Camp Spirit
Justin Besch- Director
Janelle Felix- Director
Shawn Craven- Assistant Director
(716) 693-2307 -Newman Family Clubhouse
(716) 743-8033 -Camp (Not available until camp is in operation)
1601 Sweeney Street, North Tonawanda, NY 14120
Summer camp is available for children ages five (completed a full year of Kindergarten) through
thirteen years old. We will offer registration for as many days as you need our program but
pre-registration is required. Full weeks are extremely encouraged. No drop-in service is available.
Each camper will be given camp t-shirts on the first day of camp and must wear it each day they
attend camp. They may also wear shirts of the same color as their group.
Before your child can participate in the program, the following items must
be received by the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Northtowns:
o Camp registration form
o Up to date shot record and Medical History Form signed by family
o Camper Agreement and Authorization Form signed by parent or
o Signed parent handbook slip
Daily Operation:
Camp Spirit opens at 7 am each day. Children must arrive by 9 am. Camp closes at 6pm daily and
children must be picked up by that time. We understand that at times traffic, your job or other
unforeseen circumstances may cause you to be a few minutes late picking up your child. Please call
us if it is at all possible so we know that you’ll be late. The camp phone number is (716) 743-8033.
However, if you are unable to be at the campgrounds until after the 6pm closing time on a regular
basis, we ask that you make arrangements to have someone else pick up your child.
A late fee will be assessed if you are late after the first incident. It will be: $1 dollar for the first
15 minutes and $2 per minute afterwards.
Actions taken if child is not picked up:
If a child is not picked up at the appropriate time the designated emergency contacts will be
notified. There may be a late fee associated with leaving your child in care longer than the program
time as we need to then keep staff longer than their designated hours. If no one is reachable within a
reasonable amount of time the local authorities may be contacted to take the child from our care.
The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Northtowns is not responsible for damaged, lost or stolen
personal items. Label all items brought to camp with your child’s name. No electronic
devices will be permitted at Camp. If your child requires a cell phone they will be stored in
the office during the duration of the camp day. You may call the main office to talk to your child
at any time. Please do not allow your child to bring expensive toys, games or large sums
of money to camp. We have a lost and found box at camp and anything not picked up daily
will be placed in this box and will eventually be donated to charity.
Please make sure your child has a water bottle labeled with their name. We will have water
available for refills each day. Water Bottles should be taken home for cleaning daily.
All Payments for Week 1 are due by June 21st, 2024. All other Payments are due the Friday before
your child is set to attend.
Week of Camp
Week Begins
Week 1
July 1st
Week 2
July 8th
Week 3
July 15th
Week 4
July 22nd
Week 5
July 29th
Week 6
August 5th
Week 7
August 12th
Week 8
August 19th
Weekly Rates are as follows:
Weekly Rate
$ 225.00
(3) Day rates are as follows:
3 Day Rate
o Absent/Sickness- If a child is sick or absent for the day or leaves early there will be no
refunds or credits of daily/weekly fees. In the event that there is a major illness or injury that
prevents the child from attending camp, the Camp Directors will work with the parent.
o Behavior/Discipline/Suspension/Expulsion- In the event a child is removed from camp for
behavioral issues there are no refunds or credits for the lost daily or weekly fees.
Shot records along with the Health History form signed by the family doctor must be turned in
as part of the registration process. We are licensed with the New York State Dept. of Health and
having these records on site is mandated. If your child will need to take medication during their time
at camp, we will need a form from his doctor filled out giving precise directions and permission.
We must also have this form on file to administer over-the-counter topical ointments, including
sunscreen and insect repellant. Medications and OTC lotions and sprays must be in the original
labeled bottle/box. Your child’s sunscreen/insect repellent can be stored in his/her cubby or
backpack when not in use.
Please make us aware of any allergies or medical conditions your child may have. This will help us
better serve the needs of your child.
Your child will not be registered for Camp Spirit until these records are received.
We made every effort to keep children safe at Camp Spirit but in the event your child is injured first
aid will be provided by camp staff trained in first aid/CPR. If it is more than just a minor injury, 911 will
be called and the child will be transported to the hospital. We will make every effort to contact you to
determine your hospital of choice. If that is not possible the injured child will be transported to Oishei
Children’s Hospital in Buffalo
Health Care policies:
The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Northtowns offer a “well child care” only program. We do not have the
facilities to care for sick children. If your child is sick, please do not send them to camp. If your child
becomes sick while in the care of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Northtowns, you will be called and
you must make arrangements to pick up your sick child as soon as possible. If you will not be able to
leave work another Adult on your pickup list must be available to take your child. Someone from our
staff will accompany your child and remain with them until you arrive.
The speed limit inside Camp Spirit is 5 miles per hour. Please come to a complete stop at all stop
No parking in front of the office or along the side of the road into camp.
Do not make a U-turn in front of the office or in the parking lot.
Camper drop off will take place in front of the office after driving around the loop.
Please remain in your vehicle until your child has been checked in with a staff member.
Phone calls before arrival for pick up to ensure the child is ready are recommended.
Parents in violation of these rules will be given a verbal warning. If infraction occurs again, the
parent will be written up. Repeated warnings of driving too fast can result in your child being
suspended from camp and a loss of all payments for 1 week. This will be strictly enforced for
the safety of our campers and staff.
Food Service:
Breakfast is served for one hour in the morning ending no later than 9:00 am. It is always
recommended that parents feed their child before arriving at camp. We provide lunch for all campers
between 11am and 12:15 each day. A calendar of lunches is available upon request. Please know we
take all precautions to ensure there are no allergy related food issues. Campers with food allergies
have a separate area in which to eat. In the event parents are sending a lunch please clearly label the
lunches and bottles with the child name on it.
The camp office should be called directly for communications with your child. We ask that no camper
carries a cell phone. If you wish to reach your child during the day we will be happy to call them to
the office to speak with you. Our phone number is (716) 743-8033.
We strive to offer the highest quality program possible for your child. To achieve this we expect
campers to follow some basic rules. This includes respect for staff and other campers as well as
camp property and proper behavior and language.
Our policy for discipline is as follows:
1) Verbal warning
2) Communication with parent
3) Written communication with parent
4) Meeting between child, parent and camp staff
5) Continued unacceptable behavior could result in dismissal from the camp.
We reserve the right to terminate membership of any camper if his/her behavior becomes detrimental
to the safety and well being of other children or staff. Failure to maintain proper social distance
guidelines provided, hitting, kicking or other physical outbursts will not be tolerated. Items that could
be used as a weapon are not allowed on campgrounds. These will be confiscated from campers and
a parent will be called.
Any camper that is suspended or expelled from camp will not be given a refund or credit for
lost daily/weekly fees they missed that were paid for.
All campers are enrolled on a probationary basis. Campers that continually disrupt programming or
refuse to follow the directions of camp staff will not be allowed to return to camp.
Expelled Campers: Any camper that is expelled will have the opportunity to attend the following year
but will be enrolled in a behavioral contract. This contract will be created and agreed to by the child,
parent and camp director before the child can return to camp.
2024 Camp Spirit Summer Camp Rules and Procedures
Members Dismissal Process:
o MEMBERS ARE TO BE PICKED UP ON TIME and should never be left later than 6pm
whatsoever. We reserve the right to contact the local authorities shall any member get picked
up later than the designated dismissal time. Please note, that parents/guardians must park and
come to the main office to sign their children out.
Visitor Policy
o There will be no visitors allowed during camp hours.
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Northtowns follow Office of Child and Family Services regulations, by which
we are governed. We keep a copy available at each club location for review if you would like access
to it.
They are also available to download at any time by going to the following website
Click on the section that states part 414 effective October 13th, 2021
Contact information for OCFS and Childcare complaint line:
The State Office of Children and Family Services maintains a toll-free complaint line for
complaints about day care programs. Call this number during normal working hours and a staff
person will take the information.
The Office is empowered to investigate any possible violation of child care regulations. If you think a
person or program is operating without the proper license or registration certificate, this is also a basis
for making a complaint. Your complaint will be investigated, and if it is substantiated, staff will work
with the provider to correct any violations.
If you wish to make a complaint, call: (800) 732-5207
The abuse or maltreatment of children is against the law. Victims need an effective child
protective service to prevent them from suffering further injury and impairment.
The purpose of the Child Protective Services Act of 1973 is to encourage more complete
reporting of child abuse and maltreatment. The law established a Child Protective Service in each
county in New York. Each Child Protective Service is required to investigate child abuse and
maltreatment reports, to protect children (under 18 years old) from further abuse or maltreatment, and
to provide rehabilitative services to children, parents, and other family members involved.
The New York State Office of Children and Family Services maintains a Statewide Central
Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment (SCR) for reports made pursuant to the Social Services
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Northtowns staff members are background checked through the Statewide
Central Registrar of Child Abuse and Maltreatment before they are cleared to work for our agency. As
staff members of this agency we are mandated reporters and will be reporting any suspect of child
abuse we see in our club locations. Parents are reminded that they should report any child abuse
they suspect by calling the statewide toll free number at 1-800-342-3720.
We thank you for your understanding and help with these matters. If you have any questions
regarding camp policies, please call or stop in to talk to us. We can be reached at (716) 693-2307 until
June 24th. Once camp begins we can be reached at (716) 743-8033. Please keep a copy of this
handbook for your records and return the next page to us with all other required information.
By virtue of this agreement, you acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily
assume the risk that my child/children and I may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by attending
the Club and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent
disability, and death. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at
the Club may result from actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not
limited to, Club employees, volunteers, and program participants and their families.
I voluntarily agree to assume all of the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any
injury to my child(ren) or myself (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, and
death), illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense, of any kind, that I or my child(ren)
may experience or incur in connection with or in any way arising out of my child(ren)’s
attendance at the Club or participation in Club programming (“Claims”). On my behalf, and on
behalf of my children, I hereby release, covenant not to sue, discharge, and hold harmless the
Club, its employees, agents, and representatives, of and from the Claims, including all
liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating
thereto. I understand and agree that this release includes any and all Claims based on the
actions, omissions, or negligence of the Club, its employees, agents, and representatives,
whether a COVID-19 infection occurs before, during, or after participation in any Club program.
I do hereby give my son/daughter permission to attend and participate in activities sponsored
by the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Northtowns
I hereby release the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Northtowns, its employees, associates, and
contributors from liability from any injury, loss or theft incurred by a child while participating.
I hereby authorize medical examination and emergency treatment for my child by a qualified,
licensed physician in the event of an accident.
By signing this page, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the terms and
agreements of the parent handbook for The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Northtowns
Camp Spirit 2024.
Parent Signature Date
Parent Name
Camper Name