Henry D. Thoreau,"
Proof 4 (1975): 215-35. Don L. Cook, "The Thoreau Edition: An Evolving Institution," Text 8
(1995): 325-48.
TYLER. G.T. Tanselle, [Review of The Verse of Royall Tyler, ed. Péladeau], American Literature 41
(March 1969): 117-19; "The Editing of Royall Tyler [review of The Prose of Royall Tyler, ed.
Péladeau]," Early American Literature 9 (1974): 83-95.
WHITMAN. Fredson Bowers, [Review of Whitman Blue Book, ed. Golden], Journal of English and
Germanic Philology 68 (1969): 316-20; reprinted in Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing
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58 Part 5: Some Noteworthy Reviews C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
(1975), pp. 440-46.
WORDSWORTH. Donald H. Reiman, "The Cornell Wordsworth and the Norton Prelude," in his
Romantic Texts and Contexts (1987), pp. 130-55. Theresa M. Kelley, [Review of Cornell Thirteen-
Book "Prelude"], Text 9 (1996): 430-34. Mark Parker, [Review of Cornell Lyrical Ballads], Text 9
(1996): 434-38. Paul Magnuson, [Review of Cornell Early Poems and Translations], Text 13 (2000):
YEATS. Richard J. Finneran, "The Collected Letters of W.B. Yeats: A Project in Disarray," Review 18
(1996): 45-58. Robin G. Schulze, "The One and the Many: Reading the Cornell Yeats," Text 10
(1997): 323-37.
B. Multiple Editions
Edmund Wilson, "The Fruits of the MLA," New York Review of Books, 26 September 1968, pp. 7-10; 10
October 1968, pp. 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. Reprinted as a pamphlet (1968) and in his The Devils and Canon
Barham (1973), pp. 154-202. [See reply in the CEAA's Professional Standards and American
Editions (1969); and see Michael Hancher, "The Text of 'The Fruits of the MLA,'" Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 68 (1974): 411-12.]
"Practical Editions," Proof 2 (1972): 285-92 [John C. Gerber on Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn],
293-300 [Don L. Cook on Howells], 301-18 [Joseph Katz on The Red Badge of Courage]; 3 (1973):
371-78 [Hershel Parker on Moby-Dick], 379-94 [Joel Myerson on "The American Scholar"]; 4
(1975): 167-74 [Haskell Springer on The Sketch Book], 175-82 [Joseph R. McElrath, Jr., on Walden].
Hershel Parker with Bruce Bebb, "The CEAA: An Interim Assessment," Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 68 (1974): 129-48.
G.T. Tanselle, "Problems and Accomplishments in the Editing of the Novel," Studies in the Novel 7
(1975): 323-60. Reprinted in his Textual Criticism and Scholarly Editing (1990), pp. 179-217.
Donald H. Reiman (ed.), "Some Recent Romantic Texts: Reviews," Studies in Romanticism 21 (1982):
Peter L. Shillingsburg, [Review of The Academy Editions of Australian Literature and The Colonial Texts
Series], Text 12 (1999): 264-73.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Editing of Historical Documents," Studies in Bibliography 31 (1978): 1-56. Reprinted
in his Selected Studies in Bibliography (1979), pp. 451-506; and Textual Criticism and Scholarly
Editing (1990), pp. 218-73.
A.S.G. Edwards, "'The Whole Book': Medieval Manuscripts in Facsimile," Review 2 (1980): 19-29.
Donald H. Reiman (ed.), "Some Recent Romantic Texts: Reviews," Studies in Romanticism 21 (1982):
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Jack P. Greene, "The Publication of the Official Records of the Southern Colonies: A Review Article,"
William and Mary Quarterly 14 (1957): 268-80.
"Founding Fathers," Times Literary Supplement, 6 July 1962, pp. 485-86.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Editing of Historical Documents," Studies in Bibliography 31 (1978): 1-56. Reprinted
in his Selected Studies in Bibliography (1979), pp. 451-506; and Textual Criticism and Scholarly
Editing (1990), pp. 218-73.
Fredrika J. Teute, "Views in Review: A Historiographical Perspective on Historical Editing," American
Archivist 43 (1980): 43-56.
Richard H. Kohn and George M. Curtis III, "The Government, the Historical Profession, and Historical
Editing: A Review," Reviews in American History 9 (1981): 145-55.
Gordon S. Wood, "Historians and Documentary Editing," Journal of American History 67 (1981): 871-77.
Constance B. Schulz, "'From Generation unto Generation': Transitions in Modern Documentary Historical
Editing," Reviews in American History 16 (1988): 337-50.
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60 Part 5: Some Noteworthy Reviews C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
[This page is blank]
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Part 6
(For comments on the scope of this list, see the Preface;
for additional writings of general theoretical significance, see Part 7 below.)
Francesco Robortello, De arte siue ratione corrigendi antiquorum libros disputatio (1557).
Gaspar Scioppius, De arte critica, & praecipue de alterâ ejus parte emendatrice (1597, 1662).
Jean Mabillon, De re diplomatica (1681). [See also under 1990 below.]
Richard Bentley, Epistola ad Joannem Millium (1691). [For discussion of Bentley and the English textual
criticism of his time, see Douglas (1939), Fox (1954), and Brink (1986) below. For earlier textual
criticism, see Botfield (1861).]
Richard Bentley, A Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris (1697, 1699).
Richard Bentley, Dr. Bentley's Proposals for a New Edition of the Greek Testament (1721).
J.-B. Morel, Éléments de critique, ou recherches des différentes causes de l'altération des textes latins
avec les moyens d'en rendre la lecture plus facile (1766).
Edward Harwood, A View of the Various Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics (1775).
Richard Porson, Letters to Mr. Archdeacon Travis (1790).
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62 Part 6: Writings on Pre-Renaissance Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
James Henry Monk, The Life of Richard Bentley (1830, 1833).
Karl Lachmann (ed.), Novum Testamentum Graece (1831).
J.I. Doedes, Verhandeling over de tekstkritiek des Nieuwen Verbonds (1844).
J. Scott Porter, Principles of Textual Criticism with Their Application to Old and New Testaments (1848).
Karl Lachmann, T. Lucretii Cari De rerum natura libros commentarius (1850).
M.J. Hertz, Karl Lachmann: eine Biographie (1851).
J. Bernays, Joseph Justus Scaliger (1855).
Thomas Sheldon Green, A Course of Developed Criticism on Passages of the New Testament Materially
Affected by Various Readings (1856).
Samuel Prideaux Tregelles, Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament (1856; vol. 4 of
Thomas Hartwell Horne's An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy
Scriptures, 10th ed.).
B. Botfield (ed.), Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred
Scriptures (1861).
F.H.A. Scrivener, A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament(1861, 1874, 1883; ed.
Edward Miller, 1894).
Lucian Müller, Geschichte der klassischen Philologie in den Niederlanden (1869).
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J.N. Madvig, Adversaria critica ad scriptores Graecos et Latinos (1871-73, 1884).
C.E. Hammond, Outlines of Textual Criticism Applied to the New Testament (1872 and later editions).
Gaston Paris and Léopold Pannier (eds.), La vie de Saint Alexis (1872, 1885, 1903).
William Milligan and Alexander Roberts, The Words of the New Testament, as Altered by Transmission
and Ascertained by Modern Criticism (1873).
Henry Nicol, "An Account of M. Gaston Paris's Method of Editing in His Vie de Saint Alexis,"
Transactions of the Philological Society 1873-1874, pp. 332-45.
Frederic Gardiner, "Principles of Textual Criticism, with a Graphic Table of Uncials," Bibliotheca Sacra
32 (1875): 209-65.
Moriz Haupt, Mauricii Hauptii Opuscula (1875-76).
F.H. Scrivener, Six Lectures on the Text of the New Testament and the Ancient Manuscripts Which Contain
It (1875).
Thomas Rawson Birks, Essay on the Right Estimation of Manuscript Evidence in the Text of the New
Testament (1878).
F.J.A. Hort, Introduction [to his and B.F. Westcott's edition of The New Testament in the Original Greek]
(1881, 1896).
J.P.P. Martin, Introduction à la critique textuelle du Nouveau Testament (6 vols., ca. 1883-86).
Philip Schaff, A Companion to the Greek Testament and the English Version (1883 and later editions).
Thomas Hearne, Remarks and Collections (1885-1921).
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64 Part 6: Writings on Pre-Renaissance Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Edward Miller, A Guide to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament (1886).
Josephdier (ed.), Le lai de l'ombre par Jean Renart (1890, 1913). [Reviewed by Gaston Paris,
Romania 19 (1890): 609-15.]
Arnold Rüegg, Die neutestamentliche Textkritik seit Lachmann: ein Versuch zur Orientierung (1892).
J. Vahlen (ed.), Karl Lachmanns Briefe an Moriz Haupt (1892).
Caspar René Gregory, Prolegomena [to Tischendorf's Novum Testamentum Graece] (1894).
Wallace M. Lindsay, An Introduction to Latin Textual Emendation (1896). [See H.J. Rose, "Wallace
Martin Lindsay," Proceedings of the British Academy 23 (1937): 487-512.]
Eberhard Nestle, Einführung in das griechische Neue Testament (1897, 1899, 1909; revised by Ernst von
Dobschütz, 1923; translated by William Eadie as Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the Greek
New Testament, 1901).
Marvin R. Vincent, A History of the Textual Criticism of the New Testament (1899).
Kirsopp Lake, The Text of the New Testament (1900; 6th ed., revised by Silva New, 1928).
Frederic G. Kenyon, Handbook to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament (1901, 1912).
A.E. Housman, Preface to M. Manilii astronomicon liber primus (1903), pp. vii-lxxv. Reprinted in his
Selected Prose, ed. John Carter (1961), pp. 23-44; and Collected Poems and Selected Prose, ed.
Christopher Ricks (1988), pp. 372-87.
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R.C. Jebb, "Textual Criticism," in A Companion to Greek Studies, ed. Leonard Whibley (1905; 4th ed.,
Pio Rajna, "La critica del testo," in Avviamento allo studio delle lettere italiane, ed. Guido Mazzoni
(1907), pp. 207-17.
Paul Meyer, "Instruction pour la publication des anciens textes," Bulletin de la Société des Anciens Textes
Français 34 (1908): 64-79. Reprinted in Bibliothèque de l'École des chartes 71 (1910): 224-33.
John E. Sandys, A History of Classical Scholarship (1908; 3rd ed., 1921).
Caspar René Gregory, Textkritik des Neuen Testamentes (1900-9).
J.P. Postgate, "Textual Criticism," in A Companion to Latin Studies, ed. J.E. Sandys (1910, 1913, 1921).
Frederick Tupper, Jr., "Textual Criticism as a Pseudo-Science," PMLA 25 (1910): 164-81.
Moriz Haupt, "De Lachmanno critico," Neue Jahrbücher für das klassische Altertum, Geschichte und
deutsche Literatur 27 (1911): 529-38,
Louis Havet, Manuel de critique verbale appliquée aux textes latins (1911).
J.P. Postgate, "Textual Criticism," in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th ed. (1911).
Joseph Bédier (ed.), Le lai de l'ombre par Jean Renart (2nd ed., 1913).
F.W. Hall, A Companion to Classical Texts (1913).
Jakob Stoll, "Zur Psychologie der Schreibfehler," Fortschritte der Psychologie und ihrer Anwendungen
2 (1913-14): 1-133.
Albert C. Clark, Recent Developments in Textual Criticism (1914).
O. Stählin, Editionstechnik, 2nd ed. (1914).
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66 Part 6: Writings on Pre-Renaissance Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
John Edwin Sandys, "Scholarship," in Shakespeare's England (1916), 1: 251-83.
Eleanor N. Adams, Old English Scholarship in England from 1566-1800 (1917).
Albert C. Clark, The Descent of Manuscripts (1918).
J.S. Phillimore, The Revival of Criticism (1919).
Hermann Kantorowicz, Einführung in die Textkritik (1921).
Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Geschichte der Philologie (1921, 1927). Translated by Alan Harris
as History of Classical Scholarship, ed. Hugh Lloyd-Jones (1982).
A.E. Housman, "The Application of Thought to Textual Criticism," Proceedings of the Classical
Association 18 (1922 [for August 1921]): 67-84. Reprinted in his Selected Prose, ed. John Carter
(1961), pp. 131-50; The Classical Papers of A.E. Housman, ed. Christopher Diggle and F.R.D.
Goodyear (1972), pp. 1058-69; and Collected Poems and Selected Prose, ed. Christopher Ricks
(1988), pp. 325-39. Also reprinted in Art and Error: Modern Textual Editing, ed. Ronald Gottesman
and Scott Bennett (1970), pp. 1-16.
Henri Quentin, Mémoire sur l'établissement du texte de la Vulgate (1922).
Heinrich Joseph Vogels, Handbuch der Textkritik des Neuen Testaments (1923, 1955).
E.K. Rand, "Dom Quentin's Memoir on the Text of the Vulgate," Harvard Theological Review 17 (1924):
Louis Havet, Règles et recommandations générales pour l'établissement des éditions (Association
Guillaume Budé, 1925). [See also Irigoin under 1972.]
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A.T. Robertson, An Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the Testament (1925, 1928).
Henri Quentin, Essais de critique textuelle (Ecdotique) (1926).
Mario Roques, Établissement de règles pratiques pour l'édition des anciens textes français et provençaux
(1926). Reprinted in Romania 52 (1926): 243-49; and Bibliothèque de l'École des chartes 87 (1926):
W.W. Greg, The Calculus of Variants (1927).
Paul Maas, "Textkritik," Einleitung in die Altertumswissenschaft 1.7 (1927): 1-18. Published separately,
revised, 1937, 1950, 1957, 1960; translated into Italian by Nino Martinelli as Critica del testo (1952),
with an appendix by Luciano Canfora (1956- ); translated into English by Barbara Flower as Textual
Criticism (1958).
Joseph Bédier, "La Tradition manuscrite du Lai de l'Ombre: reflexions sur l'art d'éditer les anciens textes,"
Romania 54 (1928): 161-96, 321-56. Published separately, 1929.
Charles Samaran, "La recherche des manuscrits d'auteurs du moyen âge et de la renaissance," Revue du
seizième siècle 15 (1928): 344-55.
P.S. Coculesco, "Sur les méthodes de critique textuelle du type Lachmann-Quentin," Grai si Suflet 4
(1929-30): 97-107.
Alfred Ewert, "On Textual Criticism, with Special Reference to Anglo-Norman," Arthuriana 2 (1929-30):
M. Dominica Legge, "Recent Methods of Textual Criticism," Arthuriana 2 (1929-30): 48-55.
Giorgi Pasquali, [Review of Maas], Gnomon 5 (1929): 417-35, 498-521.
William P. Shepard, "Recent Theories of Textual Criticism," Modern Philology 28 (1930): 129-41.
Paul Collomp, La critique des textes (1931). [Reviewed by Giorgio Pasquali, Gnomon 8 (1932): 127-34.]
Félix Peeters, "Les différents systèmes de classement des manuscrits," Revue de l'Université de Bruxelles,
1930-31, pp. 466-85.
Emmanuel Walberg, "Prinzipien und Methoden für die Herausgabe alter Texte nach verschiedenen
Handschriften," Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 51 (1931): 665-78.
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68 Part 6: Writings on Pre-Renaissance Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
J. Bidez and A.B. Drachmann, Emploi des signes critiques: Disposition de l'apparat dans les éditions
savantes de textes grecs et latins (1932).
Alphonse Dain, "Édition des textes classiques: théories et méthodes," in Actes du Congrès de Nîmes
(1932), pp. 61-88.
Maurice Wilmotte, "Sur la critique des textes," in Études de philologie wallonne (1932), pp. 3-38.
Félix Grat, "L'histoire des textes et des éditions critiques," Bibliothèque de l'École des chartes 94 (1933):
Hilary Jenkinson, "The Representation of Manuscripts in Print," London Mercury 30 (1934): 429-38.
Giorgio Pasquali, Storia della tradizione e critica del testo (1934, 1952). [Reviewed by Gianfranco
Contini, Archivum romanticum 19 (1935): 330-40; and Alphonse Dain, Supplément critique au
Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé 8 (1936-37): 7-32.]
Léon Vaganay, Initiation a la critique textuelle neotestamentaire (1934; translated as An Introduction to
the Textual Criticism of the New Testament, 1937).
M.-J. Lagrange, Introduction à l'étude du Nouveau Testament [includes "Critique textuelle"] (1935).
A.S.F. Gow, A.E. Housman: A Sketch (1936).
Auguste Hollard, Histoire du texte du Nouveau Testament (1936).
Joseph Bédier, "De l'Edition princeps de la Chanson de Roland aux éditions les plus récentes: nouvelles
remarques sur l'art d'établir les anciens textes," Romania 63 (1937): 433-69; 64 (1938): 145-244,
Fredric G. Kenyon, The Text of the Greek Bible: A Students Handbook (1937, 1949; 3rd ed., rev. A.W.
Adams, 1975).
F.M. Salter, [Review of Greg's edition (1935) of The Play of Antichrist], Review of English Studies 13
(1937): 341-52 (cf. 352-54 and 14 [1938]: 79-80).
Michele Barbi, La nouva filologia e l'edizione dei nostri scrittori da Dante al Manzoni (1938).
Alexandre Micha, Prolégomènes à une édition de CLIGES (1938).
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Rudolf Pfeiffer, "Von den geschichtlichen Begegnungen der kritischen Philologie mit dem Humanismus:
eine Skizze," Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 28 (1938): 191-209. Reprinted in his Ausgewählte
Schriften (1960), pp. 159-74.
David C. Douglas, English Scholars 1660-1730 (1939, 1951).
MacEdward Leach, "Some Problems in Editing Middle English MSS," English Institute Annual 1939:
Alexandre Micha, La tradition manuscrite des romans de Chrétien de Troyes (1939).
Eugène Vinaver, "Principles of Textual Emendation," in Studies in French Language and Mediaeval
Literature Presented to Professor Mildred K. Pope (1939), pp. 351-69. Reprinted in Medieval
Manuscripts and Textual Criticism, ed. Christopher Kleinhenz (1976), pp. 139-59.
Clovis Brunel, "A propos de l'édition de nos textes français du moyen âge," Bulletin de la Société de
l'Histoire de France 1941-42: 67-74.
Henry John Chaytor, "The Medieval Reader and Textual Criticism," Bulletin of the John Rylands Library
26 (1941-42): 49-56.
J. Burke Severs, "Quentin's Theory of Text Criticism," English Institute Annual 1941: 65-93.
S. Harrison Thompson, "Editing of Medieval Latin Texts in America," Progress of Medieval and
Renaissance Studies in the United States and Canada Bulletin 16 (1941): 37-49.
Jean Andrieu, "Principes et recherches en critique textuelle," in Mémorial des études latines publiés à
l'occasion du vingtième anniversaire de la Société et de la REVUE des Études Latines, offert par la
société à son fondatuer J. Marouzeau (1943), pp. 458-74.
Karl K. Hulley, "Principles of Textual Criticism Known to St. Jerome," Harvard Studies in Classical
Philology 55 (1944): 86-109.
Henry John Chaytor, From Script to Print: An Introduction to Medieval Vernacular Literature (1945,
Jean Andrieu, "Problemes d'histoire des textes," Revue des etudes latines 24 (1946): 271-314.
Jean Fourquet, "Le Paradoxe de Bédier," Melanges 1945 (Strasbourg, 1946), 2: 1-16. [Reviewed by Mario
Roques, Romania 69 (1946-47): 116-17.]
Edward B. Ham, Textual Criticism and Jehan le Venelais (1946).
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70 Part 6: Writings on Pre-Renaissance Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Ludwig Bieler, "The Grammarian's Craft: A Professional Talk," Folia 2 (1947): 94-105; 3 (1948): 23-32,
47-58. 2nd ed., Folia 10.2 (1958): 3-42. Reprinted as The Grammarian's Craft: An Introduction to
Textual Criticism (1965).
Ernest C. Colwell, "Genealogical Method: Its Achievements and Limitations," Journal of Biblical
Literature 66 (1947): 109-33. Reprinted in his Studies in Methodology (1969), pp. 63-83.
Kurt Weitzmann, "The Relation between Text Criticism and Picture Criticism," in his Illustrations in Roll
and Codex (1947), pp. 182-92.
Alberto Chiari, "L'edizione critica," in Problemi e orientamenti critici di lingua e letteratura italiana, ed.
Attilio Momigliano (1948), 2: 105-59. Revised in Tecnica e teoria letteraria, ed. M. Fubini, G.
Getto, B. Migliorini, A. Chiari, and V. Pernicone (1951), pp. 231-95.
Jean Fourquet, "Fautes communes ou innovations commumes," Romania 70 (1948-49): 85-95.
Robert Aubreton, Démétrius Triclinius et les recensions médiévales de Sophocle (1949).
Alphonse Dain, Les Manuscrits (1949, 1964).
Charles A. Knudson, "The Publication of Old French Texts: Some Comments and Suggestions," Speculum
24 (1949): 510-15.
Jean Andrieu, "Pour l'explanation psychologique des fautes de copiste," Revue des études latines 28
(1950): 279-92.
François Masai, "Principes et conventions de l'édition diplomatique," Scriptorium 4 (1950): 177-93.
Alphonse Dain, "L'édition des textes et le problème de l'utilisation des manuscrits," Information littéraire
3 (1951): 99-104.
Simonne R.T.O. D'Ardenne, "The Editing of Middle English Texts," in English Studies Today (1951),
pp. 74-84.
Archibald A. Hill, "Some Postulates for Distributional Study of Texts," Studies in Bibliography 3
(1950-51): 63-95.
D. Winton Thomas, "The Textual Criticism of the Old Testament," in The Old Testament and Modern
Study, ed. H.H. Rowly (1951), pp. 238-63.
Frederick Whitehead and Cedric E. Pickford, "The Two-Branch Stemma," Bulletin bibliographique de la
Société internationale arthurienne 3 (1951): 83-90.
Lawton P.G. Peckham, "Editing and Textual Criticism," in "The Aims, Methods, and Materials of
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Research in the Modern Languages and Literatures," PMLA 67 (1952): 15-19.
Aurelio Roncaglia, "Critica testuale," Cultura neolatina 12 (1952): 281-83.
Ernst Würthwein, Der Text des Alten Testaments (1952; translated from the 1973 edition by Erroll F.
Rhodes as The Text of the Old Testament: An Introduction to the Biblia Hebraica, 1979, 1994).
Sebastiano Timpanaro, "Delle congetture," Atene e Roma n.s.3 (1953): 95-99.
Eligius Dekkers, "La tradition des textes et les problèmes de l'édition diplomatique," Traditio 10 (1954):
A. Fox, John Mill and Richard Bentley: A Study of the Textual Criticism of the New Testament 1675-1729
Jean Irigoin, "Stemmas bifides et états de manuscrits," Revue de philologie 3rd ser. 28 (1954): 211-17.
Edmond Faral, "A propos de l'édition des textes anciens: le cas du manuscrit unique," in Recueil de
travaux offert à M. Clovis Brunel (1955), 1: 409-21.
István Frank, "De l'art d'éditer les textes lyriques," in Recueil de travaux offert à M. Clovis Brunel (1955),
1: 463-75. Translated by Arnold Miller as "The Art of Editing Lyric Texts," in Medieval
Manuscripts and Textual Criticism, ed. Christopher Kleinhenz (1976), pp. 123-38.
Bruce M. Metzger, Annotated Bibliography of the Textual Criticism of the New Testament, 1914-1939
Jacques Monfrin, "Problèmes d'éditions de textes," Critique 9 (1954-55): 351-64.
Paolo Sacchi, Alle origini del Nuovo Testamento: Saggio per la storia della tradizione e la critica del testo
Arrigo Castellani, Bédier avait-il raison? La méthode de Lachmann dans les éditions de textes du moyen
âge (1957). Reprinted in Saggi di linguistici e filologia italiana e romanza (1946-1976) (1980), 3:
161-200. [Reviewed by Edward B. Ham, Romance Philology 13 (1959-60): 190-91.]
Henry de Vocht, Professor Willy Bang and His Work in English Philology (1958).
Fredson Bowers, "Textual Criticism," in Encyclopædia Britannica (1959-68).
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72 Part 6: Writings on Pre-Renaissance Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
G.L. Brook, "The Relation between the Textual and Linguistic Study of Old English," in The Anglo-
Saxons, ed. Peter Clemoes (1959), pp. 280-91.
Vinton A. Dearing, A Manual of Textual Analysis (1959). Expanded and revised into Principles and
Practice of Textual Analysis (1974).
Jean Duplacy, Où en est la critique textuelle du Nouveau Testament? (1959).
Edward B. Ham, "Textual Criticism and Common Sense," Romance Philology 12 (1958-59): 198-215.
Jean Rychner, Contributions à l'étude des fabliaux: variantes, remaniements, dégradations (1960).
D'Arco Silvio Avalle, La letteratura medievale in lingua d'oc nella sua tradizione manoscritta (1961).
Commissione per i testi di lingua, Studi e problemi di critica testuale [ed. Raffaele Spongano] (1961).
[Includes Arrigo Castellani, "Indagine sugli errori di trascrizione," pp. 35-40 (translated by Anthony
Bouchard as "Transcription Errors," in Medieval Manuscripts and Textual Criticism, ed. Christopher
Kleinhenz [1976], pp. 167-73); Aurelio Roncaglia, "Valore e giuoco dell'interpretazione nella critica
testuale," pp. 45-62 (translated by Giancarlo Maiorino as "The Value of Interpreation in Textual
Criticism," in Kleinhenz, pp. 227-44); Cesare Segre, "Appunti sul problema delle contaminazioni nei
testi in prosa," pp. 63-67 (translated by Kleinhenz as "The Problem of Contamination in Prose Texts,"
in Kleinhenz, pp. 117-22); Vittore Branca, "Copisti per passione, tradizione caratterizzante,
tradizione di memoria," pp. 69-83; and Domenico De Robertis, "Problemi di metodo nell'edizione
dei cantari," pp. 119-38.]
A.E. Housman, Selected Prose, ed. John Carter (1961).
Hebert Hunger et al., Geschichte der Textüberlieferung der antiken und mittelalterlichen Literatur
Robert Marichal, "La critique des textes," in L'histoire et ses méthodes, ed. Charles Samaran
(Encyclopédie de la Pleiade, vol. 11, 1961), pp. 1247-1366.
Harry M. Orlinsky, "The Textual Criticism of the Old Testament," in The Bible and the Ancient Near East,
ed. G. Ernest Wright (1961), pp. 113-32.
Frederick Whitehead, "The Textual Criticism of the Chanson de Roland: An Historical Review," in
Studies in Medieval French Presented to Alfred Ewert (1961), pp. 76-89.
Antonín Hrubý, "Statistical Methods in Textual Criticism," General Linguistics 5 (1961-62): 77-138.
Toshio Hirunuma, New Testament Textual Criticism [in Japanese] (1962).
Shelomo Morag, The Vocalization Systems of Arabic, Hebrew and Aramaic (1962).
John A. Davison, "The Transmission of the Text," in A Companion to Homer, ed. A.J.B. Wace and F.H.
Stubbings (1963), pp. 215-33.
B.A. van Groningen, Traité d'histoire et de critique des textes grecs (1963).
Bruce M. Metzger, Chapters in the History of New Testament Textual Criticism (1963).
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Sebastiano Timpanaro, La genesi del metodo del Lachmann (1963, 1981, 1985).
Hermann Fränkel, Einleitung zur Kritischen Ausgabe der Argonautika des Apollonios (1964). Translated
by Luciano Canfora as Testo critico e critica del testo (1969).
J. Harold Greenlee, An Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism (1964).
Dmitrij Sergeevi Lixaev, "Šaxmatov-tekstolog," Izvestija Akademii Nauk USSR: Serija literatury i
jazyka 23.6 (1964): 481-86.
Dmitrij Sergeevi Lixaev, Tekstologija: Kratkij oerk (1964).
Bruce M. Metzger, The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration (1964,
1968, 1992).
David R. Shackleton Bailey, "Recensuit et emendavit . . .," Philologus 108 (1964): 102-18.
Karl Stackmann, "Mittelalterliche Texte als Aufgabe," in Festschrift für Jost Trier zum 70. Geburtstag,
ed. William Foerste and Karl-Heinz Bork (1964), pp. 240-67.
Brian Blakey, "The Scribal Process," in Medieval Miscellany Presented to Eugène Vinaver (1965),
pp. 19-27.
Antonín Hrubý, "A Quantitative Solution of the Ambiguity of Three Texts," Studies in Bibliography 18
(1965): 147-82.
T.B.W. Reid, "On the Text of the Tristran of Beroul," in Medieval Miscellany Presented to Eugène
Vinaver (1965), pp. 263-88. Reprinted in Medieval Manuscripts and Textual Criticism, ed.
Christopher Kleinhenz (1976), pp. 245-71.
Sebastiano Timpanaro, "Ancora su stemmi bipartiti," Maia 17 (1965): 392-99.
Kurt Aland, Matthew Black, Bruce M. Metzger, Allen Wikgren, et al. (eds.), The Text of the New
Testament (1966, 1968, 1975, 1993). [See also Metzger's A Textual Commentary on the Greek New
Testament (1971, 1994).]
J.A. Asher, "Truth and Fiction: The Text of Medieval Manuscripts," Journal of the Australasian
Universities Language and Literature Association 25 (May 1966): 6-16.
Vinton A. Dearing, "Some Notes on Genealogical Methods in Textual Criticism," Novum Testamentum
9 (1967): 278-97.
John L. Grigsby, "A Defense and Four Illustrations of Textual Criticism," Romance Philology 20 (1966-
67): 500-20.
Eugène Vinaver, "The Method of Editing," in The Works of Thomas Malory, 2nd ed. (1967), pp. c-cxxvi.
Luciano Canfora, "Critica textualis in caelum revocata," Belfagor 23 (1968): 361-64.
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74 Part 6: Writings on Pre-Renaissance Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Peter F. Ganz and Werner Schröder (eds.), Probleme mittelalterlicher Überlieferung und Textkritik:
Oxforder Colloquium 1966 (1968).
Hugo Kuhn, Karl Stackmann, and Dieter Wuttke (eds.), Kolloquium über Probleme altgermanistischer
Editionen (1968).
Bruce M. Metzger, "Recent Developments in the Textual Criticism of the New Testament," in Historical
and Literary Studies (1968), pp. 145-62.
Rudolf Pfeiffer, History of Classical Scholarship: From the Beginnings to the End of the Hellenistic Age
L.D. Reynolds and N.G. Wilson, Scribes and Scholars: A Guide to the Transmission of Greek and Latin
Literature (1968, 1974, 1991).
Jean Rychner, ""La critique textuelle de la branche III (Martin) du Roman de Renart et l'édition des textes
littéraires français du moyen âge," Bulletin de l'Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes 15
(1967-68): 121-36. Reprinted in Du SAINT-ALEXIS à François Villon (1985), pp. 161-76.
Ernest C. Colwell, Studies in Methodology in Textual Criticism of the New Testament (1969).
Sterling Dow, Conventions in Editing (1969).
Donald Watson Goodwin, Text-Restoration Methods in Contemporary U.S.A. Biblical Scholarship (1969).
George Kane, "Conjectural Emendation," in Medieval Literature and Civilization: Studies in Memory of
G. N. Garmonsway (1969), pp. 155-69. Reprinted in his Chaucer and Langland (1989), pp. 150-61.
Also reprinted in Medieval Manuscripts and Textual Criticism, ed. Christopher Kleinhenz (1976),
pp. 211-26.
Robert Renehan, Greek Textual Criticism (1969).
Cesare Segre, "La première 'scène du cor' dans le Chanson de Roland et la méthode de travail des
copistes," in Mélanges offerts à Rita Lejeune (1969), 2: 871-89.
Gian Piero Zarri, "Il metodo per la 'recensio' di Dom H. Quentin esaminato criticamente mediante la sua
traduzione in un algoritmo per elaboratore elettronico," Lingua e stile 4 (1969): 161-82.
D'Arco Silvio Avalle, Introduzione alla critica del testo (1970).
Christopher N.L. Brooke, "The Teaching of Diplomatic," Journal of the Society of Archivists 4.1 (1970):
Gianfranco Contini, "Rapporti fra la filologia (come critica testuale) e la linguistica romanza," in Actes du
Congrès International de Linguistique et Philologie Romanes (1970), 1: 47-65.
E. Talbot Donaldson, "The Psychology of Editors of Middle English Texts," in Speaking of Chaucer
(1970), pp. 102-18.
Elspeth Kennedy, "The Scribe as Editor," in Mélanges de langue et de littérature du moyen âge et de la
renaissance offerts à Jean Frappier (1970), 1: 523-31.
Shemaryahu Talmon, "The Old Testament Text," in From the Beginnings to Jerome, ed. P.R. Ackroyd and
C.F. Evans (1970), pp. 159-99. Reprinted in Qumran and the History of the Biblical Text, ed. Frank
Moore Cross and Talmon (1975), pp.1-41.
Alberto Vàrvaro, "Critica dei testi classica e romanza: problemi comuni ed esperienze diverse," Rendiconti
della Accademia de Archeologia, Lettere e Belle Arti di Napoli n.s. 45 (1970): 73-117.
William Wickes, Two Treatises on the Accentuation of the Old Testament (1970).
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E.J. Kenney, "The Character of Humanist Philology," in Classical Influences on European Culture A.D.
500-1500, ed. R.R. Bolgar (1971), pp. 119-28.
Robert M. Ogilvie, "Monastic Corruption," Greece and Rome 2nd ser. 18 (1971): 32-34.
Societa italiana di Storia del Diritto, La critica del testo (1971). [Includes David R. Shackleton Bailey,
"A.E. Housman as Textual Critic," pp. 739-48.]
D'Arco Silvio Avalle, Principi di critica testuale (1972, 1976).
The Classical Papers of A. E. Housman, ed. J. Diggle and F.R.D. Goodyear (1972).
Jean Irigoin and Jacques André (eds.), Règles et recommandations pour les éditions critiques (Association
Guillaume Budé, 1972).
James Willis, Latin Textual Criticism (1972).
Helmut Gneuss, "Guide to the Editing and Preparation of Texts for the Dictionary of Old English," in A
Plan for the Dictionary of Old English, ed. Roberta Frank and Angus Cameron (1973), pp.9-24.
Martin L. West, Textual Criticism and Editorial Technique Applicable to Greek and Latin Texts (1973).
Frederick Whitehead and Cedric E. Pickford, "The Introduction to the Lai de l'Ombre: Sixty Years Later,"
Romania 94 (1973): 145-56. Reprinted in Medieval Manuscripts and Textual Criticism, ed.
Christopher Kleinhenz (1976), pp. 103-15.
G.P. Zarri, "Algorithms, stemmata codicum and the Theories of Dom H. Quentin," in The Computer and
Literary Studies, ed. A.J. Aitken, Richard W. Bailey, and N. Hamilton-Smith (1973), pp. 225-37.
J.E. Cross, "The Poem in Transmitted Text: Editor and Critic," Essays and Studies n.s 27 (1974): 84-97.
Vinton A. Dearing, Principles and Practice of Textual Analysis (1974). [Expanded from A Manual of
Textual Analysis (1959).]
Eldon Jay Epp, "The Twentieth Century Interlude in New Testament Textual Criticism," Journal of
Biblical Literature 93 (1974): 386-414.
Edward A. Heinemann, "Sur la valeur des manuscrits rimés pour l'étude de la tradition rolandienne:
tentative pour trouver les filiations des manuscrits TLP," Le Moyen Age 80 (1974): 71-87.
E.J. Kenney, The Classical Text: Aspects of Editing in the Age of the Printed Book (1974).
E.J. Kenney, "Textual Criticism," in New Encyclopædia Britannica (1974- ).
Sebastiano Timpanaro, Il lapsus freudiano: psicanalisi e critica testuale (1974; trans. 1976).
Franca Brambilla Ageno, L'edizione critica dei testi volgare (1975, 1984).
Frank Moore Cross and Shemaryahu Talmon (eds.), Qumran and the History of the Biblical Text (1975).
[Includes Cross, "The Evolution of a Theory of Local Texts," pp. 306-20.]
Anthony Grafton, "Joseph Scaliger's Edition of Catullus (1577) and the Traditions of Textual Criticism
This page is from a document available in full at
76 Part 6: Writings on Pre-Renaissance Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
in the Renaissance," Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 38 (1975): 155-81.
Stanley Kahrl, "Editing Texts for Dramatic Performance," in The Drama of Medieval Europe: Proceedings
of the Colloquium Held at the University of Leeds, 10-13 September 1974 (1975), pp. 39-65.
George Kane and E. Talbot Donaldson, "Editing the B-Text," in Piers Plowman: The B Version (1975),
pp. 128-220. [See also David C. Fowler, "A New Edition of the B-Text of Piers Plowman,"
Yearbook of English Studies 7 (1977): 23-42.]
Charles Moorman, Editing the Middle English Manuscript (1975).
Aurelio Roncaglia, Principi e applicazioni di critica testuale (1975).
Leonard E. Boyle, "Optimist and Recensionist: 'Common Errors' or 'Common Variations'?", in Latin Script
and Letters, ed. John J. O'Meara and Bernd Naumann (1976), pp. 264-74.
Maurice Delbouille, "La philologie médiévale et la critique textuelle," in Actes du XIII
Internnational de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes, ed. Marcel Boudreault and Frankwalt
Möhren (1976), 1: 57-73.
D.W. Gooding, "An Appeal for a Stricter Terminology in the Textual Criticism of the Old Testament,"
Journal of Semitic Studies 21 (1976): 15-25.
George Kane, "Some Reflections on Critical Method," Essays and Studies 29 (1976): 23-38.
Christopher Kleinhenz (ed.), Medieval Manuscripts and Textual Criticism (1976). [Includes Kleinhenz,
"The Nature of an Edition," pp. 273-79; Egidio Rossini, "Introduction to the Edition of Medieval
Vernacular Documents," pp. 175-210; and reprintings of essays by Castellani (1961), Frank (1955),
Kane (1969), Roncaglia (1961), Segre (1961), Vinaver (1939), and Whitehead (1973).]
Norman Blake, "The Editorial Process," in The English Language in Medieval Literature (1977),
pp. 55-79, 175-76.
Martin Boghardt, Analtyische Druckforschung e. method. Beitr. zu Buchkunde u. Textkritik (1977).
Giuseppe Di Stefano, "L'édition des textes," in Essais sur le moyen français (1977), pp. 1-21.
David Mackenzie, A Manual of Manuscript Transcription for the "Dictionary of the Old Spanish
Language," (1977).
Oreste Macrì, "Per una teoria dell'edizione critica (sul testo della Chanson de Roland de C. Segre)," in Due
Saggi (1977), pp. 77-170.
Margherita Morreale, "Acentuación de los textos medievales," Yelmo, April/June 1977, pp. 17-18.
Hugo Moser and Helmut Tervooren (eds.), Des Minnesangs Frühling: Unter Benutzung der Ausgaben von
Karl Lachmann und Moriz Haupt, Friedrich Vogt und Carl von Kraus (36th ed., vol. 2, 1977).
A.G. Rigg (ed.), Editing Medieval Texts, English, French, and Latin, Written in England (1977).
[Contains Malcolm Godden, "Old English," pp. 9-33; Anne Hudson, "Middle English," pp. 34-57;
Ian Lancashire, "Medieval Drama," pp. 58-85; Brian Merrilees, "Anglo-Norman," pp. 86-106; and
George Rigg, "Medieval Latin," pp. 107-25. Reviewed by Richard A. Dwyer in Review 2 (1980):
M.P. Weitzman, [Review of Dearing's Principles and Practice of Textual Analysis (1974)], Vetus
Testamentum 27 (1977): 225-35 (cf. 29 [1979]: 355-59).
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B. Albrektson, "Reflections on the Emergence of a Standard Text of the Hebrew Bible," Vetus
Testamentum supp. 29 (1978): 49-65.
Atti: XIV Congresso Internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia Romanza (1978). [Includes Aurelio
Roncaglia, "La critica testuale," 1: 481-88; Duncan McMillan, "Critique textuelle: principes et
méthodes," 1: 489-91; Cesare Segre, "La critica testuale," 1: 493-99; Félix Lecoy, "L'édition critique
des textes," 1: 501-8; "Discussione," 1: 509-14.]
Dominique Barthélemy, Études d'histoire du texte de l'Ancien Testament (1978).
F.E. Deist, Towards the Text of the New Testament (trans. W.K. Winckler, 1978).
M.D. Feld, "The Early Evolution of the Authoritative Text," Harvard Library Bulletin 26 (1978): 81-111.
Ludwig Hödl and Dieter Wuttke (eds.), Probleme der Edition mittel- und neulateinischer Texte (1978).
M.B. Parkes, "Punctuation, or Pause and Effect," in Medieval Eloquence: Studies in the Theory and
Practice of Medieval Rhetoric, ed. James J. Murphy (1978), pp. 127-42.
Giovan Battista Alberti, Problemi di critica testuale (1979).
Bruno Chiesa, The Emergence of Hebrew Biblical Pointing: The Indirect Sources (1979).
Frank Moore Cross, "Problems of Method in the Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible," in The Critical
Study of Sacred Texts, ed. Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty (1979), pp. 31-54.
Alfred Foulet and Mary Blakely Speer, On Editing Old French Texts (1979). [See also Newsletter of the
Association for Documentary Editing 5.3 (September 1983): 1-3.]
Roy F. Leslie, "The Editing of Old English Poetic Texts: Questions of Style," in Old English Poetry:
Essays on Style, ed. Daniel G. Calder (1979), pp. 111-25.
Mary Blakely Speer, "In Defense of Philology: Two New Guides to Textual Criticism," Romance
Philology 32 (1979): 335-44.
Ernst Würthwein, The Text of the Old Testament: An Introduction to the Biblica Hebraica (trans. Erroll
F. Rhodes, 1979, 1994). [See 1952.]
Monique Mund-Dopchie, "Le rôle des humanistes dans l'histoire du texte eschyléen," in Acta Conventus
Neo-Latini Turonensis, ed. Jean-Claude Margolin (1980), pp. 7-14.
Bruce Mitchell, "The Dangers of Disguise: Old English Texts in Modern Punctuation," Review of English
Studies n.s. 31 (1980): 385-413.
Gaspar Morocho Gayo, "La transmissión de textes y la crítica textual en la antiguedad (I)," "La critica
textual en Bizancio (II)," "Panorámica de la crítica textual contemporánea (IV)," Anales de la
Universidad de Murcia: Filosofía y letras 38 (1979-80): 3-55; 39 (1980-81): 3-25.
Mary B. Speer, "Wrestling with Change: Old French Textual Criticism and Mouvance," Olifant 7 (1980):
Laurel N. Braswell, Western Manuscripts from Classical Antiquity to the Renaissance: A Handbook
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78 Part 6: Writings on Pre-Renaissance Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Wilhelm G. Busse, "Assumptions in the Establishment of Old English Poetic Texts: P.J. Lucas's Edition
of Exodus," Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 6 (1981): 197-219.
Enrico Flores (ed.), La critica testuale greco-latina, oggi: metodi e problemi (1981). [Includes Jean
Irigoin, "La critique des textes doit être historique," pp. 27-43
John L. Grigsby, "Editing Medieval Texts," Romance Philology 34 (1981): 64-73.
Georg Luck, "Textual Criticism Today," American Journal of Philology 102 (1981): 164-94.
Peter J. Lucas, "A Fifteenth-Century Copyist at Work under Authorial Scrutiny: An Incident from John
Capgrave's Scriptorium," Studies in Bibliograhpy 34 (1981): 66-95.
Emanuel Tov, The Text-Critical Use of the Septuagint in Biblical Research (1981, 1997).
James E.G. Zetzel, Latin Textual Criticism in Antiquity (1981).
Associazione Ispanisti Italiani, Ecdotica e testi ispanici (1982). [Includes Giorgio Chiarini, "Prospettive
translachmanniane dell'ecdotica," pp. 45-64.]
M.D. Feld, "Sweynheym and Pannartz, Cardinal Bessarion, Neoplatonism: Renaissance Humanism and
Two Early Printers' Choice of Texts," Harvard Library Bulletin 30 (1982): 282-335.
Felix Lecoy, "Variations sur le thème du Lai de l'ombre," Romania 103 (1982): 433-69.
Trevor H. Levere (ed.), Editing Texts in the History of Science and Medicine (1982). [Includes Linda
Ehrsam Voigts, "Editing Middle English Texts: Needs and Issues," pp. 39-68.]
T.J. Mathiesen and J. Solomon, Greek and Latin Music Theory: A Style Guide for Text Criticism,
Translation, and the Preparation of Camera-Ready Typescript (1982).
Marilyn A. Olsen, "A Reappraisal of Methodology in Medieval Editions: The Extant Material of the Libro
del cauallero Zifar," Romance Philology 35 (1982): 508-15.
Jean Roudil (ed.), Phrases, textes et ponctuation dans les manuscrits espagnols du moyen âge et dans les
éditions de texte (1982).
Gunther Schweikle, "Vom Edieren mittelhochdeutscher Lyrik: Theorie und Praxis," Beitrage zue
Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur 104 (1982): 231-55.
David R. Shackleton Bailey, "Bentley and Horace," in his Profile of Horace (1982), pp. 104-20.
Alberto Blecua, Manual de critica textual (1983).
Anthony Grafton, Joseph Scaliger: A Study in the History of Classical Scholarship. I: Textual Criticism
and Exegesis (1983).
Birte Kelly, "The Formative Stages of Beowulf Textual Scholarship: Part I," Anglo-Saxon England 11
(1983): 247-74.
Stephen Knight, "Textual Variants: Textual Variance," Southern Review [Adelaide] 16 (1983): 44-54.
Paul Oskar Kristeller, "The Editing of Fifteenth-Century Texts: Tasks and Problems," Italian Culture 4
(1983): 115-22.
Mark R. McCulloh, "Myller's Parcival and Lachmann's Critical Method: The 'Wolfram-Reise' Revisited,"
Modern Language Notes 98 (1983): 484-91.
L.D. Reynolds (ed.), Texts and Transmission: A Survey of the Latin Classics (1983).
Mary B. Speer, "On Editing Old French Texts," Newsletter of the Association for Documentary Editing
5.3 (September 1983): 1-3.
Mary B. Speer, "Textual Criticism Redivivus," L'Esprit Créateur 23 (1983): 38-48.
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G.T. Tanselle, "Classical, Biblical, and Medieval Textual Criticism and Modern Editing," Studies in
Bibliography 36 (1983): 21-68. Reprinted in his Textual Criticism and Scholarly Editing (1990),
pp. 274-321.
J.B. Trapp (ed.), Manuscripts in the Fifty Years after the Invention of Printing (1983).
John Miles Foley, "Editing Oral Epic Texts: Theory and Practice," Text 1 (1984): 75-94.
D.C. Greetham, "Models for the Textual Transmission of Translation: The Case of John Trevisa," Studies
in Bibliography 37 (1984): 131-55. Reprinted, with commentary, in his Textual Transgressions
(1998), pp. 85-122.
Paul Oskar Kristeller, "The Lachmann Method: Merits and Limitations," Text 1 (1984): 11-20.
Harold Love, "Sir Walter Greg and the Chaucerian Force Field: A Response to Stephen Knight's 'Textual
Variants: Textual Variance,'" Bibliographical Society ofAustralia and New Zealand Bulletin 8
(1984): 73-81.
Germán Orduna, "La collatio externa de los códices como procedimiento auxiliar para completar la
recensio . . .," Incipit 4 (1984): 18-34.
Derek Pearsall, "Texts, Textual Criticism, and Fifteenth-Century Manuscript Production," in Fifteenth-
Century Studies: Recent Essays, ed. Robert F. Yeager (1984), pp. 121-36.
Paul G. Ruggiers (ed.), Editing Chaucer: The Great Tradition (1984).
Michael G. Sargent, James Grenehalgh as Textual Critic (1984).
Werner Schröder, "Editionsprinzipien für deutsche Texte des Früh- und Hochmittelalters,"in
Sprachgeschichte: Ein Handbuch, ed. Werner Besch, Oskar Reichmann, and Stefan Sonderegger,
1 (1984): 682-92. See also Oskar Reichmann, "Editionsprinzipien für deutsche Texte des späten
Mittelalters und der frühen Neureit," pp. 693-703.
Ian Short (ed.), Medieval French Textual Studies in Memory of T.B.W. Reid (1984). [Includes T.B.W.
Reid, "The Right to Emend," pp. 1-32; and J.H. Marshall, "Textual Transmission and Complex
Musico-metrical Form in the Old French Lyric," pp. 119-48.]
E.G. Stanley, "Unideal Principles of Editing Old English Verse," Proceedings of the British Academy 70
(1984): 231-73.
Marjorie Curry Woods, "Editing Medieval Latin Commentaries: Problems and a Proposed Solution," Text
1 (1984): 133-45.
Hans Aarsleff, "Scholarship and Ideology: Joseph Bédier's Critique of Romantic Medievalism," in
Historical Studies and Literary Criticism, ed. Jerome J. McGann (1985), pp. 93-113.
Roberto Antonelli, "Interpretazione e critica del testo," Letteratura italiana 4 (1985): 141-243.
Convegno de Lecce, La critica del testo: Problemi di metodo ed esperienze di lavoro (1985). [Includes
Cesare Segre, "La natura del testo e la prassi ecdotica," pp. 25-44; and Scevola Mariotti, "Varianti
d'autore e varianti di trasmissione," pp. 97-111.]
D.C. Greetham, "Normalisation of Accidentals in Middle English Texts: The Paradox of Thomas
Hoccleve," Studies in Bibliography 38 (1985): 121-50. Reprinted, with commentary, in his Textual
Transgressions (1998), pp. 123-97.
George Kane, "'Good' and 'Bad' Manuscripts: Texts and Critics," Studies in the Age of Chaucer, supp. 2
(1985): 137-45.
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80 Part 6: Writings on Pre-Renaissance Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Klaus Kirchert, "Text und Textgeschichte: Zu uberlieferungsgeschichtlichen Editionen
spatmittelalterlicher Gebrauchsprosa," in Germanistik: Forschungsstand und Perspektiven, ed. Georg
Stotzel, 2 (1985): 51-71.
Jerome J. McGann (ed.), Textual Criticism and Literary Interpretation (1985). [Includes Lee Patterson,
"The Logic of Textual Criticism and the Way of Genius: The Kane-Donaldson Piers Plowman in
Historical Perspective," pp. 55-91; Derek Pearsall, "Editing Medieval Texts: Some Developments
and Some Problems," pp. 92-106.]
Thomas G. Palaima, "Secondary Criteria for Identifying Scribal Hands: Interdisciplinary Considerations,"
Text 2 (1985): 55-67.
Esther C. Quinn, "The Text in Context; or How to Resolve Some of the Problems in a Unique Medieval
MS," CUNY English Forum 1 (1985): 317-23.
Michael D. Reeve, "Archetypes," Sileno 11 (1985): 193-201.
Alfredo Stussi (ed.), La critica del testo (1985).
Sebastiano Timpanaro, "Recentiores e deteriores, codices descripti e codices inutiles," Filologia e Critica
10 (1985): 164-92.
Stephanie Trigg, "The Politics of Editing Medieval Texts: Knight's Quest and Love's Complaint,"
Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 9 (1985): 15-22. [See Knight, 1983,
and Love, 1984, above.]
Michael Weitzman, "The Analysis of Open Traditions," Studies in Bibliography 38 (1985): 82-120.
Francis Ian Andersen and A. Dean Forbes, Spelling in the Hebrew Bible (1986).
C.O. Brink, English Classical Scholarship: Historical Reflections on Bentley, Porson and Housman
Gianfranco Contini, Breviario di ecdotica (1986).
Jacqueling Hamesse, "Les Problèmes posés par l'édition critique des reportations," Franciscan Studies 46
(1986): 107-17.
Jean-Claude Bouvier (ed.), Critique et édition de textes (1986). [Includes Anthony J. Holden, "L'édition
des textes medievaux," pp. 375-82.]
Thomas P. Halton, Classical Scholarship: An Annotated Bibliography (1986). [See DE1-65.]
Jean Irigoin, "Accidents matériels et critique des textes," Revue d'histoire des textes 16 (1986): 1-36.
Alan E. Knight, "On Editing Early French Plays," Romance Philology 40 (1986): 65-74.
Richard W.F. Kroll, "Mise-en-Page, Biblical Criticism, and Inference during the Restoration," Studies in
Eighteenth-Century Culture 16 (1986): 3-40.
Michael D. Reeve, "Archetypes," in Studi in onore di Adelmo Barigazzi (1986), 2: 193-201.
Michael D. Reeve, "Stemmatic Method: 'Qualcosa che non funziona'?", in The Role of the Book in
Medieval Culture, ed. Peter Ganz (1986), pp. 57-69.
James P. Reilly, Gedeon Gal, Francis E. Kelly, "Alfred: A Symposium on Text Editing and Translating,"
Franciscan Studies 46 (1986): 47-59.
Brian Richardson, "An Editor of Vernacular Texts in Sixteenth-Centuury Venice: Lucio Paolo Rosello,"
in Book Production and Letters in the Western European Renaissance, ed. Anna Laura Lepschy, John
Took, and Dennis E. Rhodes (1986), pp. 246-78.
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Kurt and Barbara Aland, The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to
the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism (trans. 1987, 1989).
Peter F. Dembowski, "Metrics and Textual Criticism: The Example of Froissart's Decasyllables," Esprit
Créateur 27 (1987): 90-100.
A.F. Johnston (ed.), Editing Early English Drama (1987). [Includes David Bevington, "Drama Editing
and Its Relation to Recent Trends in Literary Criticism," pp. 17-32; Peter Meredith, "Stage Directions
and the Editing of Early English Drama," pp. 65-94; and J.A.B. Somerset, "'this hawthorne-brake our
tiring house': Records of Early English Drama and Modern Play-Texts," pp. 95-119.]
Bruce M. Metzger, "History of the Editing of the Greek New Testament," Proceedings of the American
Philosophical Society 131 (1987): 148-58. Reprinted in revised form in Editing and Editors: A
Retrospect, ed. Richard Landon (1988), pp. 47-66; and as "The Greek New Testament" in Scholarly
Editing: A Guide to Research, ed. D.C. Greetham (1995), pp. 60-74.
Paul Needham, "The Text of the Gutenberg Bible," in Giovanni Crapulli (ed.), Trasmissione dei testi a
stampa nel periodo moderno, vol. 2 (1987), pp. 43-84.
M.B. Parkes, "The Contribution of Insular Scribes of the Seventh and Eighth Centuries to the 'Grammar
of Legibility,'" in Grafia e interpuntzione del latino nel medioevo, ed. Alfonso Maierù (1987),
pp. 15-30.
Derek Pearsall (ed.), Manuscripts and Texts: Editorial Problems in Later Middle English Literature
(1987). [Includes A.S.G. Edwards, "Observations on the History of Middle English Editing,"
pp. 34-48; and Ralph Hanna III, "Problems of 'Best Text' Editing and the Hengwrt Manuscript of The
Canterbury Tales," pp. 87-94.]
Earl Jeffrey Richards, "Finding the 'Authentic' Text: Editing and Translating Medieval and Modern Works
as Comparable Interpretive Exercises," L'Ésprit Créateur 27 (1987): 111-21.
Fred C. Robinson, "Consider the Source: Medieval Texts and Medieval Manuscripts," Medieval
Perspectives 2.1 (1987): 7-16.
Hans-Gert Roloff, "Editorische Desiderata zur Mittleren Deutschen Literatur," Editio 1 (1987): 15-128.
Richard J. Tarrant, "Toward a Typology of Interpolation in Latin Poetry," Transactions of the American
Philological Association 117 (1987): 281-98.
Karl D. Uitti (ed.), "The Poetics of Textual Criticism: The Old French Example," L'Ésprit Créateur 27.1
(Spring 1987): 1-128. [Contains essays by Uitti, Alfred Foulet, Edward A. Heinemann, Mary B.
Speer, Rupert T. Pickens, Sylvia Huot, Michel Zink, Peter F. Dembowski, Lionel J. Friedman, and
Earl Jeffrey Richards.]
Nigel G. Wilson, "Variant Readings with Poor Support in the Manuscript Tradition," Revue d'histoire des
textes 17 (1987): 1-13.
Roger S. Bagnall, "Restoring the Text of Documents," Text 4 (1988): 109-19.
John F. D'Amico, Theory and Practice in Renaissance Textual Criticism: Beatus Rhenanus between
Conjecture and History (1988).
Joseph A. Dane, "The Reception of Chaucer's Eighteenth-Century Editors," Text 4 (1988): 217-36.
Giuseppe Di Stefano, "Editore: Traditore! Réflexion sur l'art d'éditer les textes," Le moyen français 22
(1988): 61-67.
Anthony Grafton, "Quattrocento Humanism and Classical Scholarship," in Renaissance Humanism:
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82 Part 6: Writings on Pre-Renaissance Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Foundations, Forms, and Legacy. III. Humanism and the Disciplines, ed. Albert Rabil, Jr. (1988),
pp. 23-66.
D.C. Greetham, "The Place of Fredson Bowers in Mediaeval Editing," Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 82 (1988): 53-69. Reprinted, with commentary, in his Textual Transgressions
(1998), pp. 219-45.
James Grier, "Lachmann, Bédier and the Bipartite Stemma: Towards a Responsible Application of the
Common-Error Method," Revue d'histoire des textes 18 (1988): 263-77.
Ralph Hanna III, "Editing Middle English Prose Translations: How Prior Is the Source?" Text 4 (1988):
Edward A. Heinemann, "Textual Criticism or Literary Criticism? Echo (Or Is It Redundancy?) and the
Shifting Text of the Old French Epic," Text 4 (1988): 121-33.
A.E. Housman, Collected Poems and Selected Prose, ed. Christopher Ricks (1988).
David F. Hult, "Reading It Right: The Ideology of Text Editing," Romanic Review 79 (1988): 74-88.
Reprinted in The New Medievalism, ed. Marina S. Brownlee, Kevin Brownlee, and Stephen G.
Nichols (1991), pp. 113-30.
Vladimir Juren, "Les Notes de Politien sur les letters de Ciceron à Brutus, Quintus et Atticus,"
Rinascimento 28 (1988): 235-56.
George Kane, "The Text," in A Companion to Piers Plowman, ed. John A. Alford and Anne Middleton
(1988), pp. 175-200.
George B. Killough, "Middle English Verse Punctuation: A Sample Survey," Text 4 (1988): 163-88.
Richard Landon (ed.), Editing and Editors: A Retrospect (1988). [Includes Leonard Boyle, "'Epistulae
Venerunt Parum Dulces': The Place of Codicology in the Editing of Medieval Latin Texts,"
pp. 29-46; and Metzger (see 1987).]
P. Osmund Lewry, "Thirteenth-Century Teaching on Speech and Accentuation," Medieval Studies 50
(1988): 96-185.
Rosemarie Potz McGerr, "Editing the Self-Conscious Medieval Translator: Some Issues and Examples,"
Text 4 (1988): 147-61.
Tim William Machan, "Editorial Method and Medieval Translations: The Example of Chaucer's Boece,"
Studies in Bibliography 41 (1988): 188-96.
Eugene A. Nida, "Editing Translated Texts," Text 4 (1988): 13-27.
Willem Noomen, "Critique textuelle, tendances et perspectives," in Actes du XVIII
Congrès International
de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes, ed. Dieter Kremer (1988), 6: 3-9.
Catharine A. Regan, "The Shaping and Reshaping of Piers Plowman: Interaction of Editors and
Audiences," Literature in Performance 8 (1988): 1-13.
Christina Roaf, "The Presentation of the Decameron in the First Half of the Sixteenth Century with Special
Reference to the Work of Francesco Sansovino," in The Languages of Literature in Renaissance
Italy, ed. Peter Hainsworth, Valerio Lucchesi, Christina Roaf, and David Robey (1988), pp. 109-21.
P.L. Schmidt, "Lachmann's Method: On the History of a Misunderstanding," in The Uses of Greek and
Latin: Historical Essays, ed. A.C. Dionisotti, Anthony Grafton, and Jill Kraye (1988), pp. 227-36.
D.F.S. Thomson, "Erasmus and Textual Scholarship in the Light of Sixteenth-Century Practice," in
Erasmus of Rotterdam, ed. J. Sperna Weiland and W.T.M. Frijhoff (1988), pp. 158-71.
Donald C. Baker, "When Is a Text a Play? Reflections upon What Certain Late Medieval Dramatic Texts
Can Tell Us," in Contexts for Early English Drama, ed. Marianne G. Briscoe and John C. Coldewey
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 6: Writings on Pre-Renaissance Texts 83
(1989), pp. 20-40.
James Barr, The Variable Spellings of the Hebrew Bible (1989).
Fritz Bornmann (ed.), Giorgio Pasquali e la filologia classica del novecento (1989).
John M. Bowers, "Hoccleve's Two Copies of Lerne to Dye: Implications for Textual Critics," Papers of
the Bibliographical Society of America 83 (1989): 437-72.
Bernard Cerquiglini, Éloge de la variante: Histoire critique de la philologie (1989; translated by Betsy
Wing as In Praise of the Variant: A Critical History of Philology, 1999).
Consiglio Nazionale delle Recerche, La filologia greca e latina nel secolo XX (1989). [Includes Georg
Luck, "Stati Uniti d'America: la critica testuale greco-latina," pp. 235-61; and E.J. Kenney, "Great
Britain: Latin Philology," pp. 619-49.]
J.N. Grant (ed.), Editing Greek and Latin Texts (1989). [Includes Michael D. Reeve, "Eliminatio codicum
descriptorum: A Methodological Problem," pp. 1-35; W.S. Slater, "Problems in Interpreting Scolia
on Greek Texts," pp. 37-61; John Whittaker, "The Value of Indirect Tradition in the Establishment
of Greek Philosophical Texts or the Art of Misquotation," pp. 63-95; Richard J. Tarrant, "The Reader
as Author:Collaborative Interpolation in Latin Poetry," pp. 121-62; and Anthony Grafton, "Editing
Technical Neo-Latin Texts: Two Cases and Their Implications," pp. 163-86.]
George Kane, Chaucer and Langland: Historical and Textual Approaches (1989).
Charles Moorman, "One Hundred Years of Editing the Canterbury Tales," Chaucer Review 24 (1989):
Karl Konrad Polheim, "Die Edition von Volksschauspielen: Auch ein Entwurf für das mittelalterliche
Drama," Editio 3 (1989): 41-75. [With abstract in English]
Roy Rosenstein, "Mouvance and the Editor as Scribe: Trascrittore Traditore?", Romanic Review 80
(1989): 157-71.
G.T. Tanselle, A Rationale of Textual Criticism (1989).
Harald Weigel, "Nur was du nie gesehn wird ewig dauern": Carl Lachmann und die Entstehung der
wissenschaftlichen Edition (1989).
Michael P. Weitzman, "The Analysis of Manuscript Traditions: Isaiah (Peshitta Version) and Matthew,"
in Actes du Second Colloque International: Bible et informatique: méthodes, outils, résultats (1989),
pp. 641-52.
Gretchen P. Ackerman, "Sir Frederic Madden and Arthurian Scholarship," in King Arthur through the
Ages, ed. Valerie M. Lagorio and Mildred Leake Day, 2 (1990): 27-38.
Thomas Bein, Textkritik: Eine Einführung in Grundlagen der Edition altdeutscher Dichtung (1990).
Philip E. Bennett and Graham A. Runnalls (eds.), The Editor and the Text (1990). [Includes C. Corley,
"Editing Le Bel Inconnu and Other Single Manuscript Texts," pp. 11-19.]
Marianne Børch, Andreas Haarder, and Julia McGrew (eds.), The Medieval Text: Editors and Critics
(1990). [Includes Charlotte Brewer, "Editors of Piers Plowman," and Birger Munk Olsen, "L'Édition
des textes antiques au moyen âge."]
Hoyt N. Duggan, "Scribal Self-Correction and Editorial Theory," Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 91
(1990): 215-27.
J.K. Elliott, Essays and Studies in New Testament Textual Criticism (1990).
G.D. Kilpatrick, The Principles and Practice of New Testament Textual Criticism: Collected Essays, ed.
J.K. Elliott (1990).
Jean Mabillon, Brève réflexions sur quelques règles de l'histoire, ed. Blandine Barret-Kriegel (1990).
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84 Part 6: Writings on Pre-Renaissance Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Shuji Sato, "Printed Texts of Old English," in Studies in English Philology in Honour of Shigeru Ono, ed.
Koichi Jin et al. (1990), pp. 401-14.
Jan M. Ziolkowski, "What Is Philology? Introduction," Comparative Literature Studies 27 (1990): 1-12.
Joseph A. Dane, "Copy-Text and Its Variants in Some Recent Chaucer Editions," Studies in Bibliography
44 (1991): 164-83.
Charles B. Faulhaber and Jerry R. Craddock (eds.), "Textual Criticism," Romance Philology 45.1 (August
1991). [Contains Mary B. Speer, "Editing Old French Texts in the Eighties: Theory and Practice,"
pp. 7-43; Cesare Segre and Gian Battista Speroni, "Filologia testuale e letterature italiana del
Medioevo," pp. 44-72; Alberto Blecua, "Los textos medievales castellanos y sus ediciones,"
pp. 73-88 (translated by Steven B. Raulston as "Medieval Castilian Texts and Their Editions," in
Scholarly Editing: A Guide to Research, ed. D.C. Greetham [1995], pp. 459-85); Germán Orduna,
"Ecdótica hispánica y el valor estematico de la historia del texto," pp. 89-101 (translated by Raulston
as "Hispanic Textual Criticism and the Stemmatic Value of the History of the Text," in Greetham,
pp. 486-503); Francisco Marcos Marín, "Computers and Text Editing: A Review of Tools, and
Introduction to UNITE and Some Observations Concerning Its Application to Old Spanish Texts,"
pp. 102-22; and Faulhaber, "Textual Criticism in the 21st Century," pp. 123-48.]
Anthony Grafton, Defenders of the Text: The Traditions of Scholarship in an Age of Science, 1450-1800
Alan E. Knight, "Editing the Unique Manuscript: The Case of the Lille Plays," Text 5 (1991): 145-55.
Michael Lapidge, "Textual Criticism and the Literature of Anglo-Saxon England," Bulletin of the John
Rylands University Library 73 (1991): 17-45.
Tim William Machan (ed.), Medieval Literature: Texts and Interpretation (1991). [Includes A.S.G.
Edwards, "Middle English Romance: The Limits of Editing, the Limits of Criticism," pp. 91-104;
and Julia Boffey, "Middle English Lyrics: Texts and Interpretation," pp. 121-38. Reviewed by J.D.
Burnley, Modern Language Review 89 (1994): 700-2; by David Yerkes in Text 6 (1994): 398-403.]
R.G.M. Nisbet, "How Textual Conjectures Are Made," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi
classici 26 (1991): 65-91.
Mary A. Rouse and Richard H. Rouse, Authentic Witnesses: Approaches to Medieval Texts and
Manuscripts (1991).
Robert S. Sturges, "Textual Scholarship: Ideologies of Literary Production," Exemplaria 3 (1991): 109-31.
John Thompson, "Textual Instability and the Late Medieval Reputation of Some Middle English Religious
Literature," Text 5 (1`991): 175-94.
Léon Vaganay and C.B. Amphoux, An Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism (trans. 1991).
Max Wehrli, "Vom Schwinden des Werk-Begriffs," Editio 5 (1991): 1-11. [With abstract in English]
John Whittaker, "The Practice of Manuscript Collation," Text 5 (1991): 121-30.
Margaret E. Winters, "Manuscript Variation and Syntactic Change," Text 5 (1991): 131-43.
Robert Adams, "Editing Piers Plowman B: The Imperative of an Intermittently Critical Edition," Studies
in Bibliography 45 (1992): 31-68.
Sebastian P. Brock, "Developments in Editing Biblical Texts," in The Book Encompassed, ed. Peter
Davison (1992), pp. 236-43.
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David Noel Freedman, A. Dean Forbes, and Francis I. Andersen, Studies in Hebrew and Aramaic
Orthography (1992). [Includes Freedman, "The Evolution of Hebrew Orthography," pp. 3-15.]
Moshe Goshen-Gottstein, "Editions of the Hebrew Bible--Past and Future," in "Sha'arei Talmon": Studies
in the Bible, Qumran, and the Ancient Near East Presented to Shemaryahu Talmon, ed. Michael
Fishbane and Emanuel Tov (1992), pp. 221-42.
Nikolaus Henkel, "Kurzfassungen höfischer Erzähltexte als editorische Herausforderung," Editio 6 (1992):
1-11. [With abstract in English]
A.J. Minnis and Charlotte Brewer (eds.), Crux and Controversy in Middle English Textual Criticism
(1992). [Reviewed by A.S.G. Edwards in Modern Language Review 89 (1994): 702-4.]
Douglas Moffat, "Anglo-Saxon Scribes and Old English Verse," Speculum 67 (1992): 805-27.
Ulrich Müller, "Exemplarische Überlieferung und Edition," Editio 6 (1992): 112-22. [With abstract in
James J. O'Donnell, "Report on the Textual Criticism Challenge 1991," Bryn Mawr Classical Review 3.4
(1992): 331-37.
M.B. Parkes, Pause and Effect: An Introduction to the History of Punctuation in the West (1992).
Hans-Jochen Schiewer, "Spuren von Mündlichkeit in der mittelalterlichen Predigtüberlieferung," Editio
6 (1992): 64-79. [With abstract in English]
Siegfried Seifert, "Bibliographische Berichterstattung im Jahrbuch 'editio,'" Editio 6 (1992): 172-88.
Loris Sturlese, "Zur Stemmatik der offenen Tradition," Editio 6 (1992): 26-42. [With abstract in French]
Emanuel Tov, The Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible: An Introduction (trans. 1992).
Rolf Bergmann and Kurt Gärtner (eds.), Methoden und Probleme der Edition mittelalterlicher deutscher
Texte (1993).
George Bornstein and Ralph G. Williams (eds.), Palimpsest: Editorial Theory in the Humanities (1993).
[Includes James E.G. Zetzel, "Religion, Rhetoric, and Editorial Technique: Reconstructing the
Classics," pp. 99-120.]
Keith Busby (ed.), Towards a Synthesis? Essays on the New Philology (1993). [Includes Richard F.
O'Gorman, "The Philologist's Craft and the New Medievalism: Apropos of a Recent Book on Old
French Syntax [Bernard Cerquiglini's La parole médiévale, 1981]," pp. 7-28; Busby, "Variance and
the Politics of Textual Criticism," pp. 29-45; Barbara N. Sargent-Baur, "Philology through the
Looking-Glass," pp. 97-118; and William D. Paden, "Is There a Middle in This Road? Reflections
on the New Philology," pp. 119-30.]
Peter F. Dembowski, "The 'French' Tradition of Textual Philology and Its Relation to the Editing of
Medieval Texts," Modern Philology 90 (1993): 512-32.
Roberta Frank (ed.), The Politics of Editing Medieval Texts (1993). [Includes Nancy F. Partner, "Notes
on the Margins: Editors, Editions, and Sliding Definitions," pp. 1-18; Ross E. Arthur, "On Editing
Sexually Offensive Old French Texts," pp. 19-64; Michael Lapidge, "The Edition, Emendation and
Reconstruction of Anglo-Saxon Texts," pp. 131-57; and Allen J. Frantzen, "The Living and the Dead:
Responses . . .," pp. 159-81.]
Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe, "Texts and Works: Some Historical Questions on the Editing of Old English
Verse," in New Historical Literary Study: Essays on Reproducing Texts, Representing History, ed.
Jeffrey N. Cox and Larry J. Reynolds (1993), pp. 54-68.
Karl D. Uitti, "Poetico-Literary Dimensions and the Critical Editing of Medieval Texts: The Example of
This page is from a document available in full at
86 Part 6: Writings on Pre-Renaissance Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Old French," in What Is Literature? France 1100-1600, ed. François Cornilliat, Ulrich Langer, and
Douglas Kelly (1993), pp. 143-79.
Mary-Jo Arn, "On Punctuating Medieval Literary Texts," Text 7 (1994): 161-74.
Joseph A. Dane, "The Lure of Oral Theory in Medieval Criticism: From Edited 'Text' to Critical 'Work,'"
Text 7 (1994): 145-60.
John H. Fisher, "Historical and Methodological Considerations for Adopting 'Best Text' or 'Usus Scribendi'
for Textual Criticism of Chaucer's Poems," Text 6 (1994): 165-80.
Ralph Hanna III, "Annotating Piers Plowman," Text 6 (1994): 153-63. [See also David C. Fowler,
"Annotating Piers Plowman: The Athlone Project," Text 10 (1997): 151-60.]
Murray McGillivray, "Towards a Post-Critical Edition: Theory, Hypertext, and the Presentation of Middle
English Works," Text 7 (1994): 175-99.
Tim William Machan, Textual Criticism and Middle English Texts (1994). [Reviewed by Hoyt N. Duggan
in Text 10 (1997): 377-88, with reply by Machan on pp. 388-90.]
A.J. Minnes (ed.), Late-Medieval Religious Texts and Their Transmission: Essays in Honour of A.I. Doyle
William D. Paden (ed.), The Future of the Middle Ages: Medieval Literature in the 1990s (1994).
[Includes Rupert T. Pickens, "'Old' Philology and the Crisis of the 'New,'" pp. 53-86; and Peter F.
Dembowski, "Is There a New Textual Philology in Old French? Perennial Problems, Provisional
Solutions," pp. 87-112.]
Derek Pearsall, "Theory and Practice in Middle English Editing," Text 7 (1994): 107-26.
Fred C. Robinson, The Editing of Old English (1994).
D.G. Scragg and Paul E. Szarmach (eds.), The Editing of Old English: Papers from the 1990 Manchester
Conference (1994). [Includes Richard Dammery, "Editing the Anglo-Saxon Laws;" and J.R. Hall,
"The First Two Editions of Beowulf: Thorkelin's (1815) and Kemble's (1833)." Reviewed by
Jonathan S. Myerov in Text 13 (2000): 270-77.]
G.T. Tanselle, "Editing without a Copy-Text," Studies in Bibliography 47 (1994): 1-22. Reprinted in his
Literature and Artifacts (1998), pp. 236-57.
Karl D. Uitti and Gina Greco, "Computerization, Canonicity and the Old French Scribe: The Twelfth and
Thirteenth Centuries," Text 6 (1994): 133-52.
John W. Velz, "From Authorization to Authorship, Orality to Literature: The Case of Medieval and
Renaissance Drama," Text 6 (1994): 197-211.
James Willis, "The Science of Blunders: Confessions of a Textual Critic," Text 6 (1994): 63-80.
Thomas Bein (ed.), Altgermanistische Editionswissenschaft (1995).
Ferdinand E. Deist, "Text, Textuality, and Textual Criticism," Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages
21.2 (1995): 59-67.
Murray J. Evans, Rereading Middle English Romance: Manuscript Layout, Decoration, and the Rhetoric
of Composite Structure (1995).
D.C. Greetham (ed.), Scholarly Editing: A Guide to Research (1995). [Includes G.T. Tanselle, "The
Varieties of Scholarly Editing," pp. 9-32; Francis I. Andersen, "The Hebrew Bible (Old Testament),"
pp. 33-59; Bruce M. Metzger, "The Greek New Testament," pp. 60-74; Mervin R. Dilts, "Greek
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Literature: From Antiquity to the Renaissance," pp. 75-94; R.J. Tarrant, "Classical Latin Literature,"
pp. 95-148; J.R. Hall, "Old English Literature," pp. 149-83; A.S.G. Edwards, "Middle English
Literature," pp. 184-203; Mary B. Speer, "Old French Literature," pp. 382-416; Paolo Cherchi,
"Italian Literature," pp. 438-56; Alberto Blecua, "Medieval Castilian Texts and Their Editions," pp.
459-85; Germán Orduna, "Hispanic Textual Criticism and the Stemmatic Value of the History of the
Text," pp. 486-503; Edward Kasinec and Robert Whittaker, "Russian Literature," pp. 530-45 (esp.
"Old Rus'ian and Muscovite Literatures," pp. 530-34); M.G. Carter, "Arabic Literature," pp. 546-74;
Ludo Rocher, "Sanskrit Literature," pp. 575-99; and John Miles Foley, "Folk Literature," pp. 600-26.]
Charlotte Brewer, Editing PIERS PLOWMAN: The Evolution of the Text (1996).
Alain Corbellari, "Joseph Bédier, Philologist and Writer," in Medievalism and the Modernist Temper, ed.
R. Howard Bloch and Stephen G. Nichols (1996).
André De Tienne, "Selecting Alterations for the Apparatus of a Critical Edition," Text 9 (1996): 33-62.
Hoyt N. Duggan, "Libertine Scribes and Maidenly Editors: Meditations on Textual Criticism and Metrics,"
in English Historical Metrics, ed. C.B. McCully and J.J. Anderson (1996), pp. 219-37.
Suzanne Fleischman, "Medieval Vernaculars and the Myth of Monoglossia: A Conspiracy of Linguistics
and Philology," in Literary History and the Challenge of Philology: The Legacy of Erich Auerbach,
ed. Seth Lerer (1996), pp. 92-104.
Ralph Hanna III, Pursuing History: Middle English Manuscripts and Their Texts (1996).
Wesley A. Kort, "Take, Read": Scripture, Textuality, and Cultural Practice (1996).
Seth Lerer (ed.), Reading from the Margins: Textual Studies, Chaucer, and Medieval Literature (1996).
Also published as a special issue of Huntington Library Quarterly 58.1 (1996). [Includes Seth Lerer
and Joseph A. Dane, "What Is a Text?", pp. 1-10; and D.C. Greetham, "Phylum-Tree-Rhizome,"
pp. 99-126.]
Edwin Rabbie, "Editing Neo-Latin Texts," Editio 10 (1996): 25-48.
C. David Benson and Lynne S. Blanchfield, The Manuscripts of PIERS PLOWMAN: The B-Version
Maria Rika Maniates (ed.), Music Discourse from Classical to Early Modern Times: Editing and
Translating Texts (1997). [Includes Claude V. Palisca, "Fidelities and Infidelities in Translating
Early Music Theory," pp. 1-16; and George Dimitri Sawa, "Editing and Translating Medieval Arabic
Writings on Music," pp. 45-70.]
D.C. Parker, The Living Text of the Gospels (1997). [Reviewed by Peter Robinson in Text 14 (2002):
Mary B. Speer, "Exhuming the First Guide to Editing Old French Texts: Prompsault's Discours sur les
publications littéraires du moyen-âge and the Controversy of 1835," Text 10 (1997): 181-201.
Luciana Duranti, Diplomatics: New Uses for an Old Science (1998).
David Greetham, "Romancing the Text, Medievalizing the Book," in Medievalism in the Modern World:
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88 Part 6: Writings on Pre-Renaissance Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Essays in Honour of Leslie J. Workman, ed. Richard Utz and Tom Shippey (1998), pp. 409-31.
D.C. Greetham, Textual Transgressions: Essays toward the Construction of a Biobibliography (1998).
[Includes, in addition to reprinted pieces, "Alterity and the Editing of Middle English Literature,"
pp. 513-26.]
Sarah Larratt Keefer and Katherine O'Brien O'Keefe (eds.), New Approaches to Editing Old English Verse
Vincent McCarren and Douglas Moffat (eds.), A Guide to Editing Middle English (1998). [Reviewed by
Eric Eliason in Text 13 (2000): 277-83.]
Paola Pugliatti, "Textual Perspectives in Italy: From Pasquali's Historicism to the Challenge of
'Variantistica' (and Beyond)," Text 11 (1998): 155-88.
Konstantinos Staikos, Charta of Greek Printing: The Contribution of Greek Editors, Printers and
Publishers to the Renaissance in Italy and the West (1998- ).
Elizabeth J. Bryan, Collaborative Meaning in Medieval Scribal Culture (1999).
Graham D. Caie, "The Editing of Old English: To Emend or not to Emend," in Problems of Editing, ed.
Christa Jansohn (Beihefte zu Editio 14, 1999), pp. 89-95.
Andrew Galloway, "Uncharacteristic Entities: The Poetics of Middle English Scribal Culture and the
Definitive Piers Plowman," Studies in Bibliography 52 (1999): 59-87.
Thomas A. Prendergast and Barbara Kline (eds.), Rewriting Chaucer: Culture, Authority, and the Idea of
the Authentic Text (1999).
Alberto Varvaro (trans. Marcello Cherchi), "The 'New Philology' from an Italian Perspective," Text 12
(1999): 49-58.
[Nicolas Barker], "In Praise of Manuscripts," Book Collector 49 (2000): 329-48 passim.
Ralph Hanna, "The Application of Thought to Textual Criticism in All Modes--with Apologies to A.E.
Housman," Studies in Bibliography 53 (2000): 163-72.
Tim William Machan, "'I endowed thy purposes': Shakespeare, Editing, and Middle English Literature,"
Text 13 (2000): 9-25.
P.D.A. Harvey, Editing Historical Records (2001).
Paul Needham, "The Texts of Incunables" and "Index of Authors and Texts," in A Second Selection of
Printed Books Mostly from the Fifteenth Century, the Property of Mr J.R. Ritman (London:
Sotheby's, 5 December 2001), pp. 12-15, 250-69.
Brian Richardson, Print Culture in Renaissance Italy: The Editor and the Vernacular Text, 1470-1600
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Part 7
(For comments on the scope of this list, see the Preface.)
Alexander Pope, Preface to The Works of Shakespear (1725). [For other eighteenth-century textual
criticism of Shakespeare, see Nichol Smith (1903) and Warner (1906) below. See also the
discussions by Lounsbury (1906), Jones (1919), McKerrow (1933), Sen (1960), Walker (1964),
Parker (1989), and Seary (1990).]
Alexander Pope, The Dunciad Variorum (1729).
Samuel Johnson, Preface [to his edition of Shakespeare] (1765). [See Arthur Sherbo's edition, Johnson
on Shakespeare (1968), pp. 59-113.]
Edward Capell, Notes and Various Readings to Shakespeare (1775, 1779-83).
Tycho Mommsen, Shakespeares Romeo und Julie (1859).
W. Sidney Walker, A Critical Examination of the Text of Shakespeare (1860).
Charles Francis Adams, Jr., "The Printing of Old Manuscripts," Proceedings of the Massachusetts
Historical Society 20 (1882-83): 175-82.
Tycho Mommsen, "Hamlet," Neue Jahrbücher für Philologie und Paedagogik 72 (1885).
D. Nichol Smith (ed.), Eighteenth Century Essays on Shakespeare (1903). [Includes prefaces to editions
by Pope, Theobald, Hanmer, Warburton, and Johnson, along with Nichol Smith's "Shakespearian
This page is from a document available in full at
90 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Criticism in the Eighteenth Century," pp. ix-lxiii.]
R.B. McKerrow, "Note on the Treatment of the Text Adopted in This Edition," in The Works of Thomas
Nashe, vol. 1 (1904), pp. xi-xvi.
American Historical Association, Historical Manuscripts Commission, "Suggestions for the Printing of
Documents Relating to American History," in Annual Report of the AHA for the Year 1905 (1906),
1: 45-48.
Thomas R. Lounsbury, The Text of Shakespeare (1906). [Published in England as The First Editors of
Shakespeare (Pope and Theobald).]
Beverley Warner (ed.), Famous Introductions to Shakespeare's Plays by the Notable Editors of the
Eighteenth Century (1906).
A.W. Pollard, Shakespeare Folios and Quartos (1909).
Committee on Department Methods, Documentary Historical Publications of the United States
Government: Report to the President (1909).
Worthington Chauncey Ford, "The Editorial Function in United States History," American Historical
Review 23 (1918): 273-86.
A.W. Pollard, "What Follows If Some of the Good Quarto Editions of Shakespeare's Plays Were Printed
from His Autograph," Transactions of the Bibliographical Society 15 (1917-19): 136-39.
Richard Foster Jones, Lewis Theobald: His Contribution to English Scholarship (1919).
R.W. Chapman, "The Textual Criticism of English Classics," in The Portrait of a Scholar and Other
Essays (1920), pp. 65-79. [Cf. pp. 48-65.]
Thomas Satchell, "The Spelling of the First Folio," Times Literary Supplement, 3 June 1920, p. 352.
Anglo-American Historical Committee, "Report on Editing Historical Documents," Bulletin of the Institute
of Historical Research 1 (1923): 6-25; "Report on Editing Modern Historical Documents," 3 (1925):
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Anglo-American Historical Committee, "Report on Editing Historical Documents," Bulletin of the Institute
of Historical Research 1 (1923-24): 6-25; 3 (1925-26): 13-26.
Reinhold Backmann, "Die Gestaltung des Apparates in den kritischen Ausgaben neurer deutscher Dichter,
mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der grossen Grillparzer-Ausgabe der Stadt Wien," Euphorion 25
(1924): 629-62.
Allardyce Nicoll, "The Editors of Shakekspeare from First Folio to Malone," in 1623-1923: Studies in the
First Folio Written for the Shakespeare Association in Celebration of the First Folio Tercentenary
(1924), pp. 157-78.
Georg Witkowski, Textkritik und Editionstechnik neuerer Schriftwerke: Ein methodologischer Versuch
A.W. Pollard, G.R. Redgrave, R.W. Chapman, and W.W. Greg, "Facsimile Reprints of Old Books,"
Library 4th ser. 6 (1925-26): 305-28.
W.W. Greg, "Principles of Emendation in Shakespeare," Proceedings of the British Academy 14 (1928):
147-216. Reprinted in Sir Walter Wilson Greg: A Collection of His Writings, ed. Joseph Rosenblum
(1998), pp. 97-118.
R.B. McKerrow, "The Elizabethan Printer and Dramatic Manuscripts," Library 4th ser. 12 (1931-32):
W.W. Greg, "The Function of Bibliography in LIterary Criticism Illustrated in a Study of the Text of King
Lear," Neophilologus 19 (1933): 241-62. Reprinted in Sir Walter Wilson Greg: A Collection of His
Writings, ed. Joseph Rosenblum (1998), pp. 159-86.
R.B. McKerrow, "The Treatment of Shakespeare's Text by His Earlier Editors, 1709-1768," Proceedings
of the British Academy 19 (1933): 89-122. Reprinted in Ronald Brunlees McKerrow: A Selection
of His Essays, ed. John Philip Immroth (1974), pp. 159-88.
Hilary Jenkinson, "The Representation of Manuscripts in Print," London Mercury 30 (1934): 429-38.
A.W. Pollard, "Shakespeare's Text," in A Companion to Shakespeare Studies, ed. Harley Granville-Barker
and G.B. Harrison (1934), pp. 263-86.
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92 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
R.B. McKerrow, "A Suggestion Regarding Shakespeare's Manuscripts," Review of English Studies 11
(1935): 459-65.
Clarence E. Carter, "The United States and Documentary Historical Publication," Mississippi Valley
Historical Review 25 (1938): 3-24.
R.B. McKerrow, Prolegomena for the Oxford Shakespeare (1939).
Arthur Friedman, "Principles of Historical Annotation in Critical Editions of Modern Texts," English
Institute Annual 1941: 115-28.
W.W. Greg, "McKerrow's Prolegomena Reconsidered," Review of English Studies 17 (1941): 139-49.
W.W. Greg, The Editorial Problem in Shakespeare (1942, 1951). Excerpts reprinted in Sir Walter Wilson
Greg: A Collection of His Writings, ed. Joseph Rosenblum (1998), pp. 201-11. [See esp. 1951 ed.,
pp. a-b, vii-lv.]
Frank Weitenkampf, "What Is a Facsimile?" Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 37 (1943):
Theodore C. Blegen, "Our Widening Province," Mississippi Valley Historical Review 31 (1944): 3-20.
W.W. Greg, "Bibliography--A Retrospect," in The Bibliographical Society 1892-1942: Studies in
Retrospect (1945), pp. 23-31.
E.L. McAdam, "The Textual Approach to Meaning," English Institute Essays 1946: 191-201.
W.K. Wimsatt and Monroe C. Beardsley, "The Intentional Fallacy," Sewanee Review 54 (1946): 468-88.
Reprinted in Wimsatt's The Verbal Icon (1954), pp. 3-18. [For references to some of the debate that
followed, see G.T. Tanselle's 1976 essay (cited below), esp. pp. 30-43.]
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Charlton Hinman, "Mechanized Collation: A Preliminary Report," Papers of the Bibliographical Society
of America 41 (1947): 99-106.
M.A. Shaaber and M.W. Black, "Problems in the Editing of Shakespeare," English Institute Essays 1947:
Fredson Bowers, "Current Theories of Copy-Text, with an Illustration from Dryden," Modern Philology
48 (1950-51): 12-20. Reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing (1975), pp. 277-88.
Also reprinted in Bibliography and Textual Criticism, ed. O M Brack, Jr., and Warner Barnes (1969),
pp. 59-72.
R.C. Bald, "Editorial Problems--A Preliminary Survey," Studies in Bibliography 3 (1950-51): 3-17.
Reprinted in Art and Error: Modern Textual Editing, ed. Ronald Gottesman and Scott Bennett
(1970), pp. 37-53.
Fredson Bowers, "Some Relations of Bibliograhy to Editorial Problems," Studies in Bibliography 3
(1950-51): 37-62. Reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing (1975), pp. 15-36.
W.W. Greg, "The Rationale of Copy-Text," Studies in Bibliography 3 (1950-51): 19-36. Reprinted in his
Collected Papers, ed. J.C. Maxwell (1966), pp. 374-91; and in Sir Walter Wilson Greg: A Collection
of His Writings, ed. Joseph Rosenblum (1998), pp. 213-28. Also reprinted in Bibliography and
Textual Criticism, ed. O M Brack, Jr., and Warner Barnes (1969), pp. 41-58; and Art and Error:
Modern Textual Editing, ed. Ronald Gottesman and Scott Bennett (1970), pp. 17-36.
National Historical Publications Commission, 1934-1950 (1951). [See also A National Program for the
Publication of the Papers of American Leaders (1951); A National Program for the Publication of
Historical Documents (1954); A Report to the President Containing a Proposal to Meet Existing and
Anticipated Needs Over the Next Ten Years under a National Program for the Collection,
Preservation, and Publication, or Dissemination by Other Means, of the Documentary Sources of
American History (1963); and National Historical Publications and Records Commission, Report to
the President (1978).]
Peter Alexander, "Restoring Shakespeare: The Modern Editor's Task," Shakespeare Survey 1952: 1-9.
Fredson Bowers, "The Problem of the Variant Forme in a Facsimile Edition," Library 5th ser. 7 (1952):
Clarence E. Carter, Historical Editing (Bulletin of the National Archives, No. 7, August 1952).
Helene Maxwell Hooker, The Editing of Recent Historical Papers and Their Value for the Literary Student
Lawton P.G. Peckham, "Editing and Textual Criticism," PMLA 67 (1952): 15-19. [Part of "The Aims,
Methods, and Materials of Research in the Modern Languages and Literatures."]
William B. Todd, "Bibliography and the Editorial Problem in the Eighteenth Century," Studies in
Bibliography 4 (1951-52): 41-55.
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94 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
H.B. Wright, "Ideal Copy and Authoritative Text," Modern Philology 49 (1951-52): 234-41.
Arthur E. Bestor, Jr., "The Transformation of American Scholarship, 1875-1917," Library Quarterly 23
(1953): 164-79.
Fredson Bowers, "A Definitive Text of Shakespeare: Problems and Methods," in Studies in Shakespeare
(1953), pp. 11-29.
Fredson Bowers, "The Text of This Edition," in The Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker, vol. 1 (1953),
pp. ix-xviii.
Wilmarth S. Lewis, "Editing Familiar Letters," Listener 49 (1953): 597-98. Reprinted in Daedalus 86
(1955-57): 71-77.
Alice Walker, Textual Problems of the First Folio (1953).
Fredson Bowers, "Shakespeare's Text and the Bibliographical Method," Studies in Bibliography 6 (1954):
L.H. Butterfield, "Archival and Editorial Enterprise in 1850 and 1950: Some Comparisons and Contrasts,"
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 98 (1954): 159-70.
Samuel Eliot Morison, "The Editing and Printing of Manuscripts," in Harvard Guide to American History,
ed. Oscar Handlin et al. (1954), pp. 95-104 (rev. ed., ed. Frank Freidel, 1974, pp. 27-36).
National Historical Publications and Records Commission, A National Program for the Publication of
Historical Documents (1954).
Dover Wilson, "The New Way with Shakespeare's Texts," Shakespeare Survey 1954: 48-56; 1955: 81-99;
1956: 69-80; 1958: 78-88.
Fredson Bowers, "McKerrow's Editorial Principles for Shakespeare Reconsidered," Shakespeare Quarterly
6 (1955): 309-24.
Fredson Bowers, On Editing Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Dramatists (1955, 1966).
John Crow, "Editing and Emending," Essays & Studies 1955: 1-20.
Charlton Hinman, "Mechanized Collation at the Houghton Library," Harvard Library Bulletin 9 (1955):
Walter Muir Whitehill (ed.), "Publishing the Papers of Great Men," Daedalus 86 (1955-57): 47-79.
[Consists of articles by Julian P. Boyd, Lyman H. Butterfield, Leonard W. Labaree, and Wilmarth
S. Lewis.]
Fred Shelley, "Ebenezer Hazard: America's First Historical Editor," William and Mary Quarterly 12
(1955): 44-73.
Arthur Brown, "Editorial Problems in Shakespeare," Studies in Bibliography 8 (1956): 15-26.
René Wellek, "The Mode of Existence of a Literary Work of Art," in René Wellek and Austin Warren,
Theory of Literature, 2nd ed. (1956), pp. 129-45.
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Philip Williams, "New Approaches to Textual Problems in Shakespeare," Studies in Bibliography 8
(1956): 3-14.
Alice Walker, "Principles of Annotation: Some Suggestions for Editors of Shakespeare," Studies in
Bibliography 9 (1957): 95-105.
Manfred Windfuhr, "Die neugermanistische Edition: Zu den Grundsätzen kritischer Gesamtausgaben,"
Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift 31 (1957): 425-42.
Friedrich Beissner, "Einige Bemerkungen über den Lesartenapparat zu Werken neuerer Dichter," Orbis
litterarum supp. 2, 13 (1958): 5-20.
Fredson Bowers, "Old-Spelling Editions of Dramatic Texts," in Studies in Honor of T.W. Baldwin, ed.
D.C. Allen (1958), pp. 9-15. Reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing (1975),
pp. 289-95.
Julian P. Boyd, "God's Altar Needs Not Our Polishings," New York History 39 (1958): 3-21.
George H. Callcott, "Antiquarianism and Documents in the Age of Literary History," American Archivist
21 (1958): 17-29.
Lester J. Cappon, "The Historian as Editor," in In Support of Clio: Essays in Memory of Herbert A. Kellar,
ed. William B. Hesseltine and Donald R. McNeil (1958), pp. 173-93.
Lester J. Cappon, "Tardy Scholars among the Archivists," American Archivist 21 (1958): 3-16.
Robert Halsband, "Editing the Letters of Letter-Writers," Studies in Bibliography 11 (1958): 25-37.
Reprinted in Art and Error: Modern Textual Editing, ed. Ronald Gottesman and Scott Bennett
(1970), pp. 124-39.
H.M. Hulme, "Shakespeare's Text: Some Notes on Linguistic Procedure and Its Relevance to Textual
Criticism," English Studies 39 (1958): 49-56.
Hans Zeller, "Zur gegenwärtigen Aufgabe der Editionstechnik: Ein Versuch, komplizierte Handschriften
darzustellen," Euphorion 52 (1958): 356-77.
Fredson Bowers, Textual and Literary Criticism (1959). [The first chapter, "Textual Criticism and the
Literary Critic," reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing (1975), pp. 296-325.]
Fredson Bowers, "Textual Criticism," in Encyclopædia Britannica (1959-68).
K.B. Danks, Decem rationes: A Shakespeare Monograph (1959).
David Foxon, "Modern Aids to Bibliographical Research," Library Trends 7 (1958-59): esp. 574-77.
Bruce Harkness, "Bibliography and the Novelistic Fallacy," Studies in Bibliography 12 (1959): 59-73.
Reprinted in Bibliography and Textual Criticism, ed. O M Brack, Jr., and Warner Barnes (1969),
pp. 23-40.
D.F. McKenzie, "Shakespearian Punctuation: A New Beginning," Review of English Studies 10 (1959):
361-70. Reprinted in Reader in the Language of Shakespearean Drama, ed. V. Salmon and E.
Burness (1987), pp. 445-54.
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96 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Whitfield J. Bell, Jr., "Editors and Great Men," Aspects of Librarianship 23 (1960): 1-8.
J.R. Brown, "The Rationale of Old-Spelling Editions of the Plays of Shakespeare and His
Contemporaries," Studies in Bibliography 13 (1960): 49-67. [See also Arthur Brown's "... A
Rejoinder," pp. 69-76.]
Matthew J. Bruccoli, "Duplicate Plates in Modern Printing," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America 54 (9160): 83-88.
Arthur Friedman, "The Problem of Indifferent Readings in the Eighteenth Century, with a Solution from
The Deserted Village," Studies in Bibliography 13 (1960): 143-47.
Lewis Leary, "Bibliographical and Textual Studies and American Literary History," Texas Quarterly 3
(1960): 160-66.
Sailendra Kumar Sen, Capell and Malone, and Modern Critical Bibliography (1960).
F.W. Bateson, "Modern Bibliography and the LIterary Artifact," in English Studies Today, 2nd ser. (1961),
pp. 67-77.
Lyman H. Butterfield, "Bostonians and Their Neighbors as Pack Rats," American Archivist 24 (1961):
Leo Marx, "The American Scholar Today," Commentary 32 (1961): 48-53.
James B. Meriwether, "Bibliographical and Textual Studies of Twentieth-Century Writers," in Approaches
to the Study of Twentieth-Century Literature, 1st ser. (1961), pp. 33-40.
David L. Norton, "The Elders of Our Tribe," Nation 18 February 1961, pp. 148-50.
Whitfield J. Bell, Jr., "Editing a Scientist's Papers," Isis 55 (1962): 14-19.
Fredson Bowers, "Established Texts and Definitive Editions," Philological Quarterly 41 (1962): 1-17.
Reprinted in his Essays in Bibliograhy, Text, and Editing (1975), pp. 359-74.
Fredson Bowers, "A Preface to the Text," in The Centenary Edition of the Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne,
vol. 1 (The Scarlet Letter, 1962), pp. xxix-xlvii.
Fredson Bowers, "What Shakespeare Wrote," Shakespeare Jahrbuch 93 (1962): 24-50.
L.H. Butterfield and Julian P. Boyd, "Historical Editing in the United States," Proceedings of the American
Antiquarian Society 72 (1962): 283-328.
Vinton A. Dearing, "Methods of Textual Editing," in William Andrews Clark Memorial Library Seminar
Papers (1962), pp. 1-34. Reprinted in Bibliography and Textual Criticism, ed. O M Brack, Jr., and
Warner Barnes (1969), pp. 73-101.
Philip M. Hamer, "'. . . authentic Documents tending to elucidate our History,'" American Archivist 25
(1962): 3-13.
Adrienne Koch, "The Historian as Scholar," Nation 24 November 1962, pp. 357-61.
Fredson Bowers, "Textual Criticism," in The Aims and Methods of Scholarship in Modern Languages and
Literatures, ed. James Thorpe (1963, 1970), pp. 29-54 [1970].
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Edith G. Firth, "The Editing and Publishing of Documents," Canadian Archivist Newsletter 1 (1963): 3-12.
William M. Gibson and Edwin H. Cady, "Editions of American Writers, 1963: A Preliminary Survey,"
PMLA 78.4, part 2 (1963): 1-8.
Bruce Harkness, "Bibliography and Modern Studies," in Approaches to the Study of Twentieth-Century
Literature, 3rd ser. (1963), pp. 3-24.
Oliver W. Holmes, "Recwent Writings Relevant to Documentary Publication Programs," American
Archivist 26 (1963): 137-42. [See also the Supplement (1971).]
National Historical Publications and Records Commission, A Report to the President (1963).
Gordon Ross Smith, "Text Transmission and Emendation," in A Classified Shakespeare Bibliography
1936-1958 (1963), pp. 111-51.
Friedrich, Beissner, "Editionsmethoden der neueren deutschen Philologie," Zeitschrift für deutsche
Philologie 83 (1964): 72-96.
Fredson Bowers, Bibliography and Textual Criticism (1964).
Fredson Bowers, "Some Principles for Scholarly Editions of Nineteenth-Century American Authors,"
Studies in Bibliography 17 (1964): 223-28. Reprinted in Bibliography and Textual Criticism, ed. O
M Brack, Jr., and Warner Barnes (1969), pp. 194-201; and Art and Error: Modern Textual Editing,
ed. Ronald Gottesman and Scott Bennett (1970), pp. 54-61.
Fredson Bowers, "The Text of Johnson," Modern Philology 61 (1964): 298-309.
Archibald A.Hill, "The Locus of the Literary Work," in English Studies Today, 3rd ser. (1964), pp. 41-50.
Leonard W. Labaree, "Scholarly Editing in Our Times," Ventures 3 (Winter 1964): 28-31.
Waldo Gifford Leland, "The Prehistory and Origins of the National Historical Publications Commission,"
American Archivist 27 (1964): 187-94. Reprinted, revised, as "J. Franklin Jameson and the Origins
of the National Historical Publications Commission," in J. Franklin Jameson: A Tribute, ed. Ruth
Anne Fisher and William Lloyd Fox (1965).
Dmitrij Sergeevic Lixacev, "Saxmatov-tekstolog," Izvestija Akademii Nauk SSSR, Serija literatury i jazyka
23.6 (1964): 481-86.
Robert K. Turner, Jr., "Analytical Bibliography and Shakespeare's Text," Modern Philology 62 (1964-65):
51-58. Reprinted in Essays on Bibliography, ed. Vito J. Brenni (1975), pp. 320-30.
Alice Walker, "Edward Capell and His Edition of Shakespeare," in Studies in Shakespeare: British
Academy Lectures, ed. Peter Alexander (1964).
E.A.J. Honigmann, The Stability of Shakespeare's Text (1965).
Charles E. Lee, "Documentary Reproduction: Letterpress Publication--Why? What? How?", American
Archivist 28 (1965): 351-65.
James C. Olson, "The Scholar and Documentary Publication," American Archivist 28 (1965): 187-93.
Willard Thorp, "Exodus: Four Decades of American Literary Scholarship," Modern Language Quarterly
26 (1965): 40-61.
James Thorpe, "The Aesthetics of Textual Criticism," PMLA 80 (1965): 465-82. Reprinted in his
Principles of Textual Criticism (1972), pp. 3-49. Also reprinted in Bibliography and Textual
Criticism, ed. O M Brack, Jr., and Warner Barnes (1969), pp. 102-38; and Art and Error: Modern
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98 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Textual Editing, ed. Ronald Gottesman and Scott Bennett (1970), pp. 62-101.
Lyman H. Butterfield, "Editing American Historical Documents," Proceedings of the Massachusetts
Historical Society 78 (1966): 81-104.
Lyman H. Butterfield, "The Scholar's One World," American Archivist 29 (1966): 343-61.
Lester J. Cappon, "A Rationale for Historical Editing Past and Present," William and Mary Quarterly
3rd ser. 23 (1966): 56-75.
Vinton A. Dearing, "The Poor Man's Mark IV or Ersatz Hinman Collator," Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 60 (1966): 149-58.
David V. Erdman and Ephim G. Fogel (eds.), Evidence for Authorship: Essays on Problems of Attribution
W.W. Greg, Collected Papers, ed. J.C. Maxwell (1966).
Karl-Heinz Hahn and Helmut Holtzhauer, "Wissenschaft auf Abwegen? Zur Edition von Werken der
neueren deutschen Literatur," Forschen und Bilden 1 (1966): 2-22.
Oliver W. Holmes, "Documentary Publication in the Western Hemisphere," Archivum 16 (1966): 79-96.
Partially reprinted as "National Documentary Publication in the Western Hemisphere," National
Archives Accessions 60 (1967): 13-27.
Richard Levin, "A Poor Man's Collating Machine," Research Opportunities in Renaissance Drama 9
(1966): 25-26.
R.J. Schoeck (ed.), Editing Sixteenth Century Texts (1966). [Includes Samuel Schoenbaum, "Editing
English Dramatic Texts," pp. 12-24; Clifford Leech, "A Note from a General Editor," pp. 24-26;
Victor E. Graham, "Editing French Lyric Poetry of the Sixteenth Century," pp. 27-42; and Carl Max
Kortepeter, "German Zeitung Literature in the Sixteenth Century," pp. 113-29.]
Robert L.Brubaker, "The Publication of Historical Sources: Recent Projects in the United States," Library
Quarterly 37 (1967): 193-225.
R.W. Franklin, The Editing of Emily Dickinson: A Reconsideration (1967).
[William M. Gibson et al., for the Center for Editions of American Authors], Statement of Editorial
Principles: A Working Manual for Editing Nineteenth-Century American Texts (1967; revised by
G.T. Tanselle as Statement of Editorial Principles and Procedures..., 1972). [Includes G.T. Tanselle,
"Relevant Textual Scholarship," pp. 17-25.]
E.D. Hirsch, Jr., Validity in Interpretation (1967).
Richard B. Morris, "The Current Statesmen's Papers Publication Program: An Appraisal from the Point
of View of the Legal Historian," American Journal of Legal History 11 (1967): 95-106.
Burl Noggle, "A Note on Historical Editing: The Wilson Papers in Perspective," Louisiana History 8
(1967): 281-97.
John M. Robson (ed.), Editing Nineteenth Century Texts (1967). [Includes Fredson Bowers, "Old Wine
in New Bottles: Problems of Machine Printing," pp. 9-36 (reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography,
Text, and Editing [1975], pp. 392-411); and Warner Barnes, "Nineteenth-Century Editorial Problems:
A Selective Bibliography," pp. 123-32; see 1968 for a slightly expanded version.]
Gerald A. Smith, "Collating Machine, Poor Man's, Mark VII," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America 61 (1967): 110-13.
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Frederick Anderson, "Hazards of Photographic Sources," CEAA Newsletter 1 (March 1968): 5.
Warner Barnes, "Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Editorial Problems: A Selective Bibliography,"
Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 62 (1968): 59-67.
Center for Editions of American Authors, CEAA Newsletter (8 nos., 1968-75).
Johan Gerritsen, "A Portable Collator Comes Cheaper," Research Opportunities in Renaissance Drama
11 (1968): 29-30.
George Robert Guffey, "Standardization of Photographic Reproductions for Mechanical Collation," Papers
of the Bibliographical Society of America 62 (1968): 237-40.
James C. Maxwell, P.G. Zamberg, and F.W. Bateson, "Textual Criticism and Its Problems," Essays in
Criticism 18.1 (1968): 87-100.
D.I.B. Smith (ed.), Editing Eighteenth-Century Texts (1968).
G.T. Tanselle, "The Use of Type Damage as Evidence in Bibliographical Description," Library 5th ser.
23 (1968): esp. 338-40.
Edmund Wilson, "The Fruits of the MLA," New York Review of Books, 26 September and 10 October
1968. Reprinted as a pamphlet (1968) and in his The Devils and Canon Barham, ed. Leon Edel
(1973), pp. 154-202. [See reply in the CEAA's Professional Standards and American Editions
(1969); and see Michael Hancher, "The Text of 'The Fruits of the MLA,'" Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 68 (1974): 411-12.]
Paul Baender, "The Meaning of Copy-Text," Studies in Bibliography 22 (1969): 311-18. [See also G.T.
Tanselle, "The Meaning of Copy-Text: A Further Note," 23 (1970): 191-96.]
L.A. Beaurline, "The Director, the Script, and Author's Revision: A Critical Problem," in Papers in
Dramatic Theory and Criticism, ed. David M. Knauf (1969), pp. 78-91.
O M Brack, Jr., and Warner Barnes (eds.), Bibliography and Textual Criticism: English and American
Literature, 1700 to the Present (1969). [Contains reprinted essays; see Brack's "Introduction,"
pp. 3-22.]
O. Lawrence Burnette, Jr., "Preservation and Dissemination of Historical Evidence," in his Beneath the
Footnote: A Guide to the Use and Preservation of American Historical Sources (1969), pp. 340-78.
[Census of Hinman Collating Machines], Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 63 (1969):
119-20. Cf. Editorial Quarterly 1 (1975): 12.
Center for Editions of American Authors, Professional Standards and American Editions: A Response to
Edmund Wilson (1969). [Includes William M. Gibson, "The Center for Editions of American
Authors," pp. 1-6; and John H. Fisher, "The MLA Editions of Major American Authors," pp. 20-26.]
Charlton Hinman and Fredson Bowers, Two Lectures on Editing (1969). [Contains Hinman's "Basic
Shakespeare: Steps toward an Ideal Text of the First Folio," pp. 7-19; and Bowers's "Practical Texts
and Definitive Editions," pp. 21-70 (reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing
[1975], pp. 412-39).]
William J. Howard (ed.), Editor, Author, and Publisher (1969). [Includes Simon Nowell-Smith, "Authors,
Editors, and Publishers," pp. 8-27; Francess G. Halpenny, "Press Editors and Project Editors," pp.
47-58; and Eleanor D. Kewer, "Case Histories in the Craft of the Publisher's Editor, Culminating in
a Justification of Barbed Wire," pp. 65-73.]
H.G. Jones, "The Publication of Documentary Sources, 1934-1968," in The Records of a Nation: Their
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100 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Management, Preservation, and Use (1969), pp. 117-33.
James G. McManaway, Studies in Shakespeare, Bibliography, and Theater (1969).
Harrison T. Meserole, "Notes on Editing Seventeenth-Century American Poetry," CEAA Newsletter 2 (July
1969): 11-14.
Haskell Monroe, "Some Thoughts for an Aspiring Historical Editor," American Archivist 32 (1969):
Hans Werner Seiffert, Untersuchungen zur Methode der Herausgabe deutscher Texte (2nd ed., 1969).
Fred Shelley, "The Choice of a Medium for Documentary Publication," American Archivist 32 (1969):
James Thorpe and Claude Simpson, Jr., The Task of the Editor (Clark Library, 1969). [Contains Thorpe's
"The Ideal of Textual Criticism," pp. 1-32 (reprinted in his Principles of Textual Criticism [1972],
pp. 50-79; and in Essays on Bibliography, ed. Vito J. Brenni [1975], pp. 331-52); and Simpson's
"The Practice of Textual Criticism," pp. 33-52.]
Frederick Anderson, "Normalization and Silent Emendation," CEAA Newsletter 3 (June 1970): 19-21.
Fredson Bowers, "The New Look in Editing," South Atlantic Bulletin 35 (1970): 3-10.
Harold F. Brooks, "The Editor and the Literary Text: Requirements and Opportunities," in Librarianship
and Literature: Essays in Honour of Jack Pafford, ed. A.T. Milne (1970), pp. 97-121.
B. Richard Burg, "The Autograph Trade and Documentary Editing," Manuscripts 22 (1970): 247-54.
Frank B. Evans, The Selection and Preparation of Records for Publication on Microfilm (National
Archives Staff Information Paper No. 19, 1970).
Ronald Gottesman and Scott Bennett (eds.), Art and Error: Modern Textual Editing (1970). [Contains
reprinted essays.]
John A. Hart, "Pope as Scholar-Editor," Studies in Bibliography 23 (1970): 45-59.
Klaus Kanzog, Prolegomena zu einer historisch-kritischen Ausgabe der Werke Heinrich von Kleists:
Theorie und Praxis einer modernen Klassiker-Edition (1970).
Clifford Leech, "On Editing One's First Play," Studies in Bibliography 23 (1970): 61-70.
David J. Nordloh, "Substantives and Accidentals vs. New Evidence: Another Strike in the Game of
Distinctions," CEAA Newsletter 3 (June 1970): 12-13.
Walter Rundell, Jr., "Documentary Editing," in his In Pursuit of American History: Research and Training
in the United States (1970), pp. 260-83.
Jurgen Schäfer, "The Orthography of Proper Names in Modern-Spelling Editions of Shakespeare," Studies
in Bibliography 23 (1970): 1-19.
G.V. Smithers, "Guide-Lines for Interpreting the Uses of the Suffix '-ed' in Shakespeare's English,"
Shakespeare Survey 23 (1970): 27-37.
Paul H. Bergeron, "True Valor Seen: Historical Editing," American Archivist 34 (1971): 259-64.
Matthew J. Bruccoli, "A Few Missing Words," PMLA 86 (1971): 587-89.
Lyman H. Butterfield, "Worthington Chauncey Ford, Editor," Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical
Society 83 (1971): 46-82.
William H. Gilman, "How Should Journals Be Edited?", Early American Literature 6 (1971): 73-83.
Louis Gottschalk, "Problems of Textual Criticism," in Research Methods in Librarianship: Historical and
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Bibliographical Methods in Library Research, ed. Rolland E. Stevens (1971), pp. 86-94.
Edward G. Holley, "Textual Criticism in Library History," in Stevens [see preceding item], pp. 95-105.
T.H. Howard-Hill, Shakespearian Bibliography and Textual Criticism: A Bibliography (1971, 2000).
Jesse Lemisch, "The American Revolution Bicentennial and the Papers of Great White Men: A
Preliminary Critique of Current Documentary Publication Programs and Some Alternative
Proposals," American Historical Association Newsletter 9 (November 1971): 7-21. [See also his
"The Papers of a Few Great Black Men and a Few Great White Women," Maryland Historian 6
(1975): 60-65.
Gordon Lindstrand, "Mechanized Textual Collation and Recent Designs," Studies in Bibliography 24
(1971): 204-14.
Gunter Martens and Hans Zeller (eds.), Texte und Varianten: Probleme ihrer Edition und Interpretation
(1971). [Includes Siegfried Scheibe, "Zu einigen Grundprizipien einer historisch-kritischen
Ausgabe;" and Martens, "Textdynamik und Edition: Überlegungen zur Bedeutung und Darstellung
variierender Textstufen," pp. 165-201.]
J.C. Maxwell, "Conservative Principles," Essays in Criticism 21 (1971): 382-90.
Hershel Parker, "Melville and the Concept of 'Author's Final Intentions,'" Proof 1 (1971): 156-68.
Morse Peckham, "Reflections on the Foundations of Modern Textual Editing," Proof 1 (1971): 122-55.
Donald Pizer, "On the Editing of Modern American Texts," Bulletin of the New York Public Library 75
(1971): 147-53, 504-5. [See comments by John Freehafer (pp. 419-23), Norman S. Grabo
(pp. 171-73), and Hershel Parker (pp. 337-44).]
G.T. Tanselle, "Textual Study and Literary Judgment," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America
65 (1971): 109-22. Reprinted in his Textual Criticism and Scholarly Editing (1990), pp. 325-37.
Also reprinted in Essays on Bibliography, ed. Vito J. Brenni (1975), pp. 353-64.
James Thorpe, Watching the Ps and Qs (1971). Reprinted in his Principles of Textual Criticism (1972),
pp. 131-70.
John D. Baird (ed.), Editing Texts of the Romantic Period (1972).
F.W. Bateson, "Textual Criticism," in his The Scholar-Critic (1972), pp. 126-46.
Fredson Bowers, "Multiple Authority: New Problems and Concepts of Copy-Text," Library 5th ser. 27
(1972): 81-115. Reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing (1975), pp. 447-87.
Steven R. Boyd, "Form of Publication: A Key to the Widespread Availability of Documents," American
Historical Association Newsletter 10 (1972): 24-27.
Peter Davison, "Science, Method, and the Textual Critic," Studies in Bibliography 25 (1972): 1-28.
"Documentary Works Planned, in Progress, and Completed in Association with the National Historical
Publications Commission," in Oliver W. Holmes, Shall Stagecoaches Carry the Mail? (1972),
pp. 93-105.
Philip Gaskell, "Textual Bibliography," in A New Introduction to Bibliography (1972), pp. 336-60.
Francess G. Halpenny (ed.), Editing Twentieth Century Texts (1972).
Michael Hancher, "Three Kinds of Intention," Modern Language Notes 87 (1972): 827-51.
Cyrus Hoy, "On Editing Elizabethan Plays," Renaissance and Reformation 8 (1972): 90-99.
Hans-Henrik Krummacher, "Aufgaben der Edition barocker Literatur," Jahrbuch für Internationale
Germanistik 4.2 (1972): 81-103.
Roger Laufer, Introduction à la textologie (1972).
Bert James Loewenberg, "Jared Sparks and the Records of the Republic," in his American History in
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102 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
American Thought (1972), pp. 221-38.
Hans-Gert Roloff, "Probleme der Edition barocker Texte," Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik 4.2
(1972): 24-69.
D.I.B. Smith (ed.), Editing Seventeenth Century Prose (1972). [Includes D.M. Holmes and H.D. Janzen,
"A Note on Editing Jacobean Drama," pp. 25-30; and Curt A. Zimansky, "Editing Restoration
Comedy: Vanbrugh and Others," pp. 95-122.]
G.T. Tanselle, "Some Principles for Editorial Aparatus," Studies in Bibliography 25 (1972): 41-88.
Reprinted in his Selected Studies in Bibliography 1979), pp. 403-50; and Textual Criticism and
Scholarly Editing (1990), pp. 119-66.
James Thorpe, Principles of Textual Criticism (1972).
Fredson Bowers, "The Ecology of American Literary Texts," Scholarly Publishing 4 (1972-73): 133-40.
Arthur Brown, "The Text, the Bibliographer, and the Librarian," in Otium et Negotium: Studies in
Onomatology and Library Science Presented to Olof von Feilitzen (1973), pp. 23-31.
Lester J. Cappon, "American Historical Editors before Jared Sparks: 'they will plant a forest . . .,'" William
and Mary Quarterly 30 (1973): 375-400.
Lester J. Cappon, "Antecedents of the Rolls Series: Issues in Historical Editing," Journal of the Society
of Archivists 4 (1970-73): 358-69.
Martin P. Claussen, "Revisiting America's State Papers, 1789-1861: A Clinical Examination and
Prognosis," American Archivist 36 (1973): 523-36.
Don L. Cook, "Afterword: The CEAA Program," in American Literary Scholarship: An Annual, 1972
(1973), pp. 415-17.
Vinton A. Dearing, "Concepts of Copy-Text Old and New," Library 5th ser. 28 (1973): 281-93.
Herbert Kraft, Die Geschichtlichkeit literarischer Texte: Eine Theorie der Edition (1973).
Hershel Parker, "Regularizing Accidentals: The Latest Form of Infidelity," Proof 3 (1973): 1-20.
Max Patrick and Alan Roper, The Editor as Critic and the Critic as Editor (1973).
Norman Sanders, "Shakespeare's Text," in Shakespeare: Select Bibliographical Guides, ed. Stanley Wells
(1973), pp. 11-24. Revised version in Shakespeare: A Bibliographical Guide, ed. Stanley Wells
(1990), pp. 17-35.
James Sutherland, "Dealing with Correspondences," Times Literary Supplement, 26 January 1973,
pp. 79-80.
D.K. Wilgus, "The Text Is the Thing," Journal of American Folklore 86 (1973): 241-52.
Paul Baender, "Reflections upon the CEAA by a Departing Editor," Resources for American Literary
Study 4 (1974): 131-44.
Thomas L. Berger, "Textual Problems in English Renaissance Masques, Pageants, and Entertainments:
A Summary," Research Opportunities in Renaissance Drama 17 (1974): 12-16.
Vinton A. Dearing, Principles and Practice of Textual Analysis (1974).
T.H. Howard-Hill, "Textual Criticism and Bibliography: A Selective Bibliography for Students of
English," Shakespearean Research and Opportunities 7/8 (1972-74): 6-32.
E.J. Kenney, "Textual Criticism," in New Encyclopædia Britannica (1974- ).
Hershel Parker with Bruce Bebb, "The CEAA: An Interim Assessment," Papers of the Bibliographical
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Society of America 68 (1974): 129-48.
John Y. Simon, "Editorial Projects as Derivative Archives," College and Research Libraries 35 (1974):
John Spring, "Using the Lindstrand Comparator," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand
Bulletin no. 7 (May 1974): 44-45.
G.T. Tanselle, "Editorial Apparatus for Radiating Texts," Library 5th ser. 29 (1974): 330-37. Reprinted
in his Textual Criticism and Scholarly Editing (1990), pp. 167-76.
Warner Barnes and James T. Cox (eds.), "Textual Studies in the Novel," Studies in the Novel 7 (Fall
1975): 317-471. [Includes G.T. Tanselle, "Problems and Accomplishments in the Editing of the
Novel," pp. 323-60; John Freehafer, "Greg's Theory of Copy-Text and the Textual Criticism in the
CEAA Editions," pp. 375-88 (reprinted in his Textual Criticism and Scholarly Editing [1990],
pp. 179 217); "The Center for Editions of American Authors: A Forum on Its Editions and Practices,"
pp. 389-406 (comments by Bruce Bebb, Hershel Parker, Vinton A. Dearing, Thomas L. McHaney,
Morse Peckham, and G.T. Tanselle); and James T. Cox, Margaret Putnam, and Marvin Williams,
"Textual Studies in the Novel: A Selected Checklist, 1950-74," pp. 445-71.]
G.E. Bentley, Jr. (ed.), Editing Eighteenth Century Novels (1975).
Fredson Bowers, Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing (1975).
Fredson Bowers, "Remarks on Eclectic Texts," Proof 4 (1975): 13-58. Reprinted in his Essays in
Bibliography, Text, and Editing (1975), pp. 488-528.
R.H.C. Davis, "Record Societies in England," History 60 (1975): 239-46.
Michael DeBattista, "Tape Proofreading: An Adaptation for Part-Time Staff," Scholarly Publishing 6
(1974-75): 147-50.
Frank B. Evans, "Publication Programs and Historical Editing," in Modern Archives and Manuscripts: A
Select Bibliography (1975), pp. 97-101.
Wolfgang Frühwald, Herbert Kraft, and Walter Müller-Seidel (eds.), Probleme der Kommentierung
Francess G. Halpenny (ed.), Editing Canadian Texts (1975). [Includes William H. New, "Some
Comments on the Editing of Canadian Texts," pp. 13-31.]
Joseph Katz, "The Structure of Critical Editions," Editorial Quarterly 1 (1975): 8-9.
Peter H. Nidditch, "Explanation of Bibliographical, Text-Critical, and Typographical Terminology," in his
edition of Locke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1975), pp. 805-20.
Hershel Parker, "The Aesthetics of Editorial Apparatuses," Editorial Quarterly 1 (1975): 4-8.
Morse Peckham, "The Editing of 19th-Century Texts," in Language & Texts: The Nature of Linguistic
Evidence, ed. Herbert H. Paper (1975), pp. 123-46.
Peter Shaw, "The American Heritage and Its Guardians," American Scholar 45 (1975-76): 733-51 [i.e.,
37-55]. [See comment by Nathan Reingold, pp. 319-20.]
Peter L. and Miriam J. Shillingsburg, "Editing and the Oxford English Dictionary," Editorial Quarterly
2 (1975): 8-9.
G.T. Tanselle, "Greg's Theory of Copy-Text and the Editing of American Literataure," Studies in
Bibliography 28 (1975): 167-229. Reprinted in his Selected Studies in Bibliography (1979),
pp. 245-307; and Textual Criticism since Greg (1987), pp. 1-63.
Erhard Weidl, "Das Elend der Editionstechnik," Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik
5.19-20 (1975): 191-99.
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Winfried Woesler, "Funktion und Planung historich-kritischer Ausgaben," Zeitschrift für
Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 5.19-20 (1975): 13-25.
Hans Zeller, "A New Approach to the Critical Constitution of Literary Texts," Studies in Bibliography 28
(1975): 231-64.
Hans Zeller, "Struktur und Genese in der Editorik: Zur germanistischen und anglistischen
Editionsforschung," Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 5.19-20 (1975): 105-26.
Armando Balduino, "Scrittori del Novecento e quesiti di critica testuale," in Messaggi e problemi della
letteratura contemporanea (1976), pp. 212-37.
Werner Besch, "Zur Edition von deutschen Texten des 16. Jahrhunderts," Alemannica: Landeskundliche
Beiträge, Festschrift für Bruno Boesch (1976), pp. 392-411.
Donald F. Bond, "Problems in Editing the Eighteenth-Century Periodical Essay," in Eighteenth-Century
English Books Considered by Librarians and Booksellers, Bibliographers and Collectors (1976),
pp. 61-72.
Fredson Bowers, "Recovering the Author's Intention," Pages 1 (1976): 218-27.
Fredson Bowers, [Review of Vol. 1 of Peter H. Nidditch's edition of Locke], Library 5th ser. 31 (1976):
Fredson Bowers, "Scholarship and Editing," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 70 (1976):
Fredson Bowers, "Transcription of Manuscripts: The Record of Variants," Studies in Bibliography 29
(1976): 212-64.
Eric W. Domville (ed.), Editing British and American Literature, 1880-1920 (1976). [Includes Joseph
Katz, "'Novelists of the Future': Animadversions against the Rigidity of Current Theory in the Editing
of Nineteenth-Century American Writers," pp. 65-76.]
Thomas H. Etzold, "The Great Documents Deluge," Newsletter of the Society for Historians of American
Foreign Relations 8 (1976): 14-21. [See replies by Frank G. Burke, June 1976, pp. 11-14, and
Joseph Siracusa, pp. 14-15.]
Leslie W. Dunlap and Fred Shelley (eds.), The Publication of American Historical Manuscripts (1976).
[Includes Stanley J. Idzerda, "The Editor's Training and Status in the Historical Profession,"
pp. 11-29; Eric H. Boehm, "Current Emphases in the Dissemination of Information about
Manuscripts," pp. 57-68; and E. Berkeley Tompkins, "The NHPRC in Perspective," pp. 89-96.]
John Bush Jones, "Editing Victorian Playwrights: Some Problems, Priorities, and Principles," Theatre
Survey 17 (1976): 106-23.
Anne Lancashire (ed.), Editing Renaissance Dramatic Texts, English, Italian, and Spanish (1976).
[Contains G.R. Proudfoot, "Dramatic Manuscripts and the Editor," pp. 9-38; G. Blakemore Evans,
"Shakespeare Restored--Once Again!", pp. 39-56; Beatrice Corrigan, "Italian Renaissance Plays:
Problems and Opportunities," pp. 57-68; Arnold G. Reichenberger, "Editing Spanish Comedias of
the XVIIth Century: History and Present-Day Practice," pp. 69-96; and Arthur Freeman, "Inaccuracy
and Castigation: The Lessons of Error," pp. 97-120.]
G.T. Tanselle, "The Editorial Problem of Final Authorial Intention," Studies in Bibliography 29 (1976):
167-211. Reprinted in his Selected Studies in Bibliography (1979), pp. 309-53; and Textual Criticism
and Scholarly Editing (1990), pp. 27-71.
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Hugh Amory, "Tom Jones Plus and Minus: Towards a Practical Text," Harvard Library Bulletin 25
(1977): 101-13.
Richard Bauman, Verbal Art as Performance (1977).
Ross W. Beales, Jr., and Randall K. Burkett, Historical Editing for Undergraduates (1977).
Martin Boghardt, Analytische Druckforschung: Ein methodischer Beitrag zu Buchkunde und Textkritik
Tom Davis, "The CEAA and Modern Textual Editing," Library 5th ser. 32 (1977): 61-74.
Peter Davison, "The Selection and Presentation of Bibliographic Evidence," Analytical & Enumerative
Bibliography 1 (1977): 101-36.
Charlyne Dodge, "Photographic Copies vs. Original Documents," Papers of the Bibliographical Society
of America 71 (1977): 223-26.
Wolfgang Frühwald, Hans-Joachim Mähl, and Walter Müller-Seidel (eds.), Probleme der Brief-Edition
D.C. Greetham, "Textual Criticism in Graduate Education: A Polemic," Ralph for Medieval-Renaissance
Teaching 4.3 (October 1977). Reprinted, with commentary, in his Textual Transgressions (1998),
pp. 36-53.
R.F. Hunnisett, Editing Records for Publication (1977).
George H. Jensen, "The Theater and the Publishing House: Joseph Heller's We Bombed in New Haven,"
Proof 5 (1977): 183-216.
John Bush Jones, "Victorian 'Readers' and Modern Editors: Attitudes and Accidentals Revisited," Papers
of the Bibliographical Society of America 71 (1977): 49-59.
Gerhard Seidel, Die Funktions- und Gegenstandsbedingtheit der Edition untersucht an poetischen Werken
Bertolt Brechts (1970, 1977).
Peter L. Shillingsburg, "Critical Editing and the Center for Scholarly Editions," Scholarly Publishing 9
(1977-78): 31-40.
[G.T. Tanselle], The Center for Scholarly Editions: An Introductory Statement (1977). Also printed in
PMLA 92 (1977): 583-97; and, revised, in PMLA 100 (1985): 444-47 ("The Committee on Scholarly
Editions: Aims and Policies"). ["Interim Supplements" (to the bibliographical essay on pp. 4-15) by
G.T. Tanselle were distributed by the Committee on Scholarly Editions in 1990-96.]
Michael J. Warren, "Repunctuation as Interpretation in Editions of Shakespeare," English Literary
Renaissance 7 (1977): 155-69.
James L.W. West III, "The SCADE Gatsby: A Review Article," Proof 5 (1977): 237-56.
Edmund Wilson, [Remarks on scholarly editions], in his Letters on Literature and Politics, 1912-1972,
ed. Elena Wilson (1977), pp. 683-89.
Hugh Amory, "Tom Jones among the Compositors: An Examination," Harvard Library Bulletin 26
(1978): 172-92.
Ross W. Beales, Jr., "Historical Editing and Undergraduate Teaching: A Rationale and a Model," Teaching
History 3 (1978): 3-8.
Fredson Bowers, "Greg's 'Rationale of Copy-Text' Revisited," Studies in Bibliography 31 (1978): 90-161.
Fredson Bowers, "McKerrow, Greg, and 'Substantive Edition,'" Library 5th ser. 33 (1978): 83-107.
Randall K. Burkett, "Historical Editing and Researching Local History in an Undergraduate Black Studies
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106 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Seminar," Teaching History 3 (1978): 9-13.
Lester J. Cappon, "Jared Sparks: The Preparation of an Editor," Proceedings of the Massachusetts
Historical Society 90 (1978): 3-21.
M.D. Feld, "The Early Evolution of the Authoritative Text," Harvard Library Bulletin 26 (1978): 81-111.
G.C.F. Forster, "Record Publishing in the North-West in Retrospect and Prospect," Northern History 14
(1978): 243-51.
D.F. Foxon, "Greg's 'Rationale' and the Editing of Pope," Library 5th ser. 33 (1978): 119-24.
Philip Gaskell, From Writer to Reader: Studies in Editorial Method (1978). [See reviews by Vinton
Dearing in Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography 3 (1979): 105-16; by D.F. Foxon in Review of
English Studies n.s. 30 (1979): 237-39; and by G.T. Tanselle in Library 6th ser. 2 (1980): 337-50.]
Harry Knowles Girling, "A Toot of the Trumpet against the Scholarly Regiment of Editors," Bulletin of
Research in the Humanities 81 (1978): 297-323.
W. Speed Hill, "The Calculus of Error, or Confessions of a General Editor," Modern Philology 75-(1977-
78): 247-60.
Jane Millgate (ed.), Editing Nineteenth-Century Fiction (1978). [Includes Hershel Parker, "Aesthetic
Implications of Authorial Excisions: Examples from Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mark Twain, and Stephen
Crane," pp. 99-119.]
David J. Nordloh, "On Crane Now Edited: The University of Virginia Edition of The Works of Stephen
Crane," Studies in the Novel 10 (1978): 103-19.
Hershel Parker, "Conjectural Emendations: An Illustration from the Topography of Pierre's Mind,"
Literary Research Newsletter 3 (1978): 62-66.
Lorene Pouncey, "The Fallacy of the Ideal Copy," Library 5th ser. 33 (1978): 108-18.
S.W. Reid, "Definitive Editions and Photocomposition," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America
72 (1978): 321-26.
I.A. Shapiro, "Accidentals or Incidentals," Library 5th ser. 33 (1978): 335.
Robert E. Spiller, "The Impossible Dream: Adventures in Editing American Literary Texts," Library
Chronicle of the University of Pennsylvania 42.2 (1978): 83-97.
Ernest W. Sullivan II, "Bibliography and Facsimile Editions," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America 72 (1978): 327-29.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Editing of Historical Documents," Studies in Bibliography 31 (1978): 1-56. Reprinted
in his Selected Studies in Bibliography (1979), pp. 451-506; and Textual Criticism and Scholarly
Editing (1990), pp. 218-73.
Richard Wendorf, "Robert Dodsley as Editor," Studies in Bibliography 31 (1978): 235-48.
Hayden White, "The Historical Text as Literary Artifact," in The Writing of History: Literary Form and
Historical Understanding, ed. Robert H. Canary and Henry Kozicki (1978), pp. 41-62.
Hugh Amory, "The History of 'The Adventures of a Foundling': Revising Tom Jones," Harvard Library
Bulletin 27 (1979): 277-303.
Lester J. Cappon, "A New Generation of Editors," Newsletter of the Association for Documentary Editing
1.1 (March 1979): 3-4.
Don L. Cook, "Bowers Does Fielding," Review 1 (1979): 13-27.
J.A. Dainard (ed.), Editing Correspondence (1979). [Includes Wilmarth S. Lewis, "Editing Familiar
Letters," pp. 25-37.]
James P. Elliott, "Editing Cooper's Works," in James Fenimore Cooper and His Country, or Getting
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Under Way, ed. George A. Test (1979), pp. 55-61.
Conor Fahy, "The View from Another Planet: Textual Bibliography and the Editing of Sixteenth-Century
Italian Texts," Italian Studies 34 (1979): 71-92.
J.F. Fuggles, "A Review of the Year's Research," Direction Line 8 (Spring 1979): 1-32.
Waltraud Hagen et al., Handbuch der Editionen: Deutschsprachige Schriftsteller: Ausgang des 15.
Jahrhunderts bis zur Gegenwart (1979, 1981).
Louis Hay (ed.), Essais de critique génétique (1979).
Louis Hay and Winfried Woesler (eds.), Die Nachlassedition: La publication de manuscrits inédits (1979).
Don Higginbotham, "The Vicissitudes of Solo Editing," Newsletter of the Association for Documentary
Editing 1.1 (March 1979): 4-5.
T.H. Howard-Hill, British Bibliography and Textual Criticism: A Bibliography (1979), esp. pp. 3-40; and
British Bibliography and Textual Criticism: A Bibliography (Authors) (1979).
John Bush Jones, "Introduction to the Surveys of the Bibliography and Research Methods Course and of
Opportunities for Training in Scholarly Editing," Literary Research Newsletter 4 (1979): 3-7;
"Opportunities for Training in Scholarly Editing in American Departments of English," 24-37, 40-41.
Paul Oskar Kristeller, "Between the Italian Renaissance and the French Enlightenment: Gabriel Naudé as
an Editor," Renaissance Quarterly 32 (1979): 41-72.
Randall McLeod, "Spellbound: Typography and the Concept of Old-Spelling Editions," Renaissance and
Reformation n.s. 3 (1979): 50-65.
Jane Millgate, "The Limits of Editing: The Problem of Scott's The Siege of Malta," Bulletin of Research
in the Humanities 82 (1979): 190-212.
Leonard Rapport, "Fakes and Facsimiles: Problems of Identification," American Archivist 42 (1979):
William Z. Slany, "Historians in the Department of State," Newsletter of the Society for Historians of
American Foreign Relations 11 (March 1979): 18-22.
G.T. Tanselle, "External Fact as an Editorial Problem," Studies in Bibliography 32 (1979): 1-47.
Reprinted in Selected Studies in Bibliography (1979), pp. 355-401; and in Textual Criticism and
Scholarly Editing (1990), pp. 72-118.
John L. Thorson, "Authorial Duplicity: A Warning to Editors," Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography
3 (1979): 79-96.
Rene Wellek and Alvaro Ribeiro (eds.), Evidence in Literary Scholarship (1979). [Includes Tom Davis
and Susan Hamlyn, "What Do We Do When Two Texts Differ? She Stoops to Conquer and Textual
Criticism," pp. 263-79; and F.W. Bateson, "The Application of Thought to an Eighteenth-Century
Text: The School for Scandal," pp. 321-35.]
Stanley Wells and Gary Taylor, Modernizing Shakespeare's Spelling . . . (1979), pp. 1-36. [Reviewed by
William P. Williams in Analytical and Enumerative Bibliography 5 (1981): 172-76.]
William B. Willcox, "Reviewing the Reviewers," Newsletter of the Association for Documentary Editing
1.1 (March 1979): 5-6.
Akihiro Yamada, "Variants and Bibliography," Library 6th ser. 1 (1979): 255-64.
Ross W. Beales, Jr., "Documentary Editing: A Bibliography," Newsletter of the Association for
Documentary Editing 2.4 (December 1980): 10-16.
William Blissett (ed.), Editing Illustrated Books (1980). [Includes Charlene Garry, "Illustrated Books as
Original Works of Art: Form as Complement to Content," pp. 113-24.]
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108 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Fredson Bowers, "Editing a Philosopher: The Works of William James," Analytical & Enumerative
Bibliography 4 (1980): 3-36.
Fredson Bowers, "The Education of Editors," Newsletter of the Association for Documentary Editing 2.4
(December 1980): 1-4.
Fredson Bowers, "Establishing Shakespeare's Text: Notes on Short Lines and the Problem of Verse
Division," Studies in Bibliography 33 (1980): 74-130.
Conor Fahy, "Introduzione alla 'bibliografia testuale,'" Bibliofilia 82 (1980): 151-81.
Louis R. Harlan and Raymond W. Smock, "What We Would Have Done Differently Now That It Is Too
Late," Newsletter of the Association for Documentary Editing 2.2 (May 1980): 9-12.
Kyung-Shik Lee, A Bibliographical and Textual Introduction to Shakespeare (1980). [In Korean]
Arthur S. Link, "Where We Stand Now and Where We Might Go," Newsletter of the Association for
Documentary Editing 2.1 (February 1980): 1-4.
David J. Nordloh, "The 'Perfect' Text: The Editor Speaks for the Author," Newsletter of the Association
for Documentary Editing 2.2 (May 1980): 1-3; Wayne Cutler, "The 'Authentic' Witness: The Editor
Speaks for the Document," 4.1 (February 1982): 8-9.
Barbara Oberg, "Selection and Annotation: Deciding Alone," Newsletter of the Association for
Documentary Editing 2.1 (February 1980): 6-9.
Nathan Reingold, "What Is a Federal Historian? A Historical Editor," Public Historian 2 (1980): 89-91.
Peter L. Shillingsburg, "Collating Machines and 19th-Century Printed Books," Direction Line 10 (Winter
1908): 4-8.
Fredrika J. Teute, "Views in Review: A Historiographical Perspective on Historical Editing," American
Archivist 43 (1980): 43-56.
Steven Urkowitz, Shakespeare's Revision of KING LEAR (1980).
Stanley Wells, "Editorial Treatment of Foul Paper Texts: Much Ado About Nothing as Test Case," Review
of English Studies n.s. 31 (1980): 1-16.
Paul Werstine, "Modern Editions and Historical Collation in Old-Spelling Editions of Shakespeare,"
Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography 4 (1980): 95-106.
Stephen E. Wiberly, Jr., "Editing Maps: A Method for Historical Cartography," Journal of
Interdisciplinary History 10 (1980): 499-510.
Paul Bertram, White Spaces in Shakespeare: The Development of the Modern Text (1981).
Don L. Cook, "The Short Happy Thesis of G. Thomas Tanselle," Newsletter of the Association for
Documentary Editing 3.1 (February 1981): 1-4; Robert J. Taylor, "Editorial Practices--An Historian's
View," 4-8.
Tom Davis, "Substantives? Accidentals?", Library 6th ser. 3 (1981), 149-51.
A.H. de Quehen (ed.), Editing Poetry from Spenser to Dryden (1981). [Includes Allan Pritchard, "Editing
from Manuscript: Cowley and Cowper Papers," pp. 46-76; R. Gordon Moyles, "Iconoclast and
Catalyst: Richard Bentley as Editor of Paradise Lost," pp. 77-98; and A.C. Hamilton, "The
Philosophy of the Footnote," pp. 127-63.]
Norman Fruman, "Some Principles of Epistolary Interpretation," Centrum n.s. 1 (1981): 93-106.
Patricia Galloway, "Dearth and Bias: Issues in the Editing of Ethnohistorical Materials," Newsletter of the
Association for Documentary Editing 3.2 (May 1981): 1-6.
Henry F. Graff and A. Simone Reagor, Documentary Editing in Crisis: Some Reflections and
Recommendations (NHPRC, 1981).
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J.K. Hale, "Thomas Bentley to Dr Pearce: New Light on Richard Bentley's Edition of Paradise Lost,"
Turnbull Library Record 14 (1981): 23-34.
N. John Hall (ed.), [Editing the Victorians], Browning Institute Studies 9 (1981): 1-207. [Includes Peter
L. Shillingsburg, "Editorial Problems Are Readers' Problems," pp. 43-57; and Gordon S. Haight,
"The Reader's Convenience," pp. 137-39.]
Louis Hay and Winfried Woesler (eds.), Edition und Interpretation: Edition et interprétation des
manuscrits littéraires (1981).
Brian Higgins and Hershel Parker, "The Chaotic Legacy of the New Criticism and the Fair Augury of the
New Scholarship," in Ruined Eden of the Present: Hawthorne, Melville, and Poe, ed. G.R.
Thompson and Virgil L. Lokke (1981), pp. 27-45.
Richard H. Kohn and George M. Curtis III, "The Government, the Historical Profession, and Historical
Editing: A Review," Reviews in American History 9 (1981): 145-55.
Alexandre Lorian, "La Critique textuelle: Les Variantes," in XIV Congresso internazionale di linguistica
e filologia romanza, ed. Alberto Várvaro (1981), pp. 499-507.
Harold Love, "Standards for Scholarly Editions of Australian and New Zealand Writers," Bibliographical
Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 5 (1981): 1-4.
Jerome McGann, "The Text, the Poem, and the Problem of Historical Method," New Literary History 12
(1981): 269-88.
D.F. McKenzie, "Typography and Meaning: The Case of William Congreve," in Buch und Buchhandel
in Europa im achtzehnten Jahrhundert, ed. Giles Barber and Bernhard Fabian (1981), pp. 81-125.
Reprinted in his Making Meaning: "Printers of the Mind" and Other Essays, ed. Peter D. McDonald
and Michael F. Suarez (2002), pp. 198-236.
David Madden and Richard Powers, Writers' Revisions: An Annotated Bibliography of Articles and Books
about Writers' Revisions and Their Comments on the Creative Process (1981).
Stephen Orgel, "What Is a Text?" Research Opportunities in Renaissance Drama 24 (1981): 3-7.
Hershel Parker, "The 'New Scholarship': Textual Evidence and Its Implications for Criticism, Literary
Theory, and Aesthetics," Studies in American Fiction 9 (1981): 181-97.
Hershel Parker, "Norman Mailer's Revision of the Esquire Version of An American Dream and the
Aesthetic Problem of 'Built-in Intentionality,'" Bulletin of Research in the Humanities 84 (1981):
John Y. Simon, "Editors and Critics," Newsletter of the Association for Documentary Editing 3.4
(December 1981): 1-4.
Ernest W. Sullivan II, "The Problem of Text in Familiar Letters," Papers of the Bibliographical Sosiety
of America 75 (1981): 115-26.
N.M. Swerdlow, "Translating Copernicus," Isis 72 (1981): 73-82.
G.T. Tanselle, The History of Books as a Field of Study (1981).
G.T. Tanselle, "Recent Editorial Discussion and the Central Questions of Editing," Studies in Bibliography
34 (1981): 23-65. Reprinted in Textual Criticism since Greg (1987), pp. 65-107.
G.T. Tanselle, "Textual Scholarship," in Introduction to Scholarship in Modern Languages and
Literatures, ed. Joseph Gibaldi (1981), pp. 29-52.
Gary Taylor, "Copy-Text and Collation (with Special Reference to Richard III)," Library 6th ser. 3 (1981):
Robert J. Taylor, "Editorial Practices--An Historian's View," Newsletter of the Association for
Documentary Editing 3.1 (February 1981): 4-8.
Pavel Vasak, "Tekstologiia, Sistema, Stemma," in Prague Studies in Mathematical Linguistics, ed. Jan
Horecky, Marie Tesitelova, and Josef Machek (1981), pp. 137-47.
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110 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
George L. Vogt and John Bush Jones (eds.), Literary & Historical Editing (1981). [Contains James
Thorpe, "Literary and Historical Editing: The Values and Limits of Diversity," pp. 13-22; George C.
Rogers, Jr., "The Sacred Text: An Improbable Dream," pp. 23-33; G.T. Tanselle, "Literary Editing,"
pp. 35-56; Martin C. Battestin, "A Rationale of Literary Annotation: The Example of Fielding's
Novels," pp. 57-79 (also printed in Studies in Bibliography 34 [1981]: 1-22); Charles T. Cullen,
"Principles of Annotation in Editing Historical Documents," pp. 81-95.]
Gordon S. Wood, "Historians and Documentary Editing," Journal of American History 67 (1981): 871-77.
Fredson Bowers, "The Historical Collation in an Old-Spelling Shakespeare Edition: Another View,"
Studies in Bibliography 35 (1982): 234-58.
Frank G. Burke, "The Historian as Editor: Progress and Problems," Public Historian 4 (Spring 1982):
Centre for Editing Early Canadian Texts, Newsletter, ed. M.J. Edwards (1982- ).
R.M. Flores, "The Need for a Scholarly, Modernized Edition of Cervantes' Work," Cervantes 2 (1982):
Louis Hay and Péter Nagy (eds.), Avant-texte, texte, après-texte (1982).
Dirk Hoffmann, "Die konsequent synoptische Methode: Zur Edition des Rosenkavalier im Rahmen der
Kritischen Hofmannsthal-Ausgabe," Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 101 (1982): 80-93.
T.G. Ivanova, "Klassicheskie sobraniia bylin v svete tekstologii," Russkaia Literatura 1 (1982): 135-48.
[On folk literature]
Donald Jackson, "What I Did for Love--of Editing," Western Historical Quarterly 13 (1982): 1-5.
Thomas E. Jeffrey, "Microform Editions of Documentary Collections: Where Do We Stand? And Where
Do We Go from Here?", Newsletter of the Association for Documentary Editing 4.3 (September
1982): 1-5.
Glenn W. LaFantasie, "Toward Better Reviewing of Local History Dcoumentary Editions: A Nineteenth-
Century Model," Newsletter of the Association for Documentary Editing 4.1 (February 1982): 1-5.
David Lee, "Critical Editions East and West: A Politics of the Comma?", in Studies in GDR Culture and
Society, ed. Margy Gerber, 2 (1982): 153-64.
Trevor H. Levere (ed.), Editing Texts in the History of Science and Medicine (1982). [Includes Bert S.
Hall, "Editing Texts in the History of Early Technology," pp. 69-100.]
Jean Levaillant, "Ecriture et génétique textuelle," in Ecriture et génétique textuelle: Valéry à l'oeuvre, ed.
Levaillant (1982), pp. 11-24.
Randall McLeod, "Editing Shak-speare," Sub-Stance 33/34 (1982): 26-55.
Randall McLeod, "The Marriage of Good and Bad Quartos," Shakespeare Quarterly 33 (1982): 421-31.
Steven Mailloux, "Textual Scholarship and 'Author's Final Intention,'" in his Interpretive Conventions: The
Reader in the Study of American Fiction (1982), pp. 93-125.
Barbara Oberg, "Interpretation in Editing: The Gallatin Papers," Newsletter of the Association for
Documentary Editing 4.2 (May 1982): 7-9.
Oellers, Norbert, "Angleichung, Normalisierung, Restitution: Die Editio hybrida als Schicksal der
deutschen Klassiker?", Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 101 (1982): 29-42.
Simone Reagor, "Historical Editing: The Federal Role," Newsletter of the Association for Documentary
Editing 4.2 (May 1982): 1-4. Cf. John Simon, "In Response . . . ": 5-6.
S.W. Reid, "The Texts of King Lear: A Review Essay," Shakespeare Studies 15 (1982): 327-39.
Donald H. Reiman, "Romantic Bards and Historical Editors," Studies in Romanticism 21 (1982): 477-96.
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Reprinted in Romantic Texts and Contexts (1987), pp.109-29.
Graca Almeida Rodrigues, "Edicoes Criticas, Textologia, Normas para a Transcricao de Textos do Seculo
XVI," Arquivos do Centro Cultural Portugues 17 (1982): 637-60.
Peter Shillingsburg, "Key Issues in Editorial Theory," Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography 6 (1982):
Hartmut Steinecke, "Brief-Regesten: Theorie und Praxis einer neuen Editionsform," Zeitschrift für
deutschen Philologie 101 (1982): 199-210.
Dieter Sulzer, "Textkritik," in Erkenntnis der Literatur, ed. Dietrich Harth and Peter Gebhardt (1982), pp.
Simon Cauchi, "The 'Setting Foorth' of Harington's Ariosto," Studies in Bibliography 36 (1983): 137-68.
Daniel Eisenberg, "On Editing Don Quixote," Cervantes 3 (1983): 3-34.
John L. Flood, "Schwarze Kunst--graue Theorie? Some Reflections on Textual Bibliography and German
Literature," London German Studies 2 (1983): 18-30.
Stephen Gill, "The Question of Text," Review of English Studies 34 (1983): 172-90.
David Leon Higdon, "Texts Transformed: American Intrusions in Popular English Fiction," Analytical &
Enumerative Bibliography 7 (1983): 216-24.
Suellen Hoy, "Historical Editing," in The Craft of Public History: An Annotated Select Bibliography, ed.
David F. Trask and Robert W. Pomeroy III (1983), pp. 171-227.
H.J. Jackson (ed.), Editing Polymaths: Erasmus to Russell (1983).
Wilson H. Kimnach, "Realities of the Sermon: Some Considerations for Editors," Newsletter of the
Association for Documentary Editing 5.1 (February 1983): 5-10.
Jerome J. McGann, A Critique of Modern Textual Criticism (1983; reprinted with new preface and with
introduction by D.C. Greetham, 1992).
Kenneth Muir, "The Texts of King Lear: An Interim Assessment of the Controversy," Aligarh Journal of
English Studies 8 (1983): 99-113.
Hershel Parker, "The Determinacy of the Creative Process and the 'Authority' of the Author's Textual
Decisions," College Literature 10 (1983): 99-125.
S.W. Reid, "McKerrow, Greg, and Quarto Copy for Folio Romeo and Juliet," Library 6th ser. 5 (1983):
Nathan Reingold, "Reflections of an Unrepentant Editor," American Archivist 46 (1983): 14-21.
Eric Sams, "Shakespeare's Text and Common Sense," Times Literary Supplement, 2 September 1983, pp.
Patrick Scott, "Textual Criticism and Composition Research," Newsletter of the Association for
Documentary Editing 5.1 (February 1983): 1-5.
Marvin Spivak, "Shakespeare: Editions and Textual Scholarship," Jahrbuch der Deutschen-Shakekspeare-
Gesellschaft West, 1983, pp. 221-41; 1984, pp. 225-35.
G.T. Tanselle, "Classical, Biblical, and Medieval Textual Criticism and Modern Editing," Studies in
Bibliography 36 (1983): 21-68. Reprinted in Textual Criticism and Scholarly Editing (1990), pp.
Gary Taylor and Michael Warren (eds.), The Division of the Kingdoms: Shakespeare's Two Versions of
King Lear (1983). [Reviewed by T.H. Howard-Hill in Library, 6th ser. 7 (1985): 161-79. Cf.
Nicolas Barker, "The Lear Revolution," Book Collector 33 (1984): 7-24 passim.]
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112 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Robert Stephen Becker, "Challenges in Editing Modern Literary Correspondence: Transcription," Text 1
(1984 [for 1981]): 257-70.
Fredson Bowers, "The Editor and the Question of Value: Another View," Text 1 (1984 [for 1981]): 45-73.
[Response to Claire Badaracco, "The Editor and the Question of Value: Proposal," Text 1 (1984):
A.R. Braunmuller, "Editing Elizabethan Letters," Text 1 (1984 [for 1981]): 185-99.
M.M. Condon and Elizabeth M. Hallam, "Government Printing of the Public Records in the Eighteenth
Century," Journal of the Society of Archivists 7 (1984): 348-88.
Tom Davis, "Textual Criticism: Philosophy and Practice," Library 6th ser. 6 (1984): 386-97.
Peter Davison, "Editing Orwell: Eight Problems," Library 6th ser. 6 (1984): 217-28.
William S. Dudley, William James Morgan, James C. Bradford, and John B. Hattendorf, Editing Naval
Documents: An Historical Appreciation (1984). [Includes Hattendorf's "Purpose and Contribution
in Editing Naval Documents: A General Appreciation," pp. 43-61. Reviewed by William N.
Carpenter, "Editing Naval Documents," Documentary Editing 8.1 (March 1986): 12-15.]
Conor Fahy, "A New Technique for Collating Copies of the Same Edition," Bulletin of the Society for
Italian Studies 17 (November 1984): 20-24.
Elizabeth C. Fine, The Folklore Text: From Performance to Print (1984).
John Miles Foley, "Editing Oral Epic Texts: Theory and Practice," Text 1 (1984 [for 1981]): 75-94.
Hans Walter Gabler, "The Synchrony and Diachrony of Texts: Practice and Theory of the Critical Edition
of James Joyce's Ulysses," Text 1 (1984): 305-26.
Louis Galambos, "The Eisenhower Papers: Editing Modern Public Documents," Documentary Editing 6.2
(June 1984): 5-7.
David S. Hewitt, "Burns and the Argument for Standardization," Text 1 (1984 [for 1981]): 217-29.
Historical Editing: A Guide for Departments of History (Organization of American Historians, 1984).
Reese V. Jenkins and Thomas E. Jeffrey, "Worth a Thousand Words: Nonverbal Documents in Editing,"
Documentary Editing 6.3 (September 1984): 1-8.
Harold Love, "The Ranking of Variants in the Analysis of Moderately Contaminated Manuscript
Traditions," Studies in Bibliography 37 (1984): 39-57.
William C. McAvoy, "A Review of English Renaissance Textual Studies, 1981-1983," Manuscripta 28
(1984): 157-69.
John McClelland, "Critical Editing in the Modern Languages," Text 1 (1984 [for 1981]): 201-16.
Jerome J. McGann, "Shall These Bones Live?", Text 1 (1984 [for 1981]): 21-40. Reprinted in The Beauty
of Inflections (1985), pp. 90-110.
D.F. McKenzie, "The Sociology of a Text: Orality, Literacy and Print in Early New Zealand," Library 6th
ser. 6 (1984): 333-65. Reprinted with revisions as Oral Culture, Literacy & Print in Early New
Zealand: The Treaty of Waitangi (1985); and reprinted in Bibliography and the Sociology of Texts
James McLaverty, "The Concept of Authorial Intention in Textual Criticism," Library 6th ser. 6 (1984):
James McLaverty, "The Mode of Existence of Literary Works of Art: The Case of the Dunciad Variorum,"
Studies in Bibliography 37 (1984): 82-105.
Karl Maurer, "Textkritik und Interpretation," Poetica 16 (1984): 324-55.
Hershel Parker, "Cheap Thrills: Lost 'Authority' and Adventitious Aesthetic Frissons," in American Critics
at Work: Examinations of Contemporary Literary Theory, ed. Victor A. Kramer (1984), pp. 316-33.
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Hershel Parker, Flawed Texts and Verbal Icons: Literary Authority in American Fiction (1984). [See also
Paul Baender, "Megarus ad lunam," Philological Quarterly 64 (1985): 439-57; James McLaverty's
review, "Authorial Revision," Review 8 (1986): 119-38; and Don L. Cook's review, "'Thrilling to
adventitious pleasures': Textual Ignorance as a Threat to Scholarship," Documentary Editing 9.1
(March 1987): 5-8.]
"Recent Publications (1983-1984)," Documentary Editing 6.3 (September 1984): 14-16.
Donald H. Reiman, "The Four Ages of Editing and the English Romantics," Text 1 (1984): 231-55.
Reprinted in Romantic Texts and Contexts (1987), pp. 85-108.
Patrick Scott, "How, Practically, Do Textual Studies Fit into the Graduate Curriculum?", Literary
Research Newsletter 9 (1984): 53-66.
G.B. Shand with Raymond C. Shady (eds.), Play-Texts in Old Spelling: Papers from the Glendon
Conference (1984). [Contains S. Schoenbaum, ""Old-Spelling Editions: The State of the Art,"
pp. 9-26; Robert Kean Turner, "Accidental Evils," pp. 27-33; Paul Werstine, "The Editorial
Usefulness of Printing House and Compositor Studies," pp. 35-64; Barry Gaines, "Textual
Apparatus--Rationale and Audience," pp. 65-71; Henry D. Janzen, "Preparing a Diplomatic Edition:
Heywood's The Escapes of Jupiter," pp. 73-79; Randall McLeod, "Spellbound," pp. 81-96; Philip
Edwards, "The Function of Commentary," pp. 97-104; David Bevington, "Editorial Indications of
Stage Business in Old-Spelling Editions," pp. 105-12; Richard Morton, "How Many Revengers in
The Revengers Tragedy? Arachaic Spellings and the Modern Annotator," pp. 113-22; Reavley Gair,
"In Search of 'the mustie fopperies of antiquity,'" pp. 123-30; S.P. Zitner, "Excessive Annotation, or
Piling Pelion on Parnassus," pp. 131-39; and Jon Stallworthy, "Old-Spelling Editions: The State of
the Business in 1978," pp. 141-51.]
Peter L. Shillingsburg, Scholarly Editing in the Computer Age: Lectures in Theory and Practice (1984,
1986, 1996).
John Y. Simon, "The Canons of Selection," Documentary Editing 6.4 (December 1984): 8-12.
Raymond W. Smock, "Technology and the Future of Documentary Editing," Documentary Editing 6.4
(December 1984): 1-7.
G.M. Story, "Bibliography and Textual Criticism," Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada 4th ser.
22 (1984): 233-38.
G.T. Tanselle, "Presidential Address: The Society for Textual Scholarship, April 10, 1981," Text 1 (1984
[for 1981]): 1-9.
Rolf Tarot, "Editionsprinzipien für deutsche Texte der Neuzeit," in Sprachgeschichte: Ein Handbuch zur
Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und ihrer Erforschung, ed. Werner Besch, Oskar Reichmann, and
Stefan Sonderegger (1984), pp. 703-11.
Robert J. Taylor, "One Historian's Education," William and Mary Quarterly 41 (1984): 478-86.
Text: Transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship, ed. D.C. Greetham and W. Speed Hill, 1 (1984
[for 1981]) - .
Stanley Wells, Re-Editing Shakespeare for the Modern Reader (1984). [Reviewed by Paul Werstine in
Shakespeare Studies 19 (1987): 329-32.]
William Proctor Williams, "Biblio-Textual Studies in the Graduate Curriculum," Literary Research
Newsletter 9 (1984): 74-81.
Mary-Jo Arn and Hanneke Wirtjes, with Hans Jensen (eds.), Historical & Editorial Studies in Medieval
& Early Modern English, for Johan Gerritsen (1985). [Includes N.E. Osselton, "Spelling-Book
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114 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Rules and the Capitalization of Nouns in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries," pp. 49-61;
Fredson Bowers, "Notes on Editorial Apparatus," pp. 147-62; and T.A. Birrell, "The Influence of
Seventeenth-Century Publishers on the Presentation of English Literature," pp. 163-73.]
Jo Ann Boydston, "Editing the Library of America," Scholarly Publishing 16 (1984-85): 121-32. [Based
on her earlier "The Library of America," Newsletter of the Association for Documentary Editing 4.4
(December 1982): 1-5.]
Jo Ann Boydston, "The Language of Scholarly Editing," Documentary Editing 7.4 (1985): 1-6.
Howard M. Brown, "'Lord have mercy upon us': Early Sixteenth-Century Scribal Practice and the
Polyphonic Kyrie," Text 2 (1985): 93-110.
John Caldwell, Editing Early Music (1985, 1995).
Edmund J. Campion, "Practical Solutions to the Problems Involved in Editing Seventeenth-Century French
Plays," Text 2 (1985): 187-95.
Frank P. Casa and Michael D. McGaha (eds.), Editing the Comedia (1985). [Includes Arnold G.
Reichenberger, "Editing Spanish Comedies of the XVIIth Century: History and Present-Day
Practice," pp. 1-23; William F. Hunter, "Editing Texts in Multiple Versions," pp. 24-51; Don W.
Cruickshank, "The Editing of Spanish Golden-Age Plays from Early Printed Versions," pp. 52-103;
and J.E. Varey, "Staging and Stage Directions," pp. 146-61.]
"The Committee on Scholarly Editions: Aims and Policies," PMLA 100 (1985): 444-47.
J. Cook, "Tekskritiek en Teologie," Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 25.3 (September 1985): 201-11.
Vinton A. Dearing, "Textual Analysis: A Kind of Textual Criticism," Text 2 (1985): 13-23.
Wayne Franklin, "The 'Library of America' and the Welter of American Books," Iowa Review 15.2
(Spring-Summer 1985): 176-94.
Thomas E. Jeffrey, "The Education of Editors: Current Status and Future Prospects," Documentary Editing
7.1 (March 1985): 12-16.
Christopher Kitching, "Record Publication in England and Wales, 1957-1982," Archives 17 (April 1985):
William B. Long, "Stage-Directions: A Misinterpreted Factor in Determining Textual Provenance," Text
2 (1985): 121-37.
Harold Love, "Manuscript versus Print in the Transmission of English Literature, 1600-1700,"
Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 9 (1985): 95-107.
Jerome J. McGann, The Beauty of Inflections: Literary Investigations in Historical Method and Theory
(1985). [Includes a section entitled "Textual Studies and Practical Criticism," pp. 67-132.]
Jerome J. McGann (ed.), Textual Criticism and Literary Interpretation (1985). [Contains, among other
essays, Ernest A.J. Honigmann, "Shakespeare as a Reviser," pp. 1-22; Michael J. Warren, "Textual
Problems, Editorial Assertions in Editions of Shakespeare," pp. 23-37; Ian Jack, "A Choice of
Orders: The Arrangement of 'The Poetical Works,'" pp. 127-43; Donald Pizer, "Self-Censorship and
Textual Editing," pp. 144-61; Jerome J. McGann, "The Monks and the Giants: Textual and
Bibliographical Studies and the Interpretation of Literary Works," pp. 180-99. See review by Peter
L. Shillingsburg, Review 9 (1987): 81-88.]
James E. May, "Determining Final Authorial Intention in Revised Satires: The Case of Edward Young,"
Studies in Bibliography 38 (1985): 276-89.
G. Horold Metz, "Disputed Shakespearean Texts and Stylometric Analysis," Text 2 (1985): 149-71.
R.G. Moyles, The Text of PARADISE LOST: A Study in Editorial Procedure (1985).
Vincent Nadeau, "Vers une théorie du texte de base dans l'édition critique d'oeuvres mediatiques-audio-
visuelles," Revue d'histoire littéraire de Québec et du Canada français 10 (1985): 57-60.
Ira B. Nadell, "The New Ulysses," Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook 1984 (1985), pp. 47-52.
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Frederick Neumann, "Text and Interpretation in Eighteenth-Century Music," Text 2 (1985): 251-56.
Karl Konrad Polheim, "Ist die Textkritik noch kritisch?", in Germanistik--Forschungsstand und
Perspektiven, II: Ältere deutsche Literatur, Neuere deutsche Literatur, ed. Georg Stötzel (1985),
pp. 324-36.
K.K. Ruthven, "Textuality and Textual Editing," Meridian: The LaTrobe University English Review 41.1
(May 1985): 85-87.
Michael E. Stevens, "Documentary Editing in the Southeastern State Archives," Documentary Editing 7.2
(June 1985): 8-13.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Bibliography and Textual Study of American Books," Proceedings of the American
Antiquarian Society 95 (1985): 113-51. [With comment by Norman Fiering, 152-60.]
William Proctor Williams and Craig S. Abbott, "Textual Criticism," in An Introduction to Bibliographical
and Textual Studies (1985, 1989), pp. 52-74 [1989].
Hans Zeller, "Für eine historische Edition," in Germanistik: Forschungesstand und Perspektiven, II: Ältere
deutsche Literatur, Neuere deutsche Literatur, ed. Georg Stotzel (1985), pp. 305-23.
Giovanni Aquilecchia, "Trilemma of Textual Criticism (Author's Alterations, Different Versions,
Autonomous Works): An Italian View," in Book Production and Letters in the Western European
Renaissance, ed. Anna Laura Lepschy, John Took, and Dennis E. Rhodes (1986), pp. 1-6.
J.A. Asher, "The Textual Criticism Connection," Te Reo: Journal of the Linguistic Society of New Zealand
29 (1986): 305-11.
Richrd Bauman, Story, Performance, and Event: Contextual Studies of Oral Narrative (1986).
Michael Lee Benedict, "Historians and the Continuing Controversy over Fair Use of Unpublished
Manuscript Materials," American Historical Review 91 (1986): 859-81.
Charlene N. Bickford, "An Agenda for Professional Survival," Documentary Editing 8.4 (December 1986):
Charlene N. Bickford, Gordon DenBoer, John P. Kaminski, Richard Leffler, Maeva Marcus, and Caspare
J. Saladino, "Documentary Editing: Its History and Meaning," Prologue 18 (Fall 1986): 147-51.
Warren M. Billings and Raymond W. Smock, "A Proposal for a National Trust for Our Documentary
Heritage," Documentary Editing 8.2 (June 1986): 19-21.
Corrado Bologna, "Tradizione testuale e fortuna dei classici italiani," in Letteratura italiana, ed. Alberto
Asor Rosa, 6 (1986): 445-928.
Fredson Bowers, "Authority, Copy, and Transmission in Shakespeare's Text," in Shakespeare Study Today,
ed. Georgianna Ziegler (1986), pp. 7-36.
Jo Ann Boydston, "The Contributions of Fredson Bowers to Documentary Editing," Documentary Editing
8.4 (December 1986): 14-15.
A.R. Braunmuller, "Accounting for Absence: The Transcription of Space," in The 1985 Forum of the
Renaissance English Text Society (1986).
William M. Carpenter, "Editing Naval Documents," Documentary Editing 8.1 (March 1986): 12-15.
Betty Day, "Record of Current Publications [including critical editions]," Literary Research 11 (1986):
Nigel M. Fazal, "Lessing's Involvement with English Editors of Shakespeare," German Life and Letters
39 (1986): 93-106.
Mary A. Giunta, "The NHPRC: Its Influence on Documentary Editing, 1964-1984," American Archivist
49 (1986): 134-41.
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Jonathan Goldberg, "Textual Properties," Shakespeare Quarterly 37 (1986): 213-17.
Louis Hay (ed.), Le manuscrit inachevé: écriture, création, communication (1986).
W. Speed Hill, "Report from the Committee on Scholarly Editions," in Annual Report, 1985, of the
American Literature Section of the MLA, ed. Donald Yannella (1986), pp. 10-13.
W. Speed Hill, "The Theory and Practice of Transcription," in The 1985 Forum of the Renaissance English
Text Society (1986).
Klaus Hurlebusch, "Deutungen literarischer Arbeitsweise," Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 105 (1986):
Arthlur S. Kinney (chair), Theory and Practice of Transcription (Renaissance English Text Society 1985
MLA Panel, 1986). [Papers by W. Speed Hill, Gordon Kipling, A.R. Braunmuller, and John Pitcher.]
Alan E. Knight, "On Editing Early Printed French Plays," Romance Philology 40 (1986): 65-74.
D.F. McKenzie, Bibliography and the Sociology of Texts (1986). Reprinted in Bibliography and the
Sociology of Texts (1999). [Reviewed by Hugh Amory in Book Collector 36 (1987): 411-18; T.H.
Howard-Hill in Library 6th ser. 10 (1988): 151-58; Jerome J. McGann in London Review of Books,
18 February 1988, pp. 20-21; and Donald H. Reiman in Papers of the Bibliographical Sosiety of
America 84 (1990): 179-81.] Translated into French by Marc Amfreville, with a preface by Roger
Chartier (1991). [See Petrucci, 1993, below.]
Randall McLeod ("Random Cloud"), "The Psychopathology of Everyday Art," The Elizabethan Theatre
9 (1986): 100-68.
Vivian Salmon, "The Spelling and Punctuation of Shakespeare's Time," in Shakespeare, The Complete
Works: Original-Spelling Edition, ed. Stanley Wells, Gary Taylor, John Jowett, and William
Montgomery (1986), pp. xlii-lvi.
C. George Sandulescu and Clive Hart (eds.), Assessing the 1984 ULYSSES (1986).
G.T. Tanselle, "Historicism and Critical Editing," Studies in Bibliography 39 (1986): 1-46. Reprinted in
Textual Criticism since Greg (1987), pp. 109-54.
Michael Warren, "Teaching with a Proper Text," in Approaches to Teaching Shakespeare's KING LEAR,
ed. Robert H. Ray (1986), pp. 105-10.
Winfried Woesler, "Die Normalisierung historischer Orthographie als wissenschaftliche Aufgabe,"
Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 105 (1986): 69-83.
Hans Zeller, "Die Typen des germanistischen Varianten-Apparats und ein Vorschlag zu einem Apparat
für Prosa," Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 105 (1986): 42-69.
John Barnard, "Bibliographic Context and the Critic," Text 3 (1987): 27-46.
Fredson Bowers, "Mixed Texts and Multiple Authority," Text 3 (1987): 63-90.
Fredson Bowers, "Readability and Regularization in Old-Spelling Texts of Shakespeare," Huntington
Library Quarterly 50 (1987): 199-227.
Robert Murray Davis, "Writing as Process: Beyond Hershel Parker," Literary Research 12 (1987): 179-86.
Betty Day, "Record of Current Publications [including critical editions]," Literary Research 12 (1987):
Paul Delbouille, "L'Établissement du textes," in Méthodes du texte: Introduction aux études littéraires, ed.
Maurice Delcroix and Fernand Hallyn (1987), pp. 219-27.
Angus Easson, "Reviewing Editions: Letters, Journals, Diaries," in Literary Reviewing, ed. James O. Hoge
(1987), pp. 44-67.
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Editio: Internationales Jahrbuch für Editionswissenschaft, ed. Winfried Woesler, 1 (1987) - .
Mary Jane Edwards, "CEECT: Progress, Procedures, and Problems," Papers of the Bibliographical Society
of Canada 26 (1987): 13-26.
Robert H. Elias, "Eighteenth-Century Thorns, Twentieth-Century Secretaries, & Other Prickly Matters,"
Text 3 (1987): 347-53.
Daniel Feller, "'What Good Are They Anyway?' A User Looks at Documentary Editions of Statesmen's
Papers," Documentary Editing 9.4 (December 1987): 10-15.
Hans Walter Gabler, "The Text as Process and the Problem of Intentionality," Text 3 (1987): 107-16.
Suzanne Gossett (chair), Editing Women Writers of the Renaissance (Renaissance English Text Society
1986 MLA Panel, 1987). [Papers by Elizabeth H. Hageman, Elizabeth McCutcheon, Frances
Teague, and Josephine A. Roberts.]
D.C. Greetham, "A Suspicion of Texts," Thesis: The Magazine of the Graduate School and University
Center [CUNY] 2.1 (Fall 1987): 18-25. Reprinted, with commentary, in his Textual Transgressions
(1998), pp. 198-218.
P.E.H. Hair, "The Task Ahead: The Editing of Early European-Language Texts on Black Africa,"
Paideuma 33 (1987): 29-51.
Louis Hay, "Genetic Editing, Past and Future: A Few Reflections by a User," Text 3 (1987): 117-33.
T.H. Howard-Hill, "The Author as Scribe or Reviser? Middleton's Intentions in A Game at Chess," Text
3 (1987): 305-18.
Klaus Hurlebusch, "'Relic' and 'Tradition': Some Aspects of Editing Diaries," Text 3 (1987): 143-53.
"An Interview [by David Gorman] with Jerome McGann on Textual Scholarship as Literary History and
Ideology Critique," Social Epistemology 1 (1987): 163-73.
Walter Jaeschke, "Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft philosophischer Editionen," Editio 1 (1987): 135-38. Also in
Buchstabe und Geist, ed. Jaeschke, Wilhelm G. Jacobs, Hermann Krings, and Heinrich Schepers
(1987), pp. 65-69.
Ulrich Joost, "Der Kommentar im Dienst der Textkritik," Editio 1 (1987): 184-97.
Marvin Kendrick, "A Note on the Antecedents of Modern Punctuation," Journal of the Printing Historical
Society 19/20 (1985-87): 125-30.
Mary-Jo Kline, A Guide to Documentary Editing (1987, 1998). [Reviewed by T.H. Howard-Hill,
"Documentary Editing: Critical, Noncritical, Uncritical," Review 10 (1988): 149-54.]
Paul Oskar Kristeller, "Textual Scholarship and General Theories of History and Literature," Text 3
(1987): 1-9.
Jean-Louis Lebrave, "Rough Drafts: A Challenge to Uniformity in Editing," Text 3 (1987): 135-42.
John McClelland, "Text, Rhetoric, Meaning," Text 3 (1987): 11-26.
Jerome J. McGann, "Interpretation, Meaning, and Textual Criticism: A Homily," Text 3 (1987): 55-62.
Patrick McGee, "Is There a Class for this Text? The New Ulysses, Jerome McGann and the Issue of
Textual Authority," Works and Days 5.2 (1987): 27-44.
Patrick McGee, "Ulysses as Commodity," James Joyce Literary Supplement 1.1 (May 1987): 9-10.
Gerald M. MacLean, "What Is a Restoration Poem? Editing a Discourse, not an Author," Text 3 (1987):
Marga Munkelt, "Stage Directions as Part of the Text," Shakespeare Studies 19 (1987): 253-72.
Leonard N. Neufeldt, "Neopragmatism and Convention in Textual Editing, with Examples from the
Editing of Thoreau's Autograph Journal," Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography n.s. 1 (1987):
David J. Nordloh, "Socialization, Authority, and Evidence: Reflections on McGann's A Critique of Modern
Textual Criticism," Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography n.s. 1 (1987): 3-12. [See also Craig S.
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118 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Abbott, "A Response to Nordloh's 'Socialization, Authority, and Evidence,'" 13-16.]
Hershel Parker, "'The Text Itself'--Whatever That Is," Text 3 (1987): 47-54.
Donald H. Reiman, "Romantic Texts," in Romantic Texts and Contexts (1987), pp. 15-180. [Includes, in
addition to the essays listed above under 1982 and 1984, "'Versioning': The Presentation of Multiple
Texts," pp. 167-80.]
Donald H. Reiman, "Textual Criticism in Nineteenth-Century Studies," Nineteenth-Century Contexts 11
(1987): 9-21.
Hans-Gert Roloff, "Editorische Desiderata zur Mittleren Deutschen Literatur," Editio 1 (1987): 15-128.
Robert Rosenberg, "Technological Artifacts as Historical Documents," Text 3 (1987): 393-407.
E. Rubinstein, "What Is the Text of a Film?", Text 3 (1987): 417-25.
Siegfried Scheibe, "Schwerpunkte künftiger germanistischer Editionsarbeit: Gesehen aus der Perspektive
eines Textologen der DDR," Editio 1 (1987): 1-14.
Siegfried Scheibe, "Zum Verhaltnis der Edition/Textologie zu den Gesellschaftswissenschaften,"
Weimarer Beitrage 33 (1987): 158-66.
Marvin Spevack, "The Editor as Philologist," Text 3 (1987): 91-106.
Pasquale Stoppelli (ed.), Filologia dei testi a stampa (1987). [Translations of essays by Bowers, Fahy,
Gaskell, Greg, and Tanselle.]
G.T. Tanselle, Textual Criticism since Greg: A Chronicle, 1950-1985 (1987). [Reviewed by Jo Ann
Boydston, "A Critical Chronicle," Documentary Editing 10.3 (September 1988): 16-17.]
Gary Taylor, "Revising Shakespeare," Text 3 (1987): 285-304.
Marion Trousdale, "Diachronic and Synchronic: Critical Bibliography and the Acting of Plays," in
Shakespeare: Text, Language, Criticism: Essays in Honour of Marvin Spevack, ed. Bernhard Fabian
and Kurt Tetzeli von Rosador (1987), pp. 304-14. [See also 1990 below]
Albert J. von Frank, "Genetic versus Clear Texts: Reading and Writing Emerson," Documentary Editing
9.4 (December 1987): 5-9.
Michael Warner, "Textuality and Legitimacy in the Printed Constitution," Proceedings of the American
Antiquarian Society 97 (1987): 59-84.
Stanley Wells and Gary Taylor (with John Jowett and William Montgomery), William Shakespeare: A
Textual Companion (1987). [Especially "General Introduction," pp. 1-68. Reviewed by MacD. P.
Jackson in Shakespeare Survey 41 (1989): 228-41.]
Michael Werner, "Edition und Kulturtradition in Frankreich: Zum Problem des deutsch-französischen
Dialogs auf dem Editionsgebiet," Editio 1 (1987): 138-44.
Michael Werner and Winfried Woesler (eds.), Editions et manuscrits: Probleme der Prosa-Edition (1987).
Carl Woodring, "Recording from Coleridge's Voice," Text 3 (1987): 367-76.
Hans Zeller, "Editionsprojekte und -desiderate der Schweizer Germanisten," Editio 1 (1987): 129-34.
Hans Zeller, "Textologie und Textanalyse: Zur Abgrenzung zweier Disziplinen und irhem Verhältnis
zueinander," Editio 1 (1987): 145-58.
Violeta Barbu, "Probleme si orientari in editarea literaturii romane vechi," Limba Romana 37 (1988):
G.E. Bentley, Jr., "Blake's Works as Performances: Intentions and Inattentions," Text 4 (1988): 319-41.
David Bevington, "Editing Renaissance Texts in Paperback," Renaissance Drama 19 (1988): 127-47.
Warren M. Billings, "Veritas ex Documentis: What Truth?", Documentary Editing 10.4 (December 1988):
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Fredson Bowers, "Unfinished Business," Text 4 (1988): 1-11.
Philip Brett, "Text, Context, and the Early Music Editor," in Authenticity and Early Music: A Symposium,
ed. Nicholas Kenyon (1988), pp. 83-114. [Cf. Charles Rosen, "The Shock of the Old," New York
Review of Books, 19 July 1990, pp. 46-52.]
Frederick Burkhardt, "Editing the Correspondence of Charles Darwin," Studies in Bibliography 41 (1988):
Nina Catach (ed.), Les éditions critiques: problèmes techniques et éditoriaux (1988).
Michel Contat, "Colloque 'La Naissance du texte,'" Editio 2 (1988): 225-27.
Michel Contat (ed.), Problèmes de l'édition critique (Cahiers de textologie 2, 1988).
Don L. Cook, "Preparing Scholarly Editions," Humanities 9.3 (1988): 14-17.
Don L. Cook, "Some Considerations in the Concept of Pre-Copy-Text," Text 4 (1988): 79-91.
Paul Eggert, "The Literary Work of a Readership: The Boy in the Bush in Australia, 1924-1926,"
Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 12 (1988): 149-66.
Graham Falconer and David H. Sanderson, "Bibliographie des études génétiques littéraires," Texte 7
(1988): 287-352.
John Miles Foley, The Theory of Oral Composition: History and Methodology (1988).
John Glavin, "Bulgakov's Lizard and the Problem of the Playwright's Authority," Text 4 (1988): 385-406.
Almuth Gresillon, "Les Manuscrits littéraires: le texte dans tous ses états," Pratiques 57 (1988): 107-22.
Louis Hay, "Does 'Text' Exist?", Studies in Bibliography 41 (1988): 64-76.
W. Speed Hill, "The Case for Standards in Scholarly Editing," Literary Research 13 (1988): 203-12.
T.H. Howard-Hill, "Playwrights' Intentions and the Editing of Plays," Text 4 (1988): 269-78.
David F. Hult, "Reading It Right: The Ideology of Text Editing," Romanic Review 79 (1988): 74-88.
Klaus Hurlebusch, "Conceptualisations for Procedures of Authorship," Studies in Bibliography 41 (1988):
Nicholas Kenyon (ed.), Authenticity and Early Music (1988). [Reviewed by Charles Rosen, "The Shock
of the Old," New York Review of Books, 19 July 1990, pp. 46-52.]
Richard Landon (ed.), Editing and Editors: A Retrospect (1988). [Includes Stanley Wells, "Revision in
Shakespeare's Plays," pp. 67-97; Donald H. Reiman, "Gentlemen Authors and Professional Writers:
Notes on the History of Editing Texts of the 18th and 19th Centuries," pp. 99-136; and David J.
Nordloh, "Theory, Funding, and Coincidence in the Editing of American Literature," pp.137-55.]
Joseph R. McElrath, Jr. "The ADE Guidelines for Reviewers of Editions," Documentary Editing 10.4
(December 1988): 22-23.
Joseph R. McElrath, Jr. "Tradition and Innovation: Recent Developments in Literary Editing,"
Documentary Editing 10.4 (December 1988): 5-10. [See response by Jo Ann Boydston, 11 (1989):
Jerome J. McGann, "The Textual Condition," Text 4 (1988): 29-37. Reprinted in his The Textual
Condition (1991), pp. 88-98.
Randall McLeod, The McLeod Portable Collator (9-page flyer, October 1988).
D.E. Moggridge (ed.), Editing Modern Economists (1988).
S.M. Parrish, "The Whig Interpretation of Literature," Text 4 (1988): 343-50.
Patrice Pavis, "From Text to Performance," in Performing Texts, ed. Michael Issacharoff and Robin F.
Jones (1988), pp. 86-100.
Tilottama Rajan, "Is There a Romantic Ideology? Some Thoughts on Schleiermacher's Hermeneutic and
Textual Criticism," Text 4 (1988): 59-77.
Donald H. Reiman, "Gender and Documentary Editing: A Diachronic Perspective," Text 4 (1988): 351-59.
Siegfried Scheibe, "Some Notes on Letter Editions: With Special Reference to German Writers," Studies
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120 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
in Bibliography 41 (1988): 136-48.
Siegfried Scheibe, "Zur Anwendung der synoptischen Variantendarstellung bei komplizierter
Prosaüberlieferung," Editio 2 (1988): 142-91.
Siegfried Scheibe (ed.), Vom Umgang mit Editionen: Eine Einführung in Verfahrensweisen und Methoden
der Textologie (1988).
Irmtraut Schmid, "Was ist ein Brief?", Editio 2 (1988): 1-7.
Constance B. Schulz, "'From Generation unto Generation': Transitions in Modern Documentary Historical
Editing," Reviews in American History 16 (1988): 337-50.
John T. Shawcross, "Scholarly Editions: Composite Editorial Principles of Single Copy-Texts, Multiple
Copy-Texts, Edited Copy-Texts," Text 4 (1988): 297-317.
John Sutherland, "Publishing History: A Hole at the Centre of Literary Sociology," Critical Inquiry 14
(1988): 574-89. Reprinted in Literature and Social Practice, ed. Philippe Desan, Priscilla Parkhurst
Ferguson, and Wendy Griswold (1989), pp. 267-82, with a "Response to John Sutherland" by G.T.
Tanselle, pp. 283-87.
Gary Taylor, "Praestat Difficilior Lectio," Renaissance Studies 2 (1988): 27-46.
Gary Taylor, "The Rhetoric of Textual Criticism," Text 4 (1988): 39-57.
Gary Taylor, "Textual and Sexual Criticism: A Crux in The Comedy of Errors," Renaissance Drama 19
(1988): 195-225.
Leslie Thomson, "Broken Brackets and Mended Texts: Stage Directions in the Oxford Shakespeare,"
Renaissance Drama 19 (1988): 175-93.
Adrian Weiss, "Reproductions of Early Dramatic Texts as a Source of Bibliographical Evidence," Text 4
(1988): 237-68.
Paul Werstine, "McKerrow's 'Suggestion' and Twentieth-Century Shakespeare Textual Criticism,"
Renaissance Drama 19 (1988): 149-73.
Winfried Woesler, "Vorschläge für eine Normierung von Briefeditionen," Editio 2 (1988): 8-18.
Hugo Aust, "Unwägbarkeiten der Possen-Edition," Editio 3 (1989): 125-29. [With abstract in English]
N.F. Blake, "Standardising Shakespeare's Non-Standard Language," Tennessee Studies in Literature 31
(1989): 57-81.
Fredson Bowers, "Regularization and Normalization in Modern Critical Texts," Studies in Bibliography
42 (1989): 79-102.
A.R. Braunmuller, "Editing the Staging/Staging the Editing," in Shakespeare and the Sense of
Performance, ed. Marvin and Ruth Thompson (1989), pp. 139-49.
Roger Chartier, "Meaningful Forms," Liber 1.1 (October 1989): 8-9.
Roger Chartier, "Texts, Printing, Readings," in The New Cultural History, ed. Lynn Hunt (1989), pp. 154-
Thomas B.I. Creamer, "Shuowen Jiezi and Textual Criticism in China," International Journal of
Lexicography 2 (1989): 176-87.
Arnold Goldman, "Joyce's Ulysses as Work in Progress: The Controversy and Its Implications," Journal
of Modern Literature 15 (1988-89): 579-88.
David Gorman, "The Worldly Text: Writing as Social Action, Reading as Historical Reconstruction," in
Literary Theory's Future(s), ed. Joseph Natoli (1989), pp. 181-220.
D.C. Greetham, "Textual and Literary Theory: Redrawing the Matrix," Studies in Bibliography 42 (1989):
1-24. Reprinted, with commentary, in his Textual Transgressions (1998), pp. 246-85.
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William Hanks, "Text and Textuality," Annual Review of Anthropology 18 (1989): 95-127.
James L. Harner, "Textual Criticism," in Literary Research Guide (1989), pp. 554-58.
Louis Hay (ed.), La naissance du texte (1989).
David W. Hirst, "Reflections on the Age of Editing," Documentary Editing 11 (1989): 93-99.
Mary Hobbs, "Early Seventeenth-Century Verse Miscellanies and Their Value for Textual Editors,"
English Manuscript Studies 1100-1700 1 (1989): 182-210.
T.H. Howard-Hill, "Modern Textual Theories and the Editing of Plays," Library 6th ser. 11 (1989):
Grace Ioppolo, "'Old' and 'New' Revisionists: Shakespeare's Eighteenth-Century Editors," Huntington
Library Quarterly 52 (1989): 347-61.
Carolyn Kent (chair), Is the Typography Textual? (Renaissance English Text Society 1988 MLA Panel,
1989). [Papers by Bernhard F. Scholz, Arthur F. Marotti, John Jowett, and Gary Spear.]
Christopher Kitching, "The Status of Documentary Editing in the United Kingdom," Documentary Editing
11 (1989): 29-31.
Roger Laufer (ed.), La texte et son inscription (1989).
Gunter Martens, "Was ist ein Text?: Ansätze zur Bestimmung eines Leitbegriffs der Textphilologie,"
Poetica 21.1-2 (1989): 1-25.
R.H. Miller, "The Place of the Received Text in Editorial Theory," Analtyical & Enumerative Bibliography
n.s. 3 (1989): 89-95. [Followed by Peter L. Shillingsburg, "Notes on R.H. Miller's 'The Place of the
Received Text in Editorial Theory,'" pp. 96-98; Joseph R. McElrath, Jr., "Post-Metaphysical Textual
Theory: Miller's Realism," pp. 99-103; and Miller's "Reply," pp. 104-7.]
G.F. Parker, Johnson's Shakespeare (1989).
Ted-Larry Pebworth and Ernest W. Sullivan II, "Rational Presentation of Multiple Textual Traditions,"
Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 83 (1989): 43-60.
Siegfried Scheibe, "Benötigen wir eine eigene Theorie der Edition von Dramen? Einige Bemerkungen zur
Einheit der Textologie," Editio 3 (1989): 28-40. [With abstract in French]
Patrick G. Scott and William B. Thesing, "Conversations with Victorian Writers: Some Editorial
Questions," Documentary Editing 11 (1989): 37-42.
Peter L. Shillingsburg, "An Inquiry into the Social Status of Texts and Modes of Textual Criticism,"
Studies in Bibliography 42 (1989): 55-79. Reprinted in revised form in his Resisting Texts: Authority
and Submission in Constructions of Meaning (1997), pp. 121-49.
Peter L. Shillingsburg, "The Meanings of a Scholarly Edition," Bibliographical Society of Australia and
New Zealand Bulletin 13 (1989): 41-50. Reprinted in revised and expanded form in his Resisting
Texts: Authority and Submission in Constructions of Meaning (1997), pp. 181-206.
G.T. Tanselle, A Rationale of Textual Criticism (1989). [Reviewed by D.C. Greetham in Review 12
(1990): 69-79; by James L.W. West III in Text 6 (1994): 359-65.]
James L.W. West III, "Editorial Theory and the Act of Submission," Papers of the Bibliographical Society
of America 83 (1989): 169-85.
Hans Zeller, "Fünfzig Jahre neugermanistischer Edition: Zur Geschichte und künftigen Aufgaben der
Textologie," Editio 3 (1989): 1-17. [With abstract in French]
Hugh Amory, "Fielding's Wife: The Formation of His Miscellanies and the Text of A Journey from This
World to the Next," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 84 (1990): 265-83.
Thomas L. Berger (chair), The New Historicism and the Editing of English Renaissance Texts
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122 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
(Renaissance English Text Society 1989 MLA Panel, 1990). [Papers by Margreta de Grazia, Arthur
F. Marotti, and A.R. Braunmuller.]
D.G. Bevan and P.M. Wetherill (eds.), Sur la génétique textuelle (1990).
Frank Paul Bowman, "Genetic Criticism," Poetics Today 11 (1990): 627-46.
Fredson Bowers, "The Problem of Semi-Substantive Variants: An Example from the Shakespeare-Fletcher
Henry VIII," Studies in Bibliography 43 (1990): 80-95.
Jo Ann Boydston, "The Committee on Scholarly Editions," Editors' Notes: Bulletin of the Council of
Editors of Learned Journals 9 (September 1990).
Marshall Brown, "What's in a Text?", Review 12 (1990): 89-106. [On Jerome J. McGann.]
S.P. Cerasano, "Editing the Theatre: Translating the Stage," Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography n.s.
4 (1990): 21-34.
Paul Eggert (ed.), Editing in Australia (1990). [Includes Hans Walter Gabler,"Textual Studies and
Criticism," pp. 1-17; Paul Eggert, "Textual Product or Textual Process: Procedures and Assumptions
of Critical Editing," pp. 19-40 (reprinted in Devils and Angels, ed. Philip Cohen [1991], pp. 57-77);
Peter Shillingsburg, "The Autonomous Author, the Sociology of Texts and Polemics of Textual
Criticism," pp. 41-64 (reprinted in Cohen, pp. 22-43); Harold Love, "The Editing of Restoration
Scriptorial Satire," pp. 65-84; Mary Jane Edwards, "Angles from the Margin: Editing Early English-
Canadian Literature," pp. 85-102; Harry Heseltine, "The Phantom of the Opus: A Parable,"
pp. 103-12; Elizabeth Morrison, "Editing a Newspaper Novel for the Colonial Texts Series: A
Woman's Friendship," pp. 113-23; Chris Tiffin, "Final Intention, Revision and the Genetic Text:
Editing Rosa Praed's My Australian Girlhood," pp. 125-36; Stephanie Trigg, "Speaking with the
Dead," pp. 137-49; Jeff Doyle, "McLeoding the Issue: The Printship and Heywood's Iron Ages,"
pp. 150-68; G.E. Bentley, Jr., "Final Intention or Protean Performance: Classical Editing Theory and
the Case of William Blake," pp. 169-78; and Laurie Hergenhan, "Some Comments on the Editing of
Australian Literary Texts," pp. 179-84; Wallace Kirsop, "The Australian Bookselling and Publishing
History Project and Editing in Australia," pp. 185-89. Reviewed by Hugh Amory in Bibliographical
Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 13 (1989): 154-60; by Tim William Machan, Text 6
(1994): 383-86.]
James M. Gibson, The Philadelphia Shakekspeare Story: Horace Howard Furness and the New Variorum
David C. Greetham, "Politics and Ideology in Current Anglo-American Textual Scholarship," Editio 4
(1990): 1-20. Reprinted, with commentary, in his Textual Transgressions (1998), pp. 308-42.
Jürgen Heideking, "A Troubled Past and a Few Great Men: Historical Editing in Germany," Documentary
Editing 12 (1990): 66-69.
W. Speed Hill, "The Editor on the Iceberg: or, Just How Far South Is the Gulf Stream?", Documentary
Editing 12 (1990): 18-21.
T.H. Howard-Hill, "Shakespeare's Earliest Editor, Ralph Crane," Shakespeare Survey 44 (1990): 113-29.
Herbert Kraft, Editionsphilologie (1990).
Christel Laufer, "Internationales Editionskolloquium Berlin 1989," Editio 4 (1990): 232-36.
Beth Luey with Kathleen Gorman, Editing Documents and Texts: An Annotated Bibliography (1990).
[Reviewed by Dorothy Twohig in Documentary Editing 13 (1991): 90-92.]
Jerome J. McGann, "The Socialization of Texts," Documentary Editing 12 (1990): 56-61. Reprinted in
expanded form in his The Textual Condition (1991), pp. 69-87.
Gunter Martens and Winfried Woesler (eds.), Edition als Wissenschaft: Festschrift für Hans Zeller (1991).
Marita Mathijsen, "Commentary in Editions of Historical Texts," Editio 4 (1990): 183-94.
Joel Myerson, "Bibliographical and Textual Scholarship since World War II," in Dictionary of Literary
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Biography Yearbook: 1989, ed. J.M. Brook (1990), pp. 133-37.
Dave Oliphant and Robin Bradford (eds.), New Directions in Textual Studies (1990). Also published in
Library Chronicle of the University of Texas 20.1/2. [Reviewed by D.C. Greetham in "Englarging
the Text," Review 14 (1992): 1-33; by W. Speed Hill, Text 6 (1994): 370-82.]
Hershel Parker, "A Position Paper on Authorial Intention and the Socialization of Texts," Documentary
Editing 12 (1990): 62-65.
Michel Pierssens, "French Genetic Studies at a Crossroads," Poetics Today 11 (1990): 617-25.
Charles Rossman (ed.), "A Special Issue on Editing Ulysses," Studies in the Novel 22 (1990): 113-269.
Siegfried Scheibe, "Probleme der Autorisation in der textologischen Arbeit," Editio 4 (1990): 57-72.
[With abstract in French]
Peter Seary, Lewis Theobald and the Editing of Shakespeare (1990).
Hans Gerhard Senger, "The Editor's Loneliness (Editing Philosophers)," Editio 4 (1990): 229-31.
G.T. Tanselle, "Textual Criticism and Deconstruction," Studies in Bibliography 43 (1990): 1-33.
Reprinted in his Literature and Artifacts (1998), pp. 203-35. [Cf. D.C. Greetham, "[Textual]
Criticism and Deconstruction," Studies in Bibliography 44 (1991): 1-30 (reprinted, with commentary,
in his Textual Transgressions [1998], pp. 357-401).]
G.T. Tanselle, Textual Criticism and Scholarly Editing (1990).
Marion Trousdale, "A Second Look at Critical Bibliography and the Acting of Plays," Shakespeare
Quarterly 41 (1990): 87-96. [Cf. 1987 above]
Paul Werstine, "Narratives about Printed Shakespeare Texts: 'Foul Papers' and 'Bad' Quartos," Shakespeare
Quarterly 41 (1990): 65-86.
William P. Williams (ed.), "Special Issue on the New Oxford Shakespeare," Analytical & Enumerative
Bibliography n.s. 4 (1990): 1-97. [Contains Stanley Wells and Gary Taylor, "The Oxford
Shakespeare Re-Viewed," pp. 6-20; and essays by S.P. Cerasano, Patty S. Derrick, Michael Dobson,
Trevor H. Howard-Hill, Grace Ioppolo, Thomas A. Pendleton, and Ann Thompson.]
Lauro Zavala A., "Entre autor y lector: la edición anotada," Gaceta del Fondo de Cultura Económica 238
(October 1990): 33-37.
Ronald J. Zboray, "Archival Standards in Documentary Editing," Studies in Bibliography 43 (1990):
Nicolette Zeeman, "Alterations of Language," Paragraph 13 (1990): 217-28.
Hans Zeller, "Was nützt die Modernisierung der historischen Orthographie in unsern Klassiker-
Ausgaben?", Editio 4 (1990): 44-56. [With abstract in English]
Stephen A. Barney (ed.), Annotation and Its Texts (1991). [Reviewed by Richard J. Finneran, Text 6
(1994): 387-90.]
George Bornstein (ed.), Representing Modernist Texts: Editing as Interpretation (1991). [Includes
Bornstein, "Why Editing Matters," pp. 1-16; and Michael Groden, "Contemporary Textual and
Literary Theory," pp. 259-86. Reviewed by Hugh Witemeyer, Text 6 (1994): 391-97.]
Fredson Bowers, "Authorial Intention and Editorial Problems," Text 5 (1991): 49-61.
Jo Ann Boydston, "The Collected Works of John Dewey and the CEAA/CSE: A Case History," Papers of
the Bibliographical Society of America 85 (1991): 119-44.
Jo Ann Boydston, "In Praise of Apparatus," Text 5 (1991): 1-13.
Jo Ann Boydston, "Report of the Committee on Scholarly Editions," in American Literature Section, MLA,
Annual Report 1990, ed. Paul Sorrentino (1991), pp. 13-16.
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Ronald Broude, "When Accidentals Are Substantive: Applying Methodologies of Textual Criticism to
Scholarly Editions of Music," Text 5 (1991): 105-20.
Jackson R. Bryer, "'Snooping' or 'Illuminating'?: Thoughts on the Editing of Scholarly Texts,"
Documentary Editing 13 (1991): 56-60.
Frank G. Burke, "A Message from the President," Documentary Editing 13 (1991): 72.
Chadwyck Healey Inc., The English Poetry Full-Text Database Newsletter, 1- (December 1991-).
Philip Cohen (ed.), Devils and Angels: Textual Editing and Literary Theory (1991). [Contains Jerome J.
McGann, "Literary Pragmatics and the Editorial Horizon," pp. 1-21 (reprinted in expanded form as
"Theory, Literary Pragmatics, and the Editorial Horizon" in his The Textual Condition [1991],
pp. 19-47); Peter Shillingsburg (see Eggert 1990); T.H. Howard-Hill, "Variety in Editing and
Reading: A Response to McGann and Shillingsburg," pp. 44-56; Paul Eggert (see Eggert 1990); D.C.
Greetham, "The Manifestation and Accommodation of Theory in Textual Editing," pp. 78-102
(reprinted, with commentary, in his Textual Transgressions [1998], pp. 402-36); Philip Cohen and
David H. Jackson, "Notes on Emerging Paradigms in Editorial Theory," pp. 103-23; Steven
Mailloux, "The Rhetorical Politics of Editing: A Response to Eggert, Greetham, and Cohen and
Jackson," pp. 124-33; James McLaverty, "Issues of Identity and Utterance: An Intentionalist
Response to 'Textual Instability,'" pp. 134-51; Hans Walter Gabler, "Unsought Encounters," pp. 152-
66; Joseph Grigely, "The Textual Event," pp. 167-94; and William E. Cain, "Making Texts New: A
Response to Gabler, McLaverty, and Grigely," pp. 195-203. Reviewed by Charles L. Ross in "The
Theory of Editing," Documentary Editing 14 (1992): 49-52; by Michael Groden, Text 6 (1994): 366-
Gregory Currie, "Work and Text," Mind 100 (1991): 325-41.
Alan Cruttenden, "Intonation and the Comma," Visible Language 25.1 (Winter 1991): 54-73.
Joseph A. Dane, "Copy-Text and Its Variants in Some Recent Chaucer Editions," Studies in Bibliography
44 (1991): 164-83.
Margreta De Grazia, Shakespeare Verbatim: The Reproduction of Authenticity and the 1790 Apparatus
Paul Delany and George P. Landow (eds.), Hypermedia and Literary Studies (1991).
Clayton J. Delery, "The Subject Presumed to Know: Implied Authority and Editorial Apparatus," Text 5
(1991): 63-80.
Mary Jane Edwards, "Views from 'The Attic': The Publication of Canadian Works in Canada and Abroad,"
Text 5 (1991): 295-306.
Paul Eggert, "Dealings with the Firm of Greg and Bowers: A Tribute to the Work of Fredson Bowers,"
Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 15 (1991): 73-87.
Daniel Ferrer and Jean-Louis Lebrave (eds.), L'écriture et ses doubles: genèse et variation textuelle (1991).
David Foxon, Pope and the Early Eighteenth-Century Book Trade, ed. James L. McLaverty (1991).
Colin Franklin, Shakespeare Domesticated: The Eighteenth-Century Editions (1991). [See also his
"Shakespeare's 18th Century Editors," Antiquarian Book Monthly Review 18 (1991): 410-11.]
Ronald D. Graybill, "The Meaning of Misspelled Words: Scholars, Churchmen, and the Writings of Ellen
G. White," Documentary Editing 13 (1991): 85-89.
Renée Riese Herbert (ed.), "The Artist's Book: The Text and Its Rivals," Visible Language 25.2/3 (Spring
1991): 117-333.
Peter Holloran, "Rediscovering Lost Values: Transcribing an African-American Sermon," Documentary
Editing 13 (1991): 49-53.
T.H. Howard-Hill, "Theory and Praxis in the Social Approach to Editing," Text 5 (1991): 31-46.
[Followed by Jerome J. McGann, "A Response to T.H. Howard-Hill," pp. 47-48.]
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Grace Ioppolo, Revising Shakespeare (1991).
Kathleen Irace, "Reconstruction and Adaptation in Q Henry V," Studies in Bibliography 44 (1991): 228-53.
Alastair Johnson, "The Author as Typographer," Ampersand, Summer 1991, pp. 2-5 (followed by
"Ampersand Forum: The Wake/Shandy Panel," pp. 6-7, 10-11).
John Jowett, "Jonson's Authorization of Type in Sejanus and Other Early Quartos," Studies in
Bibliography 44 (1991): 254-65.
Klaus Kanzog, Einführung in die Editionsphilologie der neueren deutschen Literatur (1991).
Klaus Kanzog, "Sprechakt und Zeichensetzung: Zur Transkription des gesprochenen Worts in audio-
visuellen Medien," Editio 5 (1991): 82-95. [With abstract in English]
Judith Kennedy, "A Brief Overview of the State of Textual Criticism at the Present Time," in Victorian
Authors and Their Works: Revision Motivations and Modes, ed. Judith Kennedy (1991), pp. viii-x.
Katie King, "Bibliography and a Feminist Apparatus of Literary Production," Text 5 (1991): 91-103.
Juris G. Lidaka, "Difficilior Lectio Probior; or, If the Context Is a Rock, How Big Is the Between?",
Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography n.s. 5 (1991): 71-88.
Beth Luey, "Publishing the Edition," Documentary Editing 13 (1991): 40-44.
[Randall McLeod ("Random Cloud")], "Information on Information," Text 5 (1991): 241-81.
Jerome J. McGann, The Textual Condition (1991). [See Rodger L. Tarr, "Radial Theory or Linear
Tyranny; or, Gypsy Editors and Paperback Critics," Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography n.s. 7
(1993): 3-12; response by McGann, pp. 13-14.]
Jerome J. McGann, "What Is Critical Editing?", Text 5 (1991): 15-29. Reprinted in expanded form in his
The Textual Condition (1991), pp. 48-68.
Gunter Martens and Winfried Woesler (eds.), Edition als Wissenschaft: Festschrift für Hans Zeller (1991).
Gunter Martens, "'Historisch,' 'kritisch' und die Rolle des Herausgebers bei der Textkonstitution," Editio
5 (1991): 12-27. [With abstract in English]
Joel Myerson, "The Politics of Editing," Documentary Editing 13 (1991): 1-3.
Hershel Parker, "The Reviewing of Scholarly Editions," Editors' Notes: Bulletin of the Council of Editors
of Learned Journals 10.2 (Fall 1991): 16-24.
Karl Konrad Polheim, "Der Textfehler: Begriff und Problem," Editio 5 (1991): 38-54. [With abstract in
Josephine A. Roberts (chair), Voices of Silence: Editing the Letters of Renaissance Women (Renaissance
English Text Society 1990 MLA Panel, 1991). [Papers by Sara Jayne Steen, Jean Klene, James
Fitzmaurice, and John W. Velz.]
Daniel Rubey, "Howells's Venetian Life as a Vertical Text: Authors/Writers, Text(s), and Copy-Text
Theory," Text 5 (1991): 315-38.
Piotr Rypson, "Seventeenth-Century Visual Poetry from Danzig," Gutenberg Jahrbuch, 1991, pp. 269-304.
[See footnote 3 for a list of works on visual poetry.]
Herman J. Saatkamp, Jr., "Private Rights vs. Public Needs," Documentary Editing 13 (1991): 77-84.
Siegfried Scheibe, "Zu einigen theoretischen Aspekten der Textkonstitution," Editio 5 (1991): 28-37.
[With abstract in French]
Siegfried Scheibe and Christel Laufer (eds.), Zu Werk und Text: Beiträge zur Textologie (1991).
Peter L. Shillingsburg, "Text as Matter, Concept, and Action," Studies in Bibliography 44 (1991): 31-82.
Reprinted in revised form in his Resisting Texts: Authority and Submission in Constructions of
Meaning (1997), pp. 49-103.
Peter L. Shillingsburg, "Textual Variants, Performance Variants, and the Concept of Work,"
Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 15 (1991): 60-72. Reprinted in Editio
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126 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
7 (1993): 221-34; and reprinted in revised form in his Resisting Texts: Authority and Submission in
Constructions of Meaning (1997), pp. 165-80.
Ian Small and Marcus Walsh (eds.), The Theory and Practice of Text-Editing: Essays in Honour of James
T. Boulton (1991). [Includes Russell Jackson, "Victorian Editors of As You Like It and the Purposes
of Editing," pp. 142-56; Walsh, "Bentley Our Contemporary; or, Editors, Ancient and Modern,"
pp. 157-85; and Small, "The Editor as Annotator as Ideal Reader," pp. 186-209. Reviewed by D.C.
Greetham in Text 7 (1994): 461-77.]
Martin Stern (ed.), Textkonstitution bei mündlicher und schriftlicher Überlieferung: Basler Editoren-
Kolloquium (1991).
Jack Stillinger, Multiple Authorship and the Myth of Solitary Genius (1991). [Reviewed by Paul Eggert
in Text 8 (1995): 305-23; and see G.T. Tanselle, Studies in Bibliography 49 (1996): 4-10. See also
Russell Greer, "The Architectonics of Multiplicity: A Bakhtinian Critique of Three Books by Jack
Stillinger," Text 14 (2002): 293-304.]
Jack Stillinger, "Multiple Authorship and the Question of Authority," Text 5 (1991): 283-93.
G.T. Tanselle, "Textual Criticism and Literary Sociology," Studies in Bibliography 44 (1991): 83-143.
"The Uses of Facsimiles: A Symposium," in Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook 1990, ed. James
W. Hipp (1991), pp. 125-41.
Asha Varadharajan, "The Problem of Textual (Ir)Relevance in Byron's Don Juan: A Critique of Editorial
Procedure," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada 29 (1991): 23-36.
Mark A. Weinstein, "Textual Criticism and Why You Need It," Halcyon 13 (1991): 87-95.
Patricia S. White, "Black and White and Read All Over: A Meditation on Footnotes," Text 5 (1991):
Winfried Woesler, "Entstehung und Emendation von Textfehlern," Editio 5 (1991): 55-75. [With abstract
in English.]
Academy Editions Newsletter (Academy Editions of Australian Literature), ed. Paul Eggert, 1- (1992- ).
Association for Textual Scholarship in Art History Newsletter (1992- ). [Includes a current checklist.]
[Nicolas Barker], "The Author as Editor," Book Collector 41 (1992): 9-27 passim.
David Bradley, From Text to Performance in the Elizabethan Theatre: Preparing the Play for the Stage
Frank G. Burke, "St. Colomba, Cassiodorus, and Julian Boyd: Some Lessons to Learn about Metaphor,"
Documentary Editing 14 (1992): 1-5.
Champlain Society (Toronto), Occasional Papers, 1992. [Includes Jennifer S.H. Brown, "Documentary
Editing: Whose Voices?", pp. 1-13; Laura Millar Coles, "Looking Backward, Reaching Forward: The
Champlain Society and Documentary Publishing," pp. 15-35.]
Committee on Scholarly Editions (MLA) [Jo Ann Boydston et al.], Aims and Services of the Committee
on Scholarly Editions [1992].
Tom Conley, The Graphic Unconscious in Early Modern French Writing (1992).
Peter Davison (ed.), The Book Encompassed: Studies in Twentieth-Century Bibliography (1992). [See esp.
Davison's introduction, pp. 1-11; G.T. Tanselle, "Issues in Bibliographical Studies since 1942,"
pp. 24-36; Fredson Bowers, "Notes on Theory and Practice in Editing Texts," pp. 244-57; John L.
Flood and Conor Fahy, "Analytical and Textual Bibliography in Germany and Italy," pp. 258-69.]
Allan C. Dooley, "Textual Change and Textual Criticism," in Author and Printer in Victorian England
(1992), pp. 159-76.
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Judith Fisher, "Scholarly Editing, Textual Criticism, and Aesthetic Value: The Garland Thackeray Edition
Project, a Case Study," Studies in the Novel 24 (1992): 309-20.
Gerald George, "Beyond the Plan: The Outlook for the NHPRC," Documentary Editing 14 (1992): 73-74.
Ann D. Gordon, "A Future for Documentary Editions: The Historical Documents Study," Documentary
Editing 14 (1992): 6-10.
Roland Greene (ed.), "Material Poetry of the Renaissance / The Renaissance of Material Poetry," Harvard
Library Bulletin 3.2 (Summer 1992): 1-104.
D.C. Greetham, "Textual Scholarship," in Introduction to Scholarship in Modern Languages and
Literatures, ed. Joseph Gibaldi (2nd ed., 1992), pp. 103-37.
D.C. Greetham, Textual Scholarship: An Introduction (1992, 1994). [See John Winter, Elizabeth
Morrison, and B.J. McMullin, "Symposium on D.C. Greetham's Textual Scholarship: An
Introduction," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 19 (1995): 47-60; and
Greetham's reply, "'Naming of Parts,' or, "Bibliographical--Textual--Tragical--Comical--
Historical--Pastoral,'" 167-93.]
Bob Hodge and Alec McHoul, "The Politics of Text and Commentary," Textual Practice 6 (1992):
T.H. Howard-Hill, Bibliography of British Literary Bibliographies, 1970-1979: A Bibliography (1992).
Alastair Johnston, "Return of the Son of the Author as Typographer: Literary Parlor Games (Or,
Typography and the Science of Nonsense)," Ampersand 11.4 (Winter 1992): 2-6.
Bernice W. Kliman, "Samuel Johnson, 1745 Annotator? Eighteenth-Century Editors, Anonymity, and the
Shakespeare Wars," Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography n.s. 6 (1992): 185-207.
George P. Landow, Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology
R.C. Lathem, "Pepys and His Editors," in Bibliographia: Lectures 1975-1988 by Recipients of the Marc
Fitch Prize for Bibliography, ed. John Horden (1992), pp. 105-19.
Michael Leff, "Things Made by Words: Reflections on Textual Criticism," Quarterly Journal of Speech
78 (1992): 223-31. [Followed by Barbara Warnick, "Leff in Context: What Is the Critic's Role?",
E.A. Levenston, The Stuff of Literature: Physical Aspects of Texts and Their Relation to Literary Meaning
Arthur F. Marotti (chair), Editing Manuscript Poetical Miscellanies (Renaissance English Text Society
1991 MLA Forum, 1992). [Papers by Stephen W. May, Edward Doughtie, and Ernest W.
Sullivan II.]
Marita Mathijsen, "Neue Drucktechniken und alte Fehlerquellen: Die Entwicklung in der Buchdruckkunst
und die Folgen für die Edition," Editio 6 (1992): 131-44. [With abstract in English]
Michael Millgate, Testamentary Acts (1992). [Reviewed by Simon Gatrell in Text 9 (1996): 452-59.]
J.K. Moore, Primary Materials Relating to Copy and Print in English Books of the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries (1992).
Paul Morgan, "Text and Authenticity: Examining the Terminology," Bibliographical Society of Australia
and New Zealand Bulletin 16 (1992): 141-48.
Lothar Mundt, Hans-Gert Roloff, and Ulrich Seelbach (eds.), Probleme der Edition von Texten der Frühen
Neuzeit: Beiträge zur Arbeitstagung der Kommission für die Edition von Texten der Frühen Neuzeit
David J. Nordloh, "Setting Pages and Fixing Words: BAL and Critical Editing of American Literature,"
Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 86 (1992): 157-68.
Ralph H. Orth, "The Editors of Historical Papers Should Avoid Bloated Volumes That Take Ages to
This page is from a document available in full at
128 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Produce," Chronicle of Higher Education, 27 May 1992, p. A40. [See also Orth's letter on 11 March
1992, pp. B5-6, and replies by Robert H. Hirst and Edmund S. Morgan on 15 July 1992, pp. B5-6.]
M.B. Parkes, Pause and Effect: An Introduction to the History of Punctuation in the West (1992).
Siegfried Seifert, "Bibliographische Berichterstattung im Jahrbuch 'editio,'" Editio 6 (1992): 172-88.
Nicholas Spadaccini and Jenaro Talens (eds.), The Politics of Editing (1992). [Includes Spadaccini and
Talens, "Textual Editing, the Writing of Literature, and Literary History," pp. ix-xxii; Evangelina
Rodriguez, "Editing Theater: A Strategy for Reading, an Essay about Dramaturgy," pp. 95-109; Pere
Ferré, "Editing Problems of the Romancero: The Romantic Tradition," pp. 110-24; and Tom Conley,
"The Editor's Eros, pp. 156-69.]
Akihiro Yamada, "Text, Performance, and Bibliography: Shakespeare's Individual Talent versus Cultural
Traditions," Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography n.s. 6 (1992): 20-29.
Nicolas Barker, "Intentionality and Reception Theory," in A Potencie of Life: Books in Society, ed. Barker
(1993), pp. 195-201.
James Beck with Michael Daley, Art Restoration: The Culture, the Business and the Scandal (1993).
Lothar Bluhm and Andreas Meier (ed.), Der Brief in Klassik und Romantik: Aktuelle Probleme der
Briefedition (1993).
George Bornstein and Ralph G. Williams (eds.), Palimpsest: Editorial Theory in the Humanities (1993).
[Includes D.C. Greetham, "Editorial and Critical Theory: From Modernism to Postmodernism,"
pp. 9-28 (reprinted, with commentary, in his Textual Transgressions [1998], pp. 527-53); Peter L.
Shillingsburg, "Polymorphic, Polysemic, Protean, Reliable, Electronic Texts," pp. 29-43; Ralph G.
Williams, "I Shall Be Spoken: Textual Boundaries, Authors, and Intent," pp. 45-66; and Gary Taylor,
"The Renaissance and the End of Editing," pp. 121-49. Reviewed by Ian Small in English Literature
in Transition 38 (1995): 195-203 ("'Why Edit Anything at All?' Textual Editing and Postmodernism:
A Review Essay"); and by Stephanie Trigg in Text 9 (1996): 462-66.]
David R. Chesnutt, "Quid Pro Quo" Today's Challenges in the Editorial Community," Documentary
Editing 15.1 (March 1993): 1-3.
Margreta de Grazia and Peter Stallybrass, "The Materiality of the Shakespearean Text," Shakespeare
Quarterly 44 (1993): 255-83.
Rolf E. DuRietz, "'Work,' 'Text,' and 'Document' as Bibliographical Concepts: A Short Note," in Mercurius
in Trivio: Studi di Bibliografia e di Biblioteconomia per Alfredo Serrai, ed. Maria Cochetti (1993),
pp. 65-70.
Louis Hay (ed.), Les manuscrits des écrivans (1993).
Kevin J. Hayes, "Recent Editions [1992-93]," Documentary Editing 15 (1993): 99-102.
W. Speed Hill (ed.), New Ways of Looking at Old Texts: Papers of the Renaissance English Text Society,
1985-1991 (1993). [Reviewed by Tim William Machan in Text 9 (1996): 459-62.]
Michael Hiltscher, Shakespeares Text in Deutschland: Textkritik und Kanonfrage von den Anfangen bis
zur Mitte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts (1993).
Elisabeth Höpker-Herberg and Hans Zeller, "Der Kommentar, ein integraler Bestandteil der historisch-
kritischen Ausgabe?", Editio 7 (1993): 51-61.
John Lennox and Janet M. Paterson (eds.), Challenges, Projects, Texts: Canadian Editing (1993).
[Includes Zailig Pollock, "The Editor as Storyteller," pp. 54-69; Jean-Louis Major, "Inventaire et
invention d'une littérature: le Corpus d'éditions critiques," pp. 70-88; and Paul Wyczynski,
"Réflexion sur l'édition critique," pp. 105-17.]
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Harold Love, "Editing Scribally-Published Texts," in Scribal Publication in Seventeenth-Century England
Jerome J. McGann, Black Riders: The Visible Language of Modernism (1993).
Gunter Martens, "Kommentar--Hilfestellung oder Bevormundung des Lesers?', Editio 7 (1993): 36-50.
Gunter Martens (ed.), Kommentierungsverfahren und Kommentarformen: Hamburger Kolloquium der
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für germanistische Edition (1993).
Armando Petrucci and Michel Gauthier-Darley, "La Bibliographie et la sociologie des textes [by D.F.
McKenzie]: Un pamphlet décisif: Deux points de vue," Bulletin du bibliophile, 1993, 1: 141-55.
Donald H. Reiman, The Study of Modern Manuscripts: Public, Confidential, and Private (1993).
[Reviewed by C. Deirdre Phelps in New England Book and Text Studies 1.3 (Fall 1994): 122-30; by
D.C. Greetham in Review 17 (1995): 225-52.]
Hans-Gert Roloff, "Zur Geschichte des editorischen Kommentars," Editio 7 (1993): 1-17.
Hans Gerhard Senger, "Der Kommentar als hermeneutisches Problem," Editio 7 (1993): 62-75.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Life and Work of Fredson Bowers," Studies in Bibliography 46 (1993): 1-154.
[Followed by Martin C. Battestin, "Fredson Thayer Bowers: A Checklist and Chronology," pp.
155-86.] Also printed as a separate volume; see esp. pp. 48-66, 87-110, 139-44.
G.T. Tanselle, "Textual Criticism," in The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, ed. Alex
Preminger and T.V.F. Brogan (1993), pp. 1273-76.
Joseph Viscomi, "Editing Illuminated Books," in Blake and the Idea of the Book (1993), pp. 151-83.
[Reviewed by G.E. Bentley, Jr., in Analytical & Enumerataive Bibliography n.s. 9 (1995): 68-79; by
G.T. Tanselle in Nineteenth-Century Literature 49 (1994-95): 534-37.]
Edmund Wilson, [Remarks on scholarly editions], in his The Sixties, ed. Lewis Dabney (1993), pp. 219,
688, 708.
John V. Antush, "Editing the Bilingual Text at Cross-Cultural Purposes," Text 6 (1994): 345-57.
Betty T. Bennett, "The Editor of Letters as Critic: A Denial of 'Blameless Neutrality,'" Text 6 (1994):
"Bibliografia sobre critica genética," Filologia 27 (1994): 233-42.
Karen T. Bjelland, "The Cultural Value of Analytical Bibliography and Textual Criticism: The Case of
Troilus and Cressida," Text 7 (1994): 273-95.
Karen T. Bjelland, "Variants as Epistemological Shifts: A Proposed Methodology for Recovering the Two
Texts of Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 88
(1994): 53-78.
Fredson Bowers, "Why Apparatus?", Text 6 (1994): 11-19.
Jo Ann Boydston, "Standards for Scholarly Editing: The CEAA and the CSE," Text 6 (1994): 21-33.
Ronald Broude, "Establishing Texts in Quasi-Improvisatory Traditions," Text 7 (1994): 127-44.
Philip Cohen (ed.), "Special Issue: Textual Scholarship and American Literature," Resources for American
Literary Study 20 (1994): 133-263. [Includes Cohen, "Textual Instability, Literary Studies, and
Recent Developments in Textual Scholarship," pp. 133-48. A revised version of this essay, along
with the other five essays in this collection, are included in Texts and Textuality, ed. Cohen (see
under 1997 below).]
Laura Millar Coles, "'Two Souls with but a Single Thought'?--The Evolving Relationship between
Archivists and Editors," Documentary Editing 16 (1994): 43-46, 50.
Janette Dillon, "Is There a Performance in the Text?" Shakespeare Quarterly 45 (1994): 74-86.
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130 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Alan C. Dooley, "Varieties of Textual Change in the Victorian Era," Text 6 (1994): 225-47.
Paul Eggert, "Document and Text: The 'Life' of the Literary Work and the Capacities of Editing," Text 7
(1994): 1-24.
Paul Eggert, "Editing Paintings / Conserving Literature: The Nature of the 'Work,'" Studies in Bibliography
47 (1994): 65-78.
Philip B. Eppard, "The Archivist's Perspective: Implications for Documentary Editing," Documentary
Editing 16 (1994): 47-50.
Margaret J.M. Ezell and Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe (eds.), Cultural Artifacts and the Production of
Meaning: The Page, the Image, and the Body (1994). [See esp. Morris Eaves, "'Why Don't They
Leave It Alone?': Speculations on the Authority of the Audience in Editorial Theory," pp. 85-99; and
Jerome J. McGann, "Composition as Explanation (of Modern and Postmodern Poetries),"
pp. 101-38.]
Neil Fraistat, "Illegitimate Shelley: Radical Piracy and the Textual Edition as Cultural Performance,"
PMLA 109 (1994): 409-23.
Almuth Grésillon, Éléments de critique génétique: Lire les manuscrits modernes (1994). [Translated into
German as Literansche Handschriften Einführung in die "critique génétique" (1999).]
Joseph Grigely, "Textual Criticism and the Arts: The Problem of Textual Space," Text 7 (1994): 25-60.
Brock Haussamen, "The Future of the English Sentence," Visible Language 28.1 (Winter 1994): 4-25.
Robert H. Hirst, "Editing Mark Twain, Hand to Hand, 'Like All D--d Fool Printers,'" Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 88 (1994): 157-88.
Richard Knowles, "Variorum Commentary," Text 6 (1994): 35-47.
Joseph F. Lowenstein, "Legal Proofs and Corrected Readings: Press-Agency and the New Bibliography,"
in The Production of English Renaissance Culture, ed. David Lee Miller, Sharon O'Dair, and Harold
Weber (1994), pp. 93-122.
Randall McLeod (ed.), Crisis in Editing: Texts of the English Renaissance (1994). [Includes Nicolas
Barker, "Manuscript into Print," pp. 1-18; Gary Taylor, "The Rhetorics of Reaction," pp. 19-59;
Antony Hammond, "The Noisy Comma: Searching for the Signal in Renaissance Dramatic Texts,"
pp. 203 49; and Stephen Orgel, "Acting Scripts, Performing Texts," pp. 251-94.]
Dennis D. Madden, "Historical Editing and the Practical Application of Archival Skills: Surveying
Common Ground," Documentary Editing 16 (1994): 10-12.
Ann R. Meyer, "Shakespeare's Art and the Texts of King Lear," Studies in Bibliography 47 (1994):
Elizabeth Morrison, "The Bibliographic Underpinning of the Academy Editions Project," Bibliographical
Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 18 (1994): 13-27.
Ted-Larry Pebworth, "Manuscript Transmission and the Selection of Copy-Text in Renaissance Coterie
Poetry," Text 7 (1994): 243-61.
C. Deirdre Phelps, "The Edition as Art Form: Social and Authorial Readings of William Cullen Bryant's
Poems," Text 6 (1994): 249-85; "The Edition as Art Form in Textual and Interpretive Criticism," Text
7 (1994): 61-75.
"The Politics of Editing," Text 6 (1994): 91-132. [Essays by W. Speed Hill, Mary-Jo Kline, Joel Myerson,
David J. Nordloh, and Donald H. Reiman.]
Donald H. Reiman, "Public and Private in the Study of Manuscripts," Text 6 (1994): 49-62.
Brian Richardson, Print Culture in Renaissance Italy: The Editor and the Vernacular Text, 1470-1600
Ronald Schuchard, "Yeats's Letters, Eliot's Lectures: Toward a New Focus on Annotation," Text 6 (1994):
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Constance B. Schulz, "Do Archivists Need to Know How to Be Editors? A Proposal for the Role of
Documentary Editing in Graduate Archival Education," Documentary Editing 16 (1994): 5-9.
Hans Gerhard Senger (ed.), Philosophische Editionen (1994).
Peter L. Shillingsburg, "Textual Angst," Literature in North Queensland 21 (1994): 71-93. Reprinted in
revised form in his Resisting Texts: Authority and Submission in Constructions of Meaning (1997),
pp. 25-47.
Jack Stillinger, Coleridge and Textual Instability (1994).
G.T. Tanselle, "Editing without a Copy-Text," Studies in Bibliography 47 (1994): 1-22. Reprinted in his
Literature and Artifacts (1998), pp. 236-57.
Gary Taylor, "Farrago," Textual Practice 8.1 (Spring 1994): 33-42.
James Thorpe, "Presidential Address, The Society for Textual Scholarship, April 12, 1991: Reflections
on Our Craft," Text 6 (1994): 1-9.
John W. Velz, "From Authorization to Authorship, Orality to Literature: The Case of Medieval and
Renaissance Drama," Text 6 (1994): 197-211.
James L.W. West III, "Fair Copy, Authorial Intention, and 'Versioning,'" Text 6 (1994): 81-89.
John Winter, "'Somebody's Theory but Nobody's Practice': Bibliography for Students of Literature in the
1990s," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 18 (1994): 3-12.
James Woolley, "Annotation: Some Guiding Considerations," East-Central Intelligencer [East-
Central/American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies] n.s. 8.1 (January 1994): 11-16.
Jo Ann Boydston et al., "'A Force in his Field': Fredson Bowers's Wider Influence," Text 8 (1995): 25-100.
[Following Boydston's introduction, essays by David L. Vander Meulen, Conor Fahy, Wallace
Kirsop, David R. Whitesell, and Hiroshi Yamashita.]
Ellen J. Burns, "Opera as Heard: A Libretto Edition for Phenomenological Study," Text 8 (1995): 185-216.
Vincent Desroches and Geoffrey Turnovsky (eds.), Authorship, Authority / Auteur, Autorité (1995).
Paul Eggert and Kym McCauley, "Critical and Scholarly Editing in Australia and New Zealand in the Last
Twenty-Five Years: An Essay on the Nomenclature of Editions and a Representative Listing,"
Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 19 (1995): 241-55.
Gerhard Ernst, "Zur Herausgabe autobiographischer Non-Standardtexte des 17. (und 18.) Jahrhunderts:
Für wen? Wozu? Wie?," Studien zu romanischen Fachtexten aus Mittelalter und früher Neuzeit, ed.
Guido Mensching and Karl-Heinz Röntgen (1995), pp. 45-62.
Hans Walter Gabler, George Bornstein, and Gillian Borland Pierce (eds.), Contemporary German
Editorial Theory (1995). [Contains Gabler, "Textual Criticism and Theory in Modern German
Editing," pp. 1-16; Hans Zeller, "Record and Interpretation: Analysis and Documentation as Goal and
Method of Editing," pp. 17-58; Miroslav ervenka, "Textual Criticism and Semiotics," pp. 59-77;
Elisabeth Höpker-Herberg, "Reflections on the Synoptic Mode of Presenting Variants, with an
Example from Klopstock's Messias," pp. 79-93; Hans Zeller, "Structure and Genesis in Editing: On
German and Anglo-American Textual Criticism," pp. 95-123; Gunter Martens, "(De)Constructing
Texts by Editing: Reflections on the Receptional Significance of Textual Apparatuses," pp. 125-51;
Henning Boetius, "Preliminary Reflections on a Generative Theory of Editing," pp. 153-69; Siegfried
Scheibe, "Theoretical Problems of the Authorization and Constitution of Texts," pp. 171-91; Scheibe,
"On the Editorial Problem of the Text," pp. 193-208; Gunter Martens, "What Is a Text? Attempts at
Defining a Central Concept in Editorial Theory," pp. 209-31; and Gerhard Seidel, "Changing
Intention in the Process of Writing: A Poem by Bertolt Brecht on Karl Kraus in a Historical-Critical
This page is from a document available in full at
132 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Edition," pp. 233-72. Reviewed by Paul Eggert in Text 11 (1998): 317-30; by Peter L. Shillingsburg
in Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography n.s. 10 (1999): 81-88.]
Philip Gossett, "Knowing the Score: Italian Opera as Work and Play," Text 8 (1995): 1-24.
D.C. Greetham (ed.), Scholarly Editing: A Guide to Research (1995). [Includes G.T. Tanselle, "The
Varieties of Scholarly Editing," pp. 9-32; W. Speed Hill, "English Renaissance: Nondramatic
Literature," pp. 204-30; T.H. Howard-Hill, "English Renaissance: Non-Shakespearean Drama,"
pp. 231-52; Paul Werstine, "Shakespeare," pp. 253-82; John H. Middendorf, "Eighteenth-Century
English Literature," pp. 283-307; Donald H. Reiman, "Nineteenth-Century Poetry and Prose,"
pp. 308-30; Peter L. Shillingsburg, "Nineteenth-Century British Fiction," pp. 331-50; Joel Myerson,
"Colonial and Nineteenth-Century American Literature," pp. 351-64; James L.W. West III,
"Twentieth-Century American and British Literature," pp. 365-81; Paolo Cherchi, "Italian Literature,"
pp. 438-56; Bodo Plachta, "German Literature," pp. 504-29; Edward Kasinec and Robert Whittaker,
"Russian Literature," pp. 530-45; and John Miles Foley, "Folk Literature," pp. 600-26.]
Joseph Grigely, Textualterity: Art, Theory, and Textual Criticism (1995). [Reviewed by Jack Stillinger
in Text 11 (1998): 383-86.]
Graham Holderness and Andrew Murphy (eds.), "Textual Shakespeare," Critical Survey 7.3 (1995):
239-379. [Includes Gary Taylor, "What Is an Author [Not]?", pp. 241-54; Steven Urkowitz,
"'Brother, Can You Spare a Paradigm?': Textual Generosity and the Printing of Shakespeare's
Multiple-Text Plays by Contemporary Editors," pp. 292-98; Laurie E. Osborn, "Shattuck and
Kemble: Intermingling Editing in Facsimile," pp. 307-18; Holderness and Carol Banks, "Mimesis:
Text and Reproduction," pp. 332-38; Stephen J. Carter, "The Narratable I in Mieke Bal and Jean
Aaudrillard," pp. 339-44; and Charles Ross, "The Limits of Idealism in Textual Theory: 'Work' and
'Text' in G. Thomas Tanselle's A Rationale of Textual Criticism," pp. 358-62.]
Graham Holderness, Bryan Loughrey, and Andrew Murphy, "What's the Matter?: Shakespeare and Textual
Theory," Textual Practice 9 (1995): 93-119.
Michael Hunter, "How to Edit a Seventeenth-Century Manuscript: Principles and Practice," The
Seventeenth Century 10 (1995): 277-310.
John Jones, Shakespeare at Work (1995).
Carol Bingham Kirby, "Editing Spanish Golden Age Dramatic Texts: Past, Present, and Future Models,"
Text 8 (1995): 171-84.
Kyungshik Lee, Analytical Bibliography: Theory and Practice (1995).
Jerome McGann, "The Rationale of HyperText," European English Messenger 4.2 (Autumn 1995): 34-40.
Reprinted in Text 9 (1996): 11-32; and in Electronic Text, ed. Kathryn Sutherland (1997), pp. 19-46.
Also available at <>.
Tim William Machan, "Speght's Works and the Invention of Chaucer," Text 8 (1995): 145-70.
Arthur F. Marotti, Manuscript, Print, and the English Renaissance Lyric (1995).
Jean I. Marsden, The Re-Imagined Text: Shakespeare, Adaptation, & Eighteenth-Century Literary Theory
Mary Sponberg Pedley, "Atlas Editing in Enlightenment France," Scholarly Publishing 27 (1995-96):
Alexander Pettit (ed.), "Editing Novels and Novelists, Now," Studies in the Novel 27.3 (Fall 1995).
[Includes J. Paul Hunter, "Editing for the Classroom: Texts in Contexts," pp. 284-94; James L.W.
West III, "The Scholarly Editor as Biographer," pp. 295-303 (reprinted in Textual Studies and the
Common Reader, ed. Pettit [2000], pp. 81-90); Hershel Parker, "The Auteur-Author Paradox: How
Critics of the Cinema and the Novel Talk about Flawed or Even 'Mutilated' Texts," pp. 413-26; and
D.C. Greetham, "If That Was Then, Is This Now?", pp. 427-50.]
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Michael Riffaterre and Antoine Compagnon (eds.), [Special issue on genetic criticism], Romanic Review
86.3 (May 1995): 391-598. [Includes Antoine Compagnon, "Introduction," pp. 393-401; G.T.
Tanselle, "Critical Editions, Hypertexts, and Genetic Criticism," pp. 581-93 (reprinted in his
Literature and Artifacts [1998], pp. 258-71); and essays in French by Graham Falconer, Almuth
Grésillon, Louis Hay, Jean-Louis Lebrave, and Jacques Neefs.]
Charles L. Ross and Dennis Jackson (eds.), Editing D.H. Lawrence: New Versions of a Modern Author
Germaine Warkentin (ed.), Critical Issues in Editing Exploration Texts (1995). [Includes David Henige,
"Tractable Texts: Modern Editing and the Columbian Writings," pp. 1-35; Luciano Formisano,
"Editing Italian Sources for the History of Exploration," pp. 36-52; and Helen Wallis, "The Great
Publication Societies," pp. 108-24.]
Marta L. Werner, Emily Dickinson's Open Folios: Scenes of Reading, Surfaces of Writing (1995).
Joan Winearls (ed.), Editing Early and Historical Atlases (1995).
James Barbour and Tom Quirk (eds.), Biographies of Books: The Compositional Histories of Notable
American Writings (1996).
Pierre-Marc de Biasi, "What Is a Literary Draft? Toward a Functional Typology of Genetic
Documentation," Yale French Studies 89 (1996): 26-58.
Peter W. M. Blayney, "Introduction to the Second Edition," in The Norton Facsimile of the First Folio of
Shakespeare, (2nd ed., 1996), pp. xxvii-xxxvii.
Adele Davidson, "'Some by Stenography'? Stationers, Shorthand, and the Early Shakespeare Quartos,"
Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 90 (1996): 417-49.
André De Tienne, "Selecting Alterations for the Apparatus of a Critical Edition," Text 9 (1996): 33-62.
Paul Eggert, "Editing a Nation's Literature: The Academy Editions of Australian Literature Project,"
Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 20 (1996): 146-53.
Richard J. Finneran (ed.), The Literary Text in the Digital Age (1996). [Contains Susan Hockey, "Creating
and Using Electronic Editions," pp. 1-21; and Peter Shillingsburg, "Prinicples for Electronic
Archives, Scholarly Editions, and Tutorials," pp. 23-35; C.M. Sperberg-McQueen, "Textual Criticism
and the Text Encoding Initiative," pp. 37-61; John Lavagnino, "Completeness and Adequacy in Text
Encoding," pp. 63-76; Hoyt N. Duggan, "Some Unrevolutionary Aspects of Computer Editing,"
pp. 77-98; Peter W.M. Robinson, "Is There a Text in These Variants?", pp. 99-115; Ian Lancashire,
"Editing English Renaissance Electronic Texts," pp. 117-43; Jerome McGann, "The Rossetti Archive
and Image-Based Electronic Editing," pp. 145-83; Simon Gatrell, "Electronic Hardy," pp. 185-92;
William H. O'Donnell and Emily A. Thrush, "Designing a Hypertext Edition of a Modern Poem,"
pp. 193-212 (which includes a checklist of "Additional Resources on Document and Hypermedia
Design, pp. 208-11); Phillip E. Doss, "Traditional Theory and Innovative Practice: The Electronic
Editor as Poststructuralist Reader," pp. 213-24; Charles L. Ross, "The Electronic Text and the Death
of the Critical Edition," pp. 225-31; John Unsworth, "Electronic Scholarship; or, Scholarly
Publishing and the Public," pp. 233-43; and A. Walton Litz, "Afterword," pp. 245-48.]
Suzanne Gossett, "Why Should a Woman Edit a Man?", Text 9 (1996): 111-18.
D.C. Greetham and W. Speed Hill (eds.), "Teaching Textual Criticism," Text 9 (1996): 135-74. [Essays
by Philip Cohen ("Introduction: Textual Scholarship in the Classroom," pp. 135-43), George
Bornstein ("Teaching Editorial Theory to Non-Editors: What? Why? How?", pp. 144-60), David
Holdeman ("Beyond Editing: Textual Studies, Literary Interpretation, and Pedagogy," pp. 160-67),
This page is from a document available in full at
134 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
and Hans Walter Gabler ("Training Textual Critics in Textual Criticism," pp. 168-74).]
D.C. Greetham, "Textual Forensics," PMLA 111 (1996): 32-51.
Almuth Grésillon, "La critique génétique: Entre philologie et théorie littéraire," Bulletin des Études
Valéryennes 23 (November 1996): 147-55.
James Grier, The Critical Editing of Music: History, Method, and Practice (1996). [Reviewed by Emma
Hornby in Text 13 (2000): 253-57.]
W. Speed Hill, "Scripture as Text, Text as Scripture: The Case of Richard Hooker," Text 9 (1996): 93-110.
Terence Allan Hoagwood, Politics, Philosophy, and the Production of Romantic Texts (1996).
E.A.J. Honigmann, The Texts of OTHELLO and Shakespearian Revision (1996).
Martha J. King et al., "Report on the ADE Survey [on the status of individuals in the documentary editing
community]," Documentatry Editing 18 (1996): 87-90.
Zachary Leader, Revision and Romantic Authorship (1996).
Seth Lerer (ed.), Reading from the Margins: Textual Studies, Chaucer, and Medieval Literature (1996).
Also published as a special issue of Huntington Library Quarterly 58.1 (1996). [Includes Seth Lerer
and Joseph A. Dane, "What Is a Text?", pp. 1-10; and D.C. Greetham, "Phylum-Tree-Rhizome,"
pp. 99-126.]
Laurie E. Maguire, Shakespearean Suspect Texts: The "Bad" Quartos and Their Contexts (1996).
Leah S. Marcus, Unediting the Renaissance: Shakespeare, Marlowe, Milton (1996). [Reviewed by
Randall Ingram in Text 11 (1998): 397-402.
Michele Moylan and Lane Stiles (eds.), Essays on the Material Text and Literature in America (1996).
Jacques Neefs, "A Select Bibliography of Genetic Criticism," Yale French Studies 89 (1996): 265-67.
C. Deirdre Phelps, "Where's the Book? The Text in the Development of Literary Sociology," Text 9
(1996): 63-92.
Tom Quirk (ed.), "Editing the Literary Imagination," Studies in the Literary Imagination 29.2 (Fall 1996):
1-107. [Includes D.C. Greetham, "The Telephone Directory and Dr. Seuss: Scholarly Editing after
Feist versus Rural Telephone," pp. 53-74 (partially reprinted in his Textual Transgressions [1998],
pp. 589-602); Peter Shillingsburg, "Editions Half Perceived, Half Created," pp. 75-88 (reprinted in
revised form in his Resisting Texts [1997], pp. 207-25); and John Bryant, "Politics, Imagination, and
the Fluid Text," pp. 89-107.]
Pieter van Reenan and Margot van Myulken (eds.), Studies in Stemmatology (1996).
Bertrand Rougé (ed.), Ratures & repentirs (1996).
Erika Rummel (ed.), Editing Texts from the Age of Erasmus (1996).
G.T. Tanselle, "Reflections on Scholarly Editing," Raritan 16.2 (Fall 1996): 52-64. [A slightly revised
version of the final section of the following item.]
G.T. Tanselle, "Textual Instability and Editorial Idealism," Studies in Bibliography 49 (1996): 1-60.
Gary Taylor, "Invisible Man," in Cultural Selection (1996), pp. 121-42.
Susan Zimmerman (ed.), "Forum: Editing Early Modern Texts," Shakespeare Studies 24 (1996): 19-78.
[Consists of Stephen Orgel, "What Is an Editor?", pp. 23-29; David Scott Kastan, "The Mechanics
of Culture: Editing Shakespeare Today," pp. 30-37; W. Speed Hill, "Where We Are and How We
Got Here: Editing after Poststructuralism," pp. 38-46; Paul Werstine, "Editing after the End of
Editing," pp. 47-54; John Pitcher, "Why Editors Should Write More Notes," pp. 55-62; Josephine
A. Roberts, "Editing the Women Writers of Early Modern England," pp. 63-70; and Zimmerman,
"Afterword," pp. 71-78.]
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Andreas Arndt, "'Philosophie der Philologie': Historisch-kritische Bemerkungen zur philosophischen
Bestimmung von Editionen," Editio 11 (1997): 1-19. [With abstract in English.]
Alanna Brown, "Editing Ulysses: The Struggle for a Definitive Text," Bibliographical Society of Australia
and New Zealand Bulletin 21 (1997): 207-25; 22 (1998): 3-26.
Claire Bustarret (ed.) and Jennifer A. Jones (trans.), "Genetic Criticism," Word & Image 13.2 (April-June
Philip Cohen (ed.), Texts and Textuality: Textual Instability, Theory, and Interpretation (1997). [Consists
of the contents of a 1994 special issue of Resources for American Literary Study (see under Cohen
above), along with seven additional essays. Includes Cohen, "Textual Instability, Literary Studies,
and Recent Developments in Textual Scholarship," pp. xi-xxxiv (revised from Resources for
American Literary Study); John Miles Foley, "Oral Tradition into Textuality," pp. 1-24; and Jay
David Bolter, "The Rhetoric of Interactive Fiction," pp. 269-90.]
Marcel De Smedt, "W. Bang Kaup, W. W. Greg, R. B. McKerrow and the Edition of English Dramatic
Works (1902-1914)," Studies in Bibliography 50 (1997): 213-23.
Graham Falconer, "Towards a New Manuscriptology: Génésis, Volumes 1-6," Text 10 (1997): 362-68.
Nicole Fugmann, "Comtemporary Editorial Theory and the Transvaluation of Postmodern Critique," Text
10 (1997): 15-29.
Martin-Dietrich Glessgen and Franz Lebsanft (eds.), Alte und neue Philologie (1997).
D.C. Greetham (ed.), The Margins of the Text (1997). [Includes D.C. Greetham, "The Resistance to
Philology," pp. 9-24; Gerald MacLean, "What's Class Got to Do with It?", pp. 25-43; William L.
Andrews, "Editing 'Minority' Texts," pp. 45-55; Ann Thompson, "Feminist Theory and the Editing
of Shakespeare: The Taming of the Shrew Revisited," pp. 83-103; Jonathan Goldberg, "Under the
Covers with Caliban," pp. 105-28; and Jonathan Bate and Sonia Massai, "Adaptation as Edition," pp.
C.W. Griffin, "Textual Studies and Teaching Shakespeare," in Teaching Shakespeare into the Twenty-First
Century, ed. Ronald E. Salomone (1997), pp. 104-11.
James P. Hammersmith, "The Whole Art of Plowing," Text 10 (1997): 31-40.
W. Speed Hill, "Editorial Theory and LIterary Criticism: Lamb and Wolf?", Review 19 (1997): 37-64.
[Review of seven volumes in the University of Michigan Press series "Editorial Theory and Literary
David Holderman, Much Laboring: The Texts and Authors of Yeats's First Modernist Books (1997).
Nathan Houser, "The Semiotics of Critical Editing: Is There a Future for Critical Editions?", in Semiotics
around the World, ed. Irmengard Rauch and Gerald F. Carr (1997), pp. 1073-76.
"Intellectual Properties: Copyright and the Status of Texts," Text 10 (1997): 120-50. [Essays by Geoffrey
D. Smith ("Through the Breach: Public Access to Private Papers," pp. 120-26), Colin Day ("Why
Copyright Serves a Useful and Continuing Purpose," pp. 127-34), David Greetham, "Rights to Copy,"
pp. 135-44), Baila H. Celedonia ("Recent Developments in Copyright Law and Their Implications
for Literary Scholarship," pp. 145-50).]
Maria Rika Maniates (ed.), Music Discourse from Classical to Early Modern Times: Editing and
Translating Texts (1997). [Includes Claude V. Palilsca, "Fidelities and Infidelities in Translating
Early Music Theory," pp. 1-16; and Walter Kurt Kreyszig, "Preparing Editions and Translations of
Humanist Treatises on Music . . .," pp. 71-95.]
Jeffrey Masten, Textual Intercourse: Collaboration, Authorship, and Sexualities in Renaissance Drama
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136 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Marita Mathijsen, Naar de letter: Handboek editiewetenschap (1997).
J.C.C. Mays, "Gabler's Ulysses as a Field of Force," Text 10 (1997): 1-13.
Andrew Murphy, "'To Ferret Out Any Hidden Corruption': Shakespearean Editorial Metaphors," Text 10
(1997): 202-19.
Carol Percy, "Earlier Editorial Practice vs. Later Linguistic Precept: Some Eighteenth-Century
Illustrations," English Language Notes 34.3 (1997): 23-39.
Bodo Plachta, Editionswissenschaft: Eine Einfuhrung in Methode und Praxis der Edition neuerer Texte
Lawrence S. Rainey (ed.), A Poem Containing History: Textual Studies in THE CANTOS (1997).
Douglas Robinson, What Is Translation? Centrifugal Theories, Critical Interventions (1997).
Peter L. Shillingsburg, Resisting Texts: Authority and Submission in Constructions of Meaning (1997).
[Reviewed by John Charles Caruso in Text 12 (1999): 220-29.]
Robert Spoo, "Ulysses and the Ten Years War: A Survey of Missed Oportunities," Text 10 (1997): 107-18.
Michael E. Stevens and Steven B. Burg, Editing Historical Documents: A Handbook of Practice (1997).
Kathryn Sutherland (ed.), Electronic Text: Investigations in Method and Theory (1997). [Contains
McGann, (see 1995 above); Claire Lamont, "Annotating a Text: Literary Theory and Electronic
Hypertext," pp. 47-66; Patrick W. Conner, "Lighting out for the Territory: Hypertext, Ideology, and
Huckleberry Finn," pp. 67-105; Allen Renear, "Out of Praxis: Three (Meta)Theories of Textuality,"
pp. 107-26; Julia Flanders, "The Body Encoded: Questions of Gender and the Electronic Text," pp.
127-43; Peter M.W. Robinson, "New Directions in Critical Editing," pp. 145-71; Peter S. Donaldson,
"Digital Archive as Expanded Text: Shakespeare ane Electronic Textuality," pp. 173-97; David
Greetham, "Coda: Is It Morphin Time?", pp. 199-226.]
Helmut Tervooren and Horst Wenzel (eds.), "Philologie als Textwissenschft: alte und neue Horizonte,"
Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 116 (1997): supp. 1-252.
Ann Thompson and Neil Taylor, "'O That This Too Too XXXXX Text Would Melt': Hamlet and the
Indecisions of Modern Editors and Publishers," Text 10 (1997): 221-36.
Marcus Walsh, Shakespeare, Milton, and Eighteenth-Century Literary Editing: The Beginnings of
Interpretative Scholarship (1997).
W.B. Worthen, Shakespeare and the Authority of Performance (1997).
Hans Zeller, "Ein neuer Weg zur Textkonstitution: Die Textverwitterung in der historisch-kritishcen
Keller-Ausgabe," Euphorion 91 (1997): 213-32.
Hans Zeller,"Übernahme und Abweichung--ein Darstellungsproblem: Quellenforschung und Edition,"
Editio 11 (1997): 20-32. [With abstract in French.]
Karen Bjelland, "Peering into Pandora's Box: A Look at the Typical Editorial Response to Linguistic
Variation," Text 11 (1998): 246-69.
Robert J. Cain, "Are Religious Records Different?", Documentary Editing 20 (1998): 51-53.
Marysa Demoor, Geert Lernout, and Sylvia van Peteghem (eds.), Editing the Text (1998). [Includes Ian
Small, "Postmodernism and the End(s) of Editing," pp. 35-43; and Marita Mathijsen, "The Future
of Textual Editing," pp. 45-54.]
Rolf E. DuRietz, "The Definition of 'Text,'" Text [Uppsala] 5.2 (February 1998): 50-69.
Paul Eggert, "The Work Unravelled," Text 11 (1998): 41-60.
Paul Eggert and Margaret Sankey (eds.), The Editorial Gaze: Mediating Texts in Literature and the Arts
(1998). [Includes Randall McLeod ("Random Cloud"), "Enter Reader," pp. 3-50; T.H. Howard-Hill,
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"The Dangers of Editing, or, The Death of the Editor," pp. 51-66; David Greetham, "'What Does It
Matter Who Is Speaking,'. . .," pp. 67-95; Paul Eggert, "Social Discourse or Authorial Agency:
Bridging the Divide between Editing and Theory," pp. 97-116; Richard Fotheringham, "Editing
Popular Nineteenth-Century Melodrama," pp. 119-27; Margaret Clunies Ross, "Editing the Oral
Text: Medieval and Modern Transformations," pp. 173-92; Jeff Brownrigg, "The Art of Audio-
Editing: Re-presenting Early Australian Vocal Recordings," pp. 193-208; and Robyn Holmes,
"Australian Music Editing and Authenticity . . .," pp. 209-26. Reviewed by W. Speed Hill in Text
12 (1999): 230-38.]
Reinmar Emans, "Wechselspiele: Auftraggeber--Komponist--Spieler--Sänger--Publikum und das
musikalische Werke," Editio 12 (1998): 1-11.
Joanna Gondris (ed.), Reading Readings: Essays on Shakespeare Editing in the Eighteenth Century
D.C. Greetham, Textual Transgressions: Essays toward the Construction of a Biobibliography (1998).
W.W. Greg, Sir Walter Wilson Greg: A Collection of His Writings, ed. Joseph Rosenblum (1998).
Almuth Grésillon, "L critique génétique: origines et méthodes," Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore
di Pisa: Classe di Lettere e Filosofia 1998, 5.1: 15-22.
W. Speed Hill (ed.), New Ways of Looking at Old Texts, II: Papers of the Renaissance English Text
Society, 1992-1996 (1998). [Includes W. Speed Hill, "Recent Theoretical Approaches to Editing
Renaissance Texts, with Particular Reference to the Folger Library Edition of Hooker's Works,"
pp. 11-21; Paul Werstine, "'Is it upon record?': The Reduction of the History Play to History,"
pp. 71-82; Steven Urkowitz, "Preposterous Poststructuralism: Editorial Morality and the Ethics of
Evidence," pp. 83-90; and Gary Taylor, "Judgment," pp. 91-99. Reviewed by T.H. Howard-Hill in
Text 12 (1999): 239-44.]
Ann Hutchison (ed.), Editing Women (1998). [Includes a "Response" by Margaret Anne Doody,
pp. 125-40.]
Wilhelm G. Jacobs, "Philosophische Produktion und Kontext in der Edition," Editio 12 (1998): 12-17.
John Jowett, "Richard III and the Perplexities of Editing," Text 11 (1998): 224-45.
Kym McCauley, "Rhizomes Just Don't Grow on Trees! Studying Bibliography in the 1990s,"
Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 22 (1998): 27-38.
Jerome McGann, "Hideous Progeny, Rough Beasts: Editing as a Theoretical Pursuit," Text 11 (1998):
Laurie E. Maguire and Thomas L. Berger (eds.), Textual Formations and Reformations (1998). [Includes
Joseph F. Loewenstein, "Authentic Reproductions: The Material Origins of the New Bibliography,"
pp. 23-44; Paul Werstine, "Touring and the Construction of Shakespeare Textual Criticism,"
pp. 45-66; Michael Warren, "Greene's Orlando: W.W. Greg Furioso," pp. 67-91; Tom Davis, "The
Monsters and the Textual Critics," pp. 95-111; A.R. Braunmuller, "How farre is't clled to Soris? or,
Where was Mr. Hobbs when Charles II died?", pp. 112-30; Barbara A. Mowat, "The Problem of
Shakespeare's Text(s)," pp. 131-48; and Valerie Wayne, "The Sexual Politics of Textual
Transmission," pp. 179-210.]
Glenn W. Most (ed.), Editing Texts, Texte Edieren (1998).
"Reader's Ulysses Symposium," Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook 1997 (1998), pp. 190-210.
[Contributions by A. Nicholas Fargnoli, Matthew J. Bruccoli, Terence Killeen, Michael Patrick
Gillespie, Fritz Senn, Michael Groden, and Stephen James Joyce.]
Joel Myerson, "Nothing Left to Lose: or, Changes in Literary Editing and the Decline of Civilization as
We Know It," Documentary Editing 20 (1998):85-87, 102.
W.R. Owens, "Editing Literary Texts," in A Handbook to Literary Research, ed. Simon Eliot and W.R.
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138 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Owens (1998), pp. 63-81.
Herman J. Saatkamp, Jr., "Genotypes, Phenotypes, and Complex Human Behavior Including Scholarly
Editing," Documentary Editing 20 (1998): 1-5, 26.
Siegfried Scheibe, "Die Arbeitsweise des Autors als Grundkategorie der editorischen Arbeit," Editio 12
(1998): 18-27.
Peter L. Shillingsburg, "A Resistence to Contemporary German Editorial Theory and Practice," Editio 12
(1998): 138-50.
Michael E. Stevens, "'The Most Important Scholarly Work': Reflections on Twenty Years of Change in
Historical Editing," Documentary Editing 20 (1998): 81-84, 97.
G.T. Tanselle, Literature and Artifacts (1998). [Includes "Textual Criticism and Deconstruction,"
pp. 203-35; "Editing without a Copy-Text," pp. 236-57; and "Critical Editions, Hypertexts, and
Genetic Criticism," pp. 258-71.]
Pierre-Marc de Biasi (trans. Helene Erlichson), "Editing Manuscripts: Towards a Typology of Recent
French Genetic Editions, 1980-1995," Text 12 (1999): 1-30.
Paolo Cherchi, "Proper Names and Textual Criticism: The Case of Tomaso Garzoni's Piazza Unniversale,"
Text 12 (1999): 73-90.
Robert DeMaria, Jr., "'Evil be thou my Good': Scholarly Commentary and the Pleasure of Reading," Text
12 (1999): 91-100.
Rolf E. DuRietz, Den tryckta skriften: Termer och begrepp (1999).
Andrew Durkin, "The Self-Playing Piano as a Site for Textual Criticism," Text 12 (1999): 167-88.
Margaret J.M. Ezell, Social Authorship and the Advent of Print (1999).
Candace Falk, "'Nearer My Subject to Thee': Twenty Years of a Documentary Editor's Engagement with
Emma Goldman," Documentary Editing 21 (1999): 49-53, 64.
William Gass, Reading Rilke: Reflections on the Problems of Translation (1999).
David George, "Eighteenth-Century Editors, Critics, and Performers of Coriolanus," Analytical &
Enumerative Bibliography n.s. 10 (1999): 63-71.
David Greetham, "Facts, Truefacts, Factoids; or, Why Are They Still Saying Those Nasty Things about
Epistemology?", Yearbook of English Studies 29 (1999): 1-23.
D.C. Greetham, Theories of the Text (1999).
W. Speed Hill, "Where Are the Bibliographers of Yesteryear?", in Pilgrimage for Love: Essays in Early
Modern Literature in Honor of Josephine A. Roberts, ed. Sigrid King (1999), pp. 115-32. Also
printed in Jansohn (see below).
T.H. Howard-Hill, British Literary Bibliography, 1980-89: A Bibliography (1999).
Christa Jansohn (ed.), Problems of Editing (Beihefte zu Editio 14, 1999). [Contains Peter L.
Shillingaburg, "Negotiating Conflicting Aims in Scholarly Editing: The Problem of Editorial
Intentions," pp. 1-8; Dieter Mehl, "Editorial Theory and Practice in English Studies in Germany,"
pp. 9-17; Bodo Plachta, "Teaching Editing--Learning Editing," pp. 18-32; Andrew Brown,
"Publishing Scholarly Editions of 19th and 20th Century Novels," pp. 33-41; Paul Eggert, "General-
Editing and Theory: Historical Version and Authorial Agency," pp. 42-58; Hans Walter Gabler,
"Genetic Texts--Genetic Editions--Genetic Criticism or, Towards Discoursing the Genetics of
Writing," pp. 59-78; Manfred Gorlach, "Linguistic Problems of Editing," pp. 79-88; Graham D. Caie,
"The Editing of Old English: To Emend or not to Emend," pp. 89-95; W. Speed Hill, "Where Are
the Bibliographers of Yesteryear?", pp. 96-112; Norman F. Blake, "Pragmatics and the Editing of
This page is from a document available in full at
Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts 139
Shakespeare," pp. 113-26; John Jowett, "Pre-Editorial Criticism and the Space for Editing: Examples
from Richard III and Your Five Gallants," pp. 127-49; Ann Thompson and Neil Taylor, "The Politics
and Poetics of Editing Hamlet," pp. 150-63; Werner Brönnimann, "The Preservation of Textual
Diversity in King Lear: Bilingual Reading as Editing," pp. 164-79; Rex Gibson, "Editing
Shakespeare for School Students," pp. 180-99; Russell Jackson, "The Importance of Editing Oscar,"
pp. 200-10; Christa Jansohn, "Annotation as Cultural Activity or, Re-constructing the Past for the
Present," pp. 211-23; and Helge Nowak, "Dub Version: Editing Performance Poetry," pp. 224-37.
(Abstracts on pp. 238-45.)]
Beatrice W. Kliman, "Considering the Terminology of the New Bibliography and After," Analytical &
Enumerative Bibliography n.s. 10 (1999): 148-65.
Jon Kukla, "Reflections on the ADE Twentieth Anniversary," Documentary Editing 21 (1999): 33-34.
Beth Luey, "Evaluating the Institute for Editing Historical Documents," Documentary Editing 21 (1999):
Laura J. Murray and Keren D. Rice (eds.), Talking on the Page: Editing Aboriginal Texts (1999).
[Contains Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer, "The Paradox of Talking on the Page:
Some Aspects of the Tlingit and Haida Experience," pp. 3-41; Basil Johnston, "How Do We Learn
Language? What Do We Learn?", pp. 43-51; Kimberly M. Blaeser, "Writing Voices Speaking:
Native Authors and an Oral Aesthetic," pp. 53-68; J. Edward Chamberlin, "Doing Things with
Words: Putting Performance on the Page," pp. 69-90; Victor Masayesva, Jr., "It Shall Not End
Anywhere: Transforming Oral Traditions," pp. 91-95; and Julie Cruikshank, "The Social Life of
Texts: Editing on the Page and in Performance," pp. 97-119.
Bodo Plachta (trans. Dieter Neiteler), "In Between the 'Royal Way' of Philology and 'Occult Science':
Some Remarks about German Discussion on Text Constitution in the Last Ten Years," Text 12
(1999): 31-47.
Peter L. Shillingsburg, "Editing Determinate Material Texts," Text 12 (1999): 59-71.
Ian Small, "Identifying Text and Postmodernist Editorial Projects," Yearbook of English Studies 29 (1999):
David L. Vander Meulen, "The Editorial Principles of Martinus Scriblerus," in The Culture of the Book:
Essays from Two Hemispheres in Honour of Wallace Kirsop, ed. David Garrioch, Harold Love, Brian
McMullin, Ian Morrison, and Meredith Sherlock (1999), pp. 173-81.
David L. Vander Meulen, "Revision in Bibliographical Classics: 'McKerrow' and 'Bowers,'" Studies in
Bibliography 52 (1999): 215-45.
David L. Vander Meulen and G.T. Tanselle, "A System of Manuscript Transcription," Studies in
Bibliography 52 (1999): 201-12.
Thomas L. Wilmeth, "Textual Problems within the Canon of Hank Williams," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 93 (1999): 379-406.
Akihiro Yamada, "Editions of Shakespeare in the Twentieth Century," Analytical & Enumerative
Bibliography n.s. 10 (1999): 72-80.
"The ADE Annual Meeting Sessions," Documentary Editing 22 (2000): 83-87.
William Baker and Kenneth Womack, Twentieth-Century Bibliography and Textual Criticism: An
Annotated Bibliography (2000).
Karen Bjelland, "The Editor as Theologian, Historian, and Archaeologist: Shifting Paradigms within
Editorial Theory and Their Sociocultural Ramifications," Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography
This page is from a document available in full at
140 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
n.s. 11 (2000): 1-43.
Joe Bray, Miriam Handley, and Anne C. Henry (eds.), Ma(r)king the Text: The Presentation of Meaning
on the Literary Page (2000). [Comprises two sections, "Redefining Marks" and "Editing Marks";
includes Randall McLeod, "Where the Angels Fear to Read'; Kelvin Everest, "Historical Readings
and Editorial Practice"; and Jerome McGann, "Endnote: What Is Text?" Reviewed by W. Speed Hill
in Text 14 (2002): 387-97.]
Joseph A. Dane and Rosemary A. Roberts, "The Calculus of Calculus: W.W. Greg and the Mathematics
of Everyman Editions," Studies in Bibliography 53 (2000): 117-28.
Paul Eggert, "The Editorial Position: Some Reflections on Editorial Orientations in Charlottesville,
Cambridge and Canberra," Editio 14 (2000): 104-16.
Jamaes L. Harner, The World Shakespeare Bibliography on CD-ROM, 1980-1996 (2000).
Almuth Grésillon, "La critique génétique," Oeuvres & Critiques 25.1 (2000): preface.
Lotte Hellinga, "Compositors and Editors: Preparing Texts for Printing in the Fifteenth Century,"
Gutenberg Jahrbuch, 2000, pp. 152-59.
Christiane Henkes and Harald Saller with Thomas Richter (eds.), Text und Autor (Beihefte zu Editio 15,
W. Speed Hill, "Where Would Anglo-American Textual Criticism Be if Shakespeare Had Died of the
Plague in 1593?", Text 13 (2000): 1-7.
T.H. Howard-Hill, Shakespearian Bibliography and Textual Criticism: A Bibliography (2nd ed., 2000).
Klaus Hurlebusch, "Understanding the Author's Compositional Method: Prolegomenon to a Hermeneutics
of Genetic Writing," Text 13 (2000): 55-101.
Annemarie Kets-Vree, "Dutch Scholarly Editing: The Historical-Critical in Practice," Text 13 (2000):
Jeremy Lopez, "An Annotated Bibliography of Textual Scholarship in [non-Shakespearean] Elizabethan
Drama, 1973-1998," Research Opportunities in Renaissance Drama 39 (2000): 17-76.
Tim William Machan, "'I endowed thy purposes': Shakespeare, Editing, and Middle English Literature,"
Text 13 (2000): 9-25.
R.B. McKerrow (ed. Carlo M. Bajetta), "The Relationship of English Printed Books to Authors'
Manuscripts during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (The 1928 Sandars Lectures)," Studies
in Bibliography 53 (2000): 1-65.
Rüdiger Nutt-Kofoth, Bodo Plachta, H.T.M. van Vliet, and Hermann Zwerschina (eds.), Text und Edition:
Positionen und Perspektiven (2000).
Alexander Pettit (ed.), Textual Studies and the Common Reader: Essays on Editing Novels and Novelists
(2000). [Includes Pettit, "Textual Studies and the Common Reader," pp. 1-29; Susan J. Rosowski,
Charles W. Mignon, Frederick M. Link, and Kari A. Ronning, "The Issue of Authority in a Scholarly
Edition: Editing Cather," pp. 30-51; Noel Polk, "The Stuff That Don't Matter," pp. 52-63; Philip
Cohen, "William Faulkner, the Crisis of Masculinity, and Textual Instability," pp. 64-80; James L.W.
West III, "The Scholarly Editor as Biographer," pp. 81-90; Michael F. Suarez, "In Dreams Begins
Responsibility: Novels, Promises, and the Electronic Editor," pp. 160-79; and Albert J. Rivero,
"Whose Work Is It Anyway? Or, How We Learned to Stop Worrying about the Author and Love the
Text," pp. 180-97. Reviewed by Geert Lernout in Text 14 (2002): 381-87.]
Joseph Rudman, "Non-Traditional Authorship Attribution Studies: Ignis Fatuus or Rosetta Stone?",
Bibliograhical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 24 (2000): 163-76.
Steven Escar Smith, "'The Eternal Verities Verified': Charlton Hinman and the Roots of Mechanical
Collation," Studies in Bibliography 53 (2000): 129-61.
John L. Tofanelli, "Critical Editions," in Literature in English: A Guide for Librarians in the Digital Age,
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ed. Betty H. Day and William A. Wortman (2000), pp. 118-59.
H.T.M. van Vliet, "Scholarly Editing in the Netherlands," Text 13 (2000): 103-29.
H.T.M. van Vliet and Annemarie Kets-Vree, "Scholarly Editing in the Netherlands," Literary & Linguistic
Computing 15 (2000): 65-72.
Paul Werstine, "Editing Shakespeare and Editing without Shakespeare: Wilson, McKerrow, Greg, Bowers,
Tanselle, and Copy-Text Editing," Text 13 (2000): 27-53.
J.L.W. West III, "Annotating Mr. Fitzgerald," American Scholar 69.2 (Spring 2000): 82-91. Reprinted in
Documentary Editing 22 (2000): 54-60.
Maureen Bell, Shirley Chew, Simon Eliot, Lynette Hunter, and James L.W. West III (eds.), Re-
Constructing the Book: Literary Texts in Transmission (2001).
Michael P. Branch, "Saving All the Pieces: The Place of Textual Editing in Ecocriticism,"
Interdisciplinary Literary Studies 3.1 (2001): 4-23.
Keith Cameron, "The Critical Edition: The Editor's Incubus?", in French Classical Theatre Today:
Teaching, Research, Performance, ed. Philip Tomlinson (2001), pp. 71-79.
Tracy Duvall, "Style Matters: Applying--Egads!--Theory to Documentary Editing," Documentary Editing
23 (2001): 49-52.
Almuth Grésillon, "La critique génétique, aujourd'hui et demain," L'ésprit créateur 41.2 (2001): 9-15.
P.D.A. Harvey, Editing Historical Records (2001).
Heather Hirschfeld, "Early Modern Collaboration and Theories of Authorship," PMLA 116 (2001): 609-22.
M. Thomas Inge, "Collaboration and Concepts of Authorship," PMLA 116 (2001): 623-30.
David Scott Kastan, Shakespeare and the Book (2001).
Jerome McGann, Radiant Textuality: Literary Studies after the World Wide Web (2001).
Helmutller-Sievers, "Reading Evidence: Textual Criticism as Science in the Nineteenth Century,"
Germanic Review 76 (2001): 162-71.
David J. Nordloh, "An Editorial Retrospective: Between Authorship and the Socialized Text," English
Studies in Canada 27 (2001): 165-77.
Peter Parshall, Stacey Sell, and Judith Brodie, The Unfinished Print (2001).
Edward Ragg, "The Oxford Shakespeare Re-Visited: An Interview with Professor Stanley Wells,"
Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography n.s. 12 (2001): 73-101.
Peter L. Shillingsburg, "Orientations to Text," Editio 15 (2001): 1-16.
Phillip Harth, "The Text of Dryden's Poetry," Huntington Library Quarterly 63 (2001-2): 227-44. [Review
of The Poems of John Dryden, ed. Paul Hammond, vols. 1-2 (1995).]
Dayton Haskin, "No Edition Is an Island: The Place of Nineteenth-Century American Editions within the
History of Editing Donne's Poems," Text 14 (2002): 169-207.
James M. Haule (ed.), Editing Virginia Woolf: Interpreting the Modernist Text (2002).
Geert Lernout, "Genetic Criticism and Philology," Text 14 (2002): 53-75. [A translation of "'Critique
génétique' und Philologie," in the Nutt-Kofoth anthology (see 2000 above), pp. 121-42.]
Elizabeth B. Loizeaux and Neil Fraistat (eds.), Reimagining Textuality: Textual Studies in the Late Age
of Print (2002).
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142 Part 7: Writings on Post-Medieval Texts C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Helga Lühning (ed.), Musikedition: Mittler zwischen Wissenschaft undmusikalischer Praxis (Beihefte zu
Editio 17, 2002).
Jerome McGann, "The Gutenberg Variations," Text 14 (2002): 1-13.
D.F. McKenzie, Making Meaning: "Printers of the Mind" and Other Essays, ed. Peter D. McDonald and
Michael F. Suarez (2002).
Marita Mathijsen, "The Concept of Authorisation," Text 14 (2002): 77-90.
Bodo Plachta and Winfried Woesler (eds.), Edition und Übersetzung: zur wissenschaftlichen
Dokumentation des interkulturellen Texttransfers (Beihefte zu Editio 18, 2002).
Brian Richardson, Print Culture in Renaissance Italy: The Editor and the Vernacular Text, 1470-1600
Ron Rosenbaum, "Shakespeare in Rewrite [the Arden Hamlet]," New Yorker, 13 May 2002, pp. 68-77.
R.G. Siemens, "Shakespearean Apparatus? Explicit Textual Structures and the Implicit Navigation of
Accumulated Knowledge," Text 14 (2002): 209-40.
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Part 8
Vinton A. Dearing, Methods of Textual Editing (1962), esp. pp. 18-20.
Jacques Froger, "The Electronic Machine at the Service of Humanistic Studies," Diogenes 52 (1965):
Jacques Froger, La critique des textes et son automatisation (1968).
John G. Griffith, "A Taxonomic Study of the Manuscript Tradition of Juvenal," Museum Helveticum 25
(1968): 101-38.
Richard S. Morgan, "Optical Readers," Computers and the Humanities 3 (1968): 61-64. See also "Optical
Readers: 1970," 5 (1970): 75-78.
Gian Piero Zarri, "Linguistica algoritmica e meccanizzazione della 'collatio codicum,'" Lingua e stile 3
(1968): 21-40.
John G. Griffith, "Numerical Taxonomy and Some Primary Manuscripts of the Gospels," Journal of
Theological Studies 20 (1969): 389-406.
Gian Piero Zarri, "Il metodo per la 'recensio' di Dom H. Quentin esaminato criticamente mediante la sua
traduzione in un algoritmo per elaboratore electronico," Lingua e stile 4 (1969): 161-82.
Margaret S. Cabaniss, "Using the Computer for Text Collation," Computer Studies in the Humanities and
Verbal Behavior 3 (1970): 1-33.
Ronald Gotttesman and Scott Bennett (eds.), Art and Error: Modern Textual Editing (1970). [Includes
Vinton Dearing, "Computer Aids to Editing the Text of Dryden," pp. 254-78; and William M. Gibson
and George R. Petty, Jr., "Project OCCULT: The Ordered Computer Collation of Unprepared
Literary Text," pp. 279-300.]
George R. Petty, Jr., and William M. Gibson, Project OCCULT: The Ordered Computer Collation of
Unprepared Literary Text (1970). [Reviewed by Robert L. Oakman in Proof 2 (1972): 333-48 ("The
Present State of Computerized Collation: A Review Article").]
Ben R. Schneider, "The Production of Machine-Readable Text: Some of the Variables," Computers and
the Humanities 6 (1971): 39-47.
Andries van Dam and David E. Rice, "On-Line Text Editing: A Survey," ACM Computing Survey 3
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144 Part 8: Writings on Computers C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
(1971): 93-114.
R.L. Widmann, "The Computer and Editing Shakespeare," Shakespearean Research and Opportunities
5/6 (1970-71): 53-59.
R.L. Widmann, "Use of the Computer in Historical Collation," in Shakespeare Variorum Handbook: A
Manual of Editorial Practice, ed. Richard Hosley, Richard Knowles, and Ruth McGugan (1971),
pp. 52-53.
R.A. Wisbey (ed.), The Compupter in Literary and Linguistic Research: Papers from a Cambridge
Symposium (1971). [Includes Harold Love, "The Computer and LIterary Editing: Achievements and
Prospects," pp. 47-56; and R.L. Widmann, "The Computer in Historical Collation: Use of the IBM
360/75 in Collating Multiple Editions of A Midsummer Night's Dream," pp. 57-63.]
Gian Piero Zarri, "L'automazione delle procedure di Critica Testuale, problemi e prospettive," Lingua e
stile 6 (1971): 397-414.
Gian Piero Zarri, Primi risultati nell'applicazione dei calcolatori ai problemi di Critica Testuale (1971).
A.J. Aitken, Richard W. Bailey, and N. Hamilton-Smith (eds.), The Computer and Literary Studies (1973).
[Includes Wilhelm Ott, "Computer Applications in Textual Criticism," pp. 199-223; and G.P. Zarri,
"Algorithms, stemmata codicum and the Theories of Dom H. Quentin," pp. 225-37.]
Penny Gilbert, "Automatic Collation: A Technique for Medieval Texts," Computers and the Humanities
7 (1973): 139-47.
T.H. Howard-Hill, "A Practical Scheme for Editing Critical Texts with the Aid of a Computer," Proof 3
(1973): 335-56.
T.H. Howard-Hill, "Towards a Jonson Concordance: A Discussion of Texts and Problems," Research
Opportunities in Renaissance Drama 15/16 (1972-73): 17-32.
Sibyl C. Jacobson and Todd K. Bender, "Computer Assisted Editorial Work on Conrad," Conradiana 5.3
(1973): 37-45.
R.L. Widmann, "Computer Collation," Computer Studies in the Humanities and Verbal Behavior 4 (1973):
Robert L. Oakman, "Textual Editing and the Computer," Costerus n.s. 4 (1975): 79-106.
Todd K. Bender, "Literary Texts in Electronic Storage: The Editorial Potential," Computers and the
Humanities 10 (1976): 193-99.
Robert L. Cannon, Jr., "OPCOL: An Optimal Text Collation Algorithm," Computers and the Humanities
10 (1976): 33-40.
T.H. Howard-Hill, "Computer and Mechanical Aids to Editing," Proof 5 (1977): 217-35.
Serge Lusignan and John North (eds.), Computing in the Humanities (1977).
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S.W. Reid, "Definitive Editions and Photocomposition," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America
72 (1978): 321-26.
Irving N. Rothman, "The Houston Editing Desk and Editing Frame," Papers of the Bibliographical Society
of America 72 (1978): 130-36.
Miriam J. Shillingsburg, "Computer Assistance to Scholarly Editing," Bulletin of Research in the
Humanities 81 (1978): 448-63.
John F. Benton, Alan R. Gillespie, and James M. Soha, "Digital Image-Processing Applied to the
Photography of Manuscripts, with Examples Drawn from the Pincus Ms of Arnold of Villanova,"
Scriptorium 33 (1979): 40-55.
Jean Irigoin and Gian Piero Zarri (eds.), La pratique des ordinateurs dans la critique des textes (1979).
[Includes Serge Lusignan, "L'édition de texte: de la saisie du texte à la photocomposition,"
pp. 229-36.]
Wilhelm Ott, "A Text Processing System for the Preparation of Critical Editions," Computers and the
Humanities 13 (1979): 29-35.
Joseph Raben, "The Electronic Revolution and the World Just Around the Corner," Scholarly Publishing
10 (1978-79): 195-209.
Larry I. Bland, "The Editor and Word Processing Equipment," Newsletter of the Association for
Documentary Editing 2.2 (May 1980): 4-5.
David R. Chesnutt, "Comprehensive Text Processing and the Papers of Henry Laurens," Newsletter of the
Association for Documentary Editing 2.2 (May 1980): 12-14; 2.3 (September): 3-5.
Hans Walter Gabler, "Computer-Aided Critical Edition of Ulysses," Bulletin of the Association of Literary
and Linguistic Computing 8 (1980): 232-48.
Susan Hockey, A Guide to Computer Applications in the Humanities (1980). [Reviewed in Analytical &
Enumerative Bibliography 4 (1980): 279-84 (T.H. Howard-Hill); Literary Research Newsletter 6
(1981): 67-69 (Todd K. Bender).]
Robert L. Oakman, Computer Methods for Literary Research (1980, 1984). [Reviewed in Literary
Research Newsletter 5 (1980): 147-49 (Todd K. Bender).]
Wilhelm Ott, "Bibliographie: EDV im Editionswesen," Sprache und Datenverarbeitung 4 (1980): 179-84.
Peter Shillingsburg, "Collating Machines and 19th-Century Printed Books," Direction Line 10 (Winter
1980): 4-8.
Peter Shillingsburg, "The Computer as Research Assistant in Scholarly Editing," Literary Research
Newsletter 5 (1980): 31-45.
Gerard E. Weil, "Analysis automatique quantifiée en critique textuelle biblique: limite des analyses
statistiques," in Proceedings of the International Conference on Literary and Linguistic Computing,
ed. Zvi Malachi [ca. 1980], pp. 55-96.
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146 Part 8: Writings on Computers C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Dolores M. Burton, "Concordance-Making: Fifties," Computers and the Humanities 15 (1981): 1-14;
"Concordance-Making: Early Sixties," 83-100; "Concordance-Making: Programs and Products,"
139-54. [See also 1982.].
Charles T. Cullen, "20th-Century Technology and the Jefferson Papers," Scholarly Publishing 13 (1981-
82): 45-53.
Thomas Faulkner, "Computer Applications for an Edition of Robert Burton's An Anatomy of Melancholy:
A System for Scholarly Publishing," Computers and the Humanities 15 (1981): 163-82.
C.U. Greaser, "Writers, Editors, and Compositors," Scholarly Publishing 12 (1980-81): 123-30.
T.J. King, "The Use of Computers for Storing Records in Historical Research," Historical Methods 14
(1981): 59-64.
John M. Strawhorn, "Word Processing and Publishing," Scholarly Publishing 12 (1980-81): 109-21.
Andre van Arkel, "The Computer in Old Norse Textual Editing," Bulletin of the Association for Literary
and Linguistic Computing 10.2 (1982): 48-54.
Dolores M. Burton, "Concordance-Making: Machine Decisions and Editorial Revisions," Computers and
the Humanities 16 (1982): 195-218. [See also 1981.]
Anne Gilmour-Bryson, "Text Preparation for Computer Typesetting," Bulletin of the Association for
Literary and Linguistic Computing 10.2 (1982): 40-47.
George Guffey, "Microcomputer Program and Data Bank Projected for Editors of 17th- and 18th-Century
Texts," Literary Research Newsletter 7 (1982): 155-60.
Eric Hicks, "Eloge de la machine: Transcription, édition, génération de textes," Romania 103 (1982):
Wilhelm Ott, Hans Walter Gabler, and Paul Sappler, EDV-Fibel für Editoren (1982).
Wilhelm Ott, "Textual Editing and Publishing in Literary and Linguistic Research," Bulletin of the
Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing 10.2 (1982): 35-39.
Sarah K. Burton and Douglas D. Short (eds.), Sixth International Conference on Computers and the
Humanities (1983). [Includes Laurence G. Avery, "An Edition of Letters: The Computer in Textual
Criticism," pp. 8-12; and Michael M. Gorman, "A Computer for the Publication of Critical Editions:
Report of the Corpus Christianorum Edition of Augustine's De Genesi ad Litteram," pp. 215-24.]
CASE: Computer Assistance to Scholarly Editing, A User's Guide (Mississippi State University Press,
David R. Chesnutt, "Optical Scanning and CINDEX: Tools for Creating a Cumulative Index for the
Laurens Papers," Newsletter of the Association for Documentary Editing 5.2 (May 1983): 8-11.
Paul Machlis, "Computer-Assisted Document Control for Editorial Projects," Newsletter of the Association
for Documentary Editing 5.3 (September 1983): 6-11.
John R. Abercrombie, Computer Programs for Literary Analysis (1984).
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Charles T. Cullen, "The Word Professor and Scholarly Editions," in A Grin on the Interface: Word
Processing for the Academic Humanist, ed. Alan T. McKenzie (1984), pp. 39-48.
Vinton A. Dearing, "Some Microcomputer Programs for Textual Criticism and Editing," Machina
Analytica 1 (1984): 1-12.
Peter L. Shillingsburg, Scholarly Editing in the Computer Age: Lectures in Theory and Practice (1984;
rev. eds., 1986, 1996).
Raymond W. Smock, "Technology and the Future of Documentary Editing," Documentary Editing 6.4
(December 1984): 1-7.
Francis I. Andersen with A. Dean Forbes, "Orthography and Text Transmission: Computer-Assisted
Investigation of Textual Transmission through the Study of Orthography in the Hebrew Bible," Text
2 (1985): 25-53.
Mary-Jo Arn, "The Systematic Representation of Early Manuscripts in Computer Form: A Proposal," in
Historical & Editorial Studies in Medieval & Early Modern English for Johan Gerritsen, ed. Arn and
Hanneke Wirtjes, with Hans Jensen (1985), pp. 209-19.
G. Harold Metz, "Disputed Shakespearean Texts and Stylometric Analysis," Text 2 (1985): 149-71.
Jerry R. Craddock, "A New Medium for Lexical and Textual Research: The HSMS Microfiche," Romance
Philology 39 (1986): 462-72.
William C. Creasy, Vinton A. Dearing, and George R. Guffey, Microcomputers & Literary Scholarship
(1986). [Includes Creasy, "A Microcomputer Editorial Procedure," pp. 1-22.]
Evelyn S. Firchow, "On the Multiple Use of the Computer in Medieval Text Editing," Amsterdamer
Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 24 (1986): 99-105.
Charles Hagermann, "Oberon International Omni-Reader," Documentary Editing 8.3 (September 1986):
Susan Hockey, "OCR: The Kurzweil Data Entry Machine," Literary and Linguistic Computing 1 (1986):
George M. Logan, David T. Barnard, and Robert G. Crawford, "Computer-Based Publication of Critical
Editions: Some General Considerations and a Prototype," in Computers and the Humanities
(University of Toronto, 1986), pp. 318-26.
Francisco Marcos Marin, "Metodologia informatica para la edición de textos," Incipit 6 (1986): 185-97.
Theodore F. Brunner, "Data Banks for the Humanities: Learning from Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ,"
Scholarly Communication 7 (1987): 1,6-9.
Frank G. Burke, "Automation and Documentary Editing," British Journal for the History of Science 20
(1987): 73-79.
E. Jeffrey Conklin, "Hypertext: An Introduction and Survey," IEEE Computer 20.9 (1987): 17-41.
Charles Hagermann, "Computers & Documentary Editors: Generic Encoding for Phototypesetting,"
Documentary Editing 9.1 (March 1987): 14-16; 9.2 (June): 18-19, 24.
Susan Hockey and Jeremy Martin, "The Oxford Concordance Program Version 2," Literary and Linguistic
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148 Part 8: Writings on Computers C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Computing 2 (1987): 125-31.
R.H. Rudall and T.N. Corns, Computers and Literature: A Practical Guide (1987).
David T. Barnard, Cheryl A. Fraser, and George M. Logan, "Generalized Markup for Literary Texts,"
Literary and Linguistic Computing 3 (1988): 26-31.
Todd K. Bender, "Static versus Dynamic Archives," Literary Research 13 (1988): 197-202.
Sharon Butler and William P. Stoneman (eds.), Editing, Publishing and Computer Technology (1988).
[Includes Wilhelm Ott, "Software Requirements for Computer-Aided Critical Editing," pp. 81-103.]
James H. Coombs, Allen H. Renear, and Steven J. Derose, "Markup Systems and the Future of Scholarly
Text Processing," Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery 30.11 (1988):
Ronald D. Graybill, "'Proofreading' and Collating by Computer," Documentary Editing 10.4 (December
1988): 24-25.
Charles Hagermann, "Word Processor Formats: How to Share Your Files," Documentary Editing 10.1
(March 1988): 20-22.
Ulrich Müller, "Personal Computer, Wissenschaftliche Manuskripte and Editionen," Editio 2 (1988):
Theodor Holm Nelson, Literary Machines (rev. ed., 1988).
Ted-Larry Pebworth, Editing Literary Texts on the Microcomputer: The Example of John Donne's Poetry
"ACH/ACL/ALLC Text Encoding Initiative," Association for Computers in the Humanities Newsletter
11.3 (1989): 9-10.
Edward Barrett (ed.), The Society of the Text: Hypertext, Hypermedia, and the Social Construction of
Information (1989).
Peter Batke, "Text-Specific Workstations: A Software Problem," Academic Computing 4.1 (1989): 32-35,
Robert L. Cannon and Robert L. Oakman, "Interactive Collation on a Microcomputer: The URICA!
Approach," Computers and the Humanities 23 (1989): 469-72.
Trude Ehlert, "Tagungsbericht 'Historische Edition und Computer,'" Editio 3 (1989): 215-20.
George D. Greenia, "The Libro de Alexandre: Computerized Editing of Texts," La Corónica 17 (1989):
M.R. Kibby and J.T. Mayes, "Towards Intelligent Hypertext," in Hypertext: Theory into Practice, ed. Ray
McAleese (1989), pp. 164-72.
George P. Landow, "Hypertext in Literary Education, Criticism, and Scholarship," Computers and the
Humanities 23 (1989): 173-98.
George P. Landow, "Popular Fallacies about Hypertext," in Designing Hypermedia for Learning, ed.
David H. Jonassen and Heinz Mandl (1989), pp. 39-59.
Francisco Marcos Marín, "UNITE: A Package for Computer-Assisted Philological Editing," Folia
Linguistica Historica 10 (1989): 117-43.
Wilhelm Ott, "Computer-unterstützte Edition," Editio 3 (1989): 157-76. [With abstract in English]
Wilhelm Ott, "Transcription Errors, Variant Readings, Scholarly Emendations: Software Tools to Master
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Them," in Actes du Second Colloque International: Bible et informatique: méthodes, outils, résultats
(1989), pp. 419-34.
P.M.W. Robinson, "The Collation and Textual Criticism of Icelandic Manuscripts: I. Collation," Literary
and Linguistic Computing 4 (1989): 98-105.
Anton Schwob, Karin Kranich-Hofbauer, and Diethard Suntinger (eds.), Historische Edition und
Computer (1989).
Ronald J. Zboray, "Computerized Document Control and Indexing at the Emma Goldman Papers,"
Documentary Editing 11 (1989): 72-75.
David P. Chesnutt, "Portable Text: The Text Encoding Initiative," Documentary Editing 12 (1990): 13-14.
Robin Cover, Nicholas Duncan, and David T. Barnard, Bibliography on Structured Text (Department of
Computing and Information Science, Queen's University, 1990).
Gregory Crane, "Challenging the Individual: The Tradition of Hypermedia Databases," Academic
Computing 4.4 (1990): 22-23, 31-38.
Jakob Nielsen, Hypertext & Hypermedia (1990).
Herman J. Saatkamp, Jr., "The Editor and Technology," Documentary Editing 12 (1990): 9-12.
N. Streitz, A. Rizk, and J. André (eds.), Hypertext: Concepts, Systems, and Applications (1990).
Emily Berk and Joseph Devlin (eds.), Hypertext / Hypermedia Handbook (1991).
Jay David Bolter, Writing Space: The Computer, Hypertext, and the History of Writing (1991).
Nicoletta Calzolari and Antonio Zampolli, "Lexical Databases and Textual Corpora: A Trend of
Convergence between Computational Linguistics and Literary and Linguistic Computing," Research
in Humanities Computing 1 (1991): 273-307.
Paul Delany and George P. Landow (eds.), Hypermedia and Literary Studies (1991).
Charles B. Faulhaber, "Textual Criticism in the 21st Century," Romance Philology 45 (1991): 123-48.
Mary A. Giunta and Beverly S. Hacker, "Using Computer Technology to 'Read' Documents: The Optiram
Example," Documentary Editing 13 (1991): 65-67.
Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta, "How to Time-Stamp a Digital Document," Journal of Cryptology
3 (1991): 99-111.
Cathy Moran Hajo, "Computer Use in Documentary Editing Projects," Archivist Historian [Department
of History, New York University], 1991-92, pp. 6-7. [Sanger Papers]
Francisco Marcos Marín, "Computers and Text Editing," Romance Philology 45 (1991): 102-22.
James M. Nyce and Paul Kahn (eds.), From Memex to Hypertext: Vannevar Bush and the Mind’s Machine
S.W. Reid, "Optical Scanning and Systematic Documentary Editing," Documentary Editing 13 (1991): 95-
98. [Supersedes the version of the article printed on pp. 61-64.]
C.M. Sperberg-McQueen, "Text in the Electronic Age: Textual Study and Text Encoding with Examples
from Medieval Texts," Literary and Linguistic Computing 6 (1991).
Father Busa, "Half a Century of Literary Computing: Towards a 'New' Philology," Literary and Linguistic
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150 Part 8: Writings on Computers C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Computing 7 (1992): 69-73.
Marilyn Deegan, Nicola Timbrell, and Lorraine Warren, Hypermedia in the Humanities (1992).
Michael L. Hilton, "The URICA! II Interactive Collation System," Computers and the Humanities 26
(1992): 139-44.
George P. Landow, Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology (1992,
Randy M. Brooks, "Principles for Effective Hypermedia Design," Technical Communication 40 (1993):
Warren Chernaik, Caroline Davis, and Marilyn Deegan (eds.), The Politics of the Electronic Text (1993).
Ian Lancashire (ed.), Computer-Based Chaucer Studies (1993). [Includes Murray McGillivray, "Electronic
Representation of Chaucer Manuscripts: Possibilities and Limitations," pp. 1-15; and Larry Benson,
"A Lemmatized Concordance of Chaucer," pp. 141-60.]
George P. Landow and Paul Delany (eds.), The Digital Word: Text-Based Computing in the Humanities
(1993). [Includes Peter M.W. Robinson, "Redefining Critical Editions."]
Richard Lanham, The Electronic Word: Democracy, Technology, and the Arts (1993). [Reviewed by
William H. O'Donnell in Text 9 (1996): 446-52.]
Optical Character Recognition in the Historical Discipline (Max-Planck-Institut, 1993).
Peter Robinson, The Digitization of Primary Textual Sources (1993).
David R. Chesnutt, "Presidential Editions: The Promise and Problems of Technology," Documentary
Editing 16 (1994): 70-77.
Ian Lancashire, Encoding Guidelines (Toronto Centre for Computing in the Humanities, 1994).
George P. Landow (ed.), Hyper / Text / Theory (1994). [Reviewed by Charles Ross in Text 12 (1999):
Jerome McGann, "The Complete Writings and Pictures of Dante Gabriel Rossetti: A Hypermedia Research
Archive," Text 7 (1994): 95-105.
John Price-Wilkin, "Using the World-Wide Web to Deliver Complex Electronic Documents: Implications
for Libraries," Public Access Computer Systems Review 5 (1994): 5-21.
Peter M.W. Robinson, "Collation, Textual Criticism, Publication, and the Computer," Text 7 (1994):
C.M. Sperberg-McQueen and Lou Burnard (eds.), Guidelines for the Encoding and Interchange of
Electronic Texts (1994).
Karl D. Uitti and Gina Greco, "Computerization, Canonicity and the Old French Scribe: The Twelfth and
Thirteenth Centuries," Text 6 (1994): 133-52.
Daniel Ferrer, "Hypertextual Representation of Literary Working Papers," Literary and Linguistic
Computing 10 (1995): 143-45.
Nancy Ide, Jean Véronis, and Charles F. Goldfarb (eds.), Text Encoding Initiative: Background and
Context (1995). Reprint of Computers and the Humanities 29.2 (1995). [Includes Robin C. Cover
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and Peter M.W. Robinson, "Encoding Textual Criticism," 29 (1995): 123-36.]
John Lavagnino, "Reading, Scholarship, and Hypertext Editions," Text 8 (1995): 109-24.
Jerome McGann, "The Rationale of HyperText," European English Messenger 4.2 (Autumn 1995): 34-40.
Reprinted in Text 9 (1996): 11-32; and in Electronic Text, ed. Kathryn Sutherland (1997), pp. 19-46.
Also available at <>.
Jakob Nielsen, Multimedia and Hypertext: The Internet and Beyond (1995).
Arnold Sanders, "Hypertext, Learning, and Memory: Some Implications from Manuscript Tradition," Text
8 (1995): 125-44.
G.T. Tanselle, "Critical Editions, Hypertexts, and Genetic Criticism," Romanic Review 86 (1995): 581-93.
Reprinted in his Literature and Artifacts (1998), pp. 258-71.
Richard J. Finneran (ed.), The Literary Text in the Digital Age (1996). [Contains Susan Hockey, "Creating
and Using Electronic Editions," pp. 1-21; and Peter Shillingsburg, "Prinicples for Electronic
Archives, Scholarly Editions, and Tutorials," pp. 23-35; C.M. Sperberg-McQueen, "Textual Criticism
and the Text Encoding Initiative," pp. 37-61; John Lavagnino, "Completeness and Adequacy in Text
Encoding," pp. 63-76; Hoyt N. Duggan, "Some Unrevolutionary Aspects of Computer Editing," pp.
77-98; Peter W.M. Robinson, "Is There a Text in These Variants?", pp. 99-115; Ian Lancashire,
"Editing English Renaissance Electronic Texts," pp. 117-43; Jerome McGann, "The Rossetti Archive
and Image-Based Electronic Editing," pp. 145-83; Simon Gatrell, "Electronic Hardy," pp. 185-92;
William H. O'Donnell and Emily A. Thrush, "Designing a Hypertext Edition of a Modern Poem,"
pp. 193-212 (which includes a checklist of "Additional Resources on Document and Hypermedia
Design, pp. 208-11); Phillip E. Doss, "Traditional Theory and Innovative Practice: The Electronic
Editor as Poststructuralist Reader," pp. 213-24; Charles L. Ross, "The Electronic Text and the Death
of the Critical Edition," pp. 225-31; John Unsworth, "Electronic Scholarship; or, Scholarly
Publishing and the Public," pp. 233-43; and A. Walton Litz, "Afterword," pp. 245-48.]
Philip Cohen (ed.), Texts and Textuality: Textual Instability, Theory, and Interpretation (1997). [Includes
Jay David Bolter, "The Rhetoric of Interactive Fiction," pp. 269-90; and Susan Lang, "Converging
(or Colliding) Traditions: Integrating Hypertext into Literary Studies," pp. 291-312.]
Committee on Scholarly Editions, Modern Language Association, Guidelines for Electronic Scholarly
Editions, Draft 2, 26 September 1997.
Jesse D. Hurlbut, "Shifting Paradigms and the Development of Hypermedia Editions," Studies in
Medievalism 9 (1997): 228-38.
Fotis Jannidis, "Wider das Altern elektronischer Texte: philologische Textauszeichnung mit TEI," Editio
11 (1997): 152-77. [With abstract in English]
George P. Landow, Hypertext 2.0: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory (1997). [Reviewed
by Charles Ross in Text 12 (1999): 250-54.]
Kathryn Sutherland (ed.), Electronic Text: Investigations in Method and Theory (1997). [Contains
McGann (see 1995 above); Claire Lamont, "Annotating a Text: Literary Theory and Electronic
Hypertext," pp. 47-66; Patrick W. Conner, "Lighting out for the Territory: Hypertext, Ideology, and
Huckleberry Finn," pp. 67-106; Allen Renear, "Out of Praxis: Three (Meta)Theories of Textuality,"
pp. 107-26; Julia Flanders, "The Body Encoded: Questions of Gender and the Electronic Text,"
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152 Part 8: Writings on Computers C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
pp. 127-44; Peter M.W. Robinson, ""New Directions in Critical Editing," pp. 145-71; Peter S.
Donaldson, "Digital Archive as Expanded Text: Shakespeare and Electronic Textuality," pp. 173-98;
David Greetham, "Coda: Is It Morphin Time?", pp. 199-226.]
G.T. Tanselle, "The Text of Melville in the Twenty-First Century," in Melville's Evermoving Dawn:
Centennial Essays, ed. John Bryant and Robert Milder (1997), pp. 332-45.
Susan Brown, Sue Fisher, Patricia Clements, Katherine Binhammer, Terry Butler, Kathryn Carter, Isobel
Grundy, and Susan Hockey, "SGML and the Orlando Project: Descriptive Markup for an Electronic
History of Women's Writing," Computers and the Humanities 31 (1998): 271-84.
David R. Chesnutt, "Here Comes Tomorrow--And It's Full of Challenges," Documentary Editing 20
(1998): 88-91.
Julia Flanders, "Trusting the Electronic Edition," Computers and the Humanities 31 (1997-98): 301-10.
Sylvio Gaggi, From Text to Hypertext: Decentering the Subject in Fiction, Film, the Visual Arts, and
Electronic Media (1998).
Cathy Moran Hajo, "So You Think You Need a Web Page? Designing World Wide Web Access to
Documentary Editing Projects," Documentary Editing 20 (1998): 57-60, 67-69, 76, 78.
John Lavagnino, "Electronic Editions and the Needs of Readers," in New Ways of Looking at Old Texts,
II, ed. W. Speed Hill (1998), pp. 149-56.
José Manuel Lucía Megías, "Editar en Internet (che quanto piace il mondo è breve sogno)," Incipit 18
(1998): 1-40.
Marita Mathijsen, "The Future of Textual Editing," in Editing the Text, ed. Marysa Demoor, Geert
Lernout, and Sylvia van Peteghem (1998), pp. 45-54.
Kathryn Sutherland, "Revised Relations? Material Text, Immaterial Text, and the Electronic
Environment," Text 11 (1998): 17-39.
Nicole Bouché, Digitization for Scholarly Use: The Boswell Papers Project at the Beinecke Rare Book
and Manuscript Library (Council on Library and Information Resources, 1999).
[Essays on the William Blake Archive], The Wordsworth Circle 30 (1999): 123-44. [Karl Kroeber, "The
Blake Archive and the Future of Literary Studies," pp. 123-25; Andrew Cooper and Michael
Simpson, "The High-Tech Luddite of Lambeth: Blake's Eternal Hacking," pp. 125-31; and Morris
Eaves, Robert N. Essick, Joseph Viscomi, and Matthew G. Kirschenbaum, "Standards, Methods, and
Objectives in the William Blake Archive: A Response," pp. 135-44.]
Alexander Pettit (ed.), Textual Studies and the Common Reader: Essays on Editing Novels and Novelists
(2000). [Includes Charles L. Ross, "A Future for Editing: Lawrence in Hypertext," pp. 141-59; and
Michael F. Suarez, "In Dreams Begins Responsibility: Novels, Promises, and the Electronic Editor,"
pp. 160-79.]
Peter M.W. Robinson and Hans W. Gabler (eds.), "Making Texts for the Next Century," Literary and
Linguistic Computing 15.1 (2000). [Includes Robinson, "The One and the Many Texts," pp. 5-14.]
Peter Robinson, "Ma(r)king the Electronic Text: How, Why and for Whom?", in Ma(r)king the Text: The
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Presentation of Meaning on the Literary Page, ed. Joe Bray, Miriam Handley, and Anne C. Henry
Martin Kennedy Foys, "Hypertextile Scholarship: Digitally Editing the Bayeux Tapestry," Documentary
Editing 23 (2001): 34-43.
Kenneth M. Price, "Dollars and Sense in Collaborative Digital Scholarship: The Example of the Walt
Whitman Hypertext Archive," Documentary Editing 23 (2001): 29-33, 43.
Morris Eaves, Robert N. Essick, and Joseph Viscomi, "The William Blake Archive: The Medium When
the Millennium Is the Message," in Romanticism and Millenarianism, ed. Tim Fulford (2002),
pp. 219-33.
Jerome McGann, "The Gutenberg Variations," Text 14 (2002): 1-13.
Matthew G. Kirschenbaum, "Editing the Interface: Textual Studies and First Generation Electronic
Objects," Text 14 (2002): 15-51.
Joseph Viscomi, "Digital Facsimiles: Reading the William Blake Archive," Computers and the Humanities
36 (2002): 27-48.
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154 Part 8: Writings on Computers C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
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Part 9
(This list is limited to the analysis of manufacturing clues in books and manuscripts; for the analysis of
design features, see 3C above. References to "Hinman (1963)," "Blayney (1982)," and "Tanselle (1999)"
are to the works listed at those years in A1 below.)
A. Selected Basic Readings
R.B. McKerrow, An Introduction to Bibliography for Literary Students (1927), pp. 175-263.
F.P. Wilson, "Shakespeare and the 'New Bibliography,'" in The Bibliographical Society 1892-1942:
Studies in Retrospect (1945), pp. 76-135. [See Thomas M. Parrott's letter, Library 5th ser. 3
(1948-49): 63-65.] Reprinted as a separate volume (1970), ed. Helen Gardner.
Charlton Hinman, The Printing and Proof-Reading of the First Folio of Shakespeare (1963), 1: 3-14,
Fredson Bowers, Bibliography and Textual Criticism (1964).
D.F. McKenzie, "Printers of the Mind: Some Notes on Bibliographical Theories and Printing-House
Practices," Studies in Bibliography 22 (1969): 1-75. Reprinted in his Making Meaning: "Printers
of the Mind" and Other Essays, ed. Peter D. McDonald and Michael F. Suarez (2002), pp. 13-85.
Peter Davison, "Science, Method, and the Textual Critic," Studies in Bibliography 25 (1972): 1-28.
G.T. Tanselle, "Bibliography and Science," Studies in Bibliography 27 (1974): 55-89. Reprinted in his
Selected Studies in Bibliography (1979), pp. 1-36.
G.T. Tanselle, "Analytical Bibliography and Renaissance Printing History," Printing History 3.1 (1981):
24-33. Reprinted (as "Analytical Bibliography and Printing History") in his Literature and
Artifacts (1998), pp. 291-306.
G.T. Tanselle, The History of Books as a Field of Study (1981). Reprinted in his Literature and
Artifacts (1998), pp. 41-55.
Peter W.M. Blayney, The Texts of KING LEAR and Their Origins: Volume I. Nicholas Okes and the
First Quarto (1982), pp. 1-12.
G.T. Tanselle, "Printing History and Other History," Studies in Bibliography 48 (1995): 269-89.
Reprinted in his Literature and Artifacts (1998), pp. 307-27.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Treatment of Typesetting and Presswork in Bibliographical Description," Studies
in Bibliography 52 (1999): 1-57.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Concept of Format," Studies in Bibliography 53 (2000): 67-115.
W.W. Greg, "On Certain False Dates in Shakespearian Quartos," Library 2nd ser. 9 (1908): 113-31, 381-
409. Reprinted in Sir Walter Wilson Greg: A Collection of His Writings, ed. Joseph Rosenblum
(1998), pp. 35-67.
John Carter and Graham Pollard, An Enquiry into the Nature of Certain Nineteenth Century Pamphlets
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156 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
(1934; reprinted with an epilogue, and with notes by Nicolas Barker and John Collins, 1983).
Supplemented by Nicolas Barker and John Collins, A Sequel to AN ENQUIRY (1983).
Fredson Bowers, "Notes on Running-Titles as Bibliographical Evidence," Library 4th ser. 19 (1938-39):
Fredson Bowers, "The Headline in Early Books," English Institute Annual 1941 (1942), pp. 185-205.
Charlton Hinman, "New Uses for Headlines as Bibliographical Evidence," English Institute Annual 1941
(1942), pp. 207-22.
Edwin Wolf 2nd, "Press Corrections in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Quartos," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 36 (1942): 187-98.
Fredson Bowers, "An Examination of the Method of Proof-Correction in Lear," Library 5th ser. 2
(1947-48): 20-44. Reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing (1975), pp. 212-39.
Fredson Bowers, "Elizabethan Proofing," Joseph Quincy Adams Memorial Studies (1948), pp. 571-86.
Reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing (1975), pp. 240-53.
William H. Bond, "Casting Off Copy by Elizabethan Printers: A Theory," Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 42 (1948): 281-91.
Allan H. Stevenson, "New Uses of Watermarks as Bibliographical Evidence," Studies in Bibliography
1 (1948-49): 151-82.
Charlton Hinman, "Cast-Off Copy for the First Folio of Shakespeare," Shakespeare Quarterly 6 (1955):
Kenneth Povey, "On the Diagnosis of Half-Sheet Impositions," Library 5th ser. 11 (1956): 268-72.
Paul L. Cantrell and George Williams, "The Printing of the Second Quarto of Romeo and Juliet (1599),"
Studies in Bibliography 9 (1957): 107-28.
Robert K. Turner, "Printing Methods and Textual Problems in A Midsummer Night's Dream Q1,"
Studies in Bibliography 15 (1962): 33-55.
Charlton Hinman, The Printing and Proof-Reading of the First Folio of Shakespeare (1963). [Esp.
1: 52-234.]
Allan Stevenson, The Problem of the Missale Speciale (1967).
Robert K. Turner, Jr., "The Text of Heywood's The Fair Maid of the West," Library 5th ser. 22 (1967):
Robert K. Turner, Jr., "Analytical Techniques," in "The Printers and the Beaumont and Fletcher Folio
of 1647: Section 1 (Thomas Warren's)," Studies in Bibliography 27 (1974): 137-56 (see
pp. 139-42).
Peter W.M. Blayney, The Texts of KING LEAR and Their Origins: Volume I. Nicholas Okes and the
First Quarto (1982), pp. 89-257, 432-629.
Paul Needham, "Johann Gutenberg and the Catholicon Press," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America 76 (1982): 395-456.
David L. Vander Meulen, "The Printing of Pope's Dunciad, 1728," Studies in Bibliography 35 (1982):
David L. Vander Meulen, "The Identification of Paper without Watermarks: The Example of Pope's
Dunciad," Studies in Bibliography 37 (1984): 58-81.
Paul Needham, "The Paper Supply of the Gutenberg Bible," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America 79 (1985): 303-74.
Susan Zimmerman, "The Uses of Headlines: Peter Short's Shakespearian Quartos 1 Henry IV and
Richard III," Library 6th ser. 7 (1985): 218-55.
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Antony Hammond, "The White Devil in Nicholas Okes's Shop," Studies in Bibliography 39 (1986):
Paul Needham, "A Gutenberg Bible Used as Printer's Copy by Heinrich Eggestein in Strassburg, ca.
1469," Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society 9 (1986): 36-75.
David L. Vander Meulen, "The Dunciad in Four Books and the Bibliography of Pope," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 83 (1989): 293-310.
Adrian Weiss, "Font Analysis as a Bibliographical Method: The Elizabethan Play-Quarto Printers and
Compositors," Studies in Bibliography 43 (1990): 95-164.
Peter W.M. Blayney, The First Folio of Shakespeare (1991), esp. pp. 9-16.
Adrian Weiss, "Bibliographical Methods for Identifying Unknown Printers in Elizabethan / Jacobean
Books," Studies in Bibliography 44 (1991): 183-228.
Antony Telford-Moore, "The Printing of John Ford's Love's Sacrifice," Library 6th ser. 14 (1992):
Adrian Weiss, "Shared Printing, Printer's Copy, and the Text(s) of Gascoigne's A Hundreth Sundrie
Flowres," Studies in Bibliography 45 (1992): 71-104.
Martin Boghardt, "Partial Duplicate Setting: Means of Rationalization or Complicating Factor in Textual
Transmission," Library 6th ser. 15 (1993): 306-31.
Paul F. Gehl, "Watermark Evidence for the Competitive Practices of Antonio Miscomini," Library 6th
ser. 15 (1993): 281-305.
Paul Needham, "Slipped Lines in the Mainz Catholicon: A Second Opinion," Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 68
(1993): 25-29.
Shef Rogers, "How Many Ts Had Ezra Pound's Printer?", Studies in Bibliography 49 (1996): 277-83.
Peter W.M. Blayney, "Introduction to the Second Edition," in The Norton Facsimile of the First Folio
of Shakespeare (1996), pp. xxvii-xxxvii.
Adrian Weiss, "A 'Fill-In' Job: The Textual Crux and Interrupted Printing in Thomas Middleton's The
Triumph of Honour and Virtue (1622)," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 93
(1999): 53-73.
Paul Needham, "Concepts of Paper Study," in Puzzles in Paper: Concepts in Historical Watermarks,
ed. Daniel W. Mosser, Michael Saffle, and Ernest W. Sullivan II (2000), pp. 1-36.
B. Checklists
(See also 2G above.)
"Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship," Studies in Bibliography (1950-73) [covering
Douglas C. McMurtrie, The Invention of Printing: A Bibliography (1942).
Hans Widmann, "Gutenbergs Wirken: Versuch eines Umblicks," in Der gegenwärtige Stand der
Gutenberg-Forschung (1972), pp. 1-47.
Janet Ing, "The Mainz Indulgences of 1454/5: A Review of Recent Scholarship," British Library Journal
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158 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
9 (1983): 14-31.
Janet Ing, "Notes and Sources" and "Works Cited," in Johann Gutenberg and His Bible (1988),
pp. 123-45.
"Textual Studies," in Shakespeare Survey (1948- ).
T.H. Howard-Hill, Shakespearian Bibliography and Textual Criticism: A Bibliography (1971; revised,
James G. McManaway and Jeanne Addison Roberts, A Selective Bibliography of Shakespeare: Editions,
Textual Studies, Commentary (1975).
J.K. Moore, Primary Materials Relating to Copy and Print in English Books of the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries (1992). [Lists known surviving printers' copies and proofs, with references
to articles discussing them.]
Jeremy Lopez, "An Annotated Bibliography of Textual Scholarship in [non-Shakespearean] Elizabethan
Drama, 1973-1998," Research Opportunities in Renaissance Drama 39 (2000): 17-76.
C. General Theory
A.W. Pollard, "Our Twenty-First Birthday," Transactions of the Bibliographical Society 13 (1913-15):
R.B. McKerrow, An Introduction to Bibliography for Literary Students (1927), pp. 175-263.
Hereward T. Price, "Towards a Scientific Method of Textual Criticism for the Elizabethan Drama,"
Journal of English and Germanic Philology 36 (1937): 151-67. [Cf. Samuel A. Tannenbaum in
Shakespeare Association Bulletin 12 (July 1937): 191.]
R.C. Bald, "Evidence and Inference in Bibliography," English Institute Annual 1941 (1942), pp. 159-83.
Madeleine Doran, "An Evaluation of Evidence in Shakespearean Textual Criticism," English Institute
Annual 1941 (1942), pp. 95-114.
F.C. Francis, "The Bibliographical Society: A Sketch of the First Fifty Years," in The Bibliographical
Society 1892-1942: Studies in Retrospect (1945), pp. 1-22.
F.P. Wilson, "Shakespeare and the 'New Bibliography,'" in The Bibliographical Society 1892-1942:
Studies in Retrospect (1945), pp. 76-135. [See Thomas M. Parrott's letter, Library 5th ser. 3
(1948-49): 63-65.] Reprinted as a separate volume (1970), ed. Helen Gardner.
Fredson Bowers, "Shakespeare's Text and the Bibliographical Method," Studies in Bibliography 6
(1954): 71-91.
Roy B. Stokes (ed.), "Current Trends in Bibliography," Library Trends 7.4 (April 1959): 495-591
Charlton Hinman, The Printing and Proof-Reading of the First Folio of Shakespeare (1963), 1: 3-14,
Fredson Bowers, Bibliography and Textual Criticism (1964).
Charlton Hinman, "Shakespeare's Text--Then, Now and Tomorrow," Shakespeare Survey 18 (1965):
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 159
D.F. McKenzie, "Printers of the Mind: Some Notes on Bibliographical Theories and Printing-House
Practices," Studies in Bibliography 22 (1969): 1-75. Reprinted in his Making Meaning: "Printers
of the Mind" and Other Essays, ed. Peter D. McDonald and Michael F. Suarez (2002), pp. 13-85.
Peter Davison, "Science, Method, and the Textual Critic," Studies in Bibliography 25 (1972): 1-28.
Charlton Hinman, "Shakespearian Textual Studies: Seven More Years," in Shakespeare 1971, ed.
Clifford Leech (1972), pp. 37-49.
David Shaw, "A Sampling Theory for Bibliographical Research," Library 5th ser. 27 (1972): 310-19.
G.T. Tanselle, "Bibliography and Science," Studies in Bibliography 27 (1974): 55-89. Reprinted in his
Selected Studies in Bibliography (1979), pp. 1-36.
Martin Boghardt, Analytische Druckforschung e. Method Beitr. zu Buchkunde u. Textkritik (1977).
Peter Davison, "The Selection and Presentation of Bibliographic Evidence," Analytical & Enumerative
Bibliography 1 (1977): 101-36.
G.T. Tanselle, "Analytical Bibliography and Renaissance Printing History," Printing History 3.1 (1981):
24-33. Reprinted (as "Analytical Bibliography and Printing History") in his Literature and
Artifacts (1998), pp. 291-306.
G.T. Tanselle, The History of Books as a Field of Study (1981). Reprinted in his Literature and
Artifacts (1998), pp. 41-55.
Peter W.M. Blayney, The Texts of KING LEAR and Their Origins: Volume I. Nicholas Okes and the
First Quarto (1982), pp. 1-12. [See also Blayney's letter, Times Literary Supplement, 27 January
1984, p. 85, for some corrections. Reviewed in Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography 8 (1984):
138-41 (W. Craig Ferguson); Library 6th ser. 6 (1984): 89-93 (Antony Hammond); Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 78 (1984): 489-93 (S.W. Reid).]
Paul Werstine, "The Editorial Usefulness of Printing House and Compositor Studies," in Play-Texts in
Old Spelling, ed. G.B. Shand and Raymond C. Shady (1984), pp. 35-64. [Expanded version of
"Editorial Uses of Compositor Study," Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography 2 (1978): 153-65.]
G.T. Tanselle, "The Bibliography and Textual Study of American Books," Proceedings of the American
Antiquarian Society 95 (1985): 113-51. Reprinted in Needs and Opportunities in the History of
the Book: America, 1639-1876, ed. David D. Hall and John B. Hench (1987), pp. 233-71, and (as
"The Recording of American Books and the British Bibliographical Tradition") in Tanselle's
Literature and Artifacts (1998), pp. 157-85.
Manfred Draudt, "The Rationale of Current Bibliographical Methods: Printing House Studies,
Computer-Aided Compositor Studies, and the Use of Statistical Methods," Shakespeare Survey
40 (1987): 145-53. [See criticism by MacD. P. Jackson, 42 (1989): 208-9.]
Paul Needham, "ISTC as a Tool for Analytical Bibliography," in Bibliography and the Study of 15th-
Century Civilisation, ed. Lotte Hellinga and John Goldfinch (1987), pp. 39-54.
Julian Roberts, "The Bibliographical Society as a Band of Pioneers," in Pioneers in Bibliography, ed.
Robin Myers and Michael Harris (1988), pp. 86-100.
Adrian Weiss, "Reproductions of Early Dramatic Texts as a Source of Bibliographical Evidence," Text
4 (1988): 237-68.
G.T. Tanselle, "Reproductions and Scholarship," Studies in Bibliography 42 (1989): 25-54. Reprinted
in his Literature and Artifacts (1998), pp. 59-88.
Paul Werstine, "More Unrecorded States in the Folger Shakespeare Library's Collection of First Folios,"
Library 6th ser. 11 (1989): 47-51.
"The Uses of Facsimiles: A Symposium," Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook 1990, ed. James
This page is from a document available in full at
160 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
W. Hipp (1991), pp. 125-41. [Includes a checklist of facsimiles.]
G.T. Tanselle, "A Description of Descriptive Bibliography," Studies in Bibliography 45 (1992): 1-30
(esp. pp. 10-13). Reprinted in his Literature and Artifacts (1998), pp. 127-56 (esp. pp. 136-39).
G.T. Tanselle, "Issues in Bibliographical Studies since 1942," in The Book Encompassed, ed. Peter
Davison (1992), pp. 24-36 (esp. pp. 29-31).
G.T. Tanselle, "The Life and Work of Fredson Bowers," Studies in Bibliography 46 (1993): 1-154,
passim (see index to separate 1993 reprinting of this biography).
G.T. Tanselle, "Printing History and Other History," Studies in Bibliography 48 (1995): 269-89.
Reprinted in his Literature and Artifacts (1998), pp. 307-27.
Laurie E. Maguire, "The Rise of the New Bibliography," in Shakespearean Suspect Texts: The "Bad"
Quartos and Their Contexts (1996), pp. 21-71, 343-58.
Joseph F. Loewenstein, "Authentic Reproductions: The Material Origins of the New Bibliography," in
Textual Formations and Reformations, ed. Laurie E. Maguire and Thomas L. Berger (1998),
pp. 23-44.
W. Speed Hill, "Where Are the Bibliographers of Yesteryear?", in Pilgrimage for Love: Essays in Early
Modern Literature in Honor of Josephine A. Roberts, ed. Sigrid King (1999), pp. 115-32. Also
printed in Editio 14 (1999): 96-112.
Beatrice W. Kliman, "Considering the Terminology of the New Bibliography and After," Analytical &
Enumerative Bibliography n.s. 10 (1999): 148-65.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Treatment of Typesetting and Presswork in Bibliographical Description," Studies
in Bibliography 52 (1999): 1-57.
Roger E. Stoddard, "Looking at Marks in Books," Gazette of the Grolier Club 51 (2000); 27-47. [See
esp. "Marks of Manufacture," pp. 35-37.]
G.T. Tanselle, "The Concept of Format," Studies in Bibliography 53 (2000): 67-115.
Harold Love, "The Intellectual Heritage of Donald Francis McKenzie," Library 7th ser. 2 (2001):
D.F. McKenzie, Making Meaning: "Printers of the Mind" and Other Essays, ed. Peter D. McDonald and
Michael F. Suarez (2002).
D. Fifteenth Century
William Blades, The Life and Typography of William Caxton (1861-63).
William Blades, How to Tell a Caxton (1870).
Henry Bradshaw, Collected Papers (1889). [See also "Letters of Henry Bradshaw to Officials of the
British Museum," ed. A.W. Pollard, Library 2nd ser. 5 (1904): 266-92, 431-42; and Henry
Bradshaw's Correspondence on Incunabula with J.W. Holtrop and M.F.A.G. Campbell, ed. Wytze
and Lotte Hellinga (1966-78).]
Karl Dziatzko, Beiträge zur Gutenbergfrage (1889).
Karl Dziatzko, Gutenbergs früheste Druckerpraxis (1890).
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 161
Otto Hupp, Ein Missale speciale Vorläufer des Psalteriums von 1457 (1898).
Robert Proctor, An Index to the Early Printed Books in the British Museum (1898).
Otto Hartwig (ed.), Festschrift zum fünfhundertjährigen Geburtstage von Johann Gutenberg (1900).
Paul Schwenke, Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des ersten Buchdrucks (1900).
Robert Proctor, "The 'Gutenberg' Bible," Library 2nd ser. 5 (1901): 60-66.
Gottfried Zedler, Gutenberg-Forschungen (1901).
Robert Proctor, Bibliographical Essays, ed. A.W. Pollard (1905). [And see Pollard, "Robert Proctor,"
Library n.s. 5 (1904): 1-34 (reprinted as "Memoir" in Proctor's Bibliographical Essays, pp. ix-xl).]
Gottfried Zedler, Das Mainzer Catholicon (1905).
A.W. Pollard, Catalogue of Books Printed in the XVth Century Now in the British Museum, Part 1
Adolph Tronnier, Die Missaldrucke Peter Schöffers (1908).
Otto Hupp, Zum Streit um das Missale speciale constantiense (1917). [See Stevenson (1967) below,
under Paper.]
Paul Schwenke, Johannes Gutenbergs zweiundvierzigzeilige Bibel: Ergänzungsband zur Faksimile-
Ausgabe (1923).
Gottfried Zedler, Die sogenannte Gutenbergbibel (1929).
Gavin Bone, "Extant Manuscripts Printed from by W. de Worde with Notes on the Owner, Roger
Thorney," Library 4th ser. 12 (1931-32): 284-306.
Curt F. Bühler, "Variants in English Incunabula," in Bookmen's Holiday (1943), pp. 459-74.
Rudolf Blum, Der Prozess Fust gegen Gutenberg (1954).
Heinrich Schneider, Der Text der Gutenbergbibel (1954).
Heinrich Schneider, "Der Text der 36zeiligen Bibel und des Probedrucks von circa 1457," Gutenberg-
Jahrbuch, 1955, pp. 57-69.
F.A. Schmidt-Künsemüller, "Der Streit um das Missale speciale," in Aus der Welt des Bibliothekars, ed.
K. Ohly and W. Krieg (1961), pp. 51-89.
George D. Painter, "Gutenberg and the B36 Group: A Re-Consideration," in Essays in Honour of Victor
Scholderer (1970), pp. 292-322.
Severin Corsten, "Das Missale speciale," in Der gegenwärtige Stand der Gutenberg-Forschung, ed.
Hans Widmann (1972), pp. 185-99.
Ferdinand Geldner, "Das Helmaspergersche Notariatsinstrument in seiner Bedeutung für die Geschichte
des ältesten Mainzer Buchdrucks" and "Die ersten typographischen Drucke," in Der gegenwärtige
Stand der Gutenberg-Forschung (1972), pp. 91-121, 148-84.
Michael Pollak, "The Performance of the Wooden Printing Press," Library Quarterly 42 (1972): 218-64.
Lotte Hellinga, "Problems about Technique and Methods in a Fifteenth Century Printing House," in
Villes d'imprimerie et moulins à papier du XIV
au XVI
siècle (1976), pp. 301-12.
Adrian Wilson, The Making of the Nuremberg Chronicle (1976).
A.C. de la Mare and Lotte Hellinga, "The First Book Printed in Oxford: The Expositio Symboli of
Rufinus," Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society 7.2 (1978): 184-244.
Robin Myers, "William Blades's Debt to Henry Bradshaw and G.I.F. Tupper in His Caxton Studies,"
Library 5th ser. 33 (1978): 265-83;
Wieland Schmidt and Friedrich Schmidt-Künsemüller (eds.), Johannes Gutenbergs
zweiundvierzigzeilige Bibel . . . Kommentarband (1979). [Includes Eberhard König, "Die
Illuminierung der Gutenbergbibel," pp. 69-125; Severin Corsten, "Die Drucklegung der
This page is from a document available in full at
162 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
zweiundvierzigzeiligen Bibel: technische und chronologische Probleme," pp. 127-55; Schmidt,
"Zur Tabula Rubricarum," pp. 177-83.
Lotte Hellinga, Caxton in Focus (1982). [See also Paul Needham's review, Fine Print 9 (1983): 88-91.]
Roger E. Stoddard, Marks in Books (1985).
Janet Ing, "Searching for Gutenberg in the 1980s," Fine Print 12 (1986): 212-15, 232-33.
Paul Needham, The Printer & the Pardoner (1986).
Felix de Marez Oyens, [Review of Adrian and Joyce Wilson's A Medieval Mirror (1984)], Quaerendo
16 (1986): 66-72.
Paul Needham, "ISTC as a Tool for Analytical Bibliography," in Bibliography and the Study of 15th-
Century Civilisation, ed. Lotte Hellinga and John Goldfinch (1987), pp. 39-54.
Paul Needham, The Bradshaw Method (1988).
Margaret M. Smith, "Printed Foliation: Forerunner to Printed Page-Numbers?" Gutenberg-Jahrbuch,
1988, pp. 54-70.
Lotte Hellinga, "Analytical Bibliography and the Study of Early Printed Books with a Case-Study of the
Mainz Catholicon," Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 1989, pp. 47-96. [See also Paul Needham, "Corrective
Notes on the Date of the Catholicon Press," Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 1990, pp. 46-64; Hellinga,
"Comments on Paul Needham's Notes," pp. 65-69; Needham, "Further Corrective Notes on the
Date of the Catholicon Press," Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 1991, pp. 101-26; and Hellinga, "Proof for
the Date of Printing of the Mainz Catholicon," Bulletin du bibliophile, 1991, 1: 143-47.]
Paul Needham, "Paul Schwenke and Gutenberg Scholarship: The German Contribution, 1885-1921,"
Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 84 (1990): 241-64.
Felix de Marez Oyens, The Würzburg Schottenkloster - Spencer - Liverpool Copy of the 36-line Bible
(Christie's sale catalogue, 27 November 1991).
Mary Erler, "Pasted-In Embellishments in English Manuscripts and Printed Books, c. 1480-1533,"
Library 6th ser. 14 (1992): 185-206.
Paul Needham, "Counting Incunables: The IISTC CD-ROM," Huntington Library Quarterly 61 (1999-
2000): 456-529.
Christoph Reske, Die Produktion der Schedelschen Weltchronik in Nürnberg (2000).
Lotte Hellinga, "Fragments Found in Bindings and Their Role as Bibliographical Evidence," in For the
Love of the Binding: Studies in Historical Bookbinding Presented to Mirjam Foot, ed. David
Pearson (2001).
Paul Needham, "Copy Description in Incunable Catalogues," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America 95 (2001): 173-239.
Henry Bradshaw, List of the Founts of Type and Woodcut Devices Used by the Printers in Holland in
the Fifteenth Century (1871). Reprinted in his Collected Papers (1889).
G.R. Redgrave, Erhard Ratdolt and His Work at Venice (1894). [On Robert Proctor's contribution to
this work, see Paul Needham, "Paul Schwenke and Gutenberg Scholarship: The German
Contribution, 1885-1921," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 84 (1990): 241-64
(at p. 254).]
Paul Schwenke, Hans Weinreich und die Anfänge des Buchdrucks in Königsberg (1896).
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 163
Robert Proctor, An Index to the Early Printed Books in the British Museum (1898).
Paul Schwenke, "Gutenberg und die Type des Türkenkalenders," Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen 18
(1901): 289-96.
Gottfried Zedler, Die älteste Gutenbergtype (1902).
Paul Schwenke, Die Donat- und Kalender-Type (1903).
Konrad Haebler, Typenrepertorium der Wiegendrucke (1905).
Gottfried Zedler, Gutenbergs älteste Type und die mit ihr hergestellten Drucke (1934).
Carl Wehmer, Mainzer Probedrucke in der Type des sogenannten Astronomischen Kalenders für 1448
Theo Gerardy, "Zur Datierung des mit Gutenbergs kleiner Psaltertype gedruckten Missale speciale,"
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens 5 (1964): 399-415.
Wytze and Lotte Hellinga, The Fifteenth-Century Printing Types of the Low Countries (1966).
Stan Nelson, "Startling Observations on Early Printing: Re-examination of Gutenberg's Types [by Paul
Needham and Blaise Agüera y Arcas]," Journal of the Printing Historical Society n.s. 3 (Summer
2001): 49-51.
Tanselle (1999), section I(a,b), pp. 8-17.
Gottfried Zedler, Das Mainzer Catholicon (1905), esp. pp. 2-6.
Paul Schwenke, Johannes Gutenbergs zweiundvierzigzeilige Bibel: Ergänzungsband zur Faksimile-
Ausgabe (1923).
Konrad Haebler, Handbuch der Inkunabelkunde (1925), pp. 72-79.
Irvine Masson, "The Bibliography of a Small Incunable [GW 5098, by Andreas Brentius]," Library 4th
ser. 17 (1936-37): 36-61.
Victor Scholderer, "Variant Settings-Up in Zel Quartos," Library 5th ser. 9 (1954): 128-29. Reprinted
in his Fifty Essays in Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Bibliography, ed. Dennis E. Rhodes
(1966), pp. 248-49.
Lotte Hellinga, "Notes on the Order of Setting a Fifteenth-Century Book," Quaerendo 4 (1974): 64-69.
[Cf. Tanselle (1999), footnote 9.]
Lotte Hellinga, "The Book of St Albans 1486," in Fine Books and Book Collecting, ed. Christopher de
Hamel and Richard A. Linenthal (1981), pp. 31-34.
Carol M. Meale, "Wynkyn de Worde's Setting-Copy for Ipomydon," Studies in Bibliography 35 (1982):
Paul Needham, "Johan Gutenberg and the Catholicon Press," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America 76 (1982): 395-456. [See also W.J. Partridge, "The Type-Setting and Printing of the
Mainz Catholicon," Book Collector 35 (1986): 21-52; Paul Needham, "The Type-Setting of the
Mainz Catholicon: A Reply to W.J. Partridge," 293-304; Lotte Hellinga, "Slipped Lines and Fallen
Type in the Mainz Catholicon," Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 1992, pp. 35-40, and "Eltville and Mainz:
A Tale of Two Compositors," Book Collector 41 (1992): 28-54; Paul Needham, "Mainz and
Eltville: The True Tale of Three Compositors," Bulletin du bibliophile 1992: 257-304; Paul
Needham, "Slipped Lines in the Mainz Catholicon: A Second Opinion," Gutenberg-Jahrbuch,
This page is from a document available in full at
164 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
1993, pp. 25-29; James Mosley, "The Enigma of the Early Lyonnaise Printing Types," in La
Lumitype-Photon: René Higgonet, Louis Moyroud et l'invention de la photocomposition moderne,
ed. Alan Marshall (1995); Martin Boghardt, "Blattersetzung und Neusatz in frühen Inkunabeln,"
Bibliothek und Wissenschaft 29 (1996): 24-58; and the entry for Hellinga (1989) in C1 above. For
a comment on the controversy, see G.T. Tanselle, "Printing History and Other History," Studies
in Bibliography 48 (1995): 269-89 (see pp. 284-85); reprinted in his Literature and Artifacts
(1998), pp. 307-27 [322-23].]
William B. Todd, The Gutenberg Bible: New Evidence of the Original Printing (1982). [Also printed
in AB Bookman's Weekly 70 (1982): 4363-89. See Paul Needham, "The Compositor's Hand in the
Gutenberg Bible: A Review of the Todd Thesis," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America 77 (1983): 341-71.]
Lotte Hellinga, "Manuscripts in the Hands of Printers," in Manuscripts in the Fifty Years after the
Invention of Printing, ed. J.B. Trapp (1983), pp. 3-11.
Paul Needham, "A Gutenberg Bible Used as Printer's Copy by Heinrich Eggestein in Strassburg, ca.
1469," Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society 9 (1986): 36-75.
Richard N. Schwab, "Some Signs of Stereotyping of the Yale Vellum Copy of the Mainz Catholicon,"
Yale University Library Gazette 63 (1988-89): 8-13.
Lotte Hellinga and Margaret Lane Ford, "Deletion or Addition: A Controversial Variant in Werner
Rolewinck's 'Fasciculus Temporum' (Cologne, 1474)," Library Chronicle of the University of
Texas 21.3/4 (1991): 60-79.
Lotte Hellinga, "Compositors and Editors: Preparing Texts for Printing in the Fifteenth Century,"
Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 2000, pp. 152-59.
Paul Needham, "Concepts of Paper Study," in Puzzles in Paper: Concepts in Historical Watermarks,
ed. Daniel W. Mosser, Michael Saffle, and Ernest W. Sullivan II (2000), pp. 1-36 (see pp. 14-16).
Thomas A. Cahill, Bruce H. Kusko, and Richard N. Schwab, "Analyses of Inks and Papers in Historical
Documents through External Beam PIXE Techniques," Nuclear Instruments & Methods 181
(1981): 205-8.
Richard N. Schwab, Thomas A. Cahill, Bruce H. Kusko, and Daniel L. Wick, "Cyclotron Analysis of
the Ink [and paper] in the 42-Line Bible," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 77
(1983): 285-315.
Thomas A. Cahill et al., "Gutenberg's Inks and Papers: Non-Destructive Compositional Analyses by
Proton Milliprobe," Archaeometry 26 (1984): 3-14.
Richard N. Schwab, Thomas A. Cahill, Robert A. Eldred, Bruce H. Kusko, and Daniel L. Wick, "New
Evidence on the Printing of the Gutenberg Bible: The Inks in the Doheny Copy," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 79 (1985): 375-410. See also Paul Needham, "Division of
Copy in the Gutenberg Bible: Three Glosses on the Ink Evidence": 411-26.
Richard N. Schwab, Thomas A. Cahill, Bruce H. Kusko, Robert A. Eldred, and Daniel L. Wick, "Ink
Patterns in the Gutenberg New Testament: The Proton Milliprobe Analysis of the Lilly Library
Copy," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 80 (1986): 305-31; "The Proton
Milliprobe Ink Analysis of the Harvard B42, Volume II," 81 (1987): 403-32.
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 165
Bruce H. Kusko, "Cyclotron Analysis of Paper and Ink: Revealing Secrets of the Written and Printed
Word," Literary Research 13 (1988): 123-36.
Philip M. Teigen, "Concurrent Printing of the Gutenberg Bible and Proton Milliprobe Analysis of Its
Ink," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 87 (1993): 437-51.
Hans Mommsen, Th. Beier, Heiko Dittmann, Dieter Heimermann, Anno Hein, Achim Rosenberg,
Martin Boghardt, E.-M. Hanebutt-Benz, and H. Halbey, "X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis with
Synchroton Radiation on the Inks and Papers of Incunabula," Archaeometry 38 (1996): 347-57.
Achim Rosenberg, Martin Boghardt, Heiko Dittmann, Dieter Heimermann, Anno Hein, and Hans
Mommsen, "Röntgenfluoreszensanalyse der Druckerschwärzen des Mainzer Catholicon und
anderer Frühdrucke mit Synchrotonstrahlung," Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 1998, pp. 231-55.
Lotte Hellinga, "The Interpretation of Measurements of Pinholes and Analysis of Ink in Incunabula,"
Library 7th ser. 2 (2001): 60-64.
R.B. McKerrow, An Introduction to Bibliography for Literary Students (1927), pp. 97-108.
Allan H. Stevenson, "New Uses of Watermarks as Bibliographical Evidence," Studies in Bibliography
1 (1948-49): 151-82.
Allan H. Stevenson, "Watermarks Are Twins," Studies in Bibliography 4 (1951-52): 57-91 (with
addendum on p. 235).
A.W. Kazmeier, "Wasserzeichen und Papier der zweiundvierzigzeiligen Bibel," Gutenberg-Jahrbuch,
1952, pp. 21-29.
Allan H. Stevenson, "Chain-Indentations in Paper as Evidence," Studies in Bibliography 6 (1954):
Curt F. Bühler, "Watermarks and the Dates of Fifteenth-Century Books," Studies in Bibliography 9
(1957): 217-24.
Roberto Ridolfi, Le filigrane dei paleotipi: saggio metodologica (1957).
Theo Gerardy, "Die Wasserzeichen des mit Gutenbergs kleiner Psaltertype gedruckten Missale speciale,"
Papiergeschichte 10.2 (May 1960): 13-22.
Gerhard Piccard, "Die Datierung des Missale speciale (Constantiense) durch seine Papiermarken,"
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens 2 (1960): 571-84.
Allan H. Stevenson, Observations on Paper as Evidence (1961).
Allan H. Stevenson, "Paper as Bibliographical Evidence," Library 5th ser. 17 (1962): 197-212.
Allan H. Stevenson, "Paper Evidence and the Missale speciale," Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 1962, pp. 94-105.
Gerhard Piccard, "Papiererzeugung und Buchdruck in Basel bis zum Beginn des 16. Jahrhunderts,"
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens 8 (1967): 25-322.
Allan H. Stevenson, "Beta-Radiography and Paper Research," in VII International Congress of Paper
Historians, Communications, ed. J.S.G. Simmons (1967), pp. 159-68.
Allan H. Stevenson, The Problem of the Missale Speciale (1967). [Reviewed by George D. Painter in
Book Collector 18 (1969): 95-102; and by G.T. Tanselle in Library Quarterly 39 (1969): 201-2.]
Allan H. Stevenson, "The First Book Printed at Louvain," in Essays in Honour of Victor Scholderer, ed.
Dennis E. Rhodes (1970), pp. 402-6.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Bibliographical Description of Paper," Studies in Bibliography 24 (1971): 27-67.
This page is from a document available in full at
166 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Reprinted in Readings in Descriptive Bibliography, ed. John Bush Jones (1974), pp. 71-115; and
in Selected Studies in Bibliography (1979), pp. 203-43.
Philip Gaskell, A New Introduction to Bibliography (1972; rev. 1974), pp. 57-77.
Theo Gerardy, "Die Beschreibung des in Manuscripten und Drucken vorkommenden Papiers,"
Codicologica 5 (1980): 37-51.
Thomas L. Gravell, "Watermarks: What They Are and How They Can Be Used," Manuscripts 32
(1980): 4-10.
J. Irigoin, "La datation par les filigranes du papier," Codicologica 5 (1980): 9-36.
Eva Ziesche and Dierk Schnitger, "Elektronenradiographische Untersuchungen der Wasserzeichen des
Mainzer Catholicon von 1460," Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens 21 (1980): 1303-60.
Thomas A. Cahill, Bruce H. Kusko, and Richard N. Schwab, "Analyses of Inks and Papers in Historical
Documents through External Beam PIXE Techniques," Nuclear Instruments & Methods 181
(1981): 205-8.
Paul Needham, "Bibliographical Evidence from the Paper Stocks of English Incunabula," in Buch und
Text im 15. Jahrhundert, ed. Lotte Hellinga and Helmar Hartel (1981), pp. 79-87.
Richard N. Schwab, "The Cyclotron and Descriptive Bibliography: A Progress Report on the Crocker
Historical and Archaeological Project at UC Davis," Book Club of California Quarterly News
Letter 47 (1981-82): 3-12.
Richard N. Schwab, Thomas A. Cahill, Bruce H. Kusko, and Daniel L. Wick, "Cyclotron Analysis of
the Ink [and paper] in the 42-Line Bible," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 77
(1983): 285-315.
Thomas A. Cahill et al., "Gutenberg's Inks and Papers: Non-Destructive Compositional Analyses by
Proton Milliprobe," Archaeometry 26 (1984): 3-14.
David L. Vander Meulen, "The Identification of Paper without Watermarks: The Example of Pope's
Dunciad," Studies in Bibliography 37 (1984): 58-81.
Paul Needham, "The Paper Supply of the Gutenberg Bible," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America 79 (1985): 303-74.
Theo Gerardy, "Zur Methodik des Datierens von Frühbrucken mit Hilfe des Papiers," in Ars
impressoria, Entstehung und Entwicklung des Buchdrucke, ed. H. Limburg et al. (1986),
pp. 47-64.
Paul Needham, "The Cambridge Proof Sheets of Mentelin's Latin Bible," Transactions of the Cambridge
Bibliographical Society 9 (1986): 1-35.
Stephen Spector (ed.), Essays in Paper Analysis (1987). [Contains, among other essays, David
Schoonover, "Techniques of Reproducing Watermarks: A Practical Introduction," pp. 154-67.]
Bruce H. Kusko, "Cyclotron Analysis of Paper and Ink: Revealing Secrets of the Written and Printed
Word," Literary Research 13 (1988): 123-36.
David L. Vander Meulen, "The Low-Tech Analysis of Early Paper," Literary Research 13 (1988): 89-94.
John Bidwell, "The Study of Paper as Evidence, Artefact, and Commodity," in The Book Encompassed,
ed. Peter Davison (1992), pp. 69-82.
Brett Charbeneau, "Watermarks: Making Use of the Evidence," Hand Papermaking 8.2 (Winter 1993):
Paul F. Gehl, "Watermark Evidence for the Competitive Practices of Antonio Miscomini," Library 6th
ser. 15 (1993): 281-305.
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Janet Ing Freeman, "Anton Koberger's First Books: Paper Stocks and Sequence of Printing," Princeton
University Library Chronicle 55 (1993-94): 308-22.
Paul Needham, "Aldus Manutius's Paper Stocks: The Evidence of Two Uncut Books," Princeton
University Library Chronicle 55 (1993-94): 287-307.
Paul Needham, "Allan H. Stevenson and the Bibliographical Uses of Paper," Studies in Bibliography
47 (1994): 23-64.
Paul Needham, "Res papirea: Sizes and Formats of the Late Medieval Book," in Rationalisierung des
Buchherstellung im Mittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit, ed. Peter Rück and Martin Boghardt
(1994), pp. 123-45.
Hans Mommsen, Th. Beier, Heiko Dittmann, Dieter Heimermann, Anno Hein, Achim Rosenberg,
Martin Boghardt, E.-M. Hanebutt-Benz, and H. Halbey, "X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis with
Synchroton Radiation on the Inks and Papers of Incunabula," Archaeometry 38 (1996): 347-57.
David L. Gants, "The Application of Digital Image Processing to the Analysis of Watermarked Paper
and Printers' Ornament Usage in Early Printed Books," in New Ways of Looking at Old Texts II,
ed. W. Speed Hill (1998), pp. 133-47.
Paul Needham, "Concepts of Paper Study," in Puzzles in Paper: Concepts in Historical Watermarks,
ed. Daniel W. Mosser, Michael Saffle, and Ernest W. Sullivan II (2000), pp. 1-36.
Henry Bradshaw, "A Word on Size-Notation as Distinguished from Form-Notation," in Address at the
Opening of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Library Association of the United Kingdom,
Cambridge, Sept. 5, 1882 (1882), pp. 36-39. Reprinted in his Collected Papers, ed. Francis
Jenkinson (1889), pp. 406-9.
William Blades, The Use and Development of Signatures in Books (Bibliographical Miscellanies No. 1,
Francis Jenkinson, "Ulrich Zell's Early Quartos," Library 4th ser. 7 (1926-27): 46-66. [Single-page
Irvine Masson, "The Bibliography of a Small Incunable [GW 5098, by Andreas Brentius]," Library 4th
ser. 17 (1936-37): 36-61.
Curt F. Bühler, "Caxton Studies," Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 1940, pp. 169-76. Reprinted, with a revised
diagram, in his Early Books and Manuscripts (1973), pp. 43-52.
Curt F. Bühler, "The Margins in Mediaeval Books," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America
40 (1946): 32-42.
Dennis E. Rhodes, "Variants in the 1479 Oxford Edition of Aristotle's Ethics," Studies in Bibliography
8 (1956): 209-12.
Dorothy M. Schullian and Curt F. Bühler, "A Misprinted Sheet in the 1479 Mammotrectus super
Bibliam," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 61 (1967): 51-52.
Curt F. Bühler, "Chainlines versus Imposition in Incunabula," Studies in Bibliography 23 (1970):
Philip Gaskell, A New Introduction to Bibliography (1972), pp. 87-107.
Paul Needham, "ISTC as a Tool for Analytical Bibliography," in Bibliography and the Study of 15th-
Century Civilisation, ed. Lotte Hellinga and John Goldfinch (1987), pp. 39-54.
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168 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Richard N. Schwab, "New Clues about Gutenberg in the Huntington 42-Line Bible: What the Margins
Reveal," Huntington Library Quarterly 51 (1988): 176-209.
Ursula Baurmeister, "Clement de Padoue, enlumineur et premier imprimeur italien?", Bulletin de
bibliophile, 1990, 1: 19-28 (see pp. 23-24).
Paul Needham, "Res papirea: Sizes and Formats of the Late Medieval Book," in Rationalisierung des
Buchherstellung im Mittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit, ed. Peter Rück and Martin Boghardt
(1994), pp. 123-45.
Lotte Hellinga, "Press and Text in the First Decades of Printing," in Libri, tipografi, biblioteche:
ricerche storiche dedicate a Luigi Balsamo, ed. A. Ganda and E. Grignani (1997), pp. 1-23.
Martin Boghardt, "Punkturmuster in grossformatigen Incunabeln und die Datierung des Mainzer
'Catholicon,'" Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 1999, pp. 75-88. Revised and translated by John L. Flood as
"Pinhole Patterns in Large-Format Incunabula," Library 7th ser. 1 (2000): 263-89.
Paul Needham, "Counting Incunables: The IISTC CD-ROM," Huntington Library Quarterly 61 (1999-
2000): 456-529 (see "Format Field," pp. 493-95).
G.T. Tanselle, "The Concept of Format," Studies in Bibliography 53 (2000): 67-115
Tanselle (1999), section II(a), pp. 18-24.
Robert Proctor, "A Short View of Berthelet's Editions of the Statutes of Henry VIII," Transactions of
the Bibliographical Society 5 (1898-1900): 255-62. [Distinguishing editions by running-titles.]
D.C. Bain, "Some Notes on the Printing of the Summa de Exemplis, 1499," Library 4th ser. 21 (1940-
41): 192-98.
Curt F. Bühler, "The Headlines of William de Machlinia's Year-Book, 37 Henry VI," Studies in
Bibliography 1 (1948-49): 125-32.
Tanselle (1999), section II(b), pp. 24-28.
Heinrich Wallau, "Über Puncturen in alten Drucken," Centralblatt für Bibliothekswesen 5 (1888): 91-93.
Paul Schwenke, Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des ersten Buchdrucks (1900). [Cf. p. 258 of Paul
Needham, "Paul Schwenke and Gutenberg Scholarship: The German Contribution," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 84 (1990): 241-264.]
Gustav Milchsack, [Review of Festschrift zur Gutenbergfeier], Centralblatt für Bibliothekswesen 18
(1901): 172-79 (see p. 175, n.1).
Paul Schwenke, "Das Mainzer Catholicon von Dr. Gottfried Zedler," Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen
23 (1906): 213-18.
A.W. Pollard, Catalogue of Books Printed in the XVth Century Now in the British Museum, Part I
(1908), pp. xiv-xv, xxi.
Curt F. Bühler, "The Morgan Copy of Machlinia's Speculum Christiani," Studies in Bibliography 5
This page is from a document available in full at
Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 169
(1952-53): 159-60.
Irvine Masson, "Digression on Pinholes and Their Interpretation," in The Mainz Psalters and Canon
Missae, 1457-1459 (1954), pp. 16-22.
Kenneth Povey, "Pinholes in the 1457 Psalter," Library 5th ser. 11 (1956): 18-22.
Allan Stevenson, The Problem of the Missale speciale (1967), p. 342.
K.I.D. Maslen, "Point-Holes as Bibliographical Evidence," Library 5th ser. 23 (1968): 240-41.
Paul Needham, "Pinholes in the Alost Editions, and Evidences of Page-by-Page Printing," p. 18 in his
"Fragments of an Unrecorded Edition of the First Alost Press," Quaerendo 12 (1982): 6-21.
Roger E. Stoddard, Marks in Books (1985), item 1.
Martin Boghardt, "Punkturmuster in grossformatigen Incunabeln und die Datierung des Mainzer
'Catholicon,'" Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 1999, pp. 75-88. Revised and translated by John L. Flood as
"Pinhole Patterns in Large-Format Incunabula," Library 7th ser. 1 (2000): 263-89.
Lotte Hellinga, "The Interpretation of Measurements of Pinholes and Analysis of Ink in Incunabula,"
Library 7th ser. 2 (2001): 60-64.
Tanselle (1999), section II(c), pp. 28-31.
Heinrich Wallau, "Die zweifarbigen Initialen der Psalterdruke von Johann Fust und Peter Schöffer," in
Festschrift zum fünfhundertjährigen Geburtstage von Johann Gutenberg (1900), 261-304 (esp.
p. 280).
Kenneth Povey, "On the Diagnosis of Half-Sheet Impositions," Library 5th ser. 11 (1956): 268-72 (esp.
p. 270).
Kenneth Povey, "The Optical Identification of First Formes," Studies in Bibliography 13 (1960): 189-90.
Paul Needham, "Pinholes in the Alost Editions, and Evidences of Page-by-Page Printing," in his
"Fragments of an Unrecorded Edition of the First Alost Press," Quaerendo 12 (1982): 6-21
(p. 18).
Paul Needham, "Allan H. Stevenson and the Bibliographical Uses of Paper," Studies in Bibliography
47 (1994): 23-64 (see p. 27).
Tanselle (1999), section II(d), pp. 31-41.
Carl Wehmer, "Ein frühes Korrekturblatt aus der Schöfferschen Offizin," Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 1932,
pp. 118-22.
Curt F. Bühler, "Stop-Press and Manuscript Corrections in the Aldine Edition of Benedetti's Diaria de
bello Carolino," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 43 (1949): 365-73.
Paul Morgan and G.D. Painter, "The Caxton Legenda at St. Mary's, Warwick," Library 5th ser. 12
(1957): 225-39.
Lotte Hellinga, "Proof-Reading in 1459: The Munich Copy of Guillelmus Duranti, Rationale," in Ars
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170 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Impressoria Entstehung und Entwicklung des Buchdrucks, ed. Hans Limburg, Hartwig Lohse, and
Wolfgang Schmitz (1986), pp. 183-202.
Paul Needham, "The Cambridge Proof Sheets of Mentelin's Latin Bible," Transactions of the Cambridge
Bibliographical Society 9.1 (1986): 1-35.
Tanselle (1999), section II(e), pp. 41-43.
Victor Scholderer, "The Shape of Early Type," Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 1927, pp. 24-25. Reprinted in his
Fifty Essays in Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Bibliography, ed. Dennis E. Rhodes (1966),
pp. 106-7.
Curt F. Bühler, "Caxton Studies," Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 1940, pp. 169-76 (see p. 174).
Curt F. Bühler, "A Note on a Fifteenth-Century Printing Technique," Library Chronicle of the University
of Pennsylvania 15 (1949): 52-55.
Curt F. Bühler, "A Misprinted Page in a Fifteenth-Century Book," Library Chronicle of the University
of Pennsylvania 21 (1955): 3-5.
Curt F. Bühler, "The First Edition of Ficino's De Christiana Religione: A Problem in Bibliographical
Description," Studies in Bibliography 18 (1965): 248-52. Reprinted in his Early Books and
Manuscripts (1973), pp. 307-12.
Roger E. Stoddard, Marks in Books (1985), items 4, 7.
Neil Harris, "Rising Quadrats in the Woodcuts of the Aldine Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (1499),"
Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 2002, pp. 158-67.
Martin Boghardt, "Blattersetzung und Neusatz in frühen Inkunabeln," Bibliothek und Wissenschaft 29
(1996): 24-58 (esp. pp. 28-39).
E. Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: Composition
Thomas Bennet, Essay on the XXXIX Articles (1715). [See Strickland Gibson, "Thomas Bennet, a
Forgotten Bibliographer," Library 5th ser. 6 (1951): 43-47; and William L. Williamson, "A Quest
for Copies of the Articles," Book Collector 27 (1978): 27-39, and "Thomas Bennet and the Origins
of Analytical Bibliography," Journal of Library History 16 (1981): 177-86.]
A.W. Pollard, "The Printing of the First Folio," in his Shakespeare Folios and Quartos (1909),
pp. 131-41.
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R.B. McKerrow, "The Use of the Galley in Elizabethan Printing," Library 4th ser. 2 (1921-22): 97-108.
[Uses catchword evidence.]
W.W. Greg, "An Elizabethan Printer and His Copy," Library 4th ser. 4 (1923-24): 102-18.
R.B. McKerrow, "Elizabethan Printers and the Composition of Reprints," Library 4th ser. 5 (1924-25):
W.W. Greg, "Prompt Copies, Private Transcripts, and the Playhouse Scrivener," Library 4th. ser 6
(1925-26): 148-56.
R.B. McKerrow, "The Elizabethan Printer and Dramatic Manuscripts," Library 4th ser. 12 (1931-32):
R.C. Bald, "The Foul Papers of a Revision," Library 4th ser. 26 (1945-46): 37-50.
F.P. Wilson, "Shakespeare and the 'New Bibliography,'" in The Bibliographical Society 1892-1942:
Studies in Retrospect (1945), pp. 76-135. [See Thomas M. Parrott's letter, Library 5th ser. 3
(1948-49): 63-65.] Reprinted as a separate volume (1970), ed. Helen Gardner.
Charlton Hinman, "The 'Copy' for the Second Quarto of Othello (1630)," in Joseph Quincy Adams
Memorial Studies, ed. James G. McManaway, Giles E. Dawson, and Edwin E. Willoughby (1948),
pp. 373-89.
George R. Price, "Compositors' Methods with Two Quartos Reprinted by Augustine Mathewes," Papers
of the Bibliographical Society of America 44 (1950): 269-74.
Alice Walker, Textual Problems of the First Folio (1953). [See reviews by Philip Williams in
Shakespeare Quarterly 4 (1953): 481-83; J.G. McManaway in Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 48 (1954): 105-7.]
Alice Walker, "The Folio Text of 1 Henry IV," Studies in Bibliography 6 (1954): 45-59.
John Russell Brown, "The Printing of John Webster's Plays," Studies in Bibliography 6 (1954): 117-40;
8 (1956): 113-27; 15 (1962): 57-69.
A.S. Cairncross, "The Quartos and the Folio Text of King Lear," Review of English Studies n.s. 6
(1955): 252-58.
J.K. Walton, The Copy for the Folio Text of Richard III (1955). [See review by Fredson Bowers,
Shakespeare Quarterly 10 (1959): 91-96.]
W.H. Bond, "A Printer's Manuscript of 1508," Studies in Bibliography 8 (1956): 147-56.
Fredson Bowers, "The Textual Relation of Q2 to Q1 Hamlet," Studies in Bibliography 8 (1956): 39-66.
A.S. Cairncross, "Quarto Copy for Folio Henry V," Studies in Bibliography 8 (1956): 67-93.
Alice Walker, "Some Editorial Principles (with Special Reference to Henry V)," Studies in Bibliography
8 (1956): 95-111.
Robert K. Turner, "The Relationship of the Maid's Tragedy Q1 and Q2," Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 51 (1957): 322-27.
Richard Hosley, "Quarto Copy for Q2 Romeo and Juliet," Studies in Bibliography 9 (1957): 129-41.
George Price, "The Quartos of The Spanish Gypsy and Their Relation to The Changeling," Papers of
the Bibliographical Society of America 52 (1958): 111-25.
Allan H. Stevenson, "Thomas Thomas Makes a Dictionary," Library 5th ser. 13 (1958): 234-46.
[Printer's copy.]
Frederick O. Waller, "Printer's Copy for The Two Noble Kinsmen," Studies in Bibliography 11 (1958):
Fredson Bowers, "The Copy for the Folio Richard III," Shakespeare Quarterly 10 (1959): 541-44.
Charlton Hinman, The Printing and Proof-Reading of the First Folio of Shakespeare (1963). [Esp. 1:
This page is from a document available in full at
172 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
52-150, 154-71, 178-226.]
Fredson Bowers, "The Copy for the Folio Othello," in his Bibliography and Textual Criticism (1964),
pp. 158-201.
Charlton Hinman, "Shakespeare's Text--Then, Now and Tomorrow," Shakespeare Survey 18 (1965):
Robert Lawson, Compositor C of the Shakespeare First Folio (University of Kansas dissertation, 1966).
J.K. Walton, The Quarto Copy for the First Folio of Shakespeare (1971). [Esp. pp. 34-38.]
T.H. Howard-Hill, Ralph Crane and Some Shakespeare First Folio Comedies (1972). [Scribal spelling.]
R.M. Flores, The Compositors of the First and Second Madrid Editions of DON QUIXOTE (1975).
T.H. Howard-Hill, Compositors B and E in the Shakespeare First Folio and Some Recent Studies
(1976), supplemented by A Reassessment of Compositors B and E in the First Folio Tragedies
Paul Werstine, "Editorial Uses of Compositor Study," Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography 2 (1978):
153-65. [For expanded version see 1984 below.]
James E. Blodgett, "Some Printer's Copy for William Thynne's 1532 Edition of Chaucer," Library 6th
ser. 1 (1979): 104-12.
Tim Scott, "The Problem of Attribution in Middleton and Rowley's The Changeling," Bibliographical
Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 4 (1979-80): 255-68.
T.H. Howard-Hill, "New Light on Compositor E of the Shakespeare First Folio," Library 6th ser. 2
(1980): 156-78.
P.W.K. Stone, "The Distribution of F 'Copy,'" in The Textual History of KING LEAR (1980), pp. 141-57.
[Reviewed by S.W. Reid in "The Texts of King Lear: A Review Essay," Shakespeare Studies 15
(1982): 327-39.]
Gary Taylor, "The Shrinking Compositor A of the Shakespeare First Folio," Studies in Bibliography 34
(1981): 96-117.
Peter W.M. Blayney, The Texts of KING LEAR and Their Origins: Volume I. Nicholas Okes and the
First Quarto (1982). [See esp. "The Compositors," pp. 151-87. See also Blayney's letter, Times
Literary Supplement, 27 January 1984, p. 85, for some corrections. Reviewed in Analytical &
Enumerative Bibliography 8 (1984): 138-41 (W. Craig Ferguson); Library 6th ser. 6 (1984): 89-93
(Antony Hammond); Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 78 (1984): 489-93 (S.W.
Wallace Kirsop, "Les Habitudes de compositeurs: une technique d'analyse au service de l'édition critique
et de l'histoire des idées," in Trasmissione dei testi a stampa nel periodo moderno, ed. Giovanni
Crapulli, 1 (1983): 14-47.
Paul Werstine, "The Editorial Usefulness of Printing House and Compositor Studies," in Play-Texts in
Old Spelling, ed. G.B. Shand and Raymond C. Shady (1984), pp. 35-64.
Paul Werstine, "Line Division in Shakespeare's Dramatic Verse: An Editorial Problem," Analytical &
Enumerative Bibliography 8 (1984): 73-125.
Stanley Wells and Gary Taylor, William Shakespeare: A Textual Companion (1987).
Paul Werstine, "On the Compositors of The Two Noble Kinsmen," in Shakespeare, Fletcher, and THE
TWO NOBLE KINSMEN, ed. Charles H. Frey (1989), pp. 6-30.
Paul Werstine, "Narratives about Printed Shakespearean Texts: 'Foul Papers' and 'Bad Quartos,'"
Shakespeare Quarterly 41 (1990): 65-86.
Kathleen Irace, "Reconstruction and Adaptation in Q Henry V," Studies in Bibliography 44 (1991):
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MacD. P. Jackson, "Rhyming in Pericles: More Evidence of Dual Authorship," Studies in Bibliography
46 (1993): 239-49.
Hiroshi Yamashita et al., A Textual Companion to THE FAERIE QUEENE 1590 (1993).
Peter W.M. Blayney, "Introduction to the Second Edition," in The Norton Facsimile of the First Folio
of Shakespeare (1996), pp. xxvii-xxxvii ("Compositor Attributions," pp. xxxv-xxxvii).
Lee Bliss, "Scribes, Compositors, and Annotators: The Nature of the Copy for the First Folio Text of
Coriolanus," Studies in Bibliography 50 (1997): 224-61.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Treatment of Typesetting and Presswork in Bibliographical Description," Studies
in Bibliography 52 (1999).
Adrian Weiss, "A 'Fill-In' Job: The Textual Crux and Interrupted Printing in Thomas Middleton's The
Triumph of Honour and Virtue (1622)," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 93
(1999): 53-73.
William Searle, "'By Foule Authority': Miscorrection in the Folio Text of Shakespeare's Troilus and
Cressida," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 95 (2001): 503-19.
Hinman (1963), 1: 52-138.
Blayney (1982), pp. 57-58, 91-94, 176-77.
Tanselle (1999), section I(a), pp. 8-14.
A.W. Pollard, Shakespeare Folios and Quartos (1909), pp. 134-35.
Gerald J. Eberle, "Nosce Teipsum (1599) by Sir John Davies: A Bibliographical Puzzle," Studies in
Bibliography 1 (1948-49): 135-48.
Strickland Gibson, "Thomas Bennet, a Forgotten Bibliographer," Library 5th ser. 6 (1951): 43-47.
John Crow, "Thomas Goad and The Dolefvll Euen-Song: An Editorial Experiment," Transactions of the
Cambridge Bibliograhical Society 1 (1949-53): 238-59.
John Russell Brown, "The Printing of John Webster's Plays," Studies in Bibliography 6 (1954): 117-40;
8 (1956): 113-27; 15 (1962): 57-69.
Charlton Hinman, "The Prentice Hand in the Tragedies of the Shakespeare First Folio: Compositor E,"
Studies in Bibliography 9 (1957): 3-20.
George W. Williams, "Setting by Formes in Quarto Printing," Studies in Bibliography 11 (1958): 39-53.
J.C. Wyllie, [Summary of Rosenbach Lectures], Graphic Arts Review 23.5 (1960): 7-8, 46-48.
Robert K. Turner, "Notes on the Text of Thierry and Theodoret Q1," Studies in Bibliography 14 (1961):
Frank B. Evans, "The Printing of Spenser's Faerie Queene in 1596," Studies in Bibliography 18 (1965):
Robert K. Turner, Jr., "The Printing of A King and No King," Studies in Bibliography 18 (1965): 255-61.
Robert K. Turner, Jr., "Reappearing Types as Bibliographical Evidence," Studies in Bibliography 19
(1966): 198-209.
George R. Price, "The Early Editions of A Trick to Catch the Old One," Library 5th ser. 22 (1967):
This page is from a document available in full at
174 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Robert K. Turner, Jr., "The Text of Heywood's The Fair Maid of the West," Library 5th ser. 22 (1967):
Arthur Freeman, "The Printing of The Spanish Tragedy," Library 5th ser. 24 (1969): 187-99.
Hiroshi Yamashita, "The Printing of Philip Massinger's Plays [The Duke of Milan and The Maid of
Honour]," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 10 (1971-72): 16-38.
Fredson Bowers, "Was There a Lost 1593 Edition of Marlowe's Edward II?", Studies in Bibliography
25 (1972): 143-48.
Harold F. Brooks, "The Chief Substantive Editions of Oldham's Poems, 1679-1684: Printers,
Compositors, and Publication," Studies in Bibliography 27 (1974): 188-226.
Robert K. Turner, Jr., "The Printers and the Beaumont and Fletcher Folio of 1647: Section 1 (Thomas
Warren's)," Studies in Bibliography 27 (1974): 137-56.
William M. Baillie, "Early Printed Books in Small Formats," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America 69 (1975): 197-205.
James P. Hammersmith, "The Printers and the Beaumont and Fletcher Folio of 1647, Section 7," Papers
of the Bibliographical Society of America 69 (1975): 206-25.
Frank E. Haggard, "Type-Recurrence Evidence and the Printing of Romeo and Juliet Q2 (1597)," Papers
of the Bibliographical Society of America 71 (1977): 66-73.
Jonathan H. Spinner, "The Composition and Presswork of Henry V, Q1," Library 5th ser. 32 (1977):
George Walton Williams, "The Composition and Presswork of Henry V, Q1," Library 5th ser. 37
(1978): 170-71.
Thomas L. Berger, "The Printing of Henry V, Q1," Library 6th ser. 1 (1979): 114-25.
Richard Knowles, "The Printing of the Second Quarto (1619) of King Lear," Studies in Bibliography
35 (1982): 191-206.
J.C. Ross, "The Printing of Vanbrugh's The Provok'd Wife (1697)," Library 6th ser. 4 (1982): 397-409.
R.M. Flores, "The Setting and Printing of the First Edition of Cervantes's Novelas Ejemplares," Studies
in Bibliography 37 (1984): 281-306.
John Jowett, "Ligature Shortage and Speech-Prefix Variation in Julius Caesar," Library 6th ser. 6
(1984): 244-53.
Paul Mulholland, "The Roaring Girl: New Readings and Further Notes," Studies in Bibliography 37
(1984): 159-70.
Antony Hammond, "The White Devil in Nicholas Okes's Shop," Studies in Bibliography 39 (1986):
Kim Walker, "The Printing and Publishing of James Shirley's The Dukes Mistris (1638)," Library 6th
ser. 10 (1988): 317-38.
Hugh Amory, "'Gods Altar Needs Not our Pollishings': Revisiting the Bay Psalm Book," Printing
History 12.2 (1990): 2-14.
Eric Rasmussen, "Rehabilitating the A-Text of Marlowe's Doctor Faustus," Studies in Bibliography 46
(1993): 221-38.
Chiaki Hanabusa, "Edward Allde's Types in Sheets E-K of Romeo and Juliet Q1 (1597)," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 91 (1997): 423-28.
Chiaki Hanabusa, "The Printer of Sheet G in Robert Greene's Orlando Furioso Q1 (1594)," Library 6th
ser. 19 (1997): 145-50.
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Eric Rasmussen, "The Date of Q4 Hamlet," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 95 (2001):
21-29. [Deterioration of publisher's device.]
Tanselle (1999), section I(a), pp. 8-14.
Colin Clair, "On the Printing of Certain Reformation Books," Library 5th ser. 18 (1963): 275-87.
Adrian Weiss, [Review of W. Craig Ferguson's Pica Roman Type in Elizabethan England], Papers of
the Bibliographical Society of America 83 (1989): 539-46.
Adrian Weiss, "Font Analysis as a Bibliographical Method: The Elizabethan Play-Quarto Printers and
Compositors," Studies in Bibliography 43 (1990): 95-164.
Adrian Weiss, "Bibliographical Methods for Identifying Unknown Printers in Elizabethan / Jacobean
Books," Studies in Bibliography 44 (1991): 183-228.
Adrian Weiss, "Shared Printing, Printer's Copy, and the Text(s) of Gascoigne's A Hundreth Sundrie
Flowres," Studies in Bibliography 45 (1992): 71-104.
Laurie E. Maguire, "The Printer and Date of Q4 A Looking Glass for London and England," Studies in
Bibliography 52 (1999): 155-60.
Adrian Weiss, "Watermark Evidence and Inference: New Style Dates of Edmund Spenser's Complaints
and Daphnaida," Studies in Bibliography 52 (1999): 129-54.
Hinman (1963), 1: 138-50, 154-71.
Blayney (1982), pp. 124-25.
Guy A. Battle, "A Bibliographical Note from the Beaumont and Fletcher First Folio," Studies in
Bibliography 1 (1948-49): 187-88.
James S. Steck, "Center Rules in Folio Printing: A New Kind of Bibliographical Evidence," Studies in
Bibliography 1 (1948-49): 188-91.
Giles E. Dawson, "Some Bibliographical Irregularities in the Shakespeare Fourth Folio," Studies in
Bibliography 4 (1951-52): 93-103.
John Shroeder, The Great Folio of 1623: Shakespeare's Plays in the Printing House (1956). [Reviewed
by Charlton Hinman in Shakespeare Quarterly 8 (1957): 219-22.]
Ernest W. Sullivan II, "Marginal Rules as Evidence," Studies in Bibliography 30 (1977): 171-80.
Hinman (1963), 1: 69-76.
Blayney (1982), pp. 90-93.
Tanselle (1999), section I(a), pp. 8-14.
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176 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
R.B. McKerrow, "Elizabethan Printers and the Composition of Reprints," Library 4th ser. 5 (1924-25):
357-64. [Uses ornaments to detect setting by formes.]
William H. Bond, "Casting Off Copy by Elizabethan Printers: A Theory," Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 42 (1948): 281-91.
Charlton Hinman, "Cast-Off Copy for the First Folio of Shakespeare," Shakespeare Quarterly 6 (1955):
Philip Williams, "New Approaches to Textual Problems in Shakespeare," Studies in Bibliography 8
(1956): 3-14.
Robert K. Turner, "Standing Type in Tomkis's Albumazar," Library 5th ser. 13 (1958): 175-85.
George W. Williams, "Setting by Formes in Quarto Printing," Studies in Bibliography 11 (1958): 39-53.
Robert K. Turner, Jr., "The Composition of [Marston's] The Insatiate Countess Q2," Studies in
Bibliography 12 (1959): 198-203.
Robert K. Turner, Jr., "The Printing of Beaumont and Fletcher's The Maid's Tragedy Q1 (1619)," Studies
in Bibliography 13 (1960): 199-220.
Robert K. Turner, Jr., "The Printing of [Beaumont and Fletcher's] Philaster Q1 and Q2," Library 5th ser.
15 (1960): 21-32.
John Russell Brown, "The Printing of John Webster's Plays (III): The Duchess of Malfi," Studies in
Bibliography 15 (1962): 57-69.
George R. Price, "Setting by Formes in the First Edition of [Middleton's] The Phoenix," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 56 (1962): 414-27.
Robert K. Turner, "Printing Methods and Textual Problems in A Midsummer Night's Dream Q1,"
Studies in Bibliography 15 (1962): 33-55.
John Hazel Smith, "The Composition of the Quarto of Much Ado About Nothing," Studies in
Bibliography 16 (1963): 9-26.
Charlton Hinman, "Shakespeare's Text--Then, Now and Tomorrow," Shakespeare Survey 18 (1965):
George R. Price, "Dividing the Copy for Michaelmas Term," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America 60 (1966): 327-36.
D.F. McKenzie, "Eight Quarto Proof Sheets of 1594 Set by Formes: A fruitfull commentarie," Library
5th ser. 28 (1973): 1-13.
Donald Edge, "Evidence of Cast-Off Copy in Lyly's Endimion and Loves Metamorphosis," Papers of
the Bibliographical Society of America 70 (1976): 517-18.
Jonathan H. Spinner, "The Composition and Presswork of Henry V, Q1," Library 5th ser. 32 (1977):
George R. Price, "The Printing of Love's Labour's Lost (1598)," Papers of the Bibliographical Society
of America 72 (1978): 405-34.
Thomas L. Berger, "The Printing of Henry V, Q1," Library 6th ser. 1 (1979): 114-25.
MacD. P. Jackson, "Compositorial Practices in Tourneur's The Atheist's Tragedy," Studies in
Bibliography 32 (1979): 210-15.
W. Speed Hill, "Casting Off Copy and the Composition of Hooker's Book V," Studies in Bibliography
33 (1980): 144-61.
Eleanor Prosser, "Textual Changes by the Folio Compositors," in her Shakespeare's Anonymous Editors:
Scribe and Compositor in the Folio Text of 2 HENRY IV (1981), pp. 51-121.
G.T. Tanselle, "Analytical Bibliography and Renaissance Printing History," Printing History 3.1 (1981):
This page is from a document available in full at
Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 177
24-33. Reprinted (as "Analytical Bibliography and Printing History") in his Literature and
Artifacts (1998), pp. 291-306.
Paul Werstine, "Cases and Compositors in the Shakespeare First Folio Comedies," Studies in
Bibliography 35 (1982): 206-34.
Frans A. Janssen, "Some Notes on Setting by Formes," Quaerendo 16 (1986): 191-97.
Eric Rasmussen, "The Relevance of Cast-Off Copy in Determining the Nature of Omissions: Q2
Hamlet," Studies in Bibliography 39 (1986): 133-35.
David J. Shaw, "Setting by Formes in Some Early Parisian Greek Books," in Book Production and
Letters in the Western European Renaissance: Essays in Honour of Conor Fahy, ed. Anna Laura
Lepschy, John Took, and Dennis E. Rhodes (1986), pp. 284-90.
Peter W.M. Blayney, The First Folio of Shakespeare (1991), pp. 9-14.
Antony Telford-Moore, "The Printing of John Ford's Love's Sacrifice," Library 6th ser. 14 (1992):
Joost Daalder and Antony Telford Moore, "Breaking the Rules: Editorial Problems in Dekker and
Middleton's The Honest Whore, PartI," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand
Bulletin 20 (1996): 243-87.
MacD. P. Jackson, "Finding the Pattern: Peter Short's Shakespeare Quartos Revisited," Bibliographical
Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 25 (2001): 67-86.
W.W. Greg, "King Lear--Mislineation and Stenography," Library 4th ser. 17 (1936): 172-83 (see
pp. 181-82).
Irene Mann, "A Political Cancel in The Cobblers Prophesie," Library 4th ser. 23 (1942-43): 94-100.
Fredson Bowers, "Bibliographical Evidence from the Printer's Measure," Studies in Bibliography 2
(1949-50): 153-67. Reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing (1975), pp. 258-68.
George R. Price, "The First Edition of A Faire Quarrell," Library 5th ser. 4 (1949-50): 137-41.
George Walton Williams, "A Note on King Lear III.ii.1-3," Studies in Bibliography 2 (1949-50): 175-82.
[See p. 180.]
Philip Williams, Jr., "The 'Second Issue' of Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida, 1609," Studies in
Bibliography 2 (1949-50): 25-33.
Fredson Bowers, "A Crux in the Text of [Nathaniel] Lee's Princess of Cleve (1689), II.i," Harvard
Library Bulletin 4 (1950): 409-11.
Fredson Bowers, "The Variant Sheets in John Banks's Cyrus the Great, 1696," Studies in Bibliography
4 (1951-52): 174-82.
George R. Price, "The First Edition of [Middleton's] Your Five Gallants and of Michaelmas Term,"
Library 5th ser. 8 (1953): 23-29.
Fredson Bowers, "Underprinting in Mary Pix, The Spanish Wives (1696)," Library 5th ser. 9 (1954):
W. Craig Ferguson, "A Note on Printer's Measures," Studies in Bibliography 15 (1962): 242-43.
J.J. Hogan, "Cutting His Text According to His Measure: A Note on the Folio Lear," Philological
Quarterly 41 (1962): 72-81.
Hiroshi Yamashita, "The Printing of Philip Massinger's Plays [The Duke of Milan and The Maid of
This page is from a document available in full at
178 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Honour]," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 10 (1971-72): 16-38.
John Feather, "Some Notes on the Setting of Quarto Plays," Library 5th ser 27 (1972): 237-44.
D.F. McKenzie, "'Indenting the Stick' in the First Quarto of King Lear (1608)," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 67 (1973): 125-30. Reprinted in his Making Meaning:
"Printers of the Mind" and Other Essays, ed. Peter D. McDonald and Michael F. Suarez (2002),
pp. 86-90.
Anthony Hammond, "The White Devil in Nicholas Okes's Shop," Studies in Bibliography 39 (1986):
135-76 (see pp. 137-42).
Alan E. Craven, "Justification of Prose and Jaggard Compositor B," English Language Notes 3 (1965):
William S. Kable, "The Influence of Justification on Spelling in Jaggard's Compositor B," Studies in
Bibliography 29 (1967): 235-39.
Herman Doh, "Compositorial Responsibility in Fortune by Land and Sea, 1655," Library 5th ser. 29
(1974): 379-404.
S.W. Reid, "Justification and Spelling in Jaggard's Compositor B," Studies in Bibliography 27 (1974):
91-111. [Cf. Library 5th ser. 31 (1976): 143-45.]
R.M. Flores, "The Compositors of the First Edition of Don Quixote, Part II," Journal of Hispanic
Philology 6 (1981): 3-44.
Hinman (1963), 1: 180-226.
Blayney (1982), pp. 151-77.
Tanselle (1999), section I(b), pp. 14-17.
A.W. Pollard, Shakespeare Folios and Quartos (1909), p. 98.
Thomas Satchell, "The Spelling of the First Folio," Times Literary Supplement, 3 June 1920, p. 352.
W.W. Greg, "The First Edition of Ben Jonson's Every Man Out of His Humour," Library 4th ser. 1
(1920-21): 153-60. [See also Library 4th ser. 2 (1921-22): 49-57; 3 (1922-23): 57.]
Muriel St. Clare Byrne, "Anthony Munday's Spelling as a Literary Clue," Library 4th ser. 4 (1923-24):
W.W. Greg, "An Elizabethan Printer and His Copy," Library 4th ser. 4 (1923-24): 102-18; see also 5
(1924-25): 96.
A.W. Pollard, "Elizabethan Spelling as a Literary and Bibliographical Clue," Library 4th ser. 4 (1923-
24): 1-8.
F.P. Wilson, "Spellings and Misprints in the Second Quarto of Hamlet," Essays and Studies 10 (1924):
Muriel St. Clare Byrne, "Thomas Churchyard's Spelling," Library 4th ser. 5 (1924-25): 243-48.
E.E. Willoughby, The Printing of the First Folio of Shakespeare (1932). [Esp. pp. 56-59.]
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 179
J. Dover Wilson, The Manuscript of Shakespeare's HAMLET (1934).
Charlton Hinman, "Principles Governing the Use of Variant Spellings as Evidence of Alternate Setting
by Two Compositors," Library 4th ser. 21 (1940-41): 78-94.
Irene Mann, "A Political Cancel in The Cobblers Prophesie," Library 4th ser. 23 (1942-43): 94-100.
Albert H. Carter, "On the Use of Details of Spelling, Punctuation, and Typography to Determine the
Dependence of Editions," Studies in Philology 44 (1947): 497-503.
Harry R. Hoppe, The Bad Quarto of ROMEO AND JULIET: A Bibliographical and Textual Study
(1948). [Esp. pp. 46-56.]
Hereward T. Price, "The First Quarto of Titus Andronicus," English Institute Essays 1947 (1948),
pp. 137-68.
Philip Williams, "The Compositor of the Pied-Bull Lear," Studies in Bibliography 1 (1948-49): 59-68.
Harold Jenkins, "The 1631 Quarto of The Tragedy of Hoffman," Library 5th ser. 6 (1951): 88-99.
Raymond A. Biswanger, Jr., "Thomas D'Urfey's Richmond Heiress (1693): A Bibliographical Study,"
Studies in Bibliography 5 (1952-53): 169-78.
I.B. Cauthen, "Compositor Determination in the First Folio King Lear," Studies in Bibliography 5
(1952-53): 73-80.
George R. Price, "The First Edition of [Middleton's] Your Five Gallants and of Michaelmas Term,"
Library 5th ser. 8 (1953): 23-29.
Alice Walker, Textual Problems of the First Folio (1953). [See reviews by Philip Williams in
Shakespeare Quarterly 4 (1953): 481-83; J.G. McManaway in Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 48 (1954): 105-7.]
Philip Williams, "Two Problems in the Folio Text of King Lear," Shakespeare Quarterly 4 (1953):
John Russell Brown, "The Printing of John Webster's Plays," Studies in Bibliography 6 (1954): 117-40;
8 (1956): 113-27; 15 (1962): 57-69.
John Russell Brown, "The Compositors of Hamlet Q2 and Merchant of Venice," Studies in Bibliography
7 (1955): 17-40.
Frank S. Hook, "The Two Compositors in the First Quarto of Peele's Edward I," Studies in Bibliography
7 (1955): 170-77.
Harold Jenkins, "The Relation Between the Second Quarto and the Folio Text of Hamlet," Studies in
Bibliography 7 (1955): 69-83.
M.A. Shaaber, "The Folio Text of 2 Henry IV," Shakespeare Quarterly 6 (1955): 135-44.
Alice Walker, "Compositor Determination and Other Problems in Shakespearian Texts," Studies in
Bibliography 7 (1955): 3-15.
J.K. Walton, The Copy for the Folio Text of Richard III (1955), esp. pp. 77-82. [See review by Fredson
Bowers, Shakespeare Quarterly 10 (1959): 91-96.]
A.S. Cairncross, "Quarto Copy for Folio Henry V," Studies in Bibliography 8 (1956): 67-93.
Paul L. Cantrell and George Williams, "Roberts' Compositors in Titus Andronicus Q2," Studies in
Bibliography 8 (1956): 27-38.
George R. Price, "The Manuscript and the Quarto of The Roaring Girl," Library 5th ser. 11 (1956):
Alice Walker, "Some Editorial Principles (with Special Reference to Henry V)," Studies in Bibliography
8 (1956): 95-111.
Paul L. Cantrell and George Williams, "The Printing of the Second Quarto of Romeo and Juliet (1599),"
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180 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Studies in Bibliography 9 (1957): 107-28.
R.A. Foakes, "On the First Folio Text of Henry VIII," Studies in Bibliography 11 (1958): 55-60.
Robert K. Turner, "Standing Type in Tomkis's Albumazar," Library 5th ser. 13 (1958): 175-85.
Fredson Bowers, "The Copy for the Folio Richard III," Shakespeare Quarterly 10 (1959): 541-44.
D.F. McKenzie, "Compositor B's Role in The Merchant of Venice Q2 (1619)," Studies in Bibliography
12 (1959): 75-89.
Hereward T. Price, "Author, Compositor, and Metre: Copy-Spelling in Titus Andronicus and Other
Elizabethan Printings," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 53 (1959): 160-87.
T.H. Hill, "Spelling and the Bibliographer," Library 5th ser. 18 (1963): 1-28.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's The Gentleman Usher (1606) Printed
by Valentine Simmes," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 2 (1963): 82-113.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's Monsieur D'Olive (1606) Printed by
Thomas Creede," Studies in English Literature [Tokyo], 1963 (English no.), pp. 1-48.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's All Fools (1605) Printed by George
Eld," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 3 (1964): 73-99.
Frank B. Evans, "The Printing of Spenser's Faerie Queene in 1596," Studies in Bibliography 18 (1965):
E.A.J. Honigmann, "Spelling Tests and the First Quarto of King Lear," Library 5th ser. 20 (1965):
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's May Day (1611) Printed by William
Stansby," Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Shinshu University No. 15 (1965):
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's The Widow's Tears (1612) Printed by
Richard Bradock," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 4 (1965-66): 57-83.
George R. Price, "The Early Editions of A Trick to Catch the Old One," Library 5th ser. 22 (1967):
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's An Humorous Day's Mirth (1599)
Printed by Valentine Simmes," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 5 (1967):
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's The Blind Beggar of Alexandria
(1598)," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 6 (1967-68): 147-65.
William S. Kable, "Compositor B, the Pavier Quartos, and Copy Spellings," Studies in Bibliography 21
(1968): 131-61.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's The Memorable Mask of the Middle
Temple and Lincoln's In (1613) Printed by George Eld," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare
Society of Japan] 7 (1968-69): 81-111.
William S. Kable, The Pavier Quartos and the First Folio of Shakespeare (1970).
Andrew Cairncross, "Compositors C and D of the Shakespeare First Folio," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 65 (1971): 41-52.
Hiroshi Yamashita, "The Printing of Philip Massinger's Plays [The Duke of Milan and The Maid of
Honour]," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 10 (1971-72): 16-38.
Peter W.M. Blayney, "'Compositor B' and the Pavier Quartos: Problems of Identification and Their
Implications," Library 5th ser. 27 (1972): 179-206.
Fredson Bowers, "Was There a Lost 1593 Edition of Marlowe's Edward II?", Studies in Bibliography
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 181
25 (1972): 143-48.
Andrew Cairncross, "Compositors E and F of the Shakespeare First Folio," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 66 (1972): 369-406. [Criticized in T.H. Howard-Hill's
monographs of 1976 and 1977 listed below.]
Alan E. Craven, "Simmes' Compositor A and Five Shakespeare Quartos," Studies in Bibliography 26
(1973): 37-60.
Alan E. Craven, "Two Valentine Simmes Compositors," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America 67 (1973): 161-71.
T.H. Howard-Hill, "The Compositors of Shakespeare's Folio Comedies," Studies in Bibliography 26
(1973): 61-106.
Harold F. Brooks, "The Chief Substantive Editions of Oldham's Poems, 1679-1684: Printers,
Compositors, and Publication," Studies in Bibliography 27 (1974): 188-226.
Andrew S. Cairncross, "The Relation of Q1 to Q2 Hamlet," Text [Uppsala] 1 (1974): 67-77.
S.W. Reid, "Justification and Spelling in Jaggard's Compositor B," Studies in Bibliography 27 (1974):
91-111. [Cf. Library 5th ser. 31 (1976): 143-45.]
Robert K. Turner, Jr., "The Printers and the Beaumont and Fletcher Folio of 1647: Section 1 (Thomas
Warren's)," Studies in Bibliography 27 (1974): 137-56.
R.M. Flores, The Compositors of the First and Second Madrid Editions of DON QUIXOTE (1975).
James P. Hammersmith, "The Printers and the Beaumont and Fletcher Folio of 1647, Section 7," Papers
of the Bibliographical Society of America 69 (1975): 206-25.
John O'Connor, "Compositors D and F of the Shakespeare First Folio," Studies in Bibliography 28
(1975): 81-117.
S.W. Reid, "Compositorial Spelling and Literal Rhyme: The Example of Jaggard's B," Library 5th ser.
30 (1975): 108-15.
Peter W.M. Blayney, "The Compositors of the Pavier Quartos," Library 5th ser. 31 (1976): 143-45.
T.H. Howard-Hill, Compositors B and E in the Shakespeare First Folio and Some Recent Studies
A.C. Partridge, A Substantive Grammar of Shakespeare's Nondramatic Texts (1976).
T.H. Howard-Hill, A Reassessment of Compositors B and E in the First Folio Tragedies (1977).
Jonathan H. Spinner, "The Composition and Presswork of Henry V, Q1," Library 5th ser. 32 (1977):
George R. Price, "The Printing of Love's Labour's Lost (1598)," Papers of the Bibliographical Society
of America 72 (1978): 405-34.
Paul Werstine, "Editorial Uses of Compositor Study," Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography 2 (1978):
153-65. [For expanded version see 1984 below.]
D. Allen Carroll, "Danter's Compositors and Wilson's The Cobler's Prophesie (1594)," Analytical &
Enumerative Bibliography 3 (1979): 159-64.
Randall McLeod, "Spellbound: Typography and the Concept of Old-Spelling Editions," Renaissance and
Reformation n.s. 3 (1979): 50-65.
T.H. Howard-Hill, "New Light on Compositor E of the Shakespeare First Folio," Library 6th ser. 2
(1980): 156-78.
R.M. Flores, "The Compositors of the First Edition of Don Quixote, Part II," Journal of Hispanic
Philology 6 (1981-82): 3-44.
Toshiyuki Suzuki, "The Influence of Rhymes on the Compositors of The Faerie Queene (1590),"
This page is from a document available in full at
182 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Treatises and Studies by the Faculty of Kinjo Gakuin University 95 (1981): 79-94; "The Spelling
of the Rhymes in the 1590 Quarto of The Faerie Queene," 100 (1983): 83-101.
Gary Taylor, "The Shrinking Compositor A of the Shakespeare First Folio," Studies in Bibliography 34
(1981): 96-117.
Hiroshi Yamashita, "The Printing of The First Part (Books I-III) of The Faerie Queene in 1590," Studies
in Languages and Cultures [University of Tsukuba] 11 (1981): 143-78; 13 (1982): 231-84.
T.H. Howard-Hill, "The Problem of Manuscript Copy for Folio King Lear," Library 6th ser. 4 (1982):
J.K. Rogers, "The Folio Compositors of Julius Caesar: A Quantitative Analysis," Analytical &
Enumerative Bibliography 6 (1982): 143-72.
J.C. Ross, "The Printing of Vanbrugh's The Provok'd Wife (1697)," Library 6th ser. 4 (1982): 397-409.
R.M. Flores, "The Setting and Printing of the First Edition of Cervantes's Novelas Ejemplares," Studies
in Bibliography 37 (1984): 281-306.
Paul Werstine, "The Editorial Usefulness of Printing House and Compositor Studies," in Play-Texts in
Old Spelling, ed. G.B. Shand and Raymond C. Shady (1984), pp. 35-64.
George Cheatham, "Confused Lineation: An Indication of Rowley's Hand in Collaboration," Library 6th
ser. 7 (1985): 16-37. [See also 6th ser. 8 (1986): 68-69.]
MacD. P. Jackson, "John Webster and Thomas Heywood in Appius and Virginia: A Bibliographical
Approach to the Problem of Authorship," Studies in Bibliography 38 (1985): 217-35.
S.W. Reid, "B and 'J': Two Compositors in Two Plays of the Shakespeare First Folio," Library 6th ser.
7 (1985): 126-36.
Gary Taylor, "Folio Compositors and Folio Copy: King Lear and Its Context," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 79 (1985): 17-74.
Susan Zimmerman, "The Uses of Headlines: Peter Short's Shakespearian Quartos 1 Henry IV and
Richard III," Library 6th ser. 7 (1985): 218-55.
R.M. Flores, "A Tale of Two Printings: Don Quixote, Part II," Studies in Bibliography 39 (1986):
Antony Hammond, "The White Devil in Nicholas Okes's Shop," Studies in Bibliography 39 (1986):
MacD. P. Jackson, "Printer's Copy for the First Folio Text of Othello: The Evidence of Misreadings,"
Library 6th ser. 9 (1987): 262-67.
R.M. Flores, "Occurrences of Verbal Forms Ending in s with a Dependent Third Person Object Pronoun
in the First Editions of Parts I and II of Don Quixote," Cervantes 8 (1988): 55-60.
R.M. Flores, "More on the Compositors of the First Edition of Don Quixote, Part II," Studies in
Bibliography 43 (1990): 272-85.
Hiroshi Yamashita, Masatsugu Matsuo, Toshiyuki Suzuki, and Haruo Sato, "Introduction," in A
Comprehensive Concordance to THE FAERIE QUEENE, 1590 (1990), pp. vii-xiii.
Antony Telford-Moore, "The Printing of John Ford's Love's Sacrifice," Library 6th ser. 14 (1992):
Thomas O. Calhoun and Thomas L. Gravell, "Paper and Printing in Ben Jonson's Sejanus," Papers of
the Bibliographical Society of America 87 (1993): 13-64.
Adele Davidson, "King Lear in an Age of Stenographical Reproduction, or 'On Sitting Down to Copy
King Lear Again,'" Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 92 (1998): 297-324.
MacD. P. Jackson, "The Composition of Appius and Virginia (1654)," Papers of the Bibliographical
This page is from a document available in full at
Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 183
Society of America 92 (1998): 535-40.
MacD. P. Jackson, "Finding the Pattern: Peter Short's Shakespeare Quartos Revisited," Bibliographical
Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 25 (2001): 67-86.
Paul Werstine, "Scribe to Compositor: Ralph Crane, Compositors D and F, and the First Four Plays in
the Shakespeare First Folio," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 95 (2001): 315-39.
Willard Farnham, "Colloquial Contractions in Beaumont, Fletcher, Massinger, and Shakespeare as a
Test of Authorship," PMLA 31 (1916): 326-58.
Cyrus Hoy, "The Shares of Fletcher and His Collaborators in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon," Studies
in Bibliography 8 (1955): 129-46; 9 (1956): 143-62; 11 (1958): 85-106; 12 (1959): 91-116; 13
(1960): 77-108; 14 (1961): 45-67; 15 (1962): 71-90.
Peter B. Murray, "The Collaboration of Dekker and Webster in Northward Ho and Westward Ho,"
Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 56 (1962): 482-86.
R.M. Flores, "The Compositors of the First Edition of Don Quixote, Part II," Journal of Hispanic
Philology 6 (1981-82): 3-44.
J.K. Rogers, "The Folio Compositors of Julius Caesar: A Quantitative Analysis," Analytical &
Enumerative Bibliography 6 (1982): 143-72.
R.M. Flores, "The Setting and Printing of the First Edition of Cervantes's Novelas Ejemplares," Studies
in Bibliography 37 (1984): 281-306.
R.M. Flores, "More on the Compositors of the First Edition of Don Quixote, Part II," Studies in
Bibliography 43 (1990): 272-85.
Paul Werstine, "Scribe to Compositor: Ralph Crane, Compositors D and F, and the First Four Plays in
the Shakespeare First Folio," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 95 (2001): 315-39.
W.W. Greg, "King Lear--Mislineation and Stenography," Library 4th ser. 17 (1936-37): 172-83.
Gerald J. Eberle, "Nosce Teipsum (1599) by Sir John Davies: A Bibliographical Puzzle," Studies in
Bibliography 1 (1948-49): 135-48.
Peter Alexander, "Shakespeare's Punctuation," Proceedings of the British Academy 36 (1950): 61-84.
Richard E. Hasker, "The Copy for the First Folio Richard II," Studies in Bibliography 5 (1952-53):
Alice Walker, Textual Problems of the First Folio (1953). [See reviews by Philip Williams in
Shakespeare Quarterly 4 (1953): 481-83; J.G. McManaway in Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 48 (1954): 105-7.]
John Russell Brown, "The Compositors of Hamlet Q2 and Merchant of Venice," Studies in Bibliography
7 (1955): 17-40.
Harold Jenkins, "The Relation Between the Second Quarto and the Folio Text of Hamlet," Studies in
Bibliography 7 (1955): 69-83.
D.F. McKenzie, "Shakespearian Punctuation--A New Beginning," Review of English Studies n.s. 10
This page is from a document available in full at
184 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
(1959): 361-70. Reprinted in Reader in the Language of Shakespearean Drama, ed. V. Salmon
and E. Burness (1987), pp. 445-54.
A.C. Baugh, "A Medieval Survival in Elizabethan Punctuation," in Studies in English Renaissance
Drama, ed. J.W. Bennett (1959), pp. 1-15.
Vivian Salmon, "Early 17th-Century Punctuation as a Guide to Sentence Structure," Review of English
Studies n.s. 13 (1962): 347-60.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's The Gentleman Usher (1606) Printed
by Valentine Simmes," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 2 (1963): 82-113.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's Monsieur D'Olive (1606) Printed by
Thomas Creede," Studies in English Literature [Tokyo], 1963 (English no.), pp. 1-48.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's All Fools (1605) Printed by George
Eld," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 3 (1964): 73-99.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's May Day (1611) Printed by William
Stansby," Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Shinshu University No. 15 (1965):
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's The Widow's Tears (1612) Printed by
Richard Bradock," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 4 (1965-66): 57-83.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's An Humorous Day's Mirth (1599)
Printed by Valentine Simmes," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 5 (1967):
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's The Blind Beggar of Alexandria
(1598)," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 6 (1967-68): 147-65.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's The Memorable Mask of the Middle
Temple and Lincoln's In (1613) Printed by George Eld," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare
Society of Japan] 7 (1968-69): 81-111.
Alan E. Craven, "Two Valentine Simmes Compositors," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America 67 (1973): 161-71.
T.H. Howard-Hill, "The Compositors of Shakespeare's Folio Comedies," Studies in Bibliography 26
(1973): 61-106.
James P. Hammersmith, "The Printers and the Beaumont and Fletcher Folio of 1647, Section 7," Papers
of the Bibliographical Society of America 69 (1975): 206-25.
MacD. P. Jackson, "Punctuation and the Compositors of Shakespeare's Sonnets, 1609," Library 5th ser.
30 (1975): 1-24.
John O'Connor, "Compositors D and F of the Shakespeare First Folio," Studies in Bibliography 28
(1975): 81-117.
T.H. Howard-Hill, Compositors B and E in the Shakespeare First Folio and Some Recent Studies
T.H. Howard-Hill, "New Light on Compositor E of the Shakespeare First Folio," Library 6th ser. 2
(1980): 156-78.
MacD. P. Jackson, "Compositorial Practices in The Revenger's Tragedy, 1607-08," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 75 (1981): 157-70.
Hiroshi Yamashita, "The Printing of The First Part (Books I-III) of The Faerie Queene in 1590," Studies
in Languages and Cultures [University of Tsukuba] 11 (1981): 143-78; 13 (1982): 231-84.
MacD. P. Jackson, "Two Shakespeare Quartos: Richard III (1597) and 1 Henry IV (1598)," Studies in
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 185
Bibliography 35 (1982): 173-90.
J.K. Rogers, "The Folio Compositors of Julius Caesar: A Quantitative Analysis," Analytical &
Enumerative Bibliography 6 (1982): 143-72.
R.M. Flores, "The Setting and Printing of the First Edition of Cervantes's Novelas Ejemplares," Studies
in Bibliography 37 (1984): 281-306.
D.F. McKenzie, "Stretching a Point; or, The Case of the Spaced-Out Comps," Studies in Bibliography
37 (1984): 106-21. Reprinted in his Making Meaning: "Printers of the Mind" and Other Essays,
ed. Peter D. McDonald and Michael F. Suarez (2002), pp. 91-106.
Gary Taylor, "Folio Compositors and Folio Copy: King Lear and Its Context," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 79 (1985): 17-74.
Susan Zimmerman, "The Uses of Headlines: Peter Short's Shakespearian Quartos 1 Henry IV and
Richard III," Library 6th ser. 7 (1985): 218-55.
Antony Hammond, "The White Devil in Nicholas Okes's Shop," Studies in Bibliography 39 (1986):
MacD. P. Jackson, "Compositors' Stints and the Spacing of Punctuation in the First Quarto (1609) of
Shakespeare's Pericles," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 81 (1987): 17-23.
Antony Telford-Moore, "The Printing of John Ford's Love's Sacrifice," Library 6th ser. 14 (1992):
MacD. P. Jackson, "Finding the Pattern: Peter Short's Shakespeare Quartos Revisited," Bibliographical
Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 25 (2001): 67-86.
Hinman (1963), 1: 178-79.
Blayney (1982), pp. 177-79.
A.K. McIlwraith, "Some Bibliographical Notes on Massinger," Library 4th ser. 11 (1930-31): 87-91.
R.B. McKerrow, "A Suggestion Regarding Shakespeare's Manuscripts," Review of English Studies 11
(1935): 459-65.
J.D. Jump, "[Fletcher's] Rollo, Duke of Normandy: Some Bibliographical Notes on the Seventeenth-
Century Editions," Library 4th ser. 18 (1937-38): 279-86.
Philip Williams, "Shakespeare's Trolus and Cressida: The Relationship of Quarto and Folio," Studies
in Bibliography 3 (1950-51): 131-43.
Harold Jenkins, "The 1631 Quarto of The Tragedy of Hoffman," Library 5th ser. 6 (1951): 88-99.
George R. Price, "The First Edition of [Middleton's] Your Five Gallants and of Michaelmas Term,"
Library 5th ser. 8 (1953): 23-29.
Alice Walker, Textual Problems of the First Folio (1953). [See reviews by Philip Williams in
Shakespeare Quarterly 4 (1953): 481-83; J.G. McManaway in Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 48 (1954): 105-7.]
Philip Williams, "Two Problems in the Folio Text of King Lear," Shakespeare Quarterly 4 (1953):
John Russell Brown, "The Printing of John Webster's Plays," Studies in Bibliography 6 (1954): 117-40;
8 (1956): 113-27; 15 (1962): 57-69.
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186 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Harold Jenkins, "The Relation Between the Second Quarto and the Folio Text of Hamlet," Studies in
Bibliography 7 (1955): 69-83.
J.K. Walton, The Copy for the Folio Text of Richard III (1955), esp. pp. 62-77. [See review by Fredson
Bowers, Shakespeare Quarterly 10 (1959): 91-96.]
Paul L. Cantrell and George Williams, "Roberts' Compositors in Titus Andronicus Q2," Studies in
Bibliography 8 (1956): 27-38.
George R. Price, "The Manuscript and the Quarto of The Roaring Girl," Library 5th ser. 11 (1956):
Paul L. Cantrell and George Williams, "The Printing of the Second Quarto of Romeo and Juliet (1599),"
Studies in Bibliography 9 (1957): 107-28.
R.A. Foakes, "On the First Folio Text of Henry VIII," Studies in Bibliography 11 (1958): 55-60.
W. Craig Ferguson, "The Compositors of Henry IV, Part 2, Much Ado about Nothing, The Shoemakers'
Holiday, and The First Part of the Contention," Studies in Bibliography 13 (1960): 19-29.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's The Gentleman Usher (1606) Printed
by Valentine Simmes," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 2 (1963): 82-113.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's Monsieur D'Olive (1606) Printed by
Thomas Creede," Studies in English Literature [Tokyo], 1963 (English no.), pp. 1-48.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's All Fools (1605) Printed by George
Eld," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 3 (1964): 73-99.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's May Day (1611) Printed by William
Stansby," Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Shinshu University No. 15 (1965):
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's The Widow's Tears (1612) Printed by
Richard Bradock," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 4 (1965-66): 57-83.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's An Humorous Day's Mirth (1599)
Printed by Valentine Simmes," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 5 (1967):
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's The Blind Beggar of Alexandria
(1598)," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 6 (1967-68): 147-65.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's The Memorable Mask of the Middle
Temple and Lincoln's In (1613) Printed by George Eld," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare
Society of Japan] 7 (1968-69): 81-111.
Hiroshi Yamashita, "The Printing of Philip Massinger's Plays [The Duke of Milan and The Maid of
Honour]," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 10 (1971-72): 16-38.
Andrew Cairncross, "Compositors E and F of the Shakespeare First Folio," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 66 (1972): 369-406. [Criticized in T.H. Howard-Hill's
monograph of 1976 listed below.]
Alan E. Craven, "Simmes' Compositor A and Five Shakespeare Quartos," Studies in Bibliography 26
(1973): 37-60.
Alan E. Craven, "Two Valentine Simmes Compositors," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America 67 (1973): 161-71.
John O'Connor, "Compositors D and F of the Shakespeare First Folio," Studies in Bibliography 28
(1975): 81-117.
T.H. Howard-Hill, Compositors B and E in the Shakespeare First Folio and Some Recent Studies
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 187
Jeanette W. Mann, "Printer's Copy for The Roman Actor," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America 70 (1976): 395-99.
Thomas L. Berger, "The Printing of Henry V, Q1," Library 6th ser. 1 (1979): 114-25.
T.H. Howard-Hill, "New Light on Compositor E of the Shakespeare First Folio," Library 6th ser. 2
(1980): 156-78.
Manfred Draudt, "Printer's Copy for the Quarto of Love's Labour's Lost (1598)," Library 6th ser. 3
(1981): 119-31.
J.K. Rogers, "The Folio Compositors of Julius Caesar: A Quantitative Analysis," Analytical &
Enumerative Bibliography 6 (1982): 143-72.
J.C. Ross, "The Printing of Vanbrugh's The Provok'd Wife (1697)," Library 6th ser. 4 (1982): 397-409.
John Jowett, "Ligature Shortage and Speech-Prefix Variation in Julius Caesar," Library 6th ser. 6
(1984): 244-53.
Paul Mulholland, "The Roaring Girl: New Readings and Further Notes," Studies in Bibliography 37
(1984): 159-70.
Paul Werstine, "The Editorial Usefulness of Printing House and Compositor Studies," in Play-Texts in
Old Spelling, ed. G.B. Shand and Raymond C. Shady (1984), pp. 35-64.
Susan Zimmerman, "The Uses of Headlines: Peter Short's Shakespearian Quartos 1 Henry IV and
Richard III," Library 6th ser. 7 (1985): 218-55.
R.J. Fehrenbach, "Typographical Variation in Ford's Texts: Accidentals or Substantives," in "Concord
in Discord": The Plays of John Ford, 1586-1986, ed. Donald K. Anderson, Jr., (1986), pp. 265-94.
Kim Walker, "The Printing and Publishing of James Shirley's The Dukes Mistris (1638)," Library 6th
ser. 10 (1988): 317-38.
Paul Werstine, "'Foul Papers' and 'Prompt-Books': Printer's Copy for Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors,"
Studies in Bibliography 41 (1988): 232-46.
W. Craig Ferguson, "Compositor Identification in Romeo Q1 and Troilus," Studies in Bibliography 42
(1989): 211-18.
George Walton Williams (ed.), Shakespeare's Speech-Headings (1993).
MacD. P. Jackson, "Stage Directions and Speech Headings in Act 1 of Titus Andronicus Q (1594):
Shakespeare or Peele?", Studies in Bibliography 49 (1996): 134-48.
Lee Bliss, "Scribes, Compositors, and Annotators: The Nature of the Copy for the First Folio Text of
Coriolanus," Studies in Bibliography 50 (1997): 224-61.
John Jowett, "Henry Chettle and the First Quarto of Romeo and Juliet," Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 92 (1998): 53-74.
Richard F. Kennedy, "Speech Prefixes in Some Shakespearean Quartos," Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 92 (1998): 177-209.
MacD. P. Jackson, "Finding the Pattern: Peter Short's Shakespeare Quartos Revisited," Bibliographical
Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 25 (2001): 67-86.
Alice Walker, "Some Editorial Principles (with Special Reference to Henry V)," Studies in Bibliography
8 (1956): 95-111.
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188 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
D.F. McKenzie, "Compositor B's Role in The Merchant of Venice Q2 (1619)," Studies in Bibliography
12 (1959): 75-89.
MacD. P. Jackson, "Compositor C and the First Folio Text of Much Ado About Nothing," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 68 (1974): 414-18.
John S. O'Connor, "A Qualitative Analysis of Compositors C and D in the Shakespeare First Folio,"
Studies in Bibliography 30 (1977): 57-74.
Alan E. Craven, "Compositor Analysis to Edited Text: Some Suggested Readings in Richard II and
Much Ado about Nothing," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 76 (1982): 43-62.
Paul Werstine, "Folio Editors, Folio Compositors, and the Folio Text of King Lear," in The Division of
the Kingdoms, ed. Gary Taylor and Michael Warren (1983), pp. 247-312.
MacD. P. Jackson, "'A Curious Typesetting Characteristic' in Some Elizabethan Quartos," Library 6th
ser. 2 (1980): 70-72.
Randall McLeod, "Unemending Shakespeare's Sonnet 111," Studies in English Literature 21 (1981):
John Jowett, "Ligature Shortage and Speech-Prefix Variation in Julius Caesar," Library 6th ser. 6
(1984): 244-53.
MacD. P. Jackson, "Finding the Pattern: Peter Short's Shakespeare Quartos Revisited," Bibliographical
Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 25 (2001): 67-86.
Robin Dix and Trudi Laura Darby, "The Bibliographical Significance of the Turned Letter," Studies in
Bibliography 46 (1993): 263-70.
R.A. Sayce, "Compositorial Practices and the Localization of Printed Books, 1530-1800," Library 5th
ser. 31 (1966): 1-45. Reprinted with additions and corrections as Oxford Bibliographical Society
Occasional Publication No. 13 (1979). See also: B.J. McMullin, "Gatherings Signed 'W': A
Footnote to Sayce," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 6 (1982):
41-43; Roderick Cave, "Gatherings Signed 'W': A Footnote to a Footnote," 6 (1982): 152; John
Harris, "Gatherings Signed 'W': A Further Note," 7 (1983): 124; Ra Foxton, "Another 'W'
Gathering," 8 (1984): 219; B.J. McMullin, "Gatherings Signed 'J,'" 17 (1993): 197-98; B.J.
McMullin, "W, Bristol, and the Methodist Connexion," 18 (1994): 34-43.
C.J. Mitchell, "Quotation Marks, National Compositorial Habits and False Imprints," Library 6th ser.
5 (1983): 359-84.
Frans A. Janssen, "Layout as Means of Identification?", Quaerendo 25 (1995): 46-58.
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Falconer Madan, "The Duplicity of Duplicates," Transactions of the Bibliographical Society 12 (1911-
13): 15-20 (see p. 20).
W.W. Greg, "The Triumph of Peace: A Bibliographer's Nightmare," Library 5th ser. 1 (1946-47):
Harold Jenkins, "The 1631 Quarto of The Tragedy of Hoffman," Library 5th ser. 6 (1951): 88-99.
Piet Verkruijsse, "Jedes Buch hat eine Geschichte," Editio 8 (1994): 22-38.
Martin Boghardt, "Partial Duplicate Setting: Means of Rationalization or Complicating Factor in Textual
Transmission," Library 6th ser. 15 (1993): 306-31.
F. Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: Imposition and Presswork
Thomas Bennet, Essay on the XXXIX Articles (1715). [See Strickland Gibson, "Thomas Bennet, a
Forgotten Bibliographer," Library 5th ser. 6 (1951): 43-47; and William L. Williamson, "A Quest
for Copies of the Articles," Book Collector 27 (1978): 27-39, and "Thomas Bennet and the Origins
of Analytical Bibliography," Journal of Library History 16 (1981): 177-86.]
A.W. Pollard, "The Printing of the First Folio," in his Shakespeare Folios and Quartos (1909),
pp. 131-41.
F.P. Wilson, "Shakespeare and the 'New Bibliography,'" in The Bibliographical Society 1892-1942:
Studies in Retrospect (1945), pp. 76-135. [See Thomas M. Parrott's letter, Library 5th ser. 3
(1948-49): 63-65.] Reprinted as a separate volume (1970), ed. Helen Gardner.
Fredson Bowers, "Bibliographical Miscellanea," Library 5th ser. 1 (1946-47): 131-34.
Fredson Bowers, "Notes on Standing Type in Elizabethan Printing," Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 40 (1946): 205-24.
Johan Gerritsen, "The Printing of the Beaumont and Fletcher Folio of 1647," Library 5th ser. 3 (1948-
49): 233-64.
E.E. Willoughby, "A Long Use of a Setting of Standing Type," Studies in Bibliography 2 (1949-50):
D.F. Cook, "Inverted Imposition," Library 5th ser. 12 (1957): 193-96.
Charlton Hinman, The Printing and Proof-Reading of the First Folio of Shakespeare (1963). [See esp.
1: 171-78, 226-34.]
Akihiro Yamada, "The Printing of Sheet B in the W.A. Clark Library Copy of Monsieur D'Olive
(1606)," Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Shinshu University No. 13 (1963):
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190 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Charlton Hinman, "Shakespeare's Text--Then, Now and Tomorrow," Shakespeare Survey 18 (1965):
R.M. Flores, The Compositors of the First and Second Madrid Editions of DON QUIXOTE (1975).
Peter W.M. Blayney, The Texts of KING LEAR and Their Origins: Volume I. Nicholas Okes and the
First Quarto (1982). [See esp. pp. 122-25, 188-218. See also Blayney's letter, Times Literary
Supplement, 27 January 1984, p. 85, for some corrections. Reviewed in Analytical & Enumerative
Bibliography 8 (1984): 138-41 (W. Craig Ferguson); Library 6th ser. 6 (1984): 89-93 (Antony
Hammond); Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 78 (1984): 489-93 (S.W. Reid).]
Stanley Wells and Gary Taylor, William Shakespeare: A Textual Companion (1987).
Hugh Amory, "'Gods Altar Needs Not our Pollishings': Revisiting the Bay Psalm Book," Printing
History 12.2 (1990): 2-14.
Peter W.M. Blayney, "Introduction to the Second Edition," in The Norton Facsimile of the First Folio
of Shakespeare (1996), pp. xxvii-xxxvii.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Treatment of Typesetting and Presswork in Bibliographical Description," Studies
in Bibliography 52 (1999).
Adrian Weiss, "A 'Fill-In' Job: The Textual Crux and Interrupted Printing in Thomas Middleton's The
Triumph of Honour and Virtue (1622)," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 93
(1999): 53-73.
W.W. Greg, "On Certain False Dates in Shakespearian Quartos," Library 2nd ser. 9 (1908): 113-31,
381-409. Reprinted in Sir Walter Wilson Greg: A Collection of His Writings, ed. Joseph
Rosenblum (1998), pp. 35-67.
R.B. McKerrow, An Introduction to Bibliography for Literary Students (1927), pp. 97-108.
Edward Heawood, "The Position on the Sheet of Early Watermarks," Library 4th ser. 9 (1928-29):
Robert Metcalf Smith, The Variant Issues of Shakespeare's Second Folio and Milton's First Published
English Poem: A Bibliographical Problem (Lehigh University Publications 2.3, March 1928).
Giles E. Dawson, "A Bibliographical Problem in the First Folio of Shakespeare," Library 4th ser. 22
(1941-42): 25-33.
Graham Pollard, "Notes on the Size of the Sheet," Library 4th ser. 22 (1941-42): 105-37.
Leslie Mahin Oliver, "Single-Page Imposition in Foxe's Acts and Monuments, 1570," Library 5th ser.
1 (1946-47): 49-56. See also Paul S. Dunkin, "Foxe's Acts and Monuments, 1570, and Single-
Page Imposition," Library 5th ser. 2 (1947-48): 159-70.
Allan H. Stevenson, "New Uses of Watermarks as Bibliographical Evidence," Studies in Bibliography
1 (1948-49): 151-82.
Lawrence G. Starkey, "The Printing by the Cambridge Press of A Platform of Church Discipline, 1649,"
Studies in Bibliography 2 (1949-50): 79-93 (with correction in 4 [1951-52]: 235).
Philip Williams, Jr., "The 'Second Issue' of Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida, 1609," Studies in
Bibliography 2 (1949-50): 25-33.
Kenneth Povey and I.J.C. Foster, "Turned Chain-Lines," Library 5th ser. 5 (1950-51): 184-200.
Giles E. Dawson, "Some Bibliographical Irregularities in the Shakespeare Fourth Folio," Studies in
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 191
Bibliography 4 (1951-52): 93-103.
Allan H. Stevenson, "Shakespearian Dated Watermarks," Studies in Bibliography 4 (1951-52): 159-64.
Allan H. Stevenson, "Watermarks Are Twins," Studies in Bibliography 4 (1951-52): 57-91 (with
addendum on p. 235 [p. 91 in reprint]).
Allan H. Stevenson, "Chain-Indentations in Paper as Evidence," Studies in Bibliography 6 (1954):
Curt F. Bühler, "The Printing of a Valerius Maximus Dated 1671," Studies in Bibliography 7 (1955):
Allan H. Stevenson, Observations on Paper as Evidence (1961).
Allan H. Stevenson, "Paper as Bibliographical Evidence," Library 5th ser. 17 (1962): 197-212.
Allan H. Stevenson, "Tudor Roses from John Tate," Studies in Bibliography 20 (1967): 15-34.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Bibliographical Description of Paper," Studies in Bibliography 24 (1971): 27-67.
Reprinted in Readings in Descriptive Bibliography, ed. John Bush Jones (1974), pp. 71-115; and
in Selected Studies in Bibliography (1979), pp. 203-43.
Philip Gaskell, A New Introduction to Bibliography (1972; rev. 1974), pp. 57-77.
Thomas L. Gravell, "Watermarks: What They Are and How They Can Be Used," Manuscripts 32
(1980): 4-10.
B.J. McMullin, "Paper-Quality Marks and the Oxford Bible Press 1682-1717," Library 6th ser. 6 (1984):
David L. Vander Meulen, "The Identification of Paper without Watermarks: The Example of Pope's
Dunciad," Studies in Bibliography 37 (1984): 58-81.
Jeanne Veyrin-Forrer, "Fabriquer un livre au XVI
siècle," in her La lettre et le texte (1987), pp. 273-319
(see pp. 308-9).
Stephen Spector (ed.), Essays in Paper Analysis (1987). [Contains, among other essays, David
Schoonover, "Techniques of Reproducing Watermarks: A Practical Introduction," pp. 154-67; and
William Proctor Williams, "Paper as Evidence: The Utility of the Study of Paper for Seventeenth-
Century English Literary Scholarship," pp. 191-99.]
David L. Vander Meulen, "The Low-Tech Analysis of Early Paper," Literary Research 13 (1988): 89-94.
Paul Hammond, "The Printing of the Dryden-Tonson Miscellany Poems (1684) and Sylvae (1685),"
Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 84 (1990): 405-12.
Peter W.M. Blayney, The First Folio of Shakespeare (1991).
John Bidwell, "The Study of Paper as Evidence, Artefact, and Commodity," in The Book Encompassed,
ed. Peter Davison (1992), pp. 69-82.
Brett Charbeneau, "Watermarks: Making Use of the Evidence," Hand Papermaking 8.2 (Winter 1993):
Thomas O. Calhoun and Thomas L. Gravell, "Paper and Printing in Ben Jonson's Sejanus," Papers of
the Bibliographical Society of America 87 (1993): 13-64.
Paul Needham, "Allan H. Stevenson and the Bibliographical Uses of Paper," Studies in Bibliography
47 (1994): 23-64.
James A. Riddell, "The Concluding Pages of the Jonson Folio of 1616," Studies in Bibliography 47
(1994): 147-54.
David L. Gants, "The Application of Digital Image Processing to the Analysis of Watermarked Paper
and Printers' Ornament Usage in Early Printed Books," in New Ways of Looking at Old Texts II,
This page is from a document available in full at
192 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
ed. W. Speed Hill (1998), pp. 133-47.
David L. Gants, "Patterns of Paper Use in the Workes of Beniamin Jonson (William Stansby, 1616),"
Studies in Bibliography 51 (1998): 127-53.
Adrian Weiss, "Watermark Evidence and Inference: New Style Dates of Edmund Spenser's Complaints
and Daphnaida," Studies in Bibliography 52 (1999): 129-54.
Paul Needham, "Concepts of Paper Study," in Puzzles in Paper: Concepts in Historical Watermarks,
ed. Daniel W. Mosser, Michael Saffle, and Ernest W. Sullivan II (2000), pp. 1-36.
Jeremy L. Smith, "Watermark Evidence and the Hidden Editions of Thomas East," in Puzzles in Paper:
Concepts in Historical Watermarks, ed. Daniel W. Mosser, Michael Saffle, and Ernest W.
Sullivan II (2000), pp. 67-80.
Laetitia Yeandle, "Watermarks as Evidence for Dating and Authenticity in John Donne and Ben
Franklin," in Puzzles in Paper: Concepts in Historical Watermarks, ed. Daniel W. Mosser,
Michael Saffle, and Ernest W. Sullivan II (2000), pp. 81-92.
The Aldine Press: Catalogue of the Ahmanson-Murphy Collection of Books (2001).
R.B. McKerrow, "The Sizes of Books," in "Notes on Bibliographical Evidence for Literary Students and
Editors of English Works of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries," Transactions of the
Bibliographical Society 12 (1911-13): 211-318 (see pp. 253-60). Revised as "The Formats of
Books," in An Introduction to Bibliography for Literary Students (1927), pp. 164-74. [See also,
for 12
and 24
, pp. 315-18 (1911-13) and pp. 325-28 (1927).]
R.W. Chapman, "Additional Note on Size Notation," Oxford Bibliographical Society Proceedings and
Papers 1 (1922-26): 64.
Lawrence Wroth, "Formats and Sizes," Dolphin 1 (1933): 81-95.
Leslie Mahin Oliver, "Single-Page Imposition in Foxe's Acts and Monuments, 1570," Library 5th ser.
1 (1946-47): 49-56. See also Paul S. Dunkin, "Foxe's Acts and Monuments, 1570, and Single-
Page Imposition," Library 5th ser. 2 (1947-48): 159-70.
Lawrence G. Starkey, "The Printing by the Cambridge Press of A Platform of Church Discipline,"
Studies in Bibliography 2 (1949-50): 79-93.
David Foxon, "Some Notes on Agenda Format," Library 5th ser. 8 (1953): 163-73.
W.A. Jackson, "Printed Quire and Sheet Numbers," Harvard Library Bulletin 6 (1954): 96-102, 363-74.
See also "An English Printed Sheet Number of 1579," Library 5th ser. 16 (1961): 197-201.
Curt F. Bühler, "The Printing of a Valerius Maximus Dated 1671," Studies in Bibliography 7 (1955):
Kenneth Povey, "On the Diagnosis of Half-Sheet Impositions," Library 5th ser. 11 (1956): 268-72.
Kenneth Povey, "Twenty-fours with Three Signatures," Studies in Bibliography 9 (1957): 215-16.
D.F. Cook, "Inverted Imposition," Library 5th ser. 12 (1957): 193-96.
Giles E. Dawson, "Guide-Lines in Small Formats (about 1600)," Studies in Bibliography 14 (1961):
Richard J. Wolfe, "Parthenia In-Violata: A Seventeenth-Century Folio-Form Quarto," Bulletin of the
New York Public Library 65 (1961): 347-64. [Oblong.]
D.W. Krummel, "Oblong Format in Early Music Books," Library 5th ser. 26 (1971): 312-24.
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Philip Gaskell, A New Introduction to Bibliography (1972), pp. 87-107.
Hector Macdonald, "A Book Gathered in Nines," Bibliotheck 7.3 (1974): 76-78.
David J. Shaw, "Books Printed by Pierre Vidoue in 24
Format," Gutenberg Jahrbuch, 1974, pp. 117-22.
William M. Baillie, "Early Printed Books in Small Formats," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America 69 (1975): 197-205.
David J. Shaw, "Early Parisian Editions of the Works of Coquillart," Gutenberg Jahrbuch, 1976,
pp. 213-17. [Quire and sheet numbers.]
Mary Pollard, "Six's, Sixmo, Sexto," Factotum 13 (December 1981): 10-11.
B.J. McMullin, "Format and Localization: The Eighteenmo in the Seventeenth Century,"
Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 9 (1985): 139-44; "Early
Eighteenmos," 17 (1993): 87-89.
Brian McMullin, "An Eighteenmo Gathered in Twelves," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New
Zealand Bulletin 10 (1986): 139-40.
Jeanne Veyrin-Forrer, "Fabriquer un livre au XVI
siècle," in her La lettre et la texte (1987), pp. 273-319
(see pp. 308-9).
David Carlson,"Formats in English Printing to 1557," Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography n.s. 2
(1988): 50-57.
David Paisey, "Decimo: Reflections on Some Rare Formats," in The Italian Book 1465-1800: Studies
Presented to Dennis E. Rhodes, ed. Denis V. Reidy (1993), pp. 161-74. [See also McMullin
(1996) below.]
Conor Fahy, "Notes on Centrifugal Octavo Imposition in Sixteenth-Century Italian Printing,"
Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society 10.4 (1994): 489-504.
David J. Shaw, "Use of Printed Quire and Sheet Letters in Sixteenth-Century France," Library 6th ser.
17 (1995): 311-20.
B.J. McMullin, "The Imposition of the Nosche / Athias Eighteenmo Bibles," Bibliographical Society
of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 20 (1996): 61-64.
B.J. McMullin, "Paisey's Oblong Decimo," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand
Bulletin 20 (1996): 224-25.
David J. Shaw, "Quire Numbers in Books Printed by Antoine Aussourd," Library 6th ser. 20 (1998):
G.T. Tanselle, "The Concept of Format," Studies in Bibliography 53 (2000): 67-115.
W.W. Greg, "Notes on Old Books: Simultaneous Printing," Library 4th ser. 5 (1924-25): 96.
William H. Bond, "Imposition by Half-Sheets," Library 4th ser. 22 (1941-42): 163-67.
Luella F. Norwood, "Imposition of a Half-Sheet in Duodecimo," Library 5th ser. 1 (1946-47): 242-44.
William H. Bond, "New Examples of Imposition by Half-Sheets," Harvard Library Bulletin 2 (1948):
Fredson Bowers, "Running-Title Evidence for Determining Half-Sheet Imposition," Studies in
Bibliography 1 (1948-49): 199-202. Reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing
(1975), pp, 254-57.
Fredson Bowers, "Printing Evidence in Wynkyn de Worde's Edition of The Life of Johan Picus by St.
This page is from a document available in full at
194 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Thomas More [1510?]," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 43 (1949): 398-99.
Lawrence G. Starkey, "The Printing by the Cambridge Press of A Platform of Church Discipline, 1649,"
Studies in Bibliography 2 (1949-50): 79-93 (with correction in 4 [1951-52]: 235).
Philip Williams, Jr., "The 'Second Issue' of Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida, 1609," Studies in
Bibliography 2 (1949-50): 25-33.
Kenneth Povey, "On the Diagnosis of Half-Sheet Impositions," Library 5th ser. 11 (1956): 268-72.
J.R. Mulryne, "Half-Sheet Imposition and Running-Title Transfer in Two New Playes by Thomas
Middleton, 1657," Library 5th ser. 30 (1975): 222-28.
J.R. Mulryne, "The Imposition of Initial and Final Half-Sheets in Octavo," Library 5th ser. 30 (1975):
Stanley Boorman, "A Case of Work and Turn Half-Sheet Imposition in the Early Sixteenth Century,"
Library 6th ser. 8 (1986): 301-21.
Hinman (1963), 1: 171-78.
Blayney (1982), pp. 122, 124-25.
Tanselle (1999), section II(a), pp. 18-24.
A.W. Pollard, Shakespeare Folios and Quartos (1909), pp. 134-37.
E.E. Willoughby, "A Note on the Typography of the Running Titles of the First Folio," Library 4th ser.
9 (1928-29): 385-87.
A.K. McIlwraith, "Some Bibliographical Notes on Massinger," Library 4th ser. 11 (1930-31): 78-92.
E.E. Willoughby, The Printing of the First Folio (1932). [Esp. pp. 21-24, 42-46.]
E.E. Willoughby, [Review of 1931 Hamlet facsimile], Library Quarterly 2 (1932): 89-90.
F.R. Johnson, A Critical Bibliography of the Works of Edmund Spenser (1933). [See pp. 16-17.]
Harry R. Hoppe, "An Approximate Printing Date for the First Quarto of Romeo and Juliet," Library 4th
18 (1937-38): 447-55.
R.C. Bald, Bibliographical Studies in the Beaumont and Fletcher Folio of 1647 (1938). [Esp.
pp. 30-31.]
J.G. McManaway, "Thomas Dekker: Further Textual Notes," Library 4th ser. 19 (1938-39): 176-79.
Fredson Bowers, "Notes on Running-Titles as Bibliographical Evidence," Library 4th ser. 19 (1938-39):
Giles E. Dawson, "A Bibliographical Problem in the First Folio of SHakespeare," Library 4th ser. 22
(1941-42): 25-33.
Fredson Bowers, "The Headline in Early Books," English Institute Annual 1941 (1942), pp. 185-205.
Reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing (1975), pp. 199-211.
Charlton Hinman, "New Uses for Headlines as Bibliographical Evidence," English Institute Annual 1941
(1942), pp. 207-22.
Irene Mann, "A Political Cancel in The Cobblers Prophesie," Library 4th ser. 23 (1942-43): 94-100.
Paul S. Dunkin, "Issues of The Fairy Queen, 1692," Library 4th ser. 26 (1945-46): 297-304.
Irene Mann, "Notes on the Malone Society Reprint of The Cobler's Prophecy," Library 4th ser. 26
(1945-46): 181-89.
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Fredson Bowers, "An Examination of the Method of Proof-Correction in Lear," Library 5th ser. 2
(1947-48): 20-44. Reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing (1975), pp. 212-39.
Paul S. Dunkin, "Foxe's Acts and Monuments, 1570, and Single-Page Imposition," Library 5th ser. 2
(1947-48): 159-70.
Guy A. Battle, "The Case of the Altered 'c'--A Bibliographical Problem in the Beaumont and Fletcher
First Folio," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 42 (1948): 66-70.
Fredson Bowers, "Two Notes on Running Titles as Bibliographical Evidence," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 42 (1948): 143-48.
Harry R. Hoppe, The Bad Quarto of ROMEO AND JULIET: A Bibliographical and Textual Study
(1948). [Esp. pp. 46-56.]
Fredson Bowers, "Bibliographical Evidence from a Resetting in Caryll's Sir Salomon (1691)," Library
5th ser. 3 (1948-49): 134-37.
Fredson Bowers, "Running-Title Evidence for Determining Half-Sheet Imposition," Studies in
Bibliography 1 (1948-49): 199-202. Reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing
(1975), pp. 254-57.
Gerald J. Eberle, "Nosce Teipsum (1599) by Sir John Davies: A Bibliographical Puzzle," Studies in
Bibliography 1 (1948-49): 135-48.
C. William Miller, "A Bibliographical Study of Parthenissa by Roger Boyle Earl of Orrery," Studies in
Bibliography 2 (1949-50): 115-37.
George R. Price, "The First Edition of A Faire Quarrell," Library 5th ser. 4 (1949-50): 137-41.
Philip Williams, Jr., "The 'Second Issue' of Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida, 1609," Studies in
Bibliography 2 (1949-50): 25-33.
Fredson Bowers, "A Crux in the Text of [Nathaniel] Lee's Princess of Cleve (1689), II.i," Harvard
Library Bulletin 4 (1950): 409-11.
George R. Price, "Compositors' Methods with Two Quartos Reprinted by Augustine Mathewes," Papers
of the Bibliographical Society of America 44 (1950): 269-74.
Fredson Bowers, "The Supposed Cancel in Southerne's The Disappointment Reconsidered," Library 5th
ser. 5 (1950-51): 140-49.
Gerald J. Eberle, "The Composition and Printing of Middleton's A Mad World, My Masters," Studies
in Bibliography 3 (1950-51): 246-52.
Harold Jenkins, "The 1631 Quarto of The Tragedy of Hoffman," Library 5th ser. 6 (1951): 88-99.
Fredson Bowers, "The Variant Sheets in John Banks's Cyrus the Great, 1696," Studies in Bibliography
4 (1951-52): 174-82.
Fredson Bowers, "The Pirated Quartos of Dryden's State of Innocence," Studies in Bibliography 5 (1952-
53): 166-69.
Fredson Bowers, "A Definitive Text of Shakespeare: Problems and Methods," in Studies in Shakespeare,
ed. Arthur D. Matthews and Clark M. Emery (1953), pp. 11-29.
George R. Price, "The First Edition of [Middleton's] Your Five Gallants and of Michaelmas Term,"
Library 5th ser. 8 (1953): 23-29.
Fredson Bowers, "Motteax's Love's Jest: A Running-Title and Presswork Problem," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 48 (1954): 268-273. Reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography,
Text, and Editing (1975), pp. 269-74.
Fredson Bowers, "Underprinting in Mary Pix, The Spanish Wives (1696)," Library 5th ser. 9 (1954):
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196 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Fredson Bowers, "The Printing of Hamlet Q2," Studies in Bibliography 7 (1955): 41-50. [With
addendum in 8 (1956): 267-68.]
Kenneth Povey, "On the Diagnosis of Half-Sheet Impositions," Library 5th ser. 11 (1956): 268-72.
George R. Price, "The Manuscript and the Quarto of The Roaring Girl," Library 5th ser. 11 (1956):
Paul L. Cantrell and George Williams, "The Printing of the Second Quarto of Romeo and Juliet (1599),"
Studies in Bibliography 9 (1957): 107-28.
Robert K. Turner, "Standing Type in Tomkis's Albumazar," Library 5th ser. 13 (1958): 175-85.
R.B. Parker, "Alterations in the First Edition of Greene's A Quip for an Upstart Courier," Huntington
Library Quarterly 23 (1959-60): 181-86.
George R. Price, "The Authorship and the Bibliography of The Revenger's Tragedy," Library 5th ser.
15 (1960): 262-77.
Fredson Bowers, "A Bibliographical History of the Fletcher-Betterton Play, The Prophetess, 1690,"
Library 5th ser. 16 (1961): 170-75.
Robert G. Lawrence, "A Bibliographical Study of Middleton and Rowley's The Changeling," Library
5th ser. 16 (1961): 37-43.
Robert K. Turner, "Printing Methods and Textual Problems in A Midsummer Night's Dream Q1,"
Studies in Bibliography 15 (1962): 33-55.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's The Gentleman Usher (1606) Printed
by Valentine Simmes," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 2 (1963): 82-113.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's Monsieur D'Olive (1606) Printed by
Thomas Creede," Studies in English Literature [Tokyo], 1963 (English no.), pp. 1-48.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's All Fools (1605) Printed by George
Eld," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 3 (1964): 73-99.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's May Day (1611) Printed by William
Stansby," Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Shinshu University No. 15 (1965):
Frank B. Evans, "The Printing of Spenser's Faerie Queene in 1596," Studies in Bibliography 18 (1965):
Robert K. Turner, Jr., "The Printing of A King and No King," Studies in Bibliography 18 (1965): 255-61.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's The Widow's Tears (1612) Printed by
Richard Bradock," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 4 (1965-66): 57-83.
George R. Price, "The Early Editions of A Trick to Catch the Old One," Library 5th ser. 22 (1967):
Robert K. Turner, Jr., "The Text of Heywood's The Fair Maid of the West," Library 5th ser. 22 (1967):
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's An Humorous Day's Mirth (1599)
Printed by Valentine Simmes," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 5 (1967):
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's The Blind Beggar of Alexandria
(1598)," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 6 (1967-68): 147-65.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's The Memorable Mask of the Middle
Temple and Lincoln's In (1613) Printed by George Eld," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare
Society of Japan] 7 (1968-69): 81-111.
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D.F. McKenzie, "Printers of the Mind: Some Notes on Bibliographical Theories and Printing-House
Practices," Studies in Bibliography 22 (1969): 1-75. Reprinted in his Making Meaning: "Printers
of the Mind" and Other Essays, ed. Peter D. McDonald and Michael F. Suarez (2002), pp. 13-85.
William Landram Williamson, "An Early Use of Running Title and Signature Evidence in Analytical
Bibliography [by William F. Poole, 1867]," Library Quarterly 40 (1970): 245-49.
Hiroshi Yamashita, "The Printing of Philip Massinger's Plays [The Duke of Milan and The Maid of
Honour]," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 10 (1971-72): 16-38.
Peter W.M. Blayney, "'Compositor B' and the Pavier Quartos: Problems of Identification and Their
Implications," Library 5th ser. 27 (1972): 179-206.
Stanley Boorman, "Upon the Use of Running Titles in the Aldus House in 1518," Library 5th ser. 27
(1972): 126-31.
Fredson Bowers, "Was There a Lost 1593 Edition of Marlowe's Edward II?", Studies in Bibliography
25 (1972): 143-48.
Harold F. Brooks, "The Chief Substantive Editions of Oldham's Poems, 1679-1684: Printers,
Compositors, and Publication," Studies in Bibliography 27 (1974): 188-226.
Robert K. Turner, Jr., "The Printers and the Beaumont and Fletcher Folio of 1647: Section 1 (Thomas
Warren's)," Studies in Bibliography 27 (1974): 137-56.
William M. Baillie, "Early Printed Books in Small Formats," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America 69 (1975): 197-205.
James P. Hammersmith, "The Printers and the Beaumont and Fletcher Folio of 1647, Section 7," Papers
of the Bibliographical Society of America 69 (1975): 206-25.
Thomas L. Berger, "Running-Title Variants in Chapman's Caesar and Pompey," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 70 (1976): 399-403.
Donald Edge, "Evidence of Cast-Off Copy in Lyly's Endimion and Loves Metamorphosis," Papers of
the Bibliographical Society of America 70 (1976): 517-18.
Philip R. Rider, "The Concurrent Printing of Shirley's The Wittie Faire One and The Bird in a Cage,"
Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 71 (1977): 328-33.
George R. Price, "The Printing of Love's Labour's Lost (1598)," Papers of the Bibliographical Society
of America 72 (1978): 405-34.
George Walton Williams, "The Composition and Presswork of Henry V, Q1," Library 5th ser. 37
(1978): 170-71.
Thomas L. Berger, "The Printing of Henry V, Q1," Library 6th ser. 1 (1979): 114-25.
Randall McLeod, "A Technique of Headline Analysis, with Application to Shakespeares Sonnets, 1609,"
Studies in Bibliography 32 (1979): 197-210.
J.C. Ross, "The Printing of Vanbrugh's The Provok'd Wife (1697)," Library 6th ser. 4 (1982): 397-409.
Peter W.M. Blayney, "The Disappointment: A Disappointment," Library 6th ser. 6 (1984): 50-60.
R.M. Flores, "The Setting and Printing of the First Edition of Cervantes's Novelas Ejemplares," Studies
in Bibliography 37 (1984): 281-306.
D.F. McKenzie, "Stretching a Point; or, The Case of the Spaced-Out Comps," Studies in Bibliography
37 (1984): 106-21. Reprinted in his Making Meaning: "Printers of the Mind" and Other Essays,
ed. Peter D. McDonald and Michael F. Suarez (2002), pp. 91-106.
MacD. P. Jackson, "John Webster and Thomas Heywood in Appius and Virginia: A Bibliographical
Approach to the Problem of Authorship," Studies in Bibliography 38 (1985): 217-35.
Susan Zimmerman, "The Uses of Headlines: Peter Short's Shakespearian Quartos 1 Henry IV and
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198 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Richard III," Library 6th ser. 7 (1985): 218-55.
Antony Hammond, "The White Devil in Nicholas Okes's Shop," Studies in Bibliography 39 (1986):
Paul Mulholland, "Thomas Middleton's The Two Gates of Salvation (1609): An Instance of-Running-
Title Rotation," Library 6th ser. 8 (1986): 18-31.
Kevin J. Donovan, "The Final Quires of the Jonson Workes: Headline Evidence," Studies in
Bibliography 40 (1987): 106-20.
Kim Walker, "The Printing and Publishing of James Shirley's The Dukes Mistris (1638)," Library 6th
ser. 10 (1988): 317-38.
Antony Telford-Moore, "The Printing of John Ford's Love's Sacrifice," Library 6th ser. 14 (1992):
Joost Daalder and Antony Telford Moore, "Breaking the Rules: Editorial Problems in Dekker and
Middleton's The Honest Whore, PartI," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand
Bulletin 20 (1996): 243-87.
James A. Riddell, "The Printing of the Plays in the Jonson Folio of 1616," Studies in Bibliography 49
(1996): 149-68; "Addendum," 50 (1997): 408-9.
Martin Butler, "Running Titles in Cymbeline," Library 7th ser. 1 (2000): 439-41.
MacD. P. Jackson, "Finding the Pattern: Peter Short's Shakespeare Quartos Revisited," Bibliographical
Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 25 (2001): 67-86.
Hinman (1963), 1: 154-71.
Blayney (1983), pp. 124-25.
Giles E. Dawson, "A Bibliographical Problem in the First Folio of Shakespeare," Library 4th ser. 22
(1941-42): 25-33.
Guy A. Battle, "A Bibliographical Note from the Beaumont and Fletcher First Folio," Studies in
Bibliography 1 (1948-49): 187-88.
Guy A. Battle, "The Box Rule Pattern in the First Edition of Paradise Lost," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 42 (1948): 315-21.
Johan Gerritsen, "The Printing of the Beaumont and Fletcher Folio of 1647," Library 5th ser. 3 (1948-
49): 233-64.
John Shroeder, The Great Folio of 1623 (1956). [Reviewed by Charlton Hinman in Shakespeare
Quarterly 8 (1957): 219-22.]
James P. Hammersmith, "The Printers and the Beaumont and Fletcher Folio of 1647, Section 7," Papers
of the Bibliographical Society of America 69 (1975): 206-25.
Ernest W. Sullivan II, "Marginal Rules as Evidence," Studies in Bibliography 30 (1977): 171-80.
Claud A. Thompson, "'Coded' Signatures: A Printer's Clue to the Bibliographical Tangle of The Doctrine
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 199
and Discipline of Divorce (1644)," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 68 (1974):
Tanselle (1999), section II(b), pp. 24-28.
Leslie Mahin Oliver, "Single-Page Imposition in Foxe's Acts and Monuments, 1570," Library 5th ser.
1 (1946-47): 49-56.
Paul S. Dunkin, "The Ghost of the Turned Sheet," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 45
(1951): 246-50.
Curt F. Bühler, "The Printing of a Valerius Maximus Dated 1671," Studies in Bibliography 7 (1955):
Kenneth Povey, "On the Diagnosis of Half-Sheet Impositions," Library 5th ser. 11 (1956): 268-72.
K.I.D. Maslen, "Point-Holes as Bibliographical Evidence," Library 5th ser. 23 (1968): 240-41.
Conor Fahy, "Notes on Centrifugal Octavo Imposition in Sixteenth-Century Italian Printing,"
Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society 10.4 (1994): 489-504.
Tanselle (1999), section II(c), pp. 28-31.
Kenneth Povey, "On the Diagnosis of Half-Sheet Impositions," Library 5th ser. 11 (1956): 268-72 (esp.
p. 270).
Kenneth Povey, "The Optical Identification of First Formes," Studies in Bibliography 13 (1960): 189-90.
Kenneth Povey, "Working to Rule, 1600-1800: A Study of Pressmen's Practice," Library 5th ser. 20
(1965): 13-54.
Hinman (1963), 1: 226-334.
Blayney (1982), pp. 188-218.
Tanselle (1999), section II(d), pp. 31-41.
See also J.K. Moore, Primary Materials Relating to Copy and Print in English Books of the Sixteenth
and Seventeenth Centuries (1992). [Lists known surviving printers' copies and proofs, with
references to articles discussing them.]
George P. Baker, "Some Bibliographical Puzzles in Elizabethan Quartos," Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 4 (1909): 9-20. [With a note by George Watson Cole, pp. 20-23.]
Percy Simpson, "Proofreading by English Authors of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries," Oxford
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200 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Bibliographical Society Proceedings and Papers 2.1 (1927): 5-24.
A.K. McIlwraith, "Some Bibliographical Notes on Massinger," Library 4th ser. 11 (1930-31): 78-92.
E.E. Willoughby, "A Jacobean Printer on Correction at the Press," Library 4th ser. 11 (1930-31): 103-4.
Tucker Brooke, "Elizabethan Proof Corrections in a Copy of The First Part of the Contention 1600,"
Huntington Library Bulletin 2 (1931): 87-89.
E.E. Willoughby, The Printing of the First Folio (1932). [Esp. pp. 62-65.]
Percy Simpson, Proofreading in the 16th, 17th, & 18th Centuries (1935).
W.W. Greg, "A Proof-Sheet of 1606," Library 4th ser. 17 (1936-37): 454-57.
W.W. Greg, The Variants in the First Quarto of KING LEAR (1940), pp. 40-57. Reprinted in Sir Walter
Wilson Greg: A Collection of His Writings, ed. Joseph Rosenblum (1998), pp. 187-200.
Edwin Wolf 2nd, "Press Corrections in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Quartos," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 36 (1942): 187-98.
Charlton Hinman, "A Proof-Sheet in the First Folio of Shakespeare," Library 4th ser. 23 (1942-43):
A.K. McIlwraith, "The Press Corrections in Jonson's The King's Entertainment," Library 4th ser. 24
(1943-44): 181-86.
Irene Mann, "Notes on the Malone Society Reprint of The Cobler's Prophecy," Library 4th ser. 26
(1945-46): 181-89.
F.R. Johnson, "Press Corrections and Presswork in the Elizabethan Printing Shop," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 40 (1946): 276-86.
William W. Peery, "The Quarto of Field's Weather-Cocke," Library 5th ser. 1 (1946-47): 62-64.
Fredson Bowers, "An Examination of the Method of Proof-Correction in Lear," Library 5th ser. 2
(1947-48): 20-44. Reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing (1975), pp. 212-39.
Leslie Mahin Oliver, "The Spanish Masquerado: A Problem in Double Edition," Library 5th ser. 2
(1947-48): 14-19.
William W. Peery, "The 1618 Quarto of Field's Amends for Ladies," Library 5th ser. 2 (1947-48): 53-59.
William W. Peery, "Correction at Press in the Quarto of Law-Trickes," Library 5th ser. 2 (1947-48):
Charlton Hinman, "Mechanized Collation: A Preliminary Report," Papers of the Bibliographical Society
of America 41 (1947): 99-106.
William W. Peery, "Correction at Press in The Blind-Beggar of Bednal-Green," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 41 (1947): 140-44.
Fredson Bowers, "Elizabethan Proofing," in Joseph Quincy Adams Memorial Studies, ed. James G.
McManaway, Giles E. Dawson, and Edwin E. Willoughby (1948), pp. 571-86. Reprinted in his
Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing (1975), pp. 240-53.
Charlton Hinman, "The 'Copy' for the Second Quarto of Othello (1630)," in Joseph Quincy Adams
Memorial Studies, ed. James G. McManaway, Giles E. Dawson, and Edwin E. Willoughby (1948),
pp. 373-89.
Gerald J. Eberle, "Nosce Teipsum (1599) by Sir John Davies: A Bibliographical Puzzle," Studies in
Bibliography 1 (1948-49): 135-48.
Lawrence G. Starkey and Philip Ropp, "The Printing of A Declaration of the Demeanour and Carriage
of Sir Walter Raleigh, 1618," Library 5th ser. 3 (1948-49): 124-34.
Fredson Bowers, "Thomas D'Urfey's Comical History of Don Quixote, 1694," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 43 (1949): 191-95.
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Fredson Bowers, "Variants in Early Editions of Dryden's Plays," Harvard Library Bulletin 3 (1949):
A.K. McIlwraith, "Marginalia on Press-Corrections in Books of the Early Seventeenth Century," Library
5th ser. 4 (1949-50): 238-48.
George R. Price, "The First Edition of A Faire Quarrell," Library 5th ser. 4 (1949-50): 137-41.
Fredson Bowers, "The First Edition of Dryden's Wild Gallant, 1669," Library 5th ser. 5 (1950-51):
Charlton Hinman, "Mark III: New Light on the Proofreading for the First Folio of Shakespeare," Studies
in Bibliography 3 (1950-51): 145-53.
Harold Jenkins, "The 1631 Quarto of The Tragedy of Hoffman," Library 5th ser. 6 (1951): 88-99.
Glenn H. Blayney, "Variants in the First Quarto of [George Wilkins's] The Miseries of Inforst Mariage,"
Library 5th ser. 9 (1954): 176-84.
Charlton Hinman, "The Proof-Reading of the First Folio Text of Romeo and Juliet," Studies in
Bibliography 6 (1954): 61-70.
A.N.L. Munby, "A Cambridge Proof-Sheet of 1617," Book Collector 3 (1954): 226.
Arthur Brown, "A Proof-Sheet in Thomas Heywood's The Iron Age," Library 5th ser. 10 (1955): 275-78.
Kenneth Povey, "Variant Formes in Elizabethan Printing," Library 5th ser. 10 (1955): 41-48.
Charlton Hinman, "Mechanized Collation at the Houghton Library," Harvard Library Bulletin 9 (1955):
Glenn H. Blayney, "Variants in Q1 of A Yorkshire Tragedy," Library 5th ser. 11 (1956): 262-67.
John Russell Brown, "The Printing of John Webster's Plays (II)," Studies in Bibliography 8 (1956):
John Russell Brown, "A Proof-Sheet from Nicholas Okes' Printing-Shop," Studies in Bibliography 11
(1958): 228-31.
P.H. Davison, "The Fair Maid of the Exchange," Library 5th ser. 13 (1958): 119-20.
Leonard Nathanson, "Variants in Robert Wilson's The Three Lords," Library 5th ser. 13 (1958): 57-59.
George R. Price, "The Authorship and the Bibliography of The Revenger's Tragedy," Library 5th ser.
15 (1960): 262-77.
Fredson Bowers, "A Bibliographical History of the Fletcher-Betterton Play, The Prophetess, 1690,"
Library 5th ser. 16 (1961): 170-75.
Robert G. Lawrence, "A Bibliographical Study of Middleton and Rowley's The Changeling," Library
5th ser. 16 (1961): 37-43.
Robert K. Turner, Jr., "Notes on the Text of Thierry and Theodoret Q1," Studies in Bibliography 14
(1961): 218-31 (esp. pp. 223-25).
Erica Veevers, "Albions Triumph: A Further Corrected State of the Text," Library 5th ser. 16 (1961):
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of Goerge Chapman's The Gentleman Usher (1606) Printed
by Valentine Simmes," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 2 (1963): 82-113.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's Monsieur D'Olive (1606) Printed by
Thomas Creede," Studies in English Literature [Tokyo], 1963 (English no.), pp. 1-48.
Akihiro Yamada, "Press Variants and Emendations in Monsieur D'Olive (1606)," Journal of the Faculty
of Liberal Arts and Science, Shinshu University No. 13 (1963): 47-70.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's All Fools (1605) Printed by George
Eld," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 3 (1964): 73-99.
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202 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's May Day (1611) Printed by William
Stansby," Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Shinshu University No. 15 (1965):
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's The Widow's Tears (1612) Printed by
Richard Bradock," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 4 (1965-66): 57-83.
Akihiro Yamada, "A Proof-Sheet in An Humorous Day's Mirth (1599) Printed by Valentine Simmes,"
Library 5th ser. 21 (1966): 155-57.
George R. Price, "The Early Editions of A Trick to Catch the Old One," Library 5th ser. 22 (1967):
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's An Humorous Day's Mirth (1599)
Printed by Valentine Simmes," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 5 (1967):
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's The Blind Beggar of Alexandria
(1598)," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare Society of Japan] 6 (1967-68): 147-65.
Akihiro Yamada, "Bibliographical Studies of George Chapman's The Memorable Mask of the Middle
Temple and Lincoln's In (1613) Printed by George Eld," Shakespeare Studies [Shakespeare
Society of Japan] 7 (1968-69): 81-111.
D.F. Foxon, "The Varieties of Early Proof: Cartwright's Royal Slave, 1639, 1640," Library 5th ser. 25
(1970): 151-54.
Ann-Mari Hedbäck, "The Printing of The Siege of Rhodes," Studia Neophilologica 45 (1973): 68-79.
Alan E. Craven, "Proofreading in the Shop of Valentine Simmes," Papers of the Bibliographical Society
of America 68 (1974): 361-72.
Millard T. Jones, "Press-Variants and Proofreading in the First Quarto of Othello (1622)," Studies in
Bibliography 27 (1974): 177-84.
James L. Harner, "Stop-Press Corrections in the First Edition of The Tragedy of Jane Shore," Library
5th ser. 31 (1976): 73-74.
James G. McManaway, "Another Discovery of a Proof Sheet in Shakespeare's First Folio," Huntington
Library Quarterly 41 (1977-78): 19-26.
Paul Werstine, "Variants in the First Quarto of Love's Labor's Lost," Shakespeare Studies 12 (1979):
Paul Werstine, "An Unrecorded State in the Shakespeare First Folio," Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 74 (1980): 133-34.
Thomas L. Berger and George Walton Williams, "Variants in the Quarto of Shakespeare's 2 Henry IV,"
Library 6th ser. 3 (1981): 109-18.
Manfred Draudt, "Printer's Copy for the Quarto of Love's Labour's Lost (1598)," Library 6th ser. 3
(1981): 119-31.
James P. Hammersmith, "Early Proofing: The Evidence of Extant Proof-Sheets," Analytical &
Enumerative Bibliography 7 (1983): 188-215.
Johan Gerritsen, "A Jonson Proof-Sheet: Neptune's Triumph," in Studies in Seventeenth-Century English
Literature, History, and Bibliography, ed. G.A.M. Janssens and F.G.A.M. Aarts (1984),
pp. 107-17.
James P. Hammersmith, "Frivolous Trifles and Weightly Tomes: Early Proof-Reading at London,
Oxford, and Cambridge," Studies in Bibliography 38 (1985): 236-51.
Thomas L. Berger, "Press Variants in Substantive Shakespearian Dramatic Quartos," Library 6th ser.
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 203
10 (1988): 231-41.
James P. Hammersmith, "The Proof-Reading of the Beaumont and Fletcher Folio of 1647," Papers of
the Bibliographical Society of America 82 (1988): 17-51, 201-27, 287-332, 585-94; 83 (1989):
61-80, 187-99.
Paul Werstine, "More Unrecorded States in the Folger Shakespeare Library's Collection of First Folios,"
Library 6th ser. 11 (1989): 47-51.
Jean-Claude Moisan, "Les corrections en cours d'impression dans les Métamorphoses d'Ovide,
Rouillé/Bonhomme, 1556," Bulletin du bibliophile 1991, pp. 356-79.
Antony Telford-Moore, "The Printing of John Ford's Love's Sacrifice," Library 6th ser. 14 (1992):
James A. Riddell, "The Concluding Pages of the Jonson Folio of 1616," Studies in Bibliography 47
(1994): 147-54.
Anthony James West, "A Model for Describing Shakespeare First Folios, with Descriptions of Selected
Copies," Library 6th ser. 21 (1999): 1-49 (see esp. pp. 12-13, 17, 49).
See also many scholarly editions, such as Bowers's of Dekker (1953-61), Beaumont and Fletcher (1966-
96), and Marlowe (1973).
Tanselle (1999), section II(e), pp. 41-43.
Peter W.M. Blayney, The Texts of KING LEAR and Their Origins (1982), p. 140.
John R. Turner, "The Printing of Trissino's De la volgare eloquenzia," Library, 6th ser. 4 (1982): 307-13
(supplemented by Peter W.M. Blayney in 5 [1983]: 175-75).
Roger E. Stoddard, Marks in Books (1985), item 5.
Susan M. Felch (ed.), The Collected Works of Anne Vaughan Lock (1999), pp. lxx-lxxiv.
R.W. Chapman, "Cancels and Stubs," Library 4th ser. 8 (1927-28): 264-68.
R.W. Chapman, Cancels (1930).
Clifford Leech, "A Cancel in Southerne's The Disappointment, 1684," Library 4th ser. 13 (1932-33):
395-98. [See also Fredson Bowers, "The Supposed Cancel in Southerne's The Disappointment
Reconsidered," Library 5th ser. 5 (1950): 140-49; and Peter W.M. Blayney, "The Disappointment:
A Disappointment," Library 6th ser. 6 (1984): 50-60.]
William Riley Parker, "A Cancel in an Early Milton Tract," Library 4th ser. 15 (1934-35): 243-46. [See
also H.C.H. Candy, 16 (1935-36): 118.]
J. Periam Danton, "William Cartwright and His Comedies, Tragi-comedies, with Other Poems," Library
Quarterly 12 (1942): 438-56.
Irene Mann, "A Political Cancel in The Coblers Prophesie," Library 4th ser. 23 (1942-43): 94-100.
Fredson Bowers, "Bibliographical Miscellanea," Library 5th ser. 1 (1946-47): 131-34.
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204 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
J.G. McManaway, "The Cancel in the Quarto of 2 Henry IV," University of Missouri Studies 21 (1946):
Fredson Bowers, "The Cancel Leaf in Congreve's Double Dealer, 1694," Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 43 (1949): 78-82.
Philip Williams, Jr., "The 'Second Issue' of Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida, 1609," Studies in
Bibliography 2 (1949-50): 25-33.
D.G. Neill, "The Cancel Title in Boyle's Tracts, 1675," Bodleian Library Record 6 (1957): 386-88.
Herbert Davis, "Note on a Cancel in The Alchemist, 1612," Library 5th ser. 13 (1958): 278-80.
E.R. Wood, "Cancels and Corrections in A Discovery of Errors, 1622," Library 5th ser. 13 (1958):
David M. Vieth, "An Unsuspected Cancel in Tonson's 1691 Rochester," Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 55 (1961): 130-33.
John Harris, "Page Cancels," Factotum 15 (October 1982): 10.
Joseph A. Dane, "A Tale of Two Title Pages [in 1542 Chaucer]," Book Collector 48 (1999): 387-400.
G. Eighteenth Century
Harold Williams, "The Eighteenth Century," in The Bibliographical Society 1892-1942 (1945),
pp. 136-45.
G.W. Cole, "Blank Leaves or Alternative Titles," Library 4th ser. 2 (1921-22): 272-74.
R.W. Chapman, "Notes on Eighteenth Century Book-Building," Library 4th ser. 4 (1923-24): 165-80.
R.W. Chapman, "Elementary Exercises in Bibliography," Library 4th ser. 9 (1928-29): 197-201.
["Imposition in Half-Sheets," pp. 197-98; "Erroneous Perfecting," pp. 198-99; "Simple Inference
from Watermarks," pp. 199-201.]
Frederick A. Pottle, "Printer's Copy in the Eighteenth Century," Papers of the Bibliographical Society
of America 27 (1933): 65-73.
R.W. Chapman, "End-Papers," Library 4th ser. 25 (1944-45): 79.
William B. Todd, Procedures for Determining the Identity and Order of Certain Eighteenth-Century
Editions (University of Chicago dissertation, 1949), pp. 6-38.
William B. Todd, "Bibliography and the Editorial Problem in the Eighteenth Century," Studies in
Bibliography 4 (1951-52): 41-55. [On the use of book reviews; see also Library 5th ser. 6 (1951):
123-25; Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 45 (1951): 72-76.
William B. Todd, "On the Use of Advertisements in Bibliographical Studies," Library 5th ser. 8 (1953):
174-87. [Cf. J.R. Moore, 9 (1954): 134-35.]
Geoffrey Tillotson, "Eighteenth-Century Capitalization," Library 5th ser. 9 (1954): 268-70. [Related
to format.]
William B. Todd, "The Printing of Eighteenth Century Periodicals," Library 5th ser. 10 (1955): 49-54.
Arthur Friedman, "The First Edition of Goldsmith's Bee, No. 1," Studies in Bibliography 11 (1958):
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M.A. Manzalaoui, "Typographical Justification and Grammatical Change in the Eighteenth Century,"
Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 56 (1962): 248-51.
Richmond P. Bond, "The Pirate and the Tatler," Library 5th ser. 18 (1963): 257-74.
J.D. Fleeman, "The Reprint of Rambler No. 1," Library 5th ser. 18 (1963): 288-94. [Progressive type
Frederick R. Goff, The John Dunlap Broadside: The First Printing of the Declaration of Independence
K.I.D. Maslen, "Jobbing Printing and the Bibliographer: New Evidence from the Bowyer Ledgers,"
Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 3 (1977): 4-16.
Robert Darnton, "A Bibliographical Imbroglio: Hidden Editions of the Encyclopédie," in Cinq siècles
d'imprimerie genevoise, ed. Jean-Daniel Candaux and Bernard Lescaze (1981), pp. 73-101.
David L. Vander Meulen, A Descriptive Bibliography of Alexander Pope's DUNCIAD, 1728-1751
(University of Wisconsin dissertation, 1981).
David L. Vander Meulen, "The Dunciad in Four Books and the Bibliography of Pope," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 83 (1989): 293-310.
David L. Vander Meulen, Pope's DUNCIAD of 1728: A History and Facsimile (1991).
Paul Baines, The House of Forgery in Eighteenth-Century Britain (1999).
Barbara Laning Fitzpatrick, "Physical Evidence for John Coote's Eighteenth-Century Periodical
Proprietorships: The Examples of Coote's Royal Magazine (1759-71) and Smollett's British
Magazine (1760-67)," Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography n.s. 11 (2000): 211-58.
Keith Maslen, Samuel Richardson of London, Printer: A Study of His Printing House Based on
Ornament Use and Business Accounts (2001).
David L. Vander Meulen, "An Essay towards Perfection: J.D. Fleeman's A Bibliography of the Works
of Samuel Johnson," The Age of Johnson 13 (2002).
Coolie Verner, "Some Observtions on the Philadelphia 1794 Editions of Jefferson's Notes," Studies in
Bibliography 2 (1949-50): 201-4. [Spacing after periods.]
M.A. Manzalaoui, "Typographical Justification and Grammatical Change in the Eighteenth Century,"
Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 56 (1962): 248-51.
R.A. Sayce, "Compositorial Practices and the Localization of Printed Books, 1530-1800," Library 5th
ser. 31 (1966): 1-45. Reprinted with additions and corrections as Oxford Bibliographical Society
Occasional Publication No. 13 (1979). See also: B.J. McMullin, "Gatherings Signed 'W': A
Footnote to Sayce," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 6 (1982):
41-43; Roderick Cave, "Gatherings Signed 'W': A Footnote to a Footnote," 6 (1982): 152; John
Harris, "Gatherings Signed 'W': A Further Note," 7 (1983): 124; Ra Foxton, "Another 'W'
Gathering," 8 (1984): 219; B.J. McMullin, "Gatherings Signed 'J,'" 17 (1993): 197-98; B.J.
McMullin, "W, Bristol, and the Methodist Connexion," 18 (1994): 34-43.
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206 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
C.J. Mitchell, "Quotation Marks, National Compositorial Habits and False Imprints," Library 6th ser.
5 (1983): 359-84.
Frans A. Janssen, "Layout as Means of Identification?", Quaerendo 25 (1995): 46-58.
Tanselle (1999), section II(f), pp. 43-51.
R.W. Chapman, "Printing with Figures," Library 4th ser. 3 (1922-23): 175-76.
R.H. Griffith, Alexander Pope: A Bibliography, 1 (1922): 155; 2 (1927): 362.
F.B. Kaye (ed.), The Fable of the Bees [Bernard Mandeville] (1924), 2:394-95. [Reviewed by R.B.
McKerrow in Library 4th ser. 6 (1925-26): 110.]
Giles E. Dawson, "Three Shakespeare Piracies in the Eighteenth Century," Studies in Bibliography 1
(1948-49): 49-58.
Henry Pettit, "Young's Night-Thoughts Re-Examined," Library 5th ser. 3 (1948-49): 299-300.
Walter E. Knotts, "Press Numbers as a Bibliographical Tool . . .," Harvard Library Bulletin 3 (1949):
William B. Todd, Procedures for Determining the Identity and Order of Certain Eighteenth-Century
Editions (University of Chicago dissertation, 1949), pp. 6-38.
Philip Gaskell, "Eighteenth Century Press Numbers: Their Use and Usefulness," Library 5th ser. 4
(1949-50): 249-61.
Jessie R. Lucke, "The Cancels in Lockman's Travels of the Jesuits, 1743," Studies in Bibliography 2
(1949-50): 205-7.
William B. Todd, "Observations on the Incidence and Interpretation of Press Figures," Studies in
Bibliography 3 (1950-51): 171-205.
William B. Todd, "The Bibliographical History of Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France,"
Library 5th ser. 6 (1951): 100-8.
William B. Todd, "The First Printing of Hume's Life (1777)," Library 5th ser. 6 (1951): 123-25.
William B. Todd, "A Hidden Edition of Whitehead's Variety (1776)," Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 45 (1951): 357-58.
William B. Todd, "Press Figures and Book Reviews as Determinants of Priority," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 45 (1951): 72-76.
William B. Todd, "Bibliography and the Editorial Problem in the Eighteenth Century," Studies in
Bibliography 4 (1951-52): 41-55.
Philip Gaskell, "An Early Reference to Press Figures," Library 5th ser. 7 (1952): 211. [Cf. Todd, 7:
William B. Todd, "Concurrent Printing: An Analysis of Dodsley's Collection of Poems by Several
Hands," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 46 (1952): 45-57.
William B. Todd, "Three Notes on Fielding," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 47
(1953): 70-75.
J.C.T. Oates, "Notes on the Bibliography of Sterne," Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical
Society 2 (1954-58): 155-69 (esp. p. 161).
Kenneth Povey, "On the Diagnosis of Half-Sheet Impositions," Library 5th ser. 11 (1956): 268-72.
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 207
William B. Todd, "Patterns in Press Figures: A Study of Lyttleton's Dialogues of the Dead," Studies in
Bibliography 8 (1956): 230-35.
Kenneth Povey, "A Century of Press Figures," Library 5th ser. 14 (1959): 251-73.
D.F. McKenzie, "Press-Figures: A Case History of 1701-03," Transactions of the Cambridge
Bibliographical Society 3 (1960): 32-46.
Giles Barber, "Catchwords and Press Figures at Home and Abroad," Book Collector 9 (1960): 301-7.
Herman W. Liebert, "Boswell's Life of Johnson, 1791," American Notes & Queries 1 (September 1962):
Ronald P. Doig, "A Bibliographical Study of Gough's British Topography," Edinburgh Bibliographical
Society Transactions 4 (1963): 103-36.
Norma Russell, A Bibliography of William Cowper to 1837 (1963).
J.D. Fleeman, "William Somerville's 'The Chace,' 1735," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America 58 (1964): 1-7.
William B. Todd, A Bibliography of Edmund Burke (1964).
William B. Todd, "Variants in Johnson's Dictionary, 1755," Book Collector 14 (1965): 212-13.
Sidney L. Gulick, "Issued in Parts: The Seventh Edition of Chesterfield's Letters to His Son," Papers of
the Bibliographical Society of America 60 (1966): 159-65.
G.T. Tanselle, "Press Figures in America: Some Preliminary Observations," Studies in Bibliography 19
(1966): 123-60; "Press Figures in America: The Shop of Thomas Dobson," in Writers, Books, and
Trade, ed. O M Brack, Jr. (1994), pp. 201-20.
G.T. Tanselle, "Press Figures and the Cut-Off in Duodecimo," Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 1966, pp. 242-46.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Recording of Press Figures," Library 5th ser. 21 (1966): 318-25. Reprinted in
Readings in Descriptive Bibliography, ed. John Bush Jones (1974), pp. 173-83.
K.I.D. Maslen, "'Press' Letters: Samuel Aris, 1730-32," Studies in Bibliography 23 (1970): 119-26.
Albert Smith, "The Printing and Publication of Smollett's Peregrine Pickle," Library 5th ser. 26 (1971):
39-52 (esp. 50-52).
S.W. Reid and Alex Gildzen, "Another Copy of Hill's British Herbal (1756)," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 68 (1974): 310-12.
Michael J. Marcuse, "The Pre-Publication History of William Lauder's Essay on Milton's Use and
Imitation of the Moderns in His Paradise Lost," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America
72 (1978): 37-57.
B.J. McMullin, "The Origins of Press Figures in English Printing, 1629-1671," Library 6th ser. 1 (1979):
307-35. [Cf. W.H. Bond, 2 (1980): 471-72.]
David L. Vander Meulen, "Press Figures," in his A Descriptive Bibliography of Alexander Pope's
DUNCIAD, 1728-1751 (University of Wisconsin dissertation, 1981), pp. 63-64.
Rosemary Thomson, "The Evidence for Shared Printing in an Unusual Method of Signing: Fleetwood's
Sermons, 1737," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 6 (1982): 149-51.
B.J. McMullin, "The Bible and Continuous Reprinting in the Early Seventeenth Century," Library 6th ser.
5 (1983): 256-63.
B.J. McMullin, "Press Figures and Format," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand
Bulletin 7 (1983): 109-19.
B.J. McMullin, "Over-Figuring or the Hand of the 'Prentice Comp?," Bibliographical Society of Australia
and New Zealand Bulletin 7 (1983): 180.
Ra Foxton, "More on Press Figures at Home and Abroad," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New
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208 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Zealand Bulletin 9 (1985): 39.
Brian Hubber, "Press Figures Abroad," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin
9 (1985): 77-79.
B.J. McMullin, "A Wrong Press Figure: Pennant's Arctic Zoology, Vol. II (1785)," Factotum 23 (February
1987): 14-17.
David L. Vander Meulen, "The Dunciad in Four Books and the Bibliography of Pope," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 83 (1989): 293-310.
Michael Winship, "Questions and Answers: Press Figures in Spain in the Seventeenth Century," Papers
of the Bibliographical Society of America 86 (1992): 57-66.
Daria Fedewytsch-Dickson, "A New Century of Press Figures," Bibliographical Society of Australia and
New Zealand Bulletin 17 (1993): 85-86.
B.J. McMullin, "Further Observations on the Incidence and Interpretation of Press Figures," in Writers,
Books, and Trade, ed. O M Brack, Jr. (1994), pp. 177-200.
William B. Todd and Ann Bowden, Sir Walter Scott: A Bibliogrphical History 1796-1832 (1998). [See
also review by B.J. McMullin, "The Bibliography of Sir Walter Scott: A Review Essay,"
Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 23 (1999): 78-106.]
Pamela E. Pryde, "Determining the Format of British Books of the Second-Half of the Eighteenth Century
Gathered in Sixes," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 23 (1999): 67-
J.D. Fleeman with James McLaverty, A Bibliography of the Works of Samuel Johnson (2000). [See
review by David L. Vander Meulen, "An Essay towards Perfection: J.D. Fleeman's A Bibliography
of the Works of Samuel Johnson," The Age of Johnson 13 (2002).]
R.B. McKerrow, An Introduction to Bibliography for Literary Students (1927), pp. 97-108.
Allen T. Hazen, "Watermarks and Forgeries," Print 2.2 (1941): 21-31.
Allen T. Hazen, A Bibliography of the Strawberry Hill Press (1942). [See pp. 10-11.]
Allan H. Stevenson, "New Uses of Watermarks as Bibliographical Evidence," Studies in Bibliography 1
(1948-49): 151-82.
Kenneth Povey and I.J.C. Foster, "Turned Chain Lines," Library 5th ser. 5 (1950-51): 184-200.
Allan H. Stevenson, "Watermarks Are Twins," Studies in Bibliography 4 (1951-52): 57-91 (with
addendum on p. 235).
Allan H. Stevenson, "Chain-Indentations in Paper as Evidence," Studies in Bibliography 6 (1954): 181-95.
Jan LaRue, "Die Datierung von Wasserzeichen im 18. Jahrhundert," in Bericht über den Internationalen
Musikwissenschaftlichen Kongress, Wien, Mozartjahr 1956, ed. Erich Schenk (1958), pp. 318-23.
Allan H. Stevenson, Observations on Paper as Evidence (1961).
Allan H. Stevenson, "Paper," in Catalogue of Botanical Books in the Collection of Rachel McMasters
Miller Hunt 2 (1961): clxxvi-clxxx.
Allan H. Stevenson, "Paper as Bibliographical Evidence," Library 5th ser. 17 (1962): 197-212.
Joseph Katz, "Analytical Bibliography and Literary History: The Writing and Printing of Wieland," Proof
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 209
1 (1971): 8-34.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Bibliographical Description of Paper," Studies in Bibliography 24 (1971): 27-67.
Reprinted in Readings in Descriptive Bibliography, ed. John Bush Jones (1974), pp. 71-115; and
in Selected Studies in Bibliography (1979), pp. 203-43.
Philip Gaskell, A New Introduction to Bibliography (1972; rev. 1974), pp. 57-77.
Thomas L. Gravell, "Watermarks: What They Are and How They Can Be Used," Manuscripts 32 (1980):
David L. Vander Meulen, "Paper," in his A Descriptive Bibliography of Alexander Pope's DUNCIAD,
1728-1751 (University of Wisconsin dissertation, 1981), pp. 47-58.
B.J. McMullin, "Paper-Quality Marks and the Oxford Bible Press 1682-1717," Library 6th ser. 6 (1984):
David L. Vander Meulen, "The Identification of Paper without Watermarks: The Example of Pope's
Dunciad," Studies in Bibliography 37 (1984): 58-81.
Stephen Spector (ed.), Essays in Paper Analysis (1987). [Contains, among other essays, David
Schoonover, "Techniques of Reproducing Watermarks: A Practical Introduction," pp. 154-67.]
David L. Vander Meulen, "The Low-Tech Analysis of Early Paper," Literary Research 13 (1988): 89-94.
John Bidwell, "The Study of Paper as Evidence, Artefact, and Commodity," in The Book Encompassed,
ed. Peter Davison (1992), pp. 69-82.
Alan E. Shapiro, "Beyond the Dating Game: Watermark Clusters and the Composition of Newton's
Opticks," in An Investigation of Difficult Things: Essays on Newton and the History of the Exact
Sciences, ed. P.M. Harman and Alan E. Shapiro (1992), pp. 181-227.
Brett Charbeneau, "Watermarks: Making Use of the Evidence," Hand Papermaking 8.2 (Winter 1993):
James Russell, "Cross 'Chain Lines' in Early 18th Century Paper," International Paper History 3 (1993):
Paul Needham, "Allan H. Stevenson and the Bibliographical Uses of Paper," Studies in Bibliography 47
(1994): 23-64.
David L. Gants, "The Application of Digital Image Processing to the Analysis of Watermarked Paper and
Printers' Ornament Usage in Early Printed Books," in New Ways of Looking at Old Texts II, ed. W.
Speed Hill (1998), pp. 133-47.
Mark L. Reed, "The First Title Page of Lyrical Ballads, 1798," Studies in Bibliography 51 (1998): 230-40.
Pamela E. Pryde, "Determining the Format of British Books of the Second-Half of the Eighteenth Century
Gathered in Sixes," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 23 (1999): 67-
Paul Needham, "Concepts of Paper Study," in Puzzles in Paper: Concepts in Historical Watermarks, ed.
Daniel W. Mosser, Michael Saffle, and Ernest W. Sullivan II (2000), pp. 1-36.
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210 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
R.B. McKerrow, "The Sizes of Books," in "Notes on Bibliographical Evidence for Literary Students and
Editors of English Works of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries," Transactions of the
Bibliographical Society 12 (1911-13): 211-318 (see pp. 253-60). Revised as "The Formats of
Books," in An Introduction to Bibliography for Literary Students (1927), pp. 164-74. [See also,
for 12
and 24
, pp. 315-18 (1911-13) and pp. 325-28 (1927).]
R.W. Chapman, "Notes on Eighteenth-Century Book-Building," Library 4th ser. 4 (1923-24): 165-80.
R.W. Chapman, "Elementary Exercises in Bibliography," Library 4th ser. 9 (1928-29): 197-201.
["Imposition in Half-Sheets," pp. 197-98; "Erroneous Perfecting," pp. 198-99; "Simple Inference
from Watermarks," pp. 199-201.]
Allen T. Hazen, "Eighteenth-Century Quartos with Vertical Chain-Lines," Library 4th ser. 16 (1935-36):
Luella F. Norwood, "Imposition of a Half-Sheet in Duodecimo," Library 5th ser. 1 (1946-47): 242-44.
William B. Todd, "Quadruple Imposition: An Account of Goldsmith's Traveller," Studies in Bibliography
7 (1955): 103-11.
Kenneth Povey, "On the Diagnosis of Half-Sheet Impositions," Library 5th ser. 11 (1956): 268-72.
G.T. Tanselle, "Press Figures and the Cut-Off in Duodecimo," Gutenberg Jahrbuch, 1966, pp. 242-46.
Philip Gaskell, A New Introduction to Bibliography (1972), pp. 87-107.
B.J. McMullin, "Re-Imposition with Unchanged Signatures: The Oxford Bion and Moschus, 1748,"
Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 3 (1977-78): 115-17.
James F. Woodruff, "The Background and Significance of the Rambler's Format," Publishing History 4
(1978): 113-33.
Annemie Gilbert and Sylvia Ransom, "The Imposition of Eighteenmos in Sixes, with Special Reference
to Tranchefiles," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 4 (1979-80):
Brian Hubber, "Eighteenmo in Nines: An Experimental Technique," Bibliographical Society of Australia
and New Zealand Bulletin 7 (1983): 183-86.
B.J. McMullin, "Press Figures and Format," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand
Bulletin 7 (1983): 109-19.
B.J. McMullin, "Sheet Numbers, 'Constable's Miscellany' and Irma," Bibliographical Society of Australia
and New Zealand Bulletin 17 (1993): 33-43.
B.J. McMullin, "'La Collection des petits formats in-18, édition de Cazin': Some Preliminary
Observations," in The Culture of the Book: Essays from Two Hemispheres in Honour of Wallace
Kirsop, ed. David Garrioch, Harold Love, McMullin, Ian Morrison, and Meredith Sherlock (1999),
pp. 105-19.
Pamela E. Pryde, "Determining the Format of British Books of the Second-Half of the Eighteenth Century
Gathered in Sixes," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 23 (1999): 67-
G.T. Tanselle, "The Concept of Format," Studies in Bibliography 53 (2000): 67-115.
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 211
Tanselle (1999), section II(a), pp. 18-24.
Coolie Verner, "Some Observtions on the Philadelphia 1794 Editions of Jefferson's Notes," Studies in
Bibliography 2 (1949-50): 201-4.
Irving N. Rothman, "Defoe's The Family Instructor: A Response to the Schism Act," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 74 (1980): 201-20.
David L. Vander Meulen, A Descriptive Bibliography of Alexander Pope's DUNCIAD, 1728-1751
(University of Wisconsin dissertation, 1981).
David L. Vander Meulen, "The Printing of Pope's Dunciad, 1728," Studies in Bibliography 35 (1982):
David L. Vander Meulen, "The Dunciad in Four Books and the Bibliography of Pope," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 83 (1989): 293-310. [See pp. 306-7.]
Giles E. Dawson, "Three Shakespeare Piracies in the Eighteenth Century," Studies in Bibliography 1
(1948-49): 49-58.
B.J. McMullin, "Re-Imposition with Unchanged Signatures: The Oxford Bion and Moschus, 1748,"
Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 3 (1977-78): 115-17.
B.J. McMullin, "Unsigned Publications of the Late Eighteenth Century," Factotum 18 (March 1984): 19-
B.J. McMullin, "Signing by the Page," Studies in Bibliography 48 (1995): 259-68.
B.J. McMullin, "Creating a Good Impression at the Oxford Bible Press in 1743," Studies in Bibliography
51 (1998): 205-12.
Pam Pryde, "An Eighteenmo Signed in Sixes, Bound in Eighteens [1793 Gulliver's Travels],"
Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 22 (1998): 39-41.
Tanselle (1999), section II(b), pp. 24-28.
Paul S. Dunkin, "The Ghost of the Turned Sheet," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 45
(1951): 246-50.
David Foxon, "The Printing of Lyrical Ballads 1798," Library 5th ser. 9 (1954): 221-41.
David Foxon, "On Printing at One Pull and Distinguishing Impressions by Point-Holes," Library 5th ser.
11 (1956): 284-85.
Kenneth Povey, "A Century of Press Figures," Library 5th ser. 14 (1959): 251-73.
K.I.D. Maslen, "Point-Holes as Bibliographical Evidence," Library 5th ser. 23 (1968): 240-41.
David L. Vander Meulen, A Descriptive Bibliography of Alexander Pope's DUNCIAD, 1728-1751
(University of Wisconsin dissertation, 1981).
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212 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
David L. Vander Meulen, "The Dunciad in Four Books and the Bibliography of Pope," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 83 (1989): 293-310. [See p. 307.]
Pamela E. Pryde, "Determining the Format of British Books of the Second-Half of the Eighteenth Century
Gathered in Sixes," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 23 (1999): 67-
Tanselle (1999), section II(c), pp. 28-31.
Kenneth Povey, "On the Diagnosis of Half-Sheet Impositions," Library 5th ser. 11 (1956): 268-72 (esp.
p. 270).
Kenneth Povey, "A Century of Press Figures," Library 5th ser. 14 (1959): 251-73 (esp. p. 257).
Kenneth Povey, "The Optical Identification of First Formes," Studies in Bibliography 13 (1960): 189-90.
Kenneth Povey, "Working to Rule, 1600-1800: A Study of Pressmen's Practice," Library 5th ser. 20
(1965): 13-54.
David L. Vander Meulen, A Descriptive Bibliography of Alexander Pope's DUNCIAD, 1728-1751
(University of Wisconsin dissertation, 1981).
David L. Vander Meulen, "The Dunciad in Four Books and the Bibliography of Pope," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 83 (1989): 293-310. [See p. 302.]
Tanselle (1999), section II(d), pp. 31-41.
David Nichol Smith, R.W. Chapman, and L.F. Powell, Johnson and Boswell Revised, by Themselves and
Others (1928).
Oliver L. Steele, Jr., "The Case of the Planters of Tobacco in Virginia, 1733: An Extraordinary Use of
Standing Type," Studies in Bibliography 5 (1952-53): 184-86.
William B. Todd, "A Bibliographical Account of The Gentleman's Magazine, 1731-1754," Studies in
Bibliography 18 (1965): 81-109.
Edwin Wolf 2nd, "Evidence Indicating the Need for Some Bibliographical Analysis of American-Printed
Historical Works," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 63 (1969): 261-77.
Richard N. Schwab, Walter E. Rex, and John Lough, Inventory of Diderot's ENCYCLOPÉDIE (1971- ).
Allan Holland, "Un exemple de correction sous presse en 1731," in La Bibliographie matérielle, ed. Roger
Laufer (1983), pp. 143-46.
James E. May, "Hidden Editions in Satires I and II of Edward Young's The Universal Passion," Studies
in Bibliography 37 (1984): 181-87.
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O M Brack, Jr. "The Gentleman's Magazine, Concealed Printing, and the Texts of Samuel Johnson's Lives
of Admiral Robert Blake and Sir Francis Drake," Studies in Bibliography 40 (1987): 140-46.
Tanselle (1999), section II(e), pp. 41-43.
R.W. Chapman, "Notes on Cancel Leaves," Library 4th ser. 5 (1924-25): 249-58.
R.W. Chapman, "Notes on Eighteenth Century Book-Building," Library 4th ser. 4 (1923-24): 165-80 (see
pp. 171-77).
R.W. Chapman, "Cancels and Stubs," Library 4th ser. 8 (1927-28): 264-68.
R.W. Chapman, Cancels (1930).
William M. Sale, "The Singer Copy of Sir Charles Grandison," Library Chronicle of the University of
Pennsylvania 3 (1935): 42-45.
R.W. Chapman, "Cancels in Malone's Dryden," Library 4th ser. 23 (1942-43): 131.
Henry Pettit, "Young's Night-Thoughts Re-Examined," Library 5th ser. 3 (1948-49): 299-300.
Jessie R. Lucke, "The Cancels in Lockman's Travels of the Jesuits, 1743," Studies in Bibliography 2
(1949-50): 205-7.
William B. Todd, "The Early Editions and Issues of The Monk, with a Bibliography," Studies in
Bibliography 2 (1949-50): 3-24.
James E. Walsh, "William Penn Stops the Press," Harvard Library Bulletin 5 (1951): 94-99.
J.D. Fleeman, "Johnson's Journey (1775), and Its Cancels," Papers of the Bibliograhical Society of
America 58 (1964): 232-38.
M.J.P. Weedon, "An Uncancelled Copy of the First Collected Edition of Swift's Poems," Library 5th ser.
22 (1967): 44-56.
Robert Hay Carnie, "Boswell's Account of Corsica 1768: An Edinburgh Cancel in a Glasgow Book," Book
Collector 26 (1977): 186-94.
B.J. McMullin, "The Immaculate Cicero: The Foulis Press De Officiis (1757)," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 72 (1978): 161-68.
E. Matthew Goyette, "Boswell's Changing Conceptions of His Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides," Papers
of the Bibliographical Society of America 73 (1979): 305-14.
B.J. McMullin, "The Book of Common Prayer and the Monarchy from the Restoration to the Reign of
George I: Some Bibliographical Observations," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New
Zealand Bulletin 5 (1981): 81-92.
B.J. McMullin, "Page Cancels," Factotum 14 (April 1982): 11-12. [See also John Harris, 15 (October
1982): 10.]
B.J. McMullin, "A Self-Proclaimed Cancel from Sainte-Menehould," Bibliographical Society of Australia
and New Zealand Bulletin 6 (1982): 79-81.
James E. May, "Cancellanda in the First Edition of Steele's Poetical Miscellanies," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 82 (1988): 71-82.
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214 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Brian N. Gerrard, "A New Taxonomy of Post-Impression Corrections," in An Index of Civilisation:
Studies in Printing and Publishing History in Honour of Keith Maslen, ed. Ross Harvey, Wallace
Kirsop, and B.J. McMullin (1993), pp. 45-54.
Brian N. Gerrard, "Rickaby Cancellation: A New Species of Post-Impression Correction," Studies in
Bibliography 46 (1993): 303-20.
B.J. McMullin, "Creating a Good Impression at the Oxford Bible Press in 1743," Studies in Bibliography
51 (1998): 205-12.
James E. May, "Interrelating the Cancellantia and Partial Gatherings in the First Edition of Edward Young's
The Centaur Not Fabulous," Studies in Bibliography 53 (2000): 241-63.
H. Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Michael Sadleir, "The Development during the Last Fifty Years of Bibliographical Study of Books of the
Nineteenth Century," in The Bibliographical Society, 1892-1942: Studies in Retrospect (1945),
pp. 146-58.
Campbell R. Coxe, "The Pre-Publication Printings of Tarkington's Penrod," Studies in Bibliography 5
(1952-53): 153-57. [Includes list of points regarding the identification of impressions through type
or plate damage and variations in paper and inking.]
James Moran, "Filmsetting--Bibliographical Implications," Library 5th ser. 15 (1960): 231-45.
D.W. Krummel, Guide for Dating Early Published Music (1974). [See also Krummel, "Supplement to
Guide for Dating Early Published Music," Fontes artis musicae 24 (1977): 175-84; and index by
Linda I. Solow, 81-94.]
William B. Todd, "The White House Transcripts," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 68
(1974): 267-96.
William H. Bond, "Wrappers for The Virginians: Variants Produced by Duplicate Settings," Book
Collector 24 (1975): 553-57.
Richard Knowles, "Dates for Some Serially Published Shakespeares," Studies in Bibliography 40 (1987):
B.J. McMullin, "Astronomical Symbols and Printing in Overtime for the House of Commons, 1826-1837,"
Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 82 (1988): 99-107.
See also the statements of publishers as recorded in H.S. Boutell, First Editions of To-Day and How to
Tell Them (1929; rev. 1937, 1949, 1965); Nolie Mumey, A Study of Rare Books (1930); and Edward
N. Zempel and Linda A. Verkler, A First Edition? (1977; rev. as First Editions, 1984, 1989). (Less
useful lists are in Jack Tannen, How to Identify and Collect American First Editions [1976] and Bill
McBride, A Pocket Guide to the Identification of First Editions [1979; 3rd ed., 1985; 4th ed., 1989]
and Points of Issue [2nd ed., 1987]. Cf. the series "A Collector's Guide to Publishers," in Firsts,
beginning June 1993.)
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 215
Tanselle (1999), section I(b), pp. 14-17.
Fredson Bowers, [Discussion of compositorial stints], in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The House of the Seven
Gables (Centenary Edition, 1965), pp. xxxviii-lviii.
Tanselle (1999), section II(f), pp. 43-51.
B.J. McMullin, "Volume XI of Scott's Poetical Works in Octavo, 1830," Library 6th ser. 13 (1991):
B.J. McMullin, "The Publication of Scott's The Pirate, 1822," Bibliotheck 16 (1989): 1-29.
Nan Jaboor and B.J. McMullin, James Ballantyne and Press Figures, with a Checklist of Volumes
Printed by James Ballantyne (1803-1833) (1994). [Reviewed by G.T. Tanselle in Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 92 (1998): 357-60.]
B.J. McMullin, "The Lingering Death of the Press Figure," in Order and Connexion: Studies in
Bibliography and Book History, ed. R.C. Alston (1997), pp. 39-47.
William B. Todd and Ann Bowden, Sir Walter Scott: A Bibliogrphical History 1796-1832 (1998).
John Carter and Graham Pollard, An Enquiry into the Nature of Certain Nineteenth Century Pamphlets
(1934), esp. pp. 42-55.
Fredson Bowers, Principles of Bibliographical Description (1949), pp. 307-8, 446.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Bibliographical Description of Paper," Studies in Bibliography 24 (1971): 27-67.
Reprinted in Readings in Descriptive Bibliography, ed. John Bush Jones (1974), pp. 71-115; and
in Selected Studies in Bibliography (1979), pp. 203-43.
Philip Gaskell, A New Introduction to Bibliography (1972; rev. 1974), pp. 214-30.
Joe Nickell, "Paper," in Pen, Ink, & Evidence (1990), pp. 69-111 (and "Paper Identification," pp. 207-8).
John Bidwell, "The Study of Paper as Evidence, Artefact, and Commodity," in The Book Encompassed,
ed. Peter Davison (1992), pp. 69-82.
Lee Brentlinger, "Music Publications Dated by English Watermarks, 1794-c.1830," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 92 (1998): 325-48.
J.D. Thomas, "A Modern Instance," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 50 (1956): 302-4.
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216 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Matthew J. Bruccoli and C.A. Rheault, "Imposition Figures and Plate Gangs in The Rescue," Studies in
Bibliography 14 (1961): 258-62.
Matthew J. Bruccoli, [Imposition of Armed Services Editions], American Notes & Queries 1 (1962): 6.
See also G.T. Tanselle, "Imposition of Armed Services Editions: Another Example," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 66 (1972): 434-35.
Oliver L. Steele, "Half-Sheet Imposition of Eight-Leaf Quires in Formes of Thirty-Two and Sixty-Four
Pages," Studies in Bibliography 15 (1962): 274-78.
Oliver L. Steele, "A Note on Half-Sheet Imposition in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Books,"
Gutenberg Jahrbuch, 1962, pp. 545-47.
Oliver L. Steele, "On the Imposition of the First Edition of Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter," Library 5th ser.
17 (1962): 250-55.
Oliver L. Steele, "Evidence of Plate Damage as Applied to the First Impressions of Ellen Glasgow's The
Wheel of Life," Studies in Bibliography 16 (1963): 223-31.
G.T. Tanselle, [On the imposition of Typee], in Herman Melville, Typee (Northwestern-Newberry Edition,
1968), pp. 310-11.
E.W. Padwick, Bibliographical Method (1969), p. 227.
Paul Needham, "Poems Ascribed to Robert Burns [1801]: An Addendum to Egerer 57," Library 5th ser.
28 (1973): 245-47.
Thomas L. Bonn, "Two, Two-up, 32s: A Paperback in the Making," Journal of the Printing Historical
Society 18 (1984): 36-46.
B.J. McMullin, "Variations by Hansard on an Unconventional Theme," Bibliographical Society of
Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 9 (1985): 31-34.
B.J. McMullin, "Sheet Numbers, 'Constable's Miscellany,' and Irma," Bibliographical Society of Australia
and New Zealand Bulletin 17 (1993): 33-43.
Shef Rogers, "How Many Ts Had Ezra Pound's Printer?", Studies in Bibliography 49 (1996): 277-83.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Concept of Format," Studies in Bibliography 53 (2000): 67-115.
B.J. McMullin, "A Scottish Sexto in Fours and Twos," Library 7th ser. 2 (2001): 286-89.
Gillian G.M. Kyles, "Alteration of Leading within Editions," Studies in Bibliography 52 (1999): 187-91.
Simon Nowell-Smith, "Signatures in Some Nineteenth-Century Massachusetts Duodecimos," Library 5th
ser. 3 (1948): 58-62. [See also Willilam A. Jackson, 3: 224; and A.T. Hazen, 3: 224-29; 7 (1952):
Kenneth Povey, "Twenty-Fours with Three Signatures," Studies in Bibliography 9 (1957): 215-16.
G.D. Hargreaves, "Signatures and Dashes in Novels Printed by T.C. Newby in the Eighteen-Forties,"
Studies in Bibliography 34 (1981): 253-58.
Roderick Cave, "Gatherings Signed 'W': A Footnote to a Footnote," Bibliographical Society of Australia
This page is from a document available in full at
Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 217
and New Zealand Bulletin 6 (1982): 152.
Trevor Mills, "Signatures in 'The Patriot,' 1792-3," Factotum 16 (February 1983): 10-11.
B.J. McMullin, "Gatherings Signed with Two Letters," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New
Zealand Bulletin 8 (1984): 208-13.
G.T. Tanselle, [On the signatures in Clarel], in Herman Melville, Clarel (Northwestern-Newberry Edition,
1991), pp. 678-79.
B.J. McMullin, "Mark Twain's 'Author's National Edition' and Multiple Signatures," Bibliographical
Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 21 (1997): 116-24.
Tanselle (1999), section II(g), pp. 51-54.
Matthew J. Bruccoli, Notes on the Cabell Collections at the University of Virginia (1957).
Matthew J. Bruccoli, "Concealed Printings in Hawthorne," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America 57 (1963): 42-49.
Peter L. Shillingsburg, "Register Measurement as a Method of Detecting Hidden Printings," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 73 (1979): 484-88.
Tanselle (1999), section II(h), pp. 54-57.
Elbridge Colby, "A Sample of Bibliographical Method," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America
16 (1923): 118-46.
Philo Calhoun and Howell J. Heaney, "Dickens' Christmas Carol after a Hundred Years: A Study in
Bibliographical Evidence," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 39 (1945): 271-317.
William L. Phillips, "The First Printing of Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio," Studies in
Bibliography 4 (1951-52): 211-13.
Campbell R. Coxe, "The Pre-Publication Printings of Tarkington's Penrod," Studies in Bibliography 5
(1952-53): 153-57. [Includes list of points regarding the identification of impressions through type
or plate damage and variations in paper and inking.]
Oliver L. Steele, "A Note on Early Impressions of Ellen Glasgow's They Stooped to Folly," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 52 (1958): 310-12.
Matthew J. Bruccoli, "Textual Variants in Sinclair Lewis's Babbitt," Studies in Bibliography 11 (1958):
Matthew J. Bruccoli, "Bibliographical Notes on F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Beautiful and Damned," Studies
in Bibliography 13 (1960): 258-61.
Matthew J. Bruccoli, "A Mirror for Bibliographers: Duplicate Plates in Modern Printing," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 54 (1960): 83-88.
Oliver L. Steele, "Early Impressions of Ellen Glasgow's The Miller of Old Church," Library 5th ser. 16
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218 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
(1961): 50-52.
Matthew J. Bruccoli, "Hidden Printings in Edith Wharton's The Children," Studies in Bibliography 15
(1962): 269-73.
Oliver L. Steele, "Evidence of Plate Damage as Applied to the First Impressions of Ellen Glasgow's The
Wheel of Life," Studies in Bibliography 16 (1963): 223-31.
Scott Bennett, "A Concealed Printing in W.D. Howells," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America 61 (1967): 56-60.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Use of Type Damage as Evidence in Bibliographical Description," Library 23 (1968):
328-51 (and 24 [1969]: 251). Reprinted in part, with an added "Note" and illustrations, in Journal
of Typographic Research 3 (1969): 259-76.
David J. Nordloh, "Plates and Publishing-Housekeeping: Some Aspects of Howells's Venetian Life," Serif
8 (1971): 29-31.
Philip Gaskell, "Plates," in his A New Introduction to Bibliography (1972), pp. 201-6.
Peter L. Shillingsburg, "Detecting the Use of Stereotype Plates," Editorial Quarterly 1.1 (1975): 2-3.
Craig S. Abbott, "Offset Slur as Bibliographical Evidence," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America 70 (1976): 538-41.
Peter L. Shillingsburg, "Publishers Records and Analytical Bibliography: A Thackerayan Example," Book
Collector 29 (1980): 343-62.
Peter L. Shillingsburg, "The Printing, Proof-Reading, and Publishing of Thackeray's Vanity Fair: The First
Edition," Studies in Bibliography 34 (1981): 118-45.
Michael Winship, "Printing with Plates in the Nineteenth Century United States," Printing History 10
(1983): 15-26.
Joseph J. Moldenhauer, "Textual Instability in the Riverside Edition of Thoreau," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 85 (1991): 347-419.
Kevin MacDonnell, "Huck Finn among the Issue-Mongers," Firsts 8.9 (September 1998): 28-35.
Tanselle (1999), section II(c), pp. 28-31.
Kenneth Povey, "On the Diagnosis of Half-Sheet Impositions," Library 5th ser. 11 (1956): 268-72.
Kenneth Povey, "The Optical Identification of First Formes," Studies in Bibliography 13 (1960): 189-90.
Tanselle (1999), section II(d), pp. 31-41.
Matthew J. Bruccoli, "Textual Variants in Sinclair Lewis's Babbitt," Studies in Bibliography 11 (1958):
Jack Stillinger, "Stop-Press Corrections in Keats's Poems (1817)," Papers of the Bibliographical Society
of America 79 (1985): 233-35.
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Paul Eggert, "A Cautionary Tale: Stop-Press Correction in The Recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn (1859)
[by Henry Kingsley]," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 19 (1995):
Gary Schmidgall, "1855: A Stop-Press Revision [in Leaves of Grass]," Walt Whitman Quarterly Review
18.1/2 (Summer/Fall 2000): 73-75.
Tanselle (1999), section II(e), pp. 41-43.
John Edwin Wells, "Lyrical Ballads, 1800: A Paste-In," Library 4th ser. 19 (1938-39): 486-91.
R.W. Chapman, "Cancels in Scott's Minstrelsy," Library 4th ser. 23 (1942-43): 198.
William Ruff, "Cancels in Sir Walter Scott's Life of Napoleon," Edinburgh Bibliographical Society
Transactions 3 (1948-55): 137-51.
Arthur Sherbo, "The Cancels in Dr. Johnson's Works (Oxford, 1825)," Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 47 (1953): 376-78.
J.C. Wyllie, "The Forms of Twentieth Century Cancels," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America 47 (1953): 95-112. See also Wyllie, "A 19th-Century American Two-City Cancel," 52
(1958): 140 (cf. 220); and G.T. Tanselle, "Addenda to Wyllie: Paste-over Cancels," 68 (1974): 69-
B.J. McMullin, "Notes on Cancellation in Scott's Life of Napoleon," Studies in Bibliography 45 (1992):
B.J. McMullin, "The Publication of Scott's The Pirate, 1822," Bibliotheck 16 (1989): 1-29.
John R. Turner, "Variant Title-Pages in Some Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Books,"
Library 6th ser. 20 (1998): 34-58.
John Carter and Graham Pollard, An Enquiry into the Nature of Certain Nineteenth Century Pamphlets
(1934; reprinted with an epilogue, and with notes by Nicolas Barker and John Collins, 1983).
Supplemented by Nicolas Barker and John Collins, A Sequel to AN ENQUIRY (1983). [See also
John Collins, The Two Forgers (1992).]
William L. Clements Library, Facsimiles & Forgeries: A Guide to a Timely Exhibition (1934).
Billy Prior Bates, Typewriting Identification (I.S.Q.T.): Identification System for Questioned Typewriting
Joan M. Friedman, "Fakes, Forgeries, Facsimiles, and Other Oddities," in Book Collecting: A Modern
Guide, ed. Jean Peters (1977), pp. 116-35.
Leonard Rapport, "Fakes and Facsimiles: Problems of Identification," American Archivist 42 (1979): 13-
58 (with letter from John Lancaster on p. 276).
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220 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Nicolas Barker, The Butterfly Books: An Enquiry into the Nature of Certain Twentieth Century
Pamphlets (1987).
Robin Myers and Michael Harris (eds.), Fakes and Frauds: Varieties of Deception in Print & Manuscript
(1989). [Includes Nicolas Barker, "The Forgery of Printed Documents," pp. 109-23 (also in
Bozeman below, pp. 7-18).]
Pat Bozeman (ed.), Forged Documents: Proceedings of the 1989 Houston Conference (1990). [Includes
Barker (see Myers above); and William L. Joyce, "The Scholarly Implications of Documentary
Forgeries," pp. 37-48. Reviewed by Paul Eggert in Bibliographical Society of Australia and New
Zealand Bulletin 15 (1991): 5-10; and Sidney E. Berger in Libraries & Culture 27 (1992): 59-69.]
Mark Jones, with Paul Craddock and Nicolas Barker (eds.), Fake? The Art of Deception (1990).
W. Thomas Taylor, The Plot of Bartolomé Pagés (1990).
James Gilreath (ed.), The Judgment of Experts: Essays and Documents about the Investigation of the
Forging of the OATH OF A FREEMAN (1991). [See also Linda Sillitoe and Allen D. Roberts,
Salamander: The Story of the Mormon Forgery Murders (1988); Steven Naifeh and Gregory White
Smith, The Mormon Murders (1989); Anson Sharpe, The Darker Side of Virtue (1991); Richard
E. Turley, Jr., Victims: The LDS Church and the Mark Hoffmann Case (1992).]
W. Thomas Taylor, Texfake: An Account of the Theft and Forgery of Early Texas Printed Documents
Joel Silver, "Modern Printed Forgeries: Some Basic Sources," AB Bookman's Weekly 93 (28 March 1994):
1333-34, 1336-40 (versos).
Joseph Rosenblum, Practice to Deceive: The Amazing Stories of Lliterary Forgery's Most Notorious
Practitioners (2000).
J. Manuscripts
G.S. Ivy, "The Bibliography of the Manuscript-Book," in The English Library before 1700, ed. Francis
Wormald and C.E. Wright (1958), pp. 32-65.
Dorothy E. Miner, The Development of Medieval Illumination as Related to the Evolution of Book
Design (1958).
James Douglas Farquhar, "The Manuscript as a Book," in Sandra Hindman and J.D. Farquhar, Pen to
Press: Illustrated Manuscripts and Printed Books in the First Century of Printing (1977),
pp. 11-99.
John P. Harthan, An Introduction to Illuminated Manuscripts (1983).
C.H. Roberts and T.C. Skeat, The Birth of the Codex (1983).
Barbara Shailor, The Medieval Book (1988).
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Albertine Gaur, A History of Writing (1984, 1992).
Christopher de Hamel, A History of Illuminated Manuscripts (1986, 1994).
Leila Avrin, Scribes, Script, and Books: The Book Arts from Antiquity to the Renaissance (1987, 1991).
M.B. Parkes, Scribes, Scripts, and Readers (1991).
Michelle P. Brown, The British Library Guide to Writing and Scripts: History and Techniques (1998).
Michelle P. Brown and Patricia Lovett, The Historical Source Book for Scribes (1999).
Christopher de Hamel, The British Library Guide to Manuscript Illumination (2000).
T. Julian Brown, "Paleography," in New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature 1 (1974): 209-20.
Laurel Nichols Braswell, Western Manuscripts from Classical Antiquity to the Renaissance: A Handbook
Leonard E. Boyle, Medieval Latin Palæography: A Bibliographic Introduction (1984).
Mark L. Sosower, "Annotated Bibliography: Greek Palæography," Society for Textual Scholarship
Newsletter 1.1 (Spring 1985): 2-3.
Doris H. Banks, Medieval Manuscript Bookmaking: A Bibliographic Guide (1989).
D.C. Greetham, "Manuscript Books" and "Paleography," in Textual Scholarship: An Introduction (1992),
pp. 444-47, 457-62; (1994), pp. 444-49, 462-67.
Christopher De Hamel, "Medieval Manuscript Studies," in The Book Encompassed, ed. Peter Davison
(1992), pp. 37-45. [An essay surveying the literature of the field and including references to the
major catalogues of medieval manuscripts.]
Charles Trice Martin, Record Interpreter: A Collection of Abbreviations, Latin Words and Names Ued
in English Historical Manuscripts and Records (1892, 1910).
Adriano Cappelli, Lexicon abbreviaturarum (1899, 1912, 1929, 1949, 1954, 1961). [See also
Palæography below, at 1982.]
W.M. Lindsay, Notae Latinae: An Account of Abbreviations in Latin MSS. of the Early Miniscule Period
(c.700-850) (1915; supp. [covering 850-1050] by Doris Bains, 1936).
Denis Muzerelle, Vocabulaire codicologique (1985). [Translations reviewed by J.P. Gumbert in
Quaerendo 30 (2000): 312-17.]
Michelle P. Brown, Understanding Illuminated Manuscripts: A Guide to Technical Terms (1994).
Kathleen L. Scott, "Limning and Book-Producing Terms and Signatures in situ in Late-Medieval English
Manuscripts: A First Listing," in New Science out of Old Books: Studies in Manuscripts and Early
Printed Books in Honour of A.I.Doyle, ed. Richard Beadle and A.J. Piper (1995), pp. 142-88.
This page is from a document available in full at
222 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Matthias Koops, Historical Account of the Substances Which Have Been Used to Describe Events, and
to Convey Ideas, from the Earliest Date to the Invention of Paper (1800, 1801).
Falconer Madan, Books in Manuscript: A Short Introduction to Their Study and Use (1893, 1920).
George Haven Putnam, Authors and Their Public in Ancient Times (1893, 1894, 1896).
George Haven Putnam, Books and Their Makers during the Middle Ages (1896-97).
Ernest A. Savage, Old English Libraries: The Making, Collection and Use of Books during the Middle
Ages (1911).
A.C. Clark, The Descent of Manuscripts (1918).
Frederic G. Kenyon, Ancient Books and Modern Discoveries (1927).
Frederic G. Kenyon, Books and Readers in Ancient Greece and Rome (1931, 1951).
H.E. Bell, "The Price of Books in Medieval England," Library 4th ser. 17 (1936-37): 312-32.
Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt, "The Heritage of the Manuscript," in A History of the Printed Book, ed.
Lawrence C. Wroth (1938), pp. 3-23.
Émile Lesne, Les livres, scriptoria et bibliothèques du commencement du VIIIe à la fin du XIe siècles
James W. Thompson, The Medieval Library (1939).
H.S. Bennett, "The Production and Dissemination of Vernacular Manuscripts in the Fifteenth Century,"
Library 5th ser. 1 (1946-47): 167-78.
Scriptorium (1946- ).
H.L. Pinner, The World of Books in Classical Antiquity (1948).
Alphonse Dain, Les manuscrits (1949, 1964, 1975).
Eric G. Turner, Athenian Books in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries B.C. (1952, 1977).
David Diringer, The Hand-Produced Book (1953).
Leo Santifaller, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Beschriebstoffe im Mittelalter (1953).
Moses Hadas, Ancilla to Classical Reading (1954).
C.H. Roberts, "The Codex," Proceedings of the British Academy 40 (1954): 169-204. Revised as The
Birth of the Codex by C.H. Roberts and T.C. Skeat (1983).
Manuscripta (1957- ).
N.R. Ker, English Manuscripts in the Century after the Norman Conquest (1960).
Graham Pollard, "The University and the Book Trade in Medieval Oxford," in Beiträge zum
Berufsbewusstsein des mittelalterlichen Menschen, ed. P. Wilpert and W. Eckert: Miscellanea
mediævalia 3 (1964): 336-44.
Leo Deuel, Testaments of Time: The Search for Lost Manuscripts and Records (1965).
Eric G. Turner, Greek Papyri: An Introduction (1968, 1980).
Mohammed A. Hussein, Origins of the Book: Egypt's Contribution to the Development of the Book from
Papyrus to Codex (1970; trans. 1972).
Eric G. Turner, Greek Manuscripts of the Ancient World (1971).
Naphtali Lewis, Papyrus in Classical Antiquity (1974).
Ursula E. McCracken, Lilian M.C. Randall, and Richard H. Randall, Jr. (eds.), Gatherings in Honor of
Dorothy E. Miner (1974).
Codicologica (1976- ).
M.B. Parkes, "The Influence of the Concepts of Ordinatio and Compilatio on the Development of the
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 223
Book," in Medieval Learning and Literature: Essays Presented to R.W. Hunt, ed. J.J.G. Alexander
and M.T. Gibson (1976), pp. 115-41.
L.M.J. Delaissé, James Morrow, and John de Wit, The James A. de Rothschild Collection at Waddesdon
Manor (1977).
O.A. Dilke, Roman Books and Their Impact (1977).
M.B. Parkes and Andrew G. Watson (eds.), Medieval Scribes, Manuscripts & Libraries: Essays
Presented to N.R. Ker (1978). [Includes Graham Pollard, "The Pecia System in the Medieval
Universities," pp. 145-61.]
M.T. Clanchy, From Memory to Written Record: England, 1066-1307 (1979).
Richard H. and Mary A. Rouse, Preachers, Florilegia and Sermons (1979).
Eric A. Havelock, The Literate Revolution in Greece and Its Cultural Consequences (1982).
E.J. Kenney, "Books and Readers in the Roman World," in Latin Literature [vol. 2 of Cambridge History
of Classical Literature], ed. Kenney (1982).
Derek Pearsall (ed.) Manuscripts and Readers in Fifteenth-Century England (1983).
Johannes Pederson, The Arabic Book (1984).
C. de Backer, A.J. Geurts, and A.G. Weiler (eds.), Codex in Context (1985).
N.R. Ker, Books, Collectors and Libraries: Studies in the Medieval Heritage, ed. Andrew G. Watson
Bernard M.W. Knox, "Books and Readers in the Greek World," in Greek Literature [vol. 1 of Cambridge
History of Classical Literature], ed. P.E. Easterling and B.M.W. Knox (1985).
Peter Ganz (ed.), The Role of the Book in Medieval Culture (1986).
Otto Mazal, Lehrbuch der Handschriftenkunde (1986).
Leila Avrin, Scribes, Script and Books: The Book Arts from Antiquity to the Renaissance (1987, 1991).
[See also "The Book in Ancient Greece and the Hellenic World," AB Bookman's Weekly 87 (1991):
1976, 1978, 1980, 1982, 1984-90.]
Glenn A. Anderson, "The Emergence of the Book," College & Research Libraries 49 (1988): 111-16.
L. Battaillon and B. Guyot, La production du livre universitaire du moyen âge (1988).
English Manuscript Studies, 1100-1700 (1988- ).
Jean Glenisson, Le livre au moyen âge (1988).
Jen Lindsay, "The Development of the Codex in the Western World," New Bookbinder 8 (1988): 9-18.
Barbara A. Shailor, The Medieval Book (1988, 1991).
Alain Blanchard (ed.), Les débuts du codex (1989).
Luciano Canfora, The Vanished Library (1989).
Jeremy Griffiths and Derek Pearsall (eds.), Book Production and Publishing in Britain, 1375-1475
(1989). [Includes Kathleen L. Scott, "Design, Decoration and Illustration," pp. 31-64.]
William V. Harris, Ancient Literacy (1989).
Rosamond D. McKitterick, The Carolingians and the Written Word (1989).
Rosalind Thomas, Oral Tradition and Written Record in Classical Athens (1989).
O. Weijers (ed.), Vocabulaire du livre et de l'écriture au moyen âge (1989).
C. Paul Christianson, A Directory of London Stationers and Book Artisans, 1300-1500, (1990).
A.I. Doyle, "The English Provincial Book Trade before Printing," in Six Centuries of the Provincial Book
Trade in Britain, ed. Peter Isaac (1990).
J.P. Gumbert, The Dutch and Their Books in the Manuscript Age (1990). [Reviewed by J.M.M. Hermans
in Quaerendo 23 (1993): 51-56.]
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224 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Rosamond McKitterick (ed.), The Uses of Literacy in Early Medieval Europe (1990).
Henri-Jean Martin and Jean Vezin (eds.), Mise en page et mise en texte du livre manuscrit (1990).
Stephen A. Barney (ed.), Annotation and Its Texts (1991). [Includes Stephen G. Nichols, "On the
Sociology of Medieval Manuscript Annotation," pp. 43-73; Thomas E. Toon, "Dry-Point Annotation
in Early English Manuscripts: Understanding Texts and Establishing Contexts," pp. 74-93; and
Traugott Lawler, "Medieval Annotation . . .," pp. 94-107.]
M.P. Brown, Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts (1991).
J.P. Gumbert, The Dutch and Their Books in the Manuscript Age (1991).
William V. Harris, "Why Did the Codex Supplant the Book-Roll?", in Renaissance Society and Culture:
Essays in Honor of Eugene F. Rice, ed. John Monfasani and Ronald G. Musto (1991).
M.B. Parkes, Scribes, Scripts, and Readers: Studies in the Communication, Presentation, and
Dissemination of Medieval Texts (1991).
Stephen Parks (ed.), "Beinecke Studies in Early Manuscripts," Yale University Library Gazette 66 (1991):
supp. (99-241).
I.R. Willison, "Remarks on the History of the Book in Britain as a Field of Study within the Humanities,
with a Synopsis and Select List of Current Literature," Library Chronicle of the University of Texas
21.3/4 (1991): 94-145. [Includes the manuscript book.]
English Manuscript Studies (1992- ).
D.C. Greetham, "Making the Text: Bibliography of Manuscript Books," in Textual Scholarship: An
Introduction (1992, 1994), pp. 47-75.
J.P. Gumbert, "Zur 'Typographie' der geschriebenen Seite," in Pragmatische Schriftlichkeit im Mittelalter,
ed. H. Keller, K. Grubmüller, and N. Staubach (1992), pp. 283-92. Translated and adapted as
"'Typography' in the Manuscript Book," Journal of the Printing Historical Society 22 (1993): 5-28.
M.B. Parkes, "The Provision of Books," in The History of the University of Oxford 2 (1992): 407-83.
Mary A. and Richard H. Rouse, Authentic Witnesses: Approaches to Medieval Texts and Manuscripts
M.T. Clancy, From Memory to Written Record: England, 1066-1307 (1993).
Robert Darnton, "Seven Bad Reasons Not to Study Manuscripts," Harvard Library Bulletin n.s. 4.4
(Winter 1993-94): 37-42.
Lotte Hellinga, "The Codex in the Fifteenth Century: Manuscript and Print," in A Potencie of Life: Books
in Society, ed. Nicolas Barker (1993), pp. 63-88.
Seth Lerer, Chaucer and His Readers: Imagining the Author in Late-Medieval England (1993).
Richard H. and Mary A. Rouse, "The Commercial Production of Manuscript Books in Late-Thirteenth- and
Early-Fourteenth-Century Paris," in A Potencie of Life: Books in Society, ed. Nicolas Barker (1993),
pp. 45-61.
Bernhard Bischoff, Manuscripts and Libraries in the Age of Charlemagne (ed. and trans. Michael M.
Gorman (1994).
Michelle P. Brown, "The Role of the Wax Tablet in Medieval Literacy," British Library Journal 20
(1994): 1-16.
Luciano Canfora and Renata Roncoli, Scrittori e testi di Roma antica (1994).
Richard Gameson (ed.), The Early Medieval Bible: Its Production, Decoration, and Use (1994).
Rosamund McKitterick, Books, Scribes, and Learning in the Frankish Kingdoms, 6th-9th Centuries
Colette Sirat, Du scribe au livre: Les manuscrits hébreux au Moyen Age (1994).
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Margaret M. Smith, "The Design Relationship between the Manuscript and the Incunable," in A
Millennium of the Book: Production, Design & Illustration in Manuscript & Print, 900-1900, ed.
Robin Myers and Michael Harris (1994), pp. 23-43.
Robert D. Stevick, The Earliest Irish and English Bookarts: Visual and Poetic Forms before A.D. 1000
Richard Beadle and A.J. Piper (eds.), New Science out of Old Books: Studies in Manuscripts and Early
Printed Books in Honour of A.I. Doyle (1995).
Linda L. Brownrigg (ed.), Making the Medieval Book: Techniques of Production (1995).
John B. Friedman, Northern English Books, Owners, and Makers in the Late Middle Ages (1995).
Harry Gamble, Books and Readers in the Early Church: A History of Early Christian Texts (1995).
Armando Petrucci, Writers and Readers in Medieval Italy: Studies in the History of Written Culture
Ralph Hanna III, Pursuing History: Middle English Manuscripts and Their Texts (1996).
Stephen G. Nichols and Siegfried Wenzel (eds.), The Whole Book: Cultural Perspectives on the Medieval
Miscellany (1996).
Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet, The Color of Melancholy: The Uses of Books in the Fourteenth Century
(trans. Lydia Cochrane, 1997).
Peter J. Lucas, From Author to Audience: John Capgrave and Medieval Publication (1997).
P.R. Robinson and Rivkah Zim (eds.), Of the Making of Books: Medieval Manuscripts, Their Scribes and
Readers: Essays Presented to M.B. Parkes (1997).
Jennifer M. Sheppard, The Buildwas Books: Book Production, Acquisition, and Use at an English
Cistercian Monastery, 1165-c.1400 (1997).
Toby Barnard, Dáibhí ó Crónín, and Katharine Simms (eds.), "A Miracle of Learning": Studies in
Manuscripts and Irish Learning: Essays in Honour of William O'Sullivan (1998).
Peter Beale, In Praise of Scribes: Manuscripts and Their Makers in Seventeenth-Century England
Claudine A. Chavannes-Mazel and Margaret M. Smith (eds.), Medieval Manuscripts of the Latin Classics:
Production and Use (1998).
John L. Sharpe III and Kimberly Van Kampen (eds.), The Bible as Book: The Manuscript Tradition
Lotte Hellinga and J.B. Trapp (eds.), The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain: Volume 3, 1400-
1557 (1999).
Nicolas Barker, "In Praise of Manuscripts," Book Collector 49 (2000): 329-48 passim.
Nicolas Barker, "Making the Medieval Book," Book Collector 49 (2000): 481-501 passim.
A.S.G. Edwards, V. Gillespie, and Ralph Hanna, The English Medieval Book: Studies in Memory of
Jeremy Griffiths (2000).
Alan Millard, Reading and Writing in the Time of Jesus (2000).
Derek Pearsall (ed.), New Directions in Later Medieval Manuscript Studies (2000).
Lionel Casson, Libraries in the Ancient World (2001).
Richard H. Rouse and Mdary A. Rouse, Manuscripts and Their Makers: Commercial Book Producers
in Medieval Paris, 1200-1500 (2001).
Elizabeth Scala, Absent Narratives: Manuscript Textuality and Literary Structure in Late Medieval
England (2002).
Andrew Taylor, Textual Situations: Three Medieval Manuscripts and Their Readers (2002).
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226 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
A.I. Doyle, Elizabeth Rainey, and D.B. Wilson, Manuscript to Print: Tradition and Innovation in the
Renaissance Book (1975).
J.B. Trapp (ed.), Manuscripts in the Fifty Years after the Invention of Printing (1983).
Paul Oskar Kristeller, "In Search of Renaissance Manuscripts," Library 6th ser. 10 (1988): 291-303.
David S. Shields, "The Manuscript in the British American World of Print," Proceedings of the American
Antiquarian Society 102 (1992): 403-16.
Jenny Stratford, "English Literary Manuscripts of the Twentieth Century," in The Book Encompassed, ed.
Peter Davison (1992), pp. 46-56.
R.C. Alston, Books with Manuscript (1993).
Harold Love, Scribal Publication in Seventeenth-Century England (1993).
Donald H. Reiman, The Study of Modern Manuscripts (1993).
H.R. Woodhuysen, Sir Philip Sidney and the Circulation of Manuscripts, 1558-1640 (1996).
Peter Beal, In Praise of Scribes: Manuscripts and Their Makers in Seventeenth-Century England (1998).
Steingrimur Jónsson, "The Handwritten Book in Iceland after the Invention of Printing: Why Not
Printed?", Gutenberg Jahrbuch, 1998, pp. 17-23.
T.H. Howard-Hill, "'Nor Stage, nor Stationers Stall Can Showe': The Circulation of Plays in Manuscript
in the Early Seventeenth Century," Book History 2 (1999): 28-41.
George L. Justice and Nathan Tinker (eds.), Women's Writing and the Circulation of Ideas: Manuscript
Publication in England, 1550-1800 (2002).
M.R. James, "Points to Be Observed in the Description and Collation of Manuscripts," in A Descriptive
Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Fitzwilliam Museum (1895).
Hilary Jenkinson, A Manual of Archive Administration (1922).
R.B. Haselden, Scientific Aids for the Study of Manuscripts (1934).
Charles Samaran, "Manuscrits 'imposés' à la manière typographique," in Mélanges en l'honneur de M. Fr.
Martoye (1940).
Curt F. Bühler, "The Margins in Mediaeval Books," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 40
(1946): 32-42.
John P. Elder, "Clues in Dating Florentine Humanistic Manuscripts," Studies in Philology 44 (1947): 127-
Martin David and B.A. van Groningen, Papyrological Primer (1952).
William J. Wilson, "Manuscript Cataloguing," Traditio 12 (1956): 456-555.
G.S. Ivy, "The Bibliography of the Manuscript-Book," in The English Library before 1700, ed. Francis
Wormald and C.E. Wright (1958), pp. 32-65.
G.I. Lieftinck, "Medieval Manuscripts with 'Imposed' Sheets," Het Boek 24 (1961): 210-20.
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Ernest C. Colwell, "Scribal Habits in Early Papyri: A Study in the Corruption of the Text," in The Bible
in Modern Scholarship, ed. J. Philip Hyatt (1965), pp. 370-89. Reprinted in Studies in Methodology
in Textual Criticism of the New Testament (1969), pp. 106-24.
Albert Gruijs, "Codicology or the Archeology of the Book? A False Dilemma," Quaerendo 2 (1972): 87-
L.M.J. Delaissé, James Morrow, and John de Wit, "Introduction," in The James A. de Rothschild
Collection at Waddesdon Manor (1977).
Eric G. Turner, The Typology of the Early Codex (1972, 1977).
Norman H. Mackenzie, "Forensic Document Techniques Alpplied to Literary Manuscripts," Bodleian
Library Record 9 (1976): 234-40.
James Douglas Farquhar, "The Manuscript as a Book," in Sandra Hindman and J.D. Farquhar, Pen to
Press: Illustrated Manuscripts and Printed Books in the First Century of Printing (1977),
pp. 11-99.
Léon Gilissen, Prolegomènes à la codicologie: recherches sur la construction des cahiers et la mise en
page des manuscrits mediévaux (1977).
James Douglas Farquhar, "Codicology and Art History: Manuscript Studies," in Annual Report of the
American Rare, Antiquarian and Out-of-Print Book Trade, 1978/1979, ed. Denis Carbonneau
(1979), pp. 185-88.
J.P. Gumbert, "Différentiation graphiques dans des textes complexes: deux cas," in Miscellanea
codicologica F. Masai dicata, ed. P. Cockshaw, M.-C. Garand, and P. Jodoigne (1979), pp. 383-88.
Theo Gerardy, "Die Beschreibung des in Manuscripten und Drucken vorkommenden Papiers,"
Codicologica 5 (1980): 37-51.
Jean Irigoin, "La datation par les filigranes du papier," Codicologica 5 (1980): 9-36.
P.R. Robinson, "The 'Booklet': A Self-Contained Unit in Composite Manuscripts," Codicologica 5 (1980):
John Van Sickle, "The Book-Roll and Some Conventions of the Poetic Book," Arethusa 13 (1980): 5-42,
Leonard E. Boyle, "The Nowell Codex and the Poem of Beowulf," in The Dating of BEOWULF, ed. Colin
Chase (1981), pp. 23-32.
Kevin S. Kiernan, BEOWULF and the BEOWULF Manuscript (1981). [See review by Ashley Crandell
Amos in Review 4 (1982): 335-45.]
Roy Vance Ramsey, "The Hengwrt and Ellesmere Manuscripts of the Canterbury Tales: Different
Scribes," Studies in Bibliography 35 (1982): 133-54.
Carla Bozzolo and Ezio Ornato, Pour une histoire du livre manuscrit au moyen âge: trois essais de
codicologie quantitative (1983).
Sandra Hindman, "The Composition of the Manuscript of Christina de Pizan's Collected Works in the
British Library: A Reassessment," British Library Journal 9 (1983): 93-123.
Albert Derolez, Codicologie des manuscrits en écriture humanistique sur parchemin (1984).
Helen Baron, "Sons and Lovers: The Surviving Manuscripts from Three Drafts Dated by Paper Analysis,"
Studies in Bibliography 38 (1985): 289-328.
Ralph Hanna III, "Booklets in Medieval Manuscripts: Further Considerations," Studies in Bibliography
39 (1986): 100-11.
Daniel W. Mosser, "The Two Scribes of the Cardigan Manuscript and 'Evidence' of Scribal Supervision
and Shop Production," Studies in Bibliography 39 (1986): 112-25.
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228 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Ralph Hanna III, "The Growth of Robert Thornton's Books," Studies in Bibliography 40 (1987): 51-61.
Ralph Hanna III, "The Production of Cambridge University Library MS. Ff.i.6," Studies in Bibliography
40 (1987): 62-70.
Leonard E. Boyle, "'Epistulae Venerunt Parum Dulces': The Place of Codicology in the Editing of
Medieval Latin Texts," in Editing and Editors: A Retrospect, ed. Richard Landon (1988), pp. 29-46.
Elisa Ruiz Garcia, Manual de codicología (1988).
J.P. Gumbert, "Le texte intellectuel, sa forme physique et les termes du métier," in Actes du colloque
Terminologie de la vie intellectuelle au moyen âge, ed. O. Weijers (1988), pp. 96-104.
Jacques Lemaire, Introduction à la codicologie (1989). [See review by J.P. Gumbert in Quaerendo 20
(1990): 233-39.]
Albert H. Tricomi, "Watermark Dating of Robert Davenport's Literary Manuscripts," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 83 (1989): 359-64.
Linda L. Brownrigg (ed.), Medieval Book Production: Assessing the Evidence (1990).
Rosamond D. McKitterick, "Carolingian Book Production: Some Problems," Library 6th ser. 12 (1990):
Henri-Jean Martin and Jean Vezin (eds.), Mise en page et mise en texte du livre manuscrit (1990).
Hope Mayo, "Standards for Description, Indexing and Retrieval in Computerized Catalogs of Medieval
Manuscripts," in The Use of Computers in Cataloging Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts,
ed. Menso Folkerts and Andreas Kühne (1990), pp. 19-40.
Mary A. and Richard H. Rouse, Authentic Witnesses: Approaches to Medieval Texts and Manuscripts
Mary Erler, "Pasted-In Embellishments in English Manuscripts and Printed Books, c.1480-1533," Library
6th ser. 14 (1992): 185-206.
Hope Mayo, "MARC Cataloguing for Medieval Manuscripts: An Evaluation," in Bibliographic Access
to Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts: A Survey of Computerized Data Bases and
Information Services, ed. Wesley M. Stevens (1992; Primary Sources & Original Works 1.3/4),
pp. 93-152.
Vilia Grosso, "Analysis of Ancient Paper and Ink," in The Role of Chemistry in Archaeology, ed. M.C.
Ganarkar and N. Rama Rao (1992), pp. 67-75.
Robert G. Babcock, Reconstructing a Medieval Library: Fragments from Lambach (1993).
Valery N. Aginsky, "Some New Ideas for Dating Ballpoint Inks--A Feasibility Study," Journal of Forensic
Sciences 38 (1993): 1134-50.
Malachi Beit-Arié, Hebrew Manuscripts of East and West: Towards a Comparative Codicology (1993).
Marilena Maniaci and Paola F. Munafò (eds.), Ancient and Medieval Book Materials and Techniques
Joe Nickell, "Stationers' Crests: A Catalog of More Than 200 Embossed Paper Marks, 1835-1901," 45
(1993): 199-216.
Claire Bustarret, "L'histoire du papier appliquée à l'étude des manuscrits modernes: la base de données
PROFIL," IPH Congress Book 10 (1994): 39-43.
Nancy Yanoshak, "Watermarks and the Dating of Old Russian Manuscripts: The Case of Poslanie
Mnogoslovnoe," Studies in Bibliography 47 (1994): 252-65.
Richard J. Cox, Documenting Localities: A Practical Manual for American Archivists and Manuscript
Curators (1996).
Christopher de Hamel, "Cutting Up Manuscripts for Pleasure and Profit," in Rare Book School 1995
This page is from a document available in full at
Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 229
Yearbook (1996), pp. 1-20.
William E. Coleman, Watermarks in the Manuscripts of Boccaccio's IL TESEIDA: A Catalogue,
Codicological Study and Album (1997).
Jenny Sheppard, "Describing Medieval Binding Structures: Experiences of a Census-Taker," Rare Books
Newsletter 57 (Winter 1997): 57-70.
Mark Bland, "Jonson, Biathanatos and the Interpretation of Manuscript Evidence," Studies in
Bibliography 51 (1998): 154-82.
Philippe Hoffmann (ed.), Recherches de codicologie comparée: la composition du codex au Moyen Age
en Orient et en Occident (1998).
J.A. Szirmai, The Archaeology of Medieval Bookbinding (1999). Reviewed by Nicholas Pickwoad in
Times Literary Supplement, 1 September 2000, p. 33. See also "The Archaeology of Bookbinding
and Book Restoration," Quaerendo 26 (1996): 144-64; reprinted in New Bookbinder 18 (1998): 67-
Daniel W. Mosser, "Corrective Notes on the Structures and Paper Stocks of Four Manuscripts Containing
Extracts from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales," Studies in Bibliography 52 (1999): 97-114.
Linda L. Brownrigg and Margaret M. Smith (eds.), Interpreting and Collecting Fragments of Medieval
Books (2000).
Daniel W. Mosser, Michael Saffle, and Ernest W. Sullivan II (eds.), Puzzles in Paper: Concepts in
Historical Watermarks (2000). [Contains, among other essays, Paul Needham, "Concepts of Paper
Study," pp. 1-36; Laetitia Yeandle, "Watermarks as Evidence for Dating and Authenticity in John
Donne and Ben Franklin," pp. 81-92; Ulrich Konrad, "Use of Watermarks in Musicology," pp. 93-
106; Stephen Shearon, "Watermarks and Rastra in Neapolitan Music Manuscripts, 1700-1815," pp.
107-24; and Steven Zohn, "Music Paper at the Dresden Court and the Chronology of Telemann's
Instrumental Music," pp. 125-68.]
Derek Pearsall (ed.), New Directions in Later Medieval Manuscript Studies (2000).
Claire Bustarret, "Paper Evidence and the Interpretation of the Creative Process in Modern Literary
Manuscripts," L'ésprit createur 41.2 (2001): 16-28.
John William Bradley, Illuminated Manuscripts (1909, 1920).
John Alexander Herbert, Illuminated Manuscripts (1911).
Schools of Illumination (British Museum, 1914-22).
Adolph Goldschmidt, German Illumination (1928).
Eric Millar, English Illuminated Manuscripts (1928).
O.E. Saunders, English Illumination (1928).
Daniel Varney Thompson, Jr., and George Heard Hamilton (trans.), De arte illuminandi: The Technique
of Manuscript Illumination (1933).
This page is from a document available in full at
230 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Kurt Weitzmann, Illustrations in Roll and Codex (1947).
Walters Art Gallery, Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages and Renaissance (1949).
Daniel Varney Thompson, The Materials and Techniques of Medieval Painting (1956).
André Grabar and Carl Nordenfalk, Early Medieval Painting from the Fourth to the Eleventh Century
(trans. Stuart Gilbert, 1957); Romanesque Painting from the Eleventh to the Thirteenth Century
(trans. Gilbert, 1958).
Dorothy E. Miner, The Development of Medieval Illumination as Relted to the Evolution of Book Design
Jean Porcher, Medieval French Miniatures (1959).
Kurt Weitzmann, Ancient Book Illumination (1959).
Richard Ettinghausen, Turkish Manuscripts from the Thirteenth to the Eighteenth Century (1965).
D.H. Turner, Early Gothic Illuminated Manuscripts in England (1965).
Lilian M.C. Randall, Images in the Margins of Gothic Manuscripts (1966).
D.H. Turner, Romanesque Illuminated Manuscripts (1966).
David Diringer, The Illuminated Book: Its History and Production (1967).
Virginia Egbert, The Medieval Artist at Work (1967).
Millard Meiss, French Painting in the Time of Jean de Berry (1967-74).
Franz Unterkircher, A Treasury of Illuminated Manuscripts: A Selection of Miniatures from Manuscripts
in the Austrian National Library (1967).
L.M.J. Delaisse, A Century of Dutch Manuscript Illumination (1968).
Edith Rothe, Medieval Book Illumination in Europe: The Collections of the German Democratic
Republic (1968).
Paolo D'Ancona and Erardo Aeschlimann, The Art of Illumination: An Anthology from the Sixth to the
Sixteenth Century (1969).
Bezalel Narkiss, Hebrew Illuminated Manuscripts (1969).
Emma Pirani, Gothic Illuminated Manuscripts (1970).
Kurt Weitzmann, Studies in Classical and Byzantine Manuscript Illumination, ed. Herbert L. Kessler
David M. Robb, The Art of the Illuminated Manuscript (1973).
C.M. Kauffmann, Romanesque Manuscripts, 1066-1190 (1975).
Kurt Weitzmann et al., The Place of Book Illumination in Byzantine Art (1975).
Florentine Mütherich and Joachim E. Gaehde, Carolingian Painting (1976).
M. Alison Stoner, "Secular Manuscript Illumination in France," in Medieval Manuscripts and Textual
Criticism, ed. Christopher Kleinhenz (1976), pp. 83-102.
Elzbieta Temple, Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts, 900-1066 (1976).
Jonathan J.G. Alexander, Italian Renaissance Illumination (1977).
Robert Branner, Manuscript Painting in Paris during the Reign of St. Louis (1977).
Carl Nordenfalk, Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Painting: Book Illumination in the British Isles, 600-800
John P. Harthan, The Book of Hours (1978).
Kurt Weitzmann, Late Antique and Early Christian Book Illumination (1977).
John Williams, Early Spanish Manuscript Illumination (1977).
Jonathan J.G. Alexander, The Decorated Letter (1978).
Jonathan J.G. Alexander, Insular Manuscripts, Sixth to Ninth Century (1978).
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Françoise Avril, Manuscript Painting at the Court of France: The Fourteenth Century (trans. Ursule
Molinaro, 1978).
Joseph Gutmann, Hebrew Manuscript Painting (1978).
Janet Backhouse, The Illuminated Manuscript (1979).
Robert G. Calkins, "Distribution of Labor: The Illuminators of the Hours of Catherine of Cleves and Their
Workshop," Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 69.5 (1979): 1-83.
Marcel Thomas, The Golden Age: Manuscript Painting at the Time of Jean, Duke of Berry (1979).
William M. Voelkle, Masterpieces of Medieval Painting: The Art of Illumination (1980).
Richard Marks and Nigel Morgan, The Golden Age of English Manuscript Painting 1200-1500 (1981).
Walter Cahn, Romanesque Bible Illumination (1982).
Nigel Morgan, Early Gothic Manuscripts, 1190-1285 (1982).
Robert G. Calkins, Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages (1983).
John Harthan, An Introduction to Illuminated Manuscripts (1983).
Olga Popova, Russian Illuminated Manuscripts (1984).
Janet Backhouse, Books of Hours (1985).
Christopher de Hamel, A History of Illuminated Manuscripts (1986, 1994). [Reviewed in Library 6th ser.
9 (1987): 282-84 (Janet Backhouse); Library Quarterly, 57 (1987): 210-13 (Hope Mayo).]
Thomas H. Ohlgren (ed.), Insular and Anglo-Saxon Illuminated Manuscripts (1986).
Otto Pächt, Book Illumination in the Middle Ages: An Introduction (trans. Kay Davenport, 1986).
Lucy Freeman Sandler, Gothic Manuscripts 1285-1385 (1986).
K.L. Scott, "A Fifteenth-Century English Illuminating Shop and Its Customers," Journal of the Warburg
and Courtauld Institutes 31 (1986): 170-96.
Annemarie W. Carr, Byzantine Illumination 1150-1250 (1987).
Nigel Thorpe (ed.), The Glory of the Page: Illuminated Manuscripts (1987).
Giulia Bologna, Illuminated Manuscripts: The Book before Gutenberg (trans. Jay Hyams, 1988).
Raymond Cazelles and Johannes Rathofer, Illuminations of Heaven and Earth: The Glories of the "Très
riches heures du duc de Berry" (1988).
Carl Nordenfalk, Early Medieval Book Illumination (1988).
Judith H. Oliver, Gothic Manuscript Illumination in the Diocese of Liege (1988).
Roger S. Wieck, Time Sanctified: The Book of Hours in Medieval Art and Life (1988).
James H. Marrow et al., The Golden Age of Dutch Manuscript Painting (1990).
Michelle P. Brown, Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts (1991).
Claire Donovan, The De Brailes Hours: Shaping the Book of Hours in Thirteenth-Century Oxford
Jonathan J.G. Alexander, Medieval Illuminators and Their Methods of Work (1992).
Michael Camille, Image on the Edge: The Margins of Medieval Art (1992).
Christopher de Hamel, Scribes and Illuminators (1992).
John Lowden, The Octateuchs: A Study in Byzantine Manuscript Illumination (1992).
Henry Mayr-Harting, Ottonian Book Illuminations (1992).
Jonathan J.G. Alexander, Medieval Illuminators and Their Methods of Work (1993).
Marilena Maniaci and Paola F. Munafò (eds.), Ancient and Medieval Book Materials and Techniques
Kathleen Scott, Later Gothic Manuscripts (1993).
William M. Voelkle and Roger S. Wieck with Maria Francesca P. Saffiotti, The Bernard H. Breslauer
This page is from a document available in full at
232 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Collection of Manuscript Illuminations (1993).
Jonathan J.G. Alexander (ed.), The Painted Page: Italian Renaissance Book Illumination, 1450-1550
Michelle P. Brown, Understanding Illuminated Manuscripts: A Guide to Technical Terms (1994).
Laurence B. Kanter, Barbara Drake Boehm et al., Painting and Illumination in Early Renaissance
Florence 1300-1450 (1994).
Otto Pächt, Book Illumination in the Middle Ages (trans. Kay Davenport, 1994).
Gordon Brotherston, Painted Books from Mexico: Codices in UK Collections and the World They
Represent (1995).
Walter Cahn, Romanesque Manuscripts: The Twelfth Century (1996).
Suzanne Lewis, Reading Images: Narrative Discourse and Reception in the Thirteenth-Century
Illuminated Apocalypse (1996).
Ioannis Spatharakis, Studies in Byzantine Manuscript Illumination and Iconography (1996).
Jane H.M. Taylor and Lesley Smith (eds.), Women and the Book: Assessing the Visual Evidence (1996).
Janet Backhouse, The Illuminated Page: Ten Centuries of Manuscript Painting in the British Library
Joel Silver, "Illuminated Manuscripts: An Introductory Reading Guide," AB Bookman's Weekly 99 (3
March 1997); 685-86, 688, 690.
Kathleen L. Scott, "Dated and Datable Borders in English Books, c.1395-c.1504: Preliminary Thoughts
on a Project Sponsored by the Bibliographical Society of London," Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 91 (1997): 635-44.
Kathleen L. Scott, Later Gothic Manuscripts, 1390-1490 (1997).
Nicolas Barker and A.S.G. Edwards, "Artists of the Book in England in the Fifteenth Century," Book
Collector 47 (1998): 9-27 passim.
Michelle P. Brown and Scot McKendrick (eds.), Illuminating the Book: Makers and Interpreters: Essays
in Honour of Janet Backhouse (1998).
Margaret M. Manion and Bernard J. Muir (eds.), The Art of the Book: Its Place in the Medieval Workshop
J.J.G. Alexander, "Foreign Illuminators and Illuminated Manuscripts," in The Cambridge History of the
Book in Britain: Volume 3, 1400-1557, ed. Lotte Hellinga and J.B. Trapp (1999).
Susie Nash, Between France and Flanders: Manuscript Illumination in Amiens (1999).
Kathleen P. Whitley, The Gilded Page: The History and Technique of Manuscript Gilding (2000).
James Bettley, The Art of the Book: From Medieval Manuscript to Gothic Novel (2001).
Christopher de Hamel, The British Library Guide to Manuscript Illumination (2001).
Sandra Hindman, Manuscript Illumination in the Modern Age: Recovery and Reconstruction (2001).
Andrew Wright, Court-Hand Restored (1776, 1912).
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Wilhelm Wattenbach, Anleitung zur griechischen Palaeographie (1867, 1895).
Wilhelm Wattenbach, Anleitung zur lateinischen Palaeographie (1869, 1872, 1878, 1886).
Palaeographical Society, Facsimiles of Manuscripts and Inscriptions, ed. E.A. Bond et al. (1873-94); New
Palaeographical Society, Facsimiles of Ancient Manuscripts, ed. J.P. Gilson et al. (1903-32).
W.J. Hardy, The Handwriting of the Kings & Queens of England (1893).
Edward Maunde Thompson, "History of English Handwriting, 700-1400," Transactions of the
Bibliographical Society 5 (1898-1900): 109-42.
Edmond H.J. Reusens, Eléments de paléographie (1899).
Henry Smith Williams, Manuscripts, Inscriptions, and Muniments (1902).
Ludwig Traube, Nomina sacra (1907).
Ludwig Traube, "Geschichte der Paläographie," in Vorlesungen und Abhandlungen (1909), pp. 13-80.
W.M. Lindsay, Early Irish Miniscule Script (1910).
Lewis F. Day, Penmanship of XVI, XVII, & XVIIIth Centuries (1911).
Edward Maunde Thompson, An Introduction to Greek and Latin Palaeography (1912).
E.A. Lowe, The Beneventan Script: A History of the South Italian Miniscule (1914).
G.F. Hill, The Development of Arabic Numerals in Europe (1915).
Hilary Jenkinson, Palaeography and the Practical Study of Court Hand (1915).
Charles Johnson and Hilary Jenkinson, English Court Hand A.D. 1066 to 1500 (1915).
Henry B. Van Hoesen, Roman Cursive Writing (1915).
Edward Maunde Thompson, "Handwriting," in Shakespeare's England (1916), 1: 284-310.
Edward Maunde Thompson, Shakespeare's Handwriting (1916). [Reviewed by Percy Simpson and J.A.
Herbert in Library 3rd ser. 8 (1917): 79-96, 97-100. See also Thompson's "Two Pretended
Autographs of Shakespeare," 193-217.]
Hilary Jenkinson, "Elizabethan Handwritings: A Preliminary Sketch," Library 4th ser. 3 (1922-23): 1-34.
Muriel St.C. Byrne, "Elizabethan Handwriting for Beginners," Review of English Studies 1 (1925):
W.W. Greg, English Literary Autographs, 1550-1650 (1925-32).
Robert Bridges (ed.), English Handwriting (1926-27). [With notes by Roger Fry, E.A. Lowe, and Alfred
J. Fairbank.]
E.A. Lowe, "Handwriting," in C. Crump, Legacy of the Middle Ages (1926).
Hilary Jenkinson, The Later Court Hand in England from the Fifteenth to the Seventeenth Century
R.B. McKerrow, "A Note on Elizabethan Handwriting," in An Introduction to Bibliography for Literary
Students (1927), pp. 341-50. See also "The Capital Letters in Elizabethan Handwriting," Review of
English Studies 3 (1927): 28-36.
Hermann Degering, Die Schrift (1929, 1952; in English as Lettering: A Series of 240 Plates Illustrating
Modes of Writing in Western Europe from Antiquity to the End of the 18th Century, 1929, 1954).
E.K. Rand, A Survey of the Manuscripts of Tours (1929).
Samuel A. Tannenbaum, The Handwriting of the Renaissance (1930).
Ambrose Heal, The English Writing Masters and Their Copy-Books (introd. Stanley Morison, 1931).
Alfred J. Fairbank, A Handwriting Manual (1932, 1947, 1948, 1954, 1961).
Berthold Louis Ullman, Ancient Writing and Its Influence (1932, 1969).
E.A. Lowe and Bernhard Bischoff, Codices Latini Antiquiores (1934-71).
Jean Destrez, La Pecia dans les manuscrits universitaires du XIIIe et du XIVe siècle (1935).
This page is from a document available in full at
234 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
C.B. Judge, Specimens of Sixteenth-Century English Handwriting (1935).
Desmond Flower and A.N.L. Munby, English Poetical Autographs (1938).
E.A. Lowe, Handwriting: Our Medieval Legacy (1938).
Stanley Morison, Latin Script since the Renaissance (1938).
Martin David and Bernhard A. van Groningen, Papyrologisch leerboek (1940; in English, 1946, 1952; rev.
by P.W. Pestman as The New Papyrological Primer, 1990).
Bernhard A. van Groningen, Short Manual of Greek Palaeography (1940, 1955, 1967).
Jan Tschichold, An Illustrated History of Writing and Lettering (1946).
Ludwig Bieler, "Insular Palaeography: Present State and Problems," Scriptorium 3 (1949): 267-94.
Alfred J. Fairbank, A Book of Scripts (1949, 1968, 1977).
Hilda E.P. Grieve, Some Examples of English Handwriting (1949); More Examples . . . (1950); Examples
. . . (1954).
Stanley Morison, Notes on the Development of the Latin Script from Early to Modern Times (1949).
Bertram Colgrave (ed.), Early English Manuscripts in Facsimile (1951- ).
Aubrey West, Written by Hand (1951).
Wilfrid Blunt, Sweet Roman Hand: Five Hundred Years of Italic Cursive Script (1952).
T.J. Brown, "English Literary Autographs," in Book Collector, 1952-64.
Jean Mallon, Paleographie Roman (1952).
Three Classics of Italian Calligraphy: Arrighi, Tagliente, and Palatino (1953).
Noël Denholm-Young, Handwriting in England and Wales (1954).
Nomenclature des écritures livresques du IX
au XVI
siècle (1954).
Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde (1955- ).
C.H. Roberts, Greek Literary Hands, 350 B.C. - A.D. 400 (1955).
L.C. Hector, The Handwriting of English Documents (1956; 1966).
Marcel Cohen, La grande invention de l’écriture et son évolution (1958).
Hans Meyer (ed.), Das Schriftentwicklung (1958).
Ray Nash, American Writing Masters and Copybooks (1959).
Charles Samaran and Robert Marichal, Catalogue des manuscrits en écriture latine, portant des
indications de date, lieu ou de copiste (1959- ).
Alfred J. Fairbank and R.W. Hunt, Humanistic Script of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries (1960).
Alfred J. Fairbank and Berthold L. Wolpe, Renaissance Handwriting: An Anthology of Italic Scripts
E.A. Lowe, English Uncial (1960).
Berthold Louis Ullman, The Origin and Development of Humanistic Script (1960).
C.E. Wright, English Vernacular Hands from the Twelfth to the Fifteenth Centuries (1960).
David Diringer, Writing (1962).
Alfred J. Fairbank and Bruce Dickins, The Italic Hand in Tudor Cambridge (1962).
A.N.L. Munby, The Cult of the Autograph Letter in England (1962).
P.W. Filby, Calligraphy and Handwriting in America, 1710-1962 (1963).
Berthold Louis Ullman, Ancient Writing and Its Influence (1963).
James Wardrop, The Script of Humanism (1963).
E. Kay Kirkham, How to Read the Handwriting and Records of Early America (1965).
Dorothy Miner, Victor Carlson, and P.W. Filby, 2000 Years of Calligraphy (1965).
A.S. Osley (ed.), Calligraphy and Palaeography (1965).
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John Ryder, Lines of the Alphabet in the Sixteenth Century (1965).
L.C. Hector, The Handwriting of English Documents (1966).
Giles E. Dawson and Letitia Kennedy-Skipton, Elizabethan Handwriting (1968).
Cyrus H. Gordon, Forgotten Scripts (1968, 1971, 1982).
John M. Taylor, From the White House Inkwell (1968).
Donald M. Anderson, The Art of Written Forms: The Theory and Practice of Calligraphy (1969).
E.A. Lowe, Handwriting: Our Medieval Legacy (1969). [With a section on Gothic and Humanistic scripts
by T.J. Brown.]
Ray Nash, American Penmanship, 1800-1850 (1969).
M.B. Parkes, English Cursive Book Hands, 1250-1500 (1969).
S. Harrison Thomson, Latin Bookhands of the Later Middle Ages, 1100-1500 (1969).
Joyce Irene Whalley, English Handwriting, 1540-1853 (1969).
Alfred J. Fairbank, The Story of Handwriting (1970).
James Thorpe, Poems in Manuscript (1970); Letters in Manuscript (1971).
T.A.M. Bishop, English Caroline Miniscule (1971).
Kenneth Charles Newton, Medieval Local Records: A Reading Aid (1971).
E.A. Lowe, Palæographical Papers, 1907-1965, ed. Ludwig Bieler (1972).
W.S.B. Buck, Examples of Handwriting, 1550-1650 (1973).
P.J. Croft, Autograph Poetry in the English Language (1973).
Albinia C. de la Mare, The Handwriting of Italian Humanists (1973- ).
Grant G. Simpson, Scottish Handwriting, 1150-1650 (1973).
Jacques Stiennon with Genevieve Hasenohr, Paléographie du moyen âge (1973).
S.O.A. Ullmann, "Dating through Calligraphy: The Example of 'Dover Beach,'" Studies in Bibliography
26 (1973): 19-36.
Nigel Wilson, Mediæval Greek Bookhands (1973).
J.I. Whalley, Writing Instruments and Accessories from the Roman Stylus to the Typewriter (1975).
Carleton W. Carroll, "Medieval Romance Paleography: A Brief Introduction," in Medieval Manuscripts
and Textual Criticism, ed. Christopher Kleinhenz (1976), pp. 39-82.
Geoffrey R. Driver, Semitic Writing (3rd ed., 1976).
James J. John, "Latin Palaeography," in Medieval Studies: An Introduction, ed. James M. Powell (1976),
pp. 1-68.
Herbert Cahoon, American Literary Autographs [in the Morgan Library] (1977).
Anthony G. Petti, English Literary Hands from Chaucer to Dryden (1977).
Bernhard Bischoff, Palaögraphie des römischen Altertums und des abendländischen Mittelalters (1979;
trans. by Dáibhí O Cróinín and David Ganz as Latin Palaeography: Antiquity and the Middle Ages,
Lewis F. Day, Penmanship of the XVI, XVII & XVIIIth Centuries (1979).
A.S. Osley, "Canons of Renaissance Handwriting," Visible Language 13 (1979): 70-94.
M.B. Parkes, English Cursive Book Hands, 1250-1500 (1979).
Marc Drogin, Medieval Calligraphy: Its History and Technique (1980).
A.S. Osley, Scribes and Sources: Handbook of the Chancery Hand in the Sixteenth Century (1980).
Laetitia Yeandle, "The Evolution of Handwriting in the English-Speaking Colonies of America," American
Archivist 43 (1980): 294-311.
Ruth Barbour, Greek Literary Hands A.D. 400-1600 (1981).
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236 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
R.J. Goulden (introd.), English Royal Signatures (1981).
Donald Jackson, The Story of Writing (1981).
Peter Jessen, Masterpieces of Calligraphy, 1500-1800 (1981).
Verlyn Klinkenborg, British Literary Manuscripts [in the Morgan Library] (1981).
Bruce M. Metzger, Manuscripts of the Greek Bible: An Introduction to Greek Palaeography (1981,
Michael Reese II, Autographs of the Confederacy (1981).
Adriano Cappelli, The Elements of Abbreviation in Medieval Latin Paleography, trans. D. Heimann and
R. Kay (1982). [Translation of the preface to Cappelli's Lexicon abbreviaturarum (1899).]
Joyce Irene Whalley, The Pen’s Excellence: A Pictorial History of Western Calligraphy (1982).
Leonard E. Boyle, Medieval Latin Palaeography: A Bibliographical Introduction (1984). [Reviewed in
Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada 25 (1986): 164-65 (Denis Brearley).]
Albertine Gaur, A History of Writing (1984, 1992).
Stan Knight, Historical Scripts (1984, 1998).
Annemarie Schimmel, Calligraphy and Islamic Culture (1984).
Joyce Irene Whalley, The Student’s Guide to Western Calligraphy (1984).
Geoffrey Sampson, Writing Systems: A Linguistic Introduction (1985).
N.W. Alcock, Old Title Deeds: A Guide for Local and Family Historians (1986).
Richard W. Clement, "Italian Sixteenth-Century Writing Books and the Scribal Reality in Verona," Visible
Language 20 (1986): 393-412.
Hilton Kelliher and Sally Brown, English Literary Manuscripts (1986).
Kathryn A. Atkins, Masters of the Italic Letter: Twenty-Two Exemplars from the Sixteenth Century
John Lancaster, Writing Medieval Scripts (1988).
John DeFrancis, Visible Speech: The Diverse Oneness of Writing Systems (1989).
Jim Hayes, War between the States: Autographs and Biographical Information (1989).
Andreas Lambrou, Fountain Pens: Vintage and Modern (1989).
Renato Rabaiotti, "A Collection of Italian Writing-Books of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries,"
Private Library 4th ser. 2 (1989): 4-44.
Wayne M. Senner (ed.), The Origins of Writing (1989).
Leon Long-Yien Chang and Peter Miller, Four Thousand Years of Chinese Calligraphy (1990).
Michael Finlay, Western Writing Implements in the Age of the Quill Pen (1990).
J.T. Hooker (ed.), Reading the Past: Ancient Writing from Cuneiform to the Alphabet (1990).
Joe Nickell, "Writing" in Pen, Ink, & Evidence (1990), pp. 113-68 (and "[Chronology of] Writing,"
pp. 202-4).
Reading the Past: Ancient Writing from Cuneiform to the Alphabet (introd. J.T. Hooker, 1990).
Fred C. Robinson and E.G. Stanley (eds.), Old English Verse from Many Sources [in facsimile] (1990).
Stanley Morison, Early Italian Writing-Books: Renaissance to Baroque, ed. Nicolas Barker (1991). [See
also Gerrit Noordzij, "The Mannerist Writing-Book and Stanley Morison," Quaerendo 25 (1995):
Tom Davis, "The Analysis of Handwriting: An Introductory Survey," in The Book Encompassed, ed. Peter
Davison (1992), pp. 57-68.
D.C. Greetham, "Reading the Text: Paleography," in Textual Scholarship: An Introduction (1992, 1994),
pp. 169-224.
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Jean F. Preston and Laetitia Yeandle, English Handwriting, 1400-1650: An Introductory Manual (1992).
Michelle P. Brown, A Guide to Western Historical Scripts from Antiquity to 1600 (1993).
David N. Dumville, English Caroline Script and Monastic History: Studies in Benedictinism, A.D. 950-
1030 (1993).
Julian Brown, A Palæographer's View: Selected Writings, ed. Janet Bately, Michelle P. Brown, and Jane
Roberts (1994).
Albertine Gaur, A History of Calligraphy (1994).
Andrew Robinson, The Story of Writing: Alphabets, Hieroglyphics and Pictograms (1995).
William Bright and Peter Daniels (eds.), The World's Writing Systems (1996).
Tamara Plakins Thornton, Handwriting in America: A Cultural History (1997).
Michelle P. Brown, The British Library Guide to Writing and Scripts: History and Techniques (1998).
Michelle P. Brown and Patricia Lovett, The Historical Source Book for Scribes (1999).
Laura Kendrick, Animating the Letter: The Figurative Embodiment of Writing from Late Antiquity to the
Renaissance (2000).
Charles Chabot, The Handwriting of Junius Professionally Investigated, ed. Edward Twisleton (1871).
Albert S. Osborn, Questioned Documents (1910, 1929).
Edward Maunde Thompson, "The Autograph Manuscripts of Anthony Mundy," Transactions of the
Bibliographical Society 14 (1915-17): 325-53.
Edward Maunde Thompson, "The Handwriting of the Three Pages," in Shakespeare's Hand in the Play
of Sir Thomas More, ed. A.W. Pollard (1923), pp. 81-112.
Samuel A. Tannenbaum, Problems in Shakespeare's Penmanship (1927).
Arthur J. Quirke, Forged, Anonymous, and Suspect Documents (1930).
Hugh C.H. Candy, "Milton Autographs Established," Library 4th ser. 13 (1932): 192-200.
Giles Dawson, "Authenticity and Attribution of Written Matter," English Institute Annual, 1942,
pp. 77-100.
R.C. Bald, "The Booke of Sir Thomas More and Its Problems," Shakespeare Survey 2 (1949): 44-65.
T. Julian Brown, "The Detection of Faked Literary MSS.," Book Collector 2 (1953): 6-23.
Ordway Hilton, Scientific Examination of Questioned Documents (1956, 1982).
John J. Harris, "How Much Do People Write Alike?", Journal of Criminal Law 48 (1958): 647-51.
Wilson R. Harrison, Suspect Documents: Their Scientific Examination (1958, 1966).
R.A. Huber, "On Looking Over Shakespeare's 'Secretarie,'" Stratford Papers on Shakespeare 1960 (1961),
pp. 52-70.
Jean Gayet, "The Expert Examination of Handwriting in the 17th Century," International Criminal Police
Review 169 (1963): 165-76.
Louis Marder, "Shakespearean Frauds and Forgeries," in His Exits and His Entrances: The Story of
Shakespeare's Reputation (1963), pp. 212-32.
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238 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Bernard Grebanier, The Great Shakespeare Forgery (1965). [J.H. Ireland]
J. Mathyer, "The Influence of Writing Instruments on Handwriting and Signatures," Journal of Criminal
Law, Criminology, and Police Science 60 (1969): 102-12.
E.F. Alford, Jr., "Disguised Handwriting: A Statistical Survey of How Handwriting Is Most Frequently
Disguised," Journal of Forensic Science 15 (1970): 476-88.
Billy Prior Bates, Typewriting Identification (I.S.Q.T.): Identification System for Questioned Typewriting
Giles E. Dawson, "John Payne Collier's Great Forgery," Studies in Bibliography 24 (1971): 1-26. [See
also Dewey Ganzel, Fortune and Men's Eyes: The Career of John Payne Collier (1982); Arthur
Freeman, "A New Victim for the Old Corrector," Times Literary Supplement, 22 April 1983,
pp. 391-93; and John W. Velz, "The Collier Controversy Redivivus," Shakespeare Quarterly 36
(1985): 106-15.]
John Whitehead, This Solemn Mockery: The Art of Literary Forgery (1973).
"The Strange Case of the Vinland Map," Geographical Journal 140 (1974): 183-214. [See also Leon
Koczy, "The Vinland Map," Antemurale 15 (1970): 85-171; Wilcomb E. Washburn (ed.),
Proceedings of the Vinland Map Conference (1971); Thomas A. Cahill et al., "The Vinland Map
Revisited: New Compositional Evidence on Its Inks and Parchment," Analytical Chemistry 59
(1987): 829-33; Walter C. McCrone, "The Vinland Map," ibid., 60 (1988): 1009ff.; Laurence Witten,
"Vinland's Saga Recalled," Yale University Library Gazette 64 (1989-90): 10-37 (also Bulletin du
bibliophile, 1990, 2:286-313); Kenneth M. Towe, "The Vinland Map: Still a Forgery," Accounts of
Chemical Research 23 (1990): 84-87; Helen Wallis, "The Vinland Map: Genuine or Fake?", Map
Collector 53 (1990): 2-6 (also Bulletin du bibliophile, 1991, 1:76-83); Wilcomb E. Washburn,
Thomas A. Cahill and Bruce H. Kusko, and Laurence C. Witten II in The Vinland Map and the
Tartar Relation, ed. R.A. Skelton et al. (New Edition, 1995).]
Leonard Rapport, "Fakes and Facsimiles: Problems of Identification," American Archivist 42 (1979): 13-
Deborah Hubball, An Investigation into How Handwriting Is Most Frequently Disguised (Birmingham
University Working Papers in Handwriting Research, 1982).
Amanda Lumley, The History and Development of the Analysis of Handwriting (Birmingham University
Working Papers in Handwriting Research, 1983).
Anthony S. Bliss, "Cyclotron Analysis and a Fake Gospel Lectionary of 1328," Scriptorium 38 (1984):
"Watching, Doing, and the Black Arts," Journal of the Forensic Science Society 24 (1984): 155-56, 559.
L. Michel and Pe Bairer, "The Diaries of Adolph Hitler: Implication for Document Examination," Journal
of the Forensic Science Society 25 (1985): 167-78.
Tom Davis, "Forensic Handwriting Analysis," in Talking about Text, ed. M. Coulthard (1986),
pp. 189-207.
Robert Harris, Selling Hitler (1986).
A.A. Cantu and R.S. Prough, "On the Relative Aging of Inks--The Solvent Extrtaction Technique," Journal
of Forensic Sciences 32 (1987): 1151-74.
Antonia Sara, The Use of Handwriting as Evidence (Birmingham University Working Papers in
Handwriting Research, 1987).
Robin Myers and Michael Harris (eds.), Fakes and Frauds: Varieties of Deception in Print & Manuscript
(1989). [Includes Tom Davis, "Forged Handwriting," pp. 125-37.]
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D. Michael Risinger, Mark P. Denbeaux, and Michael J. Saks, "Exorcism of Ignorance as a Proxy for
Rational Knowledge: The Lessons of Handwriting 'Expertise,'" University of Pennsylvania Law
Review 137 (January 1989): 731-92.
Anthony Grafton and Juliet Gardner, Forgers & Critics: Creativity and Duplicity in Western Scholarship
Mark Jones with Paul Craddock and Nicolas Barker (eds.), Fake? The Art of Deception (1990).
Joe Nickell, Pen, Ink, & Evidence: A Study of Writing and Writing Materials for the Penman, Collector,
and Document Detective (1990).
Marie-Jeanne Sedeyn, "Questioned Documents: The Human Trace as a Body Flow," Visible Language 24
(1990): 164-75.
Charles Hamilton, The Hitler Diaries: Fakes That Fooled the World (1991). [See review by James
Gilreath in Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 84 (1990): 419-27.]
Ordway Hilton, Detecting and Deciphering Erased Pencil Writing (1991).
Sidney E. Berger, "Forgeries and Their Detection in the Rare Book World," Libraries & Culture 27
(1992): 59-69. [Review essay.]
Tom Davis, "The Analysis of Handwriting: An Introductory Survey," in The Book Encompassed, ed. Peter
Davison (1992), pp. 57-68.
Kenneth W. Rendell, Forging History: The Detection of Fake Letters and Documents (1994). [Reviewed
by Tom Davis in Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 90 (1996): 104-8.]
International Journal of Forensic Document Examiners (1995- ).
Joe Nickell, Detecting Forgery: Forensic Investigation of Documents (1996).
Peter Beal, "A False Record: Manuscript Forgeries and Their Consequences," Biblio 2.1 (January 1997):
Joseph Rosenblum, Prince of Forgers (1998). [Vrain Lucas.]
Adrian H. Joline, Meditations of an Autograph Collector (1902); Rambles in Autograph Land (1913).
Simon Gratz, A Book about Autographs (1920).
Dorothea Charnwood, An Autograph Collection and the Making of It (1930).
Thomas F. Madigan, Word Shadows of the Great (1930).
Mary A. Benjamin, Autographs: A Key to Collecting (1946, 1963, 1986).
Edmund Berkeley, Jr. (ed.), Autographs and Manuscripts: A Collector's Manual (1978).
Kenneth W. Rendell, History Comes to Life: Collecting Historical Letters and Documents (1995).
Norman F. Boas, "The Language of Autograph Collecting," Manuscripts 49 (1997): 225-44.
Joel Silver, "Paths to Manuscript Collecting," AB Bookman's Weekly 101 (11 May 1998): 1278, 1280,
1282, 1284.
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240 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
K. Technical Aids for Bibliographical Analysis
R.B. Haselden, Scientific Aids for the Study of Manuscripts (1934).
Jeffrey Abt, "Objectifying the Book: The Impact of Science on Books and Manuscripts," Library Trends
36 (1987-88): 23-38.
Paul S. Koda, "Scientific Equipment for the Examination of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Documents,"
Library Trends 36 (1987-88): 39-51.
Norbert S. Baer, "The Role of Scientific Evidence in Archelogical Inquiry," in The Getty Kouros
Colloquium (1993), pp. 65-66.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Bibliographical Description of Paper," Studies in Bibliography 24 (1971): esp. 57-58.
Warner Barnes, "Optical and Mechanical Instruments for the Study of Rare Books and Manuscripts,"
Direction Line 10 (Winter 1980): 21.
David L. Vander Meulen, "The Low-Tech Analysis of Early Paper," Literary Research 13 (1988): 89-94.
Eugene Tisserant, "Use of Ultra-Violet Rays for Detecting Repairs in Printed Books, Especially
Incunabula," Library Quarterly 4 (1934): 341-43.
Wilson R. Harrison, Suspect Documents: Their Scientific Examination (1958).
Kenneth Povey, "The Optical Identification of First Formes," Studies in Bibliography 13 (1960): 189-90.
David Rogers, "The Infra-Red Converter at the Bodleian," Direction Line 1 (Autumn 1975): 1-2.
John Horden, "Further Uses for the Otoscope: A Note," Direction Line 2 (Spring 1976): 8-9.
Norman H. Mackenzie, "Forensic Document Techniques Applied to Literary Manuscripts," Bodleian
Library Record 9 (1976): 234-40. [Infra-red image converter, binocular microscope.]
John Horden, "The Use of Medical Instruments in Bibliographical and Literary Research," Antiquarian
Book Monthly Review 5 (1978): 33-34.
John Horden, "An Aid to the Comparison of Type-Settings [a glass marked with lines]," Antiquarian Book
Monthly Review 5 (1978): 174-75.
Victor S. Carter, "A Review of a Recently Acquired Optical Examination Aid in the British Library,"
Direction Line 10 (Winter 1980): 1-3.
Warner Barnes, "Optical and Mechanical Instruments for the Study of Rare Books and Manuscripts,"
Direction Line 10 (Winter 1980): 21.
Bamber Gascoigne, [Three types of magnifying glass], in How to Identify Prints (1986), p. 11.
Roderick McNeil, "Scanning Auger Microscopy for Manuscript Ink Dating," Literary Research 13 (1988):
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 241
Nouvir Transilluminator, <>.
George Robert Guffey, "Standardization of Photographic Reproductions for Mechanical Collation," Papers
of the Bibliographical Society of America 62 (1968): 237-40.
William H. O'Donnell, "Infrared and Ultraviolet Photography of Manuscripts," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 69 (1975): 574-83.
Robin Alston, "Reproducing Watermarks," Direction Line 2 (Spring 1976): 1-3.
Paul Dijstelberge, "Towards a Digital Atlas of Initial Letters and Typograhic Ornaments in the
Netherlands," Quaerendo 28 (1998): 215-24. [Digital cameras.]
Rolf Dessauer, "DYLUX, Thomas L. Gravell, and Watermarks of Stamps and Papers," in Puzzles in
Paper: Concepts in Historical Watermarks, ed. Daniel W. Mosser, Michael Saffle, and Ernest W.
Sullivan II (2000), pp. 183-85.
Carol Ann Small, "Phosphorescence Watermark Imaging," in Puzzles in Paper: Concepts in Historical
Watermarks, ed. Daniel W. Mosser, Michael Saffle, and Ernest W. Sullivan II (2000), pp. 169-81.
J.S.G. Simmons, "The Leningrad Method of Watermark Reproduction," Book Collector 10 (1961): 329-30.
Allan Stevenson, "Beta-Radiography and Paper Research," in VII International Congress of Paper
Historians, Communications, ed. J.S.G. Simmons (1967), pp. 159-68.
P.A. Tydeman, "A Simple Method for Contact Beta-Radiography of Paper," Paper Maker 153.6 (1967):
Frederick Hudson, "The Study of Watermarks as a Research Factor in Undated Manuscripts and Prints:
Beta-Radiography with Carbon-14 Sources," in International Musicological Society, Report of the
Eleventh Congress, Copenhagen, 1972 (1974), pp. 447-53.
Warner Barnes, "Film Experimentation in Beta-Radiography," Direction Line 1 (Autumn 1975): 3-4.
Catherine Henderson, "A New Aid in Detecting Sophistication in Rare Book Leaves," Direction Line 7
(Winter 1978): 32-36.
Jan van Zweeden and Lucas B. Beentjes, "Exposure Time Determination in Beta-Radiography of
Watermarks," Quaerendo 12 (1982): 309-15.
Dierk Schnitger, Eva Ziesche, and Eberhard Mundry, "Elektronenradiographie als Hilfsmittel für die
Identifizierung schwer oder nicht erkennbarer Wasserzeichen," Gutenberg Jahrbuch, 1983, pp. 49-
David Schoonover, "Techniques of Reproducing Watermarks: A Practical Introduction," in Essays in
Paper Analysis, ed. Stephen Spector (1987), pp. 154-67.
David Woodward, "The Analysis of Paper and Ink in Early Maps: Opportunities and Realities," in Essays
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242 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
in Paper Analysis, ed. Stephen Spector (1987), pp. 200-21. Reprinted in Library Trends 36 (1987-
88): 85-107.
Charlton Hinman, "Mechanized Collation: A Preliminary Report," Papers of the Bibliographical Society
of America 41 (1947): 99-106. [See comment by F.C. Francis in Library 5th ser. 2 (1947-48): 69-
Charlton Hinman, "Mechanized Collation at the Houghton Library," Harvard Library Bulletin 9 (1955):
David Foxon, "Modern Aids to Bibliographical Research," Library Trends 7 (1958-59): 574-81.
Vinton A. Dearing, "The Poor Man's Mark IV or Ersatz Hinman Collator," Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 60 (1966): 149-58.
Richard Levin, "A Poor Man's Collating Machine," Research Opportunities in Renaissance Drama 9
(1966): 25-26.
Gerald A. Smith, "Collating Machine, Poor Man's, Mark VII," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America 61 (1967): 110-13.
Johan Gerritsen, "A Portable Collator Comes Cheaper," Research Opportunities in Renaissance Drama
11 (1968): 29-30.
[Census of Hinman Collators], Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 63 (1969): 119-20;
Editorial Quarterly 1 (1975): 12.
Gordon Lindstrand, "Mechanized Textual Collation and Recent Designs," Studies in Bibliography 24
(1971): 204-14.
John Spring, "Using the Lindstrand Comparator," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand
Bulletin 7 (May 1974): 44-45.
Peter Shillingsburg, "Collating Machines and 19th-Century Printed Books," Direction Line 10 (Winter
1980): 4-8.
Dieter Kranz, "Kann die Verwendung des Hinman-Collators der Gutenberg-Forschung weiterhelfen?",
Gutenberg Jahrbuch, 1983, pp. 68-78.
"McLeod's Portable Collator," Bibliography Newsletter 11 (1983): 74-75.
William Proctor Williams, "'Smith and the Museum'" [letter on the British Library's collating machine],
Times Literary Supplement, 27 September 1985, p. 1062.
Randall McLeod, The McLeod Portable Collator (October 1988). [Available from the author, Graduate
Department of English, University of Toronto].
"McLeod Portable Collator," Humanities Association of Canada Newsletter 16.2 (December 1988): 2, 33-
Randall McLeod, "From Tranceformations in the Text of Orlando Furioso," Library Chronicle of the
University of Texas 20 (1990): 60-85.
"Il collazionatore portatile McLeod: una veloce collatio dei testi a stampa come figure," in La stampa in
Italia nel cinquecento, ed. Marco Santoro (1992), pp. 325-51.
Martin Boghardt, "Druckanalyse und Druckbeschreibung: Zur Ermittlung und Bezeichnung von
Satzidentität und satzinterner Varianz," Gutenberg Jahrbuch, 1995, pp. 202-21.
Kathleen Ferguson Jump, "Illuminating Reflections," Inside UVA [University of Virginia], 12 November
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 243
1999, p. 5. [Carter Hailey's collator.]
Steven Escar Smith, "'The Eternal Verities Verified': Charlton Hinman and the Roots of Mechanical
Collation," Studies in Bibliography 53 (2000): 129-61.
(excluding the use of computers for textual collation)
Warner Barnes, Philip Gaskell, Richard Murphy, and Arthur Norman, "Project MAP: Computer
Identification of Typefounts," Direction Line 9 (Winter 1979): 4-6.
Paul R. Sternberg and John M. Brayer, "Composite Imaging: A New Technique in Bibliographic
Research," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 77 (1983): 431-45.
T.B. Vincent, "Opportunities and Pitfalls: Observations on the Applications of Database Software to
Bibliographical Activities," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada 28 (1989): 13-24.
Daniela Moschini, "La Marca d'Acqua: A System for the Digital Recording of Watermarks" (trans. Conor
Fahy), in Puzzles in Paper: Concepts in Historical Watermarks, ed. Daniel W. Mosser, Michael
Saffle, and Ernest W. Sullivan II (2000), pp. 187-92.
Richard N. Schwab, "The Cyclotron and Descriptive Bibliography: A Progress Report on the Crocker
Historical and Archaeological Project at UC Davis," Book Club of California Quarterly News
Letter 47 (1981-82): 3-12.
Thomas A. Cahill, Bruce H. Kusko, and Richard N. Schwab, "Analyses of Inks and Papers in Historical
Documents through External Beam PIXE Techniques," Nuclear Instruments & Methods 181 (1981):
Richard N. Schwab, Thomas A. Cahill, Bruce H. Kusko, and Daniel L. Wick, "Cyclotron Analysis of the
Ink in the 42-Line Bible," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 77 (1983): 285-315.
Anthony S. Bliss, "Cyclotron Analysis and a Fake Gospel Lectionary of 1328," Scriptorium 38 (1984):
Thomas A. Cahill et al., "Gutenberg's Inks and Papers: Non-Destructive Compositional Analyses by Proton
Milliprobe," Archaeometry 26 (1984): 3-14.
Bruce H. Kusko et al., "Proton Milliprobe Analyses of the Gutenberg Bible," Nuclear Instruments and
Methods in Physics Research B3 (1984): 689-94.
Bruce H. Kusko et al., "Proton Milliprobe Analysis of the Handpenned Annotations in Bach's Calov Bible,"
in The Calov Bible of J.S. Bach, ed. Howard H. Cox (1985), pp. 31-106.
Richard N. Schwab, Thomas A. Cahill, Robert A. Eldred, Bruce H. Kusko, and Daniel L. Wick, "New
Evidence on the Printing of the Gutenberg Bible: The Inks in the Doheny Copy," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 79 (1985): 375-410; "Ink Patterns in the Gutenberg New
Testament: The Proton Milliprobe Analysis of the Lilly Library Copy," 80 (1986): 305-31; "The
Proton Milliprobe Analysis of the Harvard B42, Volume II," 81 (1987): 403-32.
Thomas A. Cahill, "The Nuclear Bibliophile: Cyclotron Studies of Rare Documents," Transactions, XIVth
Congress, International Association of Bibliophiles (ed. Stephen Tabor, 1987), pp. 37-50.
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Thomas A. Cahill et al., "The Vinland Map Revisited: New Compositional Evidence on Its Inks and
Parchment," Analytical Chemistry 59 (1987): 829-33.
Bruce H. Kusko and Richard N. Schwab, "Historical Analyses by PIXE," Nuclear Instruments and
Methods in Physics Research B22 (1987): 401-6.
Richard N. Schwab, "An Ersatz Leaf in the Doheny Gutenberg Bible Volume I," Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of America 81 (1987): 479-85.
Richard N. Schwab, "The History of the Book and the Proton Milliprobe: An Application of the PIXE
Technique of Analysis," Library Trends 36 (1987-88): 53-84.
Bruce H. Kusko, "Cyclotron Analysis of Paper and Ink: Revealing Secrets of the Written and Printed
Word," Literary Research 13 (1988): 123-36.
Richard N. Schwab, "New Clues about Gutenberg in the Huntington 42-Line Bible: What the Margins
Reveal," Huntington Library Quarterly 51 (1988): 177-209.
Thomas A. Cahill et al., "Compositional Comparison of the Mark Hoffman Oath of a Freeman and the
Whole Booke of Psalmes," in The Judgment of Experts, ed. James Gilreath (1991), pp. 75-96.
P. del Carmine, M. Grange, F. Lucarelli, and P.A. Mandò, "Particle-Induced X Ray-Emission with an
External Beam: A Non-Destructive Technique for Material Analysis in the Study of Ancient
Manuscripts," in Ancient and Medieval Book Materials and Techniques (Rome: Instituto centrale
per la patologia del libro, 1992).
Philip M. Teigen, "Concurrent Printing of the Gutenberg Bible and Proton Milliprobe Analysis of Its Ink,"
Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 87 (1993): 437-51.
Hans Mommsen, Th. Beier, Heiko Dittmann, Dieter Heimermann, Anno Hein, Achim Rosenberg, Martin
Boghardt, E.-M. Hanebutt-Benz, and H. Halbey, "X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis with Synchroton
Radiation on the Inks and Papers of Incunabula," Archaeometry 38 (1996): 347-57.
Achim Rosenberg, Martin Boghardt, Heiko Dittmann, Dieter Heimermann, Anno Hein, and Hans
Mommsen, "Röntgenfluoreszensanalyse der Druckerschwärzen des Mainzer Catholicon und anderer
Frühdrucke mit Synchrotonstrahlung," Gutenberg Jahrbuch, 1998, pp. 231-55.
L. Preservation of Bibliographical Evidence
Association of Research Libraries, The Changing Role of Book Repair in ARL Libraries (1993).
Richard Wendorf (ed.), Rare Book and Manuscript Libraries in the Twenty-First Century (1993; also
published as Harvard Library Bulletin n.s. 4.1-2, Spring and Summer 1993). [See the contributions
by Nicolas Barker, Werner Gundersheimer, David McKitterick, Alexandra Mason, Ruth Perry, and
G.T. Tanselle.]
R.I. Page, David McKitterick, Mildred Budny, and Nicolas Barker, "The Bibliographer and the
Conservator," in Conservation and Preservation in Small Libraries (Parker Library Conservation
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 245
Project, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 1994).
Joyce Hill Stoner, "The Mortality of Things," in Caring for Your Collections (National Institute for the
Conservation of Cultural Property, 1994).
G.T. Tanselle et al., "Statement on the Significance of Primary Records," Profession 95 [Modern Language
Association of America] (1995), pp. 27-28. Reprinted in Tanselle's Literature and Artifacts (1998),
pp. 335-37.
G.T. Tanselle, "The Future of Primary Records," in Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science,
ed. Allen Kent, 58 (1996): 53-73. Also published, with slight revisions, in Biblion 5.1 (Fall 1996):
4-32. Reprinted in his Literature and Artifacts (1998), pp. 96-123.
Paul Banks, "What Makes Records Deteriorate," American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air
Conditioning Engineers Journal 41.4 (April 1999): 71-72, 74-76.
Norbert S. Baer and Folke Snickars (eds.), Rational Decision-Making in the Preservation of Cultural
Property (2001). [See especially "Values and the Artifact," pp. 157-222.]
Nicholson Baker, Double Fold: Libraries and the Assault on Paper (2001). [See also G.T. Tanselle, "The
Librarians' Double-Cross," Raritan 21.4 (Spring 2002): 247-65. For some related comments, see
Ellen McCrady, "'Preserving' Newspapers," Abbey Newsletter 24 (2000): 69-72; 24 [i.e., 25] (2001):
77, 80-81 [i.e., 1, 4-5].]
Ralph H. Carruthers and Harry B. Weiss, "Insect Pests of Books: An Annotated Bibliography to 1935,"
Bulletin of the New York Public Library 40 (1936): 829-41, 985-95, 1049-64.
Morris S. Kantrowitz, Ernest W. Spencer, and Robert H. Simmons, Permanence and Durability of Paper:
An Annotated Bibliography of the Technical Literature from 1885 A.D. to 1939 A.D. (1940).
George D.M. Cunha, Conservation of Library Materials: A Manual and Bibliography (1967, 1971-72).
[Robert F. Hanson], "Bibliography on Conservation and Preservation," OP Bookletter 1 (1977-78): 107-13.
Carolyn Clark Morrow and Steven B. Schoenly, A Conservation Bibliography for Librarians, Archivists,
and Administrators (1979). [Reviewed by Carolyn Harris in Journal of Library History 15 (1980):
Paul N. Banks, A Selective Bibliography on the Conservation of Library Materials (Newberry Library,
1981). [Reviewed by Connie Brooks in Journal of Library History 18 (1983): 222-24.]
George D.M. and Dorothy G. Cunha, Library and Archives Conservation: 1980s and Beyond (1983).
[Volume 2 is "Bibliography."]
Nancy Bittner and Patricia Knittel, A Selected Bibliography on Paper Conservation (1983). [See review
by Ellen McCrady in Abbey Newsletter 9 (1985): 104.]
Martin H. Sable, The Protection of the Library and Archives: An International Bibliography (1983).
Lisa Fox, A Core Collection in Preservation (1988; 2nd ed. by Don K. Thompson and Joan ten Hoor,
Toby Murray, Bibliography on Disasters, Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Recovery (1991).
Carol Zimmerman, Bibliography on Mass Deacidification (Library of Congress Preservation Office,
Charles B. Wood III, Conservation; The Science of Art & Photography (catalogue 87, part 2, 1995).
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246 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Henk J. Porck and René Teygeler, "References," in Preservation Science Survey (Council on Library and
Information Resources, 2000), pp. 48-59.
Robert E. Schnare, Jr., Susan G. Swartzburg, and George M. Cunha, Bibliography of Preservation
Literature, 1983-1996 (2001).
Matt T. Roberts and Don Etherington, Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books: A Dictionary of
Descriptive Terminology (1982). [Reviewed by Marianne Tidcombe in New Bookbinding 2 (1982):
75-76; and see Abbey Newsletter 8 (1984): 37-39.]
Carmen C. Nogueira (ed.), Glossary of Basic Archival and Library Conservation Terms (1988).
Diane Vogt O'Connor, "An Archival Glossary for the Millennium," Cultural Resources Management 22
(1999): 46-52.
Bollettino of Instituto Centrale per la patologia del libro (1939-98).
Studies in Conservation (1959- ).
Abbey Newsletter (1976- ).
Paper Conservation News (1976- ) and The Paper Conservator (1976- ).
The Conservator (1977- ).
Conservation News (1978- ).
Restaurator (1978- ).
Photographic Conservation (1979- ).
Book and Paper Group Annual [of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works]
(1982- ).
Restauro (1988- ).
Quinio (1999- ).
See also Leather Conservation News.
William Blades, The Enemies of Books (1880). [See also C.V. Houlbert, Les Insectes ennemis des livres
(1903); William Osler, "Illustrations of the Book-Worm," Bodleian Quarterly Record 1 (1914-16):
355-57 (with illustration facing p. 327); Harry B. Weiss, "Insects Injurious to Books," American
Book Collector 3 (1933): 141-47; Weiss, "The More Important Insect Enemies of Books," Bulletin
of the New York Public Library 40 (1936): 739-52, 827-28; Michael Sadleir, "An Addendum to
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 247
Enemies of Books," New Colophon 1 (1948): 235-38; F.J.L. Kett, "Insect Pests of Books," Book
Collector 5 (1956): 57-62; Norman Hickin, Bookworms: The Insect Pests of Books(1985, 1993);
Lynda A. Zycherman and Richard Schrock, A Guide to Museum Pest Control (1988).]
J.W. Clarke, The Care of Books (1901).
T. Harrison, "The Care of Books," Book Collector's Quarterly 3 (June 1931): 1-14.
H.M. Lydenberg and John Archer, The Care and Repair of Books (1931, 1935, 1945; 4th ed., rev. John
Alden, 1960).
Thomas M. Iiams, "Preservation of Rare Books and Manuscripts in the Huntington Library," Library
Quarterly 2 (1932): 375-86.
E. Zaehnsdorf and C.I. Hutchins, "The Care and Preservation of Books," American Book Collector 1
(1932): 33-35, 360-62.
Julius Grant, Books and Documents: Dating, Permanence and Preservation (1937).
Anthony Gardner, "The Ethics of Book Repairs," Library 5th ser. 9 (1954): 194-98.
H.J. Plenderleith, The Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art (1956; 2nd ed., with A.E.A. Werner,
W.H. Langwell, The Conservation of Books and Documents (1957).
Sydney M. Cockerell, The Repairing of Books (1958, 1960).
Keyes D. Metcalf, Planning Academic and Research Library Buildings (1965, 1986).
Colton Storm, "Care, Maintenance, and Restoration," in Rare Book Collections, ed. H. Richard Archer
(1965), pp. 74-85.
Garry Thomson, "Air Pollution--A Review for Conservation Chemists," Studies in Conservation 10
(1965): 147-67.
George D.M. Cunha, Conservation of Library Materials: A Manual and Bibliography (1967, 1971-72).
"Deterioration and Preservation of Library Materials," Library Quarterly, January 1970.
Peter Waters, "Problems of Restoring Old Books," in Symposium on Printing, ed. R. Reed (1971).
George M. Cunha and Norman P. Tucker (eds.), Library and Archives Conservation: The Boston
Athenæum's 1971 Seminar (1972).
Paul N. Banks, "Environmental Standards for Storage of Books and Manuscripts," Library Journal 99
(1974): 339-43.
Ellen McCready (ed.), Abbey Newsletter (1975- ).
Pamela W. Darling and Paul N. Banks, "Books in Peril: A Mini-Symposium on the Preservation of Library
Materials," Library Journal 101 (1976): 2341-51.
Roger Mortimer, "Some Warnings about 'Kitchen Chemistry,'" AB Bookman's Weekly 60 (3 October
1977): 1707, 1708-16 (versos).
Willman Spawn, "Physical Care of Books and Manuscripts," in Book Collecting: A Modern Guide, ed.
Jean Peters (1977), pp. 136-58.
G.T. Tanselle, "Bibliographers and the Library," Library Trends 25 (1977): 745-62. Reprinted in his
Literature and Artifacts (1998), pp. 24-40.
John P. Baker and Marguerite C. Soroka (eds.), Library Conservation: Preservation in Perspective
(1978). [Anthology of historically important essays.]
Paul N. Banks, The Preservation of Library Materials (1978). Reprinted from Encyclopedia of Library
and Information Science 23 (1978): 180-222.
Joyce R. Russell (ed.), Preservation of Library Materials (1980). [Includes Gaylord Brynolfson, "Book
as Object," pp. 45-49.]
This page is from a document available in full at
248 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Susan G. Swartzburg, Preserving Library Materials: A Manual (1980, 1995).
A.D. Baynes-Cope, Caring for Books and Documents (1981, 1989).
Jean Gunner, Simple Repair and Preservation Techniques for Collection Curators, Librarians and
Archivists (Hunt Botanical Institute, 1981).
Philip Haldeman, "A Collector's Guide to Current Solutions for Countering Deterioration in Books," North
West Book Arts 1.6 (June-July 1981): 17-24.
Gerald Lundeen (ed.), "Conservation of Library Materials," Library Trends 30.2 (Fall 1981).
Edwin E. Williams, "The Book-Preservation Problem as Seen at Harvard," Harvard Library Bulletin 29
(1981): 420-44.
"Book Conservation Workshop Manual," New Bookbinder, 1981-85. [Includes Anthony Cains,
"Preparation of the Book for Conservation and Repair," 1 (1981): 11-25; Maighread McParland,
"The Nature and Chemistry of Paper: Its History, Analysis and Conservation," 2 (1082): 17-29;
Barbara Giuffrida, "Endbands," 2 (1982): 29-39; Giuffrida, "The Repair of Parchment and Vellum
in Manuscript Form," 3 (1983): 21-41; Cains, "Specification and Observation," 4 (1984): 61-81; 5
(1985): 27-55.]
Margaret R. Brown, Boxes for the Protection of Rare Books (1982).
Carolyn Clark Morrow, Conservation Treatment Procedures: A Manual of Step-by-Step Procedures
(1982; rev with Carole Dyal, 1986).
Crafts Council (London), Science for Conservators (1982-83).
George D.M. and Dorothy G. Cunha, Library and Archives Conservation: 1980s and Beyond (1983).
Jane Greenfield, Books: Their Care & Repair (1983).
Kathryn L. and William T. Henderson (eds.), Conserving and Preserving Library Materials (1983).
[Includes D.W. Krummel, "Kepler and His Custody: Scholarship and Conservation Policy," pp. 165-
Hedi Kyle, Library Materials Preservation Manual (1983).
Carolyn Clark Morrow with Gay Walker, The Preservation Challenge: A Guide to Conserving Library
Materials (1983).
Susan G. Swartzburg (ed.), Conservation in the Library: A Handbook (1983).
Joanna Biggar, "Our Disappearing Books," Washington Post Magazine, 3 June 1984, pp. 12-15.
Reprinted in condensed form in Abbey Newsletter 15 (1991): 28-30.
F.W. Ratcliffe with D. Patterson, Preservation Policies and Conservation in British Libraries (1984).
John P. Barton and Johanna G. Welheiser (eds.), An Ounce of Prevention: A Handbook on Disaster
Contingency Planning for Archives, Libraries, and Record Centres (1985).
John Morris, The Library Disaster Preparedness Handbook (1986).
Merrily A. Smith (ed.), Preservation of Library Materials (1987).
Sally A. Buchanan, Disaster Planning, Preparedness and Recovery (1988).
Jane Greenfield, The Care of Fine Books (1988). [See review by Jan Dalrymple-Hollo in Abbey
Newsletter 13 (1989): 16-17.]
Claire England and Karen Evans, Disaster Management for Libraries (1989). [See review by Sally
Buchanan in Abbey Newsletter 13 (1989): 64.]
Roberta Pilette and Carolyn Harris, "It Takes Two to Tango: A Conservator's View of Curator /
Conservator Relations," Rare Boks & Manuscripts Librarianship 4.2 (Fall 1989): 103-11.
[Special issue on conservation at the University of Texas], Library Chronicle of the University of Texas,
n.s. 44/45 (1989).
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 249
G.T. Tanselle, "Reproductions and Scholarship," Studies in Bibliography 42 (1989): 25-54. Reprinted in
his Literature and Artifacts (1998), pp. 59-88.
Michèle Valerie Cloonan, "Mass Deacidification in the 1990s," Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship
5 (1990): 95-103.
Michael Dirda, Caring for Your Books (1990).
Douglas Ross Harvey, Preservation in Australian and New Zealand Libraries (1990, 1993).
Barbra B. Higginbotham, Our Past Preserved: A History of American Library Preservation, 1876-1910
(1990). [Reviewed by Paula De Stefano in Abbey Newsletter 16 (1992); 94-96.]
William P. Lull with Paul N. Banks, Conservation Environment Guidelines for Libraries and Archives
Larry McDonald, "Forgotten Forebears: Concerns with Preservation, 1876 to World War I," Libraries &
Culture 25 (1990).
M. Susan Barger and William B. White, The Daguerreotype: Nineteenth-Century Technology and
Modern Science (1991).
Kenneth E. Carpenter (ed.), "Preserving Harvard's Retrospective Collections," Harvard Library Bulletin
n.s. 2.2 (Summer 1991): 1-80.
John N. DePew, A Library, Media and Archival Preservation Handbook (1991). [See review by Ellen
McCrady in Abbey Newsletter 16 (1992): 15-16.]
John Feather, Preservation and the Management of Library Collections (1991, 1996). [See review by
Ellen McCrady in Abbey Newsletter 16 (1992): 75-76.]
Susan G. Swartzburg and Holley Bussey, with Frank Garretson, Libraries and Archives: Design and
Renovation with a Preservation Perspective (1991). [See review by Ellen McCrady in Abbey
Newsletter 16 (1992): 74.]
Konstanze Bachmann (ed.), Conservation Concerns: A Guide for Collectors and Curators (1992).
Nicolas Barker, "Whither Rare Books?", Book Collector 41 (1992): 441-55 passim.
Karen T. Ellenberg, "Preservation and the Book Arts: An Interview with George M. Cunha," Kentucky
Review 11.3 (Autumn 1992): 58-68.
Judith Fortson, Disaster Planning and Recovery: A How-to-Do It Manual for Librarians and Archivists
Frans Georg Kaltwasser, "Old Books between the Shredder and Conservation" (trans. Rosamond Eden),
Book Collector 41 (1992): 456-76.
Catherine Nicholson, "What Exhibits Can Do to Your Collection," Restaurator 13.3 (1992): 95-113.
Sherelyn Ogden (ed.), Preservation of Library & Archival Materials: A Manual (1992, 1999). Also
available at
Arthur W. Schultz (ed.), Caring for Your Collections (1992). [Includes Margaret Holben Ellis, "Works
of Art on Paper," pp. 40-51; Doris A. Hamburg, "Library and Archival Collections," pp. 52-63;
Debbie Hess Norris, "Photographs," pp. 64-75.
Jim Sinclair (ed.), State Library of New South Wales Counter-Disaster Manual (1992).
Roger E. Stoddard, "'Deep in the Shed,'" Bulletin du bibliophile, 1992, 1: 9-25.
Joanna Wellheiser, Nonchemical Treatment Processes for Disinfestation of Insects and Fungi in Library
Collections (1992).
T.K. Bikson and E.J. Frnkling, Preserving the Present: Toward Viable Electronic Records (1993).
Owen Gingerich, "Survival! On the Enemies of Scientific Books," AB Bookman's Weekly 92 (25 October
1993): 1595-96, 1598-99.
This page is from a document available in full at
250 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Douglas Ross Harvey, Preservation in Libraries: Principles, Strategies and Practises for Librarians
(1993); (ed.), Preservation in Libraries: A Reader (1993).
G.T. Tanselle, "The Latest Forms of Book-Burning," Common Knowledge 2.3 (Win. 1993): 172-77.
Reprinted in his Literature and Artifacts (1998), pp. 89-95.
"The Changing Image: Studies in Paintings Conservation," Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 51.3
(Winter 1993-94): 1-52.
Lage Carlson et al., Boxes for the Protection of Books: Their Design and Construction (1994).
National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property, Caring for Your Collections (1994).
Elizabeth Hall Witherell, "ADE [Association for Documentary Editing] Presidential Address,"
Documentary Editing 16.1 (March 1994): 1-2, 20.
John Smart, Basic Refurbishment of Antique Books (video, 1995).
Paul Conway, Preservation in the Digital World (Commission on Preservation and Access, March 1996).
John Feather, Graham Matthews, and Paul Eden, Preservation Management: Policies and Practices in
British Libraries (1996).
Preserving Digital Information: Report of the Task Force on Archiving of Digital Information (1996).
Nicholas Stanley Price, M. Kirby Talley, Jr., and Alessandra Melucco Vaccaro (eds.), Historical and
Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage (1996).
Walter Crawford, "Paper Persists: Why Physical Library Collections Still Matter," Online 22.1 (1998): 42-
44, 46-48.
Ellen McCrady, "Mold: The Whole Picture," Abbey Newsletter 23 (1999): 45, 48-50.
Jutta Reed-Scott, Preserving Research Collections: A Collaboration between Librarians and Scholars
(Association of Research Libraries et al., 1999).
Paul N. Banks and Roberta Pilette (eds.), Preservation Issues and Planning (2000).
Henk J. Porck and René Teygeler, Preservation Science Survey (Council on Library and Information
Resources, 2000).
Norbert S. Baer and Folke Snickars (eds.), Rational Decision-Making in the Preservation of Cultural
Property (2001).
Nicholson Baker, Double Fold: Libraries and the Assault on Paper (2001). [See also G.T. Tanselle, "The
Librarians' Double-Cross," Raritan 21.4 (Spring 2002). For some related comments, see Ellen
McCrady, "'Preserving' Newspapers," Abbey Newsletter 24 (2000): 69-72; 24 [i.e., 25] (2001): 77,
80-81 [i.e., 1, 4-5].]
William Muss-Arnolt, "Maneant Sua Data Libellis: A Protest and a Plea," Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America 13 (1919): 128-47. [On not rebinding.]
Douglas Cockerell, Bookbinding, and the Care of Books (1901, 1906, 1911, 1915, 1953, 1962).
H.J. Plenderleith, The Preservation of Leather Bookbindings (1946). [Reviewed by H.M. Nixon in
Library 5th ser. 1 (1946-47): 254-55.]
Carolyn Horton, Cleaning and Preserving Bindings and Related Materials (1967, 1969).
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Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography 251
Bernard C. Middleton, The Restoration of Leather Bindings (1972, 1984, 1998).
Betty M. Haines, "Deterioration in Leather Bookbindings--Our Present State of Knowledge," British
Library Journal 3 (1977): 59-70.
Laura S. Young, Bookbinding and Conservation by Hand: A Working Guide (1981). [Reviewed by Philip
Smith in Abbey Newsletter 6 (1982): 49-50.]
Gary Frost, "Historical Paper Case Binding and Conservation Rebinding," New Bookbinder 2 (1982): 64-
James Jackman (ed.), Leather Conservation: A Current Survey (1982).
Leather Conservation Centre (London), The Fibre Structure of Leather (1982).
C. Adam, Restauration des manuscrits et des livres anciens (1984).
The Conservation of Bookbinding Leather: A Report Prepared by the British Leather Manufacturers'
Research Association for the British Library (1984). [See review by Ellen McCrady in Abbey
Newsletter 8 (1984): 94-96.]
Roger L. Presley and Christina Landram, "The Life Expectancy of Paperback Books in Academic
Libraries," Technical Service Quarterly 4 (Spring 1987): 21-31; 7.4 (1990): 1-10.
Christopher Calnan and Betty Haines, Leather: Its Composition and Changes with Time (1991).
Bernard Middleton, "A Century of Developments in Restoration Binding," New Bookbinder 14 (1994):
Michèle Valerie Cloonan, "Bookbinding, Aesthetics, and Conservation," Libraries & Culture 30 (1995):
Maria Grandinette and Randy Silverman, "New Book Repair Methods in Research Libraries," Abbey
Newsletter 19 (1995): 29-33.
Brian J. Baird, "Paperbacks vs. Hardbacks," Abbey Newsletter 20 (1996): 93-95.
J.A. Szirmai, "The Archaeology of Bookbinding and Book Restoration," Quaerendo 26 (1996): 144-64.
Reprinted in New Bookbinder 18 (1998): 67-79. The Archaeology of Medieval Bookbinding
Doninic Riley, "Of Style and Structure: Restoring Rare Books," Biblio 2.1 (January 1997): 14-19.
Sarah Bunn, "A Method for the Construction of a Book Shoe," New Bookbinder 18 (1998): 80-84.
Sarah Bunn, "A Method for the Construction of a Phase Slipcase," New Bookbinder 19 (1999): 72-77.
Christopher Clarkson, "The Safe Handling and Display of Medieval Manuscripts and Early Printed Books,"
in Book and Paper Conservation Proceedings: Ljubljana, 1997, ed. Jedert Vodopivec and Natasa
Golob (1998). Reprinted in New Bookbinder 19 (1999): 12-38.
Deborah Evetts, "Coptic Bindings at the Morgan Library: Their History and Preservation," in Bookbinding
2000 Proceedings (Rochester Institute of Technology, 2002).
Bulletin of the Institute of Paper Chemistry (1930-58).
H.J. Plenderleith, The Conservation of Prints, Drawings, and Manuscripts (1937).
National Bureau of Standards, Preservation of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of
the United States (1950).
W.J. Barrow, Manuscripts and Documents: Their Deterioration and Restoration (1955, 1972).
W.J. Barrow Research Laboratory, Permanence / Durability of the Book (1964- ). [Volume 7 (1974) is
This page is from a document available in full at
252 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Physical and Chemical Properties of Book Papers, 1507-1949.]
Verner W. Clapp, "The Story of Permanent / Durable Paper, 1115-1970," Scholarly Publishing 2 (1971):
107-24, 229-45, 353-67. Also published separately by Restaurator, 1972.
John C. Williams, "Chemistry of the Deacidification of Paper," Bulletin of the American Group-IIC 12.1
(October 1971): 16-32.
George B. Kelly, Jr., "Practical Aspects of Deacidification," Bulletin of the American Institute for
Conservation 13.1 (1972): 16-28.
Anne F. Clapp, Curatorial Care of Works of Art on Paper (1973, 1974, 1978, 1987).
Mary E. Greenfield, "Mylar Envelopes," Guild of Book Workers Journal 11.3 (1973): 23-27.
Willman Spawn, "After the Water Comes," Pennsylvania Library Association Bulletin 28 (1973): 243-51.
Peter Waters, Procedures for Salvage of Water-Damaged Library Materials (1975, 1979).
Eugene Ostroff, Conserving and Restoring Photographic Collections (1976; revised from Museum News,
J.C. Williams (ed.), Preservation of Paper and Textiles of Historic and Artistic Value (1977-81.)
Maighread McParland, "The Nature and Chemistry of Paper: Its History, Analysis and Conservation," New
Bookbinder 2 (1982): 17-28.
Richard D. Smith, "Mass Deacidification: The Wei T'o Way," College & Research Libraries News 45
(1984): 588-93; "Mass Deacidification:The Wei T'o Understanding," 48.1 (Jan.1987): 2-10.
George T. Eaton, Conservation of Photographs (1985).
Gay Walker et al., "The Yale Survey: A Large-Scale Survey of Book Deterioration in the Yale University
Library," College & Research Libraries 46 (1985): 111-32.
Howard L. Needles and S. Haig Zeronian, Historical Textile and Paper Materials: Conservation and
Characterization (1986); . . . II (1989).
James M. Reilly, Care and Identification of 19th-Century Photographic Prints (1986).
George M. Cunha, "Mass Deacidification for Libraries," Library Technology Reports 23 (1987): 359-472;
"Mass Deacidification for Libraries: 1989 Update," 25 (1989): 5-81. [See also Michèle Valerie
Cloonan, "Review Essay: Mass Deacidification in the 1990s," Rare Books & Manuscripts
Librarianship 5.2 (1990): 95-103.
Teinosuke Endo, Restoration of Old Japanese Manuscripts and Books (1987).
Siegfried Rempel, The Care of Photographs (1987).
Margaret H. Ellis, The Care of Prints and Drawings (1988).
Ian P. Gibb (ed.), Newspaper Preservation and Access (IFLA, 1988).
Dewayne J. Lener, Paper Preservation: Conservation Techniques and Methodology (1988).
Canadian Council of Archives, Basic Conservation of Archival Materials: A Guide (1990).
Susan Sayre Batton, "Nonaqueous Deacidification at Princeton, 1982-89: A Progress Report," Abbey
Newsletter 14 (1990): 80-82.
Philip Luner (ed.), Paper Preservation: Current Issues and Recent Developments (1990). [Reviewed by
Ellen McCrady in Abbey Newsletter 16 (1992): 108-111.]
Klaus B. Hendriks et al., Fundamentals of Photograph Conservation: A Study Guide (1991).
Per M. Laursen, Description of Various Leafcasters, 1956-1982 (trans. Moya Tönnies, ed. Ellen
McCrady, 1991).
Ellen McCrady, "Three Deacidification Methods Compared," Abbey Newsletter 15 (1991): 121-22, 124.
Jennifer Porro (ed.), Photograph Preservation and the Research Library (1991).
Committee on Institutional Cooperation, Mass Deacidification (1992).
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Larissa B. Shapkina et al., "Restoring Book Paper and Drying Books after a Disaster," Restaurator 13
(1992): 47-57.
John Slavin and Jim Hanlan, "An Investigation of Some Environmental Factors Affecting Migration-
Induced Degradation in Paper," Restaurator 13 (1992): 78-94.
Centre for Photographic Conservation (London), The Imperfect Image: Photographs, Their Past, Present
and Future (1993).
H.J. Porck and L. Voogt, "Paper Conservation in the Netherlands: The Joint Approach," International
Paper History 3 (1993): 33-37.
Proceedings of the New York State Seminar on Mass Deacidification (1993).
Henry Wilhelm with Carol Brower, The Permanence and Care of Color Photographs (1993).
Helen D. Burgess (ed.), Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works on Paper (1994).
William E. Scott and James C. Abbott, Properties of Paper: An Introduction (2nd ed., 1995).
Craig A. Tuttle, An Ounce of Prevention: A Guide to the Care of Papers and Photographs (1995).
Penny Jenkins, "Observations from an Art Conservator about the Use of Straw in Paper and Boards," in
The Oxford Papers, ed. Peter Bower (Studies in British Paper History 1, 1996), pp. 89-91.
Henk J. Porck, Ellen van der Grijn, and Adriaan Kardinaal, "Analysis of Paper Destabilising Factors in
mid-19th C. Paper Production: A Contribution to the Development of a Conservation Policy," in
International Paper History Congress Book 11 (1996): 164-67.
Henk J. Porck, Mass Deacidification: An Update on Possibilities and Limitations (1996).
Peter Bower, "The Disastrous History of Paper," Institute of Paper Conservation Conference Papers,
1997 (ed. Jane Eagan), pp. 1-14.
Richard W. Horton, Making Albums for Photos and Paper Collectibles (1997).
Walter Crawford, "Paper Persists: Why Physical Library Collections Still Matter," Online 22.1 (1998): 42-
44, 46-48.
Jana Kolar and Gabriela Novak, "Deacidification of Paper--A Progress Report," in Book and Paper
Conservation Proceedings: Ljubljana, 1997, ed. Jedert Vodopivec and Natasa Golob (1998).
James M. Reilly, Storage Guide for Color Photographic Materials (1998).
Paul Banks, "What Makes Records Deteriorate," American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air
Conditioning Engineers Journal 41.4 (April 1999): 71-72, 74-76.
G. Dessauer, "Das Papier im Archiv," International Paper History 9 (1999): 25-34.
Eleonore Kissel and Erin Vigneau, Architectural Photo Reproductions: A Manual for Identification and
Care (1999).
Nicholson Baker, Double Fold: Libraries and the Assault on Paper (2000). [For some responses, see
Ellen McCrady, "'Preserving' Newspapers," Abbey Newsletter 24 (2000): 69-72; 24 (2001): 77, 80-
P.G. Gosavi, "Does Hand Made Paper Need Acid Free Conditions?", Paper History 10 (2000): 54-56.
Henk J. Porck and René Teygeler, Preservation Science Survey (Council on Library and Information
Resources, 2000). ["Paper," pp. 5-24.]
Wendy Smith, "Keeping Them Forever: A Rough Guide to Newspaper Preservation," Bibliographical
Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 24 (2000): 40-49.
Jósef Dabrowski and John S.G. Simmons, "Permanence of Early European Hand-Made Papers: Some
Technological Aspects and the Evidence of F.M. Grapaldo (c.1494) and of the Regensburg
Regulations (XVI2/2c.)," IPH Congress Book 12 (1998): 255-63.
Ellen van der Grijn, Adriaan Kardinaal, and Henk Porck, "Research into Paper Degradation from an
This page is from a document available in full at
254 Part 9: Writings on Analytical Bibliography C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Historical Starting-Point: A Case-Study on Discoloration of Nineteenth-Century Paper," IPH
Congress Book 12 (1998): 272-77.
Alexandre Martins, "Paper Permanence and Durability," IPH Congress Book 12 (1998): 264-71.
Birgit Reissland, "Ink Corrosion: Aqueous and Non-Aqueous Treatment of Paper Objects--State of the
Art," Restaurator 20 (1999): 167-80.
This page is from a document available in full at
Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Subject Index 255
(This index does not offer detailed coverage of Parts 6-8,
which are chronologically, not topically, arranged.)
Abbreviations, in manuscripts, 221
Accidentals, 18-19
Analytical bibliography. See Bibliography, analytical
Annotation, 19-20
Anthologies, 29-34
Apparatus, editorial, 20-21
Authenticity, 219-20, 237-39
Bearers, 170, 203, 213, 219
Beta-radiography, 241-42
Bibliography, analytical: in general, 155-60; and detection of forgery, 219-20, 237-39; checklists of
scholarship on, 157-58; of fifteenth-century books, 160-70; of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century
books, 170-204; of eighteenth-century books, 204-14; of nineteenth- and twentieth-century books,
214-20; of paper, 165-67, 190-92, 208-9, 215; of type, 162-63, 173-77; technical aids for, 240-44.
See also Codicology
Bindings, preservation and conservation of, 250-51
Books, printed. See Bibliography, analytical; Design and layout
Calipers, 240
Calligraphy, 232-37
Cancels, 170, 203-4, 213-14, 219
Casting off copy, 175-77
Codicology, 226-29
Collating machines, 242-43
Collation, 14-15
Compositor analysis, 163-64, 170-89, 205, 215; of layout practices, 177-78, 185-87, 188, 205-6; of
spelling and punctuation practices, 178-85
Computers, 22, 143-53, 243
Conservation. See Preservation
Copy-text, 12-13
Critical editions, 17-19
Cyclotrons, 243-44
Design and layout: role of, as integral part of content in manuscripts and printed books, 39-45. See also
Codicology; Typography
Documentary editions, 16-17
This page is from a document available in full at
256 Subject Index C Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002)
Editing, scholarly: anthologies and journals relating to, 29-34; arrangement of parts of editions in, 19,
20-21; assembling materials for, 13-14; basic distinctions and principles for, 11-12; basic steps
in, 11-22; classic writings on, 25-26; establishing relationships among texts in, 15-16; historical
surveys of, 24; introductory readings for, 8, 11-24; listings of writings about, 34-35; literature of,
23-35, 61-153; problem of copy-text in, 12-13; selected post-1950 writings on, 26-29. See also
Editions: critical, 17-19; documentary, 16-17; electronic, 22, 143-53; examples of, 47-50; facsimile, 16-
17; reviews of, 53-59
Electronic editions, 22, 143-53
Emendation, 17-19
Equipment, 240-44
Facsimile editions, 16-17
First printings, 214
Font analysis, 175
Forgery, 219-20, 237-39
Format, 167-68, 192-94, 210, 215-16
Furniture (in formes), 170, 203, 213, 217, 219
Handwriting, 232-37
Headlines, 168, 194-98, 211
Illumination, 229-32
Imposition, 167-68, 189-90, 192-98, 210, 215-16
Impressions: first, 214; first- and second-forme, 169, 199, 212, 218; unmarked, 212-13, 217-18
Incunabula, 160-70.
Ink, 164-65
Journals: on preservation, 246; on textual criticism and editing, 33-34
Justification, 178
Leading, 216
Leather, 250-51
Lighting devices, 240-41
Manuals, 50-51
Manuscripts, 220-39; abbreviations used in, 221; checklists of scholarship on, 221; collecting of, 239;
forgeries of, 237-39; general pre-1450 history of production and distribution of, 220-21, 222-26;
general post-1450 history of production and distribution of, 226; glossaries relating to, 221;
handwriting in, 232-37; illustrations in, 229-32; physical analysis of, 226-29
Micrometers, 240
Offset plates, 217-18
Optical devices, 240-41
This page is from a document available in full at
Tanselle: Introduction to Scholarly Editing (2002) C Subject Index 257
Paleography, 232-37
Paper: bibliographical analysis of, 165-67, 190-92, 208-9, 215; preservation and conservation of, 251-54
Photographs, 241; preservation and conservation of, 251-54
Physical evidence, 39-45, 155-220, 226-29, 232-39
Plates, 217-18
Point-holes, 168-69, 199, 211-12
Preservation, 244-54; checklists of scholarship on, 245-46; glossaries relating to, 246; of leather, 250-51;
of paper, 251-54
Press corrections, 169-70, 199-203, 212-13, 218-19
Press figures, 206-8, 215
Presswork analysis, 168-70, 199-203, 211-13, 218-19. See also Press figures
Printer's measure, 177-78
Proofreading; by printers, 169-70, 199-203; of scholarly editions, 22. See also Press corrections
Punctuation, 38-39
Reproductions, 14
Reviews of editions, 53-59
Rules (printers'), 175, 198
Running titles, 168, 194-98, 211
Signatures, 189, 198-99, 211, 216-17
Skeleton formes, 168, 194-98, 211
Spelling, 37-38
Stereotype plates, 217-18
Stop-press alterations, 169-70, 199-203, 212-13, 218-19
Substantives, 17-18
Textbooks and basic readings: on analytical bibliography, 155-57; on manuscripts, 220-21; on
preservation, 244-45; on textual criticism and editing, 8, 11-24
Textual criticism. See Editing, scholarly
Transcription, 16-17
Type: damage of, 173-77; design and manufacture of, 162-63
Typesetting. See Compositor analysis
Typography, 162-63, 173-77. See also Design and layout
Visual aspects of texts, 37-45
Watermarks, 165-67, 190-92, 208-9
This page is from a document available in full at