Guide to Benefits for
Trip Cancellation
Key Terms
Throughout this document, You and Your refer to the cardholder or authorized user of the covered
card. We, Us, and Our refer to New Hampshire Insurance Company, an AIG Company.
Administrator means Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc., You may contact the administrator
if You have questions regarding this coverage or would like to make a claim. The administrator can be
reached by phone at 1-800-MasterCard.
Authorized User means an individual who is authorized to make purchases on the covered card by
the cardholder and is recorded by the Participating Organization on its records as being an authorized
Cardholder means the person who has been issued an account by the Participating Organization for the
covered card.
Charge means any non-refundable cancellation or change fee imposed by the common carrier.
Common carrier means an air, land or water motorized transportation carrier operating under a
regularly published schedule and current license as required by law for the conveyance of passengers.
Common carrier does not include helicopters, taxis, rental cars, hired cars and private and contract
Covered card means the MasterCard card.
Destination means the place where You expect to travel on Your trip as indicated on Your common
carrier ticket.
Domestic partner means an unmarried person in an intimate, committed relationship of mutual caring.
They must share responsibility for basic living expenses with You. They must be at least eighteen (18)
years old and not currently married and/or committed to another person.
Evidence of Coverage (EOC) means the document describing the terms, conditions, and exclusions.
The EOC, Key Terms, and Legal Disclosures are the entire agreement between You and Us.
Representations or promises made by anyone that are not contained in the EOC, Key Terms, or Legal
Disclosures are not a part of Your coverage.
Family member means the spouse or domestic partner of You. It includes unmarried children of You
under nineteen (19) years of age. It also includes unmarried children under twenty-six (26) years of age if
a full-time student at an accredited college or university.
Injury means bodily injury caused by an accident that occurs while You are covered under this program,
and results directly and independently of all other causes of loss. The injury must be verified by a
Medically imposed restrictions means a restriction certified by Your physician prohibiting You from
traveling on a common carrier.
Physician means a licensed medical, surgical, or dental practitioner acting within the scope of his or
her license. The treating physician may not be You, Your family member, a traveling companion or
related to You by blood.
Pre-existing medical condition means any condition resulting from any injury or sickness affecting
You, a traveling companion, or a Family Member traveling with You within the sixty (60) day period
prior to the purchase date of Your trip. The condition must have (a) first manifested itself or exhibited
symptoms which would have caused one to seek diagnosis, care, or treatment; (b) required taking
prescribed drugs or medicine; or (c) required medical treatment or treatment was recommended by
a physician. Taking maintenance medications for a condition that is considered stable shall not be
included as a pre-existing medical condition.
Return destination means the place to which You expect to return from Your trip as indicated on Your
common carrier ticket.
Sickness means an illness or disease that is diagnosed or treated by a physician.
Traveling companion means any individual(s) with whom You have arranged to travel on the same trip
with the same itinerary and for which the cost of trip was charged with Your covered card.
Trip means a scheduled period of travel with a destination and return destination away from Your
primary residence using a common carrier.
Trip departure date means the date on which You are originally scheduled to leave on Your trip.
United States Dollars (USD) means the currency of the United States of America.
Evidence of Coverage
Refer to Key Terms for the definitions of You, Your, We, Us, Our, and words that appear in bold and Legal
A. To get coverage:
You must purchase the trip with Your covered card and/or accumulated points from Your covered card
for You, or Your family member, and Your traveling companions. Family member(s) do not need to
travel with the cardholder to receive coverage. If the trip is not purchased entirely with Your covered
card, We will only pay for the percentage of the eligible claim based on the percentage of the trip
purchased on the covered card.
If redeemable certificates, vouchers, coupons, or discounts awarded from frequent flier programs are
used to purchase the trip, any remaining charge for the trip must be purchased entirely with Your
covered card.
B. Covered Reasons:
1. Sickness, injury, or death of You, Your family member, or Your traveling companion, booked to
travel with You which results in medically imposed restrictions. A physician must advise cancellation
of Your trip on or before the trip departure date.
C. The kind of coverage You receive:
Trip Cancellation
We will reimburse You for any incurred charge if You are required to cancel Your trip, prior to Your trip
departure date, due to a covered reason. You must cancel Your trip with Your common carrier as
soon as the covered reason arises. You must also advise the administrator immediately, as We will
not pay benefits for any additional charges incurred that would not been charged had You notified the
common carrier and the claim administrator as soon as reasonably possible.
Term of Coverage:
Coverage begins on the date the trip was purchased and ends on the trip departure date.
Coverage Limitations:
Coverage is limited to the lesser of the following:
• $1,500 per trip; or
• $5,000 per 12 month period; or
• The original cost of the common carrier ticket for the trip.
Coverage is secondary to any other applicable insurance or benefit available to You including benefits
provided by the common carrier (including, but not limited to, exchanged tickets, drop in ticket prices,
goodwill payments, refunds, credits, or vouchers).
D. What is NOT covered:
• Pre-existing medical conditions.
• Intentionally self-inflicted injuries, including suicide or attempted suicide.
• War, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities between nations (whether declared or not) civil war.
• Participation in any military maneuver or training exercise.
• Piloting or learning to pilot or acting as a member of the crew of any aircraft.
• Mental or emotional disorders, unless hospitalized.
• Participation in professional athletics or underwater activities.
• Being under the influence of drugs or intoxicants.
• Commission of or the attempt to commit a criminal act.
• Participating in bodily contact sports (ex. boxing); skydiving; hang gliding; parachuting; mountaineering;
any race; bungee cord jumping; or speed contest.
• Dental treatment except as a result of accidental injury to sound, natural teeth.
• Any non-emergency treatment or surgery, routine physical examinations.
• Hearing aids, eye glasses or contact lenses.
• Curtailment or delayed return for other than a covered reason.
• One-way travel that does not have a return destination.
Guide to Benefits for
Trip Cancellation
E. How to file a claim:
• Call the 1-800-MasterCard to request a claim form. You must report the claim within sixty (60) days of
the failure or the claim may not be honored.
• Submit the following documentation within one hundred and eighty (180) days from the date of failure
or the claim may not be honored:
- Completed and signed claim form.
- Covered card billing statement showing the charge for the covered trip.
- Proof of a covered reason. Examples, orders to report for active duty, subpoena to appear in court,
- For sickness, injury or death, a completed physician’s form.
- Copy of the cancellation policy of the common carrier.
- Any other documentation that may be reasonably requested by Us or Our designated representative
to validate a claim.
Legal Disclosure
This Guide to Benefits is not, by itself, a policy or contract of insurance or other contract.
Benefits are provided to you, the accountholder, at no additional charge. Non-insurance services may
have associated costs, which will be your responsibility (for example, legal referrals are free, but the
lawyer’s fee is your responsibility).
The insurance benefits are provided under a group policy issued by New Hampshire Insurance Company,
an AIG company. This Guide to Benefits is a summary of benefits provided to you. The attached Key
Terms and EOC is governed by the Group Policy.
Effective date of benefits: Effective February 1, 2015, this Guide to Benefits replaces all prior
disclosures, program descriptions, advertising, and brochures by any party. The Policyholder and the
insurer reserve the right to change the benefits and features of these programs at anytime. Notice will be
provided for any changes.
Cancellation: The Policyholder can cancel these benefits at any time or choose not to renew the
insurance coverage for all cardholders. If the Policyholder does cancel these benefits, you will be notified
in advance. If the insurance company terminates, cancels, or chooses not to renew the coverage to
the Policyholder, you will be notified as soon as is practicable. Insurance benefits will still apply for any
benefits you were eligible for prior to the date of such terminations, cancellation, or non-renewal, subject
to the terms and conditions of coverage.
Benefits to you: These benefits apply only to the cardholder whose cards are issued by U.S. financial
institutions. The United States is defined as the fifty (50) United States, the District of Columbia, American
Samoa, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. No person or entity other than the cardholder
shall have any legal or equitable right, remedy, or claim for benefits, insurance proceeds and damages
under or arising out of these programs. These benefits do not apply if your card privileges have been
cancelled. However, insurance benefits will still apply for any benefit you were eligible for prior to the date
that your account is suspended or cancelled, subject to the terms and conditions of coverage.
Transfer of rights or benefits: No rights or benefits provided under these insurance benefits may be
assigned without the prior written consent of the claim administrator for these benefits.
Misrepresentation and Fraud: Benefits shall be void if the cardholder has concealed or
misrepresented any material facts concerning this coverage.
Dispute Resolution – Arbitration: This EOC requires binding arbitration if there is an unresolved
dispute concerning this EOC (including the cost of, lack of or actual repair or replacement arising from a
loss or breakdown). Under this Arbitration provision, You give up your right to resolve any dispute arising
from this EOC by a judge and/or a jury. You also agree not to participate as a class representative or class
member in any class action litigation, any class arbitration or any consolidation of individual arbitrations.
In arbitration, a group of three (3) arbitrators (each of whom is an independent, neutral third party) will
give a decision after hearing the parties’ positions. The decision of a majority of the arbitrators will
determine the outcome of the arbitration and the decision of the arbitrators shall be final and binding and
cannot be reviewed or changed by, or appealed to, a court of law.
To start arbitration, the disputing party must make a written demand to the other party for arbitration.
This demand must be made within one (1) year of the earlier of the date the loss occurred or the dispute
arose. The parties will each separately select an arbitrator. The two (2) arbitrators will select a third
arbitrator called an “umpire.” Each party will each pay the expense of the arbitrator selected by that
party. The expense of the umpire will be shared equally by the parties. Unless otherwise agreed to by
the parties, the arbitration will take place in the county and state in which You live. The arbitration shall
be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act (9 U.S.C.A. § 1 et. seq.) and not by any state law concerning
arbitration. The rules of the American Arbitration Association ( will apply to any arbitration
under this EOC. The laws of the state of New York (without giving effect to its conflict of law principles)
govern all matters arising out of or relating to this EOC and all transactions contemplated by this EOC,
including, without limitation, the validity, interpretation, construction, performance and enforcement of
this EOC.
Due Diligence: All parties are expected to exercise due diligence to avoid or diminish any theft, loss or
damage to the property insured under these programs. “Due diligence” means the performance of all
vigilant activity, attentiveness, and care that would be taken by a reasonable and prudent person in the
same or similar circumstances in order to guard and protect the item.
Subrogation: If payment is made under these benefits, the insurance company is entitled to recover
such amounts from other parties or persons. Any party or cardholder who receives payment under
these benefits must transfer to the insurance company his or her rights to recovery against any other
party or person and must do everything necessary to secure these rights and must do nothing that would
jeopardize them, or these rights will be recovered from the cardholder.
Salvage: If an item is not repairable, the claim administrator may request that the cardholder or gift
recipient send the item to the administrator for salvage at the cardholder’s or gift recipient’s expense.
Failure to remit the requested item for salvage to the claim administrator may result in denial of the claim.
Other Insurance: Coverage is secondary to and in excess of any other applicable insurance or
indemnity available to You. Coverage is limited to only those amounts not covered by any other insurance
or indemnity. It is subject to the conditions, limitations, and exclusions described in this document. In no
event will this coverage apply as contributing insurance. This Other Insurance clause will take precedence
over a similar clause found in other insurance or indemnity language.
In no event will these insurance benefits apply as contributing insurance. The non-contribution insurance
clause will take precedence over the non-contribution clause found in any other insurance policies.
Severability of Provisions: If in the future any one or more of the provisions of this Guide to Benefits
is, to any extent and for any reason, held to be invalid or unenforceable, then such provision(s) shall be
deemed “severable” from the remaining provisions of the Guide. In that event, all other provisions of this
Guide shall remain valid and enforceable.
Benefits listed in this Guide to Benefits are subject to the conditions, limitations, and exclusions described
in each benefit section. Receipt and/or possession of this Guide to Benefits does not guarantee
coverage or coverage availability.
This Guide is intended as a summary of services, benefits, and coverages and, in case of a conflict
between the Guide and the master insurance policies, or an issuer’s, or the MasterCard actual offerings,
such master policies or actual offering shall control. Provision of services is subject to availability and
applicable legal restrictions.
©2015 MasterCard.