Assessment PracticesAssessment Practices
Assessment PracticesAssessment Practices
Assessment Practices
Foreign Language EducationForeign Language Education
Foreign Language EducationForeign Language Education
Foreign Language Education
Lynne McClendon
Rosalie M. Cheatham
Denise Egéa-Kuehne
Carol Wilkerson
Judith H. Schomber
Jana Sandarg
Scott T. Grubbs
Victoria Rodrigo
Miguel Mantero
Sharron Gray Abernethy
C. Maurice CherryC. Maurice Cherry
C. Maurice CherryC. Maurice Cherry
C. Maurice Cherry
Furman University
Lee BradleyLee Bradley
Lee BradleyLee Bradley
Lee Bradley
Valdosta State University
Selected Proceedings of the 2004 Joint Conference of the
Southern Conference on Language Southern Conference on Language
Southern Conference on Language Southern Conference on Language
Southern Conference on Language
and the Alabama Association of Foreign Language Teachers
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
© 2004 Southern Conference on Language Teaching
SCOLT Publications
1165 University Center
Valdosta State University
Valdosta, GA 31698
Telephone 229 333 7358
Fax 229 333 7389
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,
in any form or by any means, without
written permission from the publisher.
ISBN 1-883640-17-2
Valdosta State University provided equipment and facilities
in support of the work of
preparing this volume for press.
Review and Acceptance Procedures .............................................................iv
2004 SCOLT Editorial Board ........................................................................v
Introduction ................................................................................................. vii
Acknowledgments .......................................................................................... x
Special Series on Special Series on
Special Series on Special Series on
Special Series on
Assessment Assessment
Assessment Assessment
Assessment . ......................................xi
No Child Left Behind in ForeignNo Child Left Behind in Foreign
No Child Left Behind in ForeignNo Child Left Behind in Foreign
No Child Left Behind in Foreign
Language Education Language Education
Language Education Language Education
Language Education . .........................................................
Lynne McClendon
Using Learner and Using Learner and
Using Learner and Using Learner and
Using Learner and
eacher Preparationeacher Preparation
eacher Preparationeacher Preparation
eacher Preparation
tandards to Reform a Language Major tandards to Reform a Language Major
tandards to Reform a Language Major tandards to Reform a Language Major
tandards to Reform a Language Major . ........................
Rosalie M. Cheatham
tudent Electronic Portfolio tudent Electronic Portfolio
tudent Electronic Portfolio tudent Electronic Portfolio
tudent Electronic Portfolio
Assessment Assessment
Assessment Assessment
Assessment . ......................
Denise Egéa-Kuehne
Assessing Readiness of Foreign Language EducationAssessing Readiness of Foreign Language Education
Assessing Readiness of Foreign Language EducationAssessing Readiness of Foreign Language Education
Assessing Readiness of Foreign Language Education
Majors to Majors to
Majors to Majors to
Majors to
ake the Praxis II Examake the Praxis II Exam
ake the Praxis II Examake the Praxis II Exam
ake the Praxis II Exam . ...............................
Carol Wilkerson, Judith H. Schomber,
and Jana Sandarg
The The
The The
est: est:
est: est:
otal Physical Responseotal Physical Response
otal Physical Responseotal Physical Response
otal Physical Response
as an as an
as an as an
as an
Assessment Assessment
Assessment Assessment
ool . .....................................................
Scott Grubbs
Assessing the Impact of Narrow Listening:Assessing the Impact of Narrow Listening:
Assessing the Impact of Narrow Listening:Assessing the Impact of Narrow Listening:
Assessing the Impact of Narrow Listening:
Perceptions and Performance Perceptions and Performance
Perceptions and Performance Perceptions and Performance
Perceptions and Performance . .......................
Victoria Rodrigo
Accounting for Accounting for
Accounting for Accounting for
Accounting for
Activity: Cognition andActivity: Cognition and
Activity: Cognition andActivity: Cognition and
Activity: Cognition and
Oral Proficiency Oral Proficiency
Oral Proficiency Oral Proficiency
Oral Proficiency
Assessment Assessment
Assessment Assessment
Assessment . ..........................................
Miguel Mantero
Building Bridges for International Internships Building Bridges for International Internships
Building Bridges for International Internships Building Bridges for International Internships
Building Bridges for International Internships . ...........
Sharron Gray Abernethy
SCOLT Board of Directors 2003-2004 .............................
Advisory Board of Sponsors and Patrons 2003 ................
Previous Editions of
Dimension .......................................
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Review and Review and
Review and Review and
Review and
Acceptance ProceduresAcceptance Procedures
Acceptance ProceduresAcceptance Procedures
Acceptance Procedures
The procedures through which articles are reviewed and accepted for publica-
tion in the proceedings volume of the Southern Conference on Language Teaching
(SCOLT) begin with the submission of a proposal to present a session at the SCOLT
Annual Conference. Once the members of the Program Committee have made their
selections, the editors invite each presenter to submit the abstract of an article that
might be suitable for publication in
, the annual volume of conference
Only those persons who present
in person
at the annual Joint Conference are
eligible to have written versions of their presentations included in
. Those
whose abstracts are accepted receive copies of publication guidelines, which fol-
low almost entirely the fifth edition of the
Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association
. The names and academic affiliations of the authors and
information identifying schools and colleges cited in articles are removed from the
manuscripts, and at least four members of the Editorial Board and the co-editors
review each of them. Reviewers, all of whom are professionals committed to sec-
ond language education, make one of four recommendations: publish as is, publish
with minor revisions, publish with significant rewriting, or do not publish.
The editors review the recommendations and notify all authors as to whether
their articles will be printed. As a result of these review procedures, at least three
individuals decide whether to include an oral presentation in the annual confer-
ence, and at least six others read and evaluate each article that appears in
2004 SCOL2004 SCOL
2004 SCOL2004 SCOL
2004 SCOL
Editorial Board Editorial Board
Editorial Board Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Theresa A. Antes Sheri Spaine Long
University of Florida University of Alabama at Birmingham
Gainesville, FL Birmingham, AL
Jean-Pierre Berwald Joy Renjilian-Burgy
University of Massachusetts Wellesley College
Amherst, MA Wellesley, MA
Karen Hardy Cárdenas Jean Marie Schultz
South Dakota State University University of California, Santa Barbara
Brookings, SD Santa Barbara, CA
A. Raymond Elliott Anne M. Scott
University of Texas at Arlington SUNY-Cortland
Arlington, TX Cortland, NY
Carine Feyten John Underwood
University of South Florida Western Washington University
Tampa, FL Bellingham, WA
Cynthia Fox Ray Verzasconi
University at Albany (SUNY) Oregon State University, emeritus
Albany, NY Portland, OR
Carolyn Gascoigne Joel Walz
University of Nebraska at Omaha University of Georgia
Omaha, NE Athens, GA
Virginia Gramer Richard C. Williamson
Consolidated School District #181 Bates College
Hinsdale, IL Lewiston, ME
Norbert Hedderich Helene Zimmer-Loew
University of Rhode Island American Association of
Kingston, RI Teachers of German
Cherry Hill, NJ
Paula Heusinkveld
Clemson University
Clemson, SC
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
REMOVE HEADER line, leave the “vi”
One of the most onerous, yet critical tasks facing members of the Board of
Directors of the Southern Conference on Language Teaching (SCOLT) is that of
selecting a theme well in advance of each annual conference. Given the current
climate of demands for accountability and reform at national, state, and local levels
in both K-12 and post-secondary institutions, “Assessment Practices in Foreign
Language Education” seemed particularly timely as the theme for the 2004 SCOLT
meeting, March 18-20, in Mobile, Alabama. Although the invitation for presenters
to submit abstracts for articles to be considered for publication clearly stated that
authors were not required to address this topic, each of the contributions most
highly recommended by our Editorial Board for inclusion in this volume dealt with
the theme, either in part or almost exclusively.
Before readers begin perusing the eight primary articles in this collection, the
editors urge them to pay special attention to the announcement on pp. xi-xv, where
Lynne McClendon and Carol Wilkerson introduce a new series of articles on as-
sessment, to include an annotated bibliography on the subject in the 2005 volume
The authors also provide an overview of the two agencies approved
to accredit teacher education programs–the National Council for Accreditation of
Teacher Education (NCATE) and the Teacher Education Accreditation Council
(TEAC)–and explain how certification requirements, teacher licensure, and man-
datory tests vary across the states in the SCOLT region.
Touted at its inception as a major educational policy reform at the national
level and hailed by many as a much-needed initiative to mandate the kind of change
required to diminish many of the inequities in public education and hold states,
districts, and even individual schools accountable for the failure of their students to
demonstrate sufficient progress, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB)
quickly became a political football. The legislation attracted intense criticism once
results of high-stakes testing and other criteria used as evidence of success or fail-
ure showed that many schools and districts were not making the grade in terms of
mandated progress goals, often because of the obvious inconsistencies in estab-
lishing similar goals for otherwise comparable schools and districts. Nevertheless,
NCLB is a reality, and individual teachers, schools, and districts currently have
little recourse but to make every effort to comply with both the spirit and the letter
of the law. In “No Child Left Behind in Foreign Language Education,” Lynne
McClendon provides an overview of the law as it affects second language (L2)
teachers. More specifically, though, she examines in detail one of the key phrases
in the legislation, “highly qualified teachers,” as it is defined by the law, explores
ways in which current and aspiring L2 teachers and their administrators and super-
visors can assess progress being made towards meeting the goals of the NCLB act,
and suggests ways in which they can ensure that they are complying with the law in
a timely fashion.
Academic territoriality, parochial interests, and, on occasion, sheer paranoia
often lead to the maintenance of a curricular status quo in higher education, thereby
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
resulting in total stagnation of course offerings and program development. Despite
the fact that L2 programs at numerous colleges and universities have made consid-
erable progress in having their courses reflect the latest philosophies concerning
L2 acquisition, the transformation of the overall curriculum design of a particular
department or program in many cases shows little evidence of change over a period
of two or more decades. In “Using Learner and Teacher Preparation Standards to
Reform a Language Major,” Rosalie Cheatham explores the ways in which a for-
eign language department at one large university assessed its need for reform and
overhauled its curriculum to bring it more closely in line with current best prac-
tices, with attention to existing L2 standards and the specific needs of those en-
rolled in teacher education programs.
Portfolio review has become a mainstay of assessment tools at many educa-
tional levels. In “Student Electronic Portfolio Assessment,” Denise Egéa-Kuehne
provides an overview of the terminology related to assessment and discusses some
of the ways in which program assessment and evaluation have been practiced with
varying degrees of success in recent years. The author then cites both advantages
and limitations of using the electronic portfolio as a mechanism for assessing the
progress of individual students. Of particular value to those interested in undertak-
ing a similar venture is the concrete information the author provides concerning
both the organization of such a program and the specific list of technological tools
essential to the successful implementation of electronic portfolio assessment.
Few experiences prove so disheartening to an aspiring teacher as that of com-
pleting a prescribed program of course work and perhaps even a teaching intern-
ship, only to receive a score falling below the established minimum on a mandatory
standardized test. Just when such would-be teachers see themselves as being on the
threshold of beginning a career in L2 education, they see their dreams shattered.
One of the issues of greatest concern to those preparing teachers for qualifying
exams is the inconsistency among states in terms of both the specific tests being
required and the discrepancies in cutoff scores from one state to another. Of equal
concern is the nature of the specific exams in terms of content and delivery of
questions. In “Assessing Readiness of Foreign Language Education Majors to Take
the Praxis II Exam,” Carol Wilkerson, Judith Schomber, and Jana Sandarg survey
such inequities and concerns and offer concrete recommendations as to how candi-
dates for certification can best prepare themselves to achieve acceptable test scores.
“Total Physical Response” has become such a staple in the vocabulary of L2
educators that it is most commonly simply referred to as “TPR,” and the term
“Total Physical Response Storytelling” (TPRS) has more recently become almost
as widely known. Long an integral component of language programs in elementary
schools, TPR has in recent years been integrated into the curricula of language
classes for more mature learners. Nevertheless, the use of TPR both as a compo-
nent of the overall assessment process for individual language development and as
a measure of programmatic success has to date received insufficient recognition, as
Scott Grubbs reminds readers in “The TPR Test: Total Physical Response as an
Assessment Tool.” The author further argues convincingly that in addition to being
an effective pedagogical vehicle during early language instruction and a viable
evaluation instrument, TPR can be used to appeal to the multiple intelligences of a
diverse population of language learners.
A survey of the majority of methods texts and bibliographies of articles on L2
education reveals that the amount of literature on listening comprehension in L2
education generally pales in comparison to that available on the speaking, reading,
and writing skills. Therefore, any contribution in the area of developing listening
skills is particularly welcome if it adds something fresh, as is the case in Victoria
Rodrigo’s “Assessing the Impact of Narrow Listening: Students’ Perceptions and
Performance.” After surveying previous findings concerning the role of listening in
L2 learning, the author defines “narrow listening” (NL), provides a framework for
the systematic integration of NL into the L2 curriculum, and shares guidelines for
the development of the audio library critical to the success of the NL approach.
Finally, the author provides positive results from an assessment of both students’
perceptions of the approach and the effects of NL on their actual listening skills, as
measured by an aural comprehension test.
In “Accounting for Activity: Cognition and Oral Proficiency Assessment,”
Miguel Mantero examines another of the basic L2 skills, speaking, both with refer-
ence to the specific ways in which cognition plays a role in the assessment of speaking
proficiency, according to the
ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines,
and with respect to
determining the degree to which cognition should be a fundamental part of any
assessment of oral proficiency. Through a meticulous analysis of several oral pro-
ficiency interviews and collaboration with an external evaluator solicited to pro-
vide an objective point of view, the author concludes that cognition must occupy a
more central role in assessment of speaking proficiency and recommends that class-
room instructors make use of
instructional conversations
and a framework of
digenous assessment criteria
to enhance the abilities of their students to demon-
strate greater overall proficiency.
Because prospective employers and admissions committees continue to raise
their expectations of job applicants and candidates for admission to graduate pro-
grams and professional schools, college students make increasing demands on their
institutions to provide a more extensive range of internships, as is particularly the
case for those eager to integrate their interests in business and L2 study. In “Build-
ing Bridges for International Internships,” Sharron Abernethy details the structure
of one university’s language/business internship program, describes the procedure
by which it was assessed, and in several appendices shares both a syllabus and a
number of forms that may prove useful as models for those interested in develop-
ing similar programs at their institutions.
We believe that L2 professionals at all levels will view this volume as a di-
verse collection of informative articles, but we hope that readers will find them
truly enjoyable as well.
The Editors
Lee Bradley Maurice Cherry
Valdosta State University Furman University
Valdosta, GA Greenville, SC
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Among our greatest pleasures in preparing each volume of
is that
of working with an Editorial Board as generous with its time as it is knowledgeable
about the field of second language education. We continue to recruit reviewers
from within and beyond our SCOLT region, teachers of various languages at the
elementary level, in graduate schools, and at every stage in between. This year’s 19
readers hail from 16 different states and include those familiar with a broad range
of critical issues in second language education, research problems, legal concerns,
and a vast array of contemporary methodologies and instructional techniques. Our
reviewers are attentive to detail, and, in addition to their predictable role in citing
both the strengths and weaknesses of specific articles, many share with those whose
articles are to be published invaluable advice concerning potential references that
might otherwise have been overlooked, questions that should be addressed, and
recommendations for clarification of language or a change in focus in the treatment
of a particular subject.
It should go without saying that the authors deserve our praise as well, because
they have been willing to heed the advice of the reviewers, accepting most sugges-
tions in a positive way and in a few cases convincingly defending their original
observations. Even in the final days of our preparation of this volume, the editors
have had to communicate with almost all of the authors, in some cases requesting
clarification of a specific term or phrase and in others asking for a last-minute
update of a Web address or bibliographical reference. In every case the authors
have responded promptly and courteously.
Because many of those teaching second languages are less familiar with the
APA style than with other manuscript formats and since technological advances
have made citations of electronic references fairly complex, the task of double-
checking Web sources for accuracy and that of cross-checking text citations against
the References section of each article at times prove tedious. We therefore owe
special thanks to Donté Stewart, a Furman University undergraduate who has as-
sisted with the proofreading and verification of the many references in these ar-
As always, the editors of
and the SCOLT Board of Directors owe
our greatest debt to the Administration of Valdosta State University for having
made available to us the resources necessary for publication of this volume. With-
out such support,
Dimension 2004
would not exist in its present state.
Lee Bradley and
C. Maurice Cherry, Editors
Special Series on Special Series on
Special Series on Special Series on
Special Series on
ynne McClendonynne McClendon
ynne McClendonynne McClendon
ynne McClendon
Executive Director
Southern Conference on Language Teaching
Carol Carol
Carol Carol
Carson-Newman College
On the eve of its 40th anniversary, the Southern Conference on Language Teach-
ing (SCOLT) plans a special series of articles on assessment within the foreign
language profession. The 2004 edition of
offers an overview of the
instruments used to evaluate teacher education programs that prepare foreign lan-
guage teacher candidates and examines the teacher evaluation instruments required
for licensure in the SCOLT region. The series will continue in the 2005 edition of
with an annotated bibliography of noteworthy and recommended ar-
ticles on assessment.
Accreditation of Accreditation of
Accreditation of Accreditation of
Accreditation of
eacher Education Programs: NCAeacher Education Programs: NCA
eacher Education Programs: NCAeacher Education Programs: NCA
eacher Education Programs: NCA
TE and TE and
TE and TE and
TE and
There are two teacher education accrediting agencies approved by the U.S.
Department of Education. The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Edu-
cation (NCATE) was founded in 1954 and was acknowledged as the only agency
responsible for accrediting teacher education programs in 1992. Over 500 institu-
tions have met NCATE accreditation standards, and 48 states have a partnership
with NCATE to conduct joint or concurrent reviews. The Teacher Education Ac-
creditation Council (TEAC) was founded in 1997 and recently received federal
acknowledgement as an accrediting agency by U.S. Secretary of Education Rod
Paige. There are currently three institutions that have undergone TEAC review and
several others in the review process. The difference between these two agencies
can be seen in their distinct approaches in verifying the validity of a teacher educa-
tion program and its ability to deliver knowledgeable and skilled P-12 teachers.
NCATE is a performance-based accreditation system. A paper review of an
institution’s teacher education program is conducted either by the state or by a
foreign language professional organization according to the agreement NCATE
has with the state of the institution making application for accreditation. A Board of
Examiners conducts an on-site visit to evaluate the capacity of the program to meet
standards of delivery. The following standards form the basis of the NCATE review:
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
I. Candidate Performance
Standard 1: Candidate knowledge, skills, and dispositions
Standard 2: Assessment system and unit evaluation
II. Unit Capacity
Standard 3: Field Experiences and Clinical Practice
Standard 4: Diversity
Standard 5: Faculty Qualifications, Performance, and Development
Standard 6: Unit Governance and Resources
After submitting the
Intent to Seek NCATE Accreditation
form and meeting
obligations required for this process, institutional programs seeking NCATE ac-
creditation must provide a program report no longer than 140 pages with a cover
letter, an overview section, response to the standards to be met, and appendices
with supporting documentation. The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign
Languages (ACTFL) partnered with NCATE to develop the specific foreign lan-
guage standards, using the rubrics “approaches standard,” “meets standard,” and
“exceeds standard” to qualify the applicant’s degree of meeting them. After a re-
view of the information submitted with the Board of Examiners’ report, NCATE
awards one of the following designations:
first accreditation
provisional accredi-
conditional accreditation
, or
accreditation with
. Those interested in further information regarding the accreditation pro-
cess, should access the NCATE Web site at <>.
The heart of the TEAC process is based on the examination of student learning
and on the quality of evidence submitted by an institution to support its claim that
students are meeting established learning objectives. Each component also has a
focus on learning how to learn, multicultural perspectives and accuracy, and tech-
nology. The following represent TEAC’s goals and principles:
Quality Principle I
1.0 Evidence of Student Learning
1.1 Subject matter knowledge
1.2 Pedagogical knowledge
1.3 Teaching skill
Quality Principle II
2.0 Valid Assessment of Student Learning
2.1 Evidence of links between assessments and the program goal, claims,
and requirements
2.2 Evidence of valid interpretations of assessment
Quality Principle III
3.0 Institutional Learning
3.1 Program decisions and planning based on evidence
3.2 Influential quality control system
Announcement: Special Series on Assessment xiii
Standards of Capacity for Program Quality
4.1 Curriculum
4.2 Faculty
4.3 Facilities, Equipment, and Supplies
4.4 Fiscal and Administrative
4.5 Student Support Services
4.6 Recruiting and Admissions Practices, Academic Calendars, Catalogs,
and Publications
4.7 Student Complaints
A major component of the TEAC process involves the
Inquiry Brief
by the institution undergoing evaluation. This academic piece must describe clear
and evaluative goals for student learning and the application of these goals in cur-
riculum design and pedagogy, evidence of student learning, the way in which the
institution allows for continuous improvement, and the strength of the seven ca-
pacity standards. TEAC sends trained auditors to the institution to conduct the site
visit through a thorough investigation of the
Inquiry Brief
, including a request for
raw data to verify the claims made in this document. During the audit visit, the
institution has the opportunity to update important changes that may have taken
place since the submission of the
Inquiry Brief
. The audit team turns over its com-
pleted audit report to the Accreditation Panel to allow evaluation of the evidence in
order to determine which of the following categories of accreditation will be awarded
to the institution:
new program
, or
denied accreditation
. For further information regarding the TEAC
accreditation process and schools that have undergone this process, access the web
site at <>.
eacher Evaluation Instruments in the SCOLeacher Evaluation Instruments in the SCOL
eacher Evaluation Instruments in the SCOLeacher Evaluation Instruments in the SCOL
eacher Evaluation Instruments in the SCOL
Region Region
Region Region
The 13 states that comprise the Southern Conference on Language Teaching
(SCOLT) differ in the languages for which they certify teachers and in their certifi-
cation requirements. To simplify matters, the discussion that follows examines
certification instruments for French, German, and Spanish. However, Web sites are
provided for the benefit of readers wishing information for other modern languages
and the classics.
In the SCOLT region all states except Alabama, Florida, and Texas require
teacher candidates to take the
Praxis II Exam
for licensure to teach French, Ger-
man, or Spanish. The
Praxis II Exam
is a series of exams developed and administered
by Educational Testing Service (ETS), a professional test development company
based in Princeton, New Jersey. State departments of education or agencies re-
sponsible for licensing specify which of the various component tests in the Praxis
Series will be used for certification, and they establish their state’s minimum pass-
ing scores.
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
The two most commonly required component tests are the Productive Lan-
guage Skills Test and the Content Knowledge Test. The Productive Language Skills
Test is a 2-hour test of candidates’ speaking and writing abilities. The Content
Knowledge Test is a 2-hour test of 120 multiple-choice questions, divided into four
sections. The first section evaluates interpretative listening; the second tests knowl-
edge of the structure of the target language; the third assesses interpretative reading;
and the fourth tests knowledge of cultural perspectives. Test-takers respond to ques-
tions about language and culture based upon tape-recorded listening passages and
printed material. Details about specific tests, languages not mentioned above, and
passing scores may be found at <>.
Licensure in Licensure in
Licensure in Licensure in
Licensure in
Alabama, Florida, and Alabama, Florida, and
Alabama, Florida, and Alabama, Florida, and
Alabama, Florida, and
Three states in the SCOLT region have their own, distinct licensure require-
ments. In Alabama, teacher candidates take a common basic skills test, but each
college or university designs its own comprehensive content exam for licensure.
This procedure may change, as a U.S. District Court mandate allows that in 2005
the state may resume implementing subject matter testing (J. Meyer, personal com-
munication, October 28, 2003).
Candidates in Florida take state-made, multiple-choice and essay tests for their
content areas. The Spanish test assesses candidates’ proficiency in speaking, listen-
ing, writing, and reading, as well as their knowledge of Hispanic cultures (of both
Spain and Spanish America), language structure, and principles of second language
The French test assesses candidates’ communication skills, their knowledge of
French and Francophone cultures, and their knowledge derived from French and
Francophone sources and their connections with other disciplines and information.
In addition, the test evaluates candidates’ knowledge of pedagogy and their knowl-
edge of the nature of language and culture through comparisons of French and their
own language and culture.
The German test references the 1986
Proficiency Guidelines
of the American
Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages to assess candidates’ comprehen-
sion at an advanced level of spoken German passages pertaining to different times
and places on topics of general interest and daily routine and their ability to con-
verse in German at an intermediate-high level, to write German at an
intermediate-high level, and to read at an advanced level a simple connected Ger-
man passage dealing with a variety of basic personal and social needs and topics of
general interest. In addition, the test assesses the examinees’ knowledge of the
following: basic German vocabulary in areas of general interest and application of
vocabulary skills, basic German grammar and syntax in context, the social customs
and daily life of German-speaking countries, the history and geography of Ger-
man-speaking countries, arts and sciences, and pedagogy and professional
knowledge. More information and details about language not mentioned may be
found at <>.
Announcement: Special Series on Assessment xv
Teacher candidates in Texas take the locally developed multiple-choice
amination for the Certification of Educators in Texas
) for certification in
French, German, and Spanish. However, Texas is in the midst of replacing the
tests with the
Texas Examination of Educator Standards
), reported
to be based on public school curriculum (State Board for Educator Certification
Information and Support Center, personal communication, October 28, 2003). The
exams contain five subareas that assess listening, written communication,
language structures, vocabulary and usage, and language and culture. Details about
may be found at <>. French and Spanish candi-
dates are also required to take the
Texas Oral Proficiency Test
), a 75-minute
test in which candidates record their responses to a total of 15 picture, topic, and
situational tasks that range from intermediate to superior levels of proficiency. A
thorough description of each
test is available at <>.
Given the mobility of contemporary society, readers interested in transferabil-
ity of certification should examine reciprocity agreements established by The
National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification
(NASDTEC). Such information is available at <>.
blank page xvi
No Child Left BehindNo Child Left Behind
No Child Left BehindNo Child Left Behind
No Child Left Behind
in Foreign Language Educationin Foreign Language Education
in Foreign Language Educationin Foreign Language Education
in Foreign Language Education
ynne McClendonynne McClendon
ynne McClendonynne McClendon
ynne McClendon
SCOLT Executive Director
The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001, the revised Elementary
and Secondary Education Act, is one of the most sweeping educational re-
form movements in recent times. While there are many subcomponents of this
Act, one area specifically touches on foreign language education: “highly
qualified teachers.” This article examines the term “highly qualified teacher”
as defined by NCLB, as well as effective practices highly qualified foreign
language teachers, curriculum program specialists, and college of education
instructors can employ to leave no child behind in foreign language educa-
tion. Using this information, teachers, curriculum program specialists, and
college of education instructors can evaluate their own progress and pro-
grams to ensure that all students achieve a level of success in foreign language
Leaving no child behind implies that
students can learn. Over the last de-
cade and a half, foreign language education has been shaped by a guiding “can-do”
philosophy reflected in the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Lan-
guages (ACTFL) Statement of Philosophy in
Standards for Foreign Language
Learning in the 21st Century
Language and communication are at the heart of the human experience.
The United States must educate students who are equipped linguistically
and culturally to communicate successfully in a pluralistic American soci-
ety and abroad. This imperative envisions a future in which ALL students
will develop and maintain proficiency in English and at least one other
language, modern or classical. (National Standards in Foreign Language
Education Project, 1999, p. 7)
This same commitment is echoed in the publication
World Languages Other
Than English Standards
(National Board for Professional Teaching Standards,
2001): “Accomplished teachers are dedicated to making knowledge accessible to
all students. They act on the belief that all students can learn” (p. vi).
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
States receiving Title I funding must ensure that the teachers of the “core aca-
demic subjects”–English, reading or language arts, mathematics, science,
, civics and government, economics, arts, history and geography–meet
the definition of “highly qualified” to continue receiving funding (No Child Left
Behind Act of 2001, 2002). The term “highly qualified,” according to the National
Governors Association article, “NCLB: Teacher Quality Legislation,” indicates “that
the teacher has obtained full state certification (including alternative certification)
or passed the state teacher licensing examination, and holds a license to teach in
such state” (2002). The article declares that new elementary teachers, in addition to
having obtained state certification at the minimum of the bachelors level, must
also have “passed a test of knowledge and teaching skills in reading, writing, math-
ematics, and other areas of the basic elementary school curriculum.” Likewise new
middle and high school teachers, in addition to holding a valid state certificate at
the bachelor’s level, must also “have demonstrated competency in each of the
teacher’s subjects.”
Regarding veteran teachers, Title IX, section 9101 (23) (C), stipulates that
these teachers must also hold a valid certificate at the bachelors level and meet the
same standards required of new teachers by completing course work, passing a
test, or by demonstrating competence in all subject matter taught by the teacher.
The timeline for accomplishing the “highly qualified” teacher status for
ers in the core subjects, including foreign language, is by the end of the 2005-2006
school year. As of 2002-2003, states and local educational agencies must begin
reporting progress toward this goal and ensuring that “new hires” have met the
standards set forth.
Prospective foreign language teachers at the undergraduate levels would do
well to work with their institutions’ departments of education to ensure they have
the appropriate coursework and are prepared as well for teacher tests or other means
of accountability. Beyond the teacher tests, it is important for modern foreign lan-
guage teachers to be fluent enough to use language as a means of instruction in the
classroom. Many colleges and universities offer study-abroad programs designed
to enhance basic language skills obtained in the classroom. As post-secondary de-
partments of education begin aligning their courses of study with the National
Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)¹ standards and guide-
lines, the prospective foreign language teacher will be on track for successfully
passing tests that may be required by the state as a part of the licensure process and
for performing successfully in the classroom as well.
NCATE was founded in 1954 as a nonprofit and nongovernmental organiza-
tion devoted to the pursuit of ensuring quality teacher education programs through
rigorous standards that the education departments of universities and colleges must
meet in order to become NCATE-accredited. Several educational organizations
and associations comprise the NCATE council and contribute to the ongoing re-
search and refinement of what constitutes effective teacher education programs.
There is an established process for applying for accreditation, with preconditions
for being accepted as a candidate, a program review inclusive of both review of the
portfolio and an on-site review, follow-up reports, and maintenance of accredita-
No Child Left Behind in Foreign Language Education 3
tion once an educational unit has obtained its first accreditation. NCATE also pro-
vides workshops for institutions interested in initiating the process.
What are these standards that NCATE has indicated as the foundations of good
teacher preparation programs, and how were they created? The basic NCATE stan-
dards, developed by teacher educators, practicing teachers, content specialists, and
local and state policy-makers, were based on researched practices and conditions
for learning. Various content-related organizations and groups working with NCATE
took the next step of ensuring usable standards by addressing the core standards in
terms of the particular content area. In this respect ACTFL played an important
role in defining the standards in terms of foreign language education. Using re-
search from the field, the ACTFL Standards Writing Team set forth six content
standards that in general address the following categories: (1) proficiency in the
target language, (2) recognition of the role of culture and incorporating other disci-
plines, (3) language acquisition theories and practices, (4) standards-based
curriculum and implementation of standards in daily lesson plans, (5) the impor-
tance of varied assessments as an integral part of instruction, and (6) the importance
of professional growth for self-improvement with the ultimate goal of providing
the best instruction and classroom environment for all students.
In turn, these six content standards contain subsets of standards, supporting
explanations, and rubrics by which education programs can determine the extent to
which they are preparing future foreign language teachers. The rubric measure
terms (
Approaches Standard, Meets Standard, and Exceeds Standard
) are particu-
larly helpful in determining where program fine-tuning may be needed, and it is
this information that can be particularly instructive to foreign language curriculum
supervisors and practicing foreign language teachers. Since many of the new teachers
will be entering the teaching field with NCATE preparation, the current teaching
field would do well to use these rubrics to self-assess and make determinations
regarding what professional development is needed. Such self-assessments based
on these rubrics could support a curriculum specialist in designing or requesting
funding for professional development opportunities. In this way the foreign lan-
guage classroom becomes a receptive and continuous improvement environment,
edifying for newly certified teachers, current teachers, and most of all, the students.
These six content standards add another dimension to the term “highly qualified”
Obviously, “highly qualified” teachers should possess good teaching skills,
but what are “good teaching skills”? A definition of these goals, not a part of the
original bill as it was first introduced in the House, was added to H.R. 2211 (en-
grossed as agreed by the House) “Ready to Teach Act of 2003, Teacher Quality
Enhancement Grants, section 201” to provide some insight into what some legisla-
tors considered to constitute “good teaching skills,” described as follows:
(9) TEACHING SKILLS: The term “teaching skills” means skills that
(A) are based on scientifically based research;
(B) enable teachers to effectively convey and explain subject
matter content;
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
(C) lead to increased student academic achievement; and
(D) use strategies that
(i) are specific to subject matter;
(ii) include ongoing assessment of student learning;
(iii) focus on identification and tailoring of academic
instruction to students’s [
] specific learning needs; and
(iv) focus on classroom management.
What models are available for foreign language teachers to evaluate their per-
sonal performance in relation to defining “good teaching”? The National Board
certification process sponsored by the National Board for Professional Teaching
Standards (NBPTS)² presents a wonderful opportunity for teachers, particularly
veteran teachers, to hone their skills and advance student learning. Teachers both
in their portfolio and the one-day assessment center activities are evaluated on 14
standards. The NBPTS publication,
World Languages Other Than English Stan-
(2001), produced by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards,
provides elaboration of these standards and asks prospective candidates to reflect
upon how they are currently meeting these foreign language standards and perhaps
to consider some steps to take to address perceived deficiencies. The following
titles from the table of content represent the 14 standards:
Knowledge of Students, Fairness, Knowledge of Language, Knowledge
of Culture, Knowledge of Language Acquisition, Multiple Paths to Learn-
ing, Articulation of Curriculum and Instruction, Learning Environment,
Instructional Resources, Assessment, Reflection as Professional Growth,
Schools/Families and Communities, Professional Community, and Advo-
cacy for Education in World Languages Other Than English
While some states and local school systems may offer either financial assis-
tance or salary incentives for those undertaking this certification process, teachers
can at least self-assess their own standing regarding the standards presented in this
document whether or not they pursue the certification. Castor (2002) of NBPTS
says, “I routinely heard from participating teachers that the process of seeking this
unique credential was the best form of professional development they had ever
experienced, because it forced them to re-examine and rethink their teaching.” Of
course, many foreign language teachers are already addressing these standards and
would want to pursue obtaining the certification.
These standards, closely related to those found in the NCATE materials, pro-
vide an excellent measure for all foreign language teachers. It should be noted that
among the committee members who developed the standards are past and present
ACTFL Executive Council members as well as other noted foreign language edu-
cators. Many language organizations are offering assistance with the certification
process or facets of the process that will enable teachers to be successful partici-
pants and, of course, “highly qualified.” The NBPTS website² lists the foreign
language teachers who are designated as “National Board Certified Teachers.”
No Child Left Behind in Foreign Language Education 5
Another document,
Model Standards for Licensing Beginning Foreign Lan-
guage Teachers: A Resource for State Dialogue
, produced by the Interstate New
Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC)³ and sponsored by the
Council of Chief State School Officers, addresses similar standards found in the
NCATE and NBPTS documents. Likewise, the INTASC standards exist in many
content areas. The committee charged with developing the INTASC foreign lan-
guage standards correlated the 10 basic INTASC core principles to the performance
expectations for a foreign language teacher. As a result, the following titles repre-
sent the standards for evaluation of effective foreign language teaching:
Content Knowledge, Learner Development, Diversity of Learners, Instruc-
tional Strategies, Learning Environment, Communication, Planning for
Instruction, Assessment, Reflective Practice and Professional Develop-
ment, and Community
Additional information found in the “standards context” provides teachers with
an in-depth understanding of each standard and yet another opportunity to self-
The purpose of the INTASC document is to provide direction for setting poli-
cies pertaining to licensure, program approval, and professional development of
quality foreign language teachers. While this consortium was created in 1987, the
addition of the foreign language component is as recent as 2001-2002, when the
committee was formed and work was initiated on the foreign language standards.
ACTFL and many of the language specific organizations played a major role in
helping to shape the INTASC foreign language standards in line with research-
based effective practices. Other committee members included practicing teachers
of foreign language education, teacher educators, school leaders, and state educa-
tional agency personnel. As state educational agencies begin to address the issue of
“highly qualified” teachers and ensuring that “no child is left behind,” they will
doubtlessly rely upon this document already supported by state superintendents or
chief school officers. INTASC is already in the process of creating a test that will
assess a beginning teacher’s knowledge of pedagogical practices and a set of per-
formance assessments for new teachers to show that a teacher can design, implement,
and evaluate lessons for diverse learners. Teachers, supervisors of foreign language
teachers, colleges of education, and foreign language organizations would do well
to review these standards as a means of designing activities and programs for help-
ing teachers obtain the “highly qualified” designation.
Finally, for the K-12 teachers who want to focus primarily on instruction and
student evaluation to ensure that they are using the best practices to leave no child
behind, the
ACTFL Performance Guidelines for K-12 Learners
(1998), provide a
barometer for how well students should be performing at the novice, intermediate,
and pre-advanced stages. These guidelines are grounded in the
Standards for For-
eign Language Learning in the 21st Century
(NSFLEP, 1999), which define what
the K-12 foreign language curriculum should look like. Furthermore, these guide-
lines are arranged by modes of communication:
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
communication, as well as personal letters and e-mail),
(one-way read-
ing or listening), and
(one-way writing and speaking). Within these
modes, language descriptors are provided for
language control
cultural awareness
, and
communication strategies
The following example shows the progression of one guideline for “Comprehensi-
bility/Interpersonal” across the three stages.
Comprehensibility (How well are they understood?)/ InterpersonalComprehensibility (How well are they understood?)/ Interpersonal
Comprehensibility (How well are they understood?)/ InterpersonalComprehensibility (How well are they understood?)/ Interpersonal
Comprehensibility (How well are they understood?)/ Interpersonal
Reproduced with permission from the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.
Using the guidelines chart from which the above sample is taken, teachers can
easily identify the stage for a particular group of students and further identify the
number of descriptors their students can satisfactorily complete. By so doing, teach-
ers have the opportunity to plan instruction for the students who are not performing
at the level suggested by the descriptors. The performance chart lists student char-
acteristics and behaviors that can serve as benchmarks for noting student progress
in demonstrating language proficiency. It is also important to note that the Na-
tional Assessment on Educational Progress (NAEP) test in foreign language
(Spanish), scheduled for administration in 2004, uses the following tasks to evalu-
ate student skills: interpretive listening and reading, interpersonal listening and
speaking, and presentational writing.
The National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE), speaking
through its recent publication, the
Complete Curriculum: Ensuring a Place for the
Arts and Foreign Languages in America’s Schools
(2003), considers “highly quali-
fied teachers” important enough to list steps to be taken in its first 3 of 10
recommendations to ensure that foreign languages and the arts remain strong and
viable subjects of study. As noted by Tesser and Abbott (2003), a core group of
dedicated foreign language professionals, with input from the wider language and
educational community, has helped to develop consistent themes, measures, ex-
pectations, and philosophical underpinnings to the documents mentioned in this
discussion. The language profession is the better for this unified approach because
Novice LearnersNovice Learners
Novice LearnersNovice Learners
Novice Learners
Rely primarily on
memorized phrases
and short sentences
during highly predict-
able interactions on
very familiar topics ...
Intermediate LearnersIntermediate Learners
Intermediate LearnersIntermediate Learners
Intermediate Learners
Express their own
thoughts using sentences
and strings of sentences
when interacting on
familiar topics in present
time ...
Narrate and describe
using connected
sentences and para-
graphs in present and
other time frames when
interacting on topics of
personal, school and
community interests ...
No Child Left Behind in Foreign Language Education 7
it offers sound research-based and agreed-upon directions for what constitutes for-
eign language teacher quality. The issue of defining a “highly qualified” teacher is
perplexing, and, as Berry (2002) suggests, it will definitely not be productive if
federal guidelines focus primarily on subject matter competence. Nonetheless, the
foreign language profession is indeed very fortunate to have many well-crafted
collaborating models of what goes into making teachers “highly qualified” and, in
the final analysis, what will produce more fluent users of foreign languages.
¹ More detailed information regarding the application process, workshops and
timeline for the first accreditation and standards can be located at the NCATE
Web site: <>.
² Information on becoming National Board Certified can be obtained at the
NBPTS Web site: <>.
³ Information regarding INTASC and for ordering a bound copy of the
Language Standards
document can be located at the Web site for the Council
of Chief State School Officers: <>.
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). (1998).
performance guidelines for K-12 learners
(with fold-out Assessment Chart).
Yonkers, NY: author.
Berry, B. (October 2002).
What it means to be a “highly qualified teacher.”
east Center for Teacher Quality. Retrieved January 4, 2004, from http://
Castor, B. (2002). Better assessment for better teaching.
Education Week, 22,
National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE). (2003).
The com-
plete curriculum: Ensuring a place for the arts and foreign languages in
America’s schools.
Alexandria, VA: NASBE.
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). (2001).
World lan-
guages other than English standards (for teachers of students ages 3-18+).
Arlington, VA: NBPTS.
National Governors Association. (2002, July 26).
NCLB: Summary of teacher quality
Retrieved January 4, 2004,
National Standards in Foreign Language Education Project. (1999).
Standards for
foreign language learning in the 21st century
. Yonkers, NY: ACTFL.
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Office of Elementary and Secondary Educa-
tion. (2002). (H.R. 1, 107th Cong. (2001), P.L. 107-110). Student Achievement
and School Accountability Conference (October 2002). Slide 12. http://
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Ready to Teach Act of 2003. (H.R. 2211, 108th Cong. 2003; engrossed). Retrieved
January 4, 2004, from
Tesser, C. C., & Abbott, M. (2003). INTASC model foreign language standards for
beginning teacher licensing and development. In C. M. Cherry & L. Bradley
Dimension 2003: Models for excellence in second language education
(pp. 65-73). Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching.
Title IX, 9101(23) “Highly qualified [definition]” (C). Elementary and Secondary
Education Act (2002). P.L. 107-110. Retrieved January 4, 2004, http://
Using Learner and Using Learner and
Using Learner and Using Learner and
Using Learner and
eacher Preparationeacher Preparation
eacher Preparationeacher Preparation
eacher Preparation
tandards to Reform a Language Majortandards to Reform a Language Major
tandards to Reform a Language Majortandards to Reform a Language Major
tandards to Reform a Language Major
Rosalie M. CheathamRosalie M. Cheatham
Rosalie M. CheathamRosalie M. Cheatham
Rosalie M. Cheatham
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
While foreign language educators in many university programs have
worked to modify courses to reflect the emerging research on the best
practices for enabling language acquisition by student learners, the overall
curriculum design of language majors remains very similar to structures
in place more than two decades ago. This article describes a series of
initiatives that have led to a major redesign of a French curriculum at a
state university that uses as its organizing principle the two recently de-
veloped professional Standards documents: the Standards for Foreign
Language Learning in the 21st Century (National Standards in Foreign
Language Education Project, 1999) and the ACTFL Program Standards
for the Preparation of Foreign Language Teachers (2002).
For over a decade language department faculty at the University of Arkansas
at Little Rock have been actively engaged in systematic initiatives to establish mean-
ingful assessment of programs and students reflecting the most current professional
research. These efforts have resulted in content revisions in a number of courses in
French, German, and Spanish and in the use of oral proficiency interviews and
written assessment for all language majors immediately prior to graduation as a
measure of program assessment. Since many faculty believe that course grades are
the most accurate reflection of a student’s language ability, a specific level of mas-
tery has not been requisite to graduation. The syllabi of skill courses have changed
substantially over the decades to reflect current understandings of best practices
for language instruction, but the overall curricular structure leading to a major or
minor has remained remarkably similar to that of decades earlier, when neither
proficiency nor standards were bywords of professional language educators.
The current modifications in the French program that have utilized both the
Learner Standards K-16
, ACTFL Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the
21st Century
(National Standards in Foreign Language Education Project, 1999)
and the recently approved Teacher Standards
, ACTFL Program Standards for the
Preparation of Foreign Language Teachers
(2002) as the organizing principle have
resulted in the most significant structural change in the curriculum to date. These
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
changes have been specifically designed to assure that all students acquire a more
comprehensive and appropriate command of the target language than was common
in a more traditional program.
The ChallengeThe Challenge
The ChallengeThe Challenge
The Challenge
Both language and pedagogy faculty in the department have been actively
engaged using federal and state-funded grants in advocating to K-12 foreign lan-
guage educators throughout the state the appropriate application of the learner
standards in their programs. There has, however, been little incentive to effect the
changes required to embrace the learner standards in the university curriculum
until the recent approval of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Lan-
guages (ACTFL)/National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)
Teacher Preparation Standards in October 2002. This new impetus results from the
fact that Arkansas law requires that an institution of higher education be NCATE-
accredited in order for its pre-service teacher candidates to be eligible for licensure.
Failure to attain the requisite levels of proficiency by language teacher candidates
could, therefore, jeopardize the ability of licensure candidates in all disciplines at
the university to obtain teaching credentials. The specific imperative that has led to
the curricular reform described below is to assure that licensure candidates in French
have the maximum opportunity to attain the skill levels required by the approved
Teacher Preparation Standards.
This challenge is exacerbated by two additional realities. One of the require-
ments for teacher candidates to attain the knowledge, skills, and dispositions
described in the
ACTFL Program Standards for the Preparation of Foreign Lan-
guage Teachers
(2002) is “an ongoing assessment of candidates’ oral proficiency
and provision of diagnostic feedback to candidates concerning their progress in
meeting required levels of proficiency” (p. 24). Additionally, “candidates who teach
languages such as French ... must speak at a minimum level of Advanced-Low as
defined in the
ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines-Speaking
(1999)” (p. 21). While this
level of oral skill is understandably desirable and a reasonable minimum for class-
room teachers, it is a significant pedagogical challenge to university students, as
most of the program’s current graduates begin their study of French at the univer-
sity level. A decade-long effort to provide the highest quality instruction for all
students and recognition of challenges presented by the new Teacher Preparation
Standards are evident in the revised curriculum.
The Early InitiativesThe Early Initiatives
The Early InitiativesThe Early Initiatives
The Early Initiatives
Like their colleagues at many other institutions, faculty at UALR have for
many years attempted to keep abreast of the most current trends and research ini-
tiatives in foreign language pedagogy. Therefore, as proficiency guidelines were
first developed and subsequently codified in the 1986 publication of the
Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages/ Interagency Language Roundtable
(ACTFL/ILR) Proficiency Guidelines,
a documented shift began in the lower-level
skill courses toward an attempt to provide instruction that enabled students to com-
Using Standards to Reform a Language Major 11
municate in the target language. Modified Oral Proficiency Interviews (MOPI)
were required in many language skill courses and students in some academic pro-
grams outside the language department were required to attain at least an interview
rating of Intermediate-Mid in order to satisfy degree requirements. Although these
early efforts were somewhat primitive when compared to the expectations and ac-
tivities in modern textbooks and the opportunities for skill enhancement embodied
in various technological applications hardly envisioned at the time, the change
from teaching students about the language to enabling them to communicate in the
language has been embraced for years.
The first substantive curricular change occurred in the mid-1980s, when three
levels of conversation courses were added to the French program. The major was
revised to require all students to complete as a part of their degree requirements at
least one three-semester-hour conversation course at the intermediate or advanced
level as well as a more traditional stipulation for a course in culture and civilization
and at least two courses in literature. The reality, of course, was that apart from the
conversation and culture offerings, the only other content available was in the canon
of literature courses defined either by century or genre. However, the formal shift
to valuing student output of language began at this point.
The next documented institutional effort to update curricular content occurred
in 1992, when the entire language department at UALR became actively engaged
in the Reforming the Major Project, sponsored by the American Association of
Colleges and Universities. Working as a committee of the whole, the foreign lan-
guage faculty determined that the original
ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines
should be the organizing principle for skill courses at all levels and, in addition,
that all students should be assessed using the common metric of the proficiency
guidelines. The faculty in each language worked collaboratively to develop an as-
sessment instrument in each language that included testing of speaking, listening,
writing, and reading skills. This assessment was to serve not only as a record of
student skill but also as a measure of the effectiveness of course instruction in
improving each student’s proficiency in each skill. Each student was tracked so
that it would be possible to determine the relative success of students who began
their study of the language at the university level, as measured against those who
had studied over a period of years in K-12 programs or who had studied or lived
By chance, the assessment decisions that were a result of the Reforming the
Major Project coincided with the university-wide implementation of a new lan-
guage requirement for students pursuing a bachelor of arts degree. This provision
required students to complete nine semester hours of a language (specifically six
hours at the elementary level and three hours at the intermediate level) or demon-
strate equivalent proficiency. Eager to document to what extent, with what rapidity,
and in which courses student proficiency increased, initial determinations of the
department faculty provided for the newly developed assessment instruments to be
used at three points. The first administration was to be near the completion of the
nine-semester-hour requirement; the second was a course completion component
in the advanced skills sequence required for majors and minors; and finally, the
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
same assessment instrument was administered to students immediately prior to gradu-
ation. Although this emphasis on assessment was a well-intentioned effort to
document individual student progress and the effectiveness of course sequencing
in improving proficiency, it soon became evident that the logistics of administering
and grading three assessments per student were a burden, took away from instruc-
tional time, and helped neither the overall language acquisition of the student nor
provided essential data in the determination of the effectiveness of the course work
leading to the major. Performance on the multiple assessments seemed to reflect
student interest and effort to demonstrate proficiency as much as it showed real
progress in knowledge or ability. The faculty decided, then, to administer the lis-
tening, reading, and writing assessment only once, at the end of each student’s
program of study, and to continue the use of the oral proficiency interview.
The Second-YThe Second-Y
The Second-YThe Second-Y
The Second-Y
ear Coursesear Courses
ear Coursesear Courses
ear Courses
When in 1996 the department faculty became a part of the national Language
Mission Project (Maxwell, Johnson, & Sperling, 1999) proficiency-oriented as-
sessment was already requisite for all students majoring in a foreign language, and
the faculty had enough experience to be well aware of the limitations of assessment
instruments to demonstrate course or program quality. The Language Mission Project
provided a new opportunity for department faculty to undertake a collaborative
exploration of the purposes and practices of foreign language teaching and learn-
ing. Since a significant focus of participation in this project was on assuring that
the language curricula reflected the institution’s mission and because the language
requirement after 4 years was fully operational, department faculty determined to
focus on the content of the final “required” course, the third-semester (Intermedi-
ate I) course. This decision was made as faculty recognized that many students
were taking the third-semester course primarily to complete a requirement, whereas
previously most students had enrolled in a third semester either as the first step
toward a major or toward a minor. Where the course had previously served as a
beginning for serious language study, it had become an ending for a large majority
of students.
French faculty made a key decision to substantially alter the course content
from the traditional systematic reentry of structures taught in the elementary course
sequence toward a serious attempt to organize the syllabus around intermediate-
level proficiency guidelines. Believing that students who completed nine semester
hours of language study should be able to “do something” with their language and
knowing that a one-semester intermediate course was “too short” to assure that
students would achieve a sophisticated level of skill mastery, the faculty deter-
mined to organize the course around the intermediate-level speaking and writing
proficiency guidelines, wherein students are expected to be able to survive in the
target culture and to make themselves understood in predictable situations. Tests
and quizzes were minimized, and a series of three projects was implemented, each
of which was designed around real-world activities and focused on both skills and
content that students would need in order to demonstrate culturally appropriate
survival skills.
Using Standards to Reform a Language Major 13
While the exact format of the project emphasis has varied, each relates to
survival. Topics include requirements for a successful study abroad experience, for
working abroad, or for employment with a local company seeking an employee
who can communicate minimally in French. Required activities include having
students present themselves to a potential host family by writing a letter of intro-
duction and recording an audio- or videotape on which they talk about themselves
for the family or the university abroad and describe their family, hobbies, job, and
school interests. Another project option requires students to develop an appropri-
curriculum vitae
for presentation to a company with an opening in its international
department for someone with some communicative competence in French. All stu-
dents must be able to seek basic information in French required to move into an
apartment and set up housekeeping or to live with a family in the target culture who
do not speak English. Because the language proficiency required for these projects
is in the intermediate range, the skills students must demonstrate are both reason-
able and appropriate for anyone completing the nine-semester-hour requirement. A
major success of the project focus is that students end the course and their required
language study with an understanding that they can use French for something rel-
evant. Prior to the implementation of this concept, most students completed the
course far more aware of the limitations of their knowledge (as evidenced by errors
on tests) than of what they could accomplish.
The other fundamental change that this project focus required was that the
choice of structure and grammar to be taught be determined as a derivative of the
project content, as opposed to the more common systematic grammar review that
most intermediate textbooks provide. For example, students are taught linguistic
skills necessary to seek real-world information, as opposed to working on exer-
cises that use all the interrogative adverbs (e.g., “I’m looking for the closest bank,”
rather than “Where is the closest bank located?”; or “I need to buy a télécarte,”
instead of “Where should I go to buy a télécarte?”). In an attempt to provide stu-
dents with authentic and manageable input, the faculty selected texts published by
French publishing companies for teaching French as a foreign language. While by
no means a perfect solution, the
Café Crème
series (Di Giura & Trevisi, 1998)
provided a different format for accessing the needed content than was available in
other materials and had the added advantage of being relatively contemporary and
inexpensive for a one-semester course requirement.
One significant component of the exercise and assessment items contained in
these books is the usage of DELF-style activities (Commission Nationale du DELF
et du DALF, 2001). These activities are similar to many situation-based exercises
in American texts but tend to utilize more culturally authentic materials and native-
level language. While not a direct parallel to the Proficiency Guidelines that are
now so fundamental to language instruction in the United States, the competency
required for success on the DELF (Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française)
mier degré
second degré
or even the DALF (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue
Française) shares many commonalities with the skill progression reflected in the
Proficiency Guidelines
. Both DELF and DALF are internationally recognized ex-
aminations and as such provide external validation to both students and university
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
administrators that the language and skills that students are learning are applicable
beyond the borders of the course in which they are enrolled at the university. The
intent of DELF and DALF, similar to that of the
ACTFL Proficiency
, is
to evaluate the know-how of students and not simply their linguistic knowledge
independent of its context or usage.
As both levels 2 and 3 of the
Café Crème
texts (DiGiura & Trevisi, 1998) were
used in both the intermediate and advanced skills courses, the students became
clearly aware that know-how was the goal. This emphasis on know-how and profi-
ciency was again reinforced when the
Test de français international
, 2001)
first became available. It is a multiple-choice test designed to assess a student’s
ability to understand, speak, read, and write French as it is used in the international
workplace and in everyday life. The faculty decided to use the
in lieu of the
assessment instrument developed by the department and accompany it with the
oral proficiency interview, so that it would be possible to provide students with an
internationally recognized assessment of their proficiency in French. This decision
changed the role of the required “completion of the major” assessment from a
program assessment to a student assessment, but no other curricular modifications
occurred. The second semester of the intermediate course continued where the
required Intermediate I course ended, followed by a two-semester advanced skills
sequence, conversation classes, and relatively traditional culture, civilization, and
literature courses. French faculty discussed numerous options for broadening the
scope of curricular revisions, but it was not until the standards became the new
focus that reform in upper-level courses began to take shape.
The The
The The
tandards tandards
tandards tandards
and the Curriculumand the Curriculum
and the Curriculumand the Curriculum
and the Curriculum
With the publication of the Learner Standards K-16 in the
Standards for For-
eign Language Learning in the 21st Century
(National Standards in Foreign
Language Education Project, 1999), a new paradigm emerged in language instruc-
tion to reflect the understanding that language acquisition can be appropriate and
attainable for all students when it is appropriately focused on what students should
know and be able to do. Subsequently, the development of the
ACTFL Program
Standards for the Preparation of Foreign Language Teachers
(2002) brought a
new imperative to the level of skill acquisition for pre-service teachers. As stated
earlier, pre-service teacher preparation is a major issue for programs in Arkansas,
as the possibility for all disciplines at the university to have candidates obtain li-
censure hinges on the demonstrated ability of students in each licensure area to
meet or exceed the requirements of their discipline for initial licensure. Many stu-
dents who continue into upper-level French classes begin their language study at
the university level, and few of them begin their study of French with the intent of
becoming K-12 teachers. Furthermore, the teacher standards require a demonstra-
tion of progress over a period of time. Therefore, the faculty determined to use
both the learner and the teacher preparation standards as the guiding principle for
the next step in curricular modification, and any revisions would be applicable to
all students. As a result, if students who had not previously intended to become
Using Standards to Reform a Language Major 15
licensure candidates decided to do so near the end of their undergraduate academic
career, the instruction they would have received and the artifacts that would have
been retained would enable them to have the requisite credentials to seek licensure
as though such had been their original intent.
The new licensure requirement is that a candidate be able to document progress
in skill development over a period of time. Hence, the need to retain artifacts of
course work throughout the progression of courses leading to a degree is essential.
Since measuring by “standards” in any context should raise the bar on student
performance criteria, it was anticipated that making the standards applicable to
every student would have the added benefit of improving the proficiency of all
students in each skill area.
The focus of instruction shifts away from the teacher as the one who imparts
knowledge. The new research referenced in the
ACTFL Program Standards for the
Preparation of Foreign Language Teachers
(2002) suggests that “the course work
taken in the language major influences how the future teacher conceptualizes what
it means to know the target language, culture and literature and most importantly,
how the language is taught” (p. 7). Within these
it is understood that
standards 1 and 2 are content standards and deal specifically with the outcomes of
the course work in the language classroom. The other standards are more directly
connected to the pedagogical skills that pre-service teachers must acquire as part
of language pedagogy training and are not directly applicable to the French cur-
riculum modifications detailed here. It is clear, however, that if a university program
expects its pre-service teachers to meet or exceed the Teacher Preparation Stan-
dards and qualify for licensure, it is essential that language departments take seriously
the content knowledge required. It is pursuant to this reality that the final stage of
curriculum reorganization took place.
What have come to be referred to as the “five
s” of the learner standards–
Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons and Communities–have
become the rubrics for the organization of the French curriculum beyond the initial
three-course requirement sequence. Rather than continuing a two-semester inter-
mediate skills sequence, one of which fulfilled the requirement for the bachelor of
arts degree, followed by two semesters of advanced skills focusing traditionally on
the productive skills of speaking and writing, the second intermediate and both
advanced skill courses were modified to reflect the content of the Communication
standard. Entitled “Integrated Skills I, II, and III” respectively, each course is inde-
pendent of the others and focuses on one of the three “communicative modes”:
interpersonal, interpretive, or presentational.
Clearly much of the content required in these courses is similar to that of ear-
lier iterations of “proficiency-oriented” instruction. However, using the particular
mode as the organizing principle assures that it is the student production that is
important, while the specific activities or content may vary from semester to se-
mester and from student to student, depending on their individual interests.
Newspaper and magazine articles on current events selected from Internet sources
may provide the input for students to enhance their ability to understand written
French in the interpretive course, while students may develop Web pages or
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
PowerPoint presentations on a topic discussed in a course from another discipline
in the presentational course.
The challenge for faculty is to assure that content and input are appropriate
and that the expected productive outcomes can be measured in a way that encour-
ages students to progress. A newer series of texts,
(Capelle & Gidon, 2000)
is being used for aural input along with
Communication Progressive du Français
avec 365 activités
(Miquel, 2003), a series of thematically oriented interpersonal
exercises, to support the three-course communicative mode courses.
The next phase of curricular modification focuses on the Cultures, Connec-
tions, and Comparisons standards. Under this grouped rubric, there are three culture
and civilization courses that emphasize the perspectives, practices, and products
that describe the Cultures standard, enabling students to gain knowledge and un-
derstanding of Francophone cultures throughout the world (Connections) and
compare these behaviors to their own (Comparisons).
Finally, a series of seminars and practica uses a variety of sources to provide
the opportunity for content-based study and for acquiring a more profound under-
standing of linguistic patterns and systems than was contained in the lower-level
courses (Comparisons). Up to 12 semester hours of credit may be granted for study
abroad, and receiving credit for an internship experience in the target culture is an
additional option. Both opportunities give life to the Communities standard within
the undergraduate curriculum. The traditional century- and genre-based literature
courses have not yet been formally removed from the curriculum, but they are not
being offered as the new curriculum design is implemented.
As all of these substantive curricular modifications are phased in, beginning
with the 2003-2004 academic year, and as the major is reorganized to reflect the
new rubrics, the process is rendered even more significant as the faculty endeavors
to accommodate the avowed aim of the
ACTFL Program Standards for the Prepa-
ration of Foreign Language Teachers
(2002), which
are the most recent and thorough attempt to establish clear expectations
for teacher preparation and reflect a reconceptualization of foreign lan-
guage teaching . . . based on the assumption that learning to teach is a
long-term, complex, developmental process that starts with competencies
in language and culture and operates through participation in the social
practices and context associated with learning and teaching. (p. 5)
It is too early to know whether the change in structure of the French major and
the focus on learner and teacher standards will result in a significant improvement
in the proficiency level in all skills for all students or whether Advanced Low oral
proficiency will become a reality for a significant percentage of students. It is,
however, already evident that students understand clearly that the opportunities for
language acquisition and output are practical, real world, and attainable. This un-
derstanding is reflected in both their enthusiasm and in the quality of their
performance. Anecdotal and experiential evidence suggests that as enthusiasm for
Using Standards to Reform a Language Major 17
language production and quality of communicative competence increase, overall
skill mastery will be demonstrably enhanced.
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. (2002).
ACTFL pro-
gram standards for the preparation of foreign language teachers.
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. (1986).
ACTFL profi-
ciency guidelines
. New York: ACTFL.
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. (1999).
ACTFL profi-
ciency guidelines–speaking
. New York: ACTFL.
Capelle, G., & Gidon, N. (2000).
Reflets, Méthode de français
Paris: Hachette.
Commission Nationale du DELF et du DALF, Centre International d’Études
Pédagogiques. (2001).
Guide des sujets du DELF et du DALF.
Paris: Didier.
Di Giura, M., & Trevisi, S. (1998).
Café Crème
. Paris: Hachette.
Maxwell, D., Johnson, J. S., & Sperling, J. (1999). Language mission project: A
report of findings.
Liberal Education, 85
, 40-47.
Miquel, C. (2003).
Communication progressive du français
. Paris: Clé Interna-
National Standards in Foreign Language Education Project. (1999).
Standards for
foreign language learning in the 21st century.
Yonkers, NY: ACTFL.
Test de français international
. (2001). Kingston, ON, Canada: Chauncey Group
blank page 18
tudent Electronic Portfolio tudent Electronic Portfolio
tudent Electronic Portfolio tudent Electronic Portfolio
tudent Electronic Portfolio
Denise Egéa-KuehneDenise Egéa-Kuehne
Denise Egéa-KuehneDenise Egéa-Kuehne
Denise Egéa-Kuehne
Louisiana State University
A brief review of the traditional types of assessment used in second
language education is followed by a discussion of the limitations of stan-
dardized testing. The author then addresses the challenge of assessing a
student’s development over time with a performance-based approach,
showing how one alternative assessment form, the electronic portfolio,
can help teachers keep track of a student’s progress over a long period of
time and also provide valuable information for curriculum specialists,
principals, school boards, parents, and the community. The technologies
necessary to support the development of electronic portfolios and its step-
by-step procedures are described.
As foreign language educators, we constantly have to test, evaluate, and assess
our students. On the basis of these results, we are expected to make informed deci-
sions as to their level of achievement and progression with respect to predeter-
mined norms and criteria, to adjust our instruction accordingly, and to provide
information to schools and educational agencies. In 1996, a new educational tool
was made available to all members of the profession when the American Council
on the Teaching of Foreign Languages published the final draft of the
for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century
(National Standards in For-
eign Language Education Project). Although the document includes 12 sample
progress indicators for grades 4, 8, and 12 that define student progress in meeting
the standards, these progress indicators are not performance standards themselves,
and it was left up to individual states and school districts to determine performance
standards for their students. Besides asking for performance-based assessment,
content standards, which indicate what students should know and be able to do,
raise the issue of documenting students’ increased competency in subject matter
and of doing so over a period of time.
Educational Quality and Educational Quality and
Educational Quality and Educational Quality and
Educational Quality and
Assessment in Foreign LanguageAssessment in Foreign Language
Assessment in Foreign LanguageAssessment in Foreign Language
Assessment in Foreign Language
Several terms are used to refer to gathering information on foreign language
learners, interpreting it, and making informed decisions in a systematic fashion.
Although used interchangeably at times, the terms “testing,” “assessment,” and
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
“evaluation” are not synonymous. Testing can be defined as a means of determin-
ing knowledge, and it refers to the performance of the task, written or oral. On the
other hand, “assessment,” according to Fenton (1996), “is the collection of rel-
evant information that may be relied on for making decisions.” When a standard
and a decision-making system are applied “to assessment data to produce judg-
ments about the amount and adequacy of the learning that has taken place,” an
evaluation is being made. The individuals making an informed decision are re-
ferred to as the “audience.” The types of decisions that can be made are as varied as
the types of possible audiences. In the schools, they are the teachers and learners,
parents, board members, and administrators. Outside the schools, they may be leg-
islators, policy makers, college admissions personnel, scholarship committees, and
accreditation or funding agencies that are looking for feedback to assess the amount
of learning that has taken place and the efficiency of the instruction.
Traditional assessment focuses on grades and ranking based on knowledge,
curriculum, and skills. Classroom traditional assessment is based on quizzes, home-
work assignments, and standardized tests measuring the students’ results against a
norm (standardized norm-referenced tests) or a criterion (proficiency-based, crite-
rion-referenced tests). The common practice of using standardized testing to mea-
sure students’ aptitudes, knowledge, and skills has met with wide support because
of several factors. Standardized tests can be administered easily at a relatively low
cost, and since their results are quantitative, they can easily be analyzed through
statistical procedures and reported or transmitted at a low cost, briefly and rapidly.
As a consequence, the information they provide can be made available on a wide
scale, allowing comparisons of student performance across school districts, states,
and even international borders. Most policy-makers, government agencies, busi-
nesses, or media, appreciating the advantages these tests offer and the authority
generally imparted to their numerical results, accept them as valid and reliable
indicators of quality education. Meanwhile, they can easily overlook the consider-
able variations that may exist in standardized testing.
Standardized tests have several limitations, and questions are raised concern-
ing their ability to measure accurately the quality of students’ learning and perfor-
mance, thereby revealing their inadequacy as a measure of what students know and
can do (content standards). Both research and practice have suggested that teach-
ing and testing should be closely connected. Oller pointed out that “perhaps the
essential insight of a quarter of a century of language testing (both research and
practice) is that good teaching and good testing are, or ought to be, nearly indistin-
guishable” (1991, p. 38). More recently, Terry stressed that “any material or tech-
nique that is effective for teaching a foreign language can also be used for testing”
(1998, p. 277). As a consequence, when teachers and students aim toward foreign
language content-standards-driven goals, striving to work with authentic materials
and contexts and completing real-world tasks, a new paradigm for assessment is
needed, calling for ongoing performance assessments of students’ progress toward
meeting these standards over a period of time.
Advances in research and theory and in technology indicate that it may be
possible to better assess the quality of education and students’ achievements by
Student Electronic Portfolio Assessment 21
taking into account multiple indicators of a student’s work. “Alternative assess-
ment approaches,” which focus on student-generated responses as opposed to choos-
ing among proposed responses, as in standardized multiple-choice tests, are also
designated as “authentic assessment,” “performance-based assessment,” and, more
recently, “portfolio assessment.”
Alternative Alternative
Alternative Alternative
Assessment and PortfoliosAssessment and Portfolios
Assessment and PortfoliosAssessment and Portfolios
Assessment and Portfolios
Authentic or performance-based assessment focuses on immediately observ-
able results, implemented through standards, tasks, criteria, and scoring rubrics.
Portfolio assessment adds another dimension, documenting the growth and devel-
opment of students
over a period of time
. Through the process of selecting among
their works and analyzing the selected works, students are led to self-evaluation
and the setting of future goals.
Out of discussions at a conference on “Aggregating Portfolio Data” held by
the Northwest Evaluation Association in Union, Washington, a group of educators
from seven states, including F. Leon Paulson, Pearl R. Paulson and Carol A. Meyer,
helped define a student’s portfolio as “a purposeful collection of student work that
exhibits the student’s efforts, progress, and achievements. The collection must in-
clude student participation in selecting contents, the criteria for selection, the crite-
ria for judging merit, and evidence of student self-reflection” (Paulson, Paulson, &
Meyer, 1991, p. 60). Stiggins (1994) adds that a portfolio is also “a means of
communicating about a student’s growth and development,” and is “not a form of
assessment” per se (p. 87). However, it can be used very effectively for perfor-
mance-based assessment because a portfolio holds examples of a student’s work
(artifacts), since some of those artifacts may be the results of performance assess-
ment and because the reflection on that work transforms those artifacts into “evi-
dence” of achievement.
One obvious advantage of portfolios is that they provide a richer picture of
student performance than do more traditional, so-called “objective” forms of test-
ing, and, most importantly, because they do so over a period of time. Traditional
portfolios can be standards-based and may consist of ring binders, notebooks, or
files divided into sections to organize the students’ work and to document their
level of achievement for each standard. These files and binders may be collected in
drawers, boxes, or other large containers. Photographs, audiotapes, and videotapes
have often been used to keep a record of students’ work. Advances in technology
have prompted the development of electronic and digital portfolios, which move
both the process and the resulting product into another dimension.
The development of electronic and digital portfolios is supported by two main
theoretical frameworks. Portfolio development literature (Danielson & Abrutyn,
1997) discusses collection, selection, reflection, and projection or direction. Mul-
timedia development research (Ivers & Barron, 1998) is concerned with assess-
ment and decision, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Elec-
tronic and digital portfolios involve the use of electronic technologies to enable
students and teachers to collect and organize artifacts in various media types (texts,
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
graphs, audio, video, etc.) and establish hypertext links to organize that material
and connect it across artifacts as well as to appropriate standards, especially in the
case of the standards-based portfolios.
There is a difference between electronic and digital portfolios. Electronic port-
folios contain artifacts that may be analyzed in analog form (e.g., videotapes), or
may be in computer-readable form (e.g., word processor documents). Digital port-
folios contain artifacts that have all been converted to computer-readable forms
(e.g., digitized or scanned). I shall refer to them below simply as “electronic port-
folios,” leaving the degree of digital integration up to individual choices in plan-
ning, design, and implementation.
Students’ electronic portfolios offer many advantages (Kankaanrana, Barrett,
& Hartnell-Young, 2000; Kilbane & Milman, 2003), because of the process in-
volved in creating them and because of the resulting products. The electronic port-
folio is learner-centered, and its creation provides ample opportunities for inciden-
tal learning and can increase technological and multimedia skills and knowledge,
from setting up folders to burning compact disks. It is an effective tool to demon-
strate students’ achievements and evidence of their having met standards, espe-
cially when it includes hypertext links to foreign language content standards and
educational technology standards (at national, regional, or district levels). From a
practical viewpoint, as opposed to traditional “files and boxes” portfolios, elec-
tronic portfolios use minimal storage space, are more portable, have a long shelf-
life and make it easy to create backup files. They are also more easily and widely
accessible and distributed, especially in the case of “Webfolios” (Nellen, 2000;
Sheingold, 1992). If they are on the Web, they also enable the replaying of perfor-
mance works at any time, and anywhere. On a more personal level, they can pro-
vide students and teachers with a sense of accomplishment, satisfaction, increased
self esteem, and confidence, not only in their academic achievements but also in
their ability to use technology. In both cases, students can perceive tangible evi-
dence of their personal growth. Moreover, foreign language content standards and
educational technology standards offer an ideal framework for planning and orga-
nizing an electronic portfolio, and most states have adopted them by now.
On the other hand, some major issues have been raised about electronic port-
folios, including concerns about the infrastructure, the curriculum, the importance
of reflection, high-stakes portfolios, and the audience. The infrastructure available
in each school or classroom must be carefully considered: What types of technol-
ogy are available to students? Does the school or classroom environment include
computer equipment and software, network access, storage, publishing environ-
ment? How easy and frequent is their access? Questions concerning the curriculum
include these: When and at what point in the curriculum is the concept of electronic
portfolios introduced to the students? Does the curriculum include “appropriate”
digital artifacts for electronic portfolios? Is a course planned in the curriculum for
students to develop an electronic portfolio or at least get it underway? Does the
curriculum include procedures to assess electronic portfolios?
Student Electronic Portfolio Assessment 23
Reflection is an important component of the portfolio process, since it is the
step that moves portfolio development from mere gathering of data into a forma-
tive assessment and the learning process. At the 2000 American Educational Re-
search Association conference, Breault raised questions about high-stakes portfo-
lios and whether they include reflection, pointing out that they may undermine the
formative aspect of reflective portfolios. In addition, Breault cautioned against the
possible conflicting purposes, goals, and values between teacher and student in the
development of high-stakes portfolios. Posting a portfolio on the Internet raises
some specific audience issues regarding the quality and depth of reflection, intel-
lectual property rights, security, and access.
Electronic portfolios and especially digital portfolios present some challenges
in relation to the knowledge and skill levels they require with respect to the use of
various types of hardware and software. They also require professional and techni-
cal support, expensive equipment, and a greater investment of time and energy, the
flip side of often inspiring greater content, creativity, and depth. Furthermore, be-
cause not all members of the intended audience may have equal skills and access to
electronic portfolios, the portfolios will be restricted to those with the skills and
resources to view them.
Planning and Development of Foreign Language SPlanning and Development of Foreign Language S
Planning and Development of Foreign Language SPlanning and Development of Foreign Language S
Planning and Development of Foreign Language S
tudent Portfoliostudent Portfolios
tudent Portfoliostudent Portfolios
tudent Portfolios
When planning a portfolio, one must always consider the purpose and the
audience, both of which will determine many of the following context factors. Dif-
ferent audiences, students of varied ages and at different levels, will have distinct
purposes and will require specific portfolio formats for storage, showcasing, as-
sessment, presentation, and publication.
The Portfolio Connection
, Burke, Fogarty, and Belgrad (1994) propose
several steps toward portfolio development. They include the following:
purposes, formulating the overall goals for the portfolio;
and organize arti-
key artifacts, establishing priorities and determining what the content
of the portfolio will include;
personal style in the choices of design, cover,
and layouts;
, labeling each artifact according to its meaning and value, ex-
plain why each artifact was selected and what its inclusion in the portfolio means;
to self-assess, indicating whether long-term and short-term goals are met
and how, pointing out evidences of strengths and weaknesses;
and evalu-
ate, refining the content and getting ready for evaluation or grading, bringing the
portfolio to the stage of a polished final draft or a final product;
, sharing
the portfolio with someone, using it to establish a meaningful dialogue;
to refine and update the portfolio; and
what has been accomplished by
showing the portfolio to an audience.
From these 10 steps, the authors define three options for portfolio develop-
ment: The
essential portfolio
, the most basic, involves three steps only: collect,
select, and reflect. For the
expanded portfolio
, they add three steps and suggest
these six: to project, collect, select, reflect, perfect, and connect. When all 10 steps
are followed, the result is the
elaborated portfolio
. Burke, Fogarty, and Belgrad do
not, however, include technology in the development of these portfolios.
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
In her analysis of portfolio development, Barrett (1999) uses Burke, Fogarty,
and Belgrad’s (1994) steps, but she includes technology and organizes the steps
differently, giving some of them (e.g., connect) a slightly different meaning. She
defines five stages of development and distinguishes different types of electronic
portfolios. The first step remains defining portfolio contexts and goals, to be fol-
lowed by the working portfolio, the reflective portfolio, the connected portfolio,
and the presentation portfolio. They are supported by five levels of electronic so-
phistication based on “ease of use,” including (1) word processing, (2) PowerPoint,
database files or hypermedia stacks, (3) Adobe Acrobat plus audio and video files,
(4) HTML-Web pages, and (5) multimedia authoring.
Two possible approaches are available in electronic portfolio development,
whether one chooses to use generic tools or a customized system. The generic tools
approach uses off-the-shelf software and more closely works on the model of col-
lections of artifacts in file boxes or binders. Although the structure of the portfolio
is then imposed by the developer of the chosen software, there is room for flexibil-
ity and creativity. If the cost for the infrastructure is lower, on the other hand, the
cost for training is higher; however, once the procedure has started, students can
continue to develop their portfolios, even after leaving the system.
The most common generic tools used to develop portfolios include relational
databases (e.g., FileMaker Pro, Microsoft Access), hypermedia cards formats (e.g.,
HyperStudio, HyperCard, Digital Chisel, SuperLink and commercial templates),
multimedia authoring software (e.g., Macromedia Authorware, Macromedia Di-
rector), network compatible hypermedia (e.g., HTML/WWW Pages, Adobe Acro-
bat/PDF), and office suite multimedia slide shows (e.g., PowerPoint, AppleWorks)
(Barrett, 2001a, 2001b).
The customized approach requires designing a networked system or buying a
proprietary software package. Although it offers record-keeping systems to collect
artifacts and reflections, because it is highly structured and uses on-line databases,
it can limit flexibility and creativity. The cost for infrastructure is high, but the cost
for training may be lower, depending on the design of the system. A serious issue is
what happens to the portfolios once students leave the system. In fact, there is no
“best” electronic program to develop electronic portfolios. Choices depend on the
assessment context, human and technological factors, such as students’ technologi-
cal skills, availability of personnel for professional and technical support, class-
room and school equipment and schedules, and even school district infrastructure.
Foreign Language SForeign Language S
Foreign Language SForeign Language S
Foreign Language S
tudent Electronic Portfolio Procedurestudent Electronic Portfolio Procedures
tudent Electronic Portfolio Procedurestudent Electronic Portfolio Procedures
tudent Electronic Portfolio Procedures
For all portfolios, the first step is to identify their purpose and primary audi-
ence. In the foreign language class, the content standards (what students should
know and be able to do) will provide the goals and organizing framework, with the
sample progress indicators defining the students’ progress in meeting those stan-
dards. Identifying the foreign language content standards to be used is an essential
component of student portfolio planning. Once identified, electronic folders can be
set up to organize artifacts that will reflect the 5
s (Communication, Cultures,
Student Electronic Portfolio Assessment 25
Connections, Comparisons, and Communities) of the ACTFL Foreign Language
Standards (National Standards in Foreign Language Education Project, 1996), as
well as any existing state and local standards. When students plan electronic port-
folios, they must consider national (and available state and local) educational tech-
nology standards, which are available at the International Society for Technology
Education (ISTE) Web site, <> and which should be
part of the organizing framework. During this first stage, it will be necessary to
identify all resources carefully: human resources (availability of personnel for pro-
fessional and technical support and advice) and material support (hardware, soft-
ware, time and curriculum constraints, skills constraints, and infrastructure).
In the second stage, collecting will be the primary activity of the students. The
purposes, audiences, goals, and future use of these artifacts will determine their
content. (Danielson & Abrutyn, 1997). Squirreling, packing, and storing will be
the main skills required at that stage. The development of an electronic portfolio,
an ongoing process that unfolds over a period of time, requires early planning,
setting up an electronic filing system, and using high-density storing devices such
as Zipdisks, Jaz disks, CD-ROM, and DVD-RAM.
Barton and Collins (1997) have suggested several types of evidence that can
be collected for a portfolio. They include artifacts and documents produced through
regular academic work, reproductions of student work produced outside the class-
room, attestations documenting students’ academic progress, and productions con-
sisting of documents prepared specifically for the portfolios. These productions
may be goal statements, students’ personal interpretations of each specific purpose
for their own portfolios, reflective statements written by students as they review
and organize the evidence they have collected in their portfolios, and captions, that
is, statements attached to each piece of evidence, articulating what it is, why it
qualifies as evidence, and for what it stands as evidence (Barton & Collins). It is at
the latter stage that students can interject their personal preferences by selecting
appropriate multimedia to add their own style and individuality into their respec-
tive portfolios.
Stage three requires that students select the artifacts that best represent achieve-
ment of the standards and goals, write a general reflective statement on achieving
each standard, and include specific reflective statements for each artifact chosen.
They must elaborate on why each was selected and on its meaning and value for the
portfolio. At this stage, Campbell, Melenyzer, Nettles, and Wyman (2000) and
Campbell, Cignetti, Melenyzer, Nettles, and Wyman (2001) suggest three helpful
questions: “What?” “So what?” “Now what?” They explain:
To use these questions, the student would first summarize the artifact that
documents the experience, in order to answer the question “What?” Sec-
ond, the student would reflect on what he or she learned and how this
leads to meet the standard, which answers the question “So what?” And
third, the student would address implications for future learning needed
and set forth refinements or adaptations, in order to answer “Now what?”
(Campbell, Melenyzer, et al., p. 22)
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Such questions can easily be used as reflective prompts, and the last one will
lead students to notice patterns in the work they have collected, and to “project,”
that is, to look ahead and set goals for future learning (Danielson & Abrutyn, 1997).
Through this reflection and analysis, students become increasingly aware of them-
selves as learners. This awareness is the major step that separates a good portfolio
from a multimedia presentation, a glorified electronic résumé, or a digital scrap-
book and moves portfolio development from mere gathering of data into formative
assessment and learning process, turning it into a powerful developmental tool.
Students will also need to select appropriate technology tools and strategies in
order to enhance style, to individualize their portfolios, and to digitize images,
audio recordings, and video artifacts.
In the next stage, students organize the digital artifacts and establish connec-
tions, creating hypermedia links among standards, artifacts, and reflections. Through
the linking process they will identify patterns, then review and edit their portfolios
and goals, and share their portfolios to gain feedback and make necessary im-
provements. In this case, linking becomes learning. The transformation of artifacts
into evidence is not always clear. Linking reflections, artifacts and standards makes
the thinking process more explicit. Moreover, creating links from multiple per-
spectives and goals overcomes the linearity of the two-dimensional portfolio (Barrett,
1998). This process should lead students to making decisions on future learning
based on their portfolios.
The fifth and final stage leads to the presentation of the portfolio, real or vir-
tual, before the selected audience. But it must first be recorded (i.e., published) to
an appropriate presentation and storage medium (WWW, CDs, video, DVD).
An Ongoing Process Over An Ongoing Process Over
An Ongoing Process Over An Ongoing Process Over
An Ongoing Process Over
The development of an electronic portfolio is clearly not one linear process,
but rather a sequence that follows an iterative path, developing over time as well as
representing the students’ work over a period of time. Collecting and selecting
artifacts should be an ongoing endeavor, whereby students are encouraged to be-
come “digital pack rats” (Barrett, 1998). Planning for an electronic portfolio from
the start is a sound choice, as it will help set up an electronic filing system at an
early date. It will also encourage students not to leave either the collection or the
selection to the last minute. Another helpful early step is to identify the foreign
language content standards and the educational technology standards to be used as
an organizing framework. Electronic folders are created to store artifacts for each
standard, cross referencing those that demonstrate evidence of achieving and meeting
more than one standard. On an ongoing basis, sound clips and video clips should
be digitized and edited, using editing software (e.g., Sound Companion, Kaboom!,
Movie Player Pro, Avid Cinema, Adobe Premiere, or Final Cut).
The organization of the portfolio should be an ongoing process that includes
the creation of hypertext links among standards, artifacts, and reflections as the
connections are identified; and the insertion of bookmarks, thumbnails, movie links,
sound clips, and “buttons.” A portfolio matrix, using a spreadsheet or a simple
Student Electronic Portfolio Assessment 27
word processor table, can provide a single-page overview of such artifacts and
their connections. Through the use of a database program or a PDF form with
fields, a standard form can be designed to record reflective comments on each
artifact and each standard. Barrett (1998) also recommends the creation of an out-
line or story board, using word processor with outlining (e.g., Microsoft Word),
slide show with outlining (e.g., PowerPoint), or mapping software (e.g., Inspira-
tion). Because a table of contents is not only helpful, but necessary, as is keeping it
current, Barrett (2001a) proposes using a table to provide such information as a
“Portfolio at a Glance.”
The construction of an electronic portfolio should at first be considered a year-
long project, yet one should keep in mind that it can be developed to cover a longer
period of time and can be carried out throughout a student career.
Barrett, H. C. (1998). Feature article: Strategic questions: What to consider when
planning for electronic portfolios,
Learning & Leading with Technology 25
Barrett, H. C. (1999).
Electronic teaching portfolios
. Paper presented at the Soci-
ety for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Annual Con-
ference, San Antonio. Retrieved January 4, 2004, from
Barrett, H. C. (2001a).
ICT Support for electronic portfolios and alternative as-
sessment: State of the art
. Retrieved January 4, 2004, from http://
Barrett, H. C. (2001b). Electronic portfolios = Multimedia development + portfo-
lio development: The electronic portfolio development process. In B. L. Cam-
bridge (Ed.),
Electronic portfolios: Emerging practices for students, faculty,
and institutions
(pp. 110-111).
American Association for Higher Education.
Retrieved January 4, 2004, from
Barton, J., & Collins, A., Eds. (1997).
Portfolio assessment: A handbook for edu-
. Menlo Park, CA: Addison Wesley.
Breault, R. A. (2000, April).
Metacognition in portfolio development
. Paper pre-
sented in session titled “Reflective Writing and Portfolios: What is the Quality
of Preservice Teachers’ Thinking?” at the meeting of the American Educa-
tional Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Burke, K., Fogarty, R., & Belgrad, S. (1994).
The mindful school: The portfolio
Arlington Heights, IL: Skylight Training & Publishing.
Campbell, D. M., Melenyzer, B. J., Nettles, D. H., & Wyman, R. M. (2000).
folio and performance assessment in teacher education
. Boston: Allyn & Ba-
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Campbell, D. M., Cignetti, P. M., Melenyzer, B. J., Nettles, D. H., & Wyman, R.
M. (2001).
How to develop a professional portfolio: A manual for teachers
(2nd ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Danielson, C., & Abrutyn, L. (1997).
An introduction to using portfolios in the
. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum De-
velopment (ASCD).
Fenton, R. (1996). Performance assessment system development.
Alaska Educa-
tional Research Journal
(1): 13-22.
Ivers, K., & Barron, A. E. (1998).
Multimedia projects in education
. Englewood,
CO: Libraries Unlimited.
Kankaanrana, M., Barrett, H. C., & Hartnell-Young, E. (2001). Exploring the use
of electronic portfolios in international contexts.
Proceedings of World Con-
ference on Educational Media,
Hypermedia, and Telecommunications (Ed-
Media) 2001
(1): 874-876. Retrieved January 4, 2004,
Kilbane, C. R., & Milman, N. B. (2003).
What every teacher should know about
creating digital teaching portfolios
. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
National Standards in Foreign Language Education Project (1996).
Standards for
foreign language learning: Preparing for the 21st century
. Yonkers, NY:
Nellen, T. (1999). Using the web for high school student-writers. In S. Gruber
Weaving a virtual web: Practical approaches to new information tech-
(pp. 219-225). Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Retrieved January 4, 2004, from
Oller, J. (1991). Foreign language testing: Its breadth.
ADFL Bulletin
(3): 33-38.
Paulson, F. L., Paulson, P. R., & Meyer, C. A. (1991). What makes a portfolio a
Educational Leadership
(5): 60-63.
Sheingold, K. (1992, June).
Technology and assessment
. Paper presented at the
Technology & School Reform Conference, Dallas, TX.
Stiggins, R. J. (1994).
Student-centered classroom assessment
. New York: Merrill.
Terry, R. M. (1998). Authentic tasks and materials for testing in the foreign lan-
guage classroom. In J. Harper, M. G. Lively, & M. K. Williams (Eds.),
coming of age of the profession: Issues and emerging ideas for the teaching of
foreign languages
(pp. 277-290). Boston: Heinle & Heinle.
Assessing Readiness of Foreign LanguageAssessing Readiness of Foreign Language
Assessing Readiness of Foreign LanguageAssessing Readiness of Foreign Language
Assessing Readiness of Foreign Language
Education Majors to Education Majors to
Education Majors to Education Majors to
Education Majors to
ake the Praxis IIake the Praxis II
ake the Praxis IIake the Praxis II
ake the Praxis II
Carol Carol
Carol Carol
Carson-Newman College
Judith H. SchomberJudith H. Schomber
Judith H. SchomberJudith H. Schomber
Judith H. Schomber
Georgia Southern University
Jana SandargJana Sandarg
Jana SandargJana Sandarg
Jana Sandarg
Augusta State University
Ten of the 13 states in the Southern Conference on Language Teach-
ing (SCOLT) region require the Praxis II Exam for teacher licensure in
French, German, or Spanish. Perceptions of high failure rates on this
exam call into question the quality of teacher education programs. Test
takers and reviewers find required tasks and performance levels on the
Praxis II unaligned with the expectations for beginning teachers estab-
lished by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
(ACTFL). After describing the sections of the exam and their limitations,
this article offers strategies to prepare students for the tasks required and
ways to assess student readiness to take the exam.
Most states within the SCOLT region have adopted the Praxis II Exams as
licensure instruments for prospective teachers of French, German, and Spanish.
For state departments of education, the Praxis II Series has become an attractive
and practical alternative to state-generated licensure exams because Educational
Testing Service (ETS), a professional test development company based in Princeton,
New Jersey, assumes responsibility for test development and administration, along
with liability for legal issues. An additional benefit to states and teachers is licen-
sure reciprocity among states requiring the Praxis II Exams. Unfortunately, how-
ever, the media report that prospective foreign language teachers, especially in the
field of Spanish, fail the exam in alarming numbers and must often repeat the exam
multiple times (Cumming, 1998). Test takers and teacher educators respond that
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
the expectations of the component tests surpass reasonable levels of professional
knowledge and skill for beginning teachers.
The Higher Education Amendments of 1998 require institutions to publish a
“report card” that includes pass rates on teacher certification tests and a compari-
son of the institutional pass rate with state averages (National Research Council,
2000). This report can be particularly damaging to foreign language education
programs because they tend to have smaller numbers of majors and because failure
rates often include the scores of test takers who are not students or graduates of an
institution (Educational Testing Service, 1998). Reports may be further skewed if
institutions have low numbers of test takers. The
ETS Background Report
shows that 90% of the reporting institutions had 10 or fewer students taking a
particular Praxis II Test. With numbers this low, a single failure has the potential to
endanger a teacher education program. Furthermore, failure rates are high because
students often take the licensure test as practice, even though they know that they
are not prepared. Sudzina (2001) states that Praxis II Tests are usually taken be-
tween the junior and senior years of college, too early to assess whether students
know the specialty content.
This article begins with a comparison of state policies regarding the Praxis II
in the SCOLT region. It continues with an overview of two of the component tests
of the Praxis II and an assessment of their limitations. The discussion concludes
with strategies to prepare test takers for the Praxis II and ways to assess candidate
readiness to take the licensure exam.
Comparing SComparing S
Comparing SComparing S
Comparing S
tate Options and Policiestate Options and Policies
tate Options and Policiestate Options and Policies
tate Options and Policies
State officials choose the component tests in the Praxis Series for use as licen-
sure instruments in their respective states, and they also establish the passing scores.
Teachers and university faculty may be asked for input, but they do not set policy
(Nweke & Hall, 1999). During the adoption process in Georgia, for example, the
Professional Standards Commission (PSC) invited panels of teachers and teacher
educators to critique two Praxis tests and to suggest passing scores. However, the
PSC ultimately selected the component tests currently in use and established the
initial (“phase-in”) passing scores for the various Praxis II Exams.
The summative data displayed in Table 1 reveal five permutations of the Praxis
Exam currently in use in the SCOLT region: (1) the German language tes, (2) the
Content Knowledge Test only, (3) the Productive Language Skills Test only, (4) a
combination of the Content Knowledge Test and Productive Language Skills Tests,
and (5) a combination of the Content Knowledge Test and three tests of Principles
of Learning and Teaching for grades K-12. Therefore, comparisons of Praxis scores
and requirements by states cannot be made without an
a priori
explanation of terms
and specification of which tests are in use. Table 1 compares the various state
options in the SCOLT region.
Assessing Readiness of FL Ed Majors for the Praxis II Exam 31
able 1able 1
able 1able 1
able 1
Comparison of Component Comparison of Component
Comparison of Component Comparison of Component
Comparison of Component
ests and Passing Scoresests and Passing Scores
ests and Passing Scoresests and Passing Scores
ests and Passing Scores
by Sby S
by Sby S
by S
tates in SCOLtates in SCOL
tates in SCOLtates in SCOL
tates in SCOL
Region Region
Region Region
French French
French French
ests andests and
ests andests and
ests and
German German
German German
ests andests and
ests andests and
ests and
Spanish Spanish
Spanish Spanish
ests andests and
ests andests and
ests and
Passing ScoresPassing Scores
Passing ScoresPassing Scores
Passing Scores
Passing ScoresPassing Scores
Passing ScoresPassing Scores
Passing Scores
Passing ScoresPassing Scores
Passing ScoresPassing Scores
Passing Scores
Arkansas Content Knowledge 158 Content Knowledge 155
Productive Skills 167 Productive Skills 141
Georgia Content Knowledge 156 Content Knowledge 156 Content Knowledge 167
Productive Skills 169 Productive Skills 182 Productive Skills 159
Kentucky Content Knowledge 159 Content Knowledge 157 Content Knowledge 160
Principles of Learning Principles of Learning Principles of Learning
& Teaching (PLT) & Teaching (PLT) & Teaching (PLT)
PLT Grades K-6 161 PLT Grades K-6 161 PLT Grades K-6 161
PLT Grades 5-9 161 PLT Grades 5-9 161 PLT Grades 5-9 161
PLT Grades 7-12 161 PLT Grades 7-12 161 PLT Grades 7-12 161
Louisiana Content Knowledge 156 German Test 500 Content Knowledge 160
Mississippi Productive Skills 161 Productive Skills 160 Productive Skills 155
North Content Knowledge and Content Knowledge 153 Content Knowledge and
Carolina Productive Skills com- Productive Skills com-
bined score of 335, no bined score of 327, no
minimum on either test minimum on either test
South Content Knowledge 156 Content Knowledge 151 Content Knowledge 148
Carolina Productive Skills 166 Productive Skills 181 Productive Skills 161
Tennessee Content Knowledge 160 Content Knowledge 139 Content Knowledge 152
Productive Skills 165 Productive Skills 154
Virginia Content Knowledge 169 Content Knowledge 162 Content Knowledge 161
West Content Knowledge 131 Content Knowledge 132 Content Knowledge 143
Information retrieved and compiled from <>
November 1, 2003 (Educational Testing Service, 2003b).
Although states show near consensus in their required passing score for the
French Productive Language Skills Test (number 0171), with only eight points
separating the highest and lowest minimum passing scores, minimum passing scores
for the French Content Knowledge Test (number 0173) differ by 38 points. The
states that require the Productive Language Skills Test in German (number 0182)
differ by 22 points in their minimum passing scores, and scores for the German
Content Knowledge (number 0181) test vary by 30 points. The minimum passing
scores for the Productive Language Skills Test in Spanish (number 0192) vary by
20 points and the difference grows to 24 points for scores on the Spanish Content
Knowledge Test (number 0191). The combined minimum passing scores for the
French and Spanish Praxis tests in North Carolina exceed those of every state in
the region requiring the same tests. These multiple state options regarding test choice
and the range of state policies regarding passing scores on the Praxis make com-
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
paring data difficult. Moreover, teachers seeking licensure in the same language in
the same region of the country are, in reality, held to different expectations depend-
ing upon the policy adopted by the state in which they seek licensure. The National
Research Council (2000) reached this same conclusion in its comparison of state
licensure exams. These differences beg questions of fairness and realistic expecta-
tions for beginning K-12 language teachers.
It should be noted that states were encouraged to adopt the Praxis II Exams to
facilitate certification reciprocity by using a common licensure instrument. How-
ever, the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certifi-
cation (NASDTEC) Interstate Contract agreements essentially guarantee transfer-
ability of teaching certificates with little regard for Praxis scores, as illustrated in
Table 2. Table 2 also shows that the 10 states in the SCOLT region requiring the
Praxis II Exams have reciprocity agreements with Alabama, Florida, and Texas–
the three states that do not require the Praxis II.
able 2able 2
able 2able 2
able 2
Licensure Reciprocity in the SCOLLicensure Reciprocity in the SCOL
Licensure Reciprocity in the SCOLLicensure Reciprocity in the SCOL
Licensure Reciprocity in the SCOL
Region Region
Region Region
NASDTEC InterstateNASDTEC Interstate
NASDTEC InterstateNASDTEC Interstate
NASDTEC Interstate
Additional Requirements Beyond Additional Requirements Beyond
Additional Requirements Beyond Additional Requirements Beyond
Additional Requirements Beyond
Certificate from Other SCertificate from Other S
Certificate from Other SCertificate from Other S
Certificate from Other S
Alabama With all SCOLT states 3 years’ experience in last 7 years
Arkansas With all SCOLT states
Florida With all SCOLT states
Georgia With all SCOLT states
Kentucky With all SCOLT states 2 years’ experience in field
except MS & LA
Louisiana With all SCOLT states Must meet LAs Praxis II scores
except KY
Mississippi With all SCOLT states 2 years’ experience in field
except KY
North Carolina With all SCOLT states Must meet NC’s Praxis II scores
South Carolina With all SCOLT states 27 months of teaching experience in field
Tennessee With all SCOLT states Exemption from Praxis II reviewed case-by-case
Texas With all SCOLT states Test scores from Praxis II reviewed case-by-case
Virginia With all SCOLT states
West Virginia With all SCOLT states Exemption from Praxis II reviewed case-by-case
Information retrieved and compiled November 1, 2003, from the Web site of the
National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification:
Assessing Readiness of FL Ed Majors for the Praxis II Exam 33
The Content Knowledge and Productive Language Skills The Content Knowledge and Productive Language Skills
The Content Knowledge and Productive Language Skills The Content Knowledge and Productive Language Skills
The Content Knowledge and Productive Language Skills
Within the SCOLT region the most frequently used component tests in the
Praxis Series are the Content Knowledge Test (number 0173 in French, 0181 in
German, and 0191 in Spanish) and the Productive Language Skills Test (number
0171 in French, 0182 in German, and 0192 in Spanish). Louisiana is the only state
to use German test number 0180. As of September 1, 2003, Kentucky requires
teachers to pass three Principles of Learning and Teaching Tests (PLT) for grades
K-6, grades 5-9, and grades 7-12, in addition to the Content Knowledge Test for
each language.
Tests at a Glance
) booklet (Educational Testing Service, 2003b)
states that the Content Knowledge Test in each language (French, German, and
Spanish) assesses the knowledge and competencies necessary for a beginning or
entry-year teacher of the target language. Each 2-hour test of 120 multiple-choice
questions includes tape-recorded listening passages and printed material, with ques-
tions on various language skills and cultural knowledge. The first section tests
interpretative listening, requiring test takers to answer within a 30-minute period
32 questions based upon an unspecified number of aural recordings of native speak-
ers talking at a normal rate of conversation. Questions assess “phonemic discrimi-
nation, understanding of idiomatic expressions, familiarity with vocabulary and
typical conversational structures, and comprehension of important facts or ideas
contained in the spoken material.”
The second section of the Content Knowledge Test lasts 35 minutes and con-
tains 34 questions that assess knowledge of the structure of the target language.
Test takers analyze spoken (recorded) and written errors in the respective target
language. Depending upon the language tested, questions focus on “grammar, me-
chanics, morphology, phonology, syntax, word analysis, unacceptable Anglicisms,
use of slang, vocabulary, and word choice.”
In the third section, interpretative reading, test takers have 35 minutes to an-
swer 31 questions based upon an unspecified number of reading selections. The
describes the passages as encompassing a variety of topics at various levels
of difficulty, from print and nonprint sources, such as periodicals, the Internet,
advertisements, and literature.
The fourth section tests knowledge of cultural perspectives. Test takers have
20 minutes to answer 23 questions about “geography, history, lifestyles and societ-
ies, literature and fine arts, and sociolinguistic elements” of French, German, or
Spanish. On the French test, questions are written in English and French; on the
German and Spanish tests, questions are asked in the target language.
describes the Productive Language Skills test as a one-hour test
with two sections–speaking, worth 60% of the final score, and writing, worth 40%.
There are six spoken questions to be answered in the 25 minutes allotted. The skills
tested in the speaking section include “role-playing, picture description, giving
instructions or picture narration, stating and defending an opinion, oral paraphrase
of a listening passage, and making a brief talk.” The
offers test takers one
sample question for this portion of the test. In the writing section, test takers have
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
35 minutes “to write a short composition based on a series of pictures, to write a
short formal letter, and to write four questions to elicit short and long answers.”
However, the
offers no sample questions for this section.
Limitations of the Praxis II ExamLimitations of the Praxis II Exam
Limitations of the Praxis II ExamLimitations of the Praxis II Exam
Limitations of the Praxis II Exam
A closer look at the Content Knowledge and Productive Skills Tests reveals
problems with test questions and instructions. During workshops and professional
conferences (Bernardy, Leger, Sandarg, & Wilkerson, 2003; Sandarg, Schomber,
& Wilkerson, 1999a; 1999b; Sandarg & Wilkerson, 2002; Sandarg, Wilkerson, &
Riley, 2002), test takers and educators reported that the tasks on the Content Knowl-
edge Test differ significantly from activities in contemporary foreign language class-
rooms. Test takers state that dialogues and narrations are read only once and are
frequently followed by multiple questions. Instructions in the listening section do
not indicate whether test takers should listen for global meaning or discrete items
of information; therefore, test takers try to retain all the information, thereby taxing
their normal memory load. Whereas typical classroom listening tasks occur in a
context that provides a degree of predictability or a frame of reference for the
listener, directions to test takers in the
state only that they will hear short
conversations or narrations. In the Structure of the Language section of the Content
Knowledge Test, students are asked to find student errors in aural and written sen-
tences, a task inconsistent with current teaching practices, which encourage stu-
dents to speak, errors and all, as they develop proficiency.
Although the reading portion of the Content Knowledge Test purports to evalu-
ate students’ abilities to generalize, deduce, or infer, the types and lengths of read-
ing passages lead students to believe that they have been tested on literary knowl-
edge rather than on reading skills. Test takers advise other students to memorize
facts about authors, genres, and literary works prior to taking the Praxis II. Further-
more, specialized vocabulary and low-frequency idioms limit students’ ability to
make inferences or educated guesses. And junior-level students who take the Praxis
II are often just developing the skills to understand abstract ideas as they read in
the foreign language.
description of the Cultural Perspectives portion of the Content
Knowledge Test covers a wide range of topics, including history, geography, litera-
ture and the arts, life-styles, and sociolinguistic elements in French-, German-, and
Spanish-speaking countries and regions. Preparing for this portion of the test is,
therefore, a formidable task. It is particularly daunting for Spanish students, since
Spanish is spoken in 20 countries, as well as in the United States. No typical for-
eign language major can be expected to assimilate the breadth of knowledge re-
quired to prepare for the culture test, and the ensuing process is tantamount to a
game of Trivial Pursuit™, a concern also noted by Mitchell and Barth (1999) in
Praxis Tests of other disciplines.
The tasks required of students in the speaking and writing sections of the Pro-
ductive Skills Test are aligned with those practiced in today’s classroom. Students
are familiar with picture description, role-playing, giving instructions, picture nar-
Assessing Readiness of FL Ed Majors for the Praxis II Exam 35
rations, and writing compositions and letters. However, the proficiency require-
ments of many of the tasks surpass what is reasonably expected of entry-level teach-
ers, according to ACTFL recommendations. For example, students are asked to
defend an opinion, a task at the Superior Level of the ACTFL proficiency scale.
The recommended proficiency level for a beginning teacher is Advanced Low, a
level at which test takers should be able “to narrate and describe in all major time
frames in paragraph-length discourse” (Breiner-Sanders, Lowe, Miles, & Swender,
2000). Undergraduates typically take the Praxis II at the end of their junior year or
in the beginning of their senior year, prior to student teaching. With only 2 or 3
years of college experience in the language, few students will have achieved Ad-
vanced-Low proficiency, much less the Superior Level.
Obstacles to test takers are not confined to the test instrument itself; poor test-
ing conditions hamper even the best students. Test takers have told the authors of
problems ranging from unbearable room temperatures and no bathroom breaks to
faulty equipment and conflicting directions from test monitors. Proctors have ar-
rived up to an hour late, and at other times they have given procedural instructions
contradicting those in the test booklet. When tests had to be rescheduled by ETS,
students learned of their retest dates only 48 hours in advance, causing them to
scramble to change schedules and secure release time from work or school. Per-
haps most stressful and distracting is the practice of placing students side by side to
record on cassette tape recorders in an open room with background noise of differ-
ent voices and languages. Such testing conditions annoy students and heighten
frustration and stress. These sorts of problems must be eliminated if students are to
be successful.
In 2002 the Educational Testing Service (ETS) began revising the Content
Knowledge and Productive Skills Tests with input from foreign language educa-
tors and classroom teachers. A comparison of the former and current descriptions
of the tests in the on-line
reveals three changes. The current Content Knowl-
edge Test contains 20 fewer questions; the listening and reading passages focus on
listening and
reading; and ETS defines sympathetic and
unsympathetic readers and listeners in the scoring guide for the Productive Skills
Preparing for the PraxisPreparing for the Praxis
Preparing for the PraxisPreparing for the Praxis
Preparing for the Praxis
Educational Testing Service sells 17 different study guides and kits and 18
distinct diagnostic preparation programs, described as covering material on the
test, with suggested test-taking strategies, actual full-length tests, a scoring key, an
explanation of answers, and an explanation of scoring procedures. In the
these are marketed as “A great way to study!” However, nothing is available for
French, German, or Spanish. This fact, coupled with the paucity of sample items in
Tests at a Glance,
leaves foreign language test takers very little with which to
practice for the Praxis II Exam. To help test takers prepare, many colleges of edu-
cation suggest that their faculty take the Praxis II to get an idea about the types of
questions students are likely to encounter (Sudzina, 2001). Another way that teacher
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
educators might gather information about the component Praxis II tests is by study-
ing the Praxis Series
Job Analysis
for the respective language to be tested (Reynolds,
1993; Tannenbaum, 1992; 1994).
Job Analyses
contain the original statements that guided the ETS teams
as they revised the former National Teacher Examination to become the Praxis
Series. The statements reveal the Praxis philosophy regarding what entry-level,
newly licensed (certified) teachers should know and be able to do. Setting aside
foreign language pedagogy, which is not included in the Content Knowledge and
Productive Language Skills Tests, educators will note the similarity of the content
areas to the traditional four skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking, with
a separate cultural component. The final area, structure of the language, closely
resembles contrastive analysis, emphasizing error analysis of Anglo non-native
speakers of the target language. To this end, teacher educators can help language
education majors by familiarizing them with the tenets of error analysis and con-
trastive analysis and by providing sample texts from this long-gone era of the pro-
fession. Two such texts are
The Grammatical Structures of English and German: A
Contrastive Sketch
(Kufner, 1962) and
The Grammatical Structures of English
and Spanish
(Stockwell, Martin, & Bowen, 1965).
The wording of the original statements also cues teacher educators to the lin-
guistic and grammatical terms with which students must be familiar to be success-
ful on the exam. For example, statements in Appendix C of the Spanish
Job Analy-
(Tannenbaum, 1992) inform test takers that they must demonstrate the correct
formation and use of regular and irregular verbs (including orthographic- and stem-
changing) in all indicative tenses, in the conditional, and the subjunctive mood, as
well as the passive voice and its reflexive or active-voice substitutes. Test takers
must understand morphemes, augmentative, diminutive, and pejorative suffixes.
They must also understand the formation of compound words and contractions,
and the function of cognates and false cognates in the development of vocabulary.
In addition, test takers must identify common pronunciation problems for nonna-
tive speakers of Spanish, such as the trill and tap [r]. Knowledge of the language
must be complemented with knowledge
the language as well as knowledge
how Anglophones learn
the target language.
Teacher educators can help prepare test takers by pointing out to them the
varying degrees of contextual cues in the reading passages for the three languages
in the
. For example, the French example provides background information
that test takers use to interpret the passage. The text is followed by a single ques-
tion. The German example is an advertisement, likely found in a newspaper or
telephone book. German test takers use visual cues to answer a single question.
However, the Spanish example, by contrast, is comprised of three paragraphs of
written text without title, background information, or visual cues. Sentences aver-
age 20 words in length, and three sentences contain 28 or more words. Clearly, the
amount of background information, the length, and the level of difficulty of read-
ing passages vary.
To prepare language education majors for this range of texts, teacher educa-
tors might select reading passages of varying lengths and genres and remove nor-
Assessing Readiness of FL Ed Majors for the Praxis II Exam 37
mal contextual cues, such as titles, headings, and repetitions. Since contemporary
best practice instructs students to rely upon schema and background knowledge,
foreign language education majors may need overt instruction on how to make
inferences when reading unfamiliar texts with minimal or no background informa-
tion or normal discourse cues.
The final section of the Content Knowledge Test assesses beginning teachers’
knowledge of the target culture. In order to prepare language education majors for
the possible topics indicated in the
faculty should advise majors to complete
at least one course, if not more, in literature, in culture, and in history prior to
taking the Praxis II Exam. Language faculty can compile lists in their respective
specialty areas for students to study for this portion of the test. Topics should in-
clude famous artists, writers, performers, Nobel Prize winners, geographical fea-
tures of countries and regions where the target language is spoken, typical regional
foods, and significant dates and events in history. Test-takers should take comfort,
however, in knowing that even native speakers frequently say that they have not
known the answers to all the questions in the culture section of the test.
General Tips
on preparing for the Praxis Productive Language Skills Tests,
found in the supplemental
Advice on Taking the Productive Language Skills Tests
(Educational Testing Service, 2003a), may mislead test-takers by indicating that
they have to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of basic verb tenses on this exam.
No explanation is given for what is meant by the phrase
basic verb tenses
; there-
fore, teacher education faculty need to point out that expectations in the
Job Analy-
indicate that students need a thorough knowledge of
verb tenses. Students
should be advised to complete advanced grammar course work before taking the
Praxis Exam.
As stated earlier, the
for the Productive Language Skills Test includes
only one sample question for the speaking section and none for the writing section.
The on-line
Advice on Taking the Productive Language Skills Tests
gives some
ideas of ways to practice, such as opening a magazine to an interesting picture and
explaining within a 2-minute time limit in the target language what has just hap-
pened, what is happening now, and what will probably happen next. However, the
states that test takers are evaluated on their comprehensibility to
native speakers, their ability to communicate
without major errors
in grammar and
vocabulary, and their ability to
an opinion (emphasis added). These abilities
are hallmarks of Superior proficiency, as defined by ACTFL, surpassing its recom-
mendation of Advanced-Low proficiency for beginning K-12 teachers. The scor-
ing guide for both the writing and speaking sections awards the highest rating (a
score of four) to responses that are
and easily comprehensible, even to
listener/reader (defined by ETS as a native speaker not accus-
tomed to dealing with nonnative learners), to responses that are
accurate/relevant, and to responses that employ a
broad, precise
lary adequate for
almost all topics
(emphasis added). Again, these are hallmarks of
Superior proficiency. Perhaps the best strategy to prepare majors for this reality is
for faculty to talk openly about the expectations of proficiency early in students’
academic careers, even setting proficiency criteria for admission to teacher candi-
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
dacy. Other strategies might include requiring oral interviews with prospective
majors to assess proficiency, establishing expectations of written and oral profi-
ciency in courses required of language majors, and maintaining portfolios of stu-
dents’ course work to assess proficiency rather than relying upon end-of-course
grades when determining readiness to take the Praxis Exam. Candid discussion
about and periodic assessment of students’ proficiency should become the respon-
sibility of all faculty, not only those who teach the foreign language education
Best Practices for Beginning Best Practices for Beginning
Best Practices for Beginning Best Practices for Beginning
Best Practices for Beginning
It is essential for test takers to adequately prepare for the Praxis II by using the
and the suggestions listed above. However, long before it is their time to
take the Praxis II, foreign language education majors can be positioned for success
by achieving the desired level of language proficiency. Since the proficiency level
for success on the Praxis II is above Advanced Low, educators must take steps to
ensure that foreign language majors reach high levels of proficiency before they
take the test.
All foreign language majors should be encouraged to participate in a study-
abroad program in which they will have structured classes to continue their formal
study of the language and in which they will have enriched out-of-class experi-
ences to enhance their language skills and their cultural competence. The study-
abroad experience, as Riedel (1989), Milleret (1990), and Talburt and Stewart (1999)
have pointed out, is still far too loosely structured and not well enough assessed to
assure that the participant is moving toward Advanced Low proficiency by engag-
ing in frequent informal conversations with native speakers and narrating and de-
scribing in present, past, and future tenses.
Pre-service teachers also can benefit from maintaining a portfolio of their lan-
guage development as they prepare for the Praxis II. In the same way that students
can build a reflective portfolio of classroom teaching and observations of students
and situations, as Antonek, McCormick, and Donato (1997) suggest, students with
the assistance of foreign language educators can compile a list of language tasks at
the Advanced and Superior Levels and record the completion of such tasks, their
frequency, and any comments on their performance. Tasks can be accomplished
through normal classroom work, service-learning projects, or other means through
which students interact with native speakers.
Foreign language professionals can facilitate the process of moving their stu-
dents toward the Advanced and Superior Levels by supporting initiatives to begin
foreign languages in elementary school as Oxford (1998) suggests. If beginning
teachers are to attain high levels of proficiency, they must begin language study in
elementary school to gain the necessary 720 hours at middle, high, and college
levels (Malone, Rifkin, Christian, & Johnson, 2003). At the same time, progression
in formal language programs must be well articulated to prevent students from
repeating at the next higher level what they have already learned at a lower level, a
circumstance that occurs frequently in U.S. colleges and universities. It is common
Assessing Readiness of FL Ed Majors for the Praxis II Exam 39
to find students with considerable backgrounds in foreign language study from
elementary, middle, and high school enrolled in elementary foreign language courses
at the postsecondary level.
Many European countries design a national curriculum with a clear progres-
sion of learning to higher levels of proficiency in foreign languages. With the pub-
lication of the
Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century
(ACTFL, 1999), educators in all states have a guide for both curriculum and articu-
lation. Many states, such as Georgia, have aligned their state curriculum for foreign
languages to the National Standards, including assessments of learning. Sandrock
(1996) suggests that articulation is best achieved through a focus on the progres-
sion of student learning, rather than by grade levels or the implementation of cur-
riculum guides based on strict sequences.
Finally, the standard undergraduate language curriculum must be reexamined
to determine if higher-level proficiency elements are incorporated into classroom
goals and activities. In upper-division courses in literature and civilization, for
example, there must be a deliberate attempt to “push” students toward high levels
of proficiency with speaking and writing activities designed to generate student
performance at that level, rather than heavy reliance on lectures, listening, and
note-taking. The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE),
in approving the
Program Standards for Foreign Language Teacher Education
(ACTFL, 2002), specifies content areas that are almost universally addressed in
upper-division foreign language courses. Greater efforts must therefore be made to
develop a collaborative relationship between departments of foreign languages and
teacher education units within colleges and universities.
Assessing ReadinessAssessing Readiness
Assessing ReadinessAssessing Readiness
Assessing Readiness
As foreign language educators, we must do all we can to ensure that our stu-
dents are ready to take the Praxis II Exam. We must teach and evaluate our students
with communicative methods, encourage them to study abroad, and incorporate
service-learning and community connections into our program curriculum. And
although it is exceedingly difficult for students to develop proficiency at the Ad-
vanced or Superior Levels of the ACTFL scale after 2 to 3 years of college study,
we must help them reach these levels. We must prepare students for the Praxis II
Exam by reviewing, and perhaps overtly teaching, test-taking skills. Some educa-
tors suggest that we teach to the test. The strategies outlined in this article do not
solve all the problems associated with the Praxis II in its current form, but they
form a tool that foreign language educators can use to assess student readiness to
take the Exam.
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). (2002).
gram standards for the preparation of foreign language teachers (Initial level—
undergraduate and graduate: For K-12 and secondary certification programs)
Yonkers, NY: ACTFL. Retrieved January 7, 2004, from
Antonek, J., McCormick, D., & Donato, R. (1997). The student teacher portfolio
as autobiography: Developing a professional identity.
The Modern Language
, 15-27.
Bernardy, A., Leger, T., Sandarg, J., & Wilkerson, C. (2003, February).
Success on
the Praxis II Exam in French, German, and Spanish.
Paper and workshop
presented at the annual meeting of The Southern Conference on Language
Teaching, Atlanta, GA.
Breiner-Sanders, K., Lowe, P., Miles, J., & Swender, E. (2000). ACTFL profi-
ciency guidelines–Speaking.
Foreign Language Annals
, 13-18.
Cumming, Doug. (1998, December 20). One-fifth fail test to be teacher.
The At-
lanta Journal-Constitution,
p. C1.
Educational Testing Service. (2003a).
Advice on taking the productive language
skills test: Supplement to the languages tests at a glance.
Princeton, NJ. Re-
trieved January 7, 2004, from
Educational Testing Service. (2003b).
Tests at a glance: Languages
. Princeton,
NJ. Retrieved January 7, 2004, from
Educational Testing Service. (1998). The use of Praxis pass rates to evaluate teacher
educational programs. An ETS background report. (ERIC Document Repro-
duction Service No. ED 435 640)
Kufner, H. (1962).
The grammatical structures of English and German: A con-
trastive sketch
. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Malone, M., Rifkin, B., Christian, D., & Johnson, D. (2003). Attaining high levels
of proficiency: Challenges for foreign language education in the United States.
ERIC/CLL News Bulletin,
Milleret, M. (1990). Evaluation and the summer language program abroad: A re-
view essay.
The Modern Language Journal
, 483-488.
Mitchell, R., & Barth, P. (1999).
Not good enough: A content analysis of teacher
licensing examinations. How teacher licensing tests fall short
. Washington,
DC: Educational Trust. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 457
National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification
(NASDTEC). Web site:
National Research Council. (2000).
Tests and teaching quality: Interim report
Committee on Assessment and Teaching Quality, Board on Testing and As-
sessment. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
National Standards in Foreign Language Education Project. (1999).
Standards for
foreign language learning in the 21st century.
Yonkers, NY: Author.
Assessing Readiness of FL Ed Majors for the Praxis II Exam 41
Nweke, W., & Hall, T. (1999).
Evaluating cut-scores on two certification tests:
How well do decisions based on cut-scores match teacher- and principal-
reported ratings of competence in the classroom?
Paper presented at the an-
nual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 457 261)
Oxford, R. (1998). Where is the United States headed with K-12 foreign language
ERIC/CLL News Bulletin
Reynolds, A. (1993). Knowledge and skills for the beginning German teacher.
Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service. (ERIC Document Reproduction
Service No. ED 382 653)
Riedel, K. (1989). New goals for teaching language: An experience in undergradu-
ate programs in Spain.
, 774-779.
Sandarg, J., Schomber, J., & Wilkerson, C. (1999a, August).
Teacher certification
and the Praxis II Exam.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of The Ameri-
can Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Denver, CO.
Sandarg, J., Schomber, J., & Wilkerson, C. (1999b, November).
Preparing for
Praxis II
. Paper presented at the annual meeting of The American Council on
the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Dallas, TX.
Sandarg, J., & Wilkerson, C. (2002, September ).
Strategies for success on the
Praxis II Exam in Spanish.
Paper and workshop presented at the meeting of
The Tennessee Foreign Language Teachers Association, Jackson, TN.
Sandarg, J., Wilkerson, C., & Riley, A. (2002, February).
Strategies for success on
the Praxis II Exam in Spanish
. Paper and workshop presented at the meeting
of The Foreign Language Association of Georgia, Athens, GA.
Sandrock, P. (1996). Changing the basis for articulation.
, 545-547.
Stockwell, R., Martin, J., & Bowen, J. (1965).
The grammatical structures of En-
glish and Spanish.
Chicago: University of Chicago.
Sudzina, M. (2001).
“Psyching out” the “Praxis II test of learning and teaching”:
What our students need to know
. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA. (ERIC Document
Reproduction Service No. ED 453 208)
Talburt, S., & Stewart, M. (1999) What’s the subject of study abroad?: Race, gen-
der, and “living culture.”
The Modern Language Journal,
, 163-175.
Tannenbaum, R. (1994).
Defining the content domain for the Praxis II subject
assessment in French: A job analysis focusing on knowledge and abilities
Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service. (ERIC Document Reproduction
Service No. ED 381 557)
Tannenbaum, R. (1992).
Job analysis of the knowledge and abilities important for
newly licensed (certified) Spanish teachers
. Princeton, NJ: Educational Test-
ing Service. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 384 670)
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
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Assessment Assessment
Assessment Assessment
Scott Scott
Scott Scott
. Grubbs. Grubbs
. Grubbs. Grubbs
. Grubbs
Valdosta State University
The exigencies of producing students who are able to meet the demands
of the global society have given second language study a new sense of
purpose and importance among educators and policy-makers. Proficiency
assessment, however, still relies heavily upon traditional discrete-item
testing that focuses on grammatical structures and is often devoid of
meaningful context. Total Physical Response (TPR), long a mainstay of
foreign language instruction, has been frequently overlooked as a viable
means for assessing proficiency. TPR is not only a valid means for gaug-
ing foreign language proficiency at increasingly complex levels, but it is
capable of reinforcing core foreign language skills in a manner that ap-
peals to students with various learning styles.
In his 1966 article “The Learning Strategy of the Total Physical Response,”
James J. Asher, the psychologist credited with the development of the Total Physi-
cal Response (TPR) method of foreign language instruction, stated, “Perhaps one
of the most complex tasks in human learning is the problem of how to achieve
fluency in a foreign language” (p. 79). While this statement may strike foreign
language practitioners as so self-evident as to beg discussion, the depth of the com-
plexity of which Asher speaks is reflected in the frustrations and challenges that
both teachers and students face while pursuing second language acquisition and
proficiency. As Asher notes in a 2001(a) address to European educators:
The evidence: 96% of students who voluntarily enroll in foreign language
classes “give up” after three years. Only 4% continue to achieve at least
minimal levels of fluency. More damaging: Not only do our students “give
up” but they are now convinced that they “cannot learn another language.”
After all, they tried but the results were high-voltage stress and the hu-
miliating experience of failure. (p. 1)
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Although Asher was referring in this case to oral proficiency, it would not be
out of the realm of logic to posit that the lack of foreign language proficiency also
extended to aural, reading, and written skills as well. This lack of achievement and
the high attrition rate among foreign language students become an even greater
matter for concern as America moves into a new century in which increased eco-
nomic, political, and cultural interdependence among nations has made foreign
language acquisition an increasingly important and necessary part of American
school curricula. The move to increase the curricular importance of foreign lan-
guage instruction found favor not only among educators, but among policy-makers
at state and national levels, as illustrated by the recommendations found in the
education reform programs
A Nation at Risk
(National Commission on Excellence
in Education, 1983) and
Goals 2000
. Indeed, as Nugent (2000) noted in her article,
“Language Instruction in a Global Community”:
To be competitive in today’s global economy, the business community
has recognized the vital need for today’s students and tomorrow’s work
force to be competent in languages other than English. Effective employ-
ees must be able to interact appropriately in face-to-face situations with
those whose native language is not English. They must be able to interpret
the concepts, ideas, and opinions expressed by members of non-English
speaking societies through their art, literature, and media. (p. 38)
Moreover, during the 1990s, some states began to place increased emphasis
on the importance of foreign language study, as illustrated by the observation in the
overview to the
Massachusetts Foreign Language Curriculum Framework
sachusetts Department of Education, 1999) that “language is the medium in which
human beings think and by which they express what they have thought. The study
of language–any language–is therefore the study of everything that pertains to hu-
man nature, as humans understand it” (p. 1). Thus, in states such as Massachusetts,
foreign language study has moved over the course of the last decade from an elec-
tive position in the school curriculum towards achieving a more prominent curricular
The Challenge of Foreign Language The Challenge of Foreign Language
The Challenge of Foreign Language The Challenge of Foreign Language
The Challenge of Foreign Language
At the same time that foreign language instruction was gaining increased rec-
ognition and acceptance as a central aspect of curriculum, American education
witnessed an increased impetus towards accountability and assessment. This push
for measuring student achievement through testing has most recently found expres-
sion in the mandates found in the
No Child Left Behind Act
of 2001
and the education
reform legislation enacted on state and local levels. While the majority of these
efforts focus on language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies, there are
efforts to hold foreign language teachers and students accountable for achievement
in languages other than English. Currently, the National Center for Education Sta-
tistics (NCES) is preparing to field study the first Foreign Language National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) for initial administration in the fall of
Total Physical Response as an Assessment Tool 45
2004. The test, which will initially be offered in Spanish, will measure student
performance in the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing (NCES, 2003).
Additionally, foreign language achievement is assessed either directly in the form
of state-mandated testing, such as the Regents’ Spanish Test in New York (Zehr,
2003), or indirectly as a contributing indicator to overall school performance. In
Georgia, for example, student achievement data on the foreign language advanced
placement tests are included with scores from other advanced placement tests as
part of the criteria to determine how well a school is meeting its educational objec-
tives (Georgia Department of Education, 2003).
Despite the ever-increasing importance of foreign language assessment, seri-
ous concerns remain regarding the methods by which assessing achievement in
second language acquisition is to be conducted. Educators recognize the impor-
tance that assessment plays in foreign language instruction and urge diversification
in testing to include performance-based assessment, authentic materials, and evalu-
ative techniques that encourage communicative approaches to measuring proficiency
in the target language as opposed to an overriding emphasis on the memorization
of grammatical structures (Massachusetts Department of Education, 1999). There
is, nevertheless, still a great deal of reliance on the more traditional methods of
foreign language assessment. These conventional strategies include criterion-based,
teacher-made, discrete-point grammar assessments, vocabulary tests, and produc-
tion-driven approaches to gauge oral proficiency (Asher, 2001b; Hall, 2001). As
Hall notes, these types of traditional assessment are so prevalent because the pri-
mary foci in foreign language instruction are centered upon mastery of grammatical
structures and vocabulary (p. 155). While these traditional assessment formats can
play a valuable role in determining second language acquisition, overreliance on
these methods can serve to undermine language proficiency and contradict the stan-
dards of foreign language learning as established by the profession in the mid-to-late
1990s, particularly those standards that address the ability to connect foreign lan-
guage learning to other cultures, communities, and academic disciplines (National
Standards in Foreign Language Education Project, 1999). Moreover, tests based
on discrete-point grammatical items may serve to compromise language learning
and usage in context by presenting the material to be tested in such a way as to
become little more than a series of disconnected “non-sequiturs” (Omaggio, 1986).
Even in the instances when there is no disconnect between context and assess-
ment, traditional methods of testing tend to favor those students who are most
comfortable learning in the audio/visual modalities at the expense of those who
learn primarily in other ways. As Howard Gardner, developer of the Multiple Intel-
ligences Theory, observed in
Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Yet it should be equally clear that current methods of assessing the intel-
lect are not sufficiently well honed to allow assessment of an individual’s
potentials or achievements in navigating the stars, mastering a foreign
tongue, or composing with a computer. The problem lies less in the tech-
nology of testing than in the ways in which we customarily think about the
intellect and our ingrained views of intelligence. (p. 4)
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Gardner (1983) formulated his theory of Multiple Intelligences to “challenge
the classical view of intelligence that most of us have absorbed explicitly” (p. 5).
He postulated that, rather than a singular conceptualization of intelligence, humans
possess talents that can be classified as “intelligences” as long as these traits (1)
have a developmental feature, (2) can be observed in special populations, (3) pro-
vide evidence of localization in the brain, and (4) can support a symbolic or notational
system (Campbell, Campbell, & Dickinson, 1999). To this end, Gardner described,
but did not limit himself to, eight intelligences: linguistic, logical-mathematical,
spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic.
These intelligences can be divided into sub-intelligences and are significantly in-
fluenced by the culture in which one lives and develops. While one may express
aspects of more than one intelligence, Gardner maintains that one’s creativity lies
mainly within one domain of intelligence. Each of these intelligences has its re-
spective developmental sequences and distinctive defining traits (Campbell,
Campbell, & Dickinson, 1999). In the academic environment, students tend to learn
more effectively when teachers ascertain the intelligences present in the classroom
and pattern their lessons accordingly to meet the learning styles of their students.
Just as the theory of Multiple Intelligences has practical applications for class-
room instruction, so does it possess the potential to provide more effective
assessment of student performance. In particular, the theory encourages the use of
authentic assessments so that students are able to express what they have learned in
a meaningful context, an especially important aspect of second language profi-
ciency assessment. Authentic, contextual assessments allow students to be evaluated
through criterion-referencing, benchmarking, or ipsative means (Armstrong, 1994).
Thus, foreign language teachers who incorporate the Multiple Intelligences con-
cept into assessments that favor authentic, contextual assessments over traditional
discrete-point, grammar-based tests may find that students previously at a disad-
vantage because of the audio/visual nature of traditional testing will demonstrate
an increased level of content mastery. If, however, foreign language educators con-
tinue to rely on conventional assessment methods, those students who do not excel
in the traditional testing formats will continue to experience a sense of heightened
anxiety that may impede learning in the target language and reinforce negative
student perceptions regarding foreign language acquisition (Asher, 2001b;
Onwuegbuzie, Bailey, & Daley, 1999).
otal Physical Responseotal Physical Response
otal Physical Responseotal Physical Response
otal Physical Response
Although Asher is credited with the development of the Total Physical Re-
sponse approach to foreign language acquisition, the method had its genesis in the
work of Harold E. Palmer, an English advisor attached to the Japanese Ministry of
Education, and his daughter, Dorothee, during the 1920s and 1930s. In
through Action
(1925), Palmer and his daughter advanced the idea that second
language acquisition was more effective in children when they carried out com-
mands issued by the teacher in the target language. Palmers work, however, received
little notice outside Japan and subsequently fell into obscurity in the sociopolitical
environment after World War II (Seely & Romijn, 2001)
Total Physical Response as an Assessment Tool 47
The approach that practitioners have come to recognize as Total Physical Re-
sponse began in the 1960s as an effort on the part of Asher, unaware of Palmer’s
work, to address the challenges facing foreign language pedagogy (Seely & Romijn,
2001). As Asher (1969) observed, “After studying a foreign language for two years,
the average American not only has almost zero fluency, but negative learning may
have resulted if the individual now has a fearful attitude towards second language
learning” (p. 3). Asher reiterated the frustrations of conventional foreign language
instruction in an address to the Alberta Teachers of English Conference in 2001,
when he presented the all too familiar scenario of the teacher who “can ask stu-
dents to practice an exercise for an hour, [and] come into the next class meeting
and it is as if the exercise has been erased from the students’ memories” (p. 2). It
was Asher’s initial contention that the foreign language curriculum was far too
ambitious, given the amount of contact time allowed for instruction. Rather than
attempt to attain proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing, he posited
that the first phase of foreign language instruction should focus on one skill, pref-
erably listening, since listening proficiency has a high transferability to the other
three language skills (Asher, 1969). Indeed, Ashers experimentation seemed to
support Palmer’s contention that action as a response to a spoken command facili-
tated second language acquisition; in Ashers specific case, this acquisition was
expressed in terms of aural proficiency (Asher, 1966, 1969). Hence, the pedagogi-
cal method Asher proposed became known as
Total Physical
While subsequent refinements of TPR have included the advent of “TPR
Storytelling” and a shift from an emphasis on primarily right-brain processes (Cur-
tain & Pesola, 1994) to an increased focus on language learning activities utilizing
both the left and right hemispheres of the brain (Asher, 2001c), the core principles
of TPR have remained constant. As previously stated, the essential aspect of TPR
has been the association of movement and language, often through an imperative
delivery-active response format. Initially, the teacher models the command through
several repetitions, consistently using the target language to identify the desired
behavior. Once students respond to the command, the teacher then ceases to per-
form the target action, relying instead on the verbal expression of the imperative.
Students do not undertake oral production until they feel sufficiently confident to
make the effort, and stressors are kept to a minimum. Though initial instruction
through TPR consists of short, basic commands, the level of complexity will in-
crease in relation to the aural/oral proficiency of the students (Curtain & Pesola,
The reliance upon commands has led to three misconceptions regarding Total
Physical Response: (1) TPR can be used only in conjunction with commands; (2)
TPR has been effective only in the initial phases of foreign language instruction;
and (3) TPR has been effective only with children (Asher, 2001d). In response,
Asher (1996) noted that, while he placed much importance on command structures,
the emphasis was on understanding as conveyed by the body movement of the
students, allowing for the expansion of the Total Physical Response method to
incorporate other grammatical and linguistic elements beyond the imperative mood.
In terms of both instruction and assessment, the adoption of techniques like
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
demonstration, natural dialogues, and TPR storytelling not only permitted usage
beyond the realm of the command but demonstrated the efficacy of TPR in post-
introductory levels of second language acquisition (Asher, 2001d; Seely & Romijn,
2001). As for the incorrect assumption that TPR has been effective only in instruction
with young children, Ashers research (1969, 2001d) indicated that older language
learners exposed to TPR actually outperformed younger students exposed to the
same method. Thus, teachers who subscribed to these fallacies surrounding Total
Physical Response assigned a nonexistent pedagogical rigidity to the method and
subsequently denied their students an effective and vibrant means of foreign language
instruction and assessment.
Assessment SAssessment S
Assessment SAssessment S
Assessment S
trategies Using trategies Using
trategies Using trategies Using
trategies Using
otal Physical Responseotal Physical Response
otal Physical Responseotal Physical Response
otal Physical Response
Assessment of Interpretive, Interpersonal, and Presentational ModesAssessment of Interpretive, Interpersonal, and Presentational Modes
Assessment of Interpretive, Interpersonal, and Presentational ModesAssessment of Interpretive, Interpersonal, and Presentational Modes
Assessment of Interpretive, Interpersonal, and Presentational Modes
Of all the core proficiencies in language learning, TPR techniques are most
easily and directly applied in assessing listening comprehension. The strong
relationship between oral production and bodily response that comprises the
foundation of the Total Physical Response method allows the teacher to use TPR to
evaluate how well students comprehend production in the target language according
to how they respond to the teacher’s output in the second language. Asher (2001a)
referred to this process as the “language body conversation”
(p. 9). Assessment via
this strategy may be as simple as a game of “Simon Says,” where the students
respond appropriately according to the commands issued by the teacher. The
evaluation of student progress is based on the number and complexity levels of the
tasks they are asked to complete. As student comprehension and production increase,
the assessment may be varied so that some students are giving instructions in the
target language while others carry out the commands. In this case, the instructor
evaluates the students according to how accurately the students give and respond
to the commands issued during the test. Thus, the teacher would have the potential
to evaluate student oral proficiency, as well as listening comprehension, at least on
a basic level.
At more advanced levels, listening comprehension can be assessed through a
variation of TPR Storytelling. In this format, the teacher would create a “mini-
story” using the elements that are to be assessed. Students would act out the story
based upon their interpretation of the events in the teachers story. Assessment
would be evaluated on the accuracy with which the student portrays the story. The
advantage to this type of assessment is that it provides for evaluation of listening
proficiency in longer, more complex linguistic structures within a given context, as
opposed to the relatively basic assessment using short commands.
Another possible option using the TPR Storytelling strategy as a listening
assessment is to have the teacher relate a story incorporating the material to be
assessed. In this case, however, the students would draw a picture or a scene that
depicts the teachers story. Evaluation would be based upon the accuracy of the
visual representation of the events in the story (Asher, 2001c). On the surface, this
particular approach to assessment may not appear to conform to the format of
Total Physical Response as an Assessment Tool 49
classical TPR. The act of drawing, however, is actually a physical response to a
linguistic stimulus, adding a kinesthetic dimension to the traditionally emphasized
audio/visual approaches to foreign language instruction and assessment.
Seely & Romijn (2001) state that listening comprehension is such a fundamental
element of Total Physical Response that this particular skill does not actually have
to be assessed. In-class instruction using TPR provides the teacher with opportunities
for informal assessment, but formally assessing listening proficiency allows teachers
to determine whether or not the individual student actually comprehends output in
the foreign language as opposed to merely mimicking the gestures of the other
students. Moreover, current accountability trends in education put additional pressure
on teachers to formalize areas of assessment that may have been previously evaluated
in a satisfactory manner on an informal basis. Thus, foreign language instructors
should be aware of the possibilities that TPR presents as a viable means of formally
assessing listening proficiency.
Since oral proficiency is the language acquisition skill most closely associated
with listening proficiency, it would not be unreasonable to suppose that oral
proficiency assessment using Total Physical Response would be closely associated
with the assessment strategies used to measure listening comprehension. A key
aspect of oral production–and hence, assessment, in TPR–is a focus on “role
reversal,” in which the instructional emphasis in the second language shifts from
the teacher’s producing and demonstrating output to student production (Seely &
Romijn, 2001). At the basic levels, students would effect the role reversal in simple
command-response assessments discussed in the previous section on listening
assessment, the difference being that the evaluative focus would be on oral
production rather than on the response to the commands.
During subsequent phases of foreign language instruction, students may be
assessed orally through the development of dialogues or mini-stories involving
natural action dialogues and the TPR Storytelling method, strategies that allow the
teacher to monitor student fluency in addition to the accuracy of oral production.
When assessing through the natural action dialogues and TPR Storytelling, the
teacher should clearly designate the words or structures that are to be assessed, and
it is essential that the students have been previously exposed to the material in
question. Moreover, while fluency should be monitored, it should not be the major
evaluative priority. Rather, primary importance in oral assessment should be given
to the comprehensibility of the student utterances.
Assessment of Presentational and Interpretive ModesAssessment of Presentational and Interpretive Modes
Assessment of Presentational and Interpretive ModesAssessment of Presentational and Interpretive Modes
Assessment of Presentational and Interpretive Modes
Although most closely associated with direct listening and oral assessment,
Total Physical Response provides options for evaluating written and reading
proficiency. To test writing skills, teachers may restructure the command-response
assessment used for aural/oral assessment so that students respond to the teacher’s
physical stimuli in a written format, beginning with simple commands and
progressing towards more complex structures as students become more competent
in the target language.
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Another means of measuring student achievement in writing is through TPR
dictation (Seely & Romijn, 2001). In TPR dictation, the teacher models the items
to be assessed through physical demonstration before orally presenting the sentence
that is to be written by the students. Thus the item to be evaluated is presented
through both kinesthetic and oral modalities. In using the TPR dictation, it is very
important that the teacher refrain from using contexts and linguistic items that have
yet to be formally presented in the instructional environment. Furthermore, the
demonstrations must be free from ambiguity, and the oral delivery must be given
clearly and at an appropriate conversational rate for the skill level of the students
being tested. Other means of assessing writing include presenting students with
pictures or images involving the material to be assessed and having the students
write a passage or dialogue based on the visual stimulus and having them develop
natural action dialogues in a written format (Seely & Romijn, 2001). These written
dialogues can be used not only to assess written proficiency in the target language
but also serve as a possible basis upon which to assess proficiency in both oral and
reading skills.
As a result of the comparatively passive nature of reading, as opposed to
listening, speaking, and writing, the assessment of reading proficiency through TPR
may pose the greatest challenge to foreign language teachers. Evaluation of reading
skills, however indirectly, is still possible through TPR, especially in the formats of
the natural action dialogue and TPR Storytelling. Through these approaches, the
student reads materials that cover the information to be tested, with either the teacher
or the other students in the class acting out what the student reads. In an assessment
situation, the stories and dialogues may be more effective if they are teacher-
generated, but it would be quite feasible for students to create the dialogue or story
(thus reinforcing writing proficiency). Role reversal plays an important part in
reading assessment, as the students being evaluated are providing the stimulus, and
the teacher or other nonevaluated members of the class are responding to what is
being read. Students may be evaluated on criteria similar to those found in native-
language reading instruction, including fluency, decoding skills, and comprehension,
while being engaged in the assessment through an interactive format.
Potential Challenges to Potential Challenges to
Potential Challenges to Potential Challenges to
Potential Challenges to
While Total Physical Response offers the foreign language instructor the means
by which to assess students who learn in authentic contexts through a variety of
intelligences, the strategy presents potential drawbacks if it is misused. If, for
example, the context used to assess the target language were “bizarre” or overly
strange, then language learning could be compromised because of the student’s
inability to manipulate the target language in an authentic situation, not to mention
the context presented in the assessment (Omaggio, 1986). Omaggio even asserts
that the greatest drawbacks to TPR derive from its “incongruence to proficiency
goals” (p. 75). Indeed, some ideas and concepts are so abstract and difficult to
present that they do not readily lend themselves to assessment through TPR.
Additionally, some practitioners may find the indirect nature by which TPR assesses
Total Physical Response as an Assessment Tool 51
reading too problematic to be of practical value for use in the classroom.
Overutilization of Total Physical Response may result in what has been termed
“adaptation,” whereby students cease to respond to the physical stimulus that
underpins the TPR method (Seely & Romijn, 2001). Finally, some learners may
find TPR to be exceedingly uncomfortable or embarrassing, not only hindering
assessment but also adding to the type of anxiety that Asher wishes to avoid.
The issues involving context selection, proficiency challenges, adaptation, and
student comfort level must certainly be taken into consideration when one employs
the Total Physical Response method, not only as an assessment tool, but also as a
pedagogical approach to foreign language instruction. Practitioners, however, need
to remember that no one method of instruction or assessment will be completely
effective with students in a foreign language course. As with instruction, the question
facing foreign language teachers in dealing with assessment issues should not be
which method to use in assessing students, but rather which combination of
approaches will work best to effectively measure student achievement. When used
in concert with other assessment techniques, Total Physical Response offers a
dynamic and engaging means by which to test foreign language proficiency in
authentic contexts across a range of student intelligences in such a way as to stimulate
enthusiasm not just for a particular course or teacher, but for the desire to develop
foreign language learning on a lifelong basis.
Armstrong, T. (1994).
Multiple intelligences in the classroom.
Alexandria, VA:
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Asher, J. J. (1966). The learning strategy of the total physical response: A review.
Modern Language Journal, 50
, 79-84.
Asher, J. J. (1969). The total physical response approach to second language learn-
The Modern Language Journal
, 3-17.
Asher, J. J. (1996).
Learning another language through actions: The complete
teacher’s guidebook
(5th ed.)
Los Gatos, CA: Sky Oaks.
Asher, J. J. (2001a).
Future directions for fast, stress-free learning on the right
side of the brain.
Paper prepared for the International Association for
Collaborative Contributions to Language Learning, Moscow, Russia. Retrieved
January 4, 2004, from
Asher, J. J. (2001b).
How the brain influences behavior.
Keynote address to the
Alberta Teachers of English as a Second Language 2001 Conference, Alberta,
Canada. Retrieved January 4, 2004, from
Asher, J. J. (2001c). Learning another language through actions (6th ed.). Los Gatos,
CA: Sky Oaks.
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Asher, J. J. (2001d).
Some myths about TPR.
Retrieved January 4, 2004, from
Campbell, L., Campbell, B., & Dickinson, D. (1999).
Teaching & learning through
multiple intelligences.
(2nd ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Curtain, H., & Pesola, C. A. B. (1994).
Languages and children: Making the match:
Foreign language instruction for an early start: Grades k-8 (
2nd ed.). White
Plains, NY: Longman.
Gardner, H. (1983).
Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences
. New
York: Basic Books.
Georgia Department of Education. (2003).
2001-2002 Georgia education report
Retrieved January 4, 2004 from
Goals 2000: Educate America Act. PL 103-227. Retrieved January 4, 2004, from
Hall, J. K. (2001).
Methods for teaching foreign languages: Creating a community
of learners in the classroom.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.
Massachusetts Department of Education. (1999).
Massachusetts foreign languages
curriculum framework.
Malden, MA: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Department of Education.Retrieved January 4, 2004, from http://
National Center for Education Statistics. (2003).
NAEP foreign language assess-
Retrieved January 4, 2004, from
National Commission on Excellence in Education (1983).
A nation at risk: The
imperative for educational reform: A report to the nation and the Secretary of
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
National Standards in Foreign Language Education Project (NSFLEP). (1999).
Standards for foreign language learning in the 21st century
NY: Author.
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. PL107-110. Retrieved January 4, 2004, from
Nugent, S. A. (2000). Language instruction in a global community.
, 35-40.
Omaggio, A. C. (1986).
Teaching language in context: Proficiency-oriented in-
Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle.
Onwuegbuzie, A. J., Bailey, P., & Daley, C. E. (1999). Relationships between anxi-
ety and achievement at three stages of learning a foreign language.
and Motor
, 1085-1093.
Palmer, H., & Palmer, D. (1925).
English through actions
. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.
(Reissued in 1955; slightly revised later edition, 1959. London: Longman).
Seely, C., & Romijn, E. K. (2001).
TPR is more than commands–at all levels
ed.). Berkeley, CA: Command Performance Language Institute.
Zehr, M.A. (2003). Schools tap talent for home languages.
Education Week
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otal Physical Responseotal Physical Response
otal Physical Responseotal Physical Response
otal Physical Response
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Assessment Assessment
Assessment Assessment
Scott Scott
Scott Scott
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Valdosta State University
The exigencies of producing students who are able to meet the demands
of the global society have given second language study a new sense of
purpose and importance among educators and policy-makers. Proficiency
assessment, however, still relies heavily upon traditional discrete-item
testing that focuses on grammatical structures and is often devoid of
meaningful context. Total Physical Response (TPR), long a mainstay of
foreign language instruction, has been frequently overlooked as a viable
means for assessing proficiency. TPR is not only a valid means for gaug-
ing foreign language proficiency at increasingly complex levels, but it is
capable of reinforcing core foreign language skills in a manner that ap-
peals to students with various learning styles.
In his 1966 article “The Learning Strategy of the Total Physical Response,”
James J. Asher, the psychologist credited with the development of the Total Physi-
cal Response (TPR) method of foreign language instruction, stated, “Perhaps one
of the most complex tasks in human learning is the problem of how to achieve
fluency in a foreign language” (p. 79). While this statement may strike foreign
language practitioners as so self-evident as to beg discussion, the depth of the com-
plexity of which Asher speaks is reflected in the frustrations and challenges that
both teachers and students face while pursuing second language acquisition and
proficiency. As Asher notes in a 2001(a) address to European educators:
The evidence: 96% of students who voluntarily enroll in foreign language
classes “give up” after three years. Only 4% continue to achieve at least
minimal levels of fluency. More damaging: Not only do our students “give
up” but they are now convinced that they “cannot learn another language.”
After all, they tried but the results were high-voltage stress and the hu-
miliating experience of failure. (p. 1)
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Although Asher was referring in this case to oral proficiency, it would not be
out of the realm of logic to posit that the lack of foreign language proficiency also
extended to aural, reading, and written skills as well. This lack of achievement and
the high attrition rate among foreign language students become an even greater
matter for concern as America moves into a new century in which increased eco-
nomic, political, and cultural interdependence among nations has made foreign
language acquisition an increasingly important and necessary part of American
school curricula. The move to increase the curricular importance of foreign lan-
guage instruction found favor not only among educators, but among policy-makers
at state and national levels, as illustrated by the recommendations found in the
education reform programs
A Nation at Risk
(National Commission on Excellence
in Education, 1983) and
Goals 2000
. Indeed, as Nugent (2000) noted in her article,
“Language Instruction in a Global Community”:
To be competitive in today’s global economy, the business community
has recognized the vital need for today’s students and tomorrow’s work
force to be competent in languages other than English. Effective employ-
ees must be able to interact appropriately in face-to-face situations with
those whose native language is not English. They must be able to interpret
the concepts, ideas, and opinions expressed by members of non-English
speaking societies through their art, literature, and media. (p. 38)
Moreover, during the 1990s, some states began to place increased emphasis
on the importance of foreign language study, as illustrated by the observation in the
overview to the
Massachusetts Foreign Language Curriculum Framework
sachusetts Department of Education, 1999) that “language is the medium in which
human beings think and by which they express what they have thought. The study
of language–any language–is therefore the study of everything that pertains to hu-
man nature, as humans understand it” (p. 1). Thus, in states such as Massachusetts,
foreign language study has moved over the course of the last decade from an elec-
tive position in the school curriculum towards achieving a more prominent curricular
The Challenge of Foreign Language The Challenge of Foreign Language
The Challenge of Foreign Language The Challenge of Foreign Language
The Challenge of Foreign Language
At the same time that foreign language instruction was gaining increased rec-
ognition and acceptance as a central aspect of curriculum, American education
witnessed an increased impetus towards accountability and assessment. This push
for measuring student achievement through testing has most recently found expres-
sion in the mandates found in the
No Child Left Behind Act
of 2001
and the education
reform legislation enacted on state and local levels. While the majority of these
efforts focus on language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies, there are
efforts to hold foreign language teachers and students accountable for achievement
in languages other than English. Currently, the National Center for Education Sta-
tistics (NCES) is preparing to field study the first Foreign Language National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) for initial administration in the fall of
Total Physical Response as an Assessment Tool 45
2004. The test, which will initially be offered in Spanish, will measure student
performance in the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing (NCES, 2003).
Additionally, foreign language achievement is assessed either directly in the form
of state-mandated testing, such as the Regents’ Spanish Test in New York (Zehr,
2003), or indirectly as a contributing indicator to overall school performance. In
Georgia, for example, student achievement data on the foreign language advanced
placement tests are included with scores from other advanced placement tests as
part of the criteria to determine how well a school is meeting its educational objec-
tives (Georgia Department of Education, 2003).
Despite the ever-increasing importance of foreign language assessment, seri-
ous concerns remain regarding the methods by which assessing achievement in
second language acquisition is to be conducted. Educators recognize the impor-
tance that assessment plays in foreign language instruction and urge diversification
in testing to include performance-based assessment, authentic materials, and evalu-
ative techniques that encourage communicative approaches to measuring proficiency
in the target language as opposed to an overriding emphasis on the memorization
of grammatical structures (Massachusetts Department of Education, 1999). There
is, nevertheless, still a great deal of reliance on the more traditional methods of
foreign language assessment. These conventional strategies include criterion-based,
teacher-made, discrete-point grammar assessments, vocabulary tests, and produc-
tion-driven approaches to gauge oral proficiency (Asher, 2001b; Hall, 2001). As
Hall notes, these types of traditional assessment are so prevalent because the pri-
mary foci in foreign language instruction are centered upon mastery of grammatical
structures and vocabulary (p. 155). While these traditional assessment formats can
play a valuable role in determining second language acquisition, overreliance on
these methods can serve to undermine language proficiency and contradict the stan-
dards of foreign language learning as established by the profession in the mid-to-late
1990s, particularly those standards that address the ability to connect foreign lan-
guage learning to other cultures, communities, and academic disciplines (National
Standards in Foreign Language Education Project, 1999). Moreover, tests based
on discrete-point grammatical items may serve to compromise language learning
and usage in context by presenting the material to be tested in such a way as to
become little more than a series of disconnected “non-sequiturs” (Omaggio, 1986).
Even in the instances when there is no disconnect between context and assess-
ment, traditional methods of testing tend to favor those students who are most
comfortable learning in the audio/visual modalities at the expense of those who
learn primarily in other ways. As Howard Gardner, developer of the Multiple Intel-
ligences Theory, observed in
Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Yet it should be equally clear that current methods of assessing the intel-
lect are not sufficiently well honed to allow assessment of an individual’s
potentials or achievements in navigating the stars, mastering a foreign
tongue, or composing with a computer. The problem lies less in the tech-
nology of testing than in the ways in which we customarily think about the
intellect and our ingrained views of intelligence. (p. 4)
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Gardner (1983) formulated his theory of Multiple Intelligences to “challenge
the classical view of intelligence that most of us have absorbed explicitly” (p. 5).
He postulated that, rather than a singular conceptualization of intelligence, humans
possess talents that can be classified as “intelligences” as long as these traits (1)
have a developmental feature, (2) can be observed in special populations, (3) pro-
vide evidence of localization in the brain, and (4) can support a symbolic or notational
system (Campbell, Campbell, & Dickinson, 1999). To this end, Gardner described,
but did not limit himself to, eight intelligences: linguistic, logical-mathematical,
spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic.
These intelligences can be divided into sub-intelligences and are significantly in-
fluenced by the culture in which one lives and develops. While one may express
aspects of more than one intelligence, Gardner maintains that one’s creativity lies
mainly within one domain of intelligence. Each of these intelligences has its re-
spective developmental sequences and distinctive defining traits (Campbell,
Campbell, & Dickinson, 1999). In the academic environment, students tend to learn
more effectively when teachers ascertain the intelligences present in the classroom
and pattern their lessons accordingly to meet the learning styles of their students.
Just as the theory of Multiple Intelligences has practical applications for class-
room instruction, so does it possess the potential to provide more effective
assessment of student performance. In particular, the theory encourages the use of
authentic assessments so that students are able to express what they have learned in
a meaningful context, an especially important aspect of second language profi-
ciency assessment. Authentic, contextual assessments allow students to be evaluated
through criterion-referencing, benchmarking, or ipsative means (Armstrong, 1994).
Thus, foreign language teachers who incorporate the Multiple Intelligences con-
cept into assessments that favor authentic, contextual assessments over traditional
discrete-point, grammar-based tests may find that students previously at a disad-
vantage because of the audio/visual nature of traditional testing will demonstrate
an increased level of content mastery. If, however, foreign language educators con-
tinue to rely on conventional assessment methods, those students who do not excel
in the traditional testing formats will continue to experience a sense of heightened
anxiety that may impede learning in the target language and reinforce negative
student perceptions regarding foreign language acquisition (Asher, 2001b;
Onwuegbuzie, Bailey, & Daley, 1999).
otal Physical Responseotal Physical Response
otal Physical Responseotal Physical Response
otal Physical Response
Although Asher is credited with the development of the Total Physical Re-
sponse approach to foreign language acquisition, the method had its genesis in the
work of Harold E. Palmer, an English advisor attached to the Japanese Ministry of
Education, and his daughter, Dorothee, during the 1920s and 1930s. In
through Action
(1925), Palmer and his daughter advanced the idea that second
language acquisition was more effective in children when they carried out com-
mands issued by the teacher in the target language. Palmers work, however, received
little notice outside Japan and subsequently fell into obscurity in the sociopolitical
environment after World War II (Seely & Romijn, 2001)
Total Physical Response as an Assessment Tool 47
The approach that practitioners have come to recognize as Total Physical Re-
sponse began in the 1960s as an effort on the part of Asher, unaware of Palmer’s
work, to address the challenges facing foreign language pedagogy (Seely & Romijn,
2001). As Asher (1969) observed, “After studying a foreign language for two years,
the average American not only has almost zero fluency, but negative learning may
have resulted if the individual now has a fearful attitude towards second language
learning” (p. 3). Asher reiterated the frustrations of conventional foreign language
instruction in an address to the Alberta Teachers of English Conference in 2001,
when he presented the all too familiar scenario of the teacher who “can ask stu-
dents to practice an exercise for an hour, [and] come into the next class meeting
and it is as if the exercise has been erased from the students’ memories” (p. 2). It
was Asher’s initial contention that the foreign language curriculum was far too
ambitious, given the amount of contact time allowed for instruction. Rather than
attempt to attain proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing, he posited
that the first phase of foreign language instruction should focus on one skill, pref-
erably listening, since listening proficiency has a high transferability to the other
three language skills (Asher, 1969). Indeed, Ashers experimentation seemed to
support Palmer’s contention that action as a response to a spoken command facili-
tated second language acquisition; in Ashers specific case, this acquisition was
expressed in terms of aural proficiency (Asher, 1966, 1969). Hence, the pedagogi-
cal method Asher proposed became known as
Total Physical
While subsequent refinements of TPR have included the advent of “TPR
Storytelling” and a shift from an emphasis on primarily right-brain processes (Cur-
tain & Pesola, 1994) to an increased focus on language learning activities utilizing
both the left and right hemispheres of the brain (Asher, 2001c), the core principles
of TPR have remained constant. As previously stated, the essential aspect of TPR
has been the association of movement and language, often through an imperative
delivery-active response format. Initially, the teacher models the command through
several repetitions, consistently using the target language to identify the desired
behavior. Once students respond to the command, the teacher then ceases to per-
form the target action, relying instead on the verbal expression of the imperative.
Students do not undertake oral production until they feel sufficiently confident to
make the effort, and stressors are kept to a minimum. Though initial instruction
through TPR consists of short, basic commands, the level of complexity will in-
crease in relation to the aural/oral proficiency of the students (Curtain & Pesola,
The reliance upon commands has led to three misconceptions regarding Total
Physical Response: (1) TPR can be used only in conjunction with commands; (2)
TPR has been effective only in the initial phases of foreign language instruction;
and (3) TPR has been effective only with children (Asher, 2001d). In response,
Asher (1996) noted that, while he placed much importance on command structures,
the emphasis was on understanding as conveyed by the body movement of the
students, allowing for the expansion of the Total Physical Response method to
incorporate other grammatical and linguistic elements beyond the imperative mood.
In terms of both instruction and assessment, the adoption of techniques like
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
demonstration, natural dialogues, and TPR storytelling not only permitted usage
beyond the realm of the command but demonstrated the efficacy of TPR in post-
introductory levels of second language acquisition (Asher, 2001d; Seely & Romijn,
2001). As for the incorrect assumption that TPR has been effective only in instruction
with young children, Ashers research (1969, 2001d) indicated that older language
learners exposed to TPR actually outperformed younger students exposed to the
same method. Thus, teachers who subscribed to these fallacies surrounding Total
Physical Response assigned a nonexistent pedagogical rigidity to the method and
subsequently denied their students an effective and vibrant means of foreign language
instruction and assessment.
Assessment SAssessment S
Assessment SAssessment S
Assessment S
trategies Using trategies Using
trategies Using trategies Using
trategies Using
otal Physical Responseotal Physical Response
otal Physical Responseotal Physical Response
otal Physical Response
Assessment of Interpretive, Interpersonal, and Presentational ModesAssessment of Interpretive, Interpersonal, and Presentational Modes
Assessment of Interpretive, Interpersonal, and Presentational ModesAssessment of Interpretive, Interpersonal, and Presentational Modes
Assessment of Interpretive, Interpersonal, and Presentational Modes
Of all the core proficiencies in language learning, TPR techniques are most
easily and directly applied in assessing listening comprehension. The strong
relationship between oral production and bodily response that comprises the
foundation of the Total Physical Response method allows the teacher to use TPR to
evaluate how well students comprehend production in the target language according
to how they respond to the teacher’s output in the second language. Asher (2001a)
referred to this process as the “language body conversation”
(p. 9). Assessment via
this strategy may be as simple as a game of “Simon Says,” where the students
respond appropriately according to the commands issued by the teacher. The
evaluation of student progress is based on the number and complexity levels of the
tasks they are asked to complete. As student comprehension and production increase,
the assessment may be varied so that some students are giving instructions in the
target language while others carry out the commands. In this case, the instructor
evaluates the students according to how accurately the students give and respond
to the commands issued during the test. Thus, the teacher would have the potential
to evaluate student oral proficiency, as well as listening comprehension, at least on
a basic level.
At more advanced levels, listening comprehension can be assessed through a
variation of TPR Storytelling. In this format, the teacher would create a “mini-
story” using the elements that are to be assessed. Students would act out the story
based upon their interpretation of the events in the teachers story. Assessment
would be evaluated on the accuracy with which the student portrays the story. The
advantage to this type of assessment is that it provides for evaluation of listening
proficiency in longer, more complex linguistic structures within a given context, as
opposed to the relatively basic assessment using short commands.
Another possible option using the TPR Storytelling strategy as a listening
assessment is to have the teacher relate a story incorporating the material to be
assessed. In this case, however, the students would draw a picture or a scene that
depicts the teachers story. Evaluation would be based upon the accuracy of the
visual representation of the events in the story (Asher, 2001c). On the surface, this
particular approach to assessment may not appear to conform to the format of
Total Physical Response as an Assessment Tool 49
classical TPR. The act of drawing, however, is actually a physical response to a
linguistic stimulus, adding a kinesthetic dimension to the traditionally emphasized
audio/visual approaches to foreign language instruction and assessment.
Seely & Romijn (2001) state that listening comprehension is such a fundamental
element of Total Physical Response that this particular skill does not actually have
to be assessed. In-class instruction using TPR provides the teacher with opportunities
for informal assessment, but formally assessing listening proficiency allows teachers
to determine whether or not the individual student actually comprehends output in
the foreign language as opposed to merely mimicking the gestures of the other
students. Moreover, current accountability trends in education put additional pressure
on teachers to formalize areas of assessment that may have been previously evaluated
in a satisfactory manner on an informal basis. Thus, foreign language instructors
should be aware of the possibilities that TPR presents as a viable means of formally
assessing listening proficiency.
Since oral proficiency is the language acquisition skill most closely associated
with listening proficiency, it would not be unreasonable to suppose that oral
proficiency assessment using Total Physical Response would be closely associated
with the assessment strategies used to measure listening comprehension. A key
aspect of oral production–and hence, assessment, in TPR–is a focus on “role
reversal,” in which the instructional emphasis in the second language shifts from
the teacher’s producing and demonstrating output to student production (Seely &
Romijn, 2001). At the basic levels, students would effect the role reversal in simple
command-response assessments discussed in the previous section on listening
assessment, the difference being that the evaluative focus would be on oral
production rather than on the response to the commands.
During subsequent phases of foreign language instruction, students may be
assessed orally through the development of dialogues or mini-stories involving
natural action dialogues and the TPR Storytelling method, strategies that allow the
teacher to monitor student fluency in addition to the accuracy of oral production.
When assessing through the natural action dialogues and TPR Storytelling, the
teacher should clearly designate the words or structures that are to be assessed, and
it is essential that the students have been previously exposed to the material in
question. Moreover, while fluency should be monitored, it should not be the major
evaluative priority. Rather, primary importance in oral assessment should be given
to the comprehensibility of the student utterances.
Assessment of Presentational and Interpretive ModesAssessment of Presentational and Interpretive Modes
Assessment of Presentational and Interpretive ModesAssessment of Presentational and Interpretive Modes
Assessment of Presentational and Interpretive Modes
Although most closely associated with direct listening and oral assessment,
Total Physical Response provides options for evaluating written and reading
proficiency. To test writing skills, teachers may restructure the command-response
assessment used for aural/oral assessment so that students respond to the teacher’s
physical stimuli in a written format, beginning with simple commands and
progressing towards more complex structures as students become more competent
in the target language.
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Another means of measuring student achievement in writing is through TPR
dictation (Seely & Romijn, 2001). In TPR dictation, the teacher models the items
to be assessed through physical demonstration before orally presenting the sentence
that is to be written by the students. Thus the item to be evaluated is presented
through both kinesthetic and oral modalities. In using the TPR dictation, it is very
important that the teacher refrain from using contexts and linguistic items that have
yet to be formally presented in the instructional environment. Furthermore, the
demonstrations must be free from ambiguity, and the oral delivery must be given
clearly and at an appropriate conversational rate for the skill level of the students
being tested. Other means of assessing writing include presenting students with
pictures or images involving the material to be assessed and having the students
write a passage or dialogue based on the visual stimulus and having them develop
natural action dialogues in a written format (Seely & Romijn, 2001). These written
dialogues can be used not only to assess written proficiency in the target language
but also serve as a possible basis upon which to assess proficiency in both oral and
reading skills.
As a result of the comparatively passive nature of reading, as opposed to
listening, speaking, and writing, the assessment of reading proficiency through TPR
may pose the greatest challenge to foreign language teachers. Evaluation of reading
skills, however indirectly, is still possible through TPR, especially in the formats of
the natural action dialogue and TPR Storytelling. Through these approaches, the
student reads materials that cover the information to be tested, with either the teacher
or the other students in the class acting out what the student reads. In an assessment
situation, the stories and dialogues may be more effective if they are teacher-
generated, but it would be quite feasible for students to create the dialogue or story
(thus reinforcing writing proficiency). Role reversal plays an important part in
reading assessment, as the students being evaluated are providing the stimulus, and
the teacher or other nonevaluated members of the class are responding to what is
being read. Students may be evaluated on criteria similar to those found in native-
language reading instruction, including fluency, decoding skills, and comprehension,
while being engaged in the assessment through an interactive format.
Potential Challenges to Potential Challenges to
Potential Challenges to Potential Challenges to
Potential Challenges to
While Total Physical Response offers the foreign language instructor the means
by which to assess students who learn in authentic contexts through a variety of
intelligences, the strategy presents potential drawbacks if it is misused. If, for
example, the context used to assess the target language were “bizarre” or overly
strange, then language learning could be compromised because of the student’s
inability to manipulate the target language in an authentic situation, not to mention
the context presented in the assessment (Omaggio, 1986). Omaggio even asserts
that the greatest drawbacks to TPR derive from its “incongruence to proficiency
goals” (p. 75). Indeed, some ideas and concepts are so abstract and difficult to
present that they do not readily lend themselves to assessment through TPR.
Additionally, some practitioners may find the indirect nature by which TPR assesses
Total Physical Response as an Assessment Tool 51
reading too problematic to be of practical value for use in the classroom.
Overutilization of Total Physical Response may result in what has been termed
“adaptation,” whereby students cease to respond to the physical stimulus that
underpins the TPR method (Seely & Romijn, 2001). Finally, some learners may
find TPR to be exceedingly uncomfortable or embarrassing, not only hindering
assessment but also adding to the type of anxiety that Asher wishes to avoid.
The issues involving context selection, proficiency challenges, adaptation, and
student comfort level must certainly be taken into consideration when one employs
the Total Physical Response method, not only as an assessment tool, but also as a
pedagogical approach to foreign language instruction. Practitioners, however, need
to remember that no one method of instruction or assessment will be completely
effective with students in a foreign language course. As with instruction, the question
facing foreign language teachers in dealing with assessment issues should not be
which method to use in assessing students, but rather which combination of
approaches will work best to effectively measure student achievement. When used
in concert with other assessment techniques, Total Physical Response offers a
dynamic and engaging means by which to test foreign language proficiency in
authentic contexts across a range of student intelligences in such a way as to stimulate
enthusiasm not just for a particular course or teacher, but for the desire to develop
foreign language learning on a lifelong basis.
Armstrong, T. (1994).
Multiple intelligences in the classroom.
Alexandria, VA:
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Asher, J. J. (1966). The learning strategy of the total physical response: A review.
Modern Language Journal, 50
, 79-84.
Asher, J. J. (1969). The total physical response approach to second language learn-
The Modern Language Journal
, 3-17.
Asher, J. J. (1996).
Learning another language through actions: The complete
teacher’s guidebook
(5th ed.)
Los Gatos, CA: Sky Oaks.
Asher, J. J. (2001a).
Future directions for fast, stress-free learning on the right
side of the brain.
Paper prepared for the International Association for
Collaborative Contributions to Language Learning, Moscow, Russia. Retrieved
January 4, 2004, from
Asher, J. J. (2001b).
How the brain influences behavior.
Keynote address to the
Alberta Teachers of English as a Second Language 2001 Conference, Alberta,
Canada. Retrieved January 4, 2004, from
Asher, J. J. (2001c). Learning another language through actions (6th ed.). Los Gatos,
CA: Sky Oaks.
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Asher, J. J. (2001d).
Some myths about TPR.
Retrieved January 4, 2004, from
Campbell, L., Campbell, B., & Dickinson, D. (1999).
Teaching & learning through
multiple intelligences.
(2nd ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Curtain, H., & Pesola, C. A. B. (1994).
Languages and children: Making the match:
Foreign language instruction for an early start: Grades k-8 (
2nd ed.). White
Plains, NY: Longman.
Gardner, H. (1983).
Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences
. New
York: Basic Books.
Georgia Department of Education. (2003).
2001-2002 Georgia education report
Retrieved January 4, 2004 from
Goals 2000: Educate America Act. PL 103-227. Retrieved January 4, 2004, from
Hall, J. K. (2001).
Methods for teaching foreign languages: Creating a community
of learners in the classroom.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.
Massachusetts Department of Education. (1999).
Massachusetts foreign languages
curriculum framework.
Malden, MA: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Department of Education.Retrieved January 4, 2004, from http://
National Center for Education Statistics. (2003).
NAEP foreign language assess-
Retrieved January 4, 2004, from
National Commission on Excellence in Education (1983).
A nation at risk: The
imperative for educational reform: A report to the nation and the Secretary of
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
National Standards in Foreign Language Education Project (NSFLEP). (1999).
Standards for foreign language learning in the 21st century
NY: Author.
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. PL107-110. Retrieved January 4, 2004, from
Nugent, S. A. (2000). Language instruction in a global community.
, 35-40.
Omaggio, A. C. (1986).
Teaching language in context: Proficiency-oriented in-
Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle.
Onwuegbuzie, A. J., Bailey, P., & Daley, C. E. (1999). Relationships between anxi-
ety and achievement at three stages of learning a foreign language.
and Motor
, 1085-1093.
Palmer, H., & Palmer, D. (1925).
English through actions
. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.
(Reissued in 1955; slightly revised later edition, 1959. London: Longman).
Seely, C., & Romijn, E. K. (2001).
TPR is more than commands–at all levels
ed.). Berkeley, CA: Command Performance Language Institute.
Zehr, M.A. (2003). Schools tap talent for home languages.
Education Week
Assessing the Impact of Narrow Listening:Assessing the Impact of Narrow Listening:
Assessing the Impact of Narrow Listening:Assessing the Impact of Narrow Listening:
Assessing the Impact of Narrow Listening:
Perceptions and Performance Perceptions and Performance
Perceptions and Performance Perceptions and Performance
Perceptions and Performance
ictoria Rodrigoictoria Rodrigo
ictoria Rodrigoictoria Rodrigo
ictoria Rodrigo
Georgia State University
Narrow listening (NL) is an approach to developing listening skills at
intermediate to advanced levels. NL refers to listening to a single seg-
ment extensively and repeatedly for the purpose of meaning. The first
part of this article reviews the listening material available in the foreign
language setting and presents a case for introducing NL. It is followed by
a study of students’ perceptions of this approach and their performance
on a listening comprehension test (N = 100). The results indicate that the
practice of NL using audio library material is not only perceived as a
useful and stimulating learning experience in acquiring Spanish but also
proves to be an effective way to improve listening skills. Pedagogical
implications are suggested.
The literature in the field of first (L1) and second language (L2) acquisition
greatly acknowledges the importance of good listening skills in language acquisi-
tion. Listening is the first language skill that humans develop: “As children, we
listen before we speak, speak before we read, and read before we write” (Wolvin &
Coakley, 1985, p. 7). In one’s L2, listening also plays a crucial role and becomes a
good predictor of success in the foreign language (Krashen, 2003). Consequently,
having a good ability to understand the target language in its spoken modality should
be a goal for any language student and FL program.
The present article reports on a study that assessed the impact of narrow listen-
ing (NL), an approach to developing listening skills at the intermediate and advanced
levels (Rodrigo & Krashen, 1996), by analyzing students’ perceptions of the ap-
proach and their performance on a listening comprehension test. For both studies,
students’ perceptions and performance, the subjects were drawn from fifth-semes-
ter courses based on a NL methodology. Additionally, for the perception study, the
results of the NL approach were compared with those from courses with a tradi-
tional listening (TL) component (i.e., lab tapes accompanying textbooks in which
the listening material is edited and, therefore, unauthentic). An explanation as to
the reasons the NL was implemented must precede the report on these studies.
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Does Listening Help?Does Listening Help?
Does Listening Help?Does Listening Help?
Does Listening Help?
Teachers are aware of the benefits of practicing listening comprehension (Berne,
1998) in order to improve L2, but are the students aware too? During the fall of
2000, a total of 203 college students of Spanish attending a lower-division lan-
guage program (first through fourth semester) were asked to state whether the
textbook tapes they were required to use for the practice of listening helped them
acquire the target language. Table 1 shows their responses:
able 1.
able 1.
able 1.
opinions: Does listening help you acquire L2? opinions: Does listening help you acquire L2?
opinions: Does listening help you acquire L2? opinions: Does listening help you acquire L2?
opinions: Does listening help you acquire L2?
Number of studentsNumber of students
Number of studentsNumber of students
Number of students
% (N)% (N)
% (N)% (N)
% (N)
% (N)% (N)
% (N)% (N)
% (N)
1 semester. TL 61 93 (57) 7 (4)
2 semester. TL 77 95 (73) 5 (4)
3 semester. TL 51 92 (47) 8 (4)
4 semester. TL 14 71 (10) 29 (4)
TL=traditional listening
As Table 1 indicates, the students appear to value the listening material that
language instructors make available to them and are aware of the benefits of prac-
ticing listening skills for the purpose of acquiring more Spanish. However, there is
a slight difference between the first three semesters (with positive responses mostly
at 92% and above) and the fourth-semester students (71%), who value their listen-
ing material less. This shift of opinion between the highly positive reactions in the
first three semesters and those of the fourth semester certainly deserves attention. A
possible reason could be a lack of effective, interesting, and appropriate material to
practice this skill at the intermediate level (Campana, 1984). It is reasonable, then,
to ask whether students in the fourth semester, now intermediate users of the target
language, consider the listening material available to them to be (a) too easy and
uninteresting or (b) too difficult, challenging, or frustrating. A review of the listen-
ing material available is therefore required.
A Gap ObservedA Gap Observed
A Gap ObservedA Gap Observed
A Gap Observed
The listening material currently used in FL teaching consists of tapes, CDs,
and videos accompanying language textbooks, as well as culturally authentic audio
material, such as media products (TV, videos, and radio). These material modali-
ties differ from one another in both their characteristics and objectives. Textbook
tapes, CDs, and videos generally expose language learners to edited, unauthentic
language that is purely pedagogical in nature. Speakers read a script containing the
vocabulary and grammar structures related to a particular topic in the textbook.
Also, the speakers all too often sound unnatural, because they speak at a slow pace,
and the language input typically conveys content that is not relevant to students.
Assessing the Impact of Narrow Listening 55
Authentic material, by contrast, consists of natural, unedited language, and
students are exposed to language input originally intended for a first language popu-
lation. It is possible, then, that language learners are being forced to jump from
scripted to authentic material without a proper transition. The apparent gap be-
tween the two modalities may explain why the fourth-semester students of the sample
had a less positive view of the benefits that their listening activities might provide.
Consequently, it is possible to conclude that an intermediate stage needs to be
suggested in order to bridge the observed gap.
Bridging the Gap: Narrow Listening and the Bridging the Gap: Narrow Listening and the
Bridging the Gap: Narrow Listening and the Bridging the Gap: Narrow Listening and the
Bridging the Gap: Narrow Listening and the
Audio LibraryAudio Library
Audio LibraryAudio Library
Audio Library
As a solution to the gap observed at the intermediate level, a three-stage model
was proposed in the development of listening. The process consists of an initial
stage, an intermediate (or transitional) stage, and a final stage. The transitional
stage requires NL. Table 2 presents the pedagogical model proposed for develop-
ing listening skills in L2 (See Rodrigo, 2003, for more information about the
pedagogical model and the theoretical foundations of NL.)
able 2.
able 2.
able 2.
Pedagogical model for developing listening skills in L2 (from Rodrigo, 2003)Pedagogical model for developing listening skills in L2 (from Rodrigo, 2003)
Pedagogical model for developing listening skills in L2 (from Rodrigo, 2003)Pedagogical model for developing listening skills in L2 (from Rodrigo, 2003)
Pedagogical model for developing listening skills in L2 (from Rodrigo, 2003)
ext Characteristicsext Characteristics
ext Characteristicsext Characteristics
ext Characteristics
tage 1tage 1
tage 1tage 1
tage 1:
Initiation Unauthentic Textbook tapes,
CDs, and video
Authentic Video, audio with
familiar and simple
topics (i.e., commercials)
tage 2: tage 2:
tage 2: tage 2:
tage 2:
ransitional Pedagogically authentic Audio-library
Authentic TV, radio, and video
(short or edited for length)
tage 3: Finaltage 3: Final
tage 3: Finaltage 3: Final
tage 3: Final Authentic TV, radio, and video
The term NL, coined by Krashen (1996), refers to a relatively new concept in
the field. NL is an approach to developing listening skills at intermediate-to-ad-
vanced levels. Four key questions explain the approach:
(1) Why listen? To get information, to know about a topic of interest.
(2) How to listen? Extensively, but at the same time, the listener must
focus on a single topic and listen to the same passage as many times
as needed, from beginning to end, without stopping the tape.
(3) What to listen to? Authentic speech samples of short duration (1 to 3
minutes) about a topic that is familiar and interesting to the listener.
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
(4) What to do? Activities that are relevant for the students. Based on the
speakers’ information, students have to react to the content and ex-
press their opinions. The activities must allow different degrees of
understanding so that the students’ level of anxiety can remain low.
NL, then, consists of listening to a single segment several times—as many as
the listener may need, an average of three to four times—for the purpose of com-
prehending the message the recorded speakers intend to convey. In a NL approach,
listening strategies are crucial for the success of NL activities. Language students
should know why and how to undertake NL activities. Therefore, they should be
made aware of the guidelines (Rodrigo, 1997) for an effective use of NL (see Ap-
pendix A).
Pedagogically Pedagogically
Pedagogically Pedagogically
Authentic Material: Authentic Material:
Authentic Material: Authentic Material:
Authentic Material:
The The
The The
Audio LibraryAudio Library
Audio LibraryAudio Library
Audio Library
Samples of NL material can be collected from TV, video, radio, or an audio
library. In the studies reviewed below, the subjects used a Spanish audio library. An
audio library is a sample of pedagogically authentic material, a new modality de-
fined by Rodrigo (2003). Upon realizing that researchers had defined “authentic”
according to three separate factors: purpose (Geddes & White, 1978); source (Gal-
loway, 1988); and quality of language (Rogers & Medley, 1988), Rodrigo combined
these factors into a definition of pedagogically authentic material as a “text pro-
duced by native speakers and used for a pedagogical purpose, for an L2 audience.”
Such material contains language input that is natural and unmodified.
The best example of pedagogically authentic material is an audio library used
in a narrow listening (NL) approach. Its main characteristics are as follows:
: pedagogical, authentic, spontaneous, and brief
: brief; between one and 3 minutes per passage
: general comprehension and practice on listening skills
: getting general information; reacting to the content
: of personal interest, since they are selected by the listeners
: rehearing a single segment, extensive and narrow listening
The audio library used with the NL approach was a collection of three CDs
containing 25 topics of interest to the students. The topics were divided into four
categories: personal, speculative, controversial, and informational (see appendix B
for the list of topics). Three native speakers spoke freely and spontaneously about
their points of view or experiences related to each specific topic. The speech samples
were one-to-3-minute monologues. The Spanish audio library (Rodrigo, 2000) used
in the studies we will introduce included a total of 17 speakers from 10 Spanish-
speaking countries and more than 200 minutes of authentic, spontaneous input.
The students had access to the audio library in three ways. A set of the audio library
Assessing the Impact of Narrow Listening 57
was available at the language lab, where students could listen to the segments or
obtain copies for use at home. The students also had the option of purchasing the
material. (The reader interested in how to create an audio library should consult
Rodrigo, 2003.)
tudy 1: Study 1: S
tudy 1: Study 1: S
tudy 1: S
Perceptions on the Usefulness of NL Perceptions on the Usefulness of NL
Perceptions on the Usefulness of NL Perceptions on the Usefulness of NL
Perceptions on the Usefulness of NL
in the in the
in the in the
in the
Acquisition of SpanishAcquisition of Spanish
Acquisition of SpanishAcquisition of Spanish
Acquisition of Spanish
The data used in the analysis of students’ perceptions on the effect of NL on
their Spanish were collected in the fifth semester of college-level language study
over a five-semester period (Spring’01 through Spring’03), and in six courses,
with a total sample of 100 students. At the end of each semester, the students were
asked to answer a questionnaire about several aspects of the NL approach. Three
questions specifically addressed NL: (1) how the NL compared to other types of
listening (e.g., lab tapes accompanying a textbook) the students had used before;
(2) the students’ perception about the usefulness of NL in improving their Spanish;
and (3) areas in which and the degree to which NL was useful (see appendix C for
questions used). Their answers follow:
A. How the NL compared to other types of listeningA. How the NL compared to other types of listening
A. How the NL compared to other types of listeningA. How the NL compared to other types of listening
A. How the NL compared to other types of listening
As a response to the first question, 81.8% of the students considered the prac-
tice of NL better than that for other types of listening material. The remaining
18.2% indicated that NL and listening activities in previous courses were about the
same. No students considered the NL practice worse than traditional activities.
Students reported that NL was considered better practice for listening comprehen-
sion because it was more interesting and not as monotonous as the lab tapes. The
students’ comments in the questionnaire revealed seven factors that, from their
perspective, made NL more interesting than traditional listening. These factors,
together with several illustrative comments, follow:
Relevant topics
: The topics dealt with issues of current interest and debate
that attracted the students’ attention. Among their comments were these: “It’s al-
ways better to listen to actual people talking about real topics.” “NL included themes
that I could relate to on a day-to-day basis, that went beyond a first-year Spanish
level.” “Focused on practical issues.”
2. A v
ariety of speakers from different Hispanic countries
: “I like NL better
because it offers various speakers with different accents and voices.” “What I like
the best about NL is becoming accustomed to different accents, hearing and under-
standing Spanish, and learning about different cultures, all at once.” “There were
many different speakers, and I liked to try and guess what country they were from.”
language, like that in real life
: “NL is better because it gives you an
opportunity to hear the language spoken in an unedited and close-to-natural envi-
ronment. Also, you can hear different dialects.” “The speakers are spontaneous,
untrained, and real people speaking as they normally do.” “[The language in NL
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
activities] is much more casual, informal; you can hear people speaking from all
the different Hispanic countries.” “They [the speakers] are real people, not actors
who always speak perfectly.” “[I like] the fact that the speakers don’t use a script
and speak the same as they speak in everyday life.” “I appreciate the ‘nativeness’ of
the speakers (not talking slow ‘standard’) even if they are really frustrating some-
times.” “I like the true life experience of speakers (did not understand everything
Realistic and rewarding activities
: “NL is more realistic than classroom or
the lab book. Workbook sheets don’t feel like they accomplish anything.” “I liked
the fact that it was not made easy; the words used were not edited so we could
Personal learning experience:
The students are in charge of their own
learning; they can choose what to hear (they select the topics), when, and where to
do it (the listening activity was homework): “NL is more interesting because it is
something I like doing. [It] allows you the possibility of listening to what you want
to hear.” “It was good to be able to do something like this on your own time and not
in class with all the distractions.” “I have to keep the tapes and listen to them as
often as I want and when I want to.” “There are different topics to choose from.” “[I
like] to listen to them at our own pace and the different dialects of speakers.”
First-hand target culture:
“This is educational, culturally as well as for
grammar and comprehension.” “It’s more interesting and more educating about the
culture and different types of accents.” “I liked the way in which I learned about
various Hispanic cultures as well as [the fact that I] listened to different accents and
pronunciation of words.”
Makes it easier for the student to have a feeling of accomplishment
: “The
more I listen to these tapes, the better I learn how to structure a conversation or just
simple sentences.” “You actually hear and try to comprehend how Spanish speak-
ers actually speak.” “Puts you in a total Spanish frame of mind.” “Compared to
doing lab book exercises that correspond to tapes, I like NL more.” “I really en-
joyed the activities, and I feel that they really helped me with my speaking, listening,
and understanding. I feel like I have been internalizing Spanish a lot. . . . I really
enjoyed the activities . . . because [they] helped me more than anything else!” “It
helps me to understand people with different accents and speaking styles.” “NL is
concise and easy to understand.” “I have never had something like NL and I think
it is great.”
In sum, the students felt that NL prepared them better to handle real L2: they
were exposed to real people, a variety of accents and speaking styles, natural lan-
guage, interesting topics, and relevant activities in a low-anxiety situation. At the
same time the students enjoyed and liked working with NL. Some of the negative
comments about NL were related to how fast some speakers spoke and about the
sound quality of the recordings.
Assessing the Impact of Narrow Listening 59
B. B.
B. B.
The students’The students’
The students’The students’
The students’
perceptions about the usefulness of NL perceptions about the usefulness of NL
perceptions about the usefulness of NL perceptions about the usefulness of NL
perceptions about the usefulness of NL
A total of 95% of the students in the fifth semester responded that NL helped
them acquire Spanish. This result is similar to the one observed in the first three
semesters of the TL groups reported in Table 1. Table 3 clearly shows a decrease in
positive responses during the fourth semester. It appears, however, that NL rein-
stated in the fifth semester the same value that the students had assigned to NL in
the first three semesters. Table 3 shows the five-semester sequence:
able 3.
able 3.
able 3.
opinions. Does listening help you acquire L2? opinions. Does listening help you acquire L2?
opinions. Does listening help you acquire L2? opinions. Does listening help you acquire L2?
opinions. Does listening help you acquire L2?
Number of studentsNumber of students
Number of studentsNumber of students
Number of students
% (N)% (N)
% (N)% (N)
% (N)
% (N)% (N)
% (N)% (N)
% (N)
1 semester. TL 61 93 (57) 7 (4)
2 semester. TL 77 95 (73) 5 (4)
3 semester. TL 51 92 (47) 8 (4)
4 semester. TL 14 71 (10) 29 (4)
5 semester. NL 100 95 (95) 5 (5)
TL = traditional listening; NL = narrow listening
C. C.
C. C.
Areas in which and the degree to which NLAreas in which and the degree to which NL
Areas in which and the degree to which NLAreas in which and the degree to which NL
Areas in which and the degree to which NL
was useful was useful
was useful was useful
was useful
As for the third question, regarding the students’ perception of the degree of
usefulness of NL in the improvement of their Spanish in different areas, the stu-
dents had to use a scale from 1 (not very useful) to 5 (very useful). Table 4 reveals
the results:
able 4.
able 4.
able 4.
Areas improved after using NL: SAreas improved after using NL: S
Areas improved after using NL: SAreas improved after using NL: S
Areas improved after using NL: S
perceptions perceptions
perceptions perceptions
Improving your
listening comprehensionlistening comprehension
listening comprehensionlistening comprehension
listening comprehension 90
4.52 0.72
Knowing about another
culture culture
culture culture
culture and different 91
4.26 0.92
points of view
Improving your
communicative skillscommunicative skills
communicative skillscommunicative skills
communicative skills in Spanish 89 3.81 1.08
Developing or reviewing your
vocabulary 90 3.60 1.00
Improving your
fluency 90 3.49 1.21
Improving your
pronunciation 72 3.42 1.21
Getting used to
talking talking
talking talking
talking in another language 89 3.39 1.36
grammar grammar
grammar grammar
grammar structures in context 90 2.91 1.17
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Table 4 indicates that NL, according to the students’ perceptions, helped them
the most in the areas of listening comprehension (4.52), followed by knowing about
another culture
(4.26), both rated as between “useful” and “very useful.” Commu-
nication skills, vocabulary, fluency, pronunciation, and speaking received scores
between “o.k.” and “useful.” Grammar attained the lowest rating, between “not
useful” and “o.k.”
Since study 2 focuses on the performance of these students on a listening test,
it proves interesting to see in more detail the first question in Table 4 and compare
the results of the NL and TL students. These results are reported in Table 5. A
majority of the students, 61%, in the fifth semester, agreed that the NL material was
very useful. Among the students in the first to fourth semesters who had used the
more traditional textbook material, the positive tendency is clearly less marked
able 5.
able 5.
able 5.
Improving your listening comprehension. Degree of usefulness according toImproving your listening comprehension. Degree of usefulness according to
Improving your listening comprehension. Degree of usefulness according toImproving your listening comprehension. Degree of usefulness according to
Improving your listening comprehension. Degree of usefulness according to
perception. perception.
perception. perception.
raditional listening (TL) and narrow listening (NL)raditional listening (TL) and narrow listening (NL)
raditional listening (TL) and narrow listening (NL)raditional listening (TL) and narrow listening (NL)
raditional listening (TL) and narrow listening (NL)
Not useful at allNot useful at all
Not useful at allNot useful at all
Not useful at all
Not usefulNot useful
Not usefulNot useful
Not useful
ery usefulery useful
ery usefulery useful
ery useful
1-4 semester: TL
N= 203 0 % 2.55% 23.75% 41.75% 31.67%
5 semester. NL
N= 90 1.10 % 1.10% 3.30% 33.33%
Consequently, it may be concluded that NL, as compared to the more tradi-
tional textbook material, was perceived very positively by the students. They
considered the NL practice more beneficial, a perception that can certainly ensure
higher levels of motivation. These results support the findings by Rodrigo and
Krashen (1996) and Dupuy (1999). Thus, from the students’ subjective point of
view, NL has been shown to have a more significant effect on the learning process.
A valid question at this point is whether the students’ positive perceptions about
NL relate in any way to better performance on listening tests.
tudy 2: Study 2: S
tudy 2: Study 2: S
tudy 2: S
Performance Using NL Performance Using NL
Performance Using NL Performance Using NL
Performance Using NL
In order to validate the students’ perceptions, it is important to look at their
performance and to determine whether their positive reactions to the NL material
translated into improved listening skills. The data in study 2 were collected through
a standardized listening test given at the beginning and at the end of each semester
to the same population that participated in the perception study. NL was imple-
mented by means of the audio library. The students were free to choose the more
appealing topics of the audio library, and the activities were relevant and flexible,
since they could be easily adapted to the students’ level. Thus, the level of anxiety
and frustration remained low.
Assessing the Impact of Narrow Listening 61
The results of the t-test in Table 6 show that the scores were improved between
the pre-test and post-test for all the groups and that these gains are statistically
significant at different levels of probability. These results indicate that NL indeed
helped the students improve their listening skills and that their positive perceptions
had some foundation in reality.
able 6.
able 6.
able 6.
Listening test results for NLListening test results for NL
Listening test results for NLListening test results for NL
Listening test results for NL
groups: pre-test and post-test groups: pre-test and post-test
groups: pre-test and post-test groups: pre-test and post-test
groups: pre-test and post-test
1 18 11.22 3.77 14 3.48 t(17)=-4.03, p<.001
2 19 10.78 3.69 14 3.85 t(18)=-4.89, p<.001
3 13 12.23 4.49 13.77 4.60 t(12)=-2.85,p<.05
4 14 11.64 4.22 15.07 3.22 t(13)=-7.81, p<.001
5 22 13.32 4.02 14.54 3.16 t(21)=-2.12,p<.05
6 14 14.64 3.48 16.78 3.12 t(14)—3.97,p<.01
Group 1: Spring’01 Group 2: Fall’01 Groups 3 and 4: Spring’02
Group 5: Fall’02 Group 6: Spring’03
The results for both studies, the students’ perceptions and gain scores on a
standardized listening test, strongly suggest that NL is an optimal tool for develop-
ing listening comprehension skills at the intermediate level and an adequate approach
to maintain students’ interest, motivation, and even self-confidence in their capac-
ity to learn the L2. The implications of these findings are clear: The training in this
language ability can be enhanced through the use of topics that are relevant and
appealing to the students for listening material in which the language used is simi-
lar to what they will face in the real L2 setting (natural speech, different accents,
and speaking styles) and to which they have had the chance to listen as many times
as necessary. Also, students need to be exposed to listening material and activities
that do not frustrate or bore them and that respond to their needs and expectations,
so that they can experience a feeling of accomplishment that will motivate and
encourage them to proceed with the mastery of the foreign language. As has been
shown, NL restored at the intermediate level a positive perception of the practice
of listening skill that by the fourth semester had begun to break down. NL appears
to address the needs of students in the intermediate stage better than more tradi-
tional proposals.
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Although there are fewer students in the fourth semester than in the previous
three semesters, the decrease in positive responses cannot be ignored.
The audio library cannot be considered semiscripted material, or simulated
authentic discourse (Geddes & White, 1978), as the speakers do not read a
script or follow an outline in order to ensure the inclusion of particular vo-
cabulary or grammatical features.
References References
References References
Berne, J. E. (1998). Examining the relationship between L2 listening research,
pedagogical theory, and practice.
Foreign Language Annals
, 169-190.
Campana, P. J. (1984). And now a word from our sponsor: Radio commercials for
listening comprehension in German.
, 39-43.
Dupuy, B. (1999). Narrow listening: An alternative way to develop and enhance
listening comprehension in students of French as a foreign language.
, 351-361.
Galloway, V. (1998). Constructing cultural realities: “Facts” and frameworks of
association. In J. Harper, M. Lively, & A.Williams (Eds.),
The coming of age
of the profession
(pp. 129-140). Boston: Heinle & Heinle.
Geddes, M., & White, R. (1978). The use of semi-scripted simulated authentic
speech in listening comprehension.
Audiovisual Language Journal
, 137-
Krashen, S. (2003).
Explorations in language acquisition and use
. Portsmouth,
NH: Heinemann.
Krashen, S. (1996). The case of narrow listening
. System
, 97-100.
Rogers, C., & Medley, F. W. (1988). Language with a purpose: Using authentic
material in the foreign language classroom.
Foreign Language Annals,
Rodrigo, V. (2003). Narrow listening and audio library: The transitional stage in
the process of developing listening comprehension in a foreign language.
Mextesol Journal: Mexican Association for English Teachers
, 11-28.
Rodrigo, V. (2000).
Narrow listening
. Boston: Tomson Learning Custom Publish-
Rodrigo, V. (1997, October). Narrow listening: A natural way to language develop-
ment in the foreign language classroom. Fall Workshop for Foreign Language
Louisiana Foreign Language Teaching Association (LFLTA
). Ba-
ton Rouge, LA.
Rodrigo, V., & Krashen, S. (1996). La audición enfocada en el aula y fuera de ella.
Greta, Revista para profesores de inglés
, 71-75.
Wolvin, A., & Coakley, C. (1985)
. Dubuque, IA : Brown.
Assessing the Impact of Narrow Listening 63
Appendix Appendix
Appendix Appendix
Criteria for Narrow Listening Criteria for Narrow Listening
Criteria for Narrow Listening Criteria for Narrow Listening
Criteria for Narrow Listening
The effectiveness of narrow listening activities is ensured if all the following
criteria are met:
1. The listening activity is for meaning, not form. Students want to listen to a
passage because they are curious about what the speakers on the CD have to
say. Students should concentrate on the speakers’ ideas and comments.
2. The more frequently students listen to a particular segment, the more they will
3. Students should not expect to understand every word the speakers say.
Students need not stop the tape to listen again to a part they missed.
4. The listeners can listen to the CDs at their convenience–while driving, when
out for a walk, before going to bed, and so forth.
5. The listening passages represent real situations, since native speakers talk
spontaneously about their own experiences. These are not edited or graded
6. The listeners will be exposed to different accents (from Spain, North America,
South America, and Central America) and different styles of speech.
7. The degree of difficulty will vary according to the topics and the speakers.
Some speakers will be more comprehensible than others, some will be more
talkative, and some will be more interesting. Certain topics will, of course,
also prove to be more interesting than others.
8. Listeners should do the activity for themselves, for the improvement of their
own communicative skills.
9. Listeners should not be discouraged if it is hard for them to understand a
passage the first time; they should keep trying. It takes time to train one’s ears
to understand speech in another language. If the narrow listening segment is
nearly completely incomprehensible, students should try another topic or
another speaker.
How to Carry Out the How to Carry Out the
How to Carry Out the How to Carry Out the
How to Carry Out the
Activity: Narrow Listening Guidelines for SActivity: Narrow Listening Guidelines for S
Activity: Narrow Listening Guidelines for SActivity: Narrow Listening Guidelines for S
Activity: Narrow Listening Guidelines for S
As suggested by research on L2 listening, students should be given clear guide-
lines as to how to complete narrow listening activities. These guidelines will ensure
the success of the activity. Recommendations as to how students should complete a
narrow listening activity include the following:
1. Select topics that are interesting or familiar to you.
2. Listen to one speaker at a time and listen to whole segments. Do not stop the
CD until the speaker finishes talking (at least during the first two listenings).
Try to get the gist of the speakers’ accounts.
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
3. Replay a particular segment several times before proceeding. If a topic is inter-
esting to you, listen to the other speakers who talk about the same topic. If it is
not interesting, find another topic and follow the same procedure.
4. Move on to another speaker or topic if you understand almost everything, if
you get to a point when you do not understand anything new, or if you are
getting bored or tired.
5. The process of understanding is gradual. Research shows that students usually
increasec their understanding of a listening passage by 10% each time they
repeat it. At first, you will be able to recognize some words. Listen to the
words surrounding those you recognize in order to discover new words and to
understand sentences.
6. As you become more familiar with the activity and your auditory senses be-
come accustomed to the Spanish language, you will understand more.
Appendix BAppendix B
Appendix BAppendix B
Appendix B
Spanish Spanish
Spanish Spanish
Audio LibraryAudio Library
Audio LibraryAudio Library
Audio Library
The audio-library contains 25 topics divided into four categories: personal,
informational, speculative, and controversial.
Personal Personal
Personal Personal
opics: opics:
opics: opics:
Audio CD 1Audio CD 1
Audio CD 1Audio CD 1
Audio CD 1
1. Descripciones personales: ¿Cómo eres? ¿Qué te gusta?
2. La familia: ¿Cómo es tu familia? ¿Qué hace?
3. Fin de semana típico: ¿Cómo es un fin de semana típico en tu vida?
4. De viaje: ¿Has viajado por el mundo? ¿Adónde has ido? ¿Qué has hecho?
5. La salud: ¿Tienes buena salud? ¿Haces algo para cuidarte?
6. Cine y televisión: ¿Te gustan?
7. La casa ideal: ¿Cómo es tu casa? ¿Cómo sería tu casa ideal?
8. La universidad: ¿Hay diferencias entre países? ¿Es igual en los Estados Unidos?
9. ¿Cómo te informas?: ¿Cómo te enteras de lo que pasa en el mundo?
Speculative Speculative
Speculative Speculative
opics: opics:
opics: opics:
Audio CD 2Audio CD 2
Audio CD 2Audio CD 2
Audio CD 2
10. Hombre / mujer ideal. Cita perfecta: ¿Crees que existen?
11. Vida en el futuro: ¿Cómo será la vida en el futuro?
12. El trabajo ideal: ¿Cómo sería tu trabajo ideal?
13. ¿Qué tres deseos le pedirías al genio Aladino?
Controversial Controversial
Controversial Controversial
opics: opics:
opics: opics:
Audio CD 2Audio CD 2
Audio CD 2Audio CD 2
Audio CD 2
14. La eutanasia: ¿Compasión o brutalidad?
15. Los toros: ¿Arte o barbarie?
16. Problemas del medio ambiente.
17. ¿Vida en otros planetas? : ¿Será verdad?
Assessing the Impact of Narrow Listening 65
Informative Informative
Informative Informative
opics: opics:
opics: opics:
Audio CD 3Audio CD 3
Audio CD 3Audio CD 3
Audio CD 3
18. Fiestas latinoamericanas
19. Choque cultural: lo diferente
20. Música: Argentina, España, y Chile
21. Papel de la mujer en la sociedad de hoy
22. Valores de la juventud
23. Fiestas de España
24. Valores de la familia
25. La comida: El Salvador, España, y Colombia. ¿Sabes cocinar...?
Appendix CAppendix C
Appendix CAppendix C
Appendix C
Questionnaire for SQuestionnaire for S
Questionnaire for SQuestionnaire for S
Questionnaire for S
Perceptions Perceptions
Perceptions Perceptions
Note: Questions 1 to 3 were given to students using a NL approach. Only ques-
tions 2 and 3 were given to students using the TL approach. (For these latter items
the NL questionnaire should read “narrow listening,” and in the TL questionnaire
should read “listening lab.”)
1. How does Narrow Listening compare to other types of listening (e.g., lab tapes
accompanying a textbook) that you have done before? Please, check one:
___ better ___ about the same ___ worse
What did you like the best about Narrow Listening?
What did you not like about Narrow Listening?
2. Do you think that, in general, the narrow listening/listening lab helped you
improve your Spanish? ___yes ___no
3. If YES, check the following areas according to your own experience and the
usefulness you think narrow listening/listening lab activities had in the im-
provement of your Spanish.
1 = not useful at all;1 = not useful at all;
1 = not useful at all;1 = not useful at all;
1 = not useful at all;
5 = very useful5 = very useful
5 = very useful5 = very useful
5 = very useful
Improving your listening comprehension 12345
Developing or reviewing your vocabulary 12345
Reviewing grammar structures in context 12345
Improving your fluency in Spanish 12345
Getting used to talking in another language 12345
Knowing more about another culture and
different points of view 12345
In general, improving your communicative
skills in Spanish 12345
Improving your pronunciation 12345
4. If NO, please say why you think so.
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
blank page 66
remove he4ader
Accounting for Accounting for
Accounting for Accounting for
Accounting for
Cognition and Oral Proficiency Cognition and Oral Proficiency
Cognition and Oral Proficiency Cognition and Oral Proficiency
Cognition and Oral Proficiency
Miguel ManteroMiguel Mantero
Miguel ManteroMiguel Mantero
Miguel Mantero
The University of Alabama
Framing the present investigation within activity theory, this research
analyzes the speaking guidelines of the American Council on the Teach-
ing of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and places the role of cognition and
co-construction of meaning at the forefront of determining oral profi-
ciency in a foreign language. Eight Spanish Oral Proficiency Interviews
(OPIs) were analyzed in an effort to understand the overall role of cogni-
tion in developing and assessing oral proficiency. The findings are that
although the ACTFL
Proficiency Guidelines–Speaking
provide for an
understanding of the various linguistic functions involved in speaking,
they do not completely reflect the level of cognition evident during the
OPI. Lastly, this article offers suggestions as to how to include the ele-
ment of cognition within the construct of oral proficiency assessment as
supported by instructional conversations and the concept of authentic
The purpose of this article is to analyze the aspect of cognition within the 1999
Proficiency Guideline–Speaking
of the American Council on the Teaching
of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) (Breiner-Sanders et al., 2000), and the Oral Profi-
ciency Interview (OPI). The first phase of this study uses the
Florida Taxonomy of
Cognitive Behavior
), established by Brown (1968) and further developed
by Givens (1976), to describe the cognitive elements reflected in the
ficiency Guidelines
After the cognitive elements were identified, eight Spanish OPIs were tran-
scribed, studied, and analyzed by means of the
. The final step of this study
compares the test-takers’ observed cognitive behavior throughout the oral inter-
views to the elements of cognition identified by the
This research is guided by the following essential questions:
1. To what extent is the element of cognition accounted for in the
Proficiency Guidelines–Speaking
(Breiner-Sanders et al., 2000)?
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
2. To what extent is the cognitive behavior exhibited by the test-takers
during the OPI reflected in the
analysis of the
ACTFL Profi-
ciency Guidelines
3. To what degree should the element of cognition shape our overall
understanding of language learners’ oral proficiency?
eaching for Proficiency (or Competence?)eaching for Proficiency (or Competence?)
eaching for Proficiency (or Competence?)eaching for Proficiency (or Competence?)
eaching for Proficiency (or Competence?)
The field of language testing has a rich history (Bachman, 2000; Spolsky, 2000).
The practical needs of language educators are a driving force behind many of its
investigations and accomplishments. Teachers require that there be reliable and
valid tools to assess individuals who are learning a second language. These evalu-
ation instruments often influence how and what instructors teach in their classrooms
(Clark, 1972; Liskin-Gasparro, 1984a).
The theoretical framework around which rubrics and tools are built may also
help to structure whole curricula, as well as particular courses (Liskin-Gasparro,
1984b). Two definitions of “proficiency” are particularly interesting:
“Proficiency equals achievement . . . plus functional evidence of in-
ternalized strategies for creativity expressed in a single global rating
of general language ability over a wide range of functions and topics
at any given level” (Lowe, 1988, p. 12).
“[Proficiency is] the technical ability to use a foreign language with-
out noticeable accent or grammatical errors” (Sollenberger, 1978,
p. 8).
One may be able to transform the above statements into course goals to which
clear, discrete objectives are then later added.
However, there are critics of “proficiency-driven” curricula and oral profi-
ciency testing (Savignon, 1972; Bachman & Savignon, 1978; Lantolf & Frawley,
1985). Initially stemming from the support for the construct of communicative
competence (Savignon, 1972), the “anti-proficiency movement” is now focused on
the lack of attention that rubrics like the OPI give to the sociolinguistic and socio-
cultural factors involved in second language learning and successful oral
communication (Barnwell, 1989). Given these insights, the present investigation
hopes to continue the debate reflected in the following question: To what degree
should language educators permit proficiency-based rubrics to influence their teach-
ing and assessment methods?
Cognition and LanguageCognition and Language
Cognition and LanguageCognition and Language
Cognition and Language
The primary role of language is to give us enough information to interpret the
reality of our particular world so that we are able to interact successfully in various
communities of practice. In other words, as Neisser (1976) states, language allows
for the acquisition, organization, and application of knowledge. Moreover, cogni-
tive activity (thinking) shapes language according to our initial perceptions of reality.
Cognition and Oral Proficiency Assessment 69
To communicate, speakers must understand one anothers intentions with respect
to the context.
It is in communities of inquiry and participation that we learn how to co-con-
struct meaning through dialogue embedded in goal-directed action (Lantolf, 2000;
Wells and Claxton, 2002). However, linguistic interaction does not necessarily entail
a dialogue. In order for dialogue to take place, participants must be involved in
knowledge construction that surpasses linguistic coherence and relies on concep-
tual (cognitive) cohesion. That is, one does not necessarily need to speak more if
he or she is familiar with a situation that is being discussed (Coulthard, 1977: Hagen,
1990). Such is the case with native speakers.
Native speakers are specialists in understanding the reality of a situation and
therefore use language as effortlessly and as little as possible because language is a
tool of thought. Nonnative speakers are more apt to focus on linguistic coherence
(especially syntactic elements) because they view language as skill to be demon-
strated and displayed to others (Barnwell, 1989).
Methodology: Cognitive Methodology: Cognitive
Methodology: Cognitive Methodology: Cognitive
Methodology: Cognitive
Analysis of the OPI and Analysis of the OPI and
Analysis of the OPI and Analysis of the OPI and
Analysis of the OPI and
aker Utterancesaker Utterances
aker Utterancesaker Utterances
aker Utterances
The individuals who took part in the OPIs were students in a third-semester,
university-level Spanish class in Ohio: 5 males and 3 females. Eight OPI inter-
views were audiotaped, transcribed, and analyzed through the use of the
After completing the
analysis, the researcher asked for the outcome of the
OPIs and then compared the elements of cognition evident in the level descriptors
with the language used by the test-takers throughout the actual OPI.
The examiner is a native speaker of Spanish who is ACTFL/OPI certified.
Neither the tester nor the test-takers were shown the
before any of the eight
interviews. The individual interviews generally took 20-25 minutes each in accor-
dance with the following process:
[Through a] series of personalized questions . . . the interviewer elicits
from the test candidate examples of his or her ability to handle the com-
munication tasks specified for each level of proficiency in order to establish
a clear “floor” and “ceiling” of consistent functional ability. Often candi-
dates are asked to take part in a role-play. This task provides the opportunity
for linguistic functions not easily elicited through the conversational for-
mat. (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 2003)
The Florida The Florida
The Florida The Florida
The Florida
axonomy of Cognitive Behavioraxonomy of Cognitive Behavior
axonomy of Cognitive Behavioraxonomy of Cognitive Behavior
axonomy of Cognitive Behavior
The OPI speaking scales were analyzed by means of Brown’s (1968) and
Givens’s (1976)
Florida Taxonomy of Cognitive Behavior
), which is based
on Bloom’s (1956)
of Educational Objectives
. It is important to note
that Vygotsky’s (1978) concept of mental functions is similar to that included by
Bloom (1956) in his taxonomy of cognitive functions and also appears in the
The one element that is central to these three interpretations of cognition is lan-
guage, because it facilitates the acquisition of cognitive skills and higher mental
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
According to Webb (1970), the
makes the hypothesis that just because
intellectual abilities become increasingly complex in nature, one may not conclude
that the higher levels are present only in the cognitive behavior of mature individu-
als or those with advanced linguistic proficiency. Rather, they can occur at each
developmental stage, although in a different form. In other words, a low level of
language proficiency does not necessarily entail a low level of cognitive ability.
Moreover, both cognitive and linguistic development involve the acquisition of
both knowledge and language and their utilization.
According to Brown (1968) and Givens (1976), there are seven increasingly
complex areas of cognitive behavior and 55 levels that fall within these areas in the
. In line with the initial thoughts of Bloom (1956), the seven main areas
within the
are as follows:
1. Knowledge (levels 1-17):
This area makes up about one-third of the total items on the
and has been subdivided into two categories: (a)
Knowledge of spe-
(levels 1-13), and (b)
Knowledge of universals and abstractions
(levels 14-17). The cognitive behaviors in levels 1-17 are all memory-
based. That is, the individual does not have to take into account new
information to take part in communication.
Translation (levels 18-23):
This area is self-explanatory; however, one should realize that this
section may entail cognitive behavior expressed in either language.
Interpretation (levels 24-29):
Here one understands how ideas are interrelated.
In areas 4-7, individuals must use the knowledge they possess or to which they
have recently been exposed.
Application (levels 30-32):
A person must know the information well enough to be able to use it
in a new situation.
Analysis (levels 34-44):
These levels emphasize the relationship and the organization of the
elements of communication and discourse.
Synthesis (levels 45-53):
Within this area a pattern of communication emerges that is unique to
the situation and participants.
Evaluation (levels 54-55):
Here, the participants consciously judge and evaluate the informa-
tion presented.
Cognition and Oral Proficiency Assessment 71
External Investigator and External Investigator and
External Investigator and External Investigator and
External Investigator and
ranscription Conventionsranscription Conventions
ranscription Conventionsranscription Conventions
ranscription Conventions
This study made use of an external investigator who held ACTFL/OPI certifi-
cation in Spanish. The tester was not the same one who administered the OPI to the
students. After the external investigator was trained to interpret the
, the pri-
mary researcher and the external investigator analyzed the linguistic and
communicative functions described within each of the OPI level descriptors in-
cluded in the
ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines–Speaking
. Using the
the external
investigator also analyzed the eight student OPIs.
The primary researcher and the external investigator then compared their notes
and their results of the analysis based on the
analysis of the ACTFL guide-
lines and the eight interviews. Lincoln and Guba’s (1985) formula to compute the
reliability of the inter-rater agreement in analysis of both the ACTFL guidelines
and the eight interviews was then implemented. The formula takes into account the
overall truth value, applicability, consistency, and neutrality of the analysis. Ac-
cordingly, the inter-rater agreement for the
-OPI guidelines analysis was
computed at 94.1%. The inter-rater agreement for the eight OPI tests and the dis-
course analysis was computed at 90.3%. An analysis of these figures reveals an
average inter-rater agreement of 92.2%
The researcher and the external investigator did not attempt to assign cogni-
tive behavior to a speaking level if there was no word or phrase in the descriptor
that clearly established a cognitive behavior. Therefore, about 36% of cognitive
functions in the
appear to have no linguistic counterpart in the OPI descrip-
The OPIs were transcribed according to the following transcription conven-
tions developed and used by Brown and Yule (1981) and Johnson (1995):
+ indicates a pause
++ indicates a longer pause
// indicates that two speakers start simultaneously
/ indicates that the next speaker overlaps at this point
* indicates where the overlap ends
< > indicates that the translation is not direct and denotes meaning
rather than a word-for-word translation.
Data Data
Data Data
Analysis: Samples from OPI InterviewsAnalysis: Samples from OPI Interviews
Analysis: Samples from OPI InterviewsAnalysis: Samples from OPI Interviews
Analysis: Samples from OPI Interviews
The following interactions took place between the student (S) and the inter-
viewer (I) during the sessions previously described. It is important to note that the
following samples form part of a larger set of data. However, they demonstrate the
overall pattern of talk that took place during the OPIs, and they bring to the fore-
front the central topic of cognition and oral language assessment. The primary
researcher and the external investigator were in complete agreement as to the analysis
of the following exchanges.
In the first illustration, the student and the interviewer are role-playing “two
friends making plans for the weekend.” The student is an American male whose
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
family members do not speak Spanish. This exchange took place towards the middle
of the interview.
Exchange #1
1. I: ¿Vas a estar en casa este fin de semana?
(Are you going to be home
this weekend?)
2. S: Sí.++
3. I: Vale.+ Entonces vamos a cenar en el nuevo restaurante el domingo.
(O.k. Then let’s have dinner at the new restaurant on Sunday.)
4. S: No poder. ++ Quiero // ver mi padre domingo.
(No, <I can’t>.
I want to see my father on Sunday.)
5. I: // Entonces, ¿por qué no vamos al cine el sábado?
(Then why don’t
we go to the movies Saturday?)
6. S: Él vive + en Atlanta. Estoy en el coche 10 horas. (
He lives in
Atlanta. I am in the car 10 hours.)
7. I: Ahhhhhh, + así que sales para casa, para Atlanta, el viernes.
(Ahhhhhh, so you leave for home, for Atlanta, on Friday.)
8. S: No ++ jueves.
(No . . . Thursday)
9. I: Vale, vale.
(O.k., o.k.)
The interviewer rated the student’s oral proficiency at Intermediate Low. The
Proficiency Guidelines
(Breiner-Sanders et al., 2000) describe “Intermediate-Low”
level proficiency as:
Creating with language in straightforward social situations. Concrete, di-
rect. Predictable. Reactive. Asking a few appropriate questions. Ineffective
reformulations and self-corrections. Ability to order food or make pur-
Exchange #1 reflects some of the linguistic functions expressed in the guide-
lines. The student’s utterances were then analyzed using the
Turn 2.
levels 5 and 24: gives a specific fact and gives reason
Turn 4.
level 27: shows cause-and-effect relationship
Turn 6.
level 39: points out particulars to justify conclusion
Turn 8.
level 42: detects error in thinking
According to the analysis of the
ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines
, “Intermedi-
ate Low” proficiency involves the cognitive behavior exhibited by the student in
turns 4, 6, and 8. Although there were some grammatical errors in the student’s
utterances and the pronunciation was not “native-like,” the student was able to use
language to communicate his plans for the weekend. But, more importantly, at the
beginning of the dialogue the interviewer thought that “home” meant the student’s
apartment in Ohio; however, by the end of the exchange the student was able to
convey his meaning of “home” (Atlanta) to the interviewer (turn 7).
Cognition and Oral Proficiency Assessment 73
The student in Exchange #2 has Spanish-speaking parents, but she was born in
the United States. The student’s home language is English, but every now and then
she speaks to her parents in Spanish, “a sentence at a time.” This conversation
occurs towards the end of the interview, yet it exemplifies the overall pattern of
discourse and length of utterances used by the student. The subject matter is the
purpose of homework, reading, and speaking.
Exchange #2
1. I: Bueno ++ para mí + es importante leer y escribir mucho. (
Well, for
me, a lot of
reading and writing is important.)
2. S: No creo ++ Escribimos en clase mucho ++ y // leer. (
I do not think
so. We write a
lot in class . . . and < read>.)
3. I: // Pero en clase hablamos mucho ++ ¿no? Si hablamos mucho ++
no hay tiempo para leer y escribir. (
But, we talk a lot in class, <right>?
If we talk a lot . . . there is no time for reading and writing.)
4. S: ++ Hablamos en la lectura. (
We talk <about> the reading
5. I: Claro ++ pero//
(Of course, but)
6. S: // Es diferente. (It is different)
7. I: ++Diferente ++¿cómo ?
(Different, how?)
8. S: Me gusta hablar ++ de otra tema.
(I like to talk about <other
9. I: + No entiendo. (
I don’t understand.)
10. S: Leer es de ++ como memoria / (
Reading is from++ like memory.)
11. I: / ¿ y hablar?*
(And speaking?)
12. S: Diferente ++ otra idea, no en libro. (
Different . . . another idea,
not in <the
13. I: Entonces no te gusta hablar de la tarea. (
Then you don’t like to talk
about the
14. S: ++ Sólo mi idea.
(Only my idea)
The interviewer rated the student in Exchange #2 as “Intermediate-Mid.”
ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines
(Breiner-Sanders et al., 2000) describe an “In-
termediate-Mid” level speaker as:
[Able to] perform a variety of uncomplicated tasks. Predictable and con-
crete exchanges. Reactive. [Has] difficulty linking ideas, using
communicative strategies, manipulating time and aspect. [Able to] create
with language for personal meaning. [Producing] utterances of sentence
length, and some strings of sentences.
Exchange #2 reflects some of the linguistic functions described as “Intermediate-
Mid.” The following test-taker utterances in Exchange #2 were analyzed using the
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Turn 2.
levels 5 and 26: gives a specific fact; and summarizes,
concludes from observation of evidence
Turn 4.
level 37: points out unstated assumption
Turn 6.
level 54: evaluates something from evidence
Turn 8.
level 39: points out particulars to justify conclusion
Turn 10.
level 28: gives analogy, simile, and metaphor
Turn 12.
level 46: produces unique comment, divergent idea
Turn 14.
level 5: gives a specific fact
Most of the linguistic functions described under “Intermediate-Mid” do not
address the cognitive behavior observed in the student’s utterances in Exchange
#2. The primary researcher and the external investigator noticed that the cognitive
elements in utterances 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 are not accounted for in the “Intermediate-
Mid” proficiency descriptors. It was noted that of the eight students whose interviews
were analyzed, this one was the most willing to communicate. The interviewer
suggested that such willingness may have resulted from her home environment. As
in Exchange #1, the interviewer and student had to co-construct the meaning of a
particular concept. In Exchange #2, the pair had to try to perceive each other’s
understanding of “speaking in class.” The transcript also indicates that the student
believes that speaking/classroom talk should not be about the reading, but the in-
terviewer, who is also her teacher, believes that one of the main purposes of the
readings is to provide a framework for discussions. Such activity hinges much
more on the cognitive adaptation of the meaning of “speaking in class” than it does
on the linguistic functions uttered by the interlocutors.
The following dialogue occurred with a female student who had spent two
summers in Spain as part of a study-abroad program. This discussion occurred 10
minutes into the interview and revolves around the role-play, “Plans for next sum-
Exchange #3
S: No quiero estar aquí. (
I don’t want to be here.)
2. I: ++Pero si te quedas puedes ahorrar // dinero.
(But if you stay, you
can save money.)
3. S: // Quiero volver a Sevilla.
(I want to go back to Sevilla.)
4. I: Pero no tenemos dinero. ¿Qué le vamos a hacer?
(But, we don’t
have money. < What are we going to do?>)
5. S: ¡Trabajad más! Y yo ++ mucho más.
(Work more! <Me too>, much
6. I: ¿Cómo? Tienes que estudiar, / ¿no?
(How? You have to study,
7. S: / Un poco * ++ Soy inteligente. Habla con papa, ¿vale? + ¡Tiene
mucho dinero! (
A little . . . I am intelligent. Talk to dad, OK? He has
a lot of money!)
8. I: Pero + tiene que pagar los impuestos. (But, he has to pay taxes.)
Cognition and Oral Proficiency Assessment 75
9. S: Que ++ ¿repite, por favor? (
What, please repeat?)
10. I: + ¡El IRS! Así que no hay dinero + // para viajar.
(The IRS! So
there isn’t any money for travel.)
11. S: // Sí hay ++ ¡Que no paga la IRS! Puedo ir + entonces.
(Yes, there
is <Don’t pay>
the IRS. Then <I’ll be able to go>.)
The interviewer rated this student as “Advanced-Low.” According to the
Proficiency Guidelines
(Breiner-Sanders et al. 2000), a speaker with Advanced-
Low proficiency
[Can] narrate and describe in all major time frames. Rephrasing. Partici-
pates actively. Circumlocution. Combine and Connect discourse. Single
paragraph utterances. False cognates. Literal translation. Linguistic qual-
ity and quantity deteriorate significantly [if attempt to communicate is
made beyond this level].
The following test-taker utterances in Exchange #3 were analyzed by means of the
Turn 1.
level 5: gives a specific fact
Turn 3.
level 5: gives a specific fact
Turn 5.
levels 53 and 54: draws inductive generalization from
specifics and evaluates something from evidence
Turn 7.
levels 47 and 42: produces a plan or a proposed set of
opportunities and detects error in thinking
Turn 9.
level 31: applies principle to new situation
Turn 11.
levels 34, 47, and 39: distinguishes fact from opinion,
produces a plan or a proposed set of opportunities, and points
out particulars to justify conclusion
Of the cognitive behavior exhibited by the student in Exchange #3, only levels
5 and 31 of the
fall within the “Advanced-Low” guidelines. According to the
analysis, the other 6 cognitive functions in Exchange #3 are not addressed within
the descriptors. From the dialogue, it is evident that the interviewer understood the
rationale behind the student’s solution to not being able to afford to travel to Spain.
Interestingly, the student used the information provided (there is money for the
IRS) in order to convince her “mother.” This dialogue exemplifies what was found
to be true throughout all of the interviews. That is, the complexity of thought ob-
served is much more than the level of linguistic difficulty apparent in all eight of
the OPIs studied.
Exchange #4 revolves around the topic of weather. The student is a non-native
speaker of Spanish but is married to a graduate student from Guatemala. The fol-
lowing conversation took place a few minutes into the interview after the tester
commented that it had been a very cold winter:
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Exchange #4
1. S: Sí + y mi esposo no gusta frío. (
Yes, and my husband doesn’t like
<the cold>.
2. I: Pero, ¿no hace frío // en Guatemala? (
But, isn’t it cold in Guate-
3. S: // No. Nunca hace frío ++ Hace más frío aquí en Ohio. ¡Mucho!
(No. It is never cold. It is colder here in Ohio. Much <more>!)
4. I: Entonces, dime ++ ¿Cómo te gusta el verano en Ohio? + Están más
a gustos en junio y julio, // ¿Verdad?
(Then tell me. . . . How do you
like the summertime in Ohio? You are more comfortable in June and
July, right?)
5. S: // Sí y no ++ El verano es ++ está bien. Comfortable, sabes? Pero
+ el temperatura no me importa. Es que no hay amigos aquí. No
tenemos dinero por viajes ++ nosotros quedamos en (Ohio). Sin frío
+ pero no con amigo. En el frío tengo amigos. (
Yes and no. The
summer is . . . <it’s> o.k Comfortable, you know? But the tempera-
ture doesn’t matter. <It’s that> there aren’t any
friends here. We
don’t have money <to travel>. . . we stay <here>. <Not cold, but
without friends. When it’s cold, we have friends>.)
The interviewer rated this student at the “Advanced-Low” level as well. Ac-
cording to the analysis, some of the
functions displayed by the student
responses (25, 27, and 39) are not taken into account by the current OPI rubric.
The following test-taker utterances in Exchange #4 were analyzed using the
Turn 1.
level 5: gives a specific fact
Turn 3.
levels 5 and 25: gives a specific fact, and shows
similarities, differences
Turn 5.
levels 5, 27, 38, 39, and 46: gives a specific fact, shows
cause-and-effect relationship, shows interaction or relation of
elements, points out particulars to justify a conclusion, and
produces a unique comment, divergent idea
The student’s overall pronunciation, intonation, and pace of interaction were
better than those of most of the other students. After the researcher transcribed the
eight OPIs, he asked the rater to pick out what she considered to be “paragraph-
length” utterances as proposed by the guidelines under Advanced-Low. Of all of
the OPIs that were analyzed and transcribed, the above sample is the one that the
rater considered to contain “paragraph-length” utterances (turn 5). However, the
rater mentioned that when she attempted to linguistically guide the student’s re-
sponses a little more, the student began to speak in shorter utterances.
The fifth student has followed the “traditional” foreign language curriculum of
study–2 years of high school Spanish–and now will take 2 years (four semesters) of
Cognition and Oral Proficiency Assessment 77
study at the college level. He has never spent any time in a Spanish-speaking coun-
try and does not have Spanish-speaking family members or acquaintances. The
following interaction occurred 15 minutes into the interview about the topic “Study-
ing for a biology exam”:
Exchange #5
1. I: ¿No estás preocupado? + Has estudiado mucho este semestre.
aren’t worried? You have studied a lot this semester.)
2. S: Estudio mucho ++ Más que el otro clase.
(I study a lot. More than
the other class.)
3. I: Entonces el examen será muy fácil, ¿verdad? Y sacarás una “A” en
// la clase.
(Then the exam will be very easy, <right>? And you’ll get
an “A” in the class.)
4. S: // No sé ++ El examen es fácil + pero la clase es difícil. Tengo una
“C” // en la clase.
(I don’t know. The exam is easy, but the class is
difficult. I have a “C” in the class.)
5. I: // ¿Cómo? + No entiendo.
(How? I don’t understand.)
6. S: ++ En clase tengo ++ “lab.”
(In class I have lab).
7. I: ¿Para qué es + “lab”? (What is lab for?)
8. S: ++ Experimentar. No me gusta lab y es mucho parte de grado.
Experiment. I don’t like lab and <it is a big part of our grade>.)
9. I: ++ ¿Cómo podrías prepararte mejor // para el laboratorio?
could you better prepare yourself for the lab?)
10. S: // No sé. Español es más mejor. No penso.++ // Es memorizar.
don’t know. Spanish<is better>. I don’t think. <It is only memoriza-
11. I: // ¡No piensas en español!
(You don’t think in Spanish!)
12. S: ++ No. Sólo verbos y vocabulario ++ es como diccionario.
Only verbs and vocabulary . . . like a dictionary.)
The interviewer rated this student’s oral proficiency as “Intermediate-Mid.”
According to the OPI guidelines (Breiner-Sanders et al., 2000), “Intermediate-Mid”
level speakers are described as:
[Able to participate in a] variety of uncomplicated tasks. [Able to partici-
pate in] predictable and concrete exchanges. Reactive. [Have] difficulty
linking ideas and using communicative strategies. [Can] create with lan-
guage for personal meaning. [Use] utterances of sentence length, and
some strings of sentences.
The following test-taker utterances in Dialogue #5 were analyzed using the
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Turn 2.
levels 5 and 25: gives a specific fact and shows
similarities, differences
Turn 4.
level 5 and 26: gives a specific fact; summarizes,
concludes from evidence
Turn 6.
level 39: points out particulars to justify conclusion
Turn 8.
levels 5 and 24: gives a specific fact and tells why
Turn 10.
levels 5, 54, and 26: gives a specific fact, evaluates, and
summarizes from evidence
Turn 12.
level 28: gives analogy, simile, and metaphor
Only levels 5 and 24 of the
fall within the “Intermediate-Mid” guide-
lines. The others are not addressed within the descriptors. Although, according to
the rater, the student’s pronunciation and knowledge and use of grammar through-
out his OPI were rather poor, he was able to communicate general ideas. More
importantly, the student was able to explain and support his views about how his
biology grade is generally determined.
Evident in the descriptors of the speaking levels and the interview process is
the realization that the OPI does not account for how the person learned to speak.
As noted by ACTFL (2003), the interview focuses on a person’s “functional speak-
ing ability, independent of any specific curriculum [because] it is irrelevant when,
where, why, and under what conditions the candidate acquired his/her speaking
ability in the language” (p. 1).
Here it seems that it is the display of linguistic skill that is being measured
rather than the use of language in order to meet communicative goals. Evaluating
communication entails measuring understanding, comprehension, and cognition.
If the issue of cognition in the above instances challenges our interpretations of
“proficiency,” then it becomes much more complicated when we engage individu-
als in extended language use, where meaning emerges as a driving force behind
communication. Somehow, as demonstrated by the comments in turns 10 and 12 of
Exchange #5, a person’s learning environment needs to be accounted for, because
it affects how one uses language and the appropriate learning strategies.
Measuring Proficient MindsMeasuring Proficient Minds
Measuring Proficient MindsMeasuring Proficient Minds
Measuring Proficient Minds
The present study explores the construct of oral proficiency as presented by
ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines— Speaking
. After the ACTFL level-descriptors
were studied using the
, the test-takers’ actual language use was evaluated
and compared to the initial understanding of cognition reflected in the
Space limitations do not permit inclusion of the complete OPI transcriptions. How-
ever, it is interesting to note that about 46% of all of the test-taker utterances did
not fit within the cognitive expectations delineated by the
Proficiency Guidelines
The other three students tested were rated “Intermediate-Low,” and all took
part in some type of role-play during the OPI. The average student utterance (in all
eight OPIs) was about 10 words. After careful analysis, it was determined that the
main task of the test-taker utterances was to develop an understanding of the views,
Cognition and Oral Proficiency Assessment 79
arguments, and reasoning that motivated language use in the first place, rather than
just the performance of a “linguistic function.” This last realization was particu-
larly surprising because the researcher expected the OPIs to be much more reliant
on linguistic coherence. However, the rater later noted that during the role-plays
many students interpreted “linguistically focused” attempts as calling for some-
thing other than what was being discussed. In other words, when the interviewer
attempted to guide the test-taker’s utterances linguistically, rather than conceptu-
ally, the pace and quality of discourse suffered as the result of a loss of cohesion
and lack of communication. This observation may be attributed to the type of train-
ing the interviewer received or to how she put her training into practice. As Brown
(2003) points out, there is a great deal of interviewer variation during oral profi-
ciency assessment.
Although individuals may receive exemplary training, the interviewers tech-
nique may very well affect the test-taker’s performance. Bachman (1990) attributed
the problem of interviewer variation to an “inability to provide clear and unam-
biguous theoretical definitions of the abilities that we want to measure” (p. 50).
Bachman’s conclusion may partially explain the difficulty of researching the ef-
fects of cognition on oral proficiency or communicative competence in a second
language. How can we then account for the element of cognition in second lan-
guage learners’ oral proficiency?
There needs to be more research on the role and place of cognition and how it
affects one’s overall oral proficiency in another language. As demonstrated by this
investigation, the rubrics that the fields of language education and second language
acquisition are accustomed to using across the disciplines may be an initial focus
of inquiry. Here follow some suggestions as to how to include and account for the
construct of cognition within oral proficiency assessment:
Instructional Conversation, Instructional Conversation,
Instructional Conversation, Instructional Conversation,
Instructional Conversation,
Authentic Authentic
Authentic Authentic
Assessment, and Indigenous Assessment, and Indigenous
Assessment, and Indigenous Assessment, and Indigenous
Assessment, and Indigenous
As previously mentioned, one aspect that has yet to be elaborated on is the
effect that the interviewer has on the language spoken by the test-taker. It is clear
that the interviewer in this study knows the test-takers well because she is their
teacher. The teacher/evaluator referred to common frames of reference throughout
the OPIs and later suggested that this may be a reason why the students interacted
well with her.
Both Barnwell (1989) and Hagen (1990) question the roles of the interviewer
and their effect on the overall OPI assessment. It is suggested that the interviewer
affects linguistic interaction and emerging speech. Moreover, as demonstrated by
this study, when one assesses another’s language ability, it becomes necessary to
address the action that engages the individual in language learning rather than the
constructs that define linguistic structures. Examples of such constructs are the T-
unit or fragment (Chaudron, 1988). Wiggins (1990) and Archibald and Newman
(1989) refer to evaluation that addresses the action that engages the individual as
authentic assessment
, as summarized by Mantero (2002b):
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Authentic Assessment requires students to demonstrate skills and compe-
tencies that realistically represent problems and situations likely to be
encountered in daily life. [Authentic assessment allows for] a cognitively
more demanding method of assessment that has to include more discourse
and reliance on emergent grammar by both the student and the instructor.
(p. 5)
If classroom teachers are to allow for the construct of distributed cognition
and authentic assessment methods, they need to make use of the
instructional con-
(IC) proposed by Tharp and Gallimore (1988), who see as the role of
instructors and evaluators to “allow learners to communicate beyond the a priori
notions of known answers and constructs ‘in the head of the evaluator/teacher,
which entails adjusting their responses to assist the speaker’s cognitive efforts and
language use” (p. 24). Specifically, those who assess oral proficiency must be fa-
miliar with the test-takers’ second-language-learning environment, as is the case in
this study, in order to provide enough opportunities for dialogue, discourse, and the
co-construction of meaning through IC and methods of authentic assessment.
Douglas (2001) also provides a valuable framework, put forth by Jacoby and
McNamara (1998), that includes cognition and the individual’s particular field of
interest or work:
indigenous assessment criteria
(IAC). Simply stated, IAC are
criteria “used by subject specialists in assessing the communicative performances
of apprentices in academic and vocational fields” (Douglas, 2001, p. 175) and
were foreshadowed by the work of the National Language and Literacy Institute of
Australia at the Language Testing Research Centre at the University of Melbourne
in 1993 (Elder, 1993). The oral proficiency test, given in Italian and Japanese,
served to determine the oral proficiency of future teachers of Italian and Japanese
language. It also helped to certify the same teachers. As Douglas (2001) mentions,
the assessment criteria were contextualized in the foreign language classroom to
guide the target language use linguistically and cognitively. They did not simply
assess “Italian” or “Japanese”; these tests assessed how preservice teachers inter-
acted with their students and guided them linguistically and cognitively through
tasks in the target languages.
Both Skehan (1998) and Robinson (2001) stress the importance of paying
attention to cognitive factors when one addresses oral proficiency and task com-
plexity. As the present study demonstrates, it is beneficial to the test-taker for the
interviewer or tester to be familiar with each student’s background, so as to provide
an outline from which students can speak about their experiences. Of interest are
the findings of Skehan and Foster (1999) that the more cognitively complex a task
was, the more the linguistic forms deteriorated. Therefore, variation in the quality
of language produced may not be the result of lack of linguistic knowledge, but
rather the amount of cognitive processing necessary to successfully complete the
task in the target language.
Also, rather than viewing discourse and linguistic function as being determined
a priori by grammar, Hopper (1988, 1998) presents discourse as shaping grammar.
In other words, it is not knowledge of a particular grammar that shapes communi-
Cognition and Oral Proficiency Assessment 81
cation or determines oral proficiency; it is the activity setting that takes into ac-
count past experiences and utterances that influences talk and dialogue (Volosinov,
1973; Mantero, 2002a). Furthermore, cognition is an adaptive and emergent pro-
cess that can be readily observed during language use, as the results of this study
indicate. It is the cognitive adaptation of those involved in language learning that
facilitates communicative activity and the development of oral proficiency rather
than the memorization of official discourse patterns and linguistic structures.
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Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
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Building Bridges forBuilding Bridges for
Building Bridges forBuilding Bridges for
Building Bridges for
International InternshipsInternational Internships
International InternshipsInternational Internships
International Internships
Sharron Gray Sharron Gray
Sharron Gray Sharron Gray
Sharron Gray
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Most universities regard internships as key elements in the develop-
ment of strong programs in foreign language and international trade
education. However, it is widely recognized that a successful internship
program is difficult to establish and even more difficult to sustain. This
article describes the University of Alabama in Huntsville’s foreign lan-
guage international trade internship program and outlines the process
the author used to establish it locally in year one and expand it to an
international program in year two. The Business and International Edu-
cation Office (BIE) of the U.S. Department of Education considers our
program to be a model, and the author believes that it has value for both
beginning and experienced foreign language international trade educa-
tors. The article describes the creation and development of a model that
other interested educators can realistically duplicate for the benefit of
their university communities.
It is our belief at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) that intern-
ships are essential to the development of programs in foreign language and
international trade education. Gliozzo (1999) emphasizes that international intern-
ships are increasingly significant for students to learn about America’s role in today’s
world and that students are seeking to acquaint themselves in a practical way with
opportunities available in their field of study. Recognizing that our society is part
of a world system that can be explored through field-learning experiences, they
want practical activities to supplement their academic work. While providing stu-
dents with significant experience, well-directed internships demonstrate how foreign
language and international trade education promotes market development and im-
proved international relationships. This demonstration is particularly important in
Huntsville, the largest export center in the state. The local economy is dominated
by advanced technology firms in which narrowly focused technical professionals
often need support from other professionals with international trade education and
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
knowledge of foreign languages and cultures. To meet this need and create cost-
effective programs, UAH’s International Business Studies Initiative (IBSI), made
possible through a U.S. Department of Education BIE grant, has adopted a strategy
of cooperation across disciplines that is mutually beneficial to our students and to
the business community. The result is a successful required international trade in-
ternship program for our department’s largest degree program, Foreign Language/
International Trade (FLIT). An additional benefit of our participation in the IBSI
has been the opportunity afforded to us by the BIE grant to establish internship
sites for
of our language majors (French, German, Russian, Spanish) in various
key local and foreign organizations and professional offices.
Although a BIE grant afforded our institution the opportunity for a course
release each semester for 2 years to allow the International Internship Coordinator
to establish and implement our program, our department believes that the program
can be sustained in the future and can, in fact, be established without benefit of a
grant, provided that the foreign language department and the institution are com-
mitted to the goals of the program. As a result of a number of years of interaction
with the local business community and service to our department as liaison to the
North Alabama International Trade Association (NAITA), an organization that be-
came our invaluable grant partner, the author collaborated with Johanna Shields,
principal investigator of the grant that funded the IBSI at UAH, and became Inter-
national Internship Coordinator. In addition to NAITA, the grant partnered the
College of Administrative Science, the College of Liberal Arts, and the Humanities
Center, resulting in the exploration and cultivation of a wealth of interdisciplinary
opportunities that have benefited the university and business communities.
Internship GoalsInternship Goals
Internship GoalsInternship Goals
Internship Goals
Our syllabus states that the community provides many opportunities for stu-
dents to combine their classroom study with practical work in a wide range of
government, international, business, educational, and private organizations. The
internship experience derived from the Foreign Language 410/International In-
ternship class enables students with foreign language majors (French, German,
Russian, or Spanish) or students with both foreign language and international trade
interests (FLIT) to use their second language skills as well as to develop interdisci-
plinary, multicultural, and cross-cultural knowledge. Students work in an off-campus
or overseas organization and meet with faculty and other students to report on their
work and compare and analyze experiences. Coordinating these experiences, this
course combines practical experience with discussion of ramifications of cultural
diversities in the world of professions (see Appendix A).
Additional objectives of our program are to demonstrate the value of interna-
tional business education for market development in local business firms and for
trade relationships of local business firms. Providing internship sites gives our busi-
ness community a sense of ownership in the UAH program, as well as an opportunity
to observe the skills that our language students can bring to the workplace.
Building Bridges for International Internships 87
Establishment of the ProcessEstablishment of the Process
Establishment of the ProcessEstablishment of the Process
Establishment of the Process
Imperative to the process of identifying internship sites is the cultivation of a
working relationship with local international trade organizations, the Chamber of
Commerce, civic and service organizations, such as Rotary or Kiwanis, and, as in
the authors case, the local chapter of Executive Women International as well. It is
surprisingly easy to contact and enlist the support of the community for a worth-
while university project. These organizations seem to derive a great deal of
satisfaction from providing a service to the university. In addition, most of our site
providers have discovered the added benefit of receiving a valuable no-cost ser-
vice to their company or organization from a well-trained student who can perform
a wide variety of tasks, ranging from facilitating communication and correspon-
dence with foreign clients to performing daily duties of the organization to helping
the company explore international marketing opportunities.
In order to start the internship site search list, we enlisted the help of NAITA
and Executive Women International and were able to access their list of local inter-
national businesses, complete with contact names and addresses. Officers in the
organization volunteered their help in distributing questionnaires that the author
designed to identify interested companies, supervisor contact information, target
language interest areas, and anticipated projects or duties (see Appendix B). Addi-
tional questionnaires were circulated as leads for sites came to the authors attention.
Through this process, the author was able to conduct follow-up meetings with key
decision-makers of interested companies. The process resulted in 23 available in-
ternship positions, a surplus of sites for our first years internship class of 15 students,
representing all four of our target-language majors, plus one multilingual.
Simultaneously, the coordinator conducted surveys of departments of our col-
lege, as well as those of other colleges and universities that have existing internship
programs, in order to glean as much information as possible about existing intern-
ship programs, UAH policies, pitfalls, recommendations, legal ramifications, and
so forth. In addition, the author surveyed key NAITA members to understand what
the local international businesses would expect of our students.
As a result of the survey and based on an Administrative Science recommen-
dation, we successfully defended a highly debated proposal on behalf of the
department for changing the FL 410 internship grading system from letter grade to
because of subjectivity/collaborative issues. While our faculty recognizes that
a disadvantage of the pass/fail option is that it does not encourage students to ex-
cel, we believe that the nature of the FL 410 internship (the only course in our
curriculum that is not entirely “academic”) minimizes that disadvantage. Students
entering our FL 410 are well aware that the internship is an excellent place to
develop their career opportunities and are motivated to earn for their résumés a
strong letter of reference from the site supervisors, recognizing as well the employ-
ment possibilities where they are serving the internships.
In the internship class there is often input from at least three people–classroom
instructor/internship coordinator, site supervisor, and occasionally an additional
foreign language faculty member, if the instructors foreign language area is not
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
that of the student. Furthermore, standards of excellence will vary from company
to company and are reflected in each supervisor’s expectations. Therefore, in order
to receive a grade of “A,” one student may have to meet much more demanding
requirements than another. Acknowledging that grading systems are somewhat
subjective and fallible, we diminish that impact on our students by offering FL 410
as a pass/fail course, in conformity with the internship grading policy of our Col-
lege of Administrative Science and that of several other universities.
At the same time we developed a student application form that meets all UAH
legal guidelines and distributed copies to professors in the department for them to
distribute to students in their upper-level classes (see Appendix C). Once the forms
and five copies of the required student résumés were collected, the author com-
piled a list of students, their majors, their specific interests, and their qualifications.
The author then worked through the process of matching students’ majors or inter-
est areas with the available sites. Next came interview sessions during the early
fall semester for students who were applying for the FL 410 class in the spring.
Those who were not seniors were advised to postpone the internship experience
until such time as they would have maximum target language ability as well as
having completed most of their international-trade-related courses. It was impor-
tant to glean from the students what they hoped to gain from the experience and to
ensure that they were apprised of any unrealistic expectations. Afterward, the au-
thor met with immediate site supervisors to outline worthwhile duties and projects
according to each student’s particular interest area and major target language.
In order to administer the internship process, in addition to the site question-
naire and the student application, the author designed or adapted the following
forms: (1) student internship agreement form, (2) student site evaluation form, (3)
student information form, (4) form for site supervisors evaluation of the student,
(5) purpose/guidelines/procedures form, and (6) internal file form for site informa-
tion. Incidentally, most established programs are willing to share their forms. The
internal process required that we set up an individual file for each participating
internship site, including the sites that expressed interest but did not participate in
the first year, and for each student registered in FL 410.
Before the end of the fall semester, it was necessary to compile and mail to
each student an information packet that included a personal letter of instruction,
company contact information, an information/UAH policy notice, “Good Business
Manners” brochure, “Selling Yourself at Your Job Interview” brochure, a
Job Choices 2002
magazine, and the necessary legal forms. At the same time, we
compiled and mailed to each site supervisor an information packet that included an
introductory letter, an information brochure about our department, a Purpose/Guide-
lines/Procedures declaration, the assigned student’s résumé, and the supervisors
evaluation form to be completed at the end of the work experience.
In each of the above packets, the authors letters confirmed student and super-
visor names, phone numbers, titles, company locations, and work schedules. Both
parties were reminded of their responsibilities and the dates for the established 10-
week work period.
Building Bridges for International Internships 89
Once the work period begins, the coordinator must remain in contact with the
site supervisors by means of on-site visits, teleconferences, and e-mail. Clarifica-
tions and issue resolutions are ongoing weekly responsibilities, often requiring
ear ear
ear ear
BIE evaluators assessed the development of our internship program as a major
focus of activity in the IBSI project. Gerber (2002), a BIE-appointed evaluator of
the IBSI, states that in her experience, internships and study-abroad programs are
generally both labor-intensive and time-consuming but are also some of the most
effective vehicles for student internationalization. Based on her examination of
evaluation forms from both the interns and the businesses involved, she confirms
that our internship program yielded very positive results in terms of the quality of
the experience. Furthermore, she states that our efforts were quite successful in
identifying more internships than there were students available during the inaugu-
ral period, no small accomplishment in her assessment. Kedia (2002), our second
evaluator, concludes that the IBSI has established a strong base for its internship
program. After reviewing the site supervisors’ evaluation forms, he reports that the
evaluations ranged from very good to outstanding, and in no case did an evaluation
state that the experience had been less than satisfactory. His conclusion was that
UAH has made an excellent start in the area of internships.
Student site evaluations revealed that over two-thirds of the students said that
the site met or exceeded their expectations. Three students, all three of whom were
female Spanish majors, said that the site fell below their expectations. The fact that
they were Spanish majors is probably of no significance, but the fact that they were
all females led the author to investigate the possibility that college-aged females
may not have had as much world-of-work experience as their male counterparts,
since the first class was equally balanced with males and females. Two of the stu-
dents’ experiences can be explained as student/supervisor incompatibility, unrealistic
expectations, and lack of previous job experience. After counseling sessions with
the three female interns, the author concluded from the results of a survey of all
interns that for the benefit of all participants more time needed to be spent during
the formal classroom component of the FL 410 in discussions of realistic expecta-
tions in the workplace. However, an example of the situation for the third dissatisfied
student was that she had been placed in a company that was acquired almost imme-
diately thereafter by a multinational. The student observed disorganization, a
frustrating situation for a beginner, and she struggled with a very unhappy, insecure
supervisor. The internship coordinator concluded that such experiences would
always be beyond the control of the coordinator. While an acquisition is a realistic
workplace expectation, the matter was finally resolved through placement of the
student at a new site. For broader assessment of the program, perhaps the most
relevant question on the student evaluation form is: “What is your overall evalua-
tion of this internship experience?” Again two-thirds of the class rated it “excellent”
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
or “good,” as opposed to “average,” “fair,” and “poor,” thus providing very en-
couraging results for a first-year program.
Although there were relatively few problems associated with the first-year pro-
gram, a number of learning experiences have led to more flexibility, as well as
changes in the program. Initially the coordinator made an effort to vertically inte-
grate the students’ placement to the highest level possible in the large companies. A
student who worked for the Director of International Programs at a large global
company had an excellent experience while the director was in the country. How-
ever, such high-ranking officers in a company’s international office are often out of
the country and must leave students to their own initiative or under the supervision
of subordinates unfamiliar with our program or the students’ projects.
Other students were placed in some of our numerous high-tech international
firms. A few of them became frustrated when the restrictions associated with pro-
prietary information prevented them from getting deeply involved in worthwhile
projects because of “top-secret” information to which the students could not be
privy. When students did work on proprietary-related projects, some experienced
problems giving the coordinator the detailed reports required weekly by the pro-
gram. Some of the students’ final written reports had to be screened by compliance
officers before they could be submitted.
The first-year site list included companies and organizations ranging from large
companies, such as a Fortune 500 company with offices in 23 countries, to small
businesses seeking a share of the global market. Others ranged from a nonprofit
multicultural center to the administrative office of a professional baseball team
with international ties. All companies who partnered with us during this first year
welcomed future participation, and all stated that the program is equally beneficial
for the business and the university community. As other businesses learn about our
program, the site list continues to grow.
ear Goal: Internships ear Goal: Internships
ear Goal: Internships ear Goal: Internships
ear Goal: Internships
Our plan stated in the IBSI was to broaden and grow the internship program to
our ultimate goal of providing and highly encouraging internships abroad. The
intent was to start the process with the international and multinational companies
who had partnered with us in the first year. Such a plan would have been much
easier to institute than the one to which we had to resort. In the fall of 2002, during
planning sessions with the local companies that were considered the most acces-
sible source for sites abroad, rumors of a war with Iraq and general world political
unrest led to the companies’ greater fear of liability issues associated with employ-
ing a student in a foreign country. Ultimately, no company would agree to send a
student to a foreign office. The coordinator was quickly reminded of Tucker’s (2000)
warnings of the obstacles ahead for creating international internships, to include
complications of distance, time, and visa issues. He states that, although it is not
impossible, the process of establishing an internship program is arduous, at best.
In addition, our own university began to discourage the process because of
increased liabilities for programs abroad, especially during a time of global unrest.
Building Bridges for International Internships 91
We continued to counsel the students and found that the majority of them still
wanted to have the experience abroad. These liabilities, including the coordinators
personal liability concerns, led to a request for more involvement from our
university’s Office of Legal Counsel, resulting in more legally binding student/site
agreement memoranda.
With few local resources and no university funds for travel abroad, it became
necessary to search for other sources for sites. Upon investigation, it was encour-
aging to discover that excellent viable leads for sites abroad were available through
several easily accessible sources:
Survey of students in foreign language classes to identify several for-
eign students whose families could provide leads for internships in
their respective countries
Survey of faculty
International relief organizations, such as the Red Cross, that have
Web sites with lists of contacts and countries where offices are lo-
cated and that can provide service learning or internships
Rotary International
Well-established international volunteer organizations, such as Cross
Cultural Solutions, found through a Web search
One’s own university’s exchange programs with foreign universities
Human resource offices of major hotel chains to locate hotels abroad
that have International Group Sales offices
Web sites on foreign product packages
International Chamber of Commerce
U.S. State Department
U.S. Department of Commerce
Local target-language societies, such as our city’s Hispanic Society,
whose members have ties to businesses and organizations in several
Latin American countries
Local churches that have projects in foreign countries
Networking opportunities, such as attendance at conferences
Using several of these sources yielded a surplus of international sites abroad.
Once lines of communication were established, there developed cultivation of re-
lationships, with contacts abroad through letters, e-mail, and telephone. Once the
site agreement was confirmed and a more personal relationship with each contact
was established, further negotiations resulted in free housing or food for the in-
terns, most of whom otherwise would not have been able to take advantage of the
opportunity because of personal financial constraints. In addition, since the class
credit hours and tuition remain at UAH, students were able to continue their stu-
dent loans or grants, although they were working away from the university.
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Examples of Summer Internships Examples of Summer Internships
Examples of Summer Internships Examples of Summer Internships
Examples of Summer Internships
In 2002 the task of providing internship sites abroad seemed to be an almost
insurmountable challenge, given the limitations of no funds for travel abroad to
develop the sites as well as the threats of war and terrorist activities. Nevertheless,
building on the foundation of the successful first-years local program and net-
working with local and foreign contacts resulted in our securing sites for all students
who expressed an interest in going abroad. Profiles of the summer interns abroad
as well as their sites follow:
A FLIT/French major, a citizen of Turkmenistan, worked in France
for approximately 6 weeks in the International Development Office
at a highly respected university in Paris, under the supervision of the
manager of that office. The student had free housing in the apartment
of the daughter of the Associate Dean at the university and, because
she was within walking distance of the university, required no local
transportation during her stay.
A FLIT/German major worked in Vienna for 6 weeks. He requested a
site in the field of health care administration with a goal of develop-
ing his own company abroad. The author secured a position with the
hospital administrator of Austria’s largest comprehensive medical
complex. He lived free in the doctors’ dormitory and received one
meal per day in the hospital cafeteria.
A FLIT/Spanish major spent 4 weeks working in Costa Rica for a
volunteer organization. Because she had a particular interest in con-
servation and ecology, she lived in a house near a rain forest with
other volunteers and had the cost of her meals there included in her
program fee. The student worked with orphans and senior citizens,
but she also got to work a minimum of one day per week at the
country’s oldest and world-famous butterfly conservatory that bor-
ders the Monteverde rain forest. The conservatory ships rare species
of butterflies to zoos around the world. In addition, upon my request,
she took one Spanish grammar class simultaneously with the experi-
ence to strengthen her language skills.
A FLIT/Spanish major, a citizen of Austria, completed her internship
in San Juan, Puerto Rico, where she worked in the International and
Group Sales Office of an international hotel, a multifacility conven-
tion center on the beach of a popular tourist area of the city. Her
interest area is international hotel management. Since our university
does not offer such a degree, she requested to use her language skills
in that area at a site abroad. The four-star hotel provided her with one
lunch per day in any of its seven restaurants. She lived in the home of
the mother of a Puerto Rican government official with whom the co-
ordinator had discussed the internship program during a BIE Directors
Building Bridges for International Internships 93
meeting in Puerto Rico the previous summer. The student paid $50
per week for her room with breakfast and had weekend meals in-
A finance/Spanish/German major worked in Ponce, Puerto Rico, at a
coffee company under the supervision of the Vice President of Mar-
keting and Special Projects. The author arranged for him to leave 3
weeks early for Puerto Rico and live at the home of the mother of the
above-mentioned contact (at a cost of $50 plus meals, per the preced-
ing student’s agreement), where he practiced his Spanish before
beginning his 6-week market study project for the coffee company.
In Ponce he received at no cost use of an apartment owned by the
company and only one block away from both the office and a Catho-
lic university, where his free time was filled with rich cultural
opportunities with people his age. He also received free food and a
car for business and personal use.
A disappointing aspect of the program was that of seeing sites secured, only to
have world politics, war, terrorist activities, and financial limitations sway students
and their families to reconsider the experience abroad. Beginning in the fall, the
coordinator conducted regular counseling sessions with students to explain all dan-
gers of travel abroad. In addition, students were provided with a list of Web sites to
be accessed for all travel safety considerations in specific countries. A seemingly
unavoidable consequence of coordinating an internship abroad program is having
students decide at the last minute not to continue with their plans to serve their
internships. Profiles of those who made that decision follow:
A Spanish major was to do volunteer work for the Red Cross
in Puerto
Rico, per her specific request for volunteer services. A dialogue with
the Director of Volunteer Services in San Juan began the previous
September to establish the site. The first contact with the director of
our local organization in Huntsville was followed by the accessing of
information from the international Web site. The student was to have
worked in the office of the Director of Volunteer Services and was to
have had a home-stay arrangement.
A FLIT/Russian major was to spend 6 weeks in St. Petersburg, work-
ing in a paid internship at an import/export company.
A FLIT/German major would have worked at a toy manufacturing
company in Krummendorf, Germany, where she would have received
an on-site free room with the possibility of a small stipend.
I mention the above specific situations to depict a realistic description of the
program. Nevertheless, they contribute to the appraisal of a successful program in
that these well-developed sites were made available to the students and can be
cultivated for future interns.
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Future of the ProgramFuture of the Program
Future of the ProgramFuture of the Program
Future of the Program
The local program continues to thrive and will always be a necessity in light of
some students’ inability to travel abroad because of family responsibilities, per-
sonal financial issues, or the aforementioned perils of world politics, wars, and
terrorist activities that engender very real safety and liability concerns. As with any
strong program, it must grow and continue to be refined. Based on student and
supervisor evaluations, the spring work schedule has been extended from 10 to 12
weeks with hours increased from 8 to 10 per week for the three-credit-hour option,
with less formal classroom instruction time. The six-hour credit option was added
and is now very popular with students and supervisors because it allows the student
to work 20 hours per week and receive more meaningful assignments as well as to
gain additional work experience.
The summer mini-session was added for the same reason, as well as to accom-
modate the interns who went abroad during the summer. Thus the program now
operates with the three- and six-credit-hour options during the spring and the sum-
mer. The local and abroad internships run concurrently during spring and summer
with some administrative adjustments, such as grades of “incomplete” until the
summer abroad experiences end and the final papers are submitted. Other adminis-
trative adjustments were necessary during year two, such as purging the local site
list and refining the selection process, adapting the original questionnaire to fit
sites abroad, adding additional counseling sessions to prepare the interns for travel
abroad, and working with the UAH Office of Legal Counsel to make the student/
site agreement forms more binding.
In the second year the program grew from 15 first-year local internships to 20,
with five of the interns going abroad. The coordinator is inundated with inquiries
and excitement about our program from our students and those from other disci-
plines and universities, making the internship program an excellent recruitment
tool, an advantage for all foreign language departments who struggle to recruit
students. The student newspaper constantly requests updates on internship activi-
ties. Composite Student Instructional Evaluation (SIE) scores from the spring 3-hour
and 6-hour groups were 96.1 and 100, respectively. The summer SIE results were
100 from each credit-hour group, both local and abroad, and all spring and summer
students’ in-house program evaluation forms revealed 100% satisfaction with their
experience. All interns who went abroad praised the program, commenting that
their experiences far surpassed their expectations. The students’ final papers have
become testimonials for the program. Excerpts from the final papers of the spring
class of interns include comments such as these: “I have gleaned much more than a
reference and a nice addition to my résumé. I have gained invaluable work experi-
ence, knowledge about the international business world, a glimpse into the workings
of the workplace, and lasting memories and even friendships.”
Another student
says: “It is an invaluable experience that has definitely enriched my collegiate aca-
demic experience, and I am thankful for the opportunity that I have had.”
Building Bridges for International Internships 95
In addition to the obvious and widely recognized enrichment that an intern-
ship abroad experience affords the foreign language student, a clear advantage of
this program is that it is can be duplicated by large or small universities with or
without resources. It brings university and business communities together for the
betterment of both, to say nothing of the opportunities that it affords the students,
many of whom have received jobs or job offers as a result of experiences that
provided maximum benefit from practical work in the target culture and language.
While the program depends in large part on the good will of the local and global
communities, the interns
good will in those communities. Thus, a sustain-
able program that is vital for internationalizing our students and our curriculum is
in place. It has attracted the attention of our entire university community, specifi-
cally our College of Liberal Arts, where several other departments have already
begun to duplicate our model in recognition of the possibilities for future global-
ization and aware of its energizing effects on our students, faculty, staff, and partner
All interns sign an agreement to allow any part of their final papers to be
quoted anonymously.
Gerber, L. (2002).
Evaluation of International Business Studies Initiative, Busi-
ness and
International Education grant project.
[unpublished external
evaluation report of the IBSI program at the University of Alabama in Hunts-
Gliozzo, C. (1999). International internships.
American Institute for Foreign Study,
College Division
advisors’ guides.
Retrieved August 3, 1999, from http//
Kedia, B. (2002).
Evaluation of International Business Studies Initiative, Business
International Education grant project.
[unpublished external evaluation
report of the IBSI program at the University of Alabama in Huntsville].
Tucker, S. (2000). Developing international relationships. In M. Ainina, S. Beaton,
J. Meyer, & R. Scherer, (Eds.),
A field guide to internationalizing
(pp. 159-175)
Austin, TX: Center for International Business Edu-
cation and Research, University of Texas at Austin.
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Appendix Appendix
Appendix Appendix
Syllabus for FL410, International Internship:Syllabus for FL410, International Internship:
Syllabus for FL410, International Internship:Syllabus for FL410, International Internship:
Syllabus for FL410, International Internship:
Comparative Languages & Cultures in Practice (3-6 Credit Hours)Comparative Languages & Cultures in Practice (3-6 Credit Hours)
Comparative Languages & Cultures in Practice (3-6 Credit Hours)Comparative Languages & Cultures in Practice (3-6 Credit Hours)
Comparative Languages & Cultures in Practice (3-6 Credit Hours)
Prerequisite: FL303 (or placement by examination or permission of the instructor)
The Huntsville area provides many opportunities for students to combine their
classroom study with practical work in a wide range of government, international,
business, educational, and private organizations. The internship experience derived
from the Foreign Language 410 Internship class will enable students with foreign
language majors (French, German, Russian, or Spanish) or students with both for-
eign language and international trade interests (FLIT) to use their second language
skills, as well as develop interdisciplinary, multicultural, and cross-cultural knowl-
edge. Students will work in an off-campus (or, when feasible, overseas) organization
and meet with faculty and other students to report on their work and compare and
analyze experiences. Coordinating these experiences, this course combines practi-
cal experience with discussion of ramifications of cultural diversities in the world
of professions.
Course Schedule:Course Schedule:
Course Schedule:Course Schedule:
Course Schedule:
January 7: Introduction. Internship Agreement Forms. Profile of last internship
class–evaluation data/observations/recommendations. Language/cul-
ture/professions in a global context (video: “Intercultural
January 9: Four 20-minute lectures presenting an overview of French, German,
Russian, and Hispanic culture (Drs. Gyasi, Goebel, Buksa, Abernethy),
with emphasis on ramifications of cultural diversity in the profes-
sional world
January 14: Business/Professional Etiquette (Ms. Kathy Heckman, Associate Di-
rector of Career Services, UAH) and other practical matters
January 20-April 18: Work weeks (with the exception of the week of March 24-28,
Spring Break): 10 hours per week for three credit hours, or 20 hours
per week for six credit hours
January 23: Free Trade Area of the Americas Workshop, 8:30-1:30 (including
lunch), Hilton Hotel, sponsored by International Business Studies Ini-
tiative (ISBI), established by a Business and International Education
grant from the U.S. Department of Education and the North Alabama
International Trade Association
\April 22: Last class day–Video: “Coat of Many Countries,” and class discus-
sions relating to internship experiences/site evaluation data. Written
reports due.
April 24: Exam period–Oral presentations of written reports
Building Bridges for International Internships 97
(1) Class attendance is imperative. Work week must consist of 10/20 hours per
week. If you must be absent, you must notify your supervisor
your in-
structor, in advance if possible.
(2) You must keep a journal of all workday activities, assignments, cross-cul-
tural experiences, observations, etc.
(3) Each 2 weeks you are to e-mail a report, summarizing your activities. The e-
mail reports should be addressed to your supervisor
to your instructor,
to arrive by Monday, 10:00 A.M., on the following dates for each of the
previous two weeks: February 3, 17, March 3, 17, April 7, 21.
late report
will be accepted. Note: If the need arises to discuss any sensitive or confi-
dential issue, you are encouraged to e-mail or call me directly.
(4) Please remember that your site evaluation form is due on April 21. You will
not receive a grade without completing the report. Please put it under my
door at 307 Morton Hall or give it to the secretary in the Foreign Language
(5) The final written report, due in class on April 22
(no late report will be
, will be in essay format, approximately 4-5 pages, and will dis-
cuss the specifics of the internship experience, to include a profile of the
local company/organization. Logically, the major part of your final written
report should be derived from a summary of your journal. Bring one hard
copy to class
submit a copy to me electronically as a Microsoft Word
(6) You will present an oral summary of your report during the final examina-
tion period.
Other important dates:Other important dates:
Other important dates:Other important dates:
Other important dates:
Last day to withdraw with refund is January 17. Last day to withdraw is March 17.
Exam period is April 24, 8:00-10:30.
Grading: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (Unsatisfactory counts as an “F” and will be
computed in the GPA. Nonattendance or dismissal from the internship site
results in an automatic “U.”)
Oral/Written Report 20%
Class Discussion 15%
Interim Reports 20%
Evaluation from site supervisor 45%
Note: Note:
Note: Note:
Note: It is important for your instructor to be able to evaluate your work fairly and
accurately in this course. It is therefore expected that for all graded assign-
ments you will do your own work and submit your own work, unless specifically
told otherwise by your instructor. See the
UAH Student Handbook
for policies
relating to students’ rights, responsibilities, and academic behavior. Please ask
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
your instructor if you have questions about any of these policies or proce-
dures. In addition, please make
effort not to have an “emergency” that
requires you to leave the classroom once class has started.
Academic Honor SAcademic Honor S
Academic Honor SAcademic Honor S
Academic Honor S
I promise or affirm that I will not at any time be involved in cheating, plagia-
rism, fabrication, misrepresentation, or any other form of academic misconduct as
outlined in the UAH Student Handbook while I am enrolled as a student at the
University of Alabama in Huntsville. I understand that violating this promise will
result in penalties as severe as indefinite suspension from the University of Ala-
bama in Huntsville
Appendix BAppendix B
Appendix BAppendix B
Appendix B
Questionnaire for Companies Interested inQuestionnaire for Companies Interested in
Questionnaire for Companies Interested inQuestionnaire for Companies Interested in
Questionnaire for Companies Interested in
Providing Internships to UAH SProviding Internships to UAH S
Providing Internships to UAH SProviding Internships to UAH S
Providing Internships to UAH S
The Huntsville area provides many opportunities for students to combine their
classroom study with practical work in a wide range of government, international,
business, educational, and private organizations. The internship experience derived
from the Foreign Language 410 Internship class will enable students with foreign
language majors (French, German, Russian, or Spanish) or students with both for-
eign language and international trade interests (FLIT) to use their second language
skills, as well as develop interdisciplinary, multicultural, and cross-cultural knowl-
edge. Students will work in an off-campus (or, when feasible, overseas) organization
and meet with faculty and other students to report on their work and compare and
analyze experiences. Upon accepting a UAH intern at no cost to your company,
you will receive the service of a well-trained student who can perform a wide vari-
ety of tasks, ranging from facilitating communication and correspondence with
foreign clients to helping your company explore international marketing opportu-
Name of Company or Organization
Name of Respondent
FAX E-mail
Would your company agree to accept a paid/unpaid intern(s) from UAH in the
spring or summer of 2003 to serve in some area of international business/service
Building Bridges for International Internships 99
1. Would you permit the intern(s) to work in your facility approximately 10 hours
per week (12 weeks in the spring)?
Do you prefer 40 hours per week for one month in the summer?
2. What schedule would be best for your company (two afternoons, one full day,
3. How many internships would your company consider providing?
4. Which languages/areas would be most beneficial to your company? Please
circle: French, German, Russian, Spanish, Administrative Science
What duties would the intern perform?
5. Whom may we contact at your company to discuss the internship program?
Name Title
Telephone FAX E-mail
6. Are you able at this time to designate a person at your company to act as a
coordinator to communicate with the UAH coordinator? If so, please provide
the following information:
Name Title
Telephone FAX E-mail
Appendix CAppendix C
Appendix CAppendix C
Appendix C
UAH InternshipsUAH Internships
UAH InternshipsUAH Internships
UAH Internships
Department of Foreign Languages and LiteratureDepartment of Foreign Languages and Literature
Department of Foreign Languages and LiteratureDepartment of Foreign Languages and Literature
Department of Foreign Languages and Literature
Application for Spring/Summer 2004 - FL410Application for Spring/Summer 2004 - FL410
Application for Spring/Summer 2004 - FL410Application for Spring/Summer 2004 - FL410
Application for Spring/Summer 2004 - FL410
Name Student Number
Class Major GPA Graduation date
Citizenship: US Other (specify)
E-mail Present Address
City State Zip
Permanent Address Phone
City State Zip
Please list the
of Internship/Service Learning sites that interest you most
(business, health care, education, social service, media and communications, etc.):
When do you choose to serve your 2004 Internship?
(Circle Spring or Summer) ___3 credits ___6 credits
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Do you plan to serve your internship abroad, recognizing that the only responsibil-
ity of our program to the student is the arrangement of a site assignment?
____Yes ____No
In the event that you choose to go abroad but notify the coordinator of a change of
plans later than March 1 for the summer session, it may become your respon-
sibility to assist in locating your local site.
Please list any
Internship/Service Learning sites that interest you, under-
standing that UAH cannot guarantee that you will receive the site of your choice:
Computer Languages
Foreign Languages (other than your major)
Other Special Skills
To complete your application, return this completed form with 5 hard-copy résumés
to the Foreign Language Office by October 1. Also e-mail a résumé as a Word
attachment to < [email protected]>.
Authorization Statement
I, the undersigned, authorize the Foreign Language Office of the University of
Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) to provide prospective internship sites or their rep-
resentatives with my résumé and, if on file, my references. I understand that records
will be kept of the prospective internship sites that receive my credentials and that
I may have access to these records as long as my file is active.
I agree to respond promptly to all communications from the Foreign Language
Office and will personally contact Dr. Sharron Abernethy if there are any changes
in the information provided on this form. I will keep each interview scheduled
through Dr. Abernethy or cancel the interview, in the case of an emergency, at least
24 hours in advance. I also understand that this registration form will only be viewed
by the staff of the Foreign Language Department and will not be made available to
prospective internship supervisors. The information I have provided on this form is
true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Signature Date
Ms. Peggy BILBRO [2004]
President & Awards Chair
Dr. Clara KRUG [2004]
Editor & Collaboratives
Dr. Sue BARRY [2005]
Vice-President & Program Chair
Dr. James C. DAVIDHEISER [2005]
Events Calendar
Dr. Carol WILKERSON [2006]
Advocacy Chair
Dr. James CHESNUT [2006]
Nominations and Evaluations Chair
Dr. Sheri Spaine LONG [2007]
Scholarships Chair
Dr. Karen VERKLER [2007]
Program Co-Chair
Ms. Sharon B. RAPP
Past President
Dr. C. Maurice CHERRY
Executive Director
Director of Publications & Co-Editor,
Dr. Robert TERRY
SCOLT Representative to ACTFL
The Randolph School
Huntsville, AL
Georgia Southern University
Statesboro, GA
Auburn University
Auburn, AL
University of the South
Sewanee, TN
Carson-Newman College
Jefferson City, TN
North Georgia College & State
University, Dahlonega, GA
University of Alabama-Birmingham
Birmingham, AL
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL
Conway High School West
Conway, AR
Furman University
Greenville, SC
Roswell, GA
Valdosta State University
Valdosta, GA
University of Richmond
Richmond, VA
Board of DirectorsBoard of Directors
Board of DirectorsBoard of Directors
Board of Directors
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
April Allain Louisiana
David Alley Georgia
Sheree Altmann Georgia
Cherry Andrews Alabama
Laura Arguea Florida
Corinne Barnes Georgia
Sue Barry Alabama
John Bartley Georgia
Mitzi Bayne Georgia
Amy Benson Alabama
Ginger Biggs Louisiana
Melissa Blancaneaux Louisiana
Evelyne Bornier Louisiana
Janice Boyles South Carolina
Lee Bradley Georgia
Evelyn Brady Georgia
Linda Braun Font Georgia
Jacqueline Bravelaway Alabama
Elisa Brown Georgia
Lynn Brown Florida
Michele Brown Tennessee
Vitalia Bryn-Pundyk Arkansas
Christia Burgess South Carolina
Laura Campagna Louisiana
Patricia Carlin Arkansas
Marilyn Carpenter West Virginia
Rosalie Cheatham Arkansas
Sharon Cherry South Carolina
Jim Chesnut Georgia
Jeanne Classé Alabama
Kay Clements Alabama
Cassandra Connolly Georgia
Judith Cox Alabama
Joanna Crane Alabama
Melissa Damerson-Vines Alabama
Catherine Danielou Alabama
Jean-Louis Dassier Michigan
Nancy De Young South Carolina
Michael Dockery Georgia
Daphne Eidson Georgia
Penny Evans Georgia
Leila Falt Alabama
Valerie Farlow Georgia
Judi Farrelly Louisiana
Sylviane Finck Louisiana
Terry Finlay Georgia
Linda Frazier North Carolina
Howard Furnas Alabama
Pamela Gay Alabama
Monique Glover Georgia
Otmara González Georgia
Kenneth Gordon Missouri
Jane Govoni Florida
Esperanza Granados South Carolina
John Green Georgia
Scott Grubbs Georgia
Jo Anna Hallman Florida
Julia Hanley Georgia
Karen Harrell Alabama
Betty Hickox Georgia
Jean Hicks Alabama
Lola Hidalgo-Calle Florida
Kay Hoag South Carolina
Marianna Holloman South Carolina
Mary Jim Howe South Carolina
Sandra Hunt Georgia
Shirley Hurd South Carolina
Maria Jackson Alabama
David Jahner Georgia
Dorie Johansen South Carolina
Marsha Johnson South Carolina
Lucia Jones Georgia
Norah Jones Virginia
Maria Jovanovich Florida
Glenna Kappel Florida
Kim Kappel Florida
Caroline Kelly North Carolina
Chad Kison Alabama
Jacqueline Konan Georgia
Lizette Laughlin South Carolina
Alison Leininger Alabama
Ally Leonard Alabama
Melanie Lewis Louisiana
Keith Lindley Alabama
Lin Lindsay Georgia
Mark Linsky Georgia
2003 2003
2003 2003
Advisory BoardAdvisory Board
Advisory BoardAdvisory Board
Advisory Board
of Sponsors & Patronsof Sponsors & Patrons
of Sponsors & Patronsof Sponsors & Patrons
of Sponsors & Patrons
Individual SponsorsIndividual Sponsors
Individual SponsorsIndividual Sponsors
Individual Sponsors
Heidi Lomangino Alabama
Sheri Long Alabama
María López Georgia
Ines Lormand Louisiana
Candi Love South Carolina
Jill Mange Alabama
Judith Martin Florida
Leigh Martin Alabama
Elaine McAllister Georgia
Lynne McClendon Georgia
Sharon McClure Alabama
Shelia McCoy Georgia
Alissa McDonough Georgia
Mary McGehee Louisiana
Lisa Melendez Georgia
Carlos Mentley South Carolina
Cindy Metty South Carolina
Pam Middlebrooks Georgia
Nidza Miller Alabama
Tatiana Milton Louisiana
Peter Meister Alabama
Sarah Meister Alabama
Mazie Movassaghi Louisiana
Susan Murphy South Carolina
Candace Nanista Georgia
Helen Newton South Carolina
Anne Nietert South Carolina
Pat Nix Alabama
Kathryn Norman Mississippi
Nancy Norris North Carolina
Mary Oestriecher Louisiana
Mario Ortiz Mississippi
Karen Palmer Louisiana
Linda Paragone Alabama
Janet Parker Virginia
Francisco Romero Pérez S.Carolina
Amelia Perry Alabama
Leslie Pourreau Georgia
Sandra Preston Florida
Mark Putnam Florida
Sharon Rapp Arkansas
Rachel Reed South Carolina
Lucinda Rivera Georgia
Aileen M. Robertson Louisiana
Cathy Robison South Carolina
Peter Rosborough Alabama
Sue Ross Alabama
Pilar Rus South Carolina
Jennifer Russell Florida
Tatum Saltz Alabama
Jean Santini Alabama
Richard Sayers Colorado
Tricia Schryer Alabama
Rosalba Scott North Carolina
Brian Shedd Georgia
David Shook Georgia
Lisa Signori South Carolina
Lynn Simmons Georgia
Margit Sinka South Carolina
Carol Skidmore Alabama
Faye Smith Alabama
Robin Snyder West Virginia
Samia Spencer Alabama
Marcia Spielberger Georgia
Edwina Spodark Virginia
Jonita Stepp-Greany Florida
Clarita Stone Alabama
Mary Stovall Alabama
Alice Strange Missouri
Janene Sullivan Georgia
Maxine Taylor Georgia
Robert Terry Virginia
Carmen Tesser Georgia
Nellie Tietz Alabama
Alfred Treviño Virginia
Estela Treviño Virginia
Deborah Tucker Tennessee
Mary-Elizabeth Via Virginia
Maria Villadoniga Florida
Jeanne Walker Georgia
Nancy Wall Alabama
Frances Weathers Mississippi
Nadine Wells North Carolina
Jonathan Whitfield South Carolina
Lee Wilberschied Ohio
Carol Wilkerson Tennessee
Andrea Wilkinson Alabama
Janet Williams Georgia
John D. Williams Georgia
Jennifer Winburn Tennessee
Jerry Winfield Georgia
Terri Wittmeier Alabama
Marcia Woodward South Carolina
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
2003 2003
2003 2003
Advisory Board ofAdvisory Board of
Advisory Board ofAdvisory Board of
Advisory Board of
Sponsors & PatronsSponsors & Patrons
Sponsors & PatronsSponsors & Patrons
Sponsors & Patrons
Representing Institutions and OrRepresenting Institutions and Or
Representing Institutions and OrRepresenting Institutions and Or
Representing Institutions and Or
Alliance Française de Mobile (Mobile, AL)
Colette Windish
American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
Helene Zimmer Loew
Atlanta Public Schools (Atlanta, GA)
Deborah Reidmiller
Augusta State University (Augusta, GA)
Jana Sandarg and Mary Kathleen Blanchard
Belmont University (Nashville, TN)
Cheryl Brown and David Julseth
Cemanahuac Educational Community
Vivian Harvey
Central States Conference on Language Teaching (CSC)
Patrick Raven
Clarke County High School (Grove Hill, AL)
Lois Davis
Consulat Général de France d’Atlanta
Cecile Peryonnet and Aurelien Lepine-Kousas
Father Ryan High School (Nashville, TN)
Laura Beasley
Florida Foreign Language Association (FFLA)
Louis Lillard
Foreign Language Association of Virginia (FLAVA)
Valerie Gooss
Furman University (Greenville, SC)
Maurice Cherry
Georgia Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of French
Dina Foster and David de Posada
Georgia College and State University (Milledgeville, GA)
Roger Noël
Georgia Department of Education (Atlanta, GA)
Elizabeth Webb
Georgia Education Office of Spain (Atlanta, GA)
Vicente Valverde
Georgia Southern University (Statesboro, GA)
Clara Krug and Horst Kurz
Grant County High School (Dry Ridge, KY)
Chelo Díaz Martín
Gray Middle School (Union, KY)
Luis García
Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School (Marietta, GA)
Anne Jackson
Howard University (Forestville, MD)
Herman Bostick
Interprep (Marietta, GA)
Greg Duncan
Kentucky State Department of Education (Frankfort, KY)
Jacque Bott Van Houten
Louisiana State Department of Education (Baton Rouge, LA)
Carolyn Taylor-Ward
Macon State University (Macon, GA)
Lynn Bryan and David de Posada
Mount St. Mary Academy (Little Rock, AR)
Sue Mistic and Maureen Stover
Mountain Brook Jr. High School (Mountain Brook, AL)
George Ann Parker
National FLES* Institute
Gladys Lipton
North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC)
Susan Navey-Davis
Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (NECTFL)
Rebecca Kline
Pacific Northwest Council for Languages
Teresa Kennedy
Paulding County School District (Dallas, GA)
Maureen Clouse
Prattville High School (Prattville, AL)
Emilia Chávez Saphore and Marlin Harris
Randolph School (Huntsville, AL)
Peggy Bilbro, Glynn Below, Vally Perry, Francoise Wackenhut
Samford University (Birmingham, AL)
Myralyn Allgood
Shades Valley High School (Irondale, AL)
Phyllis Clay
Shelby County Schools (AL)
Janet Smith
South Carolina Department of Education
Ruta Couet
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
South Carolina Foreign Language Teachers’ Association (SCFLTA)
Luana Coleman and Lynn Fulton-Archer
Southwest Conference on Language Teaching (SWCOLT)
Audrey Cournia
Tennessee Chapter, American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
Deb Lamine and Dorothy Winkles
The Language House (Greenville, SC)
Nardina Alongi
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Pierre Lincourt
University of Central Florida (Tampa, FL)
Karen Verkler
University of South Carolina (Spanish and Portuguese)
Carolyn Hansen and David Hill
University of the South (Sewanee, TN)
Jim Davidheiser
Valdosta State University (Valdosta, GA)
Ellen Friedrich and Amy Aronson-Friedman
West Virginia University (Morgantown, WV)
Maria Amores, Sharon Wilkinson, Frank Medley (Emeritus)
West Virginia State Department of Education (Charleston, WV)
Deborah Harki
Previous Editions of SCOLPrevious Editions of SCOL
Previous Editions of SCOLPrevious Editions of SCOL
Previous Editions of SCOL
Dimension Dimension
Dimension Dimension
vailable for Purchasevailable for Purchase
vailable for Purchasevailable for Purchase
vailable for Purchase
Models for Excellence in Second Language Education. Dimension 2003Models for Excellence in Second Language Education. Dimension 2003
Models for Excellence in Second Language Education. Dimension 2003Models for Excellence in Second Language Education. Dimension 2003
Models for Excellence in Second Language Education. Dimension 2003
Lourdes Sánchez-López The Transnational Classroom: Connecting
and Jessica Ramos-Harthun People, Languages, and Cultures
Denise M. Overfield Creating a Language Learning Community
Within and Beyond the Classroom
Betina Kaplan and Stepping Out of the Classroom to Increase
Teresa Pérez-Gamboa Spanish Language Skills and Cultural Awareness
Lara Lomicka, Gillian Lord, Merging Foreign Language Theory and
and Melanie Manzer Practice in Designing Technology-Based Tasks
Janet Flewelling Creating Narrated Multimedia Presentations in
the Second and Foreign Language Class
Carmen Chaves Tesser INTASC Model Foreign Language Standards for
and Marty Abbott Beginning Teacher Licensing and Development
Anja Bernardy Alternative Teacher Preparation
and Elaine McAllister Programs in Foreign Languages
Sue Barry Group Study Abroad and Thematic Units
Cyberspace and Foreign Languages: Making the Connection. Dimension 2002Cyberspace and Foreign Languages: Making the Connection. Dimension 2002
Cyberspace and Foreign Languages: Making the Connection. Dimension 2002Cyberspace and Foreign Languages: Making the Connection. Dimension 2002
Cyberspace and Foreign Languages: Making the Connection. Dimension 2002
Darrell J. Dernoshek Connecting Through Cyberspace:
and Lara L. Lomicka Correspondence Projects for Beginning
and Intermediate Students
Carmen Villegas Rogers Tradition &Technology in Language Teaching
Janet Flewelling From Language Lab to Multimedia Lab:
Oral Language Assessment
Hye-Yeon Lim Idiom Instruction Through Multimedia
and W. I. Griffith and Cultural Concepts
Antje Krueger Online Writing and Reading: Powerful
Communicative Tools for L2 Acquisition
María J. Amores Contextualizing Culture: Using Authentic
Resources to Develop Cultural Awareness
Karen Elkins Project-Based Learning in the Foreign
and Robin Boulton Language Classroom
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Claudia Smith Salcedo The Effect of Songs on Text Recall and
and Lucia Guzzi Harrison Involuntary Mental Rehearsal in Foreign
Language Learning
Jacque Bott Van Houten Teacher Academies: Professional
Development for a Community of Learners
The Odyssey Continues: Dimension 2001The Odyssey Continues: Dimension 2001
The Odyssey Continues: Dimension 2001The Odyssey Continues: Dimension 2001
The Odyssey Continues: Dimension 2001
T. Bruce Fryer Four Decades of Foreign Language
Education: Are We Still at Cheese Station N?
Jean-Louis P. Dassier Teaching Students with the Internet: What
the Students Want vs. What They Do
Laura Semones Learning Behind the Screen:
and Rebecca Chism Computers, Conversations, Communities
James C. Davidheiser The ABC’s of Total Physical Response Storytelling
Paula Heusinkveld Understanding Hispanic Culture
Through Music: The Theme of Nostalgia
Francis Achampong Enhancing the Study of International Business,
and Enrique G. Zapatero Foreign Languages, and the Nonlanguage
Aspects of Intercultural Communication
Jean-Louis P. Dassier Formative Foreign Language Program Evaluation
and William Powell
New Millennium, New Directions: Dimension 2000New Millennium, New Directions: Dimension 2000
New Millennium, New Directions: Dimension 2000New Millennium, New Directions: Dimension 2000
New Millennium, New Directions: Dimension 2000
Heide R. Lomangino A Systematic Approach to Second
Language Vocabulary Instruction
Elizabeth G. Joiner Listening Training for Language Learners: The
Tomatis Approach to Second Language Acquisition
Virginia M. Scott Thinking Together: Student Interaction
and Lara E. Semones During the FL Writing Process
James C. Davidheiser The European Union and the Second
Language Curriculum of the 21
Jayne Abrate Making Cultural Learning Authentic: Going
Beyond Stereotype and Anecdote
David W. Seaman Correcting the Problem of Freeze-Frame Cultural
Stereotyping: Case Study–Martinique
Carolyn Gascoigne Lally Extramural Standards: Foreign Language
Learning Beyond the Classroom
Jean-Louis P. Dassier A Case Study of Reflection in
and Lee Wilberschied Supervision: Does It Have Any
Relationship to Interns’ Reflectivity?
Connections Beyond the Foreign Language Classroom: Dimension ’99Connections Beyond the Foreign Language Classroom: Dimension ’99
Connections Beyond the Foreign Language Classroom: Dimension ’99Connections Beyond the Foreign Language Classroom: Dimension ’99
Connections Beyond the Foreign Language Classroom: Dimension ’99
Hélène Gresso Intercultural Communities: Rethinking
and Lara Lomicka Célestin Freinet
John Chaston Beyond the Foreign Language: Making
Connections Through Recorded Oral Histories
Judith Rusciolelli Information into Action: Ideas for the
Business Language Class
Susan Wehling Service-Learning and Foreign Language
Acquisition: Working With the Migrant Community
Lola Hidalgo Calle Paving the Way for a Successful Study
and David Alley Abroad Experience: A Cross-Cultural
Orientation Model
Carolyn Lally Connecting Beyond the Classroom:
Using the Internet to Conduct
Independent Study Language Courses
Clara Krug Academic Alliances and Articulation:
and Anne Fountain Communicating Across Educational Sectors
Linda Wallinger Foreign Language Instruction
and Block Scheduling
Communications, Cultures, Connections,Communications, Cultures, Connections,
Communications, Cultures, Connections,Communications, Cultures, Connections,
Communications, Cultures, Connections,
Comparisons, Communities: Dimension ’98Comparisons, Communities: Dimension ’98
Comparisons, Communities: Dimension ’98Comparisons, Communities: Dimension ’98
Comparisons, Communities: Dimension ’98
María J. Amores From Rhetoric to Reality: Applying
and Frank W. Medley, Jr. AATSP Standards to the Spanish Classroom
Jayne Abrate Standards for Teaching Cultures...and
the AATF Framework
Flore Zéphir New Directions for the Study of French: Toward
a Francophone Revolution, Language Choice
of the New Student Generation
David J. Shook Accessing Cultural and Linguistic Input from
FL Literacy Texts in the Beginning Classroom
Assessment Practices in Foreign Language Education
Joel Walz Personalizing FL Instruction with
World Wide Web Home Pages
Leona B. LeBlanc The Use of Writing Assistant Software: An
and Rebecca L. Chism Effective Tool in Improving Writing?
Daniel MacDougall Connecting Content Areas Via Music
in the Elementary FL Class
Carolyn Lally Using the National Standards to Improve FL
Articulation: An Alternative to Placement Exams
Addressing the SAddressing the S
Addressing the SAddressing the S
Addressing the S
tandards fortandards for
tandards fortandards for
tandards for
Foreign Language Learning: Dimension ’97Foreign Language Learning: Dimension ’97
Foreign Language Learning: Dimension ’97Foreign Language Learning: Dimension ’97
Foreign Language Learning: Dimension ’97
Marjorie H. DeWert Developing Tomorrow’s
and Audrey Heining-Boynton Technology-Using FL Teachers
Leona LeBlanc FL Placement in Postsecondary
and Carolyn G. Lally Institutions
Sheri Spaine Long Pedagogy and the Emerging Spanish Canon
Alice J. Strange A French Culture Course in English:
Strategies and Resources
Yoshihiro Tajima A Task-Based Communicative
and Hiroko Spees Approach in FLES
Ellen Lorraine Friedrich, Lollie Barbare Strategies in Recruiting and
Eykyn, and Barbara Owens McKeithan Retaining Students in
French Classes
Charlotte Blackmon Small World Language and Culture for
and Lorene Pagcaliwagan Children: FLEX and the New Standards
Volumes for 2004 and 2003 are available for purchase at $10 each.
Previous volumes of
are available for purchase at $5.00 each.
EIN 23-7027288
SCOLT Publications
1165 University Center
Valdosta State University
Valdosta, GA 31698
Telephone 229 333 7358
Fax 229 333 7389 [email protected]