Buckle Up:
Booster Seats
September 2014
of these children
were riding
without a restraint
that could have saved
their lives.
Motor vehicle crashes are the
second-leading cause of death
for children 4 to 10 years old.
340children this age died in
motor vehicle crashes in 2012.
Although seat belts are safer than
nothing at all, children who should be in
booster seats but wear only seat belts are
at risk of severe abdominal, head and
spinal injuries in the event of a crash.
Safe Kids Worldwide surveyed 1,000 parents of
4 to 10 year olds. The study found seven in ten
parents do not know that a child should be at
least 57 inches (4’9”) to ride in a car using a seat
belt without a booster seat.
The study revealed
9 out of 10
parents move their child
from a
booster seat to seat belt before
their child is big enough.
One in five parents whose children carpool say
they “bend the rules
when driving, letting
children ride without seat belts and without the
car seat or booster seat they would normally use.
Buckle up every ride, every time, in the right seat.
REMEMBER: A child needs to be at least 57” tall (4’9”) and weigh between
80 and 100 pounds to ride with just a seat belt.
Booster seats protect children who are too big
for a car seat but too small for a seat belt.
Seat belts don’t fit children properly until they
are at least 57” (4’9”) tall and weigh between
80 and 100 pounds.
Booster seats can
reduce the risk of
serious injury by
45 percent compared
to seat belts alone.
What to Know about Booster Seats
Learn more at www.safekids.org
And 61 percent of parents say they notice other carpool drivers bending the rules.
Buckle Up: Booster Seats 3
Executive Summary
Choosing the right car seat is high on the list for any new parent, and every
parent plans to leave the hospital with a newborn securely buckled up in a car
seat. But as kids grow up, using a car seat or booster seat may feel more like an
option rather than a requirement. By the time kids are older and starting school,
it might seem like moving to a seat belt is a relief.
But many kids still need a boost in order to ride safely in cars. In 2012, 340
children ages 4 to 10 died in motor vehicle crashes, and 35 percent were not
buckled up at the time of the crash.
Motor vehicle crashes are the second-
leading cause of death for children 4 to 10 years old, second only to cancer.
Many children this age should be riding in booster seats which have been shown
to reduce the risk of serious injury by 45 percent compared to seat belts alone
for children ages 4 to 8 years.
Booster seats protect children who are too big for
a car seat but too small for a seat belt. We know that seat belts generally don’t
fit children properly until they are 57 inches or taller and between 80 and 100
With the support of the General Motors Foundation, Safe Kids Worldwide
surveyed 1,000 parents with children ages 4 to 10 to ask about how their child
rides in a car and what leads them to use a booster seat or seat belt.
Seven out of 10 parents don’t know that a child should be 57 inches or taller to
ride using a seat belt without a booster seat. And when asked what was the most
important factor in their decision to move their child from a booster seat to a
seat belt, 56 percent—or almost six in 10—said it was for a reason other than
their child’s height and weight. Eighty-six percent of parents moved their child to
a seat belt before they were the recommended height.
We also asked parents about “bending the rules” when their children are
carpooling—letting children ride without seat belts and not in the car seat or
booster seat they would normally ride in. One in five parents whose children
carpool say they “bend the rules.” However, three times as many parents—61
percent—say they notice other carpool drivers “bending the rules.” Twenty-one
percent of parents say they rarely or never talk to the person driving the carpool
about the type of restraint their own child uses.
What can parents do to make sure their children are safely buckled up for every
ride, every time? Here is the one take-home message for parents and anyone
who regularly drives with kids:
Buckle kids up in car seats or booster seats until
seat belts fit properly, usually when they’re 57 inches
(or 4 feet 9 inches) tall and between 80 and 100 pounds.
Booster seats protect
children who are too big for
a car seat but too small for a
seat belt.
4 Safe Kids Worldwide
Children in Motor Vehicle Crashes:
What the Data Tell Us
Motor vehicle crashes were the second-leading cause of death for children 4 to
10 years old in 2011, surpassed only by cancer.
In 2012, 340 children ages 4 to
10 died in motor vehicle crashes, and 35 percent weren’t buckled up at the time
of the crash (Figure 1).
The good news is that motor vehicle crash fatalities for
children this age has fallen from 598 deaths in 2003, and the proportion that
weren’t buckled up at the time has also decreased from 52 percent.
Buckling up
saves lives: a much smaller proportion of children who were injured but not killed
in motor vehicle crashes were not buckled up, compared to fatal crashes. Of the
72,600 children ages 4 to 10 who were injured in motor vehicle crashes in 2012,
only 6 percent were not buckled up.
Figure 1: Motor vehicle fatalities and the proportion of fatalities that were
unrestrained have declined.
Number of Fatalities,
Ages 4 to 10
Percent of Fatalities
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
How Are Children Riding in Cars?
Safe Kids Worldwide, with the support of General Motors Foundation, surveyed
1,000 parents with children ages 4 to 10 to ask about how their child rides in a
car and what factors lead them to use a booster seat or seat belt. If parents had
more than one child between the ages of 4 and 10, they were asked to think
about their child this age who had the most recent birthday.
Parents most often said their child rode in a booster seat (48 percent), followed
by a seat belt without a booster seat (37 percent), a front-facing car seat (11
percent), or no restraint (4 percent). Parents of older children more often say
they use seat belts; 69 percent of 8 to 10-year-olds use seat belts, compared to
23 percent of 6 to 7-year-olds (Figure 2).
Sixty-six percent of parents with children ages 4 to 7 years say they use a
booster seat; this is higher than the estimate of 46 percent of children this
age, based on a national observation survey from the National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, all children under the age of
13 should ride buckled up in the back seat.
However, we found that 16 percent
of parents say their child rides in the front seat at least occasionally (Figure 3).
Reasons parents gave for letting children ride in the front seat include short
rides (28 percent), if the child is the only passenger (20 percent) and when the
backseat is full (19 percent). Even more parents say they have noticed other
children similar in age riding in the front seat: 65 percent say they have noticed
other children sitting in the front at least occasionally.
All children whose weight or
height is above the forward-
facing limit for their car safety
seat should use a belt-
positioning booster seat until
the vehicle lap-and-shoulder
seat belt fits properly, typically
when they have reached 4
feet 9 inches in height and are
between 8 and 12 years of age.
Policy Statement —
Child Passenger Safety, American
Academy of Pediatrics
Figure 2: Seat belt use is more common in older children.
4 to 5 years old
Forward-facing car seat
6 to 7 years old 8 to 10 years old
Booster seat Seat belt No restraint
Figure 3: 65 percent of parents have noticed other children riding in the
front seat.
How often does your child
ride in the front seat of
the car?
How often do you notice
other children of a similar
age to your own riding in
the front passenger seat
of the car?
Always/Often Occasionally Rarely/Never
When Do Parents Move Kids from a Booster Seat
to a Seat Belt?
Booster seats save lives: Using booster seats reduces the risk of serious injury
by 45 percent in comparison to seat belts for children ages 4 to 8 years.
know that children should use a car seat or booster seat until they are 4 feet
9 inches (57 inches) tall and weigh between 80 and 100 pounds, when they
can safely ride using a seat belt.
But this important information is not widely
Figure 4: 71 percent of parents don't know the height for a child to safely
use a seat belt.
Less than 38
Between 38 and
48 inches
Between 49 and
56 inches
57 inches or
I don’t know
How tall should a child be to use a seat belt without a booster?
Buckle Up: Booster Seats 5
Straight Talk from a Child
Passenger Safety Technician
As a Child Passenger Safety
Instructor and mother of two
children who ride in booster
seats, I know how important
car seats and booster seats are
in keeping my kids safe. Seat
belts are designed for adults,
and kids need something
special to make them fit. None
of my friends knew that seat
belts are for older kids who are
at least 4 feet 9 inches tall and
80 to 100 pounds. Kids who
do not fit properly in seat belts
are uncomfortable, and they
tend to put their shoulder belt
under their arms or behind
their back, increasing the risk
of injuries in a crash. I tell
them to read their car and car
seat manuals and keep their
child in a car seat or booster
seat until they reach the top
height or weight of the seat.
If my long-distance friends
are having trouble or have
questions, I tell them to locate
a nationally certified Child
Passenger Safety Technician
in their community who can
help. SafeKids.org has a list.”
— Fatou Benoit
Child Passenger Safety
Safe Kids Palm Beach County
6 Safe Kids Worldwide
Among all parents, 71 percent didn’t know that a child should be 57 inches or
taller to ride using a seat belt without a booster seat (Figure 4). Twice as many
parents with a child in a booster seat (38 percent) or forward-facing car seat
(37 percent) knew the height that children can ride safely with a seat belt,
compared to parents whose child rides in a seat belt (15 percent) or without a
restraint (16 percent) (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Parents with children in booster seats or front-facing car seats are
more likely to know the height that children can safely use a seat belt.
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%
Booster seat
Forward-facing car seat
Seat belt
No restraint
Percent of parents who correctly identified 57 inches or taller as the
height to safely use a seat belt
Eighty-three percent of parents in the survey who say their child currently uses
a seat belt say their child used a booster seat in the past. While 44 percent
of parents correctly say that their child’s height and weight was the most
important factor in their decision to move their child from a booster seat to
a seat belt, 56 percent—or almost six in 10—cited other reasons such as
state laws (16 percent)—which might not reflect best practices—their child’s
comfort (7 percent), and their spouse’s opinion (5 percent) (Figure 6).
Figure 6: Height and weight were the most important factor in parents'
decision to move their child from a booster seat to a seat belt.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
My child’s height and weight
The laws in my state
My child’s age
My child’s comfort
My pediatrician’s recommendation
My spouse’s opinion
How my child looked in the car seat
The car seat manufacturer’s recommendation
My child’s opinion
My family member or friend’s opinion
Percent of parents whose children previously
used a booster seat
71 percent of parents didn't
know that a child should be
57 inches or taller to ride
using a seat belt without a
booster seat.
Buckle Up: Booster Seats 7
Only three percent say their child was 57 inches or taller when they moved
them from a booster seat to a seat belt—the recommended height to use
a seat belt (Figure 7). Only six percent of parents say their child was over 80
pounds when they moved to a seat belt.
Figure 7: Only 3 percent of parents say their child was 57 inches or taller
(the recommended height) when they moved to a seat belt.
57 inches or taller
Less than 38 inches
I don’t know
Between 38 and 48 inches
Between 49 and 56 inches
We also see in data from car seat checkups that parents aren’t sure when to
move children from booster seats to seat belts only. From January 1, 2013 to
January 1, 2014, 24,037 children ages 4 to 10 were seen at Safe Kids Buckle
Up car seat checkup events, where trained technicians inspect and properly fit
car seats and booster seats and educate parents about buckling up. For every
age group within this range, a greater proportion of children left the car seat
checkup event in a booster seat, compared to when children arrived (Figure
8). For example, 25 percent of children ages 6 and 7 arrived at the checkup
event in booster seat, and 43 percent left the event in a booster seat. A greater
proportion of older children ages 8 to 10 left in booster seats than arrived—13
percent compared to 7 percent. Previous research has found that adult drivers
report issues with seat belt fit for children ages 4 to 9, especially the position
of the lap belt.
These findings point to a need for more education about the
importance of keeping all kids in car seats and booster seats until seat belts fit
Figure 8: The percentage of children leaving from car seat checkup events
in booster seats increased for every age group.
4 and 5 years old
Percent using booster seats on arrival
6 and 7 years old 8 to 10 years old
Percent using booster seats on departure
8 Safe Kids Worldwide
Carpooling: Bending the Rules
We asked parents if their child ever carpools (when more than one child is
traveling in a car with a driver other than the parent.) Thirty-eight percent of
parents say their child carpools at least one day a week. Of these parents, 21
percent say they rarely or never talk to the person driving the carpool about
the type of restraint their own child uses. One in five parents whose children
carpool say they “bend the rules”—letting children ride without seat belts and
not in the car or booster seat they would normally ride in (Figure 9). However,
three times as many parents—61 percent—say they notice other carpool
drivers "bending the rules."
Figure 9: Sixty-one percent of parents say they notice other carpool drivers
"bending the rules."
How often do you notice others “bending the rules”?
Rarely/never I never drive the carpool
How often do you “bend the rules”?
Talk with your child’s carpool
driver about using the right
restraint for him or her.
Buckle Up: Booster Seats 9
Lorem ipsum
10 Safe Kids Worldwide
Booster Seat Laws Make a Difference in Saving
Children’s Lives
The age requirements of booster seat laws have an impact on the motor vehicle
crash fatality rates among kids of booster seat age across states. Currently,
among 50 states and Washington, D.C., 35 states have more stringent laws on
booster seat use, requiring that young kids ride in booster seats until they are
7 years old, or even older in some states.
The other 16 states allow children to
use a seat belt alone at a younger age, even as young as age 5.
In 2012, the crash fatality rate for children ages 4 to 8 in states with less strict
laws was 13.7 per 100,000 children. In contrast, states with stricter laws had a
fatality rate of 8.6 per 100,000 children.
Eight of the top 10 states with the highest crash fatality rates are states with
less strict booster seat laws (Table 1). These findings are in line with other
studies that have looked at the impact of booster seat legislation. Researchers
found that states that passed laws requiring the use of a child restraint with
internal harness or a booster seat until age 7 or 8 saw reductions in the per
capita rate of both fatal and nonfatal motor vehicle crash injuries, and a three-
fold increase in the per capita rate of child seat use among children in crashes.
Only two states—Wyoming and Tennessee—have laws requiring booster seats
through age 8.
Table 1: Top ten states with the highest motor vehicle crash fatality rate per
100,000 among children ages 4 to 8 years, 2012
State Fatality rate
per 100,000
Number of
Child passenger
safety law requires
booster seats until
at least age 7
Child safety
seat required
by law up to
Wyoming 37.5 15 Yes 8
Montana 27.1 17 No 6
Mississippi 20.8 44 No 6
Arkansas 19.0 38 No 5
Kentucky 18.2 52 No 6
New Mexico 17.8 26 No 6
South Carolina 16.1 49 No 5
Oklahoma 15.0 40 No 5
Alabama 14.6 45 No 5
Kansas 14.6 30 Yes 7
Buckle Up: Booster Seats 11
Table 2: Top ten states with the lowest motor vehicle crash fatality rate per
100,000 among children ages 4 to 8 years, 2012
State Fatality rate
per 100,000
Number of
Child passenger
safety law requires
booster seats until
at least age 7
Child safety
seat required
by law up to
District of
0 0 Yes 7
Rhode Island 1.7 1 Yes 7
Massachusetts 2.6 10 Yes 7
Utah 3.1 8 Yes 7
New York 4.1 47 Yes 7
Minnesota 4.7 17 Yes 7
Washington 4.7 21 Yes 8
Virginia 4.8 25 Yes 7
Maryland 4.8 18 Yes 8
Connecticut 5.1 11 No 6
Require booster seat use
for children through age 8
Do not have such
Motor Vehicle Crash Fatality Rate per 100,000 for Children Ages 4 to 8
Only two states require booster seats for children through age 8.
0.0 - 5.1
5.2 - 8.8
8.9 - 13.7
13.8 - 20.8
20.9 - 37.5
12 Safe Kids Worldwide
Public Policy for Child Passenger Safety
Smart public policy has been used effectively to encourage parents and
caregivers to protect their children from car crashes with car seats. Since 1997,
when Safe Kids teamed up with the General Motors Foundation to create
the Buckle Up program, the fatality rate involving kids 9 years and under has
declined by 54 percent. There are laws in every state requiring the use of car
seats for small children, and with the passage of a law in Florida this year, 49
states have laws requiring the use of booster seats when kids get older and
larger. South Dakota is the only state without a booster seat law.
Law enforcement faces a challenge in enforcing these laws because visibility
in the back seat is difficult. However, these laws also send a powerful message
about the importance of car seats to parents. In our survey, 70 percent of
respondents said they knew about booster seat laws. There are several ways
that government can continue to play an effective role in increasing the usage
of child restraint systems, using the right seat for the right size and encouraging
the correct use of the seat.
Car Seat Checkup Events: We found in the results of this survey that parents
who have had trained technicians check the installation of car seats are more
likely to have a good history of adhering to child safety in cars. For example,
parents who have had their seat checked are more likely to say they always
or often talk to a carpool driver about the type of car seat their child uses
(70 percent) compared to parents who haven’t had their child’s seat checked (50
percent). In the federal law providing funding for highway safety, resources are
available to support car seat check events in states, among other safety efforts.
There are ways to better incentivize states to effectively use the funds for car
seat checks. As it stands today, the funding formula in the law is skewed in favor
of seat belt usage awareness and enforcement. Both car seats and seat belts
are vitally important and there should be parity—matched by law enforcement
pragmatism—in the way the programs are supported in states.
Tougher Enforcement: Knowing the challenges in enforcing child restraint
system laws, high-visibility "click it or ticket" law enforcement efforts should be
expanded to include buckling kids into car seats.
NHTSA calls the program
“the most successful seat belt enforcement campaign ever.”
High-visibility law
enforcement works best when coupled with aggressive public awareness.
report “Towards Zero Deaths” has embraced high-visibility techniques for child
restraint system use.
Tax-Free Car Seats: A car seat may be one of the most important purchases a
parent will ever make, but can be expensive. In addition to passing a booster
seat law in 2014, Florida passed a companion bill that allows parents to
purchase car seats and booster seats free from state sales tax.
also exempts car seats from sales tax.
This helps encourage parents to invest
in potentially life-saving car seats. Safe Kids favors tax-free purchases of car
seats and encourages other states to work towards similar legislation.
Buckle Up: Booster Seats 13
Tougher Laws: In 2011, the American Academy of Pediatrics adopted a policy
position that kids should be in booster seats until they reach 4 feet 9 inches tall
and between 8 and 12 years old.
Some states have passed laws to approach
that standard, including California, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey,
Washington State and others.
However, too many states do not reach far
enough; even the recently passed Florida law is inadequate in requiring kids to
ride in booster seats until only age 6. Safe Kids encourages states to press for
stronger laws that require booster seat use until seat belts fit children properly.
Booster Seats and Seat Belts:
How Tall Do Kids Need to Be?
Older kids are weighed and measured less often than babies, so check your
child’s growth a few times a year. Generally, kids need to use a booster until
they are about 4 feet 9 inches (57 inches) tall and weigh between 80 and
100 pounds.
When your child is seated in the booster seat, make sure the lap and shoulder
belts fit. The lap belt should fit low across the hips (not belly) and the shoulder
belt across the shoulder (not neck.)
Use a booster seat with the vehicle lap and shoulder safety belts until your child
passes the Safety Belt Fit Test.
Safety Belt Fit Test
Children are usually between 8 and 12 years old when the seat belt fits them
Where to Go for
Hands-On Help
In our survey, 39% of parents
say that they have had a
safety expert check that
their child's car seat or
booster seat was installed
properly. Each year Safe Kids
coalitions hold more than
8,000 car seat inspection
events in the U.S. You can
find a list of your local events
at safekids.org.
The vehicle lap belt fits across
the upper thighs; and
The child’s knees should bend at
the edge of the seat when his or
her back and bottom are against
the vehicle seat back; and
The shoulder belt fits across the
shoulder and chest.
14 Safe Kids Worldwide
The online survey was completed by adults with children ages 4 to 10
(n=1,000). A minimum of n=140 was set for each age of the child being
discussed. The survey lasted 10 minutes and was fielded from July 31 to
August 3, 2014, using the Survey Sampling International adult panel.
Most online samples are not projectable according to strict sampling theory
which states that in order for a sample to be projectable to a population
it must be a random sample of that population; that is, one in which all
members of the population have a known and non-zero probability of
selection. Therefore, in a strict sense, no estimate of theoretical sampling error
can be calculated for most online samples. Having said that, online samples,
if recruited, managed and selected correctly, can effectively reflect a known
For practical purposes, the margin of error for the total sample size of this
study (n=1,000) is 3.1% at a 95% confidence level. This means that if this
study was repeated using the same parameters, 19 times out of 20 (or 95% of
the time) we would expect to get a result within +/- 3.1% of the results we have
For the exploratory analysis of booster seat legislation’s impact on motor
vehicle fatality rates, a t-test was used to compare motor vehicle fatality rate
among children ages 4 to 8 in states where the age requirement is less than
7 years old with those where the age requirement is 7 years old or older.
1. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Motor vehicle occupant fatalities, 2003-2012, ages 4 to 10.
Available at http://www.nhtsa.gov/FARS. Accessed August 22, 2014.
2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. WISQARS, 10 Leading Causes of Death, United States, 2011.
Available at http://www.cdc.gov/injury/wisqars/leading_causes_death.html. Accessed August 22, 2014.
3. Arbogast KB, Jermakian JS, Kallan MJ, Durbin DR. Effectiveness of belt positioning booster seats: an
updated assessment. Pediatrics. 2009; 124(5):1281-6.
4. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Estimate of passenger vehicle occupants (ages 10 &
younger) injured in motor vehicle traffic crashes, by age and restraint use. General Estimates System (GES)
2012. Generated July 23, 2014.
5. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The 2013 National Survey of the Use of Booster Seats.
June 2014. DOT HS 812 037.
6. Committee on Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention, Durbin DR. Child passenger safety. Pediatrics. 2011.
7. Safe Kids Worldwide. Booster Seats. Available at http://www.safekids.org/safetytips/field_age/big-kids-
5%25E2%2580%25939-years/field_risks/booster-seat. Accessed August 26, 2014.
8. Macy ML, Reed MP, Freed GL. Driver report of improper seat belt position among 4- to 9-year-old children.
Acad Pediatr. 2011;11(6):487-92.
9. Governors Highway Safety Association. Child Passenger Safety Laws. August 2014. Available at http://www.
ghsa.org/html/stateinfo/laws/childsafety_laws.html. Accessed August 13, 2014.
Buckle Up: Booster Seats 15
10. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Motor vehicle crash fatalities, 2012, ages 0 to 12. Available
at http://www.nhtsa.gov/FARS. Accessed August 22, 2014.
11. U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division. Annual Estimates of the Resident Population by Single Year of
Age and Sex for the United States, States, and Puerto Rico Commonwealth: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2013.
Released: 2014. Available at http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/index.xhtml. Accessed August
21, 2014.
12. Eichelberger AH, Chouinard AO, Jermakian JS. Effects of booster seat laws on injury risk among children in
crashes. Traffic Inj Prev. 2012;13(6):631-9.
13. For example, the Texas “Click it or Ticket” program emphasizes both front and back seats, both seat belts
and child car seats. “Click It or Ticket now includes backseat passengers.” Press release. http://www.txdps.
state.tx.us/director_staff/public_information/pr052410.pdf. Accessed August 27, 2014.
14. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. National Seat Belt Enforcement Mobilization. May 19
through June 1, 2014. Available at http://www.nhtsa.gov/PEAK. Accessed August 26, 2014. A 2008 study
analyzing how states attain high seat belt usage said the most important difference between high and low
achieving states is enforcement, and “High-visibility seat belt law enforcement is critical.” Hedlund, J, Gilbert
SH, Ledingham K, Preusser D. How States Achieve High Seat Belt Use Rates. August 2008. DOT HS 810 962.
Available at http://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/810962.pdf. Accessed August 26, 2014.
15. National Highway Traffic Safety Association. “High Visibility Enforcement Implementation.” Available at
http://www.nhtsa.gov/Driving+Safety/Enforcement+&+Justice+Services/HVE-implement. Accessed August
27, 2014.
16. “Toward Zero Deaths: A National Strategy on Highway Safety.” April 2014. Available at http://www.
towardzerodeaths.org/dld/TZD_Strategy_4_30_2014.pdf. Accessed August 28, 2014.
17. HB 5601, http://legiscan.com/FL/text/H5601/id/1020904/Florida-2014-H5601-Enrolled.pdf.
18. “Exemptions from Sales and Use Taxes.” State of Connecticut, Department of Revenue Services. Available
at http://www.ct.gov/drs/cwp/view.asp?a=1477&Q=269920&drsPNavCtr. Accessed August 28, 2014.
19. A bill was introduced in New York State to provide a sales tax exemption for child restraint systems, New
York AB 1574, January 19, 2013. Available at http://legiscan.com/NY/text/A01574/id/682504. Accessed
August 26, 2014. Hawaii provides a $25 tax credit for the purchase of child restraint systems.
20. American Academy of Pediatrics. “AAP Updates Recommendation on Car Seats.” March 3, 2011. Available
at http://www.aap.org/en-us/about-the-aap/aap-press-room/Pages/AAP-Updates-Recommendation-on-Car-
Seats.aspx. Accessed August 26, 2014.
21. Safe Kids Worldwide. Child Safety State Law Tracker. Available at http://www.safekids.org/statelaws.
Accessed August 26, 2014.
Suggested citation: Ferguson RW, Yang M, Green A, Walker L. Buckle Up:
Booster Seats. Washington, D.C.: Safe Kids Worldwide, September 2014.
Safe Kids Worldwide
1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Suite 1000
Washington, D.C. 20004