from IvyLeagueAdmission.com [http://www.ivyleagueadmission.com/mission.html], which is worth
checking out also for information on personal statements, reference letters, and a med school
admissions guide!
Once you submit your application to medical school, the admissions committee will conduct a
preliminary screening based upon your undergraduate GPA and MCAT scores. If you meet a
predetermined "academic cutoff," you will likely be invited for a personal interview to further probe
your suitability for medical school. The personal interview is a critical step in the admissions process and
should not be taken lightly; most Ivy League medical programs will not accept a candidate without
meeting him/her in person. Their motivation is threefold:
a) to assess the overall "marketability" of each candidate
b) to aggressively recruit the truly outstanding candidates away from competitive schools
c) to market and promote their own programs
Those who are invited for a personal visit can be assured that they are "in the running" for admission,
having demonstrated the academic prowess that is required for medical school. The interview allows the
school to determine whether your interpersonal skills are as stellar as your academic ones.
Why do they require an interview? The applicant pool for most medical schools is filled with thousands
of candidates who all look great on paper. They have perfect grades and MCAT scores, along with a few
years experience in a clinical setting. We know that most of them can handle the program and build a
successful career after graduation.
But we are seeking only the BEST candidates: those dynamic individuals who possess that rare balance
of academic prowess and interpersonal strengths to become a compassionate physician. We value many
traits beyond what is on your application, including maturity, integrity, compassion, sensitivity and good
judgment. An interview is your opportunity to distinguish yourself from the pack and demonstrate your
full potential.
Applicants are often stunned to learn that the interview can be weighted as high as 35% in the formula
used to rank applicants. Some feel this is unfair because an hour-long interview doesn't adequately
reflect their suitability for the field. How can a short meeting be weighed the same as four years of
academic achievement? Quite simply, the interview isn't ABOUT academic ability; it's about whether
you have the tempermental and psychological strengths required to be a successful physician.
The interview is an opportunity for the school to question you about your application, your
autobiographical sketch or any issues on your transcripts or MCAT scores. But it is primarily a tool for
the schools to screen out psychological misfits who may not be well-suited for a medical career. Your
interviewer wants to learn what you are like as a person and how well you respond and communicate.
We want to understand your values, how you think and how well you handle yourself under pressure.
The school is committed to admitting students who are able to handle the rigors of medical school on an
academic, personal, physical and psychological basis. Your interview is your opportunity to convince us
that you are up to the challenge.
A Profile of Successful Applicants
Our interview questions are designed to identify your stengths and weaknesses for all of these criteria.
We particularly probe the following five areas:
a) Clinical experience. We seek students who have been exposed to the reality of medicine and the
exhaustive commitment that is required. Ideal candidates usually have experience working in an
emergency room, in a doctor's office or in another hands-on position with patients. Be prepared to
discuss your experience, including volunteer work, and how it shaped your understanding of medicine.
b) Knowledge of the field. Be prepared to discuss different specialty areas in medicine and their
responsibilities. Interviewers will also expect you to discuss current issues in medicine, including
managed care, malpractice concerns, ethical issues and challenges in the field.
c) Personality. Doctors must have the ability to communicate clearly, handle life and death issues,
manage stress and successfully interact with people from all walks of life. Be prepared to demonstrate
that you are a happy, healthy, well-adjusted person with a strong commitment to helping other people.
d) Motivation. For too many years, applicants flooded medical schools because they wanted to make
the "big bucks". Others were pushed into the field by well-meaning parents who were also successful
physicians. Neither motivation is adequate during difficult times if your heart is not truly committed to
the field. Medical schools carefully screen out applicants who are unable to clearly articulate why they
want to be a doctor and what contribution they hope to make to the field. Be prepared to discuss your
specific interest in medicine and to demonstrate a path of increasing responsibility in a health care
e) Balance. We seek applicants who are well-rounded and well-adjusted. There's nothing more
disheartening than an applicant who looks great on paper who can only talk about their grades. There's
much more to life and medicine than memorizing facts and regurgitating them. Successful applicants are
animated, full of life, with enthusiasm for their family, friends and the world around them. This is
reflected through knowledge of current events, sustained interest in hobbies and outside interests and a
strong interactive role in their communities.
Interview Preparation
Some schools offer applicants the chance to interview with admissions reps at regional locations
throughout the US. The interviewer is usually an admissions committee member who travels throughout
the country or an alumni of the school who lives nearly. The benefit of a remote interview is that the
candidate does not have to invest the time and money in a visit to the school. Unfortunately, we feel the
drawbacks of regional interviews outweigh this financial advantage. Whenever possible, plan to visit the
school for the full tour and series of on-site interviews.
A school visit is your best opportunity to see the facility, interact with faculty and students and impress
multiple members of an admissions committee. You will see first-hand whether this is the right place for
you and whether you will fit in. Being on campus also allows for a natural conversational flow about the
program, equipment, class size, resources, etc., that is hard to establish off-site.
Once you have been invited for the interview, here are the important steps to take in preparation:
a) Confirm your interview via telephone and make sure you have proper directions
b) Confirm exactly who you will be speaking with and their professional titles. This will allow you to
research their background and specialty area, which they will likely enjoy talking about. Be prepared for
questions about the interviewer's specific area of interest.
Try to identify free blocks of time in your interview schedule to see the library, the laboratories and
classrooms. The interview is a two-way street, and you should invest every available minute checking
out the school to determine if it is the right place for you. Plan to tour the town after the interview to
get a feel for housing, recreation and living costs. If you are accepted, you want to know right away
whether this is a good school for you.
c) A week or so before the interview, send a copy of your resume to each person you are scheduled to
meet. Bring along another copy with you to give to each person on the day of the interview. This can be
a godsend if your file gets lost or if you are unexpectedly sent to interview with someone you didn't
d) Arrive at the interview on time and properly dressed. For this occasion, conservative is best. The
ONLY acceptable attire is a formal suit for both men and women, well-fitted and in a conservative color.
Make sure your clothes are clean, neat and pressed and that your grooming is exceptional. For women,
this means well-styled hair, no excessive perfume, makeup or jewelry. For men, wear a conservative tie,
dress shoes and no jewelry other than a watch and wedding ring.
This may seem obvious, but we have seen many otherwise qualified candiates blow their chance for
admission by wearing ridiculous clothing to the interview. We've seen short skirts, purple hair and
sandals in the middle of winter. My last applicant had two visible tattoos and several body piercings in
places I didn't know could be hygienically pierced. From the moment he walked in the door, regardless
of what he had to say, I couldn't get past his own immaturity and poor judgment.
d) Review as much information as possible on your formal application. Your interviewers will review
your file before speaking with you and jot down notes for possible interview questions. Re-familiarize
yourself with your grades, essays and research topics so they will be fresh in your mind before the
interview. At the very least, be prepared to discuss your three most significant:
i) accomplishments and what they mean to you
ii) personal attributes of which you are most proud
iii) abilities that will make you an excellent doctor
Whenever possible, incorporate these strengths into your answers. Also be prepared to discuss your
weaknesses. Most applicants naively think that they don't have any shortcomings and are blindsided by
these questions. Although it's difficult to talk about possible deficiencies, your job at the interview is to
recognize questionable points in your background and to discuss them confidently and directly.
e) Learn as much as possible about the particular medical school and its program. The more information
you have, the better you can anticipate typical questions and ask intelligent ones yourself. Be ready for
the inevitable questions about why you want to attend that particular medical school. Don't say
something lame like it's location or low tuition; you'll sound limited and shallow. Focus instead on the
school's excellent faculty and their reputation for a specific specialty area. Know what areas of research
they are famous for. Read every bit of material you can find about the particular school and be prepared
to customize your answers to reflect its strengths.
What You'll Be Asked
You should be prepared for these potential areas of questioning:
* your childhood, personality, family, college life, hobbies, sports and outside interests
* your professional experience and motivation to enroll in medical school
* your research experience, career goals and breadth of medical knowledge
* your views of current issues in contemporary medicine
Be prepared for a wide range of questions, from casual inquiries about your family to probing questions
about ethical/legal issues. Also be prepared for general questions about current events and items of
interest in popular culture. Nothing is more disheartening than interviewing an "academic genius" who
doesn't know who the Vice-President is.
Tips to Asking & Answering Questions Effectively
1) Keep your answers short, but informative. Be prepared to offer a 4 to 6 line answer to every question.
This is enough to share a few thoughts and to stimulate further discussion if the interviewer desires. Try
to avoid simple yes and no answers or responding in monosyllables. Show interest in the questions and
sincere thought in your responses.
2) Avoid sounding self-centered. Cite your achievements, but demonstrate an appropriate level of
humility. When discussing professional accomplishments, acknowledge the help and support of your
teammates, mentors, teachers and role models.
3) Don't reveal insecurities. Accentuate the positive and don't dwell on the weaknesses in your
background or application. Don't give any indication that you aren't willing and able to meet the rigors
of medical school. Your job on the interview is to convince them you are the right candidate: they won't
believe it if you don't sound sure of yourself.
4) Watch your tone. You'll certainly be asked a few stressor questions that are designed to test your
ability to handle conflict. Don't get defensive. Your tone can be revealed in both the words you choose
and your voice. Practice responding to difficult questions with a friend before the big day. It will help.
5) Listen carefully to the interviewer, no matter how nervous you are. Too many candidates ask
questions at the end of their interviews on topics that we've already covered. Although you'll be
stressed during the interview, this isn't acceptable. It simply confirms that you weren't listening, which is
the kiss of death for a medical school applicant.
Questions You Should Ask the Interviewer
Successful candidates always ask questions at their interviews. In fact, the questions you ask reveal
more about your suitability for medical school than anything else. Here's what your questions tell us:
a) How seriously you are thinking about the pragmatics of medical school and how well you understand
the school's expectations
b) What is important to you: your own expectations
c) Your ability to connect general information to the school's particular reality
d) How much research you did about the particular school
e) Your common sense and intellectual curiosity
f) Your energy level and communication skills
g) How well prepared you are (and will be in the future) for a professional meeting
h) Your maturity level
General Rules for Asking Questions
a) Only ask about topics you genuinely care about. You want to appear sincere and interested, not
desperate for something to say.
b) Research the topic thoroughly before mentioning it so that you can engage in a subsequent discussion.
Prepare for your interview just as you would for an exam.
c) Make sure the answer isn't obvious or has already been answered.
d) Ask the appropriate person. Faculty members can offer a better perspective on certain issues than
medical students and vice versa. Asking the department head about the social life on campus will be
fruitless and embarrassing.
e) Watch your tone of voice and your body language. Many nervous applicants are unintentionally rude
when they ask questions, which automatically puts off the interviewer. Be gracious and diplomatic in
how you phrase your questions and reply to responses.
Our medical school admissions guide includes over 300 questions that are commonly asked at medical
school interviews, along with an explanation of why each question is asked and how savvy candidates
answer them. We also include over 50 targeted questions for YOU to ask the interviewer that show your
maturity, motivation and judgment. Your medical school interview is your one-chance-in-a-lifetime to
attain your professional dreams. Before you go, take advantage of our comprehensive guide to ensure
your success.
We also offer a professional mock interview service for medical school candidates. Before the actual
event, have a dry run with an admissions officer, who will offer constructive suggestions to improve your
Conclusions: Our Best Tips for Interview Success
1) Prepare for the interview extensively: review your application, learn about the school, and prepare
answers for the typical questions
2) Practice answering questions aloud before the interview until you can handle all types of questions
3) Walk into the interview with an air of confidence and professionalism. Offer a firm handshake and a
professional demeanor
4) Listen carefully to the interviewer's questions and answer accordingly. Don't babble incessantly about
a related topic or answer the question you wish he had asked
5) Be yourself. If your answers are ambiguous or inconsistent, the interviewer will likely consider you a
poor candidate. Don't send out any unnecessary warning signs.
Your success will ultimately depend on your ability to sell yourself to the interviewer. (S)he is seeking the
following traits:
Communication Skills
High Energy Level
Listening Skills
Sense of Humor
Analytical Skills
Leadership Potential
If you have them, flaunt them! They will open the door to a wonderfully challenging, yet satisfying
medical career.